Inescapable and inevitable event of your life – your death

Inescapable and inevitable event of your life – your death In the name of Allah the most merciful most compassionate By Arfan Shah We keep ourselves busy in this world with each others, work, running, moving from place to place faster and faster, technology wrapped in technology. So much confusion and misinformation that we can hardly make sense of. It is almost impossible to take things on face value. We live in times where we cannot trust anyone and if we do we regret the decision very quickly. We build boundaries around each other in an attempt to protect our belongings. Yet we


Inescapable and inevitable event of your life – your death

Transcript of Inescapable and inevitable event of your life – your death

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Inescapable and inevitable event of your life – your deathIn the name of Allah the most merciful most compassionate

By Arfan Shah

We keep ourselves busy in this world with each others, work, running, moving from place to place faster and faster, technology wrapped in technology. So much confusion and misinformation that we can hardly make sense of. It is almost impossible to take things on face value.

We live in times where we cannot trust anyone and if we do we regret the decision very quickly. We build boundaries around each other in an attempt to protect our belongings. Yet we seek more and more possessions. We want things to move faster, waiting for a moment is a moment too long!

We have families to support and open mouths to feed. Then suddenly it’s all over ‘snap.’ Someone goes into a doctor’s surgery to get results of a routine test and there it is cancer or suddenly someone has a heart attack and then they are gone. Someone thinks ‘how can this happen to me?’ ‘I have so much yet to do; so much yet to achieve.’

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The man is walking happily in his heedlessness without a care in the world and when death comes there is no time left. He has no chance to bid farewell to his beloved ones because he has to go and he cannot come back. Death is inescapable and inevitable. But man thinks, ‘hey if I freeze my body parts maybe in the future they’ll find a cure for death.’ This is a foolish action as there is no cure for death.

Our bodies eventually lose their youthful appearance and we are returning to weakness, our strength is ebbing away. Man can’t cope with death as he is lost with all his worldly desires.

Injections of Botox into dying skin to try to stop it from drying. Plastic surgery to bring life to a face that’s falling off the skull, just so they can compete with the youth. Old age is coming no matter what you do its going to come so don’t try to hide the facts. What happened to growing old gracefully? Why are we scared of it? It will happen to us whether they like it or not.

We hide the word death under a thousand metaphors because we are scared of death.

“Every soul must taste of death.” (Quran the Prophets 21:35).

We delude ourselves in mindless games of this world. Trying not to think about death is something that we all do but is it not high time that we be honest to ourselves. One day we will be laid in the ground and will remain there until the day of judgement.

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We all pretend that we are immortals and think that we shall live forever. Some of us may never leave that state but I hope some of us will.

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The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) advised us to prepare for death and advised us to remember death. Remembering death means that it’s not a shock it is something that you have prepared for. Considering our position in the world is something that we should reflected on.

The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said, “Work in the world forever and work in for the afterlife like you would die tomorrow.” Contemplate your fate that awaits you before it’s too late. Take a look outside your window and think there was a time when none of this was here and there will be a time when all of this will be gone. Fields turn into houses, buildings from gardens and so on. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said, “Mention often the destructor of pleasures, death.”

We live in uncertain times where we read about scores of people who have murdered then the consequences of these events. The families of bereaved are often unable to deal with the death of their loved ones. As for those who know them we cannot begin to imagine their loss.

When we watch television reports of those who have been killed but we do not often see what happens after these events. Do we see the burial? Do we see the family grieving?

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Is there a way we can open ourselves to death? Many of the companions had wills recorded and the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him). Thinking about all your possessions and who it will go to as well as taking stock of what you have. This makes us recount our achievement and what we still have yet to achieve. This could also cause much distress.

The people of Allah hope to earn his forgiveness and be blessed with paradise. This is mankind’s ultimate aim but some are unaware of this except some believers. Even some believers are unaware of what it takes to get there.

