Income tax basics

Basics of the American tax system Forrest Davis, E.A. Davis Tax Services, LLP


Today's political environment has confused many Americans about the income tax system. Understand what our tax system is designed to do and what are some of the alternatives that have been proposed.

Transcript of Income tax basics

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Basics of the American tax system

Forrest Davis, E.A.

Davis Tax Services, LLP

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Taypayers are confused

• The current political environment has confused many taxpayers

• Taxes: What is fair?

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Quick history

• Income was 1st taxed for the Civil War, but the Supreme Court rejected it

• 16th Amendment created current income tax in 1913

• Enrolled Agents were instituted in 1884

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Goals of the income tax

• Raise money to pay for government services

• Provide economic incentives for public policy

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Economic incentives

• Mortgage interest: encourage home ownership

• Deduction for donations: encourage giving to charity

• Capital gains: encourage investing in businesses

• Salary deferral: encourage saving for retirement

• Depreciation: encourage businesses to buy equipment to be more productive

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Progressive tax

• Higher income citizens should pay more tax

• Poorest citizens should be exempt• 6 tax brackets from 10% to 35%• Highest bracket is for income over


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Taxpayers today

• 46% of American households pay no income tax

• 1/4th of households still would pay no tax if all tax breaks were cut

• About half have no tax because of tax breaks

• Top 1% of filers pay 31% of total taxes

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Earned Income Tax Credit

• 26 million filers receive Earned Income Credit (2009)

• "Negative income tax" for low-income workers

• Refundable -- get money from taxes instead of paying

• Many also get Child Tax Credit

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How the US stacks up

• Americans pay less taxes than many other countries

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Where does the money go?

• Mandatory spending 57%– Social Security 21%– Medicare 13%– Medicaid 7%– Other programs 17%

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An alternative: Flat tax

• Premise: Everyone should contribute• Everyone should be equal

– Opposite of current progressive approach• Would eliminate nearly all tax breaks

– No incentives for public policy

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An alternative: National Sales Tax• Often tied to eliminating income tax• Common in Europe• Sales tax hits lower income citizens

harder• Economic ups & downs affect sales tax


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An alternative: Tax businesses more

• Premise: businesses generate the money for everybody

• Higher taxes could make companies move out of US

• Higher taxes might force some companies out of business

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What's the answer?

• Congress doesn't know• No easy answers• Lots of different views

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Davis Tax Services, LLP

• C. Forrest Davis, EA• Tax Planning, Preparation &

Representation•• 4402 E. Brott St.• Tucson, AZ 85712