In top residential area, fa- A- Harbor City OPEN A- Lomita ...

Six TORRANCE PRESS Monday, September 22, 19: and Business Improvement Service 40 HOME OWNERS' SPECIAL I will paint your 2 or 3 bedroom ctucco hom* $159.50 Full Price •ft 3 Years written guarantee •fr Factory guaranteed paint •fr Expert workmanship •& Nothing down, little a* M per mo. Christie Painting DA 3-4*72 DAY or NITES guilding, Remodeling 42 Family Rooms GARAGES N0 money down, 100% FHA fi- nancing. Specializing In room addition* for, 10 year*. Thousand* of wifiifled i customer*. You'll be plea*ed with or low price*. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE NOW TE 4-5256 PL 3-370 Marshall Builders £mployment Offered (Men) 70 Plaster & Stucco REPAIRING Custom Painting FOR INFORMATION OK ESTIMATES PRIC FR 6-2883^__ "ROOM ADDITIONS ft Family rooms ft Bedrooms ^r Kitchens ft Baths ft All types of fences Free Plans and Estimates 100% Financing Alter Blda. Co. FA 8-0376 Additions Complete building service Including permits and plani 100% financing, FHA terms. 5 years to pay Paul's Construction CALL DAY OR NIGHT FOR FPFF ESTIMATES DA 5-0515 or __ DA 5-0001 __ "ADDITIONS" REMODCLfNO Kitchen, bath, glass door* All services, Carpenter, cemant, plumbing, electric, tile, ate. Free plans aV estimate* 100% FINANCING Licensed A iniured. Gen Coot. J. S. Davenport - DA *-*014 TILE WORK New & Remodeling TORRANCE TILE WANTED CARRIER SALESMEN AGES 11-14 A- Harbor City A- Lomita ^r Los Angeles (Between Vermont I. Avalor fr Walteria ^r Torrance (SOUTHWEST PARK TRACT) Apply in Person Torrance Press Employment Offered (Men and Women) 72 1406 Craven* * BOOK MEN i Newest Best Easiest Mosf Profitable The Great Booh Phone for Interview appointment: L. B. FRANKLIN OS 9-3030 f:M fo 11:30 A.M. Only WANTED! ft 4 £ NEAT APPEARING MEN! CAR NECESSARY. SEE JIM RICHARDSON 411» REDONDO BEACH BLVD. LAWNDALE MEAT CUTTER APPRENTICES Young men l«-25 yrs. of age wh re Interested In learning the fall meat trade. Mutt be neat In dres* & appearance, alert & willing to work. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ONLY Apply in Person SAFEWAY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 3412 W. Olympic Blvd. Lo* Angele* SEE MR. JAMES W. CROW 1:30-4:00 Mon. thru Frl. SAFEWAY STORES INCORPORATED ROUTE SALESMAN I Day week. Top commUdon FA 1-95*1 PRECISION MACHINIST. Mutt be flood all around man. Top pay. FA I-95W Employment Of 'e red (Women) J*» W. 177WI St., DA 91107 CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS Cement ft Brick Patlfti FR. 9-2025 CONCRETE PATIOS^ SLAB! «, FOUNDATIONS. PRBf EITIMATES FR 93940 PLASTERING I STUCCO PATCH JOSS, EXPERT FR 4-M31 4-2091. WORK, WORK. ALL WORK:// W* wJaclai sidewalks, < .'JARANTE ED >, driveway*, & (ton*. 71 $50 DAILY SELL AMERICA'S FINEST CHRIST- MAS CARDS AND GIFT ITEMS. CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES WESTERN ART STUDIOS 1*915 HAWTHORNE _____ FR 4-3344 JOBS' WAlflNGT" For women 1155, In Missiles & Electronic*. Assembly. Enroll now In our Inexpensive 3-weak personal- ized c«ur*e. Learn wlrelng, solder- Jng, ichematlci, etc. SPECIAL LOW TUITION! Qualify for top-pay lob*. Now open. FREE PLACEMENT AID ELECTRO ASSEMBLY CENTER lM"t No. Market at Regent Inglawood OR 43313 Jobs Close Why Travel? ALL JOBS WITHIN 7 MILES FEMALE CLERK TYPIST (many, type 50-40) - STENOS (many, II yrs. up) -- ACCOUNTING CLERKS DRILL PRESS OPERATORS PBX CORDLESS, (Good typl*t) COIL FINISHERS (Male also) REM IMTON KEYPUNCH FACTORY TRAINEES (many) -- HAND FIL- ING (factory) ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY. RUSH stano* I Typist* on our vaca- tion relief service. NO FEE. MALE HAND FORMERS, sheet metal and extrusion, day* and swing TRAINEES, 20-30 (read blueprint*) - CHEMICAL MILLING operators - AAB TOOL * DIE - TOOL AND CUTTER GRINDER - CHECKERS MANY, MANY MORE JOBS B.E.S AGENCY 432 S. 101 Hwy., Redondo "The Job to Fit the Person, the Person to Fit the Job" WOMEN 2 Med. secretaries, 20 yr*. $300 Good typists, gen. office sharp ............ ........ Open Bookkeeper, gen. office ••••••**£ Stones & secretaries .... 1275132* MEN Inspectors, (fabrication Si «heet- rmt ' 1 ' 2 Vrl- * X "ti .45 - S2.44 hr. Millwright Refinery exp. Top* TORRANCE PERSONNEL AGENCY 1628 Gramercy FA 8-5368 for Sale 14 Homes for * ' 86 OPEN HOUSE The following list of homes will be open for your convenience this week end. BEE WILSON ft Low Fee Agency ft IN YOUR AREA Full Cash Fee ft $25 - $35 ft We Have Many Jobs MEN PICK UP DRIVER (B), license, Open TRAINEES, 70-25 vr» To H.70 hr. PUNCH PRESS operator*, Very good ENGINE LATHE, swing, t2.40 hr. WOMEN DICTAPHONf operator* FACTORY, graveyard UI14 S. Vermont DA 3 4507 i »75 wk. 11.10 plut Gardena JOBS WE'RE LOADED. RUSH! Lawndale Employment Agency 14918 Hawthorne Blvd. Lnwndale OS 5-4403 OS 6-6838 SOUTHWOOD SPECIAL Lovely 3-bedroom home with I 3/4 baths, in choice location. Has wall to wall carpeting and nanny de- luxe features. Owner leaving and asking $19,950. OPEN'TIL SOLD 21605 OCEAN AVE. LOYOLA REALTY CO. DA 5-0600 OPEN SUNDAY, 12 to 6 P.M. 16719 Glenburn, N. Torranc6 3-bedroom home, l'/2 baths, separate dining room, fireplace. Total price $18,000. OPEN DAILY 17316 Ardath, N. Torrance . 2-Bedroom home, large lot 60x130. $1 1,500 full price. Both homes are in excellent condition, have hard- wood floors, fenced yards and are on corner lots. Stop by or call OWNER DA 4-1253 Reserve Valuable TERRITORY Now for Avon Cosmetics CHRISTMAS BUSINESS OPINING* AVAILABLE INi 4 TORRANCE A LOMITA Yr WALTERIA AREAS IN NEXT 3 DAYS EARNINGS BEGIN AT ONCE Call Today GA 7-0019 (Extension 95) or Zenith 00i» CEMENT WORK Small loo*, patio*, ttaa*, and wall*. FR. 5-32M. walk* 43 SPECIAL>LYWOOD! 