MA EGA It JK'I VILLE M. E CHURCH. REGULAR BMKVKdSS SUNDAY. FINANCIAL "BOUND-UP" ALL WEEK wttm GERLR.-U, mwkt* TO-NIGHT AT FRANK PAlRItAiRN'S TO CLOSE V\>, CHURCH EXPENSE. YOJM X.—NO. 14. MAUiiAMZTVlLLE, N. Y., JmiDAY, MAIN'II «, 1001, WHOLE NO., 171 IN THE REALM OF MUSIC, AM ENJOYABLE EVENING AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Au Interesting - Programme Rendered liy Mr. Scott of Hobart and Our Own Home Talent. The ciulcrfaiument under the auspices ol the Ohiisliau Endeavor Hoelety of the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening was a success. The llrst cum- bur oil the programme wuu given by Mrs A. Hnlpern. Immediately niter the Orel, barn were given we recognised one oC D u r a n d ' s wait/us. Mrs. HtUperu's version was really entertaining. Her creseeudos, dooiosoendos and staccato notes gavo excellent effect. The llrst musical selection put the audience In good humor. Little luoz, Carman then had something to Bay and she did it so nicely that she received deserved ap- plause, living Lioksou then gave us a vocul solo which was excellently ren- dered. Ho has a pleasing voice and handles it well. Next we wore treated to a recitation by Miss'Mary Kelly. Miss Kelly had the faculty of. keeping the audience in laughter during her stay. A quartette composed of Mrs. Gladstone, Mis. Roterimind, Mr. Dickson and Mr. Dean gave us a selection which some- what divurslfiud the entertainment. The different parts of the 'selection and with the members combined pleased the hear- ers very much. The name of J. Howard Scott was then announced. Mr. 8cott was with us about a year ago on a similar occasion. He was kindly remembered and here and there applause waa given. A polonaise by Bohm was bia first number. It Is one of those selections fur the violin that can be interpreted by the soloist to make the hearers think they are on the road to dreamland and then again they are In- terrupted by the effect the accelerated passages create. He handled it with that nicety and delicacy that whou the last notes went away the audience gave hi in such a hearty applause that ho gave them "Slmplo Confession," which tolls its own story- George Kuetiu appeared to bo in excel- lent form arid tho manner in which he made foreign dialect pleased the audi- euce, particularly the younger portion. The vocal solo by Miss Irene Dickson was clear and distinct. For her effort sho receivod applause. Charles Allabeu gavo us a cornet solo, ami considering the short time lie had to work on it it was nicely given. Mlas Paulino Gladstone's recitation was given with the assurance of a person much ohlor than she. Her euuuelatlon was good and she received generous applause. Little Ruth Eelle, olttd in a garb of old glory, gave us a patriotic solo. A piano duett by Mrs. Gladstone and Miss Hull proved to bo a ploaslug number. They apparentlyknew each other well, for in uot a single In- did eithor Inflict a wound to a single part of the other. They bad the applause given which they earned. Mr. Soott was next in order. This time ho gave us one of those Polish dances, which is chock full of syncopated passages. Whenever the dolce parte were given they had telllug effect, This solcoliou Is of that order that will plaoe the lover.of Hue music In euelacles, It can be kindly remembered for the warmth of fooling it has created. Mr. Bcott was most excellently assisted in all of his soloe by the Kov. Dr. Edwards, whose flue touch and rare judgmout uevor once allowed him to abuse a pianissimo purt. Miss Linda Hardeuborg's rooltatlou showed no little forethought; and study, Applause greeted her efforts. Goorgo Kueliu gave a vooal nolo that was so nicely snug that It was encored, Mr, Kuohii has a voice that la clear, his enun- ciation Is good, and It might bo olassod with those of a natural melody, Douglas Hplors'e recitation waa clothed In much thought aud his delivery had that free- dom which always makes a subject of the nature of his fofohlug. Little Clara MoOumber sung nicely without a Bluglo falter. The last number, a piano solo by Miss Nettle Bouton, contained various movements. It was well given and the linger movements wore something out of tlio ordinary. Applause. Miss Bertha Hull and Mrs, Harvey Gladstone did untold service us uooom- ponlsts. The preliminary work thoy had to do Is fully appreciated by tho Christian Hudoavor Society and ovory person con- nected With tlio church. To everybody who took part in tlio eutermulmuont the mombois of tlio church are Indebted, The not receipts wore $10,50, NOTES OF THE CHURCHES. Sheaves Garnered In the Busy Vineyard by the Master's Sturdy Yeomen. AT THiei'itiiisurntiUAN uuviwu The Rev. Dr. Edwards will preach in the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours. M IGJ'HOIUST MENTION. Tlio ladies' Aid Society received four now members at their last meeting. Some of the new members are enjoying the Sunday night class. How about you? Tho number of communicants Sabbath morning was large, the altar being tilled six times. Amos Alllsou has been elected delegate to tho annual conference which convenes in New York week of April G. Fanny Jackson will lead tho Epwortb League Sunday night. Topic, "Appe- tites that unmake men." Rev. A. A. Walker received r number of new members Sunday moinlnglasl, some l>y letter and others by baptism. The ladlos' prayer circle will meet with Mrs. A. A, Walker next Tuesday after- noon at 3 p. m. Leader, Mrs. George Kenyon. Irving S. Dickson entertaiued the reading circle of the Epworth League on Monday evening. A good attendance and a good time. The beginners' meeting was held at the homo of William Gray on Tuesday even- ing. Some of the beginners are more active than the older ones. The prayer meetiugs are remarkably well attended. Mr. Walker should feel encouraged, as he has seen the numbers Increase and the Interest very manifest. A. 0. Teuton is the leader of the young men's Bible class recently organised. Ho will bo pleased to take your name as a new member. The class uients each Sabbath afternoon In the church. A WEEK IN MARGARETYILLE. PERSONAL MENTION LIGHTS AND SHADOWS THROWN ON THE CANVAS OF A WEEK. Interesting Littlebits Thai Mirror Doings of Seven Days in the Pearl of the Catskiils. the Mileage books to rent. It. M. Delmnetei AHKVIIJW! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fairbalru will kindly open their now home on Railroad avenue tonight (Friday) for a social to close up Arkvlllo church expenses, for the year. Tho Invitation is general. The house should be full. THE WEATHER IN MARCH. The Rev. Irl Hicks Tells Us What to Look for in the Way of Storms, Etc. Tho predictions for weather in March as found in the Bev. Iri Hicks' Almanac are Interesting to those who Jike to look ahead. The storm of Monday was fore- told, and under the head of " Third Storm Period—Reactionary "—we are told that another storm Is "central " ou the flth, 12th and 13th,wliloh will consist of mag- netic phenomena In the earth and atmos- phere, with falling barometer, higher temperature and wide areas of rain and snow. The new moon falls on the lGlh, when there will be a ma'kod change to warmer, with lapidly falling barometer and vio- lent storme of rain, wind and thunder. A cold wave will follow. Wanner weath- er will follow this and end In more decided disturbuuues about the 2Ud and 21th, and about the 20lh, 30th and 31st a boreal storm will sweep over the Central States. Mr. Hicks predicts that the last half of March will be more stormy and dlsa- grooablo than the llrut. OBITUARY. Republican County Convention. A Republican county oonvontlou will beheld at the Village Hall In Delhi, N. Y„ on Wednesday, March HO, 1004, at 7 p, m,, for the purpose of electing dele- gates to represent Delaware County In I he Slate, Judicial, senatorial and eon gruaslonal conventions. Each town In tho county Is rotiuosUid to nuud two dele- gatus to represent It in eiuld couveutlou. Dated March 1, 100,4. By ordor oil tho Itopublloan Comity Committee. J, D. LAWJUONWII, Chairman. ,D, L, WiflHT, Booretary, Water ul St. Louis. A photograph of Ulster County's now jail Is to be planed on exhibition at the lit, LotllS expedition, Delaware ought to mend tlntypoa of " Btato'a Mvldonoo Bob " and St. Smith, Tho unholy pair I Owing to Its late Uri'lvnl much valuable aoiTospontloriuu Is unavoidably omitted thin week. MXSM .iimmtJ STMVJCNH. Miss Jennie Stevens died on Friday morning at tho home of Mrs. Jeremiah Klttlo In Arena. Deoeasod was 07 years of age and had long boen a helpless In- valid. In later years she had beon ten- derly oared for by Mrs. Klttlo. The fu- neral was held at Arena ou Sunday and the rumalns were taken to Ellonvllle for Intormout on Mouday, uooorapanled by Mrs. Kittle and her nephew, E. L. Hinck- ley, of this village. ANDIliMV u'nitUGN, After au lllnesB of less than a week Andrew O'Brien, a son of Henry O'Brien of Union Grove, diod at Hotel Bouton lit this village on Wednesday, March I). Death was due to peritonitis. Doooased, who was 111 years old, with his young wife, began work at the hotel about six woolen ago. The funeral will occur at tho Methodist Church this (Friday) after- noou. , What Rum Did. Rouosolaer Whitney of Arkvllle loaded up with tanglefoot Saturday night and boat his wlfo until neighbors bound him with a rope. Later he was brought be- fore Judge Gray In this village, but as no ono appeared to testify against him ho was allowed to go. Returning home ho renewed hostilities and wasagaln brought to this village by Offloors Dlmuilok and " Art" Gorsoh. He spont Sunday In " Lo Bustlle do la Dlmlque," and OH Monday Judge Gray held him In *U00 to treat his wlfo as a fond and loving husband should. Falling to secure a bondsman he went over to Delhi in the afternoon with our big ohlof of polloo for an escort. Bo much for whlekoy lu tho stomaah of a brute I Hero Wo Are Again, Wild seoao are traveling northward and several largo Hooks have boen soon along tho river. This Is said to Indicate tho break-up of tho winter suaeou, -King- ntou Leader, If you wish U> I'oaoh the purahunlng public you will have to advertise lu THJB Nmwra. " Circulation books open, for In- wpaotlon." Turn NWIVB covers tho torn* tflty. ., Eells prints. Hnp weather. Tuns Nitww prints ali tho news. Onions aud oysters, E. A. Evans. Swart <fc Ultl. took Inventory this week. Miss Maud Graham Hewitt is taking music lessons of Professor Snyder of Kingston. George IS. Gladstone assisted Csboru & Hussy donng the week in the work of faking inventory. Frank Monde went to Ktlly Corners Wednesday morning to n.ake some re- pairs in A. F. Swool's mill. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tway and Mis. J. B. Mungle are among those who are at present suffering witli the grip. Highway Commissioner Swart was called to the Plutteklll on Wednesday morning by an Ice jam near E. Lnidlow's. Drought may blight pur crops, floods rill our cellars and fire destroy our Iwtois, but Osboru * Bussy have delicious Ber- muda onions, and thus life is worth the living, after nil. John Cant, formerly of Duuraven, who Tor several mouths been engaged us can- vasser foi the Walton Chronicle-Times, Is now at work for the Franklin Dairy- man in a similar capacity. The ruin of Mouday raised both Bull Bun and tho river. A largo quantity of Ice went out of both streams. The, In the rear of the Bouton House was Hooded, but no damage was done hereabout. Mrs. G G, Docker, who haa spout tho winter with her daughter at Now Ko- chello, is expected to arrive In Mnrguret- ville next week and will airaugo for an auclion sale of her household effects. Wo learn that Attorney M. H. Dean will soon remove to Roscoe, Sullivan Oouuty, where he will opou a law olllco Ho hopes to get away about May 1. A host of friends will regret hly departure. The baseball season approaches and soon tho voice ol tho umpire will be heard lu the land. The Margaretvllle Juniors will reorganize about May 1. Thev have sufficient funds ou hind to purchnso suits and gloves. Collector Gregory informs a Nnws re- porter that every tux but two has been collected and that these two are lu de- fault becauso there la nothing upon which ho oau levy, being poods that are locki d up lu the houses of absent owners. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Grant, who for a number of years have,mads their home lo Margarotvllle, aro planning to make Farmlugtou, Conn., their home and will remove there In the near future, They will bo greatly missed In Margaret- ville, whore their friends are legion. iSy reference to the adv. ofK. Koro'of Alkvllle this week It will be seen that hie live cent counter holds an attractive array of goods. Many u useful article worth several times tho price charged may bo found upon it Visitors at Mr, Horn's store should take a look n't It. Dr. S. W. Itoeii has been suffering for several days with an attach of tlio grip at Ids homo on Walnut street. We are glad to learn that the condition of his son, S W. Reed, who has boon seriously 111 with appendicitis and typhoid fever lu Philadelphia, Is much Improved and that It Is hoped to bring him home eoon, Tlio debate ul the Baptist Church In this villago this (Friday) evening promlaes to bo very interesting, when picked