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“Best FreeWordPress Plugins”

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To be successful as a blogger, you definitely need a helping hand with some of the best free

WordPress plugins which can help you leverage your efforts. Whilst it’s absolutely true that

getting Google traffic is as easy as ABC, it certainly cannot harm your cause to leverage your

efforts with the best free WordPress plugins out there.

Here are the best wordpress plugins I fully recommend. These are free plugins which you can

install directly from the WordPress plugins repository by simply searching for the title of the

plugin (which I’ve listed below). There is no guarantee that every plugin listed here is compatible

with your theme.

#1 WordPress SEO

This plugin has now surpassed All In One SEO as the only true All In One SEO solution for

WordPress. This plugin is developed by a highly respected plugin developer called Joost De Valk

who runs a blog called Because you have this plugin, there is no need for you to use

any other sitemap plugin such as Google Sitemaps or HTML sitemaps.

You can also enter the meta values for Google Webmaster Tools, Yahoo! Site Explorer and Bing

Webmaster Tools. This just helps you to keep the installations tidy with the meta values available

to you without having to recall HTML files from your server.

Yoast are now developing advanced modules which plugin to the original WordPress SEO plugin

for video marketing and local marketing so watch this space!

Check out WordPress SEO here

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#2 Akismet

This plugin which now comes as part of the standard core WordPress installation filters your

comments and deposits comments that are likely to be spam based upon some conditional

criteria. You definitely don’t want your blog to become a target for spam. You do however need to

keep an eye on this filter as it could hold valid comments in the spam queue because it picked up

on some keywords it considered as spam. You want to encourage as many comments on your

blog as possible, so don’t annoy your readership by allowing them to believe you haven’t

accepted their comment.

Check out Akismet here

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#3 W3 Total Cache

Step aside WP Super Cache, there’s a new (and improved) kid on the block. This plugin can

massively boost the performance of your site. Since Google now takes into account the speed

that your pages load to determine relevancy for its users, it would be a great idea for you (or the

WordPress Gods you hire) to focus on speeding up your blog. Don’t allow it to be slow and

painful to browse.

This plugin enables your images and more resource intensive media to be hosted using a

content delivery network such as Amazon S3. This enables the media to be loaded within the

browser faster since it is served from a powerful infrastructure, unless of course you’re the guys

at Google or Yahoo.

Check out W3 Total Cache here

#4 Google Analytics for WordPress

Another all in one Google Analytics solution developed by Joost De Valk. This enables you to

exclude certain types of visitors from your stats. For example, you may have guest bloggers that

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log in to your WordPress dashboard and you wouldn’t want these visits to your site to be


Check out Google Analytics for WordPress here

#5 cbnet Ping Optimizer

Pinging is one of the great features of blogs as pinging gives search engines notification that

your blog has new content to crawl. By pinging the search engines, you’re requesting them to

crawl your content and index it. Gone are the days of waiting several months for your content to

be indexed when GoogleBot was finally sent out to crawl a static website.

A good and frequently updated blog is indexed daily and often even more. Ping Optimizer

prevents your blog from pinging the search engines every time you make an update.

If you persistently ping the search engines for every minor update such as a spelling mistake,

then you’ll become a ping spammer in the eyes of Google which Google will hold against your


Check out cbnet Ping Optimizer here

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#6 Broken Link CheckerThis plugin does scheduled scans throughout your site to ensure that broken links aren’t being

left all over your site. Your site will not be looked upon favourably by the search engines for

having broken links as broken links affect the user experience of the visitor. Google is all about

improving the user experience for visitors so rewards websites that give a positive user

experience and conversely penalises websites that give a poor user experience.

Keep an eye on broken links and fix them as soon as you see them. You should also use the

Webmaster tools provided by Google, Yahoo and Bing to check your site regularly. They give

you valuable clues as to how you can improve your site in the eyes of the all important search


Check out Broken Link Checker here

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#7 Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer

If you’re involved in affiliate marketing as an Amazon associate, then you’ll definitely want this

plugin. It redirects the browser that clicked the link to the Amazon website which is in their locale.

For example, if a UK visitor clicks the link, the user will be directed to rather than This will improve conversions since people are immediately put off buying things

from abroad due to delivery times, currency conversions, etc.

Check out Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer here

#8 My Page Order

If you routinely change the hierarchical structure of your WordPress pages, this plugin may well

be your saviour. Ordinarily, WordPress is clunky to change the page order and setting

parent/child relationships between pages. My Page Order uses an AJAX style interface to drag

and drop pages around, or left/right to move further up/down the structure.

The screen capture below shows the interface for the arrangement of pages for the first module

of Turbo Traffic Explosion which forms a part of The Profit Share Membership site.

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Check out My Page Order here

#9 Newsletter Sign Up

This plugin enables you to gather email list subscribers as your visitors comment on your blog.

This can be set up to thank the person for visiting and commenting on your blog, showing

appreciation of their visit and presenting (soft sell) an offer that changes the relationship of your

visitor into a subscriber. Use this plugin if you want to build your email opt in list with a service

such as Aweber.