4x», new W75. WATER HEATERS, j guaranteed, 175. MOLDING lc par I ft,, GALVANIZED PIPE cMap. WORK BENCHES, CABINETS. Open 7 day*. Pree firewood. HERWOOD BUILDING SUPPLY 24500 $. Normandle Harbor City DA 6-5 146 (£«rdeninf end Landtcaplng * WANTED * Alert girl for part-time work a& a -telephone solicitor. Must be experienced. Apply in Person TORRANCE PRESS 1404 CRAVENS TORRANCE EXCAVATING and grading, rill dirt Tree* removed. f r»th haullne,. Charle* Oann. PA MM* YARD CLEAN UP Light hauling. Mowing. Monthly rate*. Cement work. DA *-J70a COMPLETE yard maintenance exper- ience, landtcaplng & gardening. Eaxilpmant to clear lot*. Free ea- tlmate*. PR »-ail7. PREE EST. B-R-1 TE f-TMl Renovating, trading, naw lawn* L«ndca»lng, Tg*> loll, Cleanup JAPAWP»E AMERICAN. Oardanar Garden maintenance, clean UP. Landtcaplng. DA J-«n* after *:*) Child Cere e4 BABY SITTING In my homa waa*i- day* or avaning*. DA f a90l MOTHER* OOOO CHILD cara. Hour, day ac lot a> Cren»haw area. DA 5!tuatlon« Wanted (Women) AUTO ROUTE Reliable driver wanted for part time Thur»day morning nawtnapar delivery. APPLY IN PERSON SCI jr«RY DOUGERTY TORRANCE PRESS 1404 Craven* Tarranca Employed Torranc* Couple with school-aged boy want fulf time housekeeper in ex- change for room, board and saUry. Call Mrs. King at FA 8 1640, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Or FA 8-0715 after 6 p.m. SUPER MARKET DESIRES EXPERIENCED CASH IER OR BANK TELLER FOR COURTESY BOOTH. 17500 Grenshaw Ask for Mr. Cross DA 9-1074 PA 1-2161 NEEDED! 9 DISTRIBUTORS 2 MANAGERS for local area. Car nece*sarv. Na delivery, no pick-UP. We train you With gASTERLING COMPANY. Good Commission FR 5,0070 (Between 1:30 ft 10:30 a..m ft 4:10 to 6:30 p.m.) ft GIRLS ft a Telephone) Solicitor! Opening* for experienced, part time worker*. You work at home) Par further Information pnana: FR 6-6388 Twa*., Wad., * Thura. It am. ta 12 noon. PtiVATt SICKtTARY axacutlve fyp*. Mwat be *elf confident. Could work Iftt* TOP BUYERS POSITION PA «9>97 WH i (JO ph«n* an*, child care, type 'ifitf, t,fft o' cook for living >vi*i<t"-. wi'h '»-.|ld 4, hutband or boy* shirt*, flrl* F* MM; WILL DO waby Ittlne * Ik** w«fk, Yowr hatna _______PA aVMOf________ §A§Y SITTING, dan**. M/ lwm». Evening your* DA a-*S1 Employment Offered (Men) 70 LAftCf CONCBRN need* accurate ctark ty*»ltl, must type M wpm, and be attractive. 20-U. PA 19690 CURK TYPI1T Mu*f ba experienced on NCR 11 Og tmail Firm. t _____ ^A I 9>9l WANT by liter t day* weak. 3 mall <hlldran. GET TOYS A- F R E E ^r FOR XMAS By giving a TOY PARTY at your home. CALL NOWI TE5-5254_ Telephone Solicitors Work at noma, full or part tima. AL»O NFEO 2 Japanese spaaklna solicitor* FOR APPOINTMENT CALL DA 3-3620 $950 DOWN 3 bedroom on small lot, near park In Lomlta. Redecorated Inside ft out Hardwood floors. Payment*, $/3 SO month. Within Your Means Friendly two bedroom on corner lot, 2 car garage, carpentlng, Mvin< room and dining room. Wat» sotfener, patio, aluminum awnings and screen door, disposal, close H school Los Angeles bus, and shop ping. Full price aaly $13,500. Rose Craig Realty 1741 Pacific Coast Hwy. (Pearl Jacobs, Associate) DA 6-1311 Evenings FR 2-3408 ""SACRIFICE!!" 3 Bdrms. - 2 Baths G.I. Resale In desirable Southwood of West Torrance. (Near .Broadway, Sear* Shopping Center) It's one of the finest homes In the area. Owner must sell. Just take over $13,700 4</?% loan ft submit. »U,950 full price with 12,000 down. MONTGOMERY Realty Co. 14979 S. Prairie Ave. OS 5-4458 Best Real Estate BUY OP THP WFFK 2456 W. 236th PI. Stop by and *ae thi* beautiful two bedroom 1 den plus rumpus room. Double d«t*ch»d garag*. Fenced back yard Full price only ill,750. rath to P.M.A. or conventional loan. Don Borden Realty 73991 Narbonne (On the Torrance Lomlta Llna) DA 6-2734 Evening* DA 4-7731 MY BUSINESS! Claan, pleasant, profitable work. Batter than average earning*. Phone for appointment: FR 8-2277 TOY SHOW HOSTESS or demonstra tor* wanted. Selected md*e. ft top comm. Seaton haral Mr. NlchoU, FA I-MM. Business Opportunities 74 HARDWARE, paint*, house ware. can operate. Long estebllshed. CE 9 1331 Ittate Leene M ' IPM need* AC- have 4 year* "*t ti an«lv»U. TAB ?5»0 JUNIOR LAS ASSIST YEARS COLLfGPJ CH§MIIT«Y; MM MONTH UO>Y o CLdANINa »V Irgnhw. 1 efcy par waa*. OA 9-aua __ | WANTffD baby liner, f fo * day* a week Call after k p m. PA I-JJ19 "AKfc MONfY AT MO'/r rrm^ing umill garment* for i/» PL 37111 WANTfD: Baby *ltar. J ta I, f day* a w*9k..Calf PA 2)99. After * a m 51/2 & 6% 1st Loans U to 20 year term. Also private fund* for 7nd Trust Deeds. FHA terms to qualified borrower* Ed Booth FR 5-6833 $ We Buy $' 2nd Trust Deeds 14135 So. Vermont PA tvpl«t FA 1-1544 DA 3-3555 »3MO at 10% at I/O per mon, Sec- ond Tri/sf Deed, 4 bedroom 2 bath horn*. Kb iOOTH **ft |.«I)J NfiO MONEY? Will mad* trwet <»e*<t*. CaM Di«rk Miller TWO BATHS SWIMMING POOL 1 Bedroom* back yard a tropical paradise complete with patio, pro fesslonal landscaping and 14 x 30 filtered POO| Ideal for the family or entertaining. Close to Sup»r Market «. school. Phon* for ap- Mlntmant to see thl* gorgeous home. Paradise Realty (Aero** f'ftm Terrance Drive-In) FR 6-8739 Open 9 to 9 $1995 Dn., $54 Mo. Pull Prlca t7t9S, two bedroom ttuc- co only 3 year* old Hardwood floors, garage, lawn, fence, near store and school. »?ooo under mar- ket price, alio 3 bixtroom with 1 I > bath*. Phone TE 5-5430. Builder* Liquidation Offlca e«r. I. MJrd it. * ft. Avalen tlvd. By Owner Hollywood Riviera Have a Full House? A place for everything in this twe- level contemporary. 1 Bedroom *\ Rumpus Room 3 Baths - 2 Fireplace* With tarn* laundry and storage rooms. Park-like selling wih near- by recreation facilities lor the youngsters $7000 down will finance. Owner has left this area and re- duced the price to $29,750 tor im- medlata action. I el's get otf the oprn house tour and get down to real value I Shown by appointment. ED BOOTH, Realtor FR 5-6833 336 Vista Del Mar Hollywood Riviera (Across from Plush Horse) New 3 Bedroom < rooms, HOC sq. teet. hardwood floors, dining room, breakfast room, one and *< baths, sliding glass doors In living room, fireplace, modern $15,500 F.H.A. commitment. Full price $11,500, VJ.OOO down to Qualified buyer. 1729 W. 231th St. 8 Unit Apt. House 2 bedrooms, 'carpeted, hardwood floors, tile bath*, over tub shower, sidewalks and curbs, $40,000, $15,- 000 down. Income $640 month. 3 Bdrm. G.I. Resale Needs e little fixing up, fenced rear vard. BBO In patio. $9100 full price. Easy term*. Chris Sorensen Realtor 3775 Pac. Cst. Hy. FR 5-4405 FR 5-0449 Open House Sunday 1419 222nd St. total price. month. Lot 1 bedroom* HI,500 Payments of »S5 pe 50 x 1*0. DRIVE BY 4816 Morsley Uuit off Reynold* Drive) > bedroom home on corner lot. Win take good F.H.A. Call to tee. JARVIS REALTY 1828 Pacific Coast Hwy. FAjB-4575 $995 Down 1 BecJrnorm - 2 B^llr, G.I. Resale 4!