Infographic: What Kind of Wellness Warrior Are You?

33.4% Host smaller wellness events but don’t have great participation W H AT KIND OF WELLNESS WARRIOR ARE YOU? H ow do you stack up against your wellness warrior peers? In our June issue of CeridianVoice, we quizzed you on your wellness program prowess. Check out the results below to see how you stack up against your peers and learn wellness program tips along the way. Still in the dark about what kind of wellness warrior you are? Take the quiz and find out. 24.3% W H ite belt 31.7% green belt 41.2% red belt 2.8% black belt According to martial arts tradition, white signifies a beginning. Companies with white belts are embarking on journeys toward healthier living. Green belt warriors have a solid foundation of wellness program knowledge. Their goal is to strengthen and refine basic program offerings. Companies with their red belts in wellness are learning how to balance initial program success while becoming smarter about how they execute their program plans. Black belt warriors continually seek knowledge by benchmarking their program against peers, and constantly refining their program . T H e results did you know? Does your company currently H ave a wellness plan in place? W H en it comes to encouraging employee H ealth and well-being, we: Are getting started with a wellness program 18.2% 24.2% No, not yet Companies that use properly-designed wellness programs see medical costs fall by $3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs Absenteeism costs fall by $2.73 for every dollar spent on wellness programs More than 44% of U.S. organizations offer wellness programs 30.3% Have had a successful, well-designed program for a few years 27.3% Have a program but unsure how to improve it under ACA 12.1% Promote the wellness program as a benefit and creates buzz with marketing 16.7% Use incentives and penalties (e.g., premium and fees) to motivate employees 28.8% Engage employees in multiple ways including incentives, penalties and program buzz 33.3% Don’t currently use incentives or penalties to promote health 9.1% Offer nominal incentives for wellness program participants, such as gift cards H ow familiar is your organization wit H t H e new ACA regulations for wellness programs and incentives? W H at percentage of your wellness budget is devoted to incentives? Don’t offer a wellness program 18.2% 12.1% Don’t understand the impact 43.9% Have some understanding but haven’t made any program changes 25.8% Understand impact and adjusted programs accordingly 37.9% Don’t offer incentives/wellness programs 37.9% 5-15% 16.6% 16-30% 7.6% More than 30% A good rule of thumb is to set aside roug H ly 1/3 of your wellness program budget for incentives. Sources: Harvard University Study - “Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings;” 2013 Aflac Workforces Report; Sibson Consulting’s Health Enterprise Survey We want to H ear YOUR voice! [email protected] W H en looking at be H avior c H ange, consider H ow bot H intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can lead to long-term H ealthy H abits. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual and is based on what’s most important to them. Extrinsic motivation comes from an external source, such as an incentive or pressure from another individual. In t H e U.S., t H e top 5 wellness incentives include: Raffles gifts gift cards discounts ca$ H As you grow your wellness program, consider t H ese tips for boosting participation H OW CAN WE GET MORE PEOPLE SIGNED UP? WE’RE INTERESTED AND LEARNING! OUR EMPLOYEES LOVE T H IS. H OW CAN WE KEEP IMPROVING? IT’S A BALANCING ACT... MANAGING GROWT H AND ENGAGEMENT. H ow would you describe your organization’s wellness culture? 21.2% 12.1% 9.1% 24.2% Population isn’t interested in learning how to boost their health Have leadership support which helps create a culture of wellness across all organizational levels Aligned our wellness program goals with broader organizational goals and frequently communicate about program and results Have both leadership support and goal alignment Gain leadership support Understand your population Focus on behavioral change Continuously assess and modify your program Communicate, communicate, communicate – and incent


Ceridian has mapped out a detailed description of what it means to be a stellar provider of employee wellness, versus what defines a company that’s still lagging behind. You can look at it in terms of martial arts rankings – a “white belt” is someone who’s still starting out, whereas green, red and black belts are bestowed upon employers who are more advanced in their strategies. “Black belt” employers, who continually benchmark their success and seek out more knowledge, comprise only 2.8 percent of companies today. Where does your enterprise rank?

Transcript of Infographic: What Kind of Wellness Warrior Are You?

Page 1: Infographic: What Kind of Wellness Warrior Are You?

33.4%Host smaller

wellness events but don’t have great




How do you stack up against your wellness warrior peers?In our June issue of CeridianVoice, we quizzed you on your wellness program prowess. Check out the results below to see how you stack up against your peers and learn wellness program tips along the way.

Still in the dark about what kind of wellness warrior you are? Take the quiz and find out.

24.3%WHite belt

31.7%green belt

41.2%red belt

2.8%black belt

According to martial arts tradition, white signifies a beginning. Companies with white belts are embarking on journeys toward healthier living.

Green belt warriors have a solid foundation of wellness program knowledge. Their goal is to strengthen and refine basic program offerings.

Companies with their red belts in wellness are learning how to balance initial program success while becoming smarter about how they execute their program plans.

Black belt warriors continually seek knowledge by benchmarking their program against peers, and constantly refining their program .

THe results

did you know?

Does your company currently Have a wellness plan in place?

WHen it comes to encouraging employee Health and well-being, we:

Are getting started with a wellness program

18.2%24.2%No, not yet

Companies that use properly-designed

wellness programs see medical costs fall by

$3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs

Absenteeism costs fall by

$2.73 for every dollar spent on wellness programs

More than

44% of U.S. organizations

offer wellness programs

30.3%Have had a successful,

well-designed program for a few years

27.3%Have a program but unsure how

to improve it under ACA

12.1% Promote the wellness program as a benefit and creates buzz with marketing

16.7% Use incentives and penalties (e.g., premium and fees) to motivate employees

28.8% Engage employees in multiple ways including incentives, penalties and program buzz

33.3% Don’t currently use incentives or penalties to promote health

9.1% Offer nominal incentives for wellness program participants, such as gift cards

How familiar is your organization witH tHe new ACA regulations for wellness programs and incentives?

WHat percentage of your wellness budget is devoted to incentives?

Don’t offer a wellness program

18.2%12.1%Don’t understand the impact

43.9%Have some understanding but

haven’t made any program changes

25.8%Understand impact

and adjusted programs accordingly 37.9%

Don’t offer incentives/wellness programs



7.6% More than 30%

A good rule of thumb is to set aside

rougHly 1/3 of your wellness program

budget for incentives.

Sources: Harvard University Study - “Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings;” 2013 Aflac Workforces Report; Sibson Consulting’s Health Enterprise Survey

We want to Hear YOUR voice! [email protected]

WHen looking at beHavior cHange, consider How botH intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can lead to long-term Healthy Habits.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual

and is based on what’s most important to them.

Extrinsic motivation comes from an external source, such as an incentive or pressure

from another individual.

In tHe U.S., tHe top 5 wellness incentives include:



gift cardsdiscounts


As you grow your wellness program, consider tHese tips for boosting participation







How would you describe your organization’s wellness culture?

21.2% 12.1% 9.1%24.2%Population isn’t

interested in learning how to

boost their health

Have leadership support which helps create a culture of wellness across all

organizational levels

Aligned our wellness program goals with

broader organizational goals and frequently communicate about program and results

Have both leadership support and goal alignment

Gain leadership


Understand your


Focus on behavioral


Continuously assess and

modify your program

Communicate, communicate, communicate – and incent