Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request ...€¦ · ICT Proposal - Concept Approval...

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure WA Country Health Service Working together for a healthier country WA

Transcript of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request ...€¦ · ICT Proposal - Concept Approval...

Page 1: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request ...€¦ · ICT Proposal - Concept Approval Request. The initial proposal document which describes the business need/problem,

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure

WA Country Health Service Working together for a healthier country WA

Page 2: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request ...€¦ · ICT Proposal - Concept Approval Request. The initial proposal document which describes the business need/problem,

Effective: 17 May 2016

Information and Communications Technology Request Procedure

1. Background

As part of the WA Health Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy 2015 – 2018, a whole of Health ICT Governance framework has been introduced which the WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is required to comply with. Requests can come from a variety of sources. These may be triggered by a Health Support Services (HSS) project, an external service provider upgrading their systems, or a WACHS program area / region deciding new software, system or ICT initiative which would be of benefit to WACHS. This document describes the procedure required to initiate an ICT request and the requirements / pathway for approval.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all WACHS employees and contractors. The ICT request procedure must be followed for all requests relating to: · new software applications or systems · enhancements to existing systems and software · expansion of existing systems into new sites.

ICT tasks that are considered 'business as usual' work are not required to be requested via this process. Examples of these are creation of login accounts for staff, access to existing network resources, purchase of computers, requests to fix application faults, maintenance of current applications and systems etc.

3. Procedure 3.1 Initiating the Request · Business need identified · Business area assigns a requestor and executive business sponsor · Requestor contacts Director ICT or Applications Manager to seek advice whether

a formal submission / request is required or whether there is an alternative solution / strategy available.

· If formal submission is required, draft a Concept Approval Request (CAR). This is the primary and only mandatory request document for the initial request phase.

3.2 Consultation and Advice Requestor consults with business stakeholders. · It is preferred that requests are on behalf of WACHS as opposed to individual

regions. Where applicable, the requestor should consult with area program leads and provide a whole of WACHS ICT request.

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Page 3: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request ...€¦ · ICT Proposal - Concept Approval Request. The initial proposal document which describes the business need/problem,

WACHS Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure

· The requestor consults with Finance / Budget Holder as required to identify cost and funding information.

· The requestor seeks further advice from Director ICT or Applications Manager as required.

3.3 Formal Submission · The requestor finalises CAR documentation. Any supporting documentation that

has been prepared can be attached with the form, such as risk identification forms, briefing notes or vendor submissions.

· The requestor submits via regional (e.g. region ICT committee) or area program committee (Regional Medical Directors Forum, Population Health Leadership Team etc.) governance structure to obtain support.

· The requestor submits to the Executive Business Sponsor for approval. · The requestor / Executive Sponsor submits to the Information Governance

Committee via the Issues Tracking System (ITS). A generic ‘position’ called WACHS Information Governance Committee has been established in ITS.

· WACHS Information Services will assess the paperwork lodged for completeness and will assist the requestor in ensuring the request is ready to be escalated through the wider approval process. This may involve some rework of the request documents to provide the full information that will be required to be assessed by the committees.

3.4 Assessment and Endorsement

3.4.1 WACHS Information Governance Committee (IGC) · The committee are to review, consider and discuss the request; make a risk

assessment of the request considering the priorities; and make a determination.

· The requestor / sponsor may be required to attend and present the request to the IGC.

· The IGC is to consider requests within the below parameters: - If the request has a value of less than $250,000 and is low risk, it can be

considered out of session and endorsed by the Chair of the IGC. Any approvals are to be noted at the next WACHS IGC.

- Requests of value greater than $250,000 or are considered high risk are to be considered at a full session of the IGC and also require subsequent CEO approval. Some requests may be referred to the WACHS Executive for consideration. For urgent items, a special meeting may be convened or the request may be considered electronically via email.

- Referral of requests that are less than $250,000 to a full IGC meeting for reasons of complexity, scope, risk or any other issue are at the discretion of the Chair.

· The IGC is to decide what further documentation is required from the requestor / sponsor and may include but is not limited to: - full business case (will be required for requests over $250k, once the

initial CAR has been endorsed)

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WACHS Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure

- Project on a Page (POP), Project plans, periodic project status reports (post request approval but before project can commence)

- governance structure (post request approval but before project can commence).

· The requestor is to be advised by Information Services of the outcome. · If the request is approved, Information Services is to forward the request to

the WA Health ICT Business Engagement Team (ICTBET) for consideration as part of WA Health ICT Governance arrangements.

