InFaith Investment Conference Call 8.4.14. Conference Call Speakers Welcome Rev. John Sabatelli,...

InFaith Investment Conference Call 8.4.14

Transcript of InFaith Investment Conference Call 8.4.14. Conference Call Speakers Welcome Rev. John Sabatelli,...

InFaith Investment Conference Call


Conference Call SpeakersWelcomeRev. John Sabatelli, Board Chair

InFaith UpdatesChris Andersen, President & Executive Director

Serving DonorsRebecca W. Sauer, Senior Associate of Donor Services

Investment UpdateCambridge Associates, Investment Advisor slide 2

Our Invitation

• To speak in faith• To engage in community• To live in possibilities• To commit to stewardship• To express deep joy

slide 3

Gifts to Community

slide 4

Introducing DonorView

slide 5

Strong Stewardship

• Commitment to highest standards• Investments typically exceed

benchmarks• Top rating from Charity Navigator

for sound fiscal management• GuideStar “Gold” for commitment

to transparency

slide 6

Market Performance

slide 7

Stewardship of Assets

slide 8

Annual Returns 6.30.14   

Growth Portfolio 

Mission Portfolio

  Growth Portfolio



Quarterly return 3.5% 3.9% 2.8%

1-year return 16.6% 16.9% 16.4%

3-year annualized return 7.5% 7.5% 7.0%

5-year annualized return 11.6% 10.9% n/a

10-year annualized return

6.5% 6.1% n/a

slide 9

U.S. Earnings:Strong and Expected to Drop

slide 10

U.S. Bonds Market:Generating Healthy Year-to-Date Gains

slide 12

Equity Valuations:Reasonable Except for U.S. Which Appears Expensive

slide 11


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