Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CALCUTTA WORKING PAPER SERIES WPS No. 598 /December 2006 Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects by Gaurav Sharma, Priyanka Anand PG Students, IIM Calcutta, Diamond Harbour Road, Joka P.O., Kolkata 700 104 India & Anindya Sen Professor, IIM Calcutta, Diamond Harbour Road, Joka P.O., Kolkata 700104 India

Transcript of Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects

Page 1: Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects



WPS No. 598 /December 2006

Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects


Gaurav Sharma, Priyanka Anand

PG Students, IIM Calcutta, Diamond Harbour Road, Joka P.O., Kolkata 700 104 India


Anindya Sen

Professor, IIM Calcutta, Diamond Harbour Road, Joka P.O., Kolkata 700104 India

Page 2: Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects

Indian Hardware Industry – Structure,

Problems and Prospects

Gaurav Sharma1

Priyanka Anand2

Anindya Sen3


We wish to thank Mr. Sanjoy and Ms. Madhumita from CMIE for sparing time and

helping us with data requests and reference reports without which this paper would not

have been complete.

1 PG student, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

2 PG student, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

3 Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Page 3: Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects



The tremendous growth of the software industry in recent times has attracted a lot of

attention from analysts. However, the computer hardware industry has also exhibited

significant growth in recent years, through the nature of this growth has not been

analysed in a comprehensive framework so far. In the current paper, we try to provide

such an analysis with an economic focus in the Indian context. We look at the trends in

the different segments of this industry. The paper concludes by pinpointing global trends

and then trying to identify possible trends in the Indian hardware market.

Page 4: Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects


1. Introduction

The tremendous growth of the software industry in recent times has attracted a

lot of attention from analysts. However, the computer hardware industry has also

exhibited significant growth in recent years, through the nature of this growth has not

been analysed in a comprehensive framework so far. In the current paper, we try to

provide such an analysis with an economic focus. In section 2, we briefly discuss some of

the salient features of this industry. The next section sets out the global scenario. In

section 4, we lay out the Indian scenario. We start with a historical background, and then

look at the trends in the different segments of this industry. The major players in the

market are also identified. This is followed by analysis of the impact of technology,

several important issues facing the industry, and discussion of government policies.

Section 5 concludes by pinpointing global trends and then trying to identify possible

trends in the Indian hardware market.

2. Nature of the Computer Hardware Industry

2.1 Industry Structure

IT industry can be segmented into hardware, software and training. Hardware has

little synergy with software and very few companies are engaged in both activities. Even

where hardware companies provide 'total solutions', software is typically off the shelf

software developed by specialized software companies. 4 Characteristics and market

requirements of both the segments are vastly different.

The computer hardware industry can be further segmented into:

• Complete systems like mainframes, workstations, personal computers, etc.

Workstations can be further subdivided in to two categories namely the

traditional workstations and personal workstations. Traditional workstations are

defined as RISC-based high-performance computing terminals with the operating

system as UNIX or Open VMS. Personal workstations are defined as Intel-based

computing systems with either UNIX or NT as an operating system.

• Peripherals like printer, modem, digitizer, etc. and

4 IBM's acquisition of Lotus is one of the few exceptions to this case.

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• Consumables like cables, wires, switches, etc.

2.2 Key Characteristics

A number of features of the hardware industry deserve mention.

a) Low Vertical Integration

Hardware is sold mostly like a commodity - there is very little differentiation in terms

of capabilities and performance. No single company manufactures the entire system on

its own. Each company produces one or two basic parts, which are assembled together

and sold as a complete system. Several regions/ companies have emerged as leaders for

various products. Examples are Intel for microprocessor chips, Malaysian and Taiwanese

companies for printed circuit boards and other electronic parts and so on.

b) Technology

Advancing technology is the performance driver in the hardware market. It

essentially makes it cost-effective to make more complex chips in increasingly compact

sizes and provide a better value proposition.

Another trend observed in computer hardware is that of the convergence of different

products. New products are introduced with new and varied capabilities. Such a fast

evolving market has widened the avenues of competition as well. In some segments

computer hardware companies are directly competing with consumer electronics

companies making personal entertainment systems.

As the industry is marked by commoditization, it is essential that companies

consolidate to make use of economies of scale in order to retain profitability. This is a

typical market structure in a mature commodity industry.

c) Short product life cycle

The hardware industry is different from many other industries in that new products

are constantly being introduced and are premium earners for a short duration before

imitation by the industry leads to commoditization. In this context, companies have to

consistently strive to introduce innovative products on which premiums can be earned.

Such expenditure on R&D can only be justified by economies of scale and the ability of

the company to reach the customers first and penetrate markets to a large extent on


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2.3 Industry Analysis

The IT industry has gone through many phases and is still transforming itself,

though the pace of transformation seems to have slowed in recent times. Based on the

discussion the previous section, we can therefore identify the following features of the

hardware industry:

• Mature Industry: With the passage of time the industry has matured, starting with as

many as 90 players it has slimmed down to nearly 10 major players. This has given birth

to a stiff and healthy competition. We can see that the hardware industry has reached the

zenith point and any further drastic changes in the industry cannot be foreseen. This is

leaving less room for new entrants to enter the market.

•Technology Driven: When we say that the industry is technology sensitive we refer to

major changes in the manufacturing process which involves a need to dump the existing

facilities and adopt a more sophisticated one. The point to be noted is that the

manufacturing process may undergo a change but no significant change is evident in the

hardware products. The only change expected is in the microprocessors segment.

• High Competition: The competition among computer hardware companies is

particularly intense. On the one hand, in the traditional PC market, companies' products

have largely become commoditized, with constant downward pressure on prices (and

narrowing profit margins) being the result. On the other hand, there are markets for

innovative new products, like tablet PCs and ultra-minimal desktops that are not yet fully

commoditized. Here, the race is on to develop products at breakneck speed so that a

company can be first to market a product. If a company falters in new product

introduction, it instantly becomes a target for larger companies looking to acquire new

businesses. In the era of high competition and depleting margins industry has witnessed

the extinction of nearly 80 companies since its inception. Some were forced to leave and

others had to consolidate. A recent illustration of this phenomenon can be the merger of

HP and COMPAQ. The high competition is expected to prevail; survival of the fittest is

the call of the day. DELL has given a serious fight to both IBM and HP, which are being

forced to move into ancillary services away from hardware.

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•Global Supply: Outsourcing has been the buzz word and one of the keys to success in

today’s corporate world. The entire world has been a market for the hardware players.

This has also led to the mushrooming of suppliers globally. Hence economic sourcing of

supplies has become the need of the hour. This also provides reliability and cost


• Price Elastic: The industry demand is price elastic which means a small reduction in

the price may boost sales. This is more evident in the PC market. Dell’s recent reduction

in the prices is giving sleepless nights to its competitors.

3. Global Scenario

The global computer hardware market grew by 5.6% in 2004 to reach a value

of $338.5 billion. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2000-

2004 was 2.4%. Sales of personal computers account for 43.4% of the global

computer hardware market's value.

