Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development...

University of Liège Research & Development Department [email protected] - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) A quick overview of the Individual Fellowship programme A quick guide to your application with the University of Liège

Transcript of Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development...

Page 1: Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development Department - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

University of Liège Research & Development Department [email protected] - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Individual Fellowship


A quick overview of the Individual Fellowship programme A quick guide to your application with the University of Liège

Page 2: Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development Department - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

The scope of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships and the

content of the application can be summarized into six main aspects

mentioned here.

SUMMARY This document aims at providing insights and support on the following questions :

• What are the main issues related to these six aspects ? • Does this programme match your profile and expectations ? • What are the contributions from the Supervisor and the Host Institution ? • Where can you get relevant information on the University of Liège (ULg) as Host Institution for your application ?



Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28


Individual Fellowships



Transfer of Knowledge


Host Institution


Page 3: Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development Department - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

GLOSSARY Experienced Researcher (ER) Postdoc or researcher having at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience. Supervisor The scientist appointed at the host institution to supervise the researcher during the whole duration of the project ARD Administration Recherche et Développement (R&D Department of the University of Liège) Interface Entreprises-Université Technology Transfer Office (TTO) or Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) of the ULg

INPUT of the SUPERVISOR and ULg In the diagrams, the yellow pencil indicates items to which the supervisor must contribute. Issues flagged with the ULg logo are dealt within the second part of this guide.

Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

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The evaluators are asked to look at the track record and accomplishments taking into account the level of experience of the researcher in order to ensure a fair evaluation of less experienced researchers.

There is no specific evaluation criterion on the CV of the researcher. However the whole proposal must be designed in agreement with the specific profile of the researcher (host institution, research project, training, ...) The quality of the CV has an influence on the sub criteria EXCELLENCE and IMPACT.

The researcher must demonstrate strong capacities of independent thinking: leadership, innovative approach in previous projects, organisational skills, publications with various coauthors in various contexts, previous international fellowship(s)/grant(s), …


The supervisor must demonstrate his experience and skills linked to the research project. The supervisor should coordinate the interaction between the researcher, the host institution and (potential) international collaborators.

For global fellowships, as two host institutions are involved, there will be two local supervisors.

The global quality of the supervisor's CV is evaluated. One of the most important evaluation criterion is the supervisor’s track record experience in monitoring and training of postdoctoral researchers.

The proposal must precisely describe the practical aspects of daily supervision and provide evidence on the availability and the effective support from the supervisor(s).



Individual Fellowships


CV / Research Experience



Transfer of Knowledge


Research experience on the topic

Training and monitoring experience (for Postdocs)

Effective availability Host Institution


Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

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The impact of the project must be obvious for the researcher's career in terms of independence, new skills, network, etc. But it should also address the scientific community, the European economy (if relevant) and the society at large. This will be possible by planning relevant dissemination activities at different levels : scientific (conferences, publications...), economic (exploitation of results...), social ("public engagement" activities).

A typical Individual Fellowship PROJECT should address :


Individual Fellowships are primarily presented as "training-through research" programmes. The applicant will of course have to present an excellent research project. Evaluators will expect this research to be "innovative" but they will also pay attention to the relevance of the proposed methodology. This includes the management of both risk and ethical issues. Moreover, the researcher is expected to develop new multi- or interdisciplinary skills.


One of the main specificities of the Marie-Sklodowska Curie actions is to give an equal importance to training activities than to the research project in the evaluation procedure. The researcher must gain new scientific skills but she/he is also expected to increase her/his intersectoral experience by implementing activities with the non-academic sectors (industry, associations, etc.). Finally, the project has to include training on transferable skills such as communication, research management, entrepreneurship, proposal preparation to request funding, IPR, exploitation of research results etc.


Individual Fellowships




Originality and Innovative aspects


Risk management

Ethical issues



Inter-sectoral => industry

Transferable skills

Impact - dissemination

Researcher's career



Public engagement

Transfer of Knowledge


Host Institution



Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

Page 6: Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development Department - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions


Mobility is a key factor in the Individual Fellowship.

The relevance of the mobility must be justified by the quality of the transfer of knowledge expected during the project.

The researcher will gain new knowledge during the fellowship at the hosting organisation(s) and eventually during secondments.

The researcher should also transfer her/his background knowledge and skills to the European host organisation.

For Global Fellowships, it will be crucial to explain how the newly acquired skills and knowledge in the Third Country will be transferred back to the host institution in Europe during the incoming phase.


Planning is a transversal and recurrent issue. The researcher should have a clear, accurate and complete plan for all the activities of the project.