/2% Thl* beautiful home is located In de»lrjibl* SOUTHWOOD lu»t west of the new Broadway, Sear* Shop- ping Canter. It feature* built In bar kitchen, rear living room, opening Into patio and completely fenced yard. Lot* of closets, hardwood floor*, ttall shower, dl*po»al, de- tached double garage, and many other modern feature*, call now for appointment to *aa. FR 5-0532 M Di«rk -tm »1,000 «own. Cozy 1 bed ttuceo. Redecorated, landscaped, fenced yard. Across new May Co. Shopping area, til,500. 4339 W. 180th S,t. Torrance OL 4-9016 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-4:30 Reel litete Leant $1650 BUYS $3300 7% Second trust deed pays $33 mo. Secure'd by new 3 bed- room cti/cro, p$id on two yean. First trust deed ahead $5300. J. L. Hughes, Builder 21904 S. Vermont, Torrance ___FA 8-5038__ Money for Your Real Estate Needs i Plenty ol PRIVATP MONSY for im ! mediate purchase of tru«t deed* j Realty Loan* & Investments J. C. MILLRR, Realtor HMT Cranthaw Rlva OR 4-3322 VACANT $795 Down G.I. Resale This lovely 3 bedroom home, I* lo- cated south of the New May Co. Ha* double garage, hardwood floors, rear llvlna room, spacious ward robe close!t, ttall shower, lot* of tile, and many other feature*, available ta vet or non-vet with 414% loan. MUST SACRIPICP. NO REp TAPE. A TELEPHONE CALL MOV1S YOU IN. FR 4-0039 DA 4-4995 Open Sunday 2806 Soreckles Lane Like New 3 beAroom, block wall, sprinklfrs, Ihetmoslal, Hr. Near 1*01)1 * Hawthorne, tTUUG d«wn M'Oidd handle Ihrouah f H.A. N nanring. Chism-Moody 2074? Hawthorne Blvd. FR 6-0431 Salesmen Needed $295 Moves You in Varan) Immed'at* PoniMilon Out "' 1own Cr'dH O.K. l.lke 1 new 1 & -1 h»rtrnr»m «tucrn homoi. MdrrlwfKvl (|r)r>ri, earage, lawn, fencrrt, rlon* to <»or* and »rhnol», 4 IM« O K Ooen for In- (pertlon. Thone TP % 54.10 ~ I ulld«rs Li«id«tkwt Offlr« it. * *. Aval** B*v«J. for Sale 86 |-|omts for Sale DON'T LET GEORGE DOJT... COME & SEE FOR YOURSELF 2 Bedroom Charmer Thl* lovely home I* lint like new Spotless hardwood floors, extra large kitchen, Immaculate throughout, and In delightful area, near schools and hopping, completely fenced and landscaped, with detached garage. Only $1000 down and 112,408 full price. Walterla section. $795 Down Here I* bargain home In wonderful condition Inside and out. Has 3 bedrooms, tile stall shower and bath*, hardwood floors, disposal, thermo- stat, wardrobe closets and load* of cabinet space. Lovely landscaping and large detached double garage, 4'«"v. loan to vet or non-vet. Out of (tat* credit o.k. and t'5,945 full price. Immediate possession If desired. Lovely Corner Just one year old. With 3 bedrooms, two baths, hardwood floors, fireplace, knotty pine paneling and cab;nes, wardrobe closets, breakfast bar and beamed ceilings, disposal, and Immaculate throughout. Patio, block wall and large double garage, plus 4',% loan to vet or non-vet. $14*5 down. North Redondo - $795 Down Quaint 2 bedroom home with wall to wall carpet and large vard that'* fully fenced. Lovely area. Near schools and other convenience*. Thl* It a real buy for $12,800 and Is clean as a whistle. READY REALTY 20714 Hawthorne Blvd. FR 6-3468 22601 Hawthorne Blvd. FR 5-9552 Open Til Dark Only 3 Left Name Your Own Down Payment Builder's Sole New 3-bedroom, 2-bath home. Cool, smog-free Torrance Featuring: 1. Hardwood floor* 9. Ath door* It cabinet* 3. Built-in range & oven 4. Forced air heat I. Acou*tlcal celling 4. Aluminum sash 7. Sliding door* I. 2-Car garage 9. Tile bath & Pullman 10. Breakfast bar Low Price - Easy Terms 3929 W. 188th St. (Ju*t East of Prairie Ave.) Dont' Delay, These Will Go Fast _0pen House Sunday, 1 to 6 p.m. """VINCENT L.ISHAM, RealtoT 8436 Lincoln Blvd., Westchester * ANNOUNCES * The Opening of a New Branch Office of LOYOLA REALTY 24248 Crenshaw Blvd. Torrance DA 5-0600 We cordially Invite you fo stop in & say hello to HAROLD McWAID-Manager We have many years of real estate experience to our credit and hope to be of service to you. We have full coverage of this area through the Multiple Photo Listing Service THE 'HOME FINDERS' OPTION TO BUY VACANT In choke We»t Torrance we have a 3-bedroom stucco on a nice high lot, I car garage, fenced yard, wall to wall carpets, hardwood floor*, FHA approved. WANT A FIREPLACE? Dandy 3 bedroom ftucco, ?-car garage, fireplace, wall to wall car- .i»eti, drape*, eament block fenced vard, newly decorated In and out. Pull arlcfty S1S,400, FHA terms on balance. A Satisfied Customer Is Our First Consideration Paul H. Hill Realtor 4509 FR 6-3555 TORRANCE BLVD. FR 6-6511 SOUTHWOOD By Owner 4205 Carmen, Tor. OPEN - J Bedroom, 1'i bath, large double oarage. Fenced yard. Knotty pine cabinet*, much tile, water softener, garbage ' disposal. Sprinkler system. *'•>"- loan on thl*. Recently redecorated home. 117,950. FR 6-6443 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $1500 Down G.I. Resale Thl* exception*! horna It localatf wn a corner l«< It feaHures rear living ru«iTi, ItaiUwwtl IfWi Urve kltihen, Igls et Ule, dhpoia.1, si»a clout warOiobr clouts, Ubl detached garage, larg% vard, anJ many ather modern feature*, within easy walking distance a ma lor shwe- ping center. Far appointment ta see call. DA 4-4995 FR 40039 $1295 Down G.I. Resale This Icwerv .I bedroom home. Is only one block trom new shopping center, It feature* double garage, hardwood floors, natural wood cab- inet*, dlxpotal, spacious wardrobe closets, stall shower, fenced vard, and many other modern feature*, payment* of only $97.00 Include* both principal and interest. Won't lait long at this low down. Call now for appointment to see. FR 5-0532 2 Bedroom $11,300 A BEAUTY AAodern stucco vacant, disposal, completely fenced, patio, spun glas* Insulation. Submit down pay menl Near 185th 1 Crenshaw. 18416 Delia St. Ot»*n Sundev » v * » m SCUTHWOOD PI * hu i By Owner $12,750 9 bdrm. home, w to w carpeting, electric range, block wall, awtlo, recently redecorated, lame let. Nice neighborhood. PMA TRRMS AVAILABLE 1*42 Kevnosa Or. OA 41017 Hornet for Sale 16 By Owner N. Torrance 3 Bedroom G. I. Resale i'i baths, service porch, carpeting, drapes, fireplace, 2 car garage. Fenced $16,000. Cash to C.I. Loan. 18808 Patronella DA 9-5417 $250 Down, Vacant. 