Table 1: Share of PCs in Global Hardware market

Category % share

Other Computer Hardware 56.6%

Personal Computers 43.4%

Source: Datamonitor

Looking at the Table 2, we observe that the growth rate has constantly increased

with the exception of year 2001 in which hardware products registered a decline

owing to IT Industry meltdown.

Table 2: Global Computer Hardware Market Value: $billion, 2000-04

Year $ billion % Growth 2000 308.0

2001 299.6 -2.7%

2002 308.0 2.8%

2003 320.5 4.1%

2004 338.5 5.6%

CAGR 2000-2004 2.4%

Source: Datamonitor

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Figure 1: Global Hardware Industry Market Value









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

% G




$ bi


$ billion % Growth

Source: Datamonitor

An interesting point to note here is the geographic distribution of growth as exhibited in

Table 3. Asia Pacific has captured a major chunk of this with about 36 % growth.

Countries like India, Korea and Taiwan inspite of being non-manufacturing hubs have

shown high positive growth rates indicating the widening customer base in these areas.

Although the number of market players has come down, and despite the big role of

unorganised sector, MNCs are able to increase the growth in sales year after year by

setting up manufacturing bases in countries like India and utilising the route of price-


Table 3: Global Computer Hardware Market Geographic Segmentation, % share

by value, 2004

Geography % Share

Asia- Pacific 38.8%

Europe 27.5%

US 26.8%

Rest of the World 6.6%

South Africa .3%

Source: Datamonitor

The Asia-Pacific region accounts for 38.8% of the global computer hardware

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market's value, while Europe maintains a 27.5% share of the global market’s value. It is

very important to note that growth and domination from Asia – Pacific region is

largely due to base products like semi conductor and chip industries in countries like

Taiwan and Korea which is an important lesson and learning from the Indian


4. Indian Scenario

4.1 History

The wars in the 1960s and the subsequent refusal of the US to sell electronic

equipment to India in 1965 fuelled the Indian government’s need for a policy for "self

reliance" in defence.5 In that backdrop, the Habra Committee report’s central theme

inevitably was "indigenization"- a word that drove the course of the Indian hardware

industry for over a decade. In this section, we will look into the factors responsible for

the growth of hardware industry in India.

Lack of Advanced Products

Prior to 1977, there were no Indian producers in the Computer hardware

business but a few international companies such as DEC, ICL, Honeywell, and IBM

dominated the scene. These MNCs largely sold old, refurbished systems in India with a

substantial mark-up. In 1971, India’s request for advanced computers was turned down

by IBM, and this triggered off the Indian government’s interest in the industry.

Government Monopoly

Subsequently, the government took the monopoly route and set up the first

domestic producer of computers, the Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL).

Its brief was to tie up with international companies for local manufacture of

computers—and to increase the local content to a point of "self sustenance". At the

same time, the Department of Electronics and the Electronics Commission were

established and later in 1976, Computer Maintenance Corporation was set up. Import of

computers was carefully regulated, depending on ECIL’s production capacity, and the

entry of the local private sector was controlled. Foreign investment was discouraged

through the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) passed in 1974 that prevented

5 The Habra Committee on Informatics was setup to establish the role of IT to further that end.

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any foreign company from holding more than 40% equity. Its implementation in 1977

led to the exit of IBM (market share of 70%) from India.

The general government policy of heavy industrial regulation hurt the computer

industry: (a) The MRTP (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices) Act set limits on

the capacity of companies, and prevented them from achieving economies of scale and

learning through mass production.

(a) Licenses for narrowly defined products were required from more than one

government authority which meant that it could take years before all licenses were


(b) Import of components was highly restricted through tariffs.

(c) Foreign investment was restricted through FERA and the IT Act.

At the end of 1977, the installed base of computers in India was only 450. ECIL

started production in 1977. The period 1977-83 witnessed excess domestic demand for

computers, and domestic companies were born trying to meet this demand. The

restrictions on foreign participation in the industry thus ignited the local Indian industry.

CMC used the opportunity and government protection to expand its skills

quickly and eventually found itself servicing 40 foreign platforms. The private sector—

which had been pulling at the leash for an entry into the industry—suddenly found the

field all to itself. IBM was gone and ECIL, despite its highly popular S-16s and S-32s, had

other problems. For one, it often took 18 to 24 months to deliver systems and there was

a dreadful lack of applications on its proprietary operating system. Importing computers

was expensive and painful—import clearances were difficult to come by and in any case,

the DoE (Deptt. Of Electronics) clearance took at least six to eight months. 6

At the time, companies like DCM-DP (Delhi Cloth Mills-Data Products), Nelco

(headed by JRD Tata) and Microcomp (a breakaway of DCM) were making desktop

electronic calculators. They seized the moment to move into selling computers. Others

like CMS, Wipro, and Blue Star followed suit.

From 1984, however, the situation started changing when the government

explicitly recognized the productivity increasing role of the electronics industry. Policy 6 Hardware: All About Frontiers, Reached and Crossed; DataQuest Magazine December 2002

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changes and liberalization of the sector was set to roll in 1984-5. The new policy

withdrew limits on capacity. Licenses could be obtained through one government

authority, the inter-ministerial standing committee, for a ‘broad-band’ of goods. Tariffs

and excise taxes were reduced. Restrictions on import of components were reduced in

1984-5 and the import of technology and foreign collaboration were permitted. The new

policy led to phenomenal growth of the computer hardware industry. It reduced the

growth and entry barriers in the industry and promoted a competitive environment.

Government policy has therefore played a large role in the dynamics of the

computer hardware industry and continues to do so to some extent. It has been erratic as

it responded various crises, especially related to foreign exchange.

Large demand for the computer hardware was created by government decision to

increase spending on computer systems. The introduction of IBM PC in 1982 was

followed by a number of subsequent introductions of PCs compatible in India. A series

of price wars followed. The upshot was that the consumer got a better value for money,

companies became more efficient and PC sales went up by 116% in 2001-02.

As MNC entry norms became further liberalized and the local market looked set

to boom, the late 80s and early 90s saw a sudden spurt in joint venture operations. This

was initiated by agency operation joint ventures and followed by JVs proper. By the early

90s, almost every major Indian company had a major MNC tie-up. HCL tied up with

Apollo and then with HP (when HP took over Apollo); PSI with Bull; Modi-Olivetti;

DCM-DP with Control Data Corp. Wipro was to later tie up with Acer and bring the

Sun Sparc to India. Finally in 1992, IBM returned to India in partnership with the Tatas.

This consolidation of the industry led to rapid growth and increased efficiencies.

In 1980, the Indian computer industry comprised of a handful of people and earned

gross revenues of Rs 75 crores. Before the end of the decade, in 1989, HCL became the

first company to cross the Rs 100-crore mark and the Indian IT industry crossed Rs

1,000 crores in overall revenues.

Innovation of technology has been the mainstay of growth in the hardware

industry throughout its history. Stagnation in the industry in the 80s was averted by the

two events that set off an entirely new industry—Unix, a multi-user OS, and Novell.