Check out Newsletter Sign-Up here

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#10 FD Feedburner Plugin

An often overlooked setup for many bloggers is configuring their RSS feeds. RSS feeds are a

massively important part of any blogger’s setup since you can build a list of RSS subscribers that

browse your content using their favourite RSS software. A great online tool for this is Google

Reader. If you prefer to read RSS feeds with desktop software, then FeedDemon is a great


Check out FD Feedburner Plugin here

#11 Comment Redirect

Your first time commenters are potential customers since they have voted on your content by

leaving a comment on your blog post. This plugin is a simple plugin which simply emails the

commenter, thank them for commenting and provides a link so they can come back and

comment again. You can also configure the email to present an offer to the commenter.

This can be used as an alternative to Newsletter Sign-Up if you think that Newsletter Sign-Up is

too aggressive or pushy for your liking.

Check out Comment Redirect here

#12 Custom Tiny MCE & Tiny MCE Advanced

These plugins extend the functionality of the standard WordPress WYSIWYG editor. The default

editor is a little restricting compared to what you’re used to with Microsoft Word or iWork.

These plugins contain a batch of plugins that you may wish to install depending on the

functionality that you want for your blog.

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Check out Custom Tiny MCE & Tiny MCE Advanced plugins here

#13 Duplicate Post

This is a neat little utility plugin that can just make your life so much easier when blogging,

especially when you want to copy posts or pages that you previously used and make the next

post or page inherit the properties of the previous one.

This plugin saved me hours of time when I built the backend membership to this site.

Check out Duplicate Post here

#14 CommentLuv

This is for those of you that are sticking with the default WordPress comments system. Since

May 2010, which was when this blog started, I have tested the Facebook comments system and

the Disqus comments system and returned to the default WordPress comments system. You can

customise the comments system to look completely like your own, manage it from within

WordPress and extend the functionality by using a series of plugins.

One such plugin is called CommentLuv which incentivises the potential commenter to leave a

comment as it displays the last post that they made on their blog. If you can get a good volume of

traffic to your post, then a commenter could benefit from receiving clickthroughs if they are

thoughtful enought to add value to the original post, so that other readers think, “oh, that’s

interesting. I’ll have a look to see what they do and have to say.”

Check out CommentLuv here

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#15 Do Follow

This next plugin can be debated all day with different SEO experts saying different things. Some

will say don’t use it and keep all the link juice for your own blog and others will say use it, be

generous and follow the natural pattern of the web. This plugin removes the default “no follow”

attribute which is given to links in WordPress. This means that any blog that has this plugin

installed (like this one) passes on link juice to the commenter’s blog. Of course, this is on the

assumption that the commenter left their website details on the comments form.

This can be especially valuable for the commenter if the blog they’re commenting on gains page

rank in the future. The backlink they created becomes worth more to their blog as links from

higher authority blogs (or blogs with a higher page rank) are worth many times more than links

from lower authority blogs.

Check out Do Follow here

#16 Landing Sites

Increasing the number of pages per visit is an important goal for any blogger. A blogger always

wants their visitor to click around their site and benefit from more of their content.

For this to be possible, links that are relevant to the visitor must be presented to them at the point

where they’re asking themselves where they should go next. If a visitor arrives at your blog using

a search engine, then the pages that are suggested to the visitor should be related to the search

terms that was used.

Landing sites is a plugin which does just that. It changes the related posts information based

upon the search terms that were used to arrive at your site.

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Check out Landing Sites here

#17 SEO Smart Links

SEO Smart Links automatically links keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with

corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog which improves the internal linking

structure of your blog which Google loves. Furthermore, SEO Smart links allows you to set up

your own keywords and set of matching URLs.

You can use SEO Smart links to set nofollow attributes to external pages and open the links

within a new window.

Check out SEO Smart Links here

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#18 SEO Power

This plugin keeps track of keywords that were used by visitors arriving at your site via search

engines and adds those keywords as tags to the post where the visitor landed. The tags form the

secondary keywords for a post and essentially the plugin sees an inbound visitor from a certain

keyword as a vote for that keyword for that particular post.

The tag will only be created if the keyword exist in the content or the title to ensure that only

relevant tags are created. The beauty of this plugin is it works entirely in the background

ensuring you get better results from your secondary keywords for your blog posts. More traffic


Check out SEO Power here

#19 StatPress

StatPress is a comprehensive statistics package that tells you detailed information about visits to

your page by both search engine spiders and human visitors alike. It gives details of browsers,

locations and all sorts of other good stuff. Some of this is not included within Google Analytics.

Check out StatPress here

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#20 Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu

This one tidies up the default menu in WordPress to give a slicker looking drop down menu

across to the top of your WordPress admin panel.

Check out Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu here

#21 Optimize DB

Geek alert! Data accumulated over time exists in a series of MySQL database tables on your

server. These can become bloated over time and occasionally need to be optimised to speed up

your blog. Blogs with faster speeds are rewarded by Google with a higher results in the Search

Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Check out Optimize DB here

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#22 WP-DB-Backup

The pretty dull but totally necessary side of configuring plugins. This plugin could save you

should the worst happen. You can set the plugin to backup the database tables within your

WordPress installation and send you all the necessary files as a ZIP file to your email inbox on a

scheduled basis.

Check out WP-DB-Backup here


Wow, looking back over that list, it’s clear to see the sort of leverage of effort that can be

achieved through blogging.

Think I missed something? Is there something which you think needs to be included in a best

free WordPress plugins list?

To Your Online Success,

The Profit Share

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