3.4.2 WA Health ICT Governance Committees · The requestor / sponsor may be required to attend the relevant WA Health

ICT committee to present the request. · Requests that are less than $250k and are not high risk will be reviewed by

the WA Health ICT Proposal Review Sub-Committee (ICTPRSC). · The ICTPRSC may directly approve the request or refer it to the WA Health

ICT Program Committee for consideration. · All requests greater than $250k or are high risk will be reviewed by the WA

Health ICT Program Board. The group will recommend / advise the WA Health ICT Executive Board.

· The WA Health ICT Executive Committee makes the final decision on all requests over $250k or high risk. Once the CAR is endorsed a full business case will need to be prepared and this will be submitted back via the same governance committees as the CAR.

· WACHS Information Services are to keep the requestor and sponsor informed of the request progress.

· Further detail in relation to the WA Health ICT Governance process is available via the ICT Strategy and Governance intranet link.

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WACHS Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure

Please refer to the Whole of Health detailed process map for the information on the processes that will be undertaken by the Program Review Sub-Committee and the ICT Program Committee. Whole of Health detailed process map.

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WACHS Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure

4. Definitions

Business / Executive Sponsor

A member of the WACHS Executive who provides high level support and ownership for the ICT request / project.

CAR ICT Proposal - Concept Approval Request. The initial proposal document which describes the business need/problem, options, recommendation and high level business justification. It is intended to provide enough information for a governance decision to be made as to whether the merit of the concept. If there is sufficient merit / interest in its further consideration, a more detailed Business Case will be required. A Business Case is therefore not required if the CAR is not endorsed by the appropriate level of ICT Governance.

HSS Health Support Services (formerly HIN and HCN) whole of Health department that provides ICT and business systems service delivery, client services and support.

ICT Information Communication & Technology

ICT BET Health Support Services ICT Business Engagement Team

ICT Executive Board Whole of Health committee with responsibility for approving all major (greater than $250k) ICT requests.

ICT Governance Process of decision making to ensure accountable, ethical and appropriate outcomes for WACHS and the whole of health.

WACHS Information Governance Committee (IGC)

WACHS wide committee to provide governance over requests, projects and business as usual services.

ICT Program Committee

Whole of Health ICT Governance Committee that reviews and recommends request to the ICT Executive Board

ICT PRSC Whole of Health ICT Program Review Sub-Committee. Endorses low value (less than $250k) low risk ICT requests.

Information Services WACHS Central Office team that provide leadership across Information Management, ICT and Records Management functions.

Requestor The nominated individual that will take responsibility for the request process including being contact point and managing the preparation of request documentation.

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WACHS Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure

5. Roles and Responsibilities The Requestor is responsible for: · ensuring compliance with the WACHS ICT Request procedure · preparing the ICT request details and associated documents · ensuring completeness of the request information including costs, budgets and

risks · consulting with key stakeholders to ensure the ICT request is representative of

the business need · ensuring there is an appropriate executive / business sponsor for the request · ensuring cost centre / budget holder approval has been established · submitting the ICT request.

The Business / Executive Sponsor is responsible for: · providing high level support for the request and providing sign off on the CAR

form · maintaining oversight of the request.

Information Services is responsible for: · providing support and advice to requestors and sponsors · receiving, acknowledging and registering the ICT request · maintaining a register of all ICT requests submitted · reviewing for completeness and provide advice around the request

documentation · lodging the request for the IGC assessment · providing feedback to requestors on the progress of their requests.

The WACHS Information Governance Committee is responsible for: · reviewing the register of all ICT requests submitted · adhering to its Terms of Reference and reviewing ICT requests · making recommendations on ICT requests · monitoring project progress and deliverables.

6. Compliance It is a requirement of the WA Health Code of Conduct that employees “comply with all state government policies, standards and Australian laws and understand and comply with all WA Health business, administration and operational directives and policies”. Failure to comply may constitute suspected misconduct under the WA Health Misconduct and Discipline Policy.

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WACHS Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Request Procedure

7. Evaluation

Evaluation of this policy is to be carried out by the Information Governance Committee every two years.

8. Standards

EQuIPNational Standards – Standard 14.9.1

9. References

Governance of ICT across WA Health – including tools and templates Governance Self-Help and ICT Concept Approval Form WA Health ICT Strategy 2015 – 2018

Contact: A/Applications Manager (C.Murray) Directorate: Corporate Services TRIM Record # ED-CO-16-31650

Version: 1.00 Date Published: 17 May 2016

Date of Last Review: May 2016 Page 7 of 7 Date Next Review: February 2018

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