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The era of local area networking had begun with the 286 itself. Novell’s Network

OS—Netware—was based on the 286 and was introduced in the late 80s. It supported

the Ethernet—a networking protocol that allowed 10 Mbps transfer rate compared to

the 19200 prevalent at the time. But the cabling cost was enormous. The 286 was a good

machine but it was a 16-bit system with limited computing power. Besides, few

applications were available on Novell. When the 386 was introduced, things changed. It

was a 32-bit machine capable of some serious applications. As a result, people were

looking at running Unix on the 386, connecting up terminals at a fraction of the PC cost.

Technology once accepted by the market creates a multiplier effect in demand

for the product and leads to the creation of new industries and growth opportunities. All

the support hardware needs to be supported with the new successful technology and

hence product sales tend to rise sharply following a successful launch. Such was the case

as experienced by the networking products. Almost all hardware, including the printer,

needed to have drivers for Novell Netware or Unix. Among other things, this led to the

creation of entirely new industry—the networking and communications sector.

Since then, technology has kept the industry alive and kicking with ever reducing

price points due to technological advancement and increased competition.

4.2 Industry Overview

The market for computer hardware in the emerging Indian economy is split

between smaller domestic players and large multinational companies. It is comprised of

Indian branded players, MNC players and assembly players. While the Indian brands had

a 19% market share in 2001-02, MNC brands had a higher 35% market share and the

rest 46% was held by Assembled (Branded + Unbranded) players. The computer

hardware market consists of personal computers, servers, mainframes, workstations, and

peripherals. The market value figure relates to end-user spending on hardware. Market

segmentations relate to spending on personal computers and other computer hardware

(including mainframes, servers, and peripherals). The Indian computer hardware market

has exhibited high growth rates during the past five years. The high growth rates can be

attributed to the fact that a large middle class has emerged in India, and there has been

rapid growth in the IT industry. In addition, sales of PCs and servers have increased over

the last five years, and the decline in prices of notebook computers plus innovative

Page 13: Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects


marketing strategies have boosted sales volume. Future growth in the market will be

driven by massive investment in the educational sector, among other factors.

The Indian computer hardware market generated total revenues of $5.3 billion in

2004, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.6% for the five year

period spanning 2000-2004 (Table 4). Sales of other (non-PC) hardware form the leading

segment in the market, generating total revenues of $2.8 billion in 2004, equivalent to

52.6% of the overall market value. In comparison, the personal computer hardware

sector was worth $2.6 billion, which represented a 47.4% share of the market’s value.

The Indian computer hardware market grew by 19.8% in 2004 to reach a value of $5.3

billion. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2000-2004 was

17.6%. Sales of personal computers account for 47.4% of the computer hardware

market's value.

Table 4: Indian Computer Hardware Market Value: $billion, 2000-04

Source: Datamonitor

Table 5: India Computer Hardware Market Segmentation % Share by Value, 2004

Category % share

Other Computer Hardware 52.6%

Personal Computers 47.4%

Source: Datamonitor

Year $ billion INR billion % Growth

2000 2.8 125.7

2001 3.2 143.2 13.9%

2002 3.5 160.6 12.2%

2003 4.4 200.6 24.9%

2004 5.3 240.3 19.8%

CAGR 2000-2004 17.6%

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Figure 2: Indian Computer Hardware Market Value








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

% G










R b



INR billion % Growth

Source: Datamonitor

4.3 Trends in the Indian hardware industry

4.3.1 Digital Projectors

From being an adornment for corporate boardrooms, the projector has invaded

the households now. Evolving projector technology and decline in prices have opened

up the market in India. A large part of the demand is generated by the ever increasing

number of educational institutes in the country.

The top three players in this market are NEC, InFocus, and Epson. In value

terms, digital projectors garnered Rs 237 crore during 2004. In terms of technology,

digital light processing (DLP) constituted 34% and liquid crystal display (LCD)

accounted for the balance 66%. Weight is also a key criteria and the market is divided on

those lines also.7 For instance, projectors weighing 2-3 kg constituted 50% of the total

market in 2004.

Vendors also expect a growing demand from the corporate and education

segment. While there exists a huge potential in the small and medium business (SMB)

and home segment, the growth rate will be slow given the gradual adoption by the SMB

players. The concept of projector–based home theatre system is still in its infancy.

7 The Big Picture, Shrikanth G, DataQuest Magazine November 2005

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Technology innovation, coupled with enhanced production, would drive down prices, as

market and product differentials gradually start moving away from product features to

factors such as service, ease of purchase, and price.

The digital projector market in India is a highly fragmented one with estimates

pegging it close to 30 players. This scenario exists due to low entry barriers for hardware

manufacturers to enter projector production in addition to other products. In terms of

market visibility, players like Epson, NEC, InFocus, Sharp, and Toshiba occupy the top

slots. HP has used its economies of scale to introduce a slew of digital projectors aimed

at various buying segments. HP has come out with value additions like built-in DVD

players and in-built flash memory, which enable users to store presentations and beam

them without the aid of a PC. It has leveraged these state-of-the-art mobility and wireless

features to earn a premium from the high value segment of corporate houses and

educational institutions.

3.3.2 UPS

The UPS industry in India is highly fragmented – it consists of many unorganized

players at the lower end and organized players at the higher end of the segment. The

escalation of the market share of branded players in the last two years has stunted the

growth in the unorganized sector.

UPS devices, over time, have renovated technologically. As we trace the

evolution path of power back-ups, it is only post 1980s that vendors have started

realizing the business potential in this space. In the 80s, an age dominated by mainframe

computers, power blackouts were predominantly managed through standby generators.

This approach just kept the key systems up and running while the majority of terminal

users were denied access. This lacuna acted as the catalyst for the emergence of defined

segments in the UPS space. It was during this time that standalone PC back-ups came

into being and created a new market altogether. Standalone UPS devices of various

capacities have now become default PC peripheral devices.

Industry experts broadly classify the UPS market into three segments8:

8 UPS:Surging Ahead With Power, Shrikanth G, DataQuest Magazine July 2005

Page 16: Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects


a) Micro UPS segment (upto 3 KVA) that largely caters to the SOHO (small office -

home office), SME (Small and medium enterprise), and corporate sectors for

stand-alone PCs and small network stations. The government is also a big

customer of this segment.

b) Small-medium UPS segment (3-20 KVA) caters to corporates, institutions, retail

outlets, and hypercritical applications such as ISPs, ERP implementers, VSAT,

email servers.

c) At the top end, high-end UPS or enterprise segment (20 KVA and above) caters

to segments such as Infotech, telecom, datacenters, BPOs, and industrial entities.