3-bedroom stucco, hardwood, tile, 1-car ga- rage. In county. W950 Rooming House, close in, $450. mo. Income. Good terms. 2 bedroom home, nice condition, liv- Ingroom carpeted, lots of tile, hard- wood floors, yard completely fenced. R-3 zone. 111,950. 105 FT on Torrance Blvd. this valu- able business corner I* ttrateglcal- ly located between downtown Tor- rance and the Civic Center. NEAR HALLDALE SCHOOL 3 bdrm. ttucco on large corner lot. 9 car garage. Beautiful yard and patio. $16,000. FRANCES Real Estate & Insurance 2276 Torrance Blvd. FA 8-0421 2 BEDROOM HOME close to Ca- brlllo, It's real nice. Age nine years, $2,000 down, balance $9450 at $57.00 per month plus tax and Insurance. 3 BEDROOM G.I. HOME, still has $17,000 loan, at $80 per month in- cluding taxe*. Hope to get $3,000? 3 BEDROOM HOME, at 22*20 An/a Has some extras added. Shown by appointments. 3 BEDROOM BRAND NEW home. 1323 W. 221st. St. 1*4 bath*, 1250 sq. ft. 50 x 180 ft. lot. TWO t 58 ACRE, low ground lust outh of Riviera Hospital. Located On Earl St. $20,000. ONE CORNER C-2 busines* lot. 230th ft Arlington. 60 x 125. Only $6,000. Worth much more. WE HAVE SOME GOOD APART- MENT HOUSES AND ALSO SOME R-3 LOTS IN TORRANCE. McEWEN Realtor DA 6-7175 22803 Cabrillo Ave. Harbor City Real nice 3 bedroom on a Quiet street. Near schools. Excellent condition. Large yard. Can have for $17,950. 2 Bedroom Home on Large Lot A real buy for $13.950 In S. Tor- ranee. Lot Is 50 x J39 ft. Wall to wall. 40 fruit tree*. Lots of other fine feature*. Call for appoint- ment. $1800 DOWN A real buy In a 3 bdrm. 1*« bath home in Southwood. Has w w drapes, fenced yard, double de- tached garage. Total price only $1A,500. Ken Miller REALTOR 1955 Pacific Coa<f Hwy. DA 6-3555 Homes for Sale 3 Bedroom & Den. Will FHA. Block fenced- $17,- 950. No. 393. 3 Bedroom & Den plus fam- ily room. $21,500. 1700 sq. ft. No. 403. 3 Bedroom, 11/? bath, cor- ner lot. $17,950. No. 405. 3 Bedroom, I*'* bath, cor- ner lot. Wilminqfon. $15,- 500. No- 462. Will C«l Vet. ROY SHAW REALTOR 1303-05 Pacific Coast Hwy. DA 6-3461 Evening* DA 4-9404 Ready to Occupy 3 bedroom G.I. Resale, near all schools and shopping fea- fures built-in range and oven, wall to wall carpet and drapes, detached double ga- rage, large yard, fenced and landscaped. Hurry for this, try $1500 down. CONLEY REALTY 4501 Redondo Beach Blvd. FR 9-8493 (Aero** from So. Bay Shap»lne Cantar 4 Bedroom Modern In top residential area, fa- eludes automatic dishweshw! corner fireplace, wall to wall carpet, forced air heat, flex- olite roofed patio, fenced yard. An outstanding home, tor only $5,000 down. See this now. Conley Realty 4501 Redondo Beach BlvjL FR 9-8493 (Acrot* from So, kay $hoa>. Cantar) S500 DOWN Vacant. Immediate po*. session. Cute 3 bedroom early American with built-in range arid oven. Inter-con, garbage dlspoaal, and large I car garage. Howard Percy Broker. FA 1-4434. Sunday* DA 4-2574. .§ummtr Cottages and Resorts FOR RENT modern moutaln cab'n. Green Valley Lake, Calif. Between Big Bear ft Lake Arrowhead. Ele- vation 7,000 ft. Fishing Swimming ect. FA 0-M9* |ncome Property for Sale 94 COMMERCIAL property on Hawthorne Blvd. in Walter- ia. Monthly income $320. Full price $32,500. Call Mr. Rook, DA 6-4451 days c* Mrs. Behson, 6A 9-29tW evenings. I I Buildings to Bo Meved 10S jdrm. stucco, 1«% bath*. 13,950 delivered. No down, 100* financing. DA «-017» §tores A Offices for Rent or Lease US Hawthorne Bld(f BRAND NEW OFFICES FOR RENT 9 $50 Close to Food Giant Mkt. & 101 Hwy. Ample Parking ELSIE NEESS 4 Realtor FR 5-8053 FR 5-5063' ^XV^v^wi-**^v>>^^-»*«^v/1v-^>J ^i^^-^|^-^ |-|ousei ter Rent (Unfurnished) BDRM. UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Hardwood floors, very large yard, double garage. Nice district, closr to schools S, transportation, MS. FA 1686$ ROOMY 3 BDRMS In No. WHmingtoi. Disposal fenced rear yard, carpoM $VS DA 9-74|j $70 MO l-bdrm. house & garage. Re- modeled & newly decorated. 3317 El Dorado. Adults. No Pets. Available Oct. 1. FA 1-1091. 3 BDRM. oarage, fenced vard. Chil- dren welcome. 1100, mo* DA * 1647 ) BDRM. patia, dish wa»her, aarbaw dls. water softener. Adult* pre- ferred. PA I 4353 140 Clean, modarn 1 bdrm houta, Rear. Stove Si furnace. Adolt*. Na pet*. 9211 Gramarcy. FA 11371 1 BDRM. ? stall garage, S100 nJ| Located at 7441 W 236 PI. OR 7-3H4 3 BEDROOMS, double garage, fenced yard, Walterla area, water fc trash pd., $115 mo. DA 47141 ONE BDRM. HOUSE for rant. Adult* only. No pet*. S9S par ma. Afh*r S p.m. __________OA 4-1359 CLEAN ONE BDRM. I carport, no pets. Water & trash pick-up paid 21311 S. Flguaroa St. TE 2-U03 $70 Small ) bdrm. house, 1 child OK. No pats. Sea at 25335 Walnut St.. Lomlta. Call FR HOUS*S for Rent (Furnished) ONE BFOROOM house Adult* only, no pet*. SSO mo. Water pd. 25415 Woodward Ave., Lomlta. Inauir* rear. ____ OA *-J*3e 1 BORM. Nlca yard > fum. UtWtle* paid. (75 monthly Pat o.k. U11V» 25Sth St., Harbor City. ____ F"U RNISH E D or~UN FURNISHED, 1H bdrm. house. Fenced In yard, tof* OK. J60 per mo. Inquire at 1414 W. 254 In raar. $150 ttirea bedroom*. ftraa>laea, garaaa. Near school* FR 4-3424 ». 1Te«W ^partments for Rtnt (Unfurnished) 119 A fwrtments for Rent (Unfurnished) 119 IN THE COUNTY 3 bedrooms, hardwood Hoots, 1'j bilho, 2 car garage. $1000 down. t9f month. Albert Z. England $50 MONTH 1 BEDROOM APIS. ft CHILDREN WELCOME A TV & Telephone Outlets w Colored Bath Fixtures, Etc. 3)6 W. Grififth St. (2 blocks S. of 190th St. and Fiqu»ro«) See Manager or Call GL 4-8564 BDRM 1 YR OLD **"*<> NEAR NEW nrwclou* one bdrm I BDRM 8. «»tafl«. Utilltle* »d, U»U/IN/V\. ^ i ix. \^>i-^ fronf -pf G>r(|fti Adwlu No rtogi. j Couple preferred, »#$. 1334 W. ttt'h tU Sartorl. FR 4 3AI4 it. OA ' " ??jn W. Owiea DA 4-taM 1 m t anre Radrienee PA STUCCO. N6WLY DFCOBAtCD. FENCED. VACANT. $*,»SO. LOW DOWN. 8Y OWNER. 1I5» I. J71 St. TORRANCI FR 4-8043 4* One Bedroom, newly dacorated I children welcome WWJ S. Var m»tM, Iftrranct DA 4 ISSS. b<1rnvai»t. fnr rant, I7«, DM W. M) Streat HE *»<' < PA t«S. U DAYS free, ibedrm. modern. par. rtUponal iiillt-ln nven ate MM! Frampton Ave. Harbor City. M - On* hdrm. apt. & 94 Clean. On Hawthorn*. r*M»r s. LU

