Information and the explosion of knowledge and the colonisation of space..odt

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  • 7/27/2019 Information and the explosion of knowledge and the colonisation of space..odt


    The Original Snub

    Bullfinch Heiod

    The information explosion Chaos theory.

    The Volume of human knowledge and its doubling time.

    If one were to take a measure of all of human over time,

    Until 1750 the average life span of a working class person was about thirty years. It is no wonder

    that so many who have changed the world did so before about 26. Almost a psychic memory.

    The colonisation of space.

    Harry Stein calculated that there is ten to the hundredth power industrial processes that can be done

    cheaper in space, and although this number may be wildly wrong in this the twenty first century,even if if lost a few powers of ten, what remains are an enormous number of processes. The

    availability of energy in space is boundless, so, once a factory was set up, energy supply would be

    forever and costs would be extremely cheap and non polluting.

    What most conspiracists

    We are becoming cosmic immortals. For some we are moving into a Star Trek world. Life


    That the

    On Conspiracies....

    Firstly, it seems that those who become obsessed with particular conspiracies have arrived at their

    obsession through a logical pathway. The evidence for the conspiracy is built upon the individuals

    logic or belief system. Little can be said of the belief system because of the infinite number of them.

    However, something can be said of the logic, for those whose obsession appears to be ruled by


    Logic serves us very well, indeed the world of computers today is based entirely on what are called

    logic gates. Computer logic is based on binary numerical system, simplifying decisions to, true, not

    true, or conditionally true There are basically two sets of logic gates. One set of four and their

    inverse or opposite. The set of four are

    Not, and, or, exclusive or and the inverse of all these.That conspiracies exist in the world is a natural given.

    What is not often considered is the great extent to which they happen.

    Some very intelligent and famous people have been no less than locked up for harbouring

    conspiracies to a dangerous extent. Two good examples, one of each type are Ezra Pound and less

    well known William Chester Minor

    If this were well known, they would arouse a lot less concern.

    Most conspiracies are cannot survive for very long, by the nature of the driving force for the

    conspiracies, which is most often greed. Indeed, there are conspiracies going on every day in the

    world and most of them are committed by businesses trying to avoid competition.There are are more benign type of conspiracies, the religiously based conspiracies. These can be

    long term with no fixed objective time for conpletion. Popular examples of these are, the Jews

  • 7/27/2019 Information and the explosion of knowledge and the colonisation of space..odt


    control the world, the Jesuits control the world or the Muslims intend to control the world.