A key yardstick for the growing stature of the UPS industry is the maturing of the

home segment and aggressive enterprise buying in the last two years. Some of the UPS

vendors only cater to the SOHO, with their entry-level offerings. Here price offerings are

low and huge volumes are achieved. The enterprise segment brings in big revenues for a

handful of big UPS vendors, and a typical large enterprise goes for a range of power back

up devices. For instance, data-centers, BPOs, and financial institutions, where downtime

is not at all acceptable, go for huge capacity power backups. Enterprises also opt for UPS

placed in a networked environment where workgroups share a single UPS. In terms of

consumption, the metros are the biggest markets and only in the recent times is one

seeing a shift towards B and C class cities. However, most vendors are putting in place

aggressive growth strategies to capture more market share from the higher end of the


The growing UPS market clearly indicates that it is now treated as mission critical

equipment. The power conditioning market is getting more sensitive and mature to the

evolving needs of the businesses. With India assuming a key role in the Asian economy,

businesses are attuned to the fact that they need to be robust in terms of infrastructure,

to attract and retain investors. Hence network uptime is extremely essential. In line with

the critical nature of power back-up devices, most of the vendors during the year pitched

on 99.99% uptime. Selling power back-up solutions has assumed the path of the software

services models by vendors giving Service Level Agreement (SLA) guarantees on uptime.

This is has been the core USP of the UPS market, and a key differentiator.

A look at the vendors in the fray shows a highly divided market in India. The Indian

UPS market can be divided into three vendor categories – national, regional and local.

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Vendors like APC, Emerson, Eaton Power Quality, DB Power, Numeric, Microtek,

TVSE, and Ingram Micro compete on an all India basis. Meanwhile at the regional level,

players like Champion, Elnova, and the likes have good traction. The local players

operate city-wise and provide assembled UPS that mainly go with PC assemblers. The

local UPS segment falls under the unorganized sector of the UPS market and numerous

players dominate that space.

Performance-wise, during 2004-05, most of the frontline national players have grown

well. For instance, APC found good movement of its offerings and also attacked SMBs

and large enterprises with different power back up configurations. Numeric Power

Systems also had a good run during the year with its product offerings moving up the

value chain.

4.3.3 Monitors

As we look at the evolution of the monitor market in India, right from the VGA

days, it was the PC assemblers who have been driving the demand of standalone CRTs.

But as branded PC vendors gained customer favour, the standalone monitor market has

become more of a kind of exclusive market in the peripheral space (refer to fig 3). This is

because of the current oligopolistic nature of the market. There are only a few drivers

now who power the standalone monitor business: one, the PC assemblers, two, the

consumers upgrading to latest technology monitors from older ones, and three, the

OEM sales.

Fig. 3: Indian H/W Vendor Shares Fig. 4: Indian H/W Market Structure

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The major players in the monitor business are LG, Samsung, Microtek, and HCL.

Advances in technology have reduced prices and thus improved affordability. Low entry

barriers and easy availability of market access and technology has led to the entry of a

plethora of new players.

Table 6: Market Share of Branded Monitors, India

Brand % Market Share

Samsumg 40.4%

LG Electronics 32.2%

HCL 4.2%

Proview 3.1%

ACC 1.1%

Others 19%

Source: IDC India, 2006

In a commoditized industry as this, it has been difficult for players to gain market

share, the strategy followed is essentially to increase shelf space of their products in the

retail stores. Companies are trying to strengthen their regional distribution channels and

push volumes in the assembler segment. Players have tried hard to lure the customer

with their brand, but have managed to do so only with very small brand premiums.

Recent import duty rationalizations have reduced the price differential between the

imported and Indian monitors to only about 4%.

Since hardware products are generally sold by bundling, it is only when the price

points come down that the bundles change and the higher end products are accepted en

masse by the market. Thus the industry is marked by a mass shift in demand from one

product to another. In a technology driven industry like hardware, where new products

are introduced very often, such a demand pattern results in very short life cycle/shelf life

of the products.

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Table 7: Monitor Market Structure & Growth

Source: IDC India, 2006 Source: IDC India, 2006

With the assemblers finding the going difficult in the last two years, the

standalone monitor market volumes are headed for a slow down in the days ahead.

Similarly, many PC users with 14- and 15-inch monitors are also likely to upgrade in

favor of 17-inch CRTs.9

Demand for a higher end product is driven by the extent of bundling in the

market. Even though the 17-inch monitors got into the mainstream with good demand

from the home and SMB segment, they have not been able to replace the 15-inch

monitors that still remain the default entry-level monitor shipped with PCs.

We can see the extent to which price governs sales of a hardware product

(monitors here) in the following analysis:

Table 8

The display market in India underwent rapid changes. The TFT-LCD market is

outpacing the growth of CRT monitors and there is a sharp shift towards 17-inch LCD

monitors. Growing awareness of LCD technology and decline in the price differential

between CRT and LCD monitors has contributed to the growth of LCD monitor market

growth in India.

9 Monitors: Getting Flat, Shrikanth G, DataQuest Magazine July 2005

LCD vs CRT (Units)

2004-05 2005-06 % Growth

CRT 3,371,755 4,164,163 24% LCD 283,420 807,314 185% Total 3,655,175 4,971,477 36%

Branded vs OEM (Units) 2004-05 2005-06 % GrowthBranded 2,656,847 2,879,202 8% OEM 998,328 2,092,275 110% Total 3,655,175 4,971,477 36%

Type Average Price Market Share

17-inch CRT 5,500 22.5%

15-inch CRT 4,500 67.5%

LCD 10,000 10%

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The monitor market is extremely technology driven with new innovations being

the main source of growth. At present, the CRT has reached its saturation point with its

full-flat version. Prohibitive costs had limited the adoption of LCDs in the past, but a

decline in its price has expanded the consumer options. Verticals like healthcare, hotels,

airports, BPO, and IT are the key markets for LCD at present consuming more than

80% of the LCD shipments. Purchase decisions in this market are largely influenced by

product price-value combination. Although the decline in price differential between LCD

and CRT monitors have played a large role in the growth of the LCD monitor market in

India, consumer awareness is of key importance to ensure fast and widespread

acceptance of efficient technology. A close look at the tangible and intangible benefits of

LCDs indicates that large- and mid-sized enterprise-monitor-buying decisions are

increasingly favouring LCDs. For instance, a 17-inch CRT monitor today costs around

Rs 6,000 and the LCD monitor Rs 10,000. One needs to pay a premium of Rs 4,000 in

order to acquire a 15-inch LCD monitor. But the real value of the LCD lies in the lower

running costs, and shorter payback period of between two-to-three years through saving

in space and electricity.

4.3.4 Printers

Printers constitute a significant proportion of the IT peripherals space with

numerous offerings based on the two dominant technologies – impact and the non-

impact. Important factor in printer choices are a high level of print RoI, total running

cost, total cost of operation, and level of simplification to existing document

management processes. Consumers have become extremely conscious of the return to

the print investments, most corporate buy decisions have been made on the basis of an

increase to company productivity. Such increasing awareness on the part of consumers

has forced companies to change their offering in the printer segment. More and more

vendors are opting for a solutions approach to printing and in some cases also acted as

consultants to organizations to help them choose the best print devices. This approach

has helped them create a price differential in their offerings. Customers looking for

increased efficiency in processes have become less price conscious and more service


Print offerings across categories have segmented across on definite consumer

lines. The age of generic print solutions is over. So now vendors need to position each of

Page 21: Indian Hardware Industry – Structure, Problems and Prospects


their product offerings in such a way that buyers find a clear value proposition. If we

look at the last year, all print vendors aggressively focused on the print RoI and talked

about how users can cut down print costs by choosing appropriate technologies. As we

look at the year ahead, except single function inkjets, all print segments are expected to

garner good growth. Entry-level single function inkjet unit shipments will continue to

decline or remain flat.10 During the same time, single function lasers are expected to

register huge growth, as inkjet users in bigger numbers will migrate to laser technologies.