Transcript of In top residential area, fa- A- Harbor City OPEN A- Lomita ...

Page 1: In top residential area, fa- A- Harbor City OPEN A- Lomita ...

Six TORRANCE PRESS Monday, September 22, 19:

and Business Improvement Service 40

HOME OWNERS' SPECIAL I will paint your 2 or 3 bedroom ctucco hom*

$159.50 Full Price•ft 3 Years written guarantee•fr Factory guaranteed paint•fr Expert workmanship•& Nothing down, little a* M per mo.

Christie PaintingDA 3-4*72 DAY or NITES

guilding, Remodeling 42

Family RoomsGARAGES

N0 money down, 100% FHA fi­ nancing.Specializing In room addition* for, 10 year*. Thousand* of wifiifled i customer*. You'll be plea*ed with or low price*.


TE 4-5256 PL 3-370 Marshall Builders

£mployment Offered (Men) 70

Plaster & StuccoREPAIRING



FR 6-2883^__

"ROOM ADDITIONS ft Family rooms

ft Bedrooms ^r Kitchens

ft Bathsft All types of fences

Free Plans andEstimates

100% Financing

Alter Blda. Co.FA 8-0376

AdditionsComplete building

serviceIncluding permits and

plani100% financing, FHA terms. 5 years to pay


DA 5-0515 or __ DA 5-0001 __


Kitchen, bath, glass door*All services, Carpenter, cemant,plumbing, electric, tile, ate.

Free plans aV estimate*100% FINANCING

Licensed A iniured. Gen Coot. J. S. Davenport - DA *-*014




A- Harbor City

A- Lomita

^r Los Angeles(Between Vermont I. Avalor

fr Walteria


Apply in Person

Torrance Press

Employment Offered (Men and Women) 72

1406 Craven*

* BOOK MEN iNewest Best Easiest

Mosf Profitable

The Great BoohPhone for Interview appointment:


OS 9-3030f:M fo 11:30 A.M. Only







Young men l«-25 yrs. of age wh re Interested In learning the r« fall meat trade. Mutt be neat In dres* & appearance, alert & willing to work.



3412 W. Olympic Blvd. Lo* Angele*

SEE MR. JAMES W. CROW 1:30-4:00 Mon. thru Frl.


ROUTE SALESMANI Day week. Top commUdon

FA 1-95*1

PRECISION MACHINIST. Mutt be flood all around man. Top pay.

FA I-95W

Employment Of 'e red (Women)

J*» W. 177WI St., DA 91107


BLOCK WALLSCement ft Brick Patlfti




FR 4-M31 4-2091.


ALL WORK://W* wJaclai sidewalks, <

.'JARANTE ED >, driveway*,

& (ton*.





1*915 HAWTHORNE _____ FR 4-3344

JOBS' WAlflNGT"For women 1155, In Missiles & Electronic*. Assembly. Enroll now In our Inexpensive 3-weak personal­ ized c«ur*e. Learn wlrelng, solder- Jng, ichematlci, etc.


Qualify for top-pay lob*. Now open.



Inglawood OR 43313

Jobs Close Why Travel?ALL JOBS WITHIN 7 MILES


RUSH stano* I Typist* on our vaca­ tion relief service. NO FEE.

MALEHAND FORMERS, sheet metal and extrusion, day* and swing TRAINEES, 20-30 (read blueprint*) - CHEMICAL MILLING operators - AAB TOOL * DIE - TOOL AND CUTTER GRINDER - CHECKERS


B.E.S AGENCY432 S. 101 Hwy., Redondo

"The Job to Fit the Person, the Person to Fit the Job"

WOMEN2 Med. secretaries, 20 yr*. $300 Good typists, gen. office

sharp ............ ........ OpenBookkeeper, gen. office ••••••**£Stones & secretaries .... 1275132*

MENInspectors, (fabrication Si «heet-rmt' 1 ' 2 Vrl- *X "ti .45 - S2.44 hr.

Millwright Refinery exp. Top*


AGENCY 1628 Gramercy FA 8-5368

for Sale 14 Homes for * ' 86


The following list of homes will be open for your convenience this week end.

BEE WILSONft Low Fee Agency ft


ft $25 - $35 ftWe Have Many Jobs

MENPICK UP DRIVER (B), license, Open TRAINEES, 70-25 vr» To H.70 hr. PUNCH PRESS operator*, Very good ENGINE LATHE, swing, t2.40 hr.

WOMENDICTAPHONf operator* FACTORY, graveyard

UI14 S. VermontDA 3 4507

i »75 wk. 11.10 plut




Employment Agency14918 Hawthorne Blvd.

Lnwndale OS 5-4403 OS 6-6838

SOUTHWOOD SPECIALLovely 3-bedroom home with I 3/4 baths, in choice location. Has wall to wall carpeting and nanny de­ luxe features. Owner leaving and asking $19,950.



OPEN SUNDAY, 12 to 6 P.M.

16719 Glenburn, N. Torranc63-bedroom home, l'/2 baths, separate dining room, fireplace. Total price $18,000.

OPEN DAILY 17316 Ardath, N. Torrance .

2-Bedroom home, large lot 60x130. $1 1,500 full price. Both homes are in excellent condition, have hard­ wood floors, fenced yards and are on corner lots. Stop by or call

OWNER DA 4-1253

Reserve ValuableTERRITORY

Now for Avon Cosmetics CHRISTMAS BUSINESS




Call TodayGA 7-0019 (Extension 95)

or Zenith 00i»

CEMENT WORK Small loo*, patio*, ttaa*, and wall*. FR. 5-32M.



SPECIAL>LYWOOD!4x», new W75. WATER HEATERS, j guaranteed, 175. MOLDING lc par I ft,, GALVANIZED PIPE cMap. WORK BENCHES, CABINETS. Open 7 day*. Pree firewood. HERWOOD BUILDING SUPPLY

24500 $. Normandle

Harbor City DA 6-5 146

(£«rdeninf end Landtcaplng

* WANTED *Alert girl for part-time work a& a -telephone solicitor. Must be experienced.

Apply in Person


EXCAVATING and grading, rill dirtTree* removed. fr»th haullne,.Charle* Oann. PA MM*

YARD CLEAN UP Light hauling. Mowing. Monthly rate*. Cement work. DA *-J70a

COMPLETE yard maintenance exper­ ience, landtcaplng & gardening. Eaxilpmant to clear lot*. Free ea- tlmate*. PR »-ail7.

