Indirect-Esculation Vince Lynch PDF


Transcript of Indirect-Esculation Vince Lynch PDF

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People ask what Sexual Capitalism is, and what makes the

company Street Hypnosis Limited different from other

organisations. We don’t teach pick up artistry per say, but the

material we do teach is like the abstract form of covert hypnosis

and PUA. It’s a system that allows us to move targets towards

the destination we want.

The idea came after reading the book Freakanomics, it was

originally just a cool idea “What if there was an approach to

hypnosis/pua combined that didn’t rely on either topic, or even

on psychology… but was kind of like a general abstract approach

of how to make people do what we want.”

That was the formation of the model that eventually become

Street Hypnosis Limited, since then we have lectured and taught

individuals around the world this unique system.

The system can gain access to a strangers bank account, make

them hand over their cold hard cash, instantly believe they are

you girlfriend, and much more…

We decided to write these notes to introduce the topic of

indirect escalation, a topic related to many aspects of the entire

system in the members area of

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Indirect esculation

Attraction is an interesting topic, and I want to begin by

explaining a quote that I read by Tim Ferris,

just to mention you should definitely read Tim’s book ‘Four

Hour Work Week’ which is where he outlines the method he

used to only work four hours a week and still make a fortune,

that guy is ridiculously organised, and he also has an amazing

travel blog…. As he spends all his time flying around the world

and just takes up random hobbies, like for example cage

fighting, he made all his millions by age 24. He’s just a

completely ridiculous guy”.

“So this presentation is going to cover the theory that there is

no actual attraction switch, there is nothing that actually

defines what attraction is… we kind of put attraction as

investment, emotional investment… or we see it as the amount

of energy that someone is putting into a relationship.

When I was studying at LSE, and I did some education in

business economics, and that’s when I realized the Sexual

Capitalism model, attraction or persuasion, or an idea… is

something that economists could call a ‘perfectly competitive

market’ – meaning that we are all competiting against each

other… and because there are infinite men and infinite women

(at least comparatively) thus the level of competition we face is

absolute and perfect.

Attracting the opposite sex or covertly influencing people the

most competitive environment you’ll ever find yourself in for

the rest of your life.

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Although I’m sure everything you do now… is in demand… I’m

sure your qualities are great, and your an awesome person,

but… actually competing against infinite number of guys, you

are fighting a losing battle.

Without changing the scenario you are destined to lose, that’s

just the reality of it. But why do I say your destined to lose and

then say attraction doesn’t exist… surely you can’t lose at

competing at a game that doesn’t exist?

Well that’s because attraction only exists when your audience

has hugely invested in you, when you have a complete

monopoly over the choices that she has…

For instance; once she has sent you a ridiculous amount of text

messages, she’s invested in your heavily, spending excessive

amounts of time, multiple dates etc.

It’s like at that point she doesn’t consider any other man an

option, she considers you her only option, which is by definition

in Sexual Capitalism qualifies as a kind of love.

For that reason, I don’t believe in “love” in the typical fairydust,

Disney princess version of it…. Because you can easily create it.

So this is the problem we as humans have, your initially in this

perfectly competitive market, where you’ve got to do

everything you can to get to this place of love, or at least get her

to the place of love.

So according to the model, how do we do that? well the way we

do that is through esculation without getting caught…

Now many reading this are obviously “pro-direct” they are in

favour of this attitude that if you like a girl you should go up and

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tell her… I really think that those who are for that approach

really can’t have actually been doing that, or have never tried

because that simply wouldn’t work. It would be the equiverlent

of stopping a music producer in the street and saying “I’m an

artist, I think your great, sign me?”… the answer is no.

Throughout Sexual Capitalism it’s shown how there really isn’t

this clear distinction between direct and indirect in the pick up

sense of the terms… but in the pua community direct really

means you go up to a girl and you initially tell them how

interested you are in them.

Whereas indirect in the pick up artist community means, you go

up to a girl and you never announce your intentions, you never

give them any clue that you like them, and under that

‘protection’ allows you to progress, my attitude is ‘get the

investment and lock them into a monopoly of attraction’ so

they have no choice but to choose you over other options that

are available.

So even though there is no such thing necessarily as “I see you

and instantly I’m attracted”… there are still a few things that

can trigger such a response, and one of these things is cuteness,

babies kittens, things with massive eyes, and things that are

smiling and/or happy.. with these we easily are attracted to

that, we instantly think “oh, I want that”, “I want to look after

that”, “I want to nurture that thing”

This nurturing response of wanting something could be

described as the only spontaneous instant attraction that can,

but, I guess if everyone in the world was doing that anyway..

then you wouldn’t have a monopoly in that case.

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The realities are that hypnosis doesn’t work on everyone, and

this is probably the main reason why hypnosis has been

debated amongst the general public, with questions of “does it

exist, doesn’t it exist?” and although that is a problem it’s no

different to saying “pua doesn’t work on everyone” and I’m

going to explain and come back to what we mean by this.

