inagrovebook prototype


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My first full 8 page colour inagrovebook prototype for Typography assignment

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Mr. Commoner

Undisputed Facts via Ryunosuke Akutagawa & Akira Kurosawa@Rashomon

Tajomaru led the couple into the forest.Takehiro is dead.Tajomaru raped Masago.Tajomaru stole Takehiro’s bow and quiver as well as Masago’s horse.Masago wished for Takehiro’s death.Masago and Tajomaru did not leave together.

Woodcutter Bhuddist Priest Policeman Old Woman Tajomaru Masago Takehiro (M)

Page 3: inagrovebook prototype

Mr. Priest

My Testimony@High Police Commissioner

Time was about Noon.I saw a man (Takehiro) walking toward Sekiyama with a woman (Masago) accompanying him on horseback.The horse was a sorrel with a fine mane.A scarf hanging from her head hid her face from view.There were about twenty arrows in his quiver.

Woodcutter Bhuddist Priest Policeman Old Woman Tajomaru Masago Takehiro (M)

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Page 4: inagrovebook prototype

The man carried some twenty odd arrows in his quiver!

The horse was a sorrel with a fine mane.The were exactly seventeen arrows found on the bandit.

I agree!Mr. Priest&

Mr. Policeman

Our Testimonywith High Police Commissioner

Woodcutter Bhuddist Priest Policeman Old Woman Tajomaru Masago Takehiro (M)

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Page 5: inagrovebook prototype

Mr. Woodcutter

My Testimony@High Police Commissioner

I found the body dressed in a blueish silk kimono and a Kyoto style hat.The man (Tajomaru) was killed by a single sword stroke.I found only a rope and a comb at the scene.The grass and fallen bamboo leaves had been trampled all around.

Woodcutter Bhuddist Priest Policeman Old Woman Tajomaru Masago Takehiro (M)

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Page 6: inagrovebook prototype

Mr. Policeman

My Testimony@High Police Commissioner

I arrested the man (Tajomaru).He had fallen off his horse.He was wearing a dark blue silk kimono and a large plain sword.He aquired the bow wound with large leather strips, the black laquered quiver and seventeen arrows with hawk feathers.The horse was a sorrel with a fine mane.

Woodcutter Bhuddist Priest Policeman Old Woman Tajomaru Masago Takehiro (M)

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Page 7: inagrovebook prototype

Masagoʼs Mum

My Testimony@High Police Commissioner

The corpse is that of my son-in-law.He was a samurai in the town of Kofufu.His name was Kanazawa, not Takehiro!

Woodcutter Bhuddist Priest Policeman Old Woman Tajomaru Masago Takehiro (M)

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Page 8: inagrovebook prototype


My Testimony@High Police Commissioner

I met the couple a little past noon.A puff of wind raised her (Masago) hanging scarf.I gagged him with fallen bamboo leaves.I struck down the woman’s small sword without drawing my own.After I ravaged her, she told me that she was willing to leave with me if I killed herhusband.The rope found at the root of the cedar was the one I dropped to untie Takehiro.Furious with anger, he drew his sword.He put up a fight but I killed him with the twenty third sword stroke.I robbed him of his sword bow and arrows.

Woodcutter Bhuddist Priest Policeman Old Woman Tajomaru Masago Takehiro (M)

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