- Research planning through work packages, milestones & deliverables is usually the best known (a Gantt chart is required in the application). Besides, it is necessary to establish in advance a clear progress monitoring calendar with the supervisor. Other aspects of a research project, such as the data management, can also be developed.

- The training and dissemination activities must also be planned. Several evaluators are not satisfied to read the opportunities that the host institution is offering to the researcher without knowing when and how the corresponding activities will be implemented. Pay also attention to plan your expected publications and participation in conferences.

- The timing and duration of secondments must be duly justified.

For all the issues described above, a risk management and contingency plan is requested.


Individual Fellowships



Transfer of Knowledge

From researcher to Host Institution

From Host Institution to Researcher

Global Fellowship : from TC back to Europe Supervisor

Host Institution





Secondment (if any)


Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

Risk Management

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For the proper design of a proposal, the potential supervisor should get in touch early with his/her contact person at the ULg R&D administration. This administration supports researchers and supervisors for any issues related to MSCA or internal procedures, from application to implementation.

Host Institution(s) consist(s) of :


Selecting the right research team is crucial and must be in agreement with the project. Skills and experience of the key persons, specific equipment, infrastructure or resources, libraries, ... must convincingly point out the host institution as the best place for your project.

The proposal must be designed to ensure the proper integration of the researcher in the team so that the fellowship can be mutually beneficial (involvement of the researcher in other new or running projects, mentorship, new collaboration opportunities through the lab network, ...)


International research collaborations are particularly interesting. A secondment (3 or 6 months included in the total duration) to another institution is an asset. MSCA should break borders between academic and non-academic sectors. Even if you do not plan any secondment, think about the opportunity to involve non-academic sector. In some disciplines, secondment in industrial sector is becoming the default option.


Individual Fellowships



Transfer of Knowledge


Host Institution

Research lab

Relevance with the topic/project

Integration of the Researcher

Connections with team members

Connections with other projects

Connections with research networks

Secondment (if any)

University of Liège Planning


Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

Page 8: Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development Department - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN If the project is selected for funding, a "Career Development Plan" should be established jointly by the supervisor(s) and the researcher. Even if it should not be included in the proposal, it is strongly advised to already check the content of the template proposed by the Commission. It gives a lot of information and examples on what training and dissemination activities are expected. Downloadable under the Information for Recruited Researchers section

More Information…

External Resources


You will find in the following pages useful information about the UNIVERSITY OF LIEGE (as Host Institution) for several parts of the application : •Training / Transferable skills •Dissemination / Open access •Dissemination / Public engagement •Intellectual Property Rights •Administrative Management •Ethical issues We suggest not to simply “copy and paste” sections of the document. You should select what looks relevant for you and eventually rephrase it in order to keep consistency with your project.

DATA MANAGEMENT “A data management plan is a document that describes how the data will be generated or used within a given project, how they will be collected, managed, stored and made available during the study, and how they will be shared upon completion of the research project.” You will find more explanations and examples of Data Management Plans at :

DETAILED INFORMATION FOR THE WRITING OF APPLICATION You will find more detailed and useful information in a document published by Luxinnovation, the National Agency for Innovation and Research of Luxembourg : How to write a winning Marie Curie proposal Real comments from evaluators and key lessons for each part of the proposal. This guide gives advices for each part of the proposal submission template, based on their analysis of comments from evaluation reports of previous proposals.

Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

Page 9: Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development Department - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

TRAINING – Transferable skills The ‘Career Development Plan’ addresses the research skills and techniques acquired, research management skills and communication skills. About “Research management”, you are invited to give information on : Ability to successfully identify and secure possible sources of funding for personal and team research as appropriate, project management skills related to proposals and tenders, work programming, supervision, deadlines and delivery, negotiation with funders, financial planning, and resource/risk management, skills appropriate to working with others and in teams […].

Content The ULg is actively involved in career development, especially of postdocs. ULg is actually developing and implementing training to enhance professional and transversal skills of its researchers: - ULg already offers transversal skills training for PhD candidates and all researchers (see; some are also open to postdocs such as sessions on Knowledge of the research environment, Ethics & research integrity, Intellectual Property, Communicating science, Project management, etc. (some in English, others in French; new catalogue will be available in September). - Epigeum online courses (implementation during 2016) called Professional Skills for Research Leaders (PSRL) is designed to help independent researchers (and postdocs) enhance their leadership, management and engagement strategies to increase their competitiveness and effectiveness. It encourages the development of transferable skills (professional development plan, research career strategy, research funding and applications, management of a research team, research collaboration and communication). These courses are in English and will be followed by case-study and mutual learning sessions. - ULg also offers various opportunities for Life Long Learning to its staff : • French courses at the Institut Supérieur des Langues Vivantes - ISLV (ULg) either as a one week intensive session on arrival, or in the evening during the year (2 x 2 hrs per week). • Each year, the Human Resources Department organises a professional training programme for staff members with varied topics: foreign languages, computing, office skills, finance, human relations, organisation and management, personal development, etc. (catalogue available on demand or online once you get your access for ULg intranet, new catalogue in September, all in French) • teaching students (given by IFRES, a ULg research centre specialized in High education teaching), supervision of PhD candidates.