ora- tors from tho Margaretvllle and Roxbury high schools will participate. Attorneys F, M. Au'drus and A. O Feu tun are to bo the Judges, with a third selected by thoiu. Tickets are soiling In a maimer that Is very ploaslug to the boys. Sllbert, tho clothier, has u new adv. on another page and gives several " be- eauses" why people should buy their clothing at hi i store, Mr. Hllbort carries a largo and desirable stock and he is a fair man to deal with. He will soon go to Now York lo buy his summer stock, Ho alms to keep abreast with tho times aud sell at a reasonable prollt, From a copy of the Danbuiy (Conn,) News sent us last week wo learn that Mrs. Auna'Banlcor of this village haa en- tered a hospital In that city to havo a tumor removed, Mrs. Banker has been vlsltlng'in Danbuiy for some time. Her daughter, Mrs, T, B, Hill, is with her. Mrs, Banker's many friends In Margaret" ylllo will hope for her speedy recovery. Just as tho Dowunvlllo Stage was leav- lug tho vlllnge ou Monday olio of tlio horses kicked over tlio pole when near the Bull Run bridge and tuuglod tho wholo outfit In an Instant. Bystanders' helped to straighten matters nut, George MoOumliHi' rushed In In unhook n, truuc find got kicked with much vehemence, aud he is now something llltn a loooino. live, 11. B, Kelly uiiuouiuinci this week the purahaso of two carloads of wagons whloh ho will dispose of for cuoh or lu exchange for any kind of farm stunk, Tho stock euibrmioB fliirreys, buggies, road wttgous, buiikboards, lumber wag- ons, oto, His salesrooms are at hlu rest- donoo on tho Oluut furra aUJolulug Uil« Village, until rcuontly otmiiploil by Wil- liam Gray,, Road MM tttlv, on another Weekly ftecorc! of Those Who Come and Go as Noted by "The News" Reoorlers. John Hunt wa.s in Griffin Corners-on Kiiuilny. 0. 0. Kaufmau of Kingston was in town on Monday. 1. 8. Dicksoo was a culler In Ilex- bury on Tuesday. - J. H. Gladstone, U. D„ was in Giiilin (JIMuers on Tuesday. l/nvyer Fenton was iu Roxbury on Tuesday on legul business. —Will Muugle, Jr., did business errands iiiGrlfiin Corners on Tuesday. . —B, C.Jones of Kingston tpaut Sunday with his family iu this village, -Mis. DeWltt Colo or Arkvllle was a caller In Margarotvllio ou Sunday. Justice A. H. Todd of Griffin Cor- nors was a caller iu town on Tuesday. W. H. Brown left for St. Louis on Saturday lo remain during the exposi- tion. Attorney A. 0. Fenton haa locovtreil from an attack of tho grip ami is again haul nt, work. -Elder John Olaik of Halcottville and James Avery of Kelly Corners were auioug business cullers lu the villago on Wednesday. —W. S. ThoniBou of Hobart was lu Margaretvllle on Tuesday looking after the Insurance business and renewing old acquaintance. Miss Huldah Allison went to New York on Tuesday to purchase new goods for her popular mlllluory and dressmak- ing establishment. —Mr, aud Mra. George H. Owen of Hardenhurgh braved tho bad roads ou Saturday and came to town on a shaping excursion and to perfect details for their coming weddiug annivera iry. —Clark Hauford of Oneonta, who is suffoiing with the grip, arrived iu Mar- garotvllle Wednesday afternoon and wont to the home of hU parents at the SlonoHchool House. —Alex. GUI arrived in town Wednes- day, having completed his course at Eastman's Business 0<>llego lu Bough- koepble. Ho will work for Vennilyea & Wolf ul Kiel3chmania during the summer, 'ROUND ABOUT M1DDLET0WN INCIDENTS OF A WEEK IR MANY VILLAGES. Lights and Shadows of Life on Farm and in Hamlet Portrayed by Ready Pens. ARKVILLE. Markle Koru is on the sick list. Fred Warren has moved to the over- look . IS. Kelly is sufleiipg with an attack of grip. Mrs. F. Morau iaamouglhossnufforing with grip, E. Redmond is uow the owner of a $550 team. Tho big store has lately fitted up a 6 cent counter. TO WHOM CONCERNED. A Word of Warning in Regard to the Care of Live Stock. The local agent of the Boo'ety for the Prevention of cruelly to Animals respect- fully culls the attention of all interested to tho following sections of tho Penal Code of the Btate of New York : SMCI.G5D. OviSHmi i VINCI ANIMAJJ FAin- I NO TO I'UOVlOH PKOPMB SUSTENANCE — A peioou who nverdtivep, overloads, tor- tures or cruelly beats, or unjustifiably InjuruB, malms, mutilates or kills any an- imal, whether wild or tame, and whether belonging to himself or another, or de- prives any animal of necessary suste- nance, food or drink, or nogleots or re- fuses to furnish it such auslonunce or drink, or causes, procures or permits any unlmallo be overdriven, overloaded, tor- tured, oruolly beaten or unjustifiably In- jured) luiilniod, mutilated or killed, or to be depilved of necessary food or drink, or who wilfully sets on foo 1 , Instigates, ongagou iu or lu any way furthers any act of cruelty to any animal, or any act tending to produce such cruelly, hi guilty o! a misdemeanor, SEC). (161). CAIUIY.INO ANIMAI. IN UUUIf.l, MANNEII, A MIHDEMEANOII —A pHISOII Who carries or causes to becarritid lu or upon any vessel or vehicle, or otherwise, any animal lu a oruel or Inhuman manner, or so as to produce torture, is guilty of a mlsdeinonnor. The following are a few extracts from the report of the society for lot f): Arrests and convictions, 587; animals suspended from labor, 3,(Ml; horses, mules mid other huge animals destroyed, '1,22b!; small animals, homeless and dis- abled, destroyed, Hii.Oia. T. J. Smith and family will move to Fish Eddy this week. Walter E. Depow now lives In Mrs. E. Redmond's tenement. 0..F. Hewitt contemplates moving to Kingston about April 1. P. Rose of Piattsville was a pleasant caller in town over Sunday. The firemen's bell was placed In posi- tion |n the new hall Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. J. Joyce are visiting rela- tives at West Hurley this week. A. S. Longyear of Klugston was among the business callers Wednesday. M. Lasher had the misfortune to smash his foot in the quarry last week. Willis Reedle went to Kingston Friday and purchased a fine carriage horse. Mrs. D. Broadbead and daughter, HIIH, returned from Oueonta Friday, We regret to note that JIUUOH Baker Is niiiklug arrangements to move lo One- onta, Mr. Winter is making many ollttUgesirj the acid factory force, which Is quite unsatisfactory. The high water of Mondayulghtcuuseil some of the people of Bridge street to leave their comfortable homes. The school departments will combine lu a two-hour entertainment to be given tlio week before teachers' institute. 