PREE EST. B-R-1 TE f-TMlRenovating, trading, naw lawn* L«ndca»lng, Tg*> loll, Cleanup

JAPAWP»E AMERICAN. Oardanar Garden maintenance, clean UP. Landtcaplng. DA J-«n* after *:*)

Child Cere e4

BABY SITTING In my homa waa*i- day* or avaning*.

DA f a90l

MOTHER*OOOO CHILD cara. Hour, day ac

lot a> Cren»haw area. DA

5!tuatlon« Wanted


AUTO ROUTEReliable driver wanted for part time Thur»day morning nawtnapar delivery.


TORRANCE PRESS1404 Craven* Tarranca

Employed Torranc* Couple with school-aged boy want fulf time housekeeper in ex­ change for room, board and saUry. Call Mrs. King at FA 8 1640, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Or FA 8-0715 after 6 p.m.


17500 Grenshaw

Ask for Mr. CrossDA 9-1074 PA 1-2161


for local area. Car nece*sarv. Na delivery, no pick-UP. We train you With gASTERLING COMPANY.

Good CommissionFR 5,0070

(Between 1:30 ft 10:30 a..m ft 4:10 to 6:30 p.m.)

ft GIRLS ft

B« a Telephone) Solicitor!Opening* for experienced, part time worker*. You work at home) Par further Information pnana:

FR 6-6388Twa*., Wad., * Thura. It am. ta 12 noon.

PtiVATt SICKtTARY axacutlve fyp*. Mwat be *elf confident. Could work Iftt* TOP BUYERS POSITION

PA «9>97

WH i (JO ph«n* an*, child care, type 'ifitf, t,fft o' cook for living>vi*i<t"-. wi'h '»-.|ld 4, hutband or

boy* shirt*, flrl*F* MM;

WILL DO waby Ittlne * Ik** w«fk, Yowr hatna _______PA aVMOf________

§A§Y SITTING, dan**. M/ lwm». Evening your*

DA a-*S1

Employment Offered (Men) 70

LAftCf CONCBRN need* accurate ctark ty*»ltl, must type M wpm, and be attractive. 20-U. PA 19690

CURK TYPI1TMu*f ba experienced on NCR 11 Og tmail Firm. t _____ ̂A I 9>9l

WANT by liter t day* weak. 3 mall <hlldran.


By giving a TOY PARTY at your home. CALL NOWI


Telephone SolicitorsWork at noma, full or part tima.

AL»O NFEO 2 Japanese spaaklna solicitor*


DA 3-3620

$950 DOWN3 bedroom on small lot, near park In Lomlta. Redecorated Inside ft out Hardwood floors. Payment*, $/3 SO month.

Within Your MeansFriendly two bedroom on corner lot, 2 car garage, carpentlng, Mvin< room and dining room. Wat» sotfener, patio, aluminum awnings and screen door, disposal, close H school Los Angeles bus, and shop ping. Full price aaly $13,500.

Rose Craig Realty1741 Pacific Coast Hwy. (Pearl Jacobs, Associate)

DA 6-1311Evenings FR 2-3408

""SACRIFICE!!"3 Bdrms. - 2 Baths

G.I. ResaleIn desirable Southwood of West Torrance. (Near .Broadway, Sear* Shopping Center) It's one of the finest homes In the area. Owner must sell. Just take over $13,700 4</?% loan ft submit. »U,950 full price with 12,000 down.


14979 S. Prairie Ave.

OS 5-4458Best Real Estate


2456 W. 236th PI.Stop by and *ae thi* beautiful two bedroom 1 den plus rumpus room. Double d«t*ch»d garag*. Fenced back yard Full price only ill,750. rath to P.M.A. or conventional loan.

Don Borden Realty73991 Narbonne

(On the Torrance Lomlta Llna)

DA 6-2734Evening* DA 4-7731

MY BUSINESS!Claan, pleasant, profitable work.Batter than average earning*.Phone for appointment:

FR 8-2277TOY SHOW HOSTESS or demonstra

tor* wanted. Selected md*e. ft top comm. Seaton haral Mr. NlchoU, FA I-MM.

Business Opportunities 74

HARDWARE, paint*, house ware. can operate. Long estebllshed.

CE 9 1331

Ittate Leene M

' IPM need* AC- have 4 year* "*t ti an«lv»U.

TAB ?5»0



UO>Y o CLdANINa »V Irgnhw. 1 efcy par waa*.

OA 9-aua __ |WANTffD baby liner, f fo * day*

a week Call after k p m. PA I-JJ19

"AKfc MONfY AT MO'/rrrm^ing umill garment* for i/»

PL 37111

WANTfD: Baby *ltar. J ta I, f day* a w*9k..Calf PA 2)99.

After * a m

51/2 & 6% 1st LoansU to 20 year term. Also privatefund* for 7nd Trust Deeds. FHAterms to qualified borrower*

Ed BoothFR 5-6833

$ We Buy $' 2nd Trust Deeds

14135 So. Vermont



FA 1-1544 DA 3-3555»3MO at 10% at I/O per mon, Sec­

ond Tri/sf Deed, 4 bedroom 2 bath horn*. Kb iOOTH **ft |.«I)J

NfiO MONEY? Will mad* trwet <»e*<t*. CaM Di«rk Miller

TWO BATHS SWIMMING POOL1 Bedroom* back yard a tropical paradise complete with patio, pro fesslonal landscaping and 14 x 30 filtered POO| Ideal for the family or entertaining. Close to Sup»r Market «. school. Phon* for ap- Mlntmant to see thl* gorgeous home.

Paradise Realty(Aero** f'ftm Terrance Drive-In)

FR 6-8739Open 9 to 9

$1995 Dn., $54 Mo.Pull Prlca t7t9S, two bedroom ttuc- co only 3 year* old Hardwood floors, garage, lawn, fence, near store and school. »?ooo under mar­ ket price, alio 3 bixtroom with 1 I > bath*. Phone TE 5-5430.

Builder* Liquidation Offlca e«r. I. MJrd it. * ft. Avalen tlvd.

By Owner

Hollywood Riviera Have a Full House?

A place for everything in this twe- level contemporary.

1 Bedroom *\ Rumpus Room3 Baths - 2 Fireplace*

With tarn* laundry and storage rooms. Park-like selling wih near­ by recreation facilities lor the youngsters $7000 down will finance. Owner has left this area and re­ duced the price to $29,750 tor im- medlata action. I el's get otf the oprn house tour and get down to real value I Shown by appointment.

ED BOOTH, Realtor

FR 5-6833336 Vista Del Mar Hollywood Riviera

(Across from Plush Horse)

New 3 Bedroom< rooms, HOC sq. teet. hardwood floors, dining room, breakfast room, one and *< baths, sliding glass

doors In living room, fireplace, modern $15,500 F.H.A. commitment. Full price $11,500, VJ.OOO down to Qualified buyer. 1729 W. 231th St.

8 Unit Apt. House2 bedrooms, 'carpeted, hardwood floors, tile bath*, over tub shower, sidewalks and curbs, $40,000, $15,- 000 down. Income $640 month.

3 Bdrm. G.I. ResaleNeeds e little fixing up, fenced rear vard. BBO In patio. $9100 full price. Easy term*.

Chris SorensenRealtor

3775 Pac. Cst. Hy.FR 5-4405 FR 5-0449

Open House Sunday 1419 222nd St.

total price. month. Lot

1 bedroom* HI,500 Payments of »S5 pe 50 x 1*0.

DRIVE BY 4816 Morsley

Uuit off Reynold* Drive)> bedroom home on corner lot.Win take good F.H.A. Call to tee.

JARVIS REALTY1828 Pacific Coast Hwy.