Meanwhile, inkjet as a technology will thrive in the MFD space, as vendors will further

reduce the price-points leading to price war here. Players such as HP will leverage their

PC business and will aggressively bundle inkjet MFDs with PCs. Meanwhile, A3 copier

based MFD will further gain in popularity as companies with demanding imaging and

output needs will opt for A3 MFDs.

4.3.5 Scanners

Globally, scanners are losing their sheen. Driving this change without doubt is

the multifunction device (MFDs) and their all in one capability in wooing the buyers to

opt for MFDs instead of scanners. The impact was felt to the maximum extent for entry-

level scanners, which once constituted a thriving market when printers used to be

predominantly single function. But since 2003, MFDs slowly started making their

presence felt and provided ample pointers of an impending impact on standalone input

devices. A typical case of product obsolescence, entry-level scanners would soon become

history, but at the same time mid and high-end segments will fill up the void and will

continue to grow. The drivers that will enable organizations to look for high-end

production scanners would be the need to bring paper based knowledge into their

eContent, and the need for quicker turnaround of business processes.

There is a strengthening cannibalization effect in the peripherals space: the

phenomenon of single function inkjet printers and entry-level scanners being replaced by

All-in-Ones (AIO) is not being observed in India right now but in the West the trend is

gaining momentum. The CRTs are being challenged by the TFTs and Desktops which

are in turn being challenged by Notebooks. While it will take a while for this trend to

catch up in India, one segment that has already come into sharp focus is the Scanner

market and the direction it will take as a standalone product in the peripherals space.

10 IDC India Quarterly PC Market Program, 2005

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In a technology driven market, cannibalization of old products by new offerings

seems inevitable. MFDs and high mega pixel digital cameras pose a serious threat to the

future of entry-level scanners. Most vendors have shifted focus to the mid and high-end

scanner requirements that are driven by verticals like BFSI, publishing and the


A look at the scanner market shows that MFD has started cannibalizing other

output devices. In the printer space, Inkjets are facing the onslaught of MFDs. Inkjets,

for instance, that have been posting flat values over the last two years, showed marginal

decline in volumes for the first time.

For one, vendors will find the going tough in projecting the USP of single-

function devices because with a marginal additional cost, a consumer would prefer a

MFD that can print, scan, and copy. With Inkjet MFDs becoming highly affordable over

the year with prices breaching the Rs 5K mark, a consumer intending to buy a scanner at

Rs 3K might opt for a MFD. Still, vendors are hopeful that exclusive consumer needs-

including quality output and special tools to enhance the image-will drive the demand for

standalone devices like scanners.

Table 9: Major Players: Scanners & Printers, India

Share by Volume 2005-06

HP 53.7%

Umax 24.2%

Canon 11.3%

Microtek 3.5%

BenQ 4.9%

Source: IDC India, 2006

Table 10: Scanner Market Size, India

Scanner Market Size

2004-05 2005-06

Units Value (Rs crore) Units Value (Rs crore)

174,418 112 157,973 105

Source: IDC India, 2006

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While both entry-level scanners and single function inkjet printer volumes are

expected to decline dramatically, new technology enhancements will bring in the much

needed volume stabilization of standalone devices. For instance, USB 2.0 is getting into

the mainstream. Scanners with version two of USB will bring in greater benefits to the

customers in terms of data transfer from their PCs. This will lead to more enterprises

overhauling their old scanners, mostly entry level, and migrating to faster and more

functionally rich scanners.

While this will hasten the high-end scanner market, it will also lead to a market

for used scanners. These will be sold at very low prices and will result in some amount of

market expansion. For instance, an entry-level scanner was costing around Rs 6,300 in

2000. The resale value of the same now is a mere Rs 1,000 and going down by the day.

While far more technically advanced scanners, even on the entry level space, are available

at Rs 3,500, cost-conscious first time SOHO consumers will opt for used scanners

instead of newer ones. The role of the vendor in such a market is to enable easy

migration to new imaging technologies by all customers and to avoid development of a

cheap resale market that eats up on market demand. Hence the vendor will have to offer

innovative buy-back programs that drive higher end scanner demand.

4.3.6 Desktop PC

Desktop PC business is characterized by the cut-throat competition with

numerous vendors (branded and un-branded) inhabiting this space. HCL and HP

continue to dominate the desktop PC business, and HCL has retained its number one

position with a market share of 15%.11 HCL Infosystems is the leader of the Indian PC

industry in terms of total annual shipments of desktop PCs. The key growth drivers for

the industry are increased spending by verticals such as telecom, banking, retail, and

ITeS. The PC market has been segmented into low, mid and high-end over the years.

This is essentially because of a large gamut of choices in specifications are available to the

users and they have been allowed to self select themselves into an appropriate consumer

segments. This has allowed the PC vendors to exploit the consumer surplus to the

optimum level in a highly commoditized market.

11 IDC India Quarterly Monitor Market Program, 2005

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Another initiative that has brought huge growth to Acer is the widespread

introduction of retail stores over a large number of locations. Acer has been able to

register growth of 39% in desktops in unit terms. Acer also made major inroads to the B

and C class cities.

Giving tough competition to Acer is Zenith, which has become one of the

leading Indian systems players in the country. The company, over the years, has made

significant initiatives that have strengthened its overall PC business.

A possible PC market driver could be notebooks which showed an 88% increase in

terms of shipments last year, but the numbers are small. The interesting thing that has

happened, perhaps, for the first time, was that branded PCs snatched away some market

share from assemblers. Also, if the government's new thrust on Internet services and

broadband takes off, and if the telecom service providers really move on with their

wireless initiatives, PC and notebook sales in the country could really take off. PC

penetration is considered a key parameter in judging the level and role of IT in any

economy. A closer look at the server market shows that the non-PC server segment is

under pressure, and its growth was much less compared to PC servers. The PC server

growth was driven by unprecedented demand from the BFSI and telecom sectors on one

hand, and dropping prices on the other.

4.2 Major players in the Indian market

We provide in brief the profiles of the leading market players in Indian hardware


HCL Infosystems: This is the country's number one desktop brand. The company

targeted aggressively the B and C class cities and expanded its distribution network. It

attacked all the buying segments with low cost processors like Via to industry standard

P4 HT offerings. The aggression HCL has showed in pricing its products in a way has

kick-started the price war with brands like Acer, and vendors like HP cutting down end-

user price points. Another significant development for HCL was its launch of the high-

end home PC called Neo, complementing its Beanstalk range.