11. Whitney was taken to Delhi Mon- day evening by Officer Dimmick.of Mar- garotvllle to awult the notion of the graud jury because of maltreating his wife. Ho has been it terror to bin wife uud near neighbors for some time, (Satmog luoi.liers for a short time. Clarence Bellows of Bedell made this place a business ca.ll on Thursday. The high water of Monday damaged the bridge at this place so that It Is Im- passable for teams. Several loads of milk pass through this place from Vega daily to the Kelly Corners creamery. John Arnold, with (he wholesale dry goods house of Neal <t Hyde, Syracuse, was a guest over Sunday of C. W. Jen- kins. LeunderMcEweu went to Ulster County last week and secured the services of two ine.u to help him on his farm the coming summer. HOFFMAN CORNERS. G. L. Hull made a business trip lo Hobart the last of (ho week. Harvey Craft of Ulster County began work for Avery Ryer March 1. Hugh Hosier has moved Into hlsfath- fli's house on lower Huhbell Hill. B. Merwin of Pine Hill spent a few days with friends in this place recently. C. E. Swart and John Caswell have been putting In a quantity or feed for spriDg use. A nunibei id' Farmers from Vogn havt boguu drawing mill; to the Elgin Cream- ery at Keily Corners. On account of the heavy lain ami melt- iug enow of Monday the Huhbell Hill streum became a raging torrent, lllllng the roads and making them almost Im- passable for a time. THE NEWS IN HALCOTTVILLE PITRY PARAGRAPHS PLEASINGLY PENNED. Gleanings of a Week from the Notebook of a Lively and Wideawake Correspondent. Ed Hull has been on the sick list lately. Hewitt Scudder has been on the eick list. Mrs. Brink is gains. Smith's livery business has been lively of late. Arthur Hanley's fiiroily has been sick the p'.ist week, jHmes White's family has been on the sick list of late. ifforlug some good bar- -oy J'tidd has a. (lock of liny j, v ] l l g Dleks()|1 0 , Margaretvllle was orn pullets that she wouIdl s e ( J n o n O U f g treoU ou Tuesday, Profitable Pullets. A North Korfrlght correspondent writes as follows to tlio Stamford Recorder: "Mrs. Harvey White Logic uot exchange for the goose that Julil tin goldou egg. From November Hi last up to February W> these Industrious birds have presented their uilslross with 173 dozen of eggs, tho proceeds' of which amount to something over $60. Mrs, Judd, of course, takes excellent on'ro of her fowls ami gives fhciu a variety nt food. In addition to grain and feeds of warm mash thoy feast on fresh cooked meat, cabbage and other vegetables, and thev havo u comfortable, roomy house with a supply of wind, shells and water always at hand." A Hidden purchased a fine $10 cutter of Mr. Williams, James Maiehn.ll has boon on the sick list the past week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hubbel), March G, a daughter. William Renter has been spending the past week at Roxbury, John Cisco, train master on the U. & D., was in town on Friday. Mrs. Willhim Hewitt has been under the doctor's cure of lute. W, II. Morse coiucnonced taking his milk to Gold Spring recently. ZiljH Bauford of Duuraven visited at J. E. Keator's Brsl ol! the week. George Bennett has returned from Ids visit I" Finn kiln end Oueonta. Officer Dutcher was at Margaretvllle anil Al l< ville Brsl of the week, It Made the Rabbits Mad. At Cornell University a clny or two ngo several mbhlta hat were Inoculated with the bin lu of a dog I hut a few days previous- ly had bitten seven persone at Saugoi'tles became raving mad. Five of those bit- ten have already gone to the Pasteur Institute In Now York, and Blneotlie die- oov ry ul Cornell It Is thought that the other two will gJ. The rabid dog bit several elher dogs In Haugortlcs before being killed, and uow au epidemic of hy- drophobia In that plaoe is feared. PLEASANT VALLEY. Mrs. H, O. VuuBensoholen is under the doctor's care. John Ruff of Bovine, visited his brother, Ed Run", the first of the week. Mrs. Rachel Baker, who has been eon- lined to the house.siuoo January 1,1s now able to be out. Several young people from Margurot- vllln all ended the dance at, W, It. Htui- feril's Friday night. Mrs, Rhoda Palmatler Gilbert of Mich- igan visited at E Liildlaw'a and H, U. VauBeusehplon's Inst week. David Lkldleof passed through this valley Wednesday with some cows lie purchased at the Blow&rt sale. Mm H'lrah Faulkunr 1ms an orange ti'MO over three feet tall that she grew from a, seed. It Is very nice and quite a uiuloslty. The largest Ice gorge ever seen In the Plutteklll Is uow lu Thompson's pond aud extends up to the bildga by E. Lnldlaw'w. In some places it Is llfi.eou feet high. The road for some distance Is full of loo anil water, malting it. Impassable. It bus proved quite an attraction, as many ooluo to see It. In soverel places It Is over 101) foot wide, Mistook Her Symptoms. A Walnut street, poultry fancier suffer- ed a groat disappointment this week, A few days IIK" he sot a hou that showed all the symptoms that accompany the first stages of Incubation mid be n|, once begun to brag about the early olilckeus he was going to have, Biddy " s o t " a couple of days end then discovered that Instead of being prompted by motherly liietluol she was suffering from the mis- leading offoote of runt spots ou the liver, and with bur mlud restored to Its nol'iual condition she promptly quit tho job. Willi dreams of early brollors dispelled her owner offers to tlio nui.rkot, eggsllial hi* slaudlug In Urn llnniicliil world fur- hid* tiltn to guarantee. Lightning Striken Near Praltsvlllo.' During the thunder storm lust Thurs- day lightning struck the cupola of V. G, Oonlnu's barn, In lluntnrwlhild, destroy- ing the cUpola and u portion of the roof or the barn, toarlug the.tjooret from the hinges and otherwise Injuring the build- ing, One horse standing In the slull was killed mid another t?o paralyned that It could not walk, Tho building was In- Hiirod,—News, Thoy .