Inform Concern to Be Respondent

APPENDIX 1 INFORM CONCERN TO BE RESPONDENT A STUDY ON VOCABULARY MASTERY OF MEDICAL-TERMS AT 3 RD  GRADE NURSING STUDENTS OF STIKES RS. BAPTIS KEDIRI ACADEMIC YEAR 2009/2010 By: Yoyok Febrijanto  NPM: I am a student of English Department the Faculty of Teaching Training and Education University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri. This research was presented in  partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree (S1) of the English Department University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri. The objective of this research is to know the level of knowledge in vocabulary mastery of medical-terms at 3 rd  grade nursing student of STIKES RS Baptis Kediri Academic Year 2009/2010. Your participation in this research would be benefit to develop the level of knowledge in vocabulary mastery of medical-terms concern with prefixes and suffixes. In order that nursing students have motivation increasing their ability, they could use these medical terms both oral and written communication to support their  professionalism. I expect your responds by yourself without any involved by others’ opinion. I guarantee the confidentiality of your identity. Your information would be used to develop Nursing science and not used to other purposes. Your participation in this research is volunteer. If you are agree to be respondent, please sign in this inform concern. Thank you. Signacture : Date : Respondent’s name :

Transcript of Inform Concern to Be Respondent

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Yoyok Febrijanto


I am a student of English Department the Faculty of Teaching Training and

Education University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri. This research was presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree (S1)

of the English Department University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri.

The objective of this research is to know the level of knowledge in vocabulary

mastery of medical-terms at 3rd

 grade nursing student of STIKES RS Baptis Kediri

Academic Year 2009/2010.

Your participation in this research would be benefit to develop the level of

knowledge in vocabulary mastery of medical-terms concern with prefixes and

suffixes. In order that nursing students have motivation increasing their ability, they

could use these medical terms both oral and written communication to support their


I expect your responds by yourself without any involved by others’ opinion. I

guarantee the confidentiality of your identity. Your information would be used to

develop Nursing science and not used to other purposes.

Your participation in this research is volunteer. If you are agree to be

respondent, please sign in this inform concern. Thank you.

Signacture :

Date :

Respondent’s name  :

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TEST FORMRespondent’s name : ……………….. 

Part I: Tests for vocabulary mastery of prefix medical-terms.

Test 1: Cross the correct answer to the following vocabularies of medical-terms.(silang

 jawaban yang benar)1.  Which of the following terms refers to the ability to breathe comfortably only when in

an upright position? (berikut ini istilah untuk kemampuan untuk bernafas secara nyamandengan posisi badan lebih tinggi)._______.a. apnea b. dyspnea c. eupnea d. hypercapnia e. orthopnea

2.  Which of the following is the term for abnormally large breasts in men? (berikut iniistilah untuk pembesaran payudara abnormal pada pria) ______.

a.gynander b. gynecomania c. gynecomastia d. gynephobia e. gynoplastics3.  The combining form for “cephal/o” refers to the. (kombinasi bentuk “cephal/o”

 berarti________.a. abdomen/perut b. head/kepala c. neck/leher d. ribs/iga e. spine/punggung

4.  Menarche refers to which of the following? (menarche memiliki arti yang mana)

 ________.a. awal menstruasi b. perkembangan karakteristik wanita c. akhir masa kanak-kanakd. akhir kehamilan e. awal kemandulan


The prefix pertaining to fingernail is (awalan yang menjelaskan kuku jari adalah)a. odont- b. olfact- c. omphal- d. onco- e. onych-

6.  The prefix meaning outside or outer is (awalan dengan arti bagian luar/keluar)a. ana- b. dia- c. epi- d. exo- e. peri-

7.  The prefix “brady-“ means (awalan “brady-“ berarti)… a. menjauh dari b. menuju bawah c. tak teratur d. pelan e. tanpa

8.  The patient’s complaint of painful menstrual periods will be documented in the medical

record as (keluhan pasien nyeri waktu haid akan didokumentasikan dalam catatan medissebagai apa)

a. amenorrhea b.dysmenorrhea c. menorrhagia d. menorrhea e. metrorrhagia9.