Timing We suggest you to plan your different training and activities all along the duration of the fellowship. For example, you can plan to have language courses during the first year in order to help you when interacting with your team, colleagues and in your new environment. You can also plan 2 or 3 trainings and activities each year in a coherent way with the progress of your research project. A skill assessment may also be planned in the middle of your fellowship in order to monitor your personal and professional development.

Communication aspects Be aware that communication skills are very important throughout your fellowship and entire career. These communication skills are also linked with impact/dissemination purposes (see next sections).


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HOSTING ARRANGEMENTS – Measures taken to integrate the researcher in the different areas of expertise The guidelines emphasize the value of intersectoral experience gained during the project. Secondments are presented as a typical activity that aims at providing new skills and/or increasing the impact of the project. Beside the potential secondments, you can highlight opportunities to get connected with the private sector or with research projects involving collaboration between ULg and the private sector.

PROJECTS Check with your ULg supervisor if any link can be established with current projects of the host lab. If one or several projects of the host lab are funded by the “Service Public de Wallonie - DGO6”(Walloon Region), this might be interesting because they have a mandatory “technology transfer” aspect. If a connection can be established with your own project, you could highlight this opportunity to acquire new experiences in technology transfer by discussing the implementation of these projects with your supervisor, with researchers and eventually with contact person(s) in the partner enterprise.

Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

LIEGE CREATIVE Liège Créative is an initiative led by the Technology Transfer Office of ULg. It is a meeting-conference forum, which aims to stimulate innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship by bringing together stakeholders from research, business and cultural and public sectors. Programming is developed with field players and, on average, two events are held each week. These meetings encourage networking between participants from different sectors and can lead to new collaborations. It would be interesting for you to pay attention to the agenda if your project is funded. ! Presentations are mostly given in French

The Technology Transfer Office of ULg (Interface Entreprises-Université) is composed of a multi-disciplinary team which can help researchers with : - setting up relevant collaborations with companies; - technology transfer linked to research projects; - management of intellectual property; In collaboration with the Legal Affair Department, they can provide information and advice for all IPR issues. The University of Liège has adopted in 1999 a Regulation on Intellectual Property Rights. This regulation specifies that the University keeps all IP rights on inventions it generates and decides on the best way to valorise them. The aim of the University of Liège is to provide industry with secured IPR technologies. If successful, the University associates the researchers with the sharing of financial incomes.

Exploitation of results and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Select or modify if relevant to your research project/domain. If a commercial exploitation is possible, you should of course explained it in your proposal.


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WEB - MEDIA Since January 2011, the External Relations and Communication Department of ULg broadcasts the Institution's videos via its WebTV. The research activities are presented in a specific section and are also published on YouTube. A video will be dedicated to the activities of the Marie-Curie Fellows involved in Individual Fellowships. The presence of the ULg on the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +) is also constantly amplified. This gives more visibility to the Institution in general but also to the research projects implemented at ULg. A community manager is available at the R&D Departement to help researchers to disseminate information about their project. ULg has also developed a website specifically dedicated to the outreach of science, called “Reflexions”. The work of researchers is presented, explained, and put in the context of current world knowledge in the field. Articles are available in French or English. Finally, the External Relations and Communication Department manages relations with the press and media, and disseminates newsletters.

DISSEMINATION – Public engagement Please check the information provided by the European Commission : You will find below some opportunities provided by ULg. Select what may be relevant for your project. Your contact person at the R&D department can help you to plan these activities for your proposal.

Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

The ULg Network of Libraries has implemented its Open Access repository: ORBi (Open Repository and Bibliography). It falls within the "green OA" and aims at creating a full institutional repository accompanied by the institutional deposit of the full text of the articles published. The release of the January 2015 Webometrics Open Access repository rankings sees ORBi classed in 26th position globally out of 2158 repositories, all categories combined. If only the institutional repositories are considered then ORBi is classed at the 19th place out of 2072 repositories. This will ensure an excellent visibility to the publications linked with the project.