$995 Down1 BecJrnorm - 2 B^llr,

G.I. Resale 4!/2%Thl* beautiful home is located In de»lrjibl* SOUTHWOOD lu»t west of the new Broadway, Sear* Shop­ ping Canter. It feature* built In bar kitchen, rear living room, opening Into patio and completely fenced yard. Lot* of closets, hardwood floor*, ttall shower, dl*po»al, de­ tached double garage, and many other modern feature*, call now for appointment to *aa.

FR 5-0532

M Di«rk -tm

»1,000 «own. Cozy 1 bed ttuceo. Redecorated, landscaped, fenced yard. Across new May Co. Shopping area, til,500.

4339 W. 180th S,t. Torrance OL 4-9016 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-4:30

Reel litete Leant

$1650 BUYS $3300 7%

Second trust deed pays $33 mo. Secure'd by new 3 bed­ room cti/cro, p$id on two yean. First trust deed ahead $5300.

J. L. Hughes, Builder21904 S. Vermont, Torrance___FA 8-5038__

Money for Your Real Estate Needs i

Plenty ol PRIVATP MONSY for im ! mediate purchase of tru«t deed* j

Realty Loan* & InvestmentsJ. C. MILLRR, Realtor

HMT Cranthaw RlvaOR 4-3322

VACANT $795 Down G.I. Resale

This lovely 3 bedroom home, I* lo­ cated south of the New May Co. Ha* double garage, hardwood floors, rear llvlna room, spacious ward robe close!t, ttall shower, lot* of tile, and many other feature*, available ta vet or non-vet with 414% loan. MUST SACRIPICP. NO REp TAPE. A TELEPHONE CALL MOV1S YOU IN.

FR 4-0039 DA 4-4995

Open Sunday 2806 Soreckles Lane

Like New 3 beAroom, block wall, sprinklfrs, Ihetmoslal, Hr. Near 1*01)1 * Hawthorne, tTUUG d«wn M'Oidd handle Ihrouah f H.A. N nanring.

Chism-Moody2074? Hawthorne Blvd.

FR 6-0431Salesmen Needed

$295 Moves You inVaran) Immed'at* PoniMilon

Out "' 1own Cr'dH O.K. l.lke 1 new 1 & -1 h»rtrnr»m «tucrn homoi. MdrrlwfKvl (|r)r>ri, earage, lawn, fencrrt, rlon* to <»or* and »rhnol», 4 IM« O K Ooen for In- (pertlon. Thone TP % 54.10

~ Iulld«rs Li«id«tkwt Offlr«

it. * *. Aval** B*v«J.

for Sale 86 |-|omts for Sale


2 Bedroom CharmerThl* lovely home I* lint like new Spotless hardwood floors, extra large kitchen, Immaculate throughout, and In delightful area, near schools and hopping, completely fenced and landscaped, with detached garage. Only $1000 down and 112,408 full price. Walterla section.

$795 DownHere I* bargain home In wonderful condition Inside and out. Has 3 bedrooms, tile stall shower and bath*, hardwood floors, disposal, thermo­ stat, wardrobe closets and load* of cabinet space. Lovely landscaping and large detached double garage, 4'«"v. loan to vet or non-vet. Out of (tat* credit o.k. and t'5,945 full price. Immediate possession If desired.

Lovely CornerJust one year old. With 3 bedrooms, two baths, hardwood floors, fireplace, knotty pine paneling and cab;nes, wardrobe closets, breakfast bar and beamed ceilings, disposal, and Immaculate throughout. Patio, block wall and large double garage, plus 4',% loan to vet or non-vet. $14*5 down.

North Redondo - $795 DownQuaint 2 bedroom home with wall to wall carpet and large vard that'* fully fenced. Lovely area. Near schools and other convenience*. Thl* It a real buy for $12,800 and Is clean as a whistle.

READY REALTY20714 Hawthorne Blvd. FR 6-3468

22601 Hawthorne Blvd. FR 5-9552

Open Til Dark

Only 3 Left Name Your Own Down Payment

Builder's SoleNew 3-bedroom, 2-bath home. Cool, smog-free Torrance

Featuring:1. Hardwood floor*

9. Ath door* It cabinet*

3. Built-in range & oven

4. Forced air heat

I. Acou*tlcal celling

4. Aluminum sash

7. Sliding door*

I. 2-Car garage

9. Tile bath & Pullman

10. Breakfast bar

Low Price - Easy Terms

3929 W. 188th St.(Ju*t East of Prairie Ave.)

Dont' Delay, These Will Go Fast

_0pen House Sunday, 1 to 6 p.m. """VINCENT L.ISHAM, RealtoT

8436 Lincoln Blvd., Westchester

* ANNOUNCES *The Opening of a New Branch Office of

LOYOLA REALTY 24248 Crenshaw Blvd.

Torrance DA 5-0600We cordially Invite you fo stop in & say hello to

HAROLD McWAID-ManagerWe have many years of real estate experience to our credit and hope to be of service to you. We have full coverage of this area through the

Multiple Photo Listing Service



VACANT In choke We»t Torrance we have a 3-bedroom stucco on a nice high lot, I car garage, fenced yard, wall to wall carpets, hardwood floor*, FHA approved.

WANT A FIREPLACE?Dandy 3 bedroom ftucco, ?-car garage, fireplace, wall to wall car-

.i»eti, drape*, eament block fenced vard, newly decorated In and out. Pull arlcfty S1S,400, FHA terms on balance.

A Satisfied Customer Is Our First Consideration

Paul H. Hill Realtor4509


FR 6-6511


4205 Carmen, Tor.OPEN - J Bedroom, 1'i bath, large double oarage. Fenced yard. Knotty pine cabinet*, much tile, water softener, garbage ' disposal. Sprinkler system. *'•>"- loan on thl*. Recently redecorated home. 117,950.

FR 6-6443

3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths$1500 DownG.I. Resale

Thl* exception*! horna It localatf wn a corner l«< It feaHures rear living ru«iTi, ItaiUwwtl IfWi Urve kltihen, Igls et Ule, dhpoia.1, si»a clout warOiobr clouts, Ubl detached garage, larg% vard, anJ many ather modern feature*, within easy walking distance t« a ma lor shwe- ping center. Far appointment ta see call.

DA 4-4995 FR 40039

$1295 Down G.I. Resale

This Icwerv .I bedroom home. Is only one block trom new shopping center, It feature* double garage, hardwood floors, natural wood cab­ inet*, dlxpotal, spacious wardrobe closets, stall shower, fenced vard, and many other modern feature*, payment* of only $97.00 Include* both principal and interest. Won't lait long at this low down. Call now for appointment to see.

FR 5-0532

2 Bedroom $11,300A BEAUTY

AAodern stucco vacant, disposal, completely fenced, patio, spun glas* Insulation. Submit down pay menl Near 185th 1 Crenshaw.

18416 Delia St.Ot»*n Sundev » v * » m


By Owner $12,7509 bdrm. home, w to w carpeting, electric range, block wall, awtlo, recently redecorated, lame let. Nice neighborhood.

PMA TRRMS AVAILABLE 1*42 Kevnosa Or. OA 41017

Hornet for Sale 16

By Owner N. Torrance 3 Bedroom G. I. Resale

i'i baths, service porch, carpeting, drapes, fireplace, 2 car garage. Fenced $16,000. Cash to C.I. Loan.

18808 Patronella DA 9-5417$250 Down, Vacant. 3-bedroom stucco, hardwood, tile, 1-car ga­ rage. In county. W950

Rooming House, close in, $450. mo. Income. Good terms.

2 bedroom home, nice condition, liv- Ingroom carpeted, lots of tile, hard­ wood floors, yard completely fenced. R-3 zone. 111,950.

105 FT on Torrance Blvd. this valu­ able business corner I* ttrateglcal- ly located between downtown Tor­ rance and the Civic Center.