Dysphonia is a common symptom of which of the following condition? (dysphoniaadalh gejala umum pada kondisi berikut ini)

a. iritis b.laryngitis c.pneumonitis d. rhinitis e. stomatitis10. The prefix meaning red is (awalan dengan arti merah/kemerahan adalah)

a. glauc/o b. erythr/o c.melan/o d. leuk/o e. cirrh/o

Test 2: Match these prefix of medical-terms with their meanings or explanations. Write the

correct number in Column B. (cocokkan istilah awalan dengan artinya, tuliskan angkanya pada kolom B)

Column A Column B Column C(a) glauc/o 11. abu-abu

(b) melan/o 12. hitam(c) leuc/o 13. putih(d) cyan/o 14. biru

(e) cirrh/o 15. kuningTest 3:

Column A: Column B Column C:(a) arthr/o 16. Cartilage/tulang rawan

(b) burs/o 17. Rib/tulang iga

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(c) calcin/o 18. sac of fluid/kantung cairan(d) chondr/o 19. Calcium/kalsium

(e) cost/o 20. Joint/sendiTest 4:

Column A Column B Column C

(a) ankyl/o 21. menyempit(b) sten/o 22. melawan

(c) anti/o 23. bengkok(d) schiz/o 24. bercabang(e) heter/o 25. Macam-macam

Part II: Tests for vocabulary mastery of suffix medical-terms.

Test 1: Cross the correct answer to the following vocabularies of medical-terms.(silang jawaban yang benar)1. Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by repeated attacks of severe, sharp pain.Where does

the pain come from? (cholecystit kronik memiliki gejala serangan yang parah dan nyerihebat. Dimana letak nyeri berasal?)

a. ovary b. lower back/punggung bawah c. knee/lutut d. bladder2. Cervical spondylosis is a disease that affects the middle-aged and elderly. Which part of

the body is being affected?(cervical apondylosis merupakan penyakit yang menyerangorang dewasa dan lansia. Bagian tubuh mana yang terpengaruh?)a. neck b. uterus c. legs d. arms

3. Which of the following describes phlebitis? (mana yang menjelaskan phlebitis?)a. inflamasi vena b. inflamasi dinding jantung c. inflamasi ventrikel d. inflamasi katup

 jantung4. The technique of graphically recording the electrical waves within the heart is

called?(teknik merekam gelombang jantung dalam bentuk grafik disebut)

a. embolism b. electrocardiogram c. echocardiogram d. ultrasound5. Which of the following is the term for an abnormally low white blood cell count? (mana

istilah yang menjelaskan jumlah darah putih rendah secara abnormal?)a. anemia b. leukemia c. leukocytosis d. leucopenia e. leukoplakia

6. The term “lithiasis” means (istilah lithiasis berarti) 

a.kontriksi jaringan b. melarutkan c. kondisi abnormat batu d.penetrasi padarongga e. peregangan jaringan

7. Which of the following terms means drainage from the nose? (mana istilah berikut yangmenjelaskan drainase dari hidung)a. rhinolalia b. rhinomycosis c. rhinophyma d. rhinorrhaphy e. rhinorrhea

8. Which of the following suffixes refers to eating? (mana akhiran yang menjelaskan makan)a. phagia b. phasia c. phonia d. plegia e. praxia

9. Which of the following terms refers to pain? (mana istilah berikut ini menjelaskan nyeri)a. arthralgia b. diplopia c. dysplasia d. hemiplegia e. urticaria

10.Which of the following is the definition for aphagia? (mana definisi yang menjelaskanaphagia)a. haus berlebihan b. tidak mampu mendengar c. tidak mampu menelan d.

kehilangan rambut e. bebas nyeri11.Which of the following suffixes means “incision into”? (mana akhiran yang berarti

“memotong pada”) a. – ectomy b. –  plasty c. – scopy d. – stomy e. – tomy

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12.Which of the following is the term for reconstruction of the eardrum? (mana yangmerupakan istilah untuk merekontruksi gendang telinga?)

a. myringotomy b. otoplasty c. stapedectomy d. tympanocentesise. tympanoplasty

13.Which of the following is an incision made to enlarge the opening of the external urethra?

(mana istilah yang berarti irisan yang dibuat untuk melebarkan pembukaan uretraeksternal?)

a. cystotomy b. meatotomy c. nephrostomy d. pyelostomy e. ureterotomy14.Which of the following is procedure in which synovial fluid is removed for analysis?