DISSEMINATION - Open access For general information on Open access and explanations on the distinction between Gold Open Access and Green Open Access, please consult :

EVENTS ULg has created in 2001 a structure for the dissemination of science and technology, called Réjouisciences. It supports researchers from ULg in their communication with the society at large (teachers, school groups, families, informed public, etc.) through exhibitions, conferences, tours, “science café”, contests, trainings, practical works, stimulating activities or support for school projects, publications, etc. One of the activities that involve Marie-Curie Fellows is the Researchers’Night. ULg has participated to the event from 2006. The last four years, ULg organized this event in a mall, where researchers presented their research domain in connection with daily- life applications, or were integrated to the “European Corner” with staff from the R&D Department (according to the theme and/or the researcher’s skills in French).


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Over the last decade, ULg has been involved in many projects supported by the European Commission. The support provided by the Central Administration takes advantage of the strong experience and coordination of its different departments (R&D, Human Resources, Financial, Legal affairs). Most of the administrative issues and the financial reporting are handled by these departments, in which units dedicated to European projects are connected. ULg uses SAP for its financial management. An internal account is open for each project. Besides the salary, the mobility and family allowance(s)* will be paid directly to the researcher on a monthly basis. The [ULg supervisor] will be the academic responsible for the management of the “research, training and networking costs” and all expenditures will be made according to the needs of the project. A contact person is already identified in the R&D Department in order to assist in any issues relating to MSCA or internal procedures, from application to implementation. * Delete “family allowance” if not relevant


The University of Liege (ULg) is the only public and complete university institution of the French-speaking region of Belgium. The ULg counts 3300 lecturers-researchers and 22.700 students (4980 foreign students). Over the past several years, the University of Liège has taken part in many research and training projects supported by the European Commission. More than one hundred projects of the FP7 and H2020 programme have been granted and the EU contribution for the FP7-PEOPLE program is worth approximately 10,75M€. In addition to the support from the central administration described above, the Euraxess Mobility Centre at the University of Liège is part of a network of over 200 centres located in 35 partner countries. It is committed to provide a professional service to researchers to help them plan and organise their research stay. The ULg Euraxess centre has published a useful “Welcome guide for incoming ULg staff and visiting researcher” that deals with several issues : accommodation, insurance, registering with the local authority, salary and deductions, health care, family, bank account procedures, etc. The Euraxess officer, Brigitte Ernst, is available to help with all requests concerning the practical aspects of the mobility. ULg subscribes to the principles of the European Charter for researchers and has already received the ‘HR excellence in Research’ award from the European Commission. At the institutional level, the University of Liège wishes to pursue and intensify its hosting of foreign Post-Docs. Beyond its opening to foreign recruitment for its contractual research and beyond the BeIPD project (FP7-COFUND/600405) granted from 2013 to 2018, MSCA Individual Fellowships are considered as an essential contribution to this objective. The obvious impact for future collaborations with young research leaders is another motivation to encourage and assist MSCA fellows.


Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28


Page 13: Individual Fellowship - · 2017-05-11 · University of Liège Research & Development Department - +32(4).366.54.28 April 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

Université de Liège - Administration Recherche & Développement - [email protected] - tel +32(4).366.54.28

ETHICAL ISSUES At the proposal stage, applicants are asked to complete an “Ethics Issues Table” (in part A). If relevant, a more detailed “Ethics self-assessment” must be added in part B. Applicants can still be asked later to provide the MSCA Unit with additional information and documents (official Ethics Approval for instance). Applicants must demonstrate they are aware and will act in respect of Belgian law, European Directives and internal rules at ULg on Ethics. The answer to be given will depend of the issues flagged. The supervisor and the contact person in the ULg R&D department are both key persons to elaborate on these issues.

Serious consideration is currently being given to Ethics and Data protection at the University of Liège. ULg adheres to the Code of Ethics of Scientific Research in Belgium and aims for it to be strictly respected by all researchers. The university plans to extend the powers of the existing Commission on Scientific Integrity, which is mainly concerned with the falsification of data and plagiarism, in order to include broader ethical issues. The new commission – renamed the Ethics and Scientific Integrity Commission – have to define its own rules and procedures. More specifically: The rules for filtering traffic on the ULg computer network can be modified according to local imperatives. On a case-by-case basis, the ULg "General IT Service" (SeGI) provides researchers with special procedures if they have to use confidential data. University and University Hospital of Liege, which are two separate legal entities, merged their ethical committees in 2005. It performs the following tasks: - Support and advice on the ethical aspects of the practice of hospital care function. - A function to support the decision on individual cases. - A function to review any experimentation on human protocol. An Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee analyzes research programs using animals, monitors the implementation of the regulations, examines the relevance of the use of animals for research or teaching, and can address its recommendations and advice to the Expert Veterinary, Research Council and academic authorities. An ethics committee exists within the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Liège since October 2002. It examines all research conducted within the faculty with human subjects.