[tint Struck Town. At Arkvlllo un Mat'ull U tlio good- natured Bttll'll dropped a llttlu girl down llic uhliiluoy of the house ociuwpiod by Mr, aud Mm, Etsra llciidrlului, end In this village yesterday twin buys t'ogletot'otl at the htime ul' Mr, and Mr. Duvlil Sltultle. Like "Tlio Baltic of tho Nile," Durliiglliolaslfuirruoiil liHiiudnioiutlieb ciiiinklllliauli'o sviiipanillhawn doiitaudfroK ciipauilthinvciloulHU(ll'rov,nu|ittudtliawod(i utaiuirrtiKoiipiuidlliawndoiifaMiluowlllMl'i'o onlii|.;upiigitlriohHhtiel<Ml Trimming mill Kraftlng done, bUtiofb uuuod hand, CaB on J, II. Hondrlolte, Mar^arotvHle, M. V, 18W BEDELL. D, M. Scudder was at Arkvllle on bnsl- u(W9 Inst week. Mies Dora Kelly spent Inst week with friends at Vegu. Ol'ville Ellis has onto quantity of wood for Elmer Hfroittor. John F, Bllsli made n busluees trip lo Dry Brook llrst of the week. Abel Fuller purchased four line cows of Gooige O'Kclly last week, Hnlflln Kelly, Jr , has engaged his »«r- vloinito James Kelly for the summer. Mm, Maggie Clancey spent Htliidny with her brother, William Carey, lu this plncn, Mm, Lewis Fuller mid daughter of Arkvllle vlulted frloniln lu Ihhi place hint week TIIOIIIIII.1 Ellin, who has boen on the iilnk Hat for eui'nu time. Is slowly recov- oriuy. Edward Kelly and Marlon Kelly of Vogn called on friends hi I hlu plaoe on Hiiiidnv, fcl, I), Hollows of Denver Spout Holiday with IIIH puroiiln, Mr. mid Mm. M, A, Bellows* II ol ] ii a it li'tilli'ii' wdll work for Abel b'ullcr again thin suuitiinr, lie began worlt on March 1, Mini,hull O'Connor line eiigugcd hie soi'Vluu lo llarrlMiui Murun for the ncimon, anil cniiiiuiineoil work Mm eh I, Mrs, Amy I'auldlug of Klehitilimniiii Spent hint week with her piirtniln, Mr, and MM. Merrick Kelly, In thin place, DENVER. II. hiiiin le stopping at (1, W, Wallior'n, ICiirl Jenlilim vlulted filcndu at Gillllti tiui'iieruou I'lni.iinle.v and Htuitlay. 0, Wluoliol) of Vogn J» working tor As It Should He. Asseniblyman Oowan'n bill providing that the County Clerk shall keep a rec- ord of all temporary loans atttliorlaud by boards of supervisors has passed the Legislature and is now Chapter 2u or the Laws of 100-1. It will prevent n repeti- tion of the crooked work done by a re- cunt outgoing Oimijfy Treasurer and Is a wise measure. All notes, certificates of Itidebfeilueus or oilier county obligations Issued for the moneys BO borrowed, slmiod by the County Treasurer, shall also be countersigned by the County Olerk. Mr, Cowan Is lo Ins congratulated, Hold on a Serious Charge, Adell.iert l.'\ Crosby wns IIITCHIOII by Oillcer Griffin ul Ilex bury last week ami held iiuijer $1,000 bull Thursday by Jus- tice Paohloy atBlaiiiford for appearance before the next grautl jury, oh the charge of riipc in tho soooutl degree preferred In behalf of his ueioo, Pearl Urosby, of (hut villago, who, al, the age of fourteen Is about to become a mother. Crosby hail been employed as a freight brakotnaii on the U, & D, It, it. mid says he In 111* liilinnenl., Ice Jam at Griffin Corners, During the storm or Monday ail Inn Jam formed at the bildgn just above Tiushut's hotel at Orllllu Corners aud tor- rents of water poured down Miiln idroet lu one dlrenlliiu mid aureus J usMue Todd's properly In another, The liiuuuiinnf ol l.''iiulkiier'M store was Hooded to the street level mid llllml with lingo cakoii of Ice, While we (It) not, lionr of any grout ilmn- nge bring done uiiieli Inconvenience wnn ncniiHliilinil. Illinin'ii oil Mi Hi Wniiini. II, II, Kelly mi Tuesday purcliiiHcd the oiiUru dairy of A, Albori', anil un Monday next will take the milk route iinrelnforn nerved by till) latter. Mr, Alburn will runt the limine un bis fariii or will let the plane on iiliarne to it mini who wmiln to go Into the poultry business, The fnrm line a SOtltliBril OXptiSUl'9 tttld WUi|ll| (HI II lined place on which to ruble pniiHry on a- largnunale, The Vllhiiso Election. The village election wllltntuui' CM Tues- day next at the irunfens' room, The. tlukoti) are the uiuiio no miiniiinenil, week excepting flint fur trustee on the Imuiunratlu tlukul the namu ul' A, J, ib' Inn boon niibntltiitml for flint of A, |J, UHiott, who doolluuii to uorvo, Take T 1-r.n N is win ami do it quiolt. H. B. Mead was at HaloelLvillo and I railed horses 11 ret of this week. Home of (be buck row Is lime been so Icy of late flint they were Impassable, Addison Hulbarl hasfl'd ;hed his school ,it Kingston and cilllli) heme Sntiirday. '1 humus Jnquisb bus commenced tak- ing his inllli to the Standard creamery, Thomas Oanlwell and Frank Bouton were business ou.lli IN In (own recently. P. II, Mitchell of Roxbury was n busi- noes oallor u.1 Halcottville on Tuesday. Rev. mid Mrs. Bonuotl visited Mis. Nnin Robertson Thursday and Friday. Mr, wild Mrs. W, Truosdeli were at Roxbury trying to rent a farm recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of lloxbiity wore guests of Mrs, A. 8. Hi ink recently. AlloruoyJaokeon of Margaretvllle was In town <>n legal business on Wednesday. Prod Gray linn finished his work at George TowuHolid's end bus gone to A ren a. JVllf'.e May OloltBou bun recovered from her slokiioBH mid opened her school on Monday, The frost Is from three to llvo feet deep and loo from two nndn half to throe feet thick. Elder John Clark commenced taking bis milk lu the Standard creamery first of i he mouth, Air. and Mrs, M. Smith's children have beou very eicli of lute, but both of them are getting better. Eldor J. Clark was called to Roxbury to conduct Mm. Dustman's funeral on Sunday at 2 o'clock. The church party at Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo E. (irllliu'H Friday evening was appreciated by thoso present, W. A. LongyeiM', representing L, S. Wliuio A' Co, Kingston was oalllng on cus- tomers at Mnlceffvllln on Tuesday. MIHH Edna Bmllh, who haa been spend- ing n. few weeks In Schoharie County visiting rolut.lvcH, returned home t't-uiay. Thomas fugles, DeWltt Hammond, Henry Banfunl, Will Iiigles, Thoiaas Ingles and Juinen Caswell were among the out-of-town callers at Halcottville on Saturday. The Denver and Vega milk feauiHcmno out this way to got lo tho Kelly Corner's creiimery Tuesday on account of the Denver bildgn being taken away Monday night, mid also the llrst one up from Kelly Corners. Death of A. B, Whitlock. A. II. Wbltluoh, one of the IIKIHI prom- inent residents of Gulden's Hrhlgo und well known In tide village, died at his homo In the foriaer plaoe on b'lklu.y lust. His m<n wan 7fl yours, tin was au active Worker In Methnillnf eb-elen and a man who wnn uiilvei'Hully esteemed. Ills sur- viving widow In a sister of Mrs. Will Mungle, Jr., of t hlu village. Pine Illll Wider Cuinpmiy. The rtnfinal report ol the Pino lllll Wa- ter Ciiuipauy luiii boon llloil In the County Clerk's ollioo; It U.slgnud by,r, 0,0or« uluh, president; Andrew !), lllll, trnns- Ut'OI'i ami RMiuril W, lllll aud R C, lllll, illrectiirn. Amount of ottpltol stock, :|;!!'i,01)11, the propicillin Issued * 1-1,0011; aicicln, $14,000 I nn IIOM.H, (loud for Ilia Town Heard I Tim Town Uuiiid lum neltlnd Its cliff01'- eiiceii with the (Irnlmi llrldge (Jinnpaiiy regarding Urn Arni.m biklrni mutter al a navlng to IIic taxpayers of from $800 to $1,000, Ootid iiianageniiiul I A Cuulciuplalei'i (lliaiij'.e, |i'|'n|u our, Yt'ijii cerriiuiiniiilciil, 'I'luii'ii hi talk uf rmirguiili'.luR thii tele- plionn iimiipiiii.v, MCCIII lug a charter mid putting In tho brliuOiiy boll cysfeni In the niu lug. < !