(mana yang merupakan procedure dimana cairan synovial diambil untuk analisis)a. apheresis b. arthrocentesis c. arthrography d. arthoscopy e. articulation

15.Which of the following procedures is indicated when an abnormal growth is identified on

 barium enema X-ray study? (mana prosedur diidikasikan ketika ada pertumbuhanabnormal yang ditunjukan pada enema barium melalui pemeriksaan X-ray)a. arthroscopy b. bronchoscopy c.colonoscopy d. cystoscopy e. colposcopy

16.Which of following physicians specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver?(mana dokter yang specialisasinya mengobati pasien dengan penyakit hati?)

a. hematologist b. hepatologist c. nephrologist d. oncologist e. rheumatologist17.Which of the following branches of medicine specializes in the study of the

musculoskeletal system? (mana cabang ilmu khusus mempelajari system musculoskeletal)a. gynecology b. nephrology c. orthopedics d. pediatrics e. urology

18.A cystoscope is an instrument used most commonly by specialist in? ( alat cystoscope

 biasa digunakan oleh ahli specialist)a.endocrinology b. gastroenterology c. gynecology d.radiology e. urology

19.Polydipsia, polyuria, good appetite with weight loss, and blurred vision are signs andsymptoms of (polidipsia, poliuria, nafsu makan baik dengan berat badan turun, dan

 pandangan kabur merupakan tanda dan gejala)

a. Diabetes mellitus b. gout c. hypothyroidism d. maramus e. polyposis coli20.Dysphonia is common symptom of which of the following condition? (dysphonia adalah

gejala yang umum pada kondisi mana?)a. iritis b.laringitis c. pneumonitis d. rhinitis e. stomatitis

Test 2: Match these suffix of medical-terms with their meanings or explanations. Write thecorrect number in Column B. (cocokkan istilah awalan dengan artinya, tuliskan angkanya

 pada kolom B)Column A Column B Column C(a) -ectomy 21. study of/ ilmu yang mempelajari

(b) -phasia 22. surgical repair/ operasi pembetulan(c) -logy 23. condition of paralysis/ kelumpuhan

(d) -plasty 24. removal of/ pengangkatan dari(e) -plegia 25. condition of speech/ kondisi wicara

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Part 1: Please answer the following questionnaire by giving a sign () on the box that you

choose. (jawablah dengan memberi tanda () pada kotak yang anda pilih).


Do you know about vocabularies of medical-terms (e.g. appendicitis, tachycardia,dysphagia, etc. during your education in STIKES RS Baptis Kediri? (apakah anda tahutentang kosakata istilah medis selama anda belajar di STIKES RS Baptis Kediri?)

  Yes   No

2.  Do you know that vocabularies of medical-terms are basic word/root from Greek or Latinwhich describing parts of body by adding prefix or suffix? (apakah anda tahu kosakata

istilah medis merupakan kata dari bahasa Yunani atau Latin yang menggambarkan bagian tubuh dengan penambahan awalan dan akhiran?)


   No3.  In teaching leaning process, do your lecturers explain vocabulary of medical-terms

including the meaning? (dalam proses belajar mengajar, apakah dosen menjelaskankosakata istilah medis beserta artinya/)  Yes

   No4.  Is it difficult to understand the meaning of medical-term vocabularies by yourself when

…(e.g. doing nursing documentation, reading doctor’s note)?(apakah sulit memahamiarti kosakata istilah medis sendiri saat melakukan dokumentasi, membaca catatandokter?)

  Yes   No


Do you always mastery vocabularies of medical-terms by yourself (using authenticmaterials, dictionaries, discussing with other colleague/lecturer, browsing on internet)?

(apakah anda selalu menguasai kosakata istilah medis sendiri dengan menggunakanmateri autentik, kamus, diskusi dengan dosen/teman, atau browsing internet)  Yes

   No6.  Have you ever learned vocabularies of medical-terms by separating the basic word/root

with the prefix or suffix in order to describe the meaning? (apakah anda pernah

mempelajari kosakata istilah medis dengan memisahkan kata dasar dengan awalan atauakhiranuntuk menjelaskan artinya)



   No7.  Do you use vocabularies of medical-terms in academic writing without getting any

difficulties?(apakah anda menggunakan kosakata istilah medis dalam tulisan akademis

tanpa mengalami kesulitan?) 


   No8.  Do you use vocabularies of medical-terms in academic communication without getting

any difficulties? (apakah anda menggunakan kosakata istilah medis dalam komunikasiakademik tanpa mengalami kesulitan)




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Is there any benefit to learn vocabulary of medical-terms for nursing students? (apalahada keuntungan dengan mempelajari kosakata istilah medis bagi mahasiswa

keperawatan)  Yes   No


Is it necessary to learn vocabularies of medical-terms in separate topic in Englishsubject? (apakah perlu mempelajari kosakata istilah medis dalam topic terpisah pada

mata kuliah bahasa Inggris?)  Yes   No

Part 2: Please give your opinion for the best way to mastery vocabulary of medical-term in

STIKES RS Baptis Kediri.(berikan opini anda bagaimana cara terbaik untuk penguasaan kosakata istilah medis di STIKES RS Baptis Kediri)

Your comment/Komentar anda:…………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