We want to build sandcastles but we have no buckets. For Muslims this is set clearly out and you know the five pillars; prayer, fasting, alms and pilgrimage all of this is based upon, “There is no deity except Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

We must believe in Allah and the Final messenger if we are to attain salvation. This is, for us all, the first step, believe in your Creator. Some people use different names but we all mean the same God but Islam is the final manifestation of Allah’s religion.

How can one prepare for death? Prepare by fulfilling your obligations. Consider where you have been, where you are coming from and where you are going. Death is coming

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around every corner we know it will arrive but we just don’t know when.

Sometimes I wait for friends to get a lift on a long journey but they are always late. The angel of death is never late its always on time.

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Muslims should try to be the best in everything in this life and work for their afterlife without neglecting your worldly duties, such as their families. We should not put ourselves under excessive pressure to achieve things. Do what you can do but do not push yourself too far for goals that are unachievable which will leave you feeling distressed and hopeless. Know that your time in this world is limited. You cannot do anything to change it. Whatever shall be shall be. It is already been done the pens have been lifted and the ink has dried.

Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi (May Allah have mercy upon him) said, "If you look deeply into worldly matters you will become melancholy and will end up reflecting upon the ephemeral nature of everything here below, and the fact that truth lies only in striving for the hereafter, since every ambition to which you might cling will end in tears; either the goal is snatched from you, or you have to give the attempt up before you reach it. One of these two endings is inevitable except the search for God the Almighty the Powerful. Then the result is always joy, both immediate and eternal. The immediate joy is because you stop worrying about things which usually worry people; this leads to an increase in the respect paid to you by friends and enemies alike. The eternal joy is the joy of paradise."1

1 In Pursuit of Virtue by Ibn Hazm p.121 Ta Ha Publishers.

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Imam Al-Ghazali had a personal crisis in which he had knowledge but lacked faith and when he finally saw faith he began to realise that he had to work for the afterlife. He said, “If you don’t work for the afterlife now, then when will you?”2

We do not know where we are going to end up. There are certain things we can do to improve our case but in the end it’s the decree that already been written. Certain things will happen in your life and they are totally irreversible no matter how much we try. Making the best of a difficult situation is not easy. Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “When people are alive they are asleep and wake when they die.” It’s too late to wake up then, too late.

We realise that this is inevitable and how we avoid asking questions to ourselves. Like a telephone bill if we don’t pay it we are going to get cut off and if we get cut off there is no second chance.

We can’t life forever no matter how much we want to but at the same time we can’t wish for death nor can we commit suicide. As its wasting the gift of life; a gift we have to use carefully and not throw away recklessly. As for those who consider these thoughts stop and talk to your creator about your problems. Poor out your feelings and ask for what you need as well as repenting.

2 Deliverance from Error Imam Al-Ghazali p.59.

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We are not placed here to suffer with things that we cannot cope with. Re-evaluate your life and remove the pain from your life but only in a constructive manner. You may need to remove yourself from some people in that case find other company.

There are times when we feel exhausted and our patience is tested. We sometimes cry out for justice but we have to remain calm and be steadfast.

I had a dream that I was trying to get to a destination but I had to struggle. Going through difficulty is always hard at first but this one got harder and harder until suddenly there was relief. It was like walking up a hill which got steeper and steeper until I could not cope then relief came as the hill evened off. I had got to the top. Reaching a destination is not about ease but the first step is the beginning. It may take a short time or it may take a long time but you can get there, you have to be persistent.

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What keeps your body alive? Food? That maintains it but it’s the presence of the soul. As when it leaves the body the life has gone. After the soul leaves the body the hair and nails keep growing yet the soul has gone.

We really need to feed this soul more than the body needs food as the soul needs substance. It could keep the body alive but the body cannot keep the soul alive. If we neglect it then the soul becomes veiled. Then the body will take over and you will do only what the body says and debase yourself. Thus becoming worse than an animal because it has forgotten what really counts. This type of person is like zombie and walks around fulfilling their desires in total heedlessness. The body can only be alive if the soul is alive.

Start with prayer and read the Quran become familiar with it. These are two simple things that will help you on the right path.