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HCL is the exclusive distributor of Toshiba notebooks in India, but with Toshiba

aligned to the higher end of the spectrum HCL was unable to tap the low and mid-end

segments of the portables. To plug this gap, HCL has made a low key launch of its own

brand of notebooks called eZeebee and Powerlite. So, HCL continues to extend its

strategy competing on price to the notebooks segment as well

Zenith Computers: This Indian company has, over the years, reinvented itself in

more ways than one. With its state of the art plant in Goa, Zenith's manufacturing

capabilities were ungraded considerably. Moreover, the company put in practice a

number of manufacturing best practices. In 2004 & 2005 Zenith introduced higher and

better range products, backing them with superior quality control and distribution. It

offers its products at different price points to cater to different consumer preferences

and has been extremely successful in capturing and maintaining its market share. On the

exports front, the company has mandates from Bangladesh and other SAARC countries,

and its entire product offerings were certified with CE and FCC norms.

IBM: IBM has been a major player in the Indian market since before deregulation of

the industry. It had up to 70% market share but exited from India due to dissatisfaction

with government regulations. The IBM brand is associated with high quality products

and commands a premium in that regard. After selling off its PC division to Lenovo in

2004, IBM has concentrated on notebooks and on consolidating its market share.12 IBM

India experienced a 146% growth in notebook sales as a result of this consolidation. The

demand was driven by buying from two kinds of consumers – first time notebook buyers

went for the low cost sub Rs 40k notebooks, while consumers who already owned

notebooks went for high-end wireless notebooks. Overall, IBM's market share in the

notebook space hovers around 26%. On the desktop side, IBM has captured market

share with its ThinkCentre brand characterized by small form factors. IBM also offered

lots of custom options for the buyers like opting for a TFT panel instead of a CRT and

upgrading to industry standard optical drives, all supported by comprehensive schemes.

In terms of pricing, IBM has been to bring its entry-level P4 offerings at the sub Rs 25K

point with its 'A' series and upwards to sub Rs 45k for its workhorse S and M series.

12 Cygnus Business Consulting And Research- Monthly Industry Monitor- IT Hardware Vol. 412

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The Assemblers: The once ubiquitous neighbourhood friendly assemblers were

losing their market share in the face of intense competition from the branded segment of

the PC industry. Industry estimates peg the share of assembles for the fiscal at around

48%. A MAIT-IMRB study said that market share for assembled PCs, which was 57% in

FY 2003-04 was reduced to 44% in the first-half of FY 2004-05.13 Margin pressures and

the 4% countervailing duty (CVD) that the government imposed on computer

components put great stress on assemblers. In this scenario, better margins exist for

those manufacturers who import fully built PCs as there would not be multiple taxation.

While big players absorbed the tax and duty changes, the budget-constrained assemblers

found the going difficult as customer loyalties shifted more to the branded side. Also, PC

buyers find the service levels to be deficient with assemblers who were not able to offer

quality and timely service unlike a branded PC manufacturer. In all, assemblers are bound

to face tough times ahead unless they re-invent and align with branded players.

4.5 Impact of Technology

Technology plays a very crucial and important role not only in introduction of

new products but also in price determination in the computer hardware industry. While

in some cases the improvement in technology has reduced the cost of products by a

significant amount, at other instances a higher premium has been demanded by the firms

for high end products. Technology innovation in peripherals can come about in terms of

hardware modifications, improved electronics or better software. In the consumer space

better design aesthetics can be added to this list. New technology makes sense only when

it creates a significant impact on business. Technology can help improve product

functionality, offer greater convenience by merging features, save on cost, or offer better

return on investment. In this section we will look at how technology has affected the

structure of hardware industry and the pricing strategies followed by different players.

Market Share: In contrast to the mature US and European market, India is a fairly new

market with low computer penetration. However, over time it has responded very

promptly to the introduction of new technology and innovative products. The Indian

market has seen the introduction of a wide variety of innovative products by competing

13 MAIT- IMRB (Indian Market Research Bureau) Industry Performance Review 2004-05

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players. The competition has been essentially based on technological advancement and

prices. HP has maintained a dominant position in the Indian markets for a long time.

However, in 2005 some of the world’s leading manufacturers were able to capture

market share from HP in the Indian laptop and scanner market owing to the advanced

product launches. Advancement in not only product but manufacturing technology also

have prompted the producers like Dell to set up their own manufacturing plants in India,

which has not only increased the customer base, but also improved acceptance of the

firm’s products.

Multiplier Effect across product categories: When laptops were introduced in India,

interesting trends in product sales were noted. Along with the increasing demand for HP

laptops, sales for HP printers also experienced a big jump. This trend of combined sales

enabled the company to do price bundling and capture a large market share.14

Effect on Pricing: As is obvious in any fast changing industry, the price for old

technology in the computer hardware industry has experienced sharp decline over time.

This is especially apparent in product categories such as desktop PCs and laptops.

Innovation introduced by one firm has made it almost compulsory for other players to

either match its value proposition by slashing prices or increase R&D budget. When

Zenith introduced new servers in the market,15 IBM was forced to slash the prices of its

own product by 10 %. There have also been cases when technological improvement has

led to an increase in product pricing but it is mostly confined to new products like touch-

pads, PDA etc.

Differential pricing: While in any consumer market the aim of a firm is to capture the

entire consumer surplus, this is especially true for the computer hardware industry. Any

product category is offered in multiple versions to different consumer segments at

different prices. Such a strategic segmentation of the consumers has enabled the

computer vendors to tap the consumer surplus efficiently and maximize profits without

any compromises on customer base.

14 Fay, Scott, Competition Between Firms that Bundle Information Goods, 27th Annual Telecom Policy Research Conference, Alexandria VA, September 25-27 15 Borenstein Severin (1999), Understanding Competitive Pricing and Market Power in Wholesale Electricity Markets, Working Paper No. CPC99-08, University of Berkeley, University of California Energy Institute, and NBER, August

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A case in point here is that of AMD which was able to challenge world’s biggest CPU

and processor producer, Intel, on the basis of its advanced technology and low cost of

production. Although desktops are certainly facing diminished share in light of

accelerated notebook success, desktops still represent a majority of total retail PC sales

and do not show signs of vanishing from the market anytime soon. The fact that AMD

can challenge Intel – even within the restrictive group of retail desktop sales- speaks

volumes for the advantage technology has vested to AMD. AMD challenged Intel’s well

established brand because of its low cost microprocessor and Mother board which was

20-30 % cheaper than similar brands of Intel because of the high quality semiconductor

used .

4.6 Issues Facing the Industry

There are lots of serious issues that need to be addressed in the Indian hardware

industry.16 Issues like lack of local availability of input raw material, ever changing

government policies, inconsistent sales tax structures in different states, high interest

rates, customs duties on capital goods, poor infrastructure, inordinately long and variable

transit times all add to uncertainty, delays and increased costs. Everyone in India

grumbles about duty, but even China has a similar duty structure. The main reason why

companies prefer to locate their manufacturing operations in China is because customs

processing in China is much faster. Here, even after a manufacturer’s raw material arrives

at a port, it might take another month or so before the goods reach his factory. In the

fast changing world of technology, that is virtually suicidal for hardware manufacturing

companies. Besides, labor laws in China are also very flexible. In India, there are a lot of

restrictions for the hardware industry. With environmental concerns mainly ignored or

casually overlooked by Indian corporates, MNCs desist from setting up manufacturing

16 Das, S. (1995), Size, Age and Firm Growth in an Infant Industry: The Computer Hardware

Industry in India, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 13, Number 1,

pp. 111-126(16)

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bases here since there is no compliance with ISO 14000 standards, which deal with

environmental issues.