In hypnosis, you know with 100% certainity that the routine you

do you will get the exact response you want, and that can be;

anything, anything under the sun, you can make them take off

their clothes, give you their wallet, tell you their facebook

passwords, pin numbers, that sort of thing. We do, and it’s not

you need eyes closed or anything like that, you can just do it.

And this is why hypnosis is really similar to pick up artistry, its

because “hypnosis doesn’t actually exist” and that’s kind of

been shown in the last two years with new research and

compiled together by Oxford University… there are big massive

books dedicated to showing that hypnosis is just responsiveness

to listening, and that is so close to where PUA it makes them

almost indistinguishable when comparing “so what actually is it”

at that abstract level.

Like take the examples in pua, for instance the “doggy dinner

bowl look” or that sort of thing, this is why we have built a

model that is really interested and working with people outside

of indications of interest, we are going to go on and explain

indications of interest in a moment…

Hypnosis is all about keeping someone focused, keeping them

interested, it is the same as PUA in that sense… you just want

someones attention and the longer you have that for, the more

locked in they are… and the less they are to every other

competition, but the problem is… when you approach people is

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that they are going to blow you out in the start of the

interaction… if they have a feeling that your trying to steal their

value… trying to take that from them.

Girls often think “oh the only reason he’s talking to me is

because he thinks I’m hot” if you allow that thinking, then you

don’t stand a chance, it doesn’t matter if we are talking about

standing a chance with hypnosis, or standing a chance seducing

them, or stand a chance offering them a job, or offering to buy

them a drink or a takeaway, or offering to help them with their

university course work… you don’t have a chance full stop.

And of course it’s the same with a guy, if a guy is thinking… well

suppose you try to talk to Theo Paphitis or Richard Branson, and

you ask them help you out, they are just not going to do it, they

don’t have a responsibility to you, and it doesn’t help their life,

its no benefit to them… and they’ve got a billion other people to

give opportunities to, why would they pick you?

Like if you instead opened up with an indirect conversation and

were friends with them a week later, you are in a much more

locked in position and they are more likely to give you money,

and you might only be in a small group of people who has that

opportunity at that point.

The probabilities change with every single test, with every

moment your speaking to someone. It’s like if a guy comes over

and starts talking to the girls in your group, your not going to

want to be his friend if he’s just out there to talk to the girls…

but if instead he came over and was like “hi, mate how you

doing? You having a good evening” then your not really going to

care if later down the conversation he starts chatting up the


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The first guy is just coming across as using people, and the

world is really competitive, so he just doesn’t stand a chance,

and that’s the difference between a natural and a non-natural, a

natural has an ability to notice how the group of people are

responding to the things they say, and their presence in the

group, where the non-natural simply doesn’t have the social

calibration to be able to read the reactions of the group.

So let’s make this simple and just break it down into four simple

easy to remember tips;

1) Talk to everyone,

2) Be indirect

3) escalate

4) be cute

For instance, if you talk the rule talk to everyone, then your

automatically talking to the cock block he’s trying to intercept,

your talking to ‘not the target’ but the girl next to the target.

And the target doesn’t think “oh he’s only come over because

he thinks I’m hot” because your already ‘in with’ her friend.

So if you just take that rule, your much more likely to have a

really good approach…. You know, the pick up artist market has

beel all about the direct approach, but I think everyone now

agrees that the direct approach is shit, take a look at Mystery’s

last book… he publically states “Look we’ve worked so hard to

build a system on how to get attraction, and now you come into

the market and you teach an approach that is completely

against that… is a complete backwards step.

People ask; “What do you class as direct?”

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A question asked by a participant said “for example if I say ‘on a

scale of 1-10- how single are you?” he then says “it’s not direct

its just a laugh?”…”it’s just something to have a laugh about”, at

the time responding to this guy I said “hmm, maybe because its

funny… but as long as something is funny it is funny” … I say “its

indirect as long as your having fun, and meanwhile this gives

you the opportunity to do other stuff for example ‘escalating’

which is increasing the amount of touch that your having, plus

you’ve also got physical proximity”.

And that’s the argument, you can turn direct to be indirect.

Looking back at the way I answered that students question, I

really was being a bit light on him though, I should have told

him that he is coming across like ‘her being single is important?’

I really don’t think that joke is very funny, I think it really does

give away your position… I honestly think that approach would

only work on desperate women, I can imagine now the kind of

women that worked for him on… yuk!

Let’s quickly cover the theory of cuteness, no one seems to talk

about cuteness, but cuteness has been really heavily

researched… literally you can make people have this nurturing

response to you, simply by giving them a certain kind of eye

contact, simply by being really emotionally in rapport with

them… I don’t know if this is a good thing to say, but have you

ever spoke to really young like 16 year olds, or 18 year old girls,

they are always really emotionally reactive, they are; ‘happy

when your happy’, ‘sad when your sad’, and they ‘feel that thing

that you feel’ because she’s just so excited she just copies you,

and if you make a loud noise they cry, if you jump up and down

they get really happy… if you kind of have those traits about

you, then people start to feel like they want to look after you,

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they want to nurture you, and you don’t come across as a threat


So there are certain qualities that convey cuteness;

i) innocence,

ii) Naivety

iii) Not being cynical about the world.

