Indian Muslim Council

IMC Shaping our destiny Mirza Yawar Baig

Transcript of Indian Muslim Council

IMCShaping our destiny

Mirza Yawar Baig

Indian Muslim reality1. 14% of population (About 200 million)2. Economic status lower than Dalits (Sachar

Committee)3. Literacy lowest of any community (42%

illiterate)4. Representation in Government & Agencies

@6.24%5. 2014/5: Rs. 4000 Cr in weddings in Hyderabad

aloneCrisis of morality and responsibility

Indian Muslim Council1. To create a genuine partnership between all Indian

Muslims to address critical to survival issues2. To enable active participation of all sectors of Indian

Muslims in matters that concern them3. To enable Indian Muslims to positively impact their

own future and the future of our nation for nation building

Constituted for the security & development of India

Working Principles1. Constituted under the appropriate legal framework2. Not affiliated to any political party or Maslak3. Will support and work with all existing

organizations 4. Will have Ulama as members along with others5. Will have effective participation of women

Active participation in nation building

IMC National Council



CouncilDistrict or

City CouncilLocal








Admin &


Overall Organization Structure

IMC Structure1. The Local Council is the fundamental building

block of the IMC. This will be at the city, or smaller level.

2. Membership is open to all members of civil society except politicians in active politics.

3. Members of the Admin & Finance Task Force will be fulltime professionals but will not have voting rights.

No salaries for any elected members

How to start?1. Speak to your friends locally in your town or

city district2. Show them this video and see if they are

interested3. Form the IMC Local Council making sure that

you take only sincere people with required skills

4. Take up one project that is important for you and work on it

Results come from action – not by talking about acting

IMC Election & Term1. All members of the Local Council will be elected by their

community for a period of 5 years.2. Members will be eligible for re-election for another term3. Members under 50 who have served 2 terms may be re-

elected after a cooling off period of 5 years4. Compulsory retirement at 65 years on their date of birth

Enforce leadership development & encourage youth

Board of Emeritus Advisors1. Retired leaders will automatically become

members of the Board of Emeritus Advisors which will be an advisory body to provide guidance, counsel and dua for the organization.

2. The Board will have no executive powers.

Retaining wisdom, harnessing energy, developing leaders

Election Rules1. Elections will be conducted by an Election Commission

which will be constituted every 4 years for the elections in the 5th year.

2. The EC will be made up of prominent members of society represented as per the constituents of the IMC.

3. The condition of being on the EC will be that the person will be debarred from standing for election in that year.

Integrity and competence in that order

No negative canvassing1. Anyone who uses hate speech, divisive language,

criticizes another candidate or disrespects anyone will be disqualified and barred from standing for election for a period of 10 years

2. Candidate’s names will be proposed by the community3. The EC which will investigate the personal record of the

candidate and the record of his/her contribution to the community

4. If satisfied, will invite the candidate to a forum that will be constituted for candidates to make presentations.Preventing evils of electoral politics

Candidate’s presentations1. All candidates will have to make these

presentations to be eligible for selection. No exceptions.

2. All presentations will consist of only one point:

1. What do you intend to do to make IMC successful and more effective?

We know who you are. Tell us what you will do.

Regional and National IMC1. The Regional IMC will be a sitting body which

will meet every month. 2. The National IMC will sit four times a year and

additionally for any special purpose of national importance, if necessary.

3. As such it will be possible for people to simultaneously be members of both bodies.

Eliminate bureaucracy – empower efficiency

Progression – Local to National1. Local Councils will elect representatives to the District

Council and similarly all the way to the National Council.2. It is envisaged that the Local Council be the entry portal

so that by the time someone gets to the National Council he/she will have rich work experience in IMC.

3. This will also ensure that those who get to the National Council are people with a track record of contribution.

Embedding the democratic process

Governing Council


Social Activists



Civil Society

Admin & Finance



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Matrix Structure1. All Councils will be organized in Task Forces of

specialists who will elect one member to the Governing Council

2. The Governing Council will take policy decisions which the individual Task Force will implement. This ensures that everyone has a say in the decision making process

3. The Governing Council will elect a Ameer who will be the spokesperson for the council

4. This structure will apply to all councils at all levels

No salaries for any elected members

Task Forces Working Norms1. Each Task Force will decide on the issues it

needs to deal with and prepare a budget2. This will be presented to the Governing Council 3. There will be a half-yearly Internal Assessment

and an Annual External Assessment of achievement of goals

Governing Council will raise funds to meet budget

Task Force Issues1. Issues will be decided by the Local Council

Task Forces and will depend on local needs.2. Some issues like education, employment, legal

aid, media watch etc. will be permanent needs at all levels

3. Experts may be consulted if necessary for any issue

Strict accountability and financial control must be exercised

Finance 1. For any organization to function we need money. It

is proposed that every working Muslim person contributes Rs. 100 per month to the Regional IMC.

2. All contributions will be voluntary and if the IMC provides the service, the funds will come.

3. By paying Rs. 12oo per year every Muslim will demonstrate that he has both vision and commitment

Involve the entire community

Broad based funding1. The numbers of Muslims we have will ensure that there is

more than sufficient funding. 2. Broad basing the funding will ensure that the rich don’t

hijack the IMC by funding it and threatening to withhold funding if their personal interests are not met.

3. This doesn’t prevent the rich from donating more but reminds everyone that it is ours, so we must pay for it.

Accountability to Allahهلالج لج must guide us all

Budgeting1. Each IMC will prepare an annual budget and

use their funds to fulfill their requirements. In addition, each Regional IMC will fund 25% of the budget of the National IMC.

2. Surplus funds from the Regional IMCs will be invested in an Endowment Fund to be used for special projects.

Total financial transparency & accountability

Decision Making Process1. Matter is placed before the plenary2. It is discussed/debated in detail in an objective, data

based manner3. Recommendations are given by all concerned4. Ameer or Interested/Affected party decides on a course

of action5. Everyone abides by and supports the decision 6. No lobbying before or complaining after the decision is

takenBenefit for community & country over-rides all else

Move fromMe You




Conflict Resolution Process1. Remember we need to find a solution – not win

an argument. 2. Respect for each other and each other’s opinions3. No personal condemnation or attack4. Treat different opinions as other ways to look at

the issue

Learn and practice Adaab-ul-Ikhtilaaf

Training 1. It is recognized that training in Decision Making,

Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication, Presentation Skills, Listening Skills, will be critical for the effective functioning of the IMC

2. In addition Budgeting, Performance Evaluation, Goal Setting are also critical to success.

3. We volunteer to do this free of cost for any IMC that requests it. Please see for more info.

Other skill providers are welcome to volunteer

Maslak / Madhab differences1. The IMC respects and welcomes all Masaalik/Madhahib 2. All differences in belief or practice are respected and it

is recognized that common issues that are irrespective of Maslak/Madhab still need to be addressed

3. All individual political affiliations are also respected likewise

4. IMC will never discuss political or religious differences

No Maslak/Madhab conflict is possible if this is followed

Conclusion 1. I hope this body will be a true representative of Indian

Muslims and be able to look after their needs in a way that will change our future.

2. I believe it is time that Indian Muslims stopped shifting the responsibility to take care of themselves on others so that they can contribute to their own generations.

3. If you don’t plan for yourself, someone else plans for you

It’s our own destiny that we have to write

I ask Allahهلالج لج for His help.1.To take care of each other is both a

religious and citizenship requirement. 2.I believe it is time we decided to

perform it.

البالغ Rال وما علينا إRين المب


[email protected]