YOJM X . — N O . 14. MAUiiAMZTVlLLE, N . Y . , J m i D A Y , MAIN'II « , 1001, W H O L E N O . , 171



Au Interesting - Programme Rendered liy Mr. Scott of Hobart and Our

Own Home Talent. The ciulcrfaiument under the auspices

ol the Ohiisl iau Endeavor Hoelety of the Presbyter ian Church on Wednesday evening was a success. The llrst cum-bur oil t he p rog ramme wuu given by Mrs A. Hnlpern. Immediately niter the Orel, barn were given we recognised one oC Durand ' s wa i t /us . Mrs. HtUperu's version was real ly entertaining. Her creseeudos, dooiosoendos and staccato notes gavo excellent effect. The llrst musical selection put the audience In good humor. L i t t l e luoz, Carman then had something to Bay and she did it so nicely t h a t s h e received deserved ap­plause, l i v ing Lioksou then gave us a vocul solo which was excellently ren­dered. Ho has a pleasing voice and handles it well. Next we wore treated to a recitation by Miss 'Mary Kelly. Miss Kelly had the faculty of. keeping the audience in l augh te r during her stay. A quar te t te composed of Mrs. Gladstone, Mis. Roterimind, Mr. Dickson and Mr. Dean gave us a selection which some­what divurslfiud t h e entertainment. The different pa r t s of t h e 'selection and with the members combined pleased the hear­ers very much.

The name of J . Howard Scott was then announced. Mr. 8cot t was with us about a year ago on a similar occasion. He was kindly remembered and here and there applause waa given. A polonaise by Bohm was bia first number. I t Is one of those selections fur the violin tha t can be interpreted by the soloist to make the hearers think they are on the road to dreamland and t h e n again they are In­terrupted by the effect the accelerated passages create . H e handled it with tha t nicety and delicacy that whou the last notes went away the audience gave hi in such a hea r ty applause tha t ho gave them "Slmplo Confession," which tolls its own story-

George Kuetiu appeared to bo in excel­lent form arid tho manner in which he made foreign dialect pleased the audi-euce, particularly t h e younger portion. The vocal solo by Miss Irene Dickson was clear and dis t inct . For her effort sho receivod applause. Charles Allabeu gavo us a cornet solo, ami considering the short t ime lie had to work on it it was nicely given. Mlas Paulino Gladstone's recitation was given with the assurance of a person much ohlor than she. Her euuuelatlon was good and she received generous applause. Li t t le Ruth Eelle, olttd in a garb of old glory, gave us a patriotic solo. A piano duett by Mrs. Gladstone and Miss Hull proved to bo a ploaslug number . T h e y apparentlyknew each other well, for in uot a single In-did eithor Inflict a wound to a single part of the other. They bad the applause given which they earned.

Mr. Soott was nex t in order. This time ho gave us one of those Polish dances, which is chock full of syncopated passages. Whenever the dolce parte were given they had tel l lug effect, This solcoliou Is of t h a t o r d e r that will plaoe the lover.of Hue music In euelacles, It can be kindly r emembered for the warmth of fooling it has created. Mr. Bcott was most excellently ass is ted in all of his soloe by the Kov. Dr. Edwards, whose flue touch and r a re j udgmout uevor once allowed him to abuse a pianissimo purt.

Miss Linda Hardeuborg ' s rooltatlou showed no little forethought; and study, Applause greeted her efforts. Goorgo Kueliu gave a vooal nolo that was so nicely snug t h a t It was encored, Mr, Kuohii has a voice t h a t la clear, his enun­ciation Is good, and It might bo olassod with those of a na tura l melody, Douglas Hplors'e recitation waa clothed In much thought aud his del ivery had tha t free­dom which always m a k e s a subject of the nature of his fofohlug. Little Clara MoOumber sung nicely without a Bluglo falter. The last number , a piano solo by Miss Nettle Bouton, contained various movements. I t was well given and the linger movements wore something out of tlio ordinary. Applause.

Miss Bertha Hull and Mrs, Harvey Gladstone did untold service us uooom-ponlsts. The pre l iminary work thoy had to do Is fully appreciated by tho Christian Hudoavor Society and ovory person con­nected With tlio church. To everybody who took part in tlio eutermulmuont the mombois of tlio church a r e Indebted,

The not receipts wore $10,50,


Sheaves Garnered In the Busy Vineyard by the Master's Sturdy

Yeomen. AT THiei'itiiisurntiUAN uuviwu

T h e Rev. Dr. Edwards will preach in the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours.


Tlio ladies ' Aid Society received four now members a t their last meeting.

Some of the new members are enjoying the Sunday night class. How about you?

Tho number of communicants Sabbath morning was large, the al tar being tilled six t imes .

Amos Alllsou has been elected delegate to tho annual conference which convenes in New York week of April G.

F a n n y Jackson will lead tho Epwortb League Sunday night. Topic, "Appe ­tites t h a t unmake men."

Rev. A. A. Walker received r number of new members Sunday m o i n l n g l a s l , some l>y letter and others by baptism.

The ladlos' prayer circle will meet with Mrs. A. A, Walker next Tuesday after­noon a t 3 p. m. Leader, Mrs. George Kenyon.

I rv ing S. Dickson entertaiued the reading circle of the Epworth League on Monday evening. A good a t tendance and a good time.

The beginners ' meeting was held a t t he homo of William Gray on Tuesday even­ing. Some of the beginners are more active t h a n the older ones.

The p raye r meetiugs are remarkably well a t t ended . Mr. Walker should feel encouraged, as he has seen the numbers Increase and the Interest very manifest.

A. 0. Teu ton is the leader of the young men's Bible class recently organised. Ho will bo pleased to take your name as a new member . The class uients each Sabbath afternoon In the church.



Interesting Littlebits Thai Mirror Doings of Seven Days in the

Pearl of the Catskiils.


Mileage books to rent. It. M. Delmnetei


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fairbalru will kindly open their now home on Railroad avenue t o n i g h t (Friday) for a social to close up Arkvlllo church expenses, for the year. T h o Invitation is general. The house should be full.