NEAR HALLDALE SCHOOL 3 bdrm. ttucco on large corner lot. 9 car garage. Beautiful yard and patio. $16,000.

FRANCESReal Estate & Insurance

2276 Torrance Blvd.

FA 8-04212 BEDROOM HOME close to Ca-

brlllo, It's real nice. Age nine years, $2,000 down, balance $9450 at $57.00 per month plus tax and Insurance.

3 BEDROOM G.I. HOME, still has $17,000 loan, at $80 per month in­ cluding taxe*. Hope to get $3,000?

3 BEDROOM HOME, at 22*20 An/a Has some extras added. Shown by appointments.

3 BEDROOM BRAND NEW home. 1323 W. 221st. St. 1*4 bath*, 1250 sq. ft. 50 x 180 ft. lot.

TWO t 58 ACRE, low ground lust outh of Riviera Hospital. Located On Earl St. $20,000.

ONE CORNER C-2 busines* lot. 230th ft Arlington. 60 x 125. Only $6,000. Worth much more.



DA 6-717522803 Cabrillo Ave.

Harbor CityReal nice 3 bedroom on a Quiet street. Near schools. Excellent condition. Large yard. Can have for $17,950.

2 Bedroom Home on Large Lot

A real buy for $13.950 In S. Tor- ranee. Lot Is 50 x J39 ft. Wall to

wall. 40 fruit tree*. Lots of other fine feature*. Call u« for appoint­ ment.

$1800 DOWNA real buy In a 3 bdrm. 1*« bath home in Southwood. Has w w drapes, fenced yard, double de­ tached garage. Total price only $1A,500.


1955 Pacific Coa<f Hwy.

DA 6-3555

Homes for Sale

3 Bedroom & Den. Will FHA. Block fenced- $17,- 950. No. 393.

3 Bedroom & Den plus fam­ ily room. $21,500. 1700 sq. ft. No. 403.

3 Bedroom, 11/? bath, cor­ ner lot. $17,950. No. 405.

3 Bedroom, I*'* bath, cor­ ner lot. Wilminqfon. $15,- 500. No- 462. Will C«l Vet.


1303-05 Pacific Coast Hwy.

DA 6-3461Evening* DA 4-9404

Ready to Occupy3 bedroom G.I. Resale, near all schools and shopping fea- fures built-in range and oven, wall to wall carpet and drapes, detached double ga­ rage, large yard, fenced and landscaped. Hurry for this, try $1500 down.


4501 Redondo Beach Blvd.

FR 9-8493(Aero** from So. Bay Shap»lne


4 Bedroom Modern

In top residential area, fa- eludes automatic dishweshw!corner fireplace, wall to wall carpet, forced air heat, flex- olite roofed patio, fenced yard. An outstanding home, tor only $5,000 down. See this now.

Conley Realty4501 Redondo Beach BlvjL

FR 9-8493(Acrot* from So, kay $hoa>. Cantar)

S500 DOWN Vacant. Immediate po*. session. Cute 3 bedroom early American with built-in range arid oven. Inter-con, garbage dlspoaal, and large I car garage. Howard Percy Broker. FA 1-4434. Sunday* DA 4-2574.

.§ummtr Cottages and Resorts

FOR RENT modern moutaln cab'n. Green Valley Lake, Calif. Between Big Bear ft Lake Arrowhead. Ele­ vation 7,000 ft. Fishing Swimming ect. FA 0-M9*

|ncome Property for Sale 94

COMMERCIAL property on Hawthorne Blvd. in Walter- ia. Monthly income $320. Full price $32,500. Call Mr. Rook, DA 6-4451 days c* Mrs. Behson, 6A 9-29tW evenings.



Buildings to Bo Meved 10S

jdrm. stucco, 1«% bath*. 13,950 delivered. No down, 100* financing. DA «-017»

§tores A Offices for Rent or Lease US

Hawthorne Bld(fBRAND


FOR RENT 9$50Close to

Food Giant Mkt. & 101 Hwy.

Ample ParkingELSIE NEESS 4

Realtor FR 5-8053 FR 5-5063'^XV^v^wi-**^v>>^^-»*«^v/1v-^>J ^i^^-^|^-^

|-|ousei ter Rent(Unfurnished)

BDRM. UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Hardwood floors, very large yard, double garage. Nice district, closr to schools S, transportation, MS.

FA 1686$

ROOMY 3 BDRMS In No. WHmingtoi. Disposal fenced rear yard, carpoM $VS DA 9-74|j

$70 MO l-bdrm. house & garage. Re­ modeled & newly decorated. 3317 ElDorado. Adults. No Pets. Available Oct. 1. FA 1-1091.

3 BDRM. oarage, fenced vard. Chil­ dren welcome. 1100, mo*

DA * 1647

) BDRM. patia, dish wa»her, aarbaw dls. water softener. Adult* pre­ ferred. PA I 4353

140 Clean, modarn 1 bdrm houta, Rear. Stove Si furnace. Adolt*. Na pet*. 9211 Gramarcy. FA 11371

1 BDRM. ? stall garage, S100 nJ| Located at 7441 W 236 PI.

OR 7-3H4

3 BEDROOMS, double garage, fenced yard, Walterla area, water fc trash pd., $115 mo. DA 47141

ONE BDRM. HOUSE for rant. Adult* only. No pet*. S9S par ma. Afh*r S p.m. __________OA 4-1359

CLEAN ONE BDRM. I carport, no pets. Water & trash pick-up paid 21311 S. Flguaroa St. TE 2-U03

$70 Small ) bdrm. house, 1 child OK. No pats. Sea at 25335 WalnutSt.. Lomlta. Call FR

HOUS*S for Rent(Furnished)

ONE BFOROOM house Adult* only, no pet*. SSO mo. Water pd. 25415 Woodward Ave., Lomlta. Inauir* rear. ____ OA *-J*3e

1 BORM. Nlca yard > fum. UtWtle* paid. (75 monthly Pat o.k. U11V» 25Sth St., Harbor City. ____

F"U RNISH E D or~UN FURNISHED, 1H bdrm. house. Fenced In yard, tof* OK. J60 per mo. Inquire at 1414 W. 254 In raar.

$150 ttirea bedroom*. ftraa>laea,garaaa. Near school*

FR 4-3424

». 1Te«W

^partments for Rtnt (Unfurnished) 119

A fwrtments for Rent

(Unfurnished) 119

IN THE COUNTY3 bedrooms, hardwood Hoots, 1'j bilho, 2 car garage. $1000 down. t9f month.

Albert Z. England



A TV & Telephone Outlets

w Colored Bath Fixtures, Etc.

3)6 W. Grififth St.

(2 blocks S. of 190th St. and Fiqu»ro«)

See Manager or Call

GL 4-8564BDRM 1 YR OLD **"*<> NEAR NEW nrwclou* one bdrm I BDRM 8. «»tafl«. Utilltle* »d,U»U/IN/V\. ^ i ix. \^>i-^ fronf -pf G>r(|fti Adwlu No rtogi. j Couple preferred, »#$. 1334 W. ttt'h

tU Sartorl. FR 4 3AI4 it. OA ' "

??jn W. Owiea DA 4-taM

1 m t anre Radrienee PA


1I5» I. J71 St. TORRANCI

FR 4-8043

4* One Bedroom, newly dacorated I children welcome WWJ S. Var m»tM, Iftrranct DA 4 ISSS.

b<1rnvai»t. fnr rant, I7«, DM W. M) Streat HE *»<' <


t«S. U DAYS free, ibedrm. modern. par. rtUponal iiillt-ln nven ate MM! Frampton Ave. Harbor City.

M - On* hdrm. apt. & 94 Clean. On Hawthorn*. r*M»r s.