The other issues that need to be pondered upon are:

Contract manufacturing: The trends in contract manufacturing, say, involving the

production of printed circuit boards, subassemblies and other product lines employed by

OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) in different industries such as telecom,

networking and consumer electronics have been undergoing a sea change in the last

couple of years. Not only is there a distinct trend by OEMs to parcel off manufacturing

operations in bulk to these contract manufacturers to cut costs and improve operating

efficiencies, but these contract manufacturers have also gone global to derive `economies

of scale' in their operations.

The strategies of OEMs and contract manufacturers are in a state of flux. From

an OEM's perspective, they are willing to work with fewer contract manufacturers for

two fundamental reasons. First, to derive considerable cost savings by working with

contract manufacturers who can use `size' to realise scale advantages and share benefits

with OEMs. Second, in an increasingly complex operating environment, these OEMs are

looking for varying competencies, skill sets and domain expertise under one roof. On the

other hand, the contract manufacturers, especially the big names such as Celestica or

Flextronics are rising up to the OEM's requirements. To insulate themselves from the

growing `commoditization', they are making large-scale acquisitions to enhance their

economies of scale and broad base their service offerings.

Economies of scale: Global component manufacturing capacities are 20 times larger

than those in India. Considering the head start (over a decade) which these countries

have enjoyed in some hardware areas, India has to be extremely careful in the choice of

global components/finished products, it chooses to invest in. The huge consolidation

that is taking place in this marketplace has been dictated by the growing

`commoditization' of the hardware marketplace. Unless ‘economies of scale' drive

investments in this `volume-driven game', it is likely that Indian players may not last long.

Apart from developing design capabilities in niche areas, India's capabilities will be put to

the test in export markets in almost all other areas.

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Players entering this arena have long recognized that wafer thin margins are the

order of the day. Hence, the actual positioning of Indian players will have to hinge on a

careful study of economies of scale in each of these global components / finished


Huge capital investment: According to the MAIT-E&Y report 2005, the investment

requirements to realize potential opportunities are expected to be about $9 billion. For

the Indian players, a rigorous evaluation of capital investment and its sourcing from

credible agencies holds the key to the success of this endeavor. Once, the industry

decides to go ahead, it is absolutely imperative to create "global scale" capacities. Any

half-hearted attempts at hardware manufacturing will be disastrous not only for the

companies but also for the industry as a whole. Secondly, India's record in attracting

foreign direct investment (FDI) has been poor so far, if the experience in telecom is

anything to go by.

4.7 Government Policies

Prevailing tax rates and provisions: Currently, Hardware industry attracts excise duty

at the rate of 16% and sales tax at the rate of 4%. Customs Duty varies according to the

input raw materials from 5% to 35%. On the positive front, realizing the importance of

the IT sector, priority status was declared and the government formed a separate ministry

for Information Technology during October 1999. A National Task Force set up by the

government is aiming to increase PC penetration from 3 to 20 per 1000 population by

the year 2008. The telecom reforms are yet another set of policies that affect the fortunes

of this industry. The recent decision of the government to spend more in hardware is

again a positive factor. IT Task Force's export target of Rs 43,500 cores from hardware

out of a total production Rs.1,30,500 core, with investment requirement of $ 16 billion in

equipments and components, is another encouraging factor. The conditions for

automatic FDI approval in IT sector were eased with the removal of NOCs for existing

joint venture partners.17

1. 17 Dedrick, Jason and Kenneth L. Kraemer (1993), India's Quest for Self Reliance in

Information Technology: Costs and Benefits of Government Intervention, (January 1, 1993).

Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations,

Globalization of I.T. Paper 10.

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The lobbying by the hardware manufacturers finally seems to have brought some

rewards for them during Budget season. India is signatory to the Information

Technology Agreement. In 1998, it was announced that zero duty regime on IT products

would be preponed and implemented by 2003. However, the local manufacturers urged

the Finance Minister strongly that it may be made effective only from the year 2005. This

would give them an opportunity to gear up to meet the challenge of international

competition. This demand was accepted. As a further measure of assistance to

indigenous industry, it was proposed to reduce the customs duty on a number of

hardware inputs to 5% and on certain capital goods to 15%. The duty on certain IT

items would be reduced to 10% or 5% as per the WTO binding.

According to the agreement, customs tariff on IT items are to be brought down

in stages to zero. India has committed to bring down the tariffs on 217 bound items, out

of which 95 lines are to be reduced to zero percent by 2000, 4 lines in 2003, 2 lines in

2004 and the balance 116 lines in 2005.

On the other hand, the government should give a strategic focus to this sector in

a speedy manner considering the industry demands like modification of EHPZ,

introduction of SEZ and removal of export obligation as the industry is import-intensive.

For the IT sector to grow, it is necessary that the government frames clear and

simple cyber laws, especially pertaining to electronic commerce (e-commerce). Taxation

of e-commerce transactions is another issue that has to be clarified.

The Information Technology Bill is expected to clarify all these questions. The

industry can also look for rationalization of the laws governing overseas acquisitions by

Indian companies.

4.8 Future Outlook

In India, computer penetration is just 3 per 1,000 people as against the world

level of 60(Datamonitor Report 2005). This offers immense scope for the industry in the

country. The fast spreading Internet revolution - it is now growing at 205% in the

household sector - is a major demand-driver .The spread of computer education and

training will also increase the demand for PCs and other allied products.

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The number of active Internet entities increased to 1.29 million in March 2002

indicating an increase of 15% over March 2001. The penetration of Internet among

businesses grew to 39% from earlier 36% and while a marginal increase led to 11%

penetration in the households. On the other hand, the Desktop PC market grossed 16.7

lakh units registering a negative growth of 11% over the previous year. The increasing

number of computers becoming obsolete provides some interesting figures. In 2005, one

computer became obsolete for every one computer put in the market, which provided

further boost to demand. Increased spending by Central government, state governments,

liberalized sectors like banks will also give a fillip to the demand.

4.9 Key Growth Drivers

Banking and Financial Sector

The heavy investments in the year 2003 undertaken by the banking, financial services,

and insurance segment, resulted in the server segment experiencing a reasonable growth

in the year 2003. In total BFSI segment accounted for nearly 23% of the total units sold

in the fiscal year 2002-2003. Due to the BFSI segment the SIAS market was the focus of

attention and generated a fair amount of growth. The reason why the BFSI segment

catered to the huge growth is due to the regulatory changes in the banking sector made in

1994. As a result of privatization many private banks were opened in the year 1994.

Major banks among these are ICICI, HDFC, and UTI etc. These banks are heavily

dependent on technology. So they introduced the concept of ATM’s and centralized

Core Banking. 18

As a result of these facilities offered by the private sector banks the PSU banks

were losing their market share. So public sector banks decided to set up centralized core

banking infrastructure in order to maintain their competitive positioning vis-à-vis new

private sector banks. The server expansion projects by State Bank Of India, Punjab

National Bank and Canara Bank helped the server segment to regain share lost in the

year 2002.