The Rev. Ir l Hicks Tells Us What to Look for in the Way of Storms, Etc.

Tho predict ions for weather in March as found in the Bev. Iri Hicks' Almanac are Interes t ing to those who Jike to look ahead. T h e storm of Monday was fore­told, and u n d e r the head of " Third Storm Period—Reactionary "—we are told that another s t o r m Is "cent ra l " ou the f l th , 12th and 13th,wliloh will consist of mag­netic phenomena In the earth and atmos­phere, wi th falling barometer, higher t empera ture and wide areas of rain and snow.

The new moon falls on the lGlh, when there will b e a ma'kod change to warmer, with lapidly falling barometer and vio­lent s torme of rain, wind and thunder. A cold wave will follow. Wanner weath­er will follow th is and end In more decided disturbuuues about the 2Ud and 21th, and about the 20lh, 30th and 31st a boreal s torm will sw e ep over the Central States. Mr. Hicks predicts that the last half of March will be more stormy and dlsa-grooablo t h a n the llrut.


Republican County Convention.

A Republican county oonvontlou will behe ld a t the Village Hal l In Delhi, N. Y„ on Wednesday, March HO, 1004, a t 7 p, m,, for the purpose of electing dele­gates to represent Delaware County In I he Slate, Judicial, senator ia l and eon gruaslonal conventions. Each town In tho county Is rotiuosUid to nuud two dele­gatus to represent It in eiuld couveutlou.

Dated March 1, 100,4. By ordor oil tho Itopublloan Comity

Committee. J, D. LAWJUONWII, Chairman.

,D, L, WiflHT, Booretary,

Water ul St . Louis . A photograph of Ulster County's now

jail Is to be planed on exhibition a t the lit, LotllS expedition, Delaware ought to mend tlntypoa of " Btato'a Mvldonoo Bob " and St. Smith, Tho unholy pair I

Owing to Its late Uri'lvnl much valuable aoiTospontloriuu Is unavoidably omitted thin week.


Miss J e n n i e Stevens died on Friday morning a t tho home of Mrs. Jeremiah Klttlo In Arena. Deoeasod was 07 years of age and had long boen a helpless In­valid. In l a t e r years she had beon ten­derly oared for by Mrs. Klttlo. The fu­neral was he ld a t Arena ou Sunday and the rumalns were taken to Ellonvllle for Intormout on Mouday, uooorapanled by Mrs. Kitt le a n d her nephew, E. L. Hinck­ley, of this vil lage.

ANDIliMV u'nitUGN, After au lllnesB of less than a week

Andrew O'Brien, a son of Henry O'Brien of Union Grove, diod at Hotel Bouton lit this village on Wednesday, March I). Death was d u e to peritonitis. Doooased, who was 111 ye a r s old, with his young wife, began work at the hotel about six woolen ago. T h e funeral will occur at tho Methodist Church this (Friday) after-noou. ,

W h a t Rum Did.

Rouosolaer Whitney of Arkvllle loaded up with tanglefoot Saturday night and boat his wlfo un t i l neighbors bound him with a rope. La t e r he was brought be­fore Judge Gray In this village, but as no ono appeared to testify against him ho was allowed t o go. Returning home ho renewed host i l i t ies and wasagaln brought to this village by Offloors Dlmuilok and " A r t " Gorsoh. He spont Sunday In " Lo Bustlle do la Dlmlque," and OH Monday Judge Gray held him In *U00 to treat his wlfo as a fond and loving husband should. Falling to s ecu re a bondsman he went over to Delhi in t he afternoon with our big ohlof of polloo for an escort. Bo much for whlekoy lu tho stomaah of a

brute I

Hero Wo Are Again,

Wild seoao a r e traveling northward and several la rgo Hooks have boen soon along tho river. This Is said to Indicate tho break-up of tho winter suaeou, - K i n g -ntou Leader,

If you wish U> I'oaoh the purahunlng public you will have to advertise lu THJB Nmwra. " Circulation books open, for In-wpaotlon." Turn NWIVB covers tho torn* tflty. .,

Eells prints .

Hnp weather.

Tuns Nitww prints ali tho news.

Onions aud oysters, E. A. Evans.

Swart <fc Ultl. took Inventory this week.

Miss Maud Graham Hewitt is taking music lessons of Professor Snyder of Kingston.

George IS. Gladstone assisted Csboru & Hussy d o n n g the week in the work of faking inventory.

Frank Monde went to Ktlly Corners Wednesday morning to n.ake some re­pairs in A. F. Swool's mill.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tway and Mis. J. B. Mungle are among those who are a t present suffering witli the grip.

Highway Commissioner Swart was called to the Plutteklll on Wednesday morning by an Ice jam near E. Lnidlow's.

Drought may blight pur crops, floods rill our cellars and fire destroy our Iwtois, but Osboru * Bussy have delicious Ber­muda onions, and thus life is worth the living, after nil.

John Cant, formerly of Duuraven, who Tor several mouths been engaged us can­vasser foi the Walton Chronicle-Times, Is now at work for the Franklin Dairy­man in a similar capacity.

The ruin of Mouday raised both Bull Bun and tho river. A largo quant i ty of Ice went ou t of both s t reams . The, In the rear of t he Bouton House was Hooded, but no damage was done hereabout .

Mrs. G G, Docker, who haa spout tho winter with her daughte r a t Now Ko-chello, is expected to arr ive In Mnrguret-ville next week and will a i raugo for an auclion sale of her household effects.

Wo learn tha t Attorney M. H. Dean will soon remove to Roscoe, Sullivan Oouuty, where he will opou a law olllco Ho hopes to get away about May 1. A host of friends will regret hly departure.

The baseball season approaches and soon tho voice ol tho umpire will be heard lu the land. The Margaretvllle Juniors will reorganize about May 1. Thev have sufficient funds ou h ind to purchnso su i t s and gloves.

Collector Gregory informs a Nnws re­porter that every tux but two has been collected and that these two are lu de­fault becauso there la nothing upon which ho oau levy, being poods tha t are locki d up lu the houses of absent owners. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Grant , who for a

number of years have ,mads their home lo Margarotvllle, aro planning to make Farmlugtou, Conn., their home and will remove there In the near future, They will bo greatly missed In Margaret-ville, whore their friends a r e legion.

iSy reference to the adv. ofK. Koro'of Alkvllle this week It will be seen that hie live cent counter holds an attractive a r ray of goods. Many u useful article worth several t imes tho price charged may bo found upon it Visitors at Mr, Horn 's store should take a look n't It.