I don’t know about you guys, but for me, well I feel like when

you hit about age 22 you start becoming really cynical about

everything, you stop believing in faith, in human happiness, in

love, in pretty much every human thing… but if you put a bit of

those things back into your life, people around you feel a lot,

and are going to be a lot more like “awwww… baby”, “I can’t

believe your saying that”, “that is so cute,” if you can get that

response from people your well in!

Other than that, there really is no such thing as physical

attractiveness, it really doesn’t matter what you look like,

everyone wants to look after a baby regardless of perfectly

symmetrical features, or whether its skinny or chubby.

In addition to that, there is Testosterone and Oxytocin, these

are pheronomones that either show that you capable of being

loving, or that you are dominant, now I wouldn’t argue that

dominance itself is an attractive feature, however its probably

more likely that by feeling dominant causes those around you to

also have raised levels of testosterone which causes for

example women to be doubly more likely to fantasize, to act

upon her feelings.

We will go more into to research as to why it is that men seem

better able to detect how much they fantasize etc. but women

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may or may not fantasize just as much, and it might even be

double that during the times when her Adrenal levels increase…

for example in a heated debate, or when you watch a horror

film with her, or take her to a theme park.

You know for example, when your with a girl and then suddenly

every girl seems desperate to have you… your entire physical

chemistry and way about you is eluding testosterone and

oxytocin, but forget about buying pheromones, instead focus on

being a positive person, to focus on ‘being cute’ that social

learning then happens, Oxytocin is a phenomone… people call it

the ‘love phernomone’ but its really just a trigger for social

learning, it causes one person to want to learn what’s socially

acceptable off another person, and through that exchange of

values you can condition new responses, learnings, and

progress that in any direction you want, whether it be stealing

their wallet, or whether it be ‘falling in love with you’.

Its just they are basically the same thing really, they are literally,

those people who their eyes light up when you look at them, I

know we haven’t discussed Indicators of interest yet.

Question “But, your mentioning making yourself have big eyes,

however I’m here thinking, yeah but my eyes are just a fixed

size… they aint going to change, I can’t make them change to

attract a girl”.

One of the things you can actually do is increase the size of your

pupils, the more attracted you are to someone, the larger your

pupil size, if you look in the mirror you can actually see your

pupils dilate and contract, the larger they are…”

You can also distort people’s views of you, you can make people

see your eyes as bigger even though they are not… I’ll explain, if

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you smile a lot then people are going to remember you for

always smiling, if your always making eye contact, then people

are going to always remember you based on your eyes, and

suddenly it becomes your smile and your eye contact are the

only things about you that they remember.

Your eyes are bigger because they don’t remember any other

perception of you, they don’t have anything else to go on, it’s

like ‘everyone thinks that Justin Bieber is attractive’ because

they see him every day smiling like a puppy on every TV screen,

of course your going to think he’s attractive you have no other

choice… like its just there, because he’s so easy to recall…

It’s like “hmm… who shall I go out with?” like if I ask myself that

now, its hard to actually think of names… so as a resort answers

in my head pop up “oh Britney spears” … and of course I don’t’

fancy Britney Spears… she’s a million billion miles away from my

idea type, but because they are always there then it’s the

easiest option for you when your trying to think of whats


Let’s offer some more tips,

i) Recognisability

Which is how memorable you are, building a an avatar, we

can mention peacocking – having items of clothing for

people to grab – does make a massive difference, then they

can make an interaction with you, and open you if they

have something that they can take off you. Like you might

be wearing a feather bower, but then a girl might say “aw

can I have it?” she’s hopefully not asking you because she

wants it, she’s hopefully asking you because she’s trying to

open you… and without the prop she wouldn’t be able to

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think of any other interesting way, we could just briefly

mention opening so stuff like cameras “so when girls are

like; ‘oh can you take a photo of us’ you need to ask

yourself “what is she trying to open me?” or is that she

really definitely has to have a photo.

Indicators of interest,

So I’m big into microcalibration, I know others that are out

there right now who are the really good world class

professionals on the market are talking about microcalibration

right now, Mehow does crazy for microcalibration…. From what

I know a lot of the major pick up artists companies are saying

“they’d love to teach microcalibration, they’d love to teach

these things,… but they just don’t believe that students can

learn it, and that’s why they refuse to teach it, because people

just expect to do a boot camp pay a few hundred pounds, or

at best they expect to pay 5,000 pounds for some kind of

residential, and even then for that price, or for that short period

it would be hard to train those people in a set way of how to

recognize IOI’s or ways on how to progress through a

conversation, I think companies that say that they can’t teach

microcalibration are limiting themselves…

I believe that microcalibration can be taught, because with this

abstract model that we outline in sexual capitalism this is what

we teach, we make it simple and easy to understand… by

keeping only the core elements, how can people learn


In our company we consider microcalibration and indicators of

interest to be one and the same thing, if someone looks really

fasinated and drawn to you… then you know that you can pretty

much progress that however you want.