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When driving on the roads in towns and cities remember to give way. There are signs in England that say ‘give way’ encouraging us to let each other pass. We seem to be speeding to our destinations without realising the dangers we are putting ourselves and others in. Take it easy we are going to reach our destination; all of our destinations are the same, the grave. We move quickly or slowly it’s all the same, it’s the ground, the grave. So let’s send our good deeds ahead of us and if someone is behind us beeping because we are too slow, stay patient. We all move on when we can and not when we are being pushed.

Satan is hiding behind every corner and he waiting for a chance to pronounce on you so busy yourself with good deeds because if you leave yourself to your own devices you may cause your own downfall. He loves to cause trouble so do not let him by sailing the stormy seas with dignity. Stay calm and act rationally when things go wrong and do not make a decision when you are emotional. As your emotions may get the better of you and you’ll make the biggest mistake of life when you let something go when you should’ve stayed.

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When we travel into large cities we never know what to expect. I was on my way to visit some people about a job so to ensure that I did not get lost I brought a map. Then I carefully planned my route, the streets, and the stations and by taking the map with me I knew exactly where I was. Know this city represents the life of this world and you need guidance so check yourself constantly. Using the map as a guide. What is this guide? The Quran. It will continue to exist until the last period of the end of time until then it will be taken away from earth then the day of judgement will be close.

This book guides us in a world we cannot understand because even though we may understand it, it is a means to earn an afterlife. If you leave this guide you will reach the city and not know where to go and if you leave the Quran you’ll arrive but the day you die you will not know what to do.

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One of the attributes of the people that keep them in a state of heedlessness is illusion. Like the mirage in the desert we run to it thinking it is the Dunya but when we arrive to it, it’s nothing. They are memorised by the bright lights and are unable to differentiate or discriminate the truth from the lies. Almost like robots that are being programmed by television commercials, the brainwashing is working! So what happens? The sickness increases in them to such a state that they are completely unaware of the time and unaware of how low they have sunk. Only when the mercy of Allah (the Exalted) comes can we see how bad we really are.

What happens when the illusion is shattered? Because you got what you wanted but it wasn’t meant to be this way. Or it’s even worse than before and you have failed to achieve what you wanted.

Then you begin to see for the first time in your life. Then you fall to your knees and pray. Allah is your master and you were fooling yourself into thinking the world was something but when you chased it, and chased it, you realised that it could never be caught. This world is just a prelude to permanace.

One of the other tricks of this world is deception like the magician whose slight of hand seems real but it’s just a trick. It distracts you from what you are trying to do and from the bigger picture. Magician’s tricks make you believe that

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something is happening elsewhere and while your attention is distracted he pulls out his trick. He takes the most precious thing that you have time; he makes you waste it by watching his miserable trick even if you aren’t fooled by the trick. Are you surprised about what is being done to you? He blinds the most precious thing you have, your soul. Satan is not far behind in this gave of tricks and treachery. His deception has become known over a number centuries and he is well known for his tricks then prepare yourself, you know he is coming.

This trickster plays on words and images by making you see what’s not there then he ilicitates a response making your reactions seem ugly. This is exactly what he wants. You see the world in his eyes and not in your own. You need to work in the world so you can earn a livelihood but not let your living take over your life. Satan has promised Allah (the Exalted) that he will misguide all of mankind except the sincere worshippers.

This world is a prison and soon you’ll be free from it to move from one station to another. This life is not our only life there is a realm that is coming that realm is everlasting and what you do here has a bearing on your station in that realm.

The angel of death is coming for you one day. Maybe today is the day that your time runs out and maybe tomorrow is your last day on this earth. All those plans mean nothing now don’t they? If you are righteous then the angel of death will

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give you time to bid farewell to your family but if you are evil then you’ll have no time.

The day my friend’s father died he came home bid farewell to his wife and child. Thanked them for being good to him and he supplicated then died. He was a righteous man who treated his family well.

Our death is coming soon, the sand is running out and the provision is being consumed. The provision is running out. If you have prepared for something it is never as bad as it could be. So prepare for the inevitable and inescapable moment of your life, your death.