Indian Food & Beverages - Consumer Trends


Transcript of Indian Food & Beverages - Consumer Trends

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The Indian food and beverage industry is on the brink of a major shift, with indigenous consumers gaining more exposure, engaging & becoming more health conscious.

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Interesting F&B Trends

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E-revolution from carts to clicks

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Indian consumer

• Younger, more than 50% consumer base is below 30 years

• High income earning, change in consumption patterns

• Internet savvy, prefers shopping online for convenience & deals

• Apps & delivery services are transforming consumers’ access to deals, niche

offerings and even full meals

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Online Food Market

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Good enough to Tweet

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• Rise of food-centric media has sparked new interest in cooking, both for nourishment, and also for sharing one’s creations via social media

• People taking divergent paths – some competing on popular television programmes, while others cultivating specialties ranging from cupcakes to curries

Either way, people are cooking to share with friends and followers.

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Food Centric Media

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Eat with your Eyes!

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• Packaging has become another crucial aspect in today’s consumers’ minds

• Brands are experimenting with vibrant colours, novel shapes, designs etc to make packaged products worthy of consumer praise and social media posts

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Innovative Packaging Design

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Artificial is the public enemy No. 1

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• Consumer demands for natural and “less processed” food and drink are forcing companies to remove artificial ingredients

• Products that have yet to do, face scrutiny

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Organic Market

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From the Inside out

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• “It is what’s on the inside that counts.” Consumers are recognizing that diets can connect with the way they look & feel

• This is creating a market for products enhanced with everything from collagen to probiotics for brooming people’s physical appearance & personal wellness

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Probiotic Market

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Free From For All

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• Many consumers don't actually need products free from gluten, wheat & dairy, but are demanding them, as they believe them to be healthier

• Industry has been successfully responding to this demand which is seen in the recent surge in mainstream gluten free and vegan products

• Other "free from" platforms are also gathering pace

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Gluten Free & Vegan Market

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The "Flexitarian" Effect

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•Rise of part-time vegetarians, who have reduced their meat consumption because of health, sustainability & animal welfare, is having a major impact on brands

• This includes the technological development and promotion of better-tasting products more reminiscent of meat, & usage of alternative protein sources and more animal-friendly processes

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Veggie Market

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Sustainability Initiatives

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Due to the consumers’ conscious effort to the impact of their purchase on environmental and social issues, there has been an increased demand for environment-friendly products – organic, natural, nongenetically modified foods.

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Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

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Let’s design.