Another key trend that fuelled the server demand was server consolidation. The

banking segment showed the way and a majority of demand for high-end servers came in

due to this trend. The growing demand for value –added applications such as credit card 18 Cygnus Business Consulting And Research- Monthly Industry Monitor- IT Hardware Vol. 301 to 606

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authorization, cash and wealth management, ATM and online banking helped to pick up

sales. This trend is continuing in the current fiscal year also. So PSU banks are focusing

on building backend infrastructure to support centralized core banking (both retail and

wholesale), apart from serving customers through alternative channels such as ATM and

Internet banking. To maintain these PSU banks need high end servers.

Telecom Sector

Other than banking, another sector that contributed to the boom in IT segment

is the Telecom sector. Reliance Infocom, Tata Tele Services and Bharti Cellular made

large investments to build their infrastructure. Mobile telecom service providers

purchased RISC/UNIX servers for deploying BSS & OSS application. Business support

system application (BSS) is used for billing, mediation and fraud management. Operation

support system (OSS) application is used for network management and control and call


Manufacturing Segment

Manufacturing and the distribution segments contributed towards reviving the

server segment in India. Manufacturing sector followed only banking and telecom in

purchasing severs in the year 2004- 2005.

Internet Services

Nowadays internet occupies a pivotal position in our day to day operation.

People want to communicate almost continuously, be it with the cell phone or by email. .

The number of new Internet users worldwide continues to grow at about a 30% annual

rate, and reached over 500 million by the end of 2001. This demand is with conventional

uses such as browsing and email. These are not possible without PC, so the demand of

the PC is increasing day by day.

Expanded requirement for enterprise storage and industry standard servers

The most significant trend in data storage is the move toward use of enterprise

server, which uses high-speed networking technologies and storage subsystems to

provide faster access and greater availability of data. Lots of companies and government

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organizations are converting their paper-based database to computer based, so the

demand for enterprise storage servers is increasing day by day.

Increasing Demand for Security Solutions

In the Information Age, many enterprises including financial and law firms,

government agencies, and R&D groups need a safe, reliable way to store sensitive data. A

disaster for computer database might be happen at any moment of time. To prevent all

these future uncertainties the organizations are creating backups of their database for

security purpose. For this they need high end servers, so the demand for hardware is



e-Learning can be defined simply as learning that is facilitated, supported or

enabled through the use of technology. The technology can come in many different

forms - for example Personal Computers, Interactive TV & Video or even through a

Video Conferencing System. These days, the Personal Computer tends to be the main

technology medium of choice. The corporate e-learning market is growing by leaps and

bounds. Generating nearly $2.3 billion in 2000, the US corporate e-learning market is on

track for a growth rate of more than 50%, exceeding $18 billion in 2005. The e-learning

market for higher education is also emerging, which means that now is the time for

distance-learning providers to step in and take part of a global market that could reach

$2.2 billion by 2004. As students become increasingly comfortable with e-learning, other

institutions will jump on the bandwagon, too. Personal Computer tends to be the main

technology medium of e-learning.

5. Conclusion

5.1 Global outlook With continuous advancement in technology and increasing acceptability of

computer products as basic requirement, the future for computer hardware industry

looks promising globally. Substitution of products due to improved technology is one

key factor in this efficient and rapidly progressing market. Increasing share of emerging

markets especially Asia-Pacific regions like Taiwan , Korea proves that it is not necessary

to be a manufacturing hub to dominate the industry. A country might shine as well if it

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has expertise in some of the base products like semiconductor and chip industry as in the

case of Taiwan.

Some of the important products like Desktop PC’s are predicted to become obsolete in

coming years by some experts , but going through the available data and factoring in

country presence, e.g.. India, where technology is still way behind the mature markets,

we take a contrary view. No matter how sophisticated and popular laptops and digital

dairies may become, when it comes to buying a computer a large chunk of the customer

base is in the middle class and corporate sector. These segments still rely heavily on

Desktop PC’s. A look at the data of global desktop sales predicts a similar trend.

Although users are switching to other products, the ever expanding market size owing to

population growth and awareness indicates that there is much demand to be expected for

the Desktop PC.

Without mentioning the importance of unorganized sector in computer hardware

no report can be complete. A large chunk of demand is still met by small players who

compete primarily on low cost advantage and the opportunity for a customized product

offering. This important sector has eaten away on the bargaining power of big players for

many years and enjoys the advantage of being close to the end user. Large players have

however begun to catch-up with the unorganised market. We see the trend with the

introduction of low priced Dell machines and plans to setup manufacturing base in India.

“Brand does matter” and the Indian customer who is still sceptical about technological

products is developing an inclination towards branded products. If this trend were to

continue, we might see shrinking of the unorganized sector from India in the future.

5.2 Indian Outlook

Indian brands

Indian brands are sandwiched between MNC brands and the grey market, leaving

them cornered with little or no room for differentiation. This tussle has witnessed a drop

in market shares of Indian brands, and they need to find ways to counter competition

before it is too late. Ideally they need to decide whom they want to compete with – the

cash rich MNCs or the assemblers with low price offerings. In any case, vendors will find

it difficult to place their hardware independently of services, so expanding service

capabilities will be of prime importance. Various Indian players like Zenith which were

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having a high growth rate in the Indian market are witnessing a decline in growth rate

because of the MNC’s like IBM, and Dell’s expansion plans and strategies in India.

Established Indian brand which were having a tough time to compete with unorganised

sector because of low cost are finding it tough to compete now with international players

(MAIT Report Aug 2005).

The argument that MNC players are the only ones who are really gaining is

further buttressed by the fact that even the unorganized, grey market is seeing terrible

times. In a way, the organized sector has cannibalized the unorganized sector.

Identify niche areas of growth: While the MAIT-E&Y report talks about areas of

opportunity, it does not make out a persuasive case for electronic hardware segments in

which the Indian players will have a competitive advantage vis-à-vis its Asian and other

overseas peers. This is important because India has been late in joining the hardware

revolution and unless the limited financial, infrastructure and manpower resources are

deployed in the right areas, even this opportunity may turn out to be a mirage. For

instance, deploying resources in semiconductor manufacture at a time when China is

going on an investment overdrive in semiconductor complexes to emerge as a global

chip player may turn out to be counterproductive for Indian manufacturers.

Taking a broader perspective, given the technological advancement in developed

countries and their aggressive strategy to fight for market share , it seems that the best

strategy for Indian players is, instead of competing with MNCs, to try to develop their

expertise in some niche areas like peripherals development, semiconductor industry, etc.

In this role, the government would have very important role to play by helping local

players with tax reduction and other favourable policies to enable local brands to survive

in such a market.

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