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Some people, who have ‘active disinterest’ the people who

won’t pay you any attention, will just walk off - and you can’t

change that – that’s a really difficult situation to change, like in

the information presented so far I’ve offered some things that

allow you to work the odds to the best of your opportunity, but

your still not going to get the people who have ‘active


The people you work with do need to have; some kind of

listening to you, some kind of paying attention to your indirect

opener, so when someone leans into you…. So IOI’s aren’t

actually what people think, its more about ‘does someone

follow where I’m going’, ‘do they move in the same manner as I

do’, its more like a compliance test from hypnosis than these

silly things you read in pick up books of ‘when she strokes her


It’s like when you step forwards, they should step forwards –

people have no logical reason for doing that, why would she just

comply to what I’ve just said or done. My friend does a thing

where he puts his arm on a girls shoulder and if she lowers her

shoulder where he puts it then, he thinks “OMG.. she has no

reason to do that, she has no reason to do that”.

For example with me, I might shake a girls hand, and if she

squeezes back or I pull her slightly closer and she comes with

me, then I think “omg why is she copying everything I imply she

does” like if you pull someone towards you and they come with


Its like if you say “shall we go to the bar “ or imply that your

going to the bar, do they come straight to the bar with you, or

are they really reluctant, there’s loads of other ways like..

including the rather general traits like ‘flicking her hair’, but

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what I’m constantly looking for is compliance, I’m constantly

looking for… NLP pacing and leading, or what’s called a ‘yes set’

in sales. Basically you have people agree to several

statements… take the example of a door to door salesman, he

might start off with “Do you live here?” and the customer

answers “yeah”, and he says “oh you’ve probably heard about

our company haven’t you called … ‘half priced ink’” people tend

to always answer yes to a question, they always seem to

pretend they know something when they don’t.

It’s just that sort of thing, when they are going along that path

of “yes”, “yes”,”yes” your going to keep to it aren’t you.

Because it all makes sense to you, it’s not random that people

do this, they don’t just do this because its some kind of ‘crazy

hypnotic pattern’. Or some kind of ‘crazy pua technique’ they

do this because it all seems connected in their mind. They do it

because, it’s very hard to identify what produces causality in the

world. Why one thing happens and causes another thing to

happen, in fact mathmaticians have done the math on it and

concluded that its actually impossible to process the probability

to work out whether two events are causally related.

Its just an infinitely impossible computation to make, it was the

economist ricardo who worked that out, so when you say

something is connected to something someone is already

responding to – then they typically believe the next thing, and

start going with it… this is because they are copying what your

doing, .

I do this thing with cards, and I know many of you reading this

might not actually use cards but, I do this thing where I show

them a deck of cards and I cut off about half the deck and then

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advise them to make a cut, typically they cut the roughly the

same amount of cards as what I myself cut.

The exact words are “pick some cards off and put them on my

hand there, yeah?” they do this because they might not be

familiar with cards, and I’ve kind of pushed them with my

language to make an automatic response, so they simply just

grab a number similar to what I myself cut off.

When I do this, I want the participant to literally pick up the

cards in the exact same number, a person who is following you

to the letter, which we are trying to create will naturally do that,

this is how you can get like a one hundred per cent approach…

this way of thinking.

I’ll give you an actual example, so lets take the example of

yesterday, so I was in a booth, you know a booth in a bar, this

girl was sitting against the dance floor, and there were two of

my mates inbetween me and where this girl was, so I ask one of

my friends to move away for a sec and offer her the opportunity

to sit down.

So this means she sits down just one position away from me,

but still facing the dancefloor, so I leant across my friend and

said “what’s your name” whilst holding out my hand and then I

pull her arm slightly towards me… as if I need to pull her in

closer to hear what she has to say… but I can hear her anyway,

I’m doing that just to get compliance and physical proximity, as

a result… like most people, she complies and leans across my

friend to tell me her name.. .the fact that she has to work hard

and go over an object – leaning across my friend, to talk to me,

means that she is more committed.

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So I start to think “that’s 1 compliance - she sat down, that’s

two compliance - she held my hand, that’s three she’s

proximate, that’s four – she’s come in close to hear you.. then

you start to think,” so I say to my friend loudly so she can hear

“can you just let her across” she crawls over my mate, to get to

me and I pull her onto my lap… it’s like, “how much compliance

do you need?” I kiss her a second later, because I tilted my head

and then she tilted her head, I moved in a cm, and she moved in

a cm… she’s just copying everything I’m doing and saying…. This

is the hardcore stuff.

This is really what covert hypnosis and pick up artistry is about…

the abstract philosophy about how people work as economic

beings. We can go through everything else… all the basic

inbetween bits… but this philosophy is the bit you need to really

understand… this is what Sexual Capitalism and my Hypnosis

model is talking about, this is how your supposed to do it.

The way other pick up artist books talk about Indicators of

Interest is, is like ‘oh when a girl flicks her hair’ or ‘looks at you

and smiles’ , those tips are just really general and unfortunately

make IOI’s seem spontaneous, as if they happen all by

themselves and that you don’t actually have to do anything.