Dr. S. W. Itoeii has been suffering for several days with an a t tach of tlio grip a t Ids homo on Walnut s t reet . We are glad to learn that the condition of his son, S W. Reed, who has boon seriously 111 with appendicitis and typhoid fever lu Philadelphia, Is much Improved and that It Is hoped to bring him home eoon,

Tlio debate ul the Baptis t Church In this villago this (Friday) evening promlaes to bo very interesting, when picked ora­tors from tho Margaretvllle and Roxbury high schools will participate. Attorneys F, M. Au'drus and A. O Feu tun are to bo the Judges, with a third selected by thoiu. Tickets are soiling In a maimer that Is very ploaslug to the boys.

Sllbert, tho clothier, has u new adv. on ano the r page and gives several " be-e a u s e s " why people should buy their clothing at hi i store, Mr. Hllbort carries a largo and desirable stock and he is a fair man to deal with. He will soon go to Now York lo buy his summer stock, Ho a lms to keep abreast with tho times aud sell at a reasonable prollt,

F rom a copy of the Danbuiy (Conn,) News sent us last week wo learn that Mrs. Auna'Banlcor of this village haa en­tered a hospital In that city to havo a tumor removed, Mrs. Banker has been vlslt lng'in Danbuiy for some t ime. Her daughter , Mrs, T, B, Hill, is with her. Mrs, Banker 's many friends In Margaret" ylllo will hope for her speedy recovery.

J u s t as tho Dowunvlllo Stage was leav-lug tho vlllnge ou Monday olio of tlio horses kicked over tlio pole when near the Bull Run bridge and tuuglod tho wholo outfit In an Instant. Bystanders' helped to straighten mat ters nut, George MoOumliHi' rushed In In unhook n, truuc find got kicked with much vehemence, aud he is now something llltn a loooino. live,

11. B, Kelly uiiuouiuinci this week the purahaso of two carloads of wagons whloh ho will dispose of for cuoh or lu exchange for any kind of farm stunk, Tho stock euibrmioB fliirreys, buggies, road wttgous, buiikboards, lumber wag­ons, oto, His salesrooms are a t hlu rest-donoo on tho Oluut furra aUJolulug Uil« Village, until rcuontly otmiiploil by Wil­liam Gray,, Road MM tttlv, on another

Weekly ftecorc! of Those Who Come and Go as Noted by "The News"


John Hun t wa.s in Griffin Corners-on Kiiuilny.

0. 0. Kaufmau of Kingston was in town on Monday.

1. 8. Dicksoo was a culler In Ilex-bury on Tuesday.

- J. H. Gladstone, U. D„ was in Giiilin (JIMuers on Tuesday .

l /nvyer Fenton was iu Roxbury on Tuesday on legul business.

—Will Muugle, J r . , did business errands iiiGrlfiin Corners on Tuesday. . —B, C.Jones of Kingston tpaut Sunday with his family iu t h i s village,

- M i s . DeWltt Colo or Arkvllle was a caller In Margarotvllio ou Sunday.

Justice A. H. Todd of Griffin Cor-nors was a caller iu town on Tuesday.

W. H. Brown left for St. Louis on Saturday lo remain during the exposi­tion.

Attorney A. 0. Fenton haa locovtreil from an at tack of tho grip ami is again haul nt, work.

-Elder John Olaik of Halcottville and James Avery of Kelly Corners were auioug business cullers lu the villago on Wednesday.

—W. S. ThoniBou of Hobart was lu Margaretvllle on Tuesday looking after the Insurance business and renewing old acquaintance.

Miss Huldah Allison went to New York on Tuesday to purchase new goods for her popular mlllluory and dressmak­ing establishment.

—Mr, aud Mra. George H. Owen of Hardenhurgh braved tho bad roads ou Saturday and came to town on a shaping excursion and to perfect details for their coming weddiug annivera iry.

—Clark Hauford of Oneonta, who is suffoiing with t he grip, arrived iu Mar-garotvllle Wednesday afternoon and wont to the home of hU parents at the SlonoHchool House.

—Alex. GUI arrived in town Wednes­day, having completed his course at Eastman's Business 0<>llego lu Bough-koepble. Ho will work for Vennilyea & Wolf ul Kiel3chmania during the summer,



Lights and Shadows of Life on Farm and in Hamlet Portrayed by

Ready Pens.


Markle Koru is on the sick list. Fred Warren has moved to the over­

look .

IS. Kelly is sufleiipg with an at tack of grip.

Mrs. F. Morau iaamouglhossnufforing with grip,

E. Redmond is uow the owner of a $550 team.

Tho big s tore has lately fitted up a 6 cent counter .


A Word of Warning in Regard to the Care of Live Stock.

The local agent of t he Boo'ety for the Prevention of cruelly to Animals respect­fully culls the attention of all interested to tho following sections of tho Penal Code of the Btate of New York :

SMCI.G5D. OviSHmi i VINCI ANIMAJJ FAin-I NO TO I'UOVlOH PKOPMB SUSTENANCE — A peioou who nverdtivep, overloads, tor­tures or cruelly beats, or unjustifiably InjuruB, malms, muti lates or kills any an­imal, whether wild or t ame , and whether belonging to himself or another, or de­prives any animal of necessary suste­nance, food or drink, or nogleots or re­fuses to furnish it such auslonunce or drink, or causes, procures or permits any unlmallo be overdriven, overloaded, tor­tured, oruolly beaten or unjustifiably In­jured) luiilniod, mutilated or killed, or to be depilved of necessary food or drink, or who wilfully sets on foo1, Instigates, ongagou iu or lu any way furthers any act of cruelty to any animal , or any act tending to produce such cruelly, hi guilty o! a misdemeanor,

SEC). (161). CAIUIY.INO ANIMAI. IN UUUIf.l, MANNEII, A MIHDEMEANOII —A pHISOII Who carries or causes to becarrit id lu or upon any vessel or vehicle, or otherwise, any animal lu a oruel or Inhuman manner, or so as to produce torture, is guilty of a mlsdeinonnor.

The following are a few extracts from the report of the society for lot f):

Arrests and convictions, 587; animals suspended from labor, 3,(Ml; horses, mules mid other huge an imals destroyed, '1,22b!; small animals, homeless and dis­abled, destroyed, Hii.Oia.

T. J. Smith and family will move to Fish Eddy th is week.

Walter E. Depow now lives In Mrs. E. Redmond's tenement .

0. .F. Hewi t t contemplates moving to Kingston abou t April 1.

P. Rose of Piat tsvi l le was a pleasant caller in town over Sunday.

The firemen's bell was placed In posi­tion |n the new hall Tuesday.

Mr. aud Mrs . J . Joyce are visiting rela­tives a t West Hurley this week.

A. S. Longyear of Klugston was among the business callers Wednesday.

M. Lasher had the misfortune to smash his foot in t h e quarry last week.

Willis Reedle went to Kingston Friday and purchased a fine carriage horse.

Mrs. D. Broadbead and daughter, HIIH, returned from Oueonta Friday,

We regret to note that