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  • 8/3/2019 IndustryandBusinessofP_G


    Selim GoktugBUS 451 Strategy & PolicyIndividual Industry and Business

    Procter and Gamble Corporation in the Personal & Household Products Industry

    Todays multi-million dollar international corporation, Procter and Gamble first started its

    long journey in Cincinnati. The name Procter & Gamble comes from William Procter, who

    established himself as a candle maker, and James Gamble who was a soap maker. On October

    31, 1837, William Procter and James Gamble signed a partnership contract and their main

    products were soap and candles. In 1920s, invention of light bulb made P&G quit their candle

    production. P&Gs sales were about 1 million dollar with its 80 employees in 1859. During

    the civil war in 1862, P&G Company was ordered to produce a big quantity of soap and

    candles to satisfy the needs of union armies. After seventeen years, a new type of soap, Ivory

    was invented by James Norris Gamble. Demand for soap increased after the invention of

    inexpensive white soap Ivory. Therefore, to satisfy the customers increasing demand of their

    products especially the soap Ivory, P&G Company decided to expand the business beyond

    Cincinnati to reach overseas and this increased capacity and improved distribution of products

    to customers during 1890s. (Procter and Gamble History)

    P&G entered 1900s with its manufacturing plats in Cincinnati and Kansas City, Kansas in

    the United States and outside the United States, with a plant in Ontario, Canada. P & G started

    to develop more products in 1911. P&G Company introduced Crisco for the first time, which

    is a type of vegetable equal to butter, but it was more economical than butter. In 1937, one

    century after the establishment of the P&G, sales reached $230 million.

    Throughout the years, P&G continued developing new products with variety of

    innovations and they proved themselves with unique awards which show the mile stones of

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    multi million dollar company. In 1987, the company was chosen to be the second oldest

    company among the 50 largest fortune 500 companies. Five years later, P&G received the

    World Environment Center Gold Medal for international Corporate Environmental

    Achievement. With its full time working research laboratories, P&G continued its innovations

    with full speed. Innovations such as Ivory Flakes, which is soap in flake form for washing

    clothes and dishes, Chipso, which is the first soap designed for washing machines and Dreft,the first household synthetic detergent were the first products in their markets. Moreover, the first

    all vegetable shortening product Crisco was invented by the P&G. For almost every

    innovation P&G was successful enough to satisfy its target consumers, therefore innovations

    and research costs were paid off. As a result, Procter & Gamble was especially successful for

    innovation during 1980s. In 1995, P&G was given another medal, which is the National

    Medal of Technology. This award is considered the highest award the United States bestows

    for achievement in technology.

    Just like most successful large companies, the P&G identify their core values such as

    leadership, ownership, integrity, passion for winning and trust as priorities. By implementing

    a plan based on these core values, P&G tried to achieve their objectives. According to P&G

    objectives, the Procter and Gamble wants to respect all individuals, consumers and their

    human resources. Moreover, P&Gs main target is to focus on quality work in order to be the

    best seller in the competitive global market. According to P&G Leadership, which is applied

    in the areas of responsibility and commitment, is a reason that enables Procter and Gamble to

    accomplish their carefully established targets.

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    It is important to recognize P&Gs strengths in order to see their way to success in several

    different markets. Procter and Gamble Company is a complex organization, which produces

    different types of products and most importantly they distribute their products in about 140

    different countries. During the early successful years, P&G was always in the state of

    innovation by producing new products every day. Learning process was critically important to

    create new innovations over the years. The learning process required many steps. Trying to

    determine the needs of several different types of consumers and keeping records of different

    experiences in many different regions of the world are some of the important steps in the

    learning process. As a global company Procter and Gamble had to determine the needs of

    different societies of the world in order to be successful globally. Moreover, deciding the right

    amount of production was another important issue to stay competitive and profitable in the

    market. Therefore Procter and Gamble tried to produce right quantities of products especially

    when they became a giant in several markets. Most of the time in the history of Procter &

    Gamble, their capital investments paid off because of their well researched and determined

    target markets.

    My main reasons of considering todays multi million dollar giant, Procter and Gamble

    Corporation is their continuing success in many different markets and their branding strategy.

    Even though Procter and Gamble is a giant in the household products industry, I believe the

    name Procter and Gamble is not familiar to many people especially people in overseas.

    However, the Procter and Gamble is actually everywhere in our daily life. I believe it is

    extremely difficult to be in many different markets successfully and not using the actual name

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    of the company is a very interesting marketing strategy. Because of existanse of P&G in many

    different markets, there can be a lot of external affects that can affect Procter and Gamble.

    More specifically the new innovations by competitors in the P&Gs current or target markets

    must be the biggest concerns that keep the CEO of P&G awake at night.

    II. The External Environment

    Just like every other company external environment has considerable affects on Procter

    & Gambles business operations. The enormous size of the company with many global

    operations can easily be affected by external market fluctuations in any parts of the todays

    global world. Especially improvements in technology can have large impact on the Procter &

    Gambles product lines. The external environment can carry opportunities and threats for

    Procter & Gamble which can easily be affected by many different ways.

    Rapidly developing advance technology can be opportunity and threat at the same time.

    Procter & Gamble must follow every technological update in the world in order to come up

    with more and more product innovations. They can link some of the technological inventions

    with their projects to increase efficiency or create a brand new product lines. Missed

    opportunities in the external environment for technology area can cause the loss of P&Gs

    competitiveness in the highly competitive markets.

    Economic trends in various parts of the world can affect Procter & Gambles

    international business operations. This can be opportunity or threat for the company. For

    example, recession in Japan can be a threat as it happened during the year 1997 and 1998.

    Procter & Gambles sales were down in the Asian markets because of currency crises in Asian

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    countries such as Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore and

    recession in Japan. On the other hand, newly opening markets in the third world countries

    can be opportunities for Procter & Gamble which is enjoying with its success in the newly

    growing Russian market. As a result, there are opportunities and threats in global external

    environment that can vary from county to country so the global environment must be watched

    closely to avoid possible treats or catch new opportunities.

    When we look at the legal environment and Procter and Gamble, we can say that Procter

    & Gamble is very involved with legal issues. Rules and regulations in the legal environment

    have affect on Procter & Gamble. Licensing products is one of the most popular legal issues

    in Procter & Gamble. In order to protect expensive and time costly innovations, Procter &

    Gamble tries to license almost its every product. Nowadays Procter & Gambles licensing

    deals include everything from Mr. Clean household gloves to Pantene hair dryers to Cover

    Girl contacts. Moreover, Procter and Gamble has legal issues when they have to pass FDA

    rules for their most new products. Opportunities in the legal environment can be licensing

    products and threats could be a poor quality product that creates trouble with FDA.

    III. Industry and Competitive Environment

    Strong competitive characteristics of Procter & Gamble are unique and most of them

    created from its long successful history. First of all, the P&G can be able to compete in five

    different market segments which are fabric and home care, beauty care, baby and family care,

    health care and beverages. The Companys competitiveness in several market segments

    prevents the too much dependability for one particular market segment. More over the Procter

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    and Gamble is able to lead its four main market categories, which are fabric and home care,

    beauty care, baby and family care and health care. Personal & household products market

    some heavy weight competitors such as Unilever, General Mills, Kraft, Johnson & Johnson

    and Clorox which are direct competitors of Procter & Gamble. P&G has some advantages and

    disadvantages in the intense competitive environment.

    In general, Procter & Gamble has well established long term competitive advantages and

    several current critical threats in the competitive personal & household products market. First

    of all large scale of operation of the company enables them to manufacture about 300

    products. Of course that many products can have many small and large competitors. Even

    though there are no legal barriers to enter the market for new organizations, there are big

    difficulties such as building a brand name creating a distribution channel. Moreover, the

    globally large company P&G can manufacture its products in over 40 counties. Valuable

    qualities such as strong marketing, advance research development, innovation and technology

    helps the companys competitive power. However, just innovation doesnt work to sell new

    products because of large amount of competitors and possible substitute products. Pricing the

    products competitively is second step after innovation. Procter & Gamble makes the right

    balance between innovation and pricing, most of the time but pricing products competitively

    is always a treat for every product invented especially in the personal & household products

    market. Moreover, keep being innovative is very important rule in the industry of P&G. In the

    recent years not being aggressively innovative enough cost P&G loose competitive advantage

    in the beauty products market against LOreal. LOreal, which is about to put over hundred

    new products in the market, possibly, is a big threat for P&G.

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    In todays competitive market place we can look at four main measurements to compare

    Procter & Gambles competitive power with other large organizations in the market. Those

    critical measurements are leadership in the market, global power, growth and innovation.

    About leadership of the market, Procter & Gamble has about the 29 leading brand in 47 core

    categories in the United States today. When it comes to global presence, Procter & Gamble

    has its operations in over 80 counties. Even though there was some recent weakening about

    competition in some global markets, P&G is well operational in global markets. Four percent

    to 6 percent growth excluding foreign exchange effects makes the P&G one of the most

    growing firms in its market. Innovation is the key to remain competitive therefore research

    and development has great importance in order to create new products or extend current

    products lives in the competitive environment.

    In conclusion, P&G has strong competitive in the personal & household products

    market which has some intense competition. Large scale and advance research development

    center enables the company to lead the industry with new innovations every year. As a result,

    P&Gs competitive advantages are more considerable than its competitive disadvantages.

    III. The Internal Environment

    In todays world The Procter & Gamble is successfully the leading the market of consumer

    products with its approximately 110.000 employees. The headquarters of the company is

    located in Cincinnati which is the city that the Procter & Gamble first started its operations.

    There are certain extraordinary internal strengths that carried Procter & Gamble to their

    leading position in the market but there are also weaknesses that prevent them to take

    advantage of new opportunities in the market please.

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    Strong branding, which creates better marketing power, is one of the biggest strength of

    the Procter and Gamble. Procter & Gamble was always hidden behind its consumer brands.

    Many consumers dont even know the name Procter and Gamble. Instead of the main

    company name, Procter and Gamble introduces individual brand names for every product line

    that they produce. Moreover, there are several marketing advantages of Procter & Gambles

    branding strategy. First, the company communicates with the customers through the brand

    names (Doyle, 2001, p.256). P&G almost always come up with easy to say brand names.

    They also connect the brand name with the performance of the product. Hiding brand is

    interesting part of the P&Gs branding strategy. For example, even though the majority of

    Reflect Company is owned by Procter & Gamble, the Reflect operates separately and there is

    not even a P&G emblem on Reflects web site. For example, if some problems appear in one

    product line, consumers possibly reject only that particular product but not all other products

    of Procter & Gamble. Consumer research and strong advertising also leads P&G to be one of

    the best brand creators in todays competitive markets (Steward 261). As a result different

    branding strategies along with prior consumer research and strong advertising well known

    P&G brands like Pringles, Folgers, Charmin, Downy, Lenor, lams, Chest, Clariol Nice n

    Easy, Actonel, Pampers, Tide, Ariel, Always, Whisper, Pantene and Bounty.

    Innovation is the important part of Procter & Gambles internal strengths. Procter &

    Gamble invents new products and product categories more than any company in its market.

    Between the years 1996 and 2004, P&G created new market leading products every year and

    those products were either number one or number two in the market. Advance research and

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    development capability enables P&G to have the biggest innovations in the market. P&G has

    7500 researches in 20 technical centers for new innovations which is the reason that P&G

    carries 29.000 patented technologies for its product lines (Data dominator, 2004).

    Procter & Gamble has been improving its human resource management with todays

    popular human resource strategies. Nowadays some companies choose outsourcing when it

    comes to human resources. Outsourcing in Human Resources has several benefits like time and

    energy saving. The time and energy that is spent dealing with human resources issues in the

    company can be spent on the core business divisions, when you outsource your human resources.

    Outsourcing human resources divisions enables businesses the time to concentrate on growing

    their companys profitability and productivity instead of spending time dealing with frustrating,

    but critical business administrative issues. In the resent years Procter & Gamble also chose

    outsourcing in human resources issue. In year 2003, Hewlett Packard and Procter & Gamble

    agreed to have human outsourcing contract, which is worth $3 billion over the 10 years.

    Furthermore, Procter and Gamble had another human resources outsourcing deal with IBM

    which became affective in January 1, 2004. IBM will provide nearly 98,000 P&G employees

    with services including payroll processing and benefits administration, IBM says according to

    the market news. Therefore, Procter &Gamble has more time and power to focus on its other

    business operation which can be considered as a new strength.

    Procter and Gamble showing some unique signs of weaknesses as it get larger over the

    years. The first weakness is selling large amount of products to a single customer. For example,

    the biggest distribution channel of P&G, Wall Mart was responsible for 18% of P&Gs sales in

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    year 2003. Moreover, only ten customers of P&G are responsible for 33% of P&Gs total sales.

    Having big customers like Wall Mart and K Mart, may cause a serious problem. In case of

    bankruptcy in those large customers, P&G can loose large amount of sales and have even with

    too much inventory in some cases.

    During the recent years, weakness in cash flow appeared in Procter & Gamble. Recent

    analyses indicate that P&G has slowdown in quarterly operating cash flows. P&G had close to

    24 billion free cash flow, which is cash flow from operations less capital spending, between year

    2001 and year 2004. However, there is a 6% cash flow decrease between last quarter of 2003 and

    third quarter of 2004. Increasing cash need from working capital accounts are one of the main

    reason of cash flow slowdowns in recent years of P&G.

    Over investment in particular international products and markets in recent years shows

    some signs of weaknesses in P&Gs international financial plans. Beginning year 2001 P&G

    invested heavily in the product, Clairol Herbal Essences shampoos and hair conditioners.

    However, despite of heavy advertising, Clairol Herbal Essences did not get the expected

    response from consumers in overseas. Clairol Herbal Essences also lost market share in the

    United States. Moreover, Procter & Gamble currently focuses on already matured markets like

    laundry detergent markets in United States and Western Europe. There are not many new

    emerging international markets found recently by Procter & Gamble for its main businesses.

    Finding new international opportunities should be one of the main challenges of Procter &

    Gambles marketing and research divisions.

    Procter & Gamble can be considered successful in year 2004. The Procter & Gamble had

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    %19 more revenues in year 2004 than year 2003. Moreover, earnings per share are $2.32, which

    is raised 25%. Furthermore, despite of the recent recession the stock price of P&G increased

    more than 70% over the last tree year, which is a very important fact for investors stand point.

    When we look at the P&Gs performance of the year until October first, overall successful

    growing pattern can be seen from P&Gs chart. However, the stock prices had big declines at the

    middle of July and September. Moreover the company had a stock split in June 18 2004. Current

    price of the P&G stock as of October 1, 2004 is $54.66 with the volume of 4.841.700.

    In conclusion, when we compare all the internal strengths and weaknesses, Procter &

    Gambless strengths are more important than its weaknesses. Procter and Gamble built most of

    its strengths over the years with the help of experiences. Strong ability of brand creation is one of

    the biggest strength of Procter and Gamble that can be seen easily from outside of the company.

    Most of the P&Gs brands become well known because they are the first inventions in the market

    place. Those first inventions come from P&Gs research and innovation facility which is another

    advantage of P&G. Furthermore, recent development of P&G in human resources techniques,

    which is outsourcing with large professional companies, is considerable growing strength in

    todays business environment. On the other hand, most of P&Gs weaknesses created from its

    largeness in the local and global markets. Making most of its sales to a few customers like Wall

    Mart, growing weakness in cash flow because of its more money requiring working capital

    accounts and more unnecessary investments in already matured markets are P&Gs visible

    weaknesses. As a result, P&Gs strengths easily overcome it weaknesses when it comes to the

    internal environment.

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    V. My Observations

    Before I had limited information about Procter and Gamble but I knew that P&G created

    many brand names. Companys variety of products in many different markets is very interesting

    to me. Even though they had a lot of products to take care off, they manage to succeed with most

    of their product lines. Before I thought all of their power comes from smart marketing but now I

    understand that large amount of their power also comes from their research and development.

    Moreover, P&Gs combination in branding strategies, advertisement and marketing is working

    perfectly. I believe that the experience of the company plays an important role for that

    combination. Most of the time Procter & Gamble is the first to enter a market which is the only

    issue that I dont like about Procter & Gamble because cost of going first is very high in most of

    the markets. On the other hand, the company is trying to license almost all of its products to

    minimize the negative affect of entering first. In conclusion, I would work for Procter & Gamble

    or do business with them in overseas.