No one is actually going to give you an indicator of interest for

no reason, that is pure fantasy she’s got a billion other people

that she can give an IOI to. Why would she necessarily want

you, why does she necessarily think – your valuable – she has no

reason to think your valuable, unless you do something first!

So if you walk into a venue and you instantly get an indicator of

interest, it’s because your peacocking, it’s because your smiling,

it’s because your leaning back, it’s a response to what your

doing, there’s never a spontaneous IOI, there’s always a reason

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for it, and if she’s giving you IOI’s and you say “oh what do you

think of nail varnish on guys?”, and pass her your hands to take

a look, and then you take hold of her hands and say “oh I like

your nail varnish” , “you have really smooth hands” then that’s

an IOI, then that’s an IOI… there is no, indicator of interest that

happens magically like the books make it sound, it is all.. caused

by you.

If you give her an IOI and then you turn away, and then she

gives you an IOI back… then its because you gave her an IOI

first, that made her give you the IOI back, there is always a

reason for it, and if I was to throw out an IOI I would just do a

big smile from across the room, a proper un-inhibited smile,

showing your bottom teeth and lasting at least three seconds.

Most people when they are faking emotions they tend to show

them very briefly and expect that to be enough, but it’s only

when you show your emotions for several seconds do people

interpret them as genuine. Doing a short smile will just come

across as fake, it will be just read straight away as fake.

If you want to do a proper smile, smile un-inhibited, smile… big,

that’s how to force an indicator of interest, if you can smile

properly then you will evoke all of the cuteness phenomena, if

your leaning in but with straight shoulders, lift your chin slightly

up, if you lift your eye brows slightly, then people will look at

you, people look at you when you lift your eyebrows slightly up,

if you look up then that makes people look up and feel positive,

whereas if you look down it makes others around you look

down and feel negative.

Just keep your head up, as if your praying to god. As if you were

speaking to the heavens, as if you recognize that life can be

good now.

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You know we’ve all met those guys who go into the clubs, and

the reason they are going is because they feel down and they

expect others to be the ones to cheer them up, well that’s just

stealing the energy in the club and trying to use that… you’ve

got to make sure your not one of those guys and instead you’re

the reverse, you’ve got to make it that people want to steal

from you.

You’ve got to be the one that people want, rather than wanting

to be like everyone else, wanting to be like everyone else is just



So a lot of the research into escalation that we list actually

comes from Robert Cialdini, many of his ideas about psychology

pretty much have influenced the whole model of persuasion

since he developed the ideas in the 1970’s and 80’s. but there is

always new research coming out and the people writing it are,

for example Richard Wiseman… and his great book 59 seconds.

Let’s take a closer look at the principle of “the sharing of

secrets”, “Eye contact”, “Touch”… when your being indirect

there’s three or four things you want to be doing, and these

things should be done without ‘giving away’ that you’re doing it

to increase the attraction with the intention of ‘getting with


The way we see it, is that you should use a guise or a gimmick in

order to get… more touch (for example) so you never ‘give

away’ that you really want touch. And other situations to create

the touch, so for example; take the example of being in a

cinema when a guy yawns, and he’s got the popcorn, and he

puts his arm around her indirectly.

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That’s like the perfect example of how you can get touch, and

you always use a reason for getting the touch, it’s like when I’m

taking a girl to the bar – the reason I’m taking her to the bar is

because – I’m trying to get more touch to be accepted , I’m

trying to condition that it’s OK to touch.

The reason I’m touching is because “I want to go to the bar” or

the reason I’m touching is “oh I really like this top”, “who’s the

top by?” And I start touching the back of it, or perhaps she lets

me check the label.

Good openers are; handshakes, kissing on the cheek, hugging,

rings, nails, these are all… people say “oh but what do you do

after that” but that’s why you should always have a routine that

connects with it. In sexual capitalism there is an entire section

dedicated to how to use the hands to open up sets, groups, and

routines… but hands is usually the first step to go through when

meeting new people.

Using that step, allows you to jump onto more intensive

progressive routines, or do the intense routines immediately

upon meeting someone… that’s whether you can pull it off? All

of these steps are based on flexibility about whether you can

‘pull it off’.

You can start wherever you want, you just don’t want to look

like your conveying interest, so a way could be to do this would

look like, “I’m getting my hair dyed tomorrow”, “I’m getting it

dyed at Toni and Guy actually…”, “do you know Toni and guy?”,

“Where do you get your hair done?”, “I’m going to get my hair

dyed, I don’t know whether to go darker or lighter… like maybe I

go blonde, or I go literally black.. I guess it all depends on your

look right?”, “What color is your hair naturally?”….”do you ever

wear your hair up, like does it go up?” and then grab their hair

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and pull it up, “because you literally look just like a Liberian

when its up”.

That is an example of how you would go into a routine that is

usually further down the escalation line, but can be done by

skipping out all of the earlier steps if you pull it off correctly.

Using that you can create a high level of investment and


“but you just did this and the girl was laughing” and I said “yeah

but the laughter gives you a cue to do it, it’s the laughter that

makes it acceptable…. In the moment, she doesn’t know what

to do, she’s just being spontaneous in the moment…”.

It’s like a card trick, you make the conversation to have them

focus on something, or distract them, and while they are

focusing on that you do the secret move you don’t’ want

anyone to say. Well with pick up it’s the same, you want to be

talking about showing them things and while your doing this

you increase the level of interaction, by escalating in the

defined areas we’ve already covered.

For example I’ve got the two of clubs, I take the two of clubs

and I put it down on the table, and it turns straight into the ace

of spades, the reason why it turned into the ace of spades is

because I’m acting as if it turned into the ace of spades and that

makes it more convincing. And also the switch wasn’t when you

were looking for the switch…

And that’s exactly my point, the laughter, the conversation,

creates a misdirection that allows the moment when you

increase the level of sharing and commitment, and that’s the

path to success, as long as you progress down that path… your


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Every single step of the way that your progressing down

towards the relationship from meeting them is constantly using

a misdirection, is constantly using an escalation to jump to the

next stage.

And the more stages you go through, the more escalation you

have, then its solved, the jobs done. One point on esculation is

that if you don’t esculate and say in that moment for whatever

reason in that moment you go for a kiss, it will be really

awkward. If you’ve got to know someone but you’ve not been a

touchy feel person, and then suddenly try to touch them… no it

will put them off.

You know a lot of guys who are natural’s would read this and

think…”yeah but can’t you just do all that by just dancing with a

girl?” For a lot of guys they can’t, or they’ve forgotten how

because they’ve been in a long term relationship, or maybe

they’ve never been properly out before, or their career has got

in the way, or they’ve simply just forgotten how or why to

dance with girls, it’s not something they can even think of…

dancing is far more complicated a calibration activity than

anything I’ve mentioned here.

The amount of things you have to check before you can/should

dance with someone, you know there is a way of tapping a girl

on the shoulder or on her side effectively and seeing if she turns

when you tap her… which counts as an IOI or you might have to

literally get her eye contact, smile, its all got to happen

correctly, like dancing doesn’t really happen unless you’ve

already got the acceptance first.

Gimmick openers

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There’s some openers that are like “can I borrow this chair?” or

“can I sit just here?” or “do you have a lighter?”, that’s why we

call them gimmick openers because they rely on some kind of

gimmick as the distraction for the opener, and then your

already into the conversation..

Building routines

Because I seem passionate about what I’m talking about then its

an opener and it’s never conveying interest.. so I might talk

about the bar “oh I love Vodka Revolution, I’m actually a

magician in the other one across the city”, “Like do you always

come here or do you ever go to somewhere else in town?” ,

“omg we’re going there later, it would be so cool just to be

maybe see you there, if I send you a text maybe we can meet up

in a bit?” then you pass them your phone and you get them to

type it in.

This works because you’ve already got this commonality; you’ve

already got this massive compliance and she’s already

responded to your situational opener. She has no reason not to

pass you her number at that point. Not that number closes

mean anything, I mean she might not reply, but if she does

reply, then you’ve got another IOI and then you’ve got a


I really prefer savoy things, testosterone, apparently beers got

loads of estrongen in it… maybe that’s what’s making me such a

girl… “are you kind of a girly girl, or you kind of a tom girl?” , “oh

really, I bet your well stronger than me then,” , “show me your

girly muscles”… “ah their pretty big, I think I’d lose in a fight”,

“do you ever thumby wars?”… play them…

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I know so many short guys who get so many girls, because all

the girls are like “omg he’s so cute” and I’m thinking ‘what like is

it because he’s like a baby?’ so there was a list of routines that

I’ve just rolled out there.

Another example of a opener could be bumping into someone

and saying “oh sorry I didn’t mean that “, I always use an opener

that is a way of esculating straight to touching their face, which

is another way of touching their face. “oh my god someone just

hit me earlier, do I have a massive bump on my head, just touch

my head” and then put their hand towards your forehead,

“maybe everyones head is always like that?, what does your

head feel like” and then touch their head…. “your head’s just

really bumpy”… and then I’m literally holding onto her head

“aww bless, so cute,” and then kiss her forehead…. Because

your already there anyway and you’ve got acceptance.

It’s just a joke on how much stuff you can do.

Now let’s go into more detail on hand routines, specifically hand

routines, these are probably the order you should do them, but

you can always change the order .. shaking hands, hugging,

kissing on the cheek, leading them to the bar, leading them


“Do my hands feel soft to you?”, “I know some people actually

moistize their hands, but my hands are just soft aren’t they?” …

they are genuinely soft hands,… let me feel your hands?”, “your

hands are really rough, do you work really hard or something?” ,

“my hands clearly have not worked a day in their life.”, other

routines could be “your really pale” , “your really tanned”,

“who’s more tanned?”.

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I might crack my fingers infront of her and ask “do you ever

crack your fingers?”, I might then say “annoyingly I can only

crack this side of my body..” my left side, and I crack them like

this (cracks fingers) then I start playing with their hands again,

and I begin trying to crack their fingers (as a joke)… I say “don’t

worry I’m not going to hurt you” obviously she tries to stop me

“I’m only going to hurt you in the end anyway (smile smugly)”.

Another routine I use “Wait… are you double jointed?”, “really

no, you look like a double jointed person, do you ever do

gymnastics … your thumb goes all the way back like this doesn’t

it?” (start bending her thumb back), “why is your thumb not

going back?” (everyone laughs), “they think your going to break

their thumb”, There’s other stuff to talk about later on in the

routine, like the length of their fingers – what they maybe

means for the oestrogen or testosterone levels. Basically the

longer the first finger is, the more testosterone you have, the

shorter it is the more oestrogen you have. From this routine I

might go into “good girl vs bad girl”, or “tom girl, vs girly girl”

but really you can just go onto any routine,.

For example the eye contact routine, I say “omg your eyes are

ridiculously blue, do you know blue eyed people are going to go

extinct in 70 years because the brown eyed gene is more

dominant” I need to warn you about talking science in

nightclubs, people do get confused and you need to keep the

information as simple as possible, make things as immediately

obvious as you can, and make sure your as clear as you can be.

Especially when travelling to other cultures, you will lose so

much compliance and rapport if you make it complicated.. so I

make sure I only talk about immediately obvious things when

I’m in interaction with a girl or a group. “omg this chairs really

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weird” … “it reminds me of like a hospital chair” (talking about a

funny looking chair) I’m just stating something that everyone

can relate to and interactive with.

For instance, the old pick up stories like “yeah my cousin just

called and he saw a fight outside and then my mobile phone

broke” but there is stuff you could talk about and no one would

have clue about, like your job for example, if you do a specific

job like accounting and she has no clue about accounting or

keynsian economics.

You know there is some stuff to say about palm reading, but

honestly it’s not a good habit to be reading peoples palms

because often you have to deliver personality readings that

often lock people into a limited way of thinking rather than

freeing them.. so I would try and avoid it, I have done a lot of

palm reading and you really do end up being passed around the

club, bar, etc as some kind of psychic and you cant’ seem to get

out of it, and nothing you tell someone is ever good news.

With regards to handshakes, when I go to shake a girls hand I

might say “omg you’ve got like really tiny hands, it’s like my

hand could easily dominate your hand” and that might be an

excuse to play something like thumby wars, or it might be an

excuse to have her show you her muscles.. and then your doing

well again, or jump to the more higher level routines like face

routines, smelling perfume.

You can say “I’ve got new perfume on” and then they smell you,

and then this an be a good excuse to smell them “oh what does

yours smell like?” sometimes if you turn the routine on yourself

first then it looks more spontaneous when you come back and

do it on her, rather than it looking like “oh I’m picking you, I

want you and that’s why I’m doing this routine”.

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Playing with someones face; “oh your such a baby” squeezing

their cheeks, kissing their forehead, “ oh my god.” “Chubby

cheeks”. Oh my god your earrings, I bought some of those for

my ex actually, it’s a bad story.. if done in the right way you can

just say anything.

For example “oh my god, your blonde, it really suits you”. See if

they can curl their tongue up, “you’ve got a really small tongue,

how long is your tongue?” , “can you touch your nose with your

tongue… you can no way!”, because then you’ve already got

that interaction with her tongue, we’re just trying to make it

easy for her to recall these things, more easy for her to use

those parts of her body.

Sharing of secrets

I don’t necessarily see getting her to share information as an

essential stage, you can just esculate through the compliance,

you don’t need to always learn about her, but sometimes you

might need to appreciate that she wants you to identify her

unique story, and by you having value information about her

forms a monopoly, an investment with you. So lines to get

information out of girls “so what university did you go,” ,

“where are you from?” , “what do you do?” these questions

don’t just ask them and move onto the next question… don’t do

that, please listen to her response.

Please paraphrase her, and if she says “I went university in

Kent” say “OMG I’ve got a friend who lives in kent, I’ve been

down there before… its amazing, its like I don’t know how to

describe it, it’s that kinda town” and she might interrupt and

you then say “yeah, yeah, yeah.. oh” … “whats the club called”

and then she mentions the name “ I bet you used to get drunk

in their all the time, oh I bet your awful in university” …. If you

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just dragged out that one bit of information you can get so

much room out of it, it can easily last about twenty minutes.

Don’t be like “where do you go, what do you do, where do you

work at?” then suddenly the conversation is over.. I’ve kind of

spoke loads about microcalibration in the beginning but what

I’m trying to say is if someone gives you microcalibration in the

start, then its already over… you’ve already pretty much done

the entire routine… A lot of these routines they already pretty

much rely on fascination anyway, so you pace and lead their

entire response every step of the way, then you could just close

them instantly. Unfortunately very few of us do it, because we

don’t read the signals as closely as we should, but the reality is,

this is the exact same thing I do when I’m trying to hypnotize

someone, and this is the exact same thing I do when I’m trying

to get someone. The sequence is just identical. If you know with

100% certainity that you could (if you chose) hypnotized them

(and that doesn’t exist) so then why not just close them, just

pace and lead!

Next topic: “No kiss is ever planned”

Every kiss is always spontaneous, it has to be that you are both

mirroring, you are both doing some kind of mimicking social

phenomena… instead of worrying about how much do you lean

in when you are trying to encourage a kiss, what you should do

already is just do a ‘soft test’ to let you know that the kiss is on.

What you should have done is escalated so you have that

physical proximity in the first place, we could for example used

routines such as hugging, and other physical routines to have

broken down the barriers, like the hair dye routine “do you

think I should get my hair dyed, I have an appointment

tomorrow?”, “do you think my hair is really soft, I always think”

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and then put their hand on your head, or maybe in response to

you pulling her hair she immediately pulls your hair as a

response, then its like… she’s pulling my hair, its obvious why

she’s pulling my hair because she wants to have ‘that’ with me.

But usually you tilt your head, then she will tilt her head as a

response, it’s like what I’m saying about the cards, where they

put the exact amount of cards and put them on their hand. They

tilt their head as a response to you, your like syncing, as if your

bodies are becoming similar, she might even start using your

words, using the way you smile, following your expressions,

following your happiness or sadness through the conversation,

sitting how your sitting, leaning into you, leaning back on your.

A lot of short people do this amazing thing you know, a lot of

short people, get the girl to talk into their ear, because they are

like the baby. So the guy does it first, and then the girl will do it

back, and then you’ve immediately got that proximity that

makes it easier to go for the kiss, because its only the difference

from talking really close, to them talking really face on. If it feels

like a kiss close, if it feels like her as if you could kiss, and she

has no restrictions to kissing you… then she will kiss.

Then there’s the European kiss, now to do this in England you

have to be very friendly and flirty to get away with two kisses,

or at least take it rather serious like you’ve travelled a lot, that

you have friends in Europe or that you have suddenly returned

back from there. Sometimes with the European kiss I might kiss

on one cheek and then the other cheek, and I move over the

face to move over to the other cheek, so there is a moment

when they are wondering whether we are going to kiss and I

make eye contact, the only reason I do it like that is to see if

they will lean in spontaneously as if they are about to kiss me.

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If they do lean in and try and get a kiss out of it, then you have

the choice. Although it’s probably best to wait a few moments,

then kiss them now you know that you can do it. “what do you

think your doing?” you can pull her up on it, like mention that

she’s the one who’s after the kiss, by somehow making her

indirectly realize that is what she was trying to do, and then kiss


That way you’ve made her internalize the belief, as a result of

her spontaneous movement, as she reflects on what she did,

she will come to the conclusion “yes I did want to kiss him… “

and now she will confirm in her head all the reasons of how

she’s attracted to you.

The point is, with the indirect esculation approach outlined

here, she will never know at any point that she’s attracted to

you throughout this routine – it would just get a close anyway,

but opportunities like the ‘soft test’ kiss close above give her the

rare opportunity to consider how much she fancies you.

Until now she was just automatically responding, but she only

knows she’s attracted to you, or becomes attracted to you

when shes losing it, when its running away from her, “oh I was

going to kiss him, now he’s not letting me kiss him”, and now

she’s like “damn, I really did want to kiss him”. Until then she

never knew she wanted to kiss you, she had no concept, the kiss

was spontaneous”

You have to build up that tension…

Let’s talk about the number close,

There is a set way of doing it, as oppose to a lot of other PUA

routines that might be very flexible, the number close is really a

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set thing that should be done a certain way that just works. You

should do it this way everytime.

You make an excuse, like a false time constraint “oh I’ve got to

get back to my friends in a minute”, “oh I’ve got to make a

phone call in a minute” and then you hand her your phone, and

you have drop in there’s a party on next, or a festival, or about

the university she goes to and her friend there, or just to get her

facebook details later on, or whatever..

But unless there is fascination, then there is no point doing any

of this, there is no point doing a number close on an

unfasinated girl, unless you’ve achieved compliance here, then

she’s not going to be compliant to a text message you sent.

The number close is “I’ve got to get back to my friends”, you

hand them your phone, then you say “lets do this thing… you

love coffee right?... I’ll send you a message and we’ll go for

coffee” and that’s it, and then you send them a message and go

for coffee.

Or the typical number close that we use in daygame goes, “you

going out tonight?”, “oh no way we’re probably going out

there?”, “you going out with your friends yeah?” “me and my

friends are coming down, I’ll send you a text if we get anywhere

near there”, pass her your phone and say” just put your number

in?” and then you’ve got it, and you go… It all makes sense, as

to why your getting the number, it’s never conveying interest


We’ve never mentioned full closing still.

But it would go like this, there’s always a reason that you can

casually hook up “your watching a DVD, you’ve got nacho’s in

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your fridge, you’ve got some takeaway, come back to yours to

save money on taxi fair” there’s always an excuse. The only

reason you can tell someone you like them, is when your

already in love and that’s after the third time.

And that’s it really, thanks for enjoying this introductory guide. I

just thought I would share the presentation, and model that

really was produced roughly into the beginning when I started

writing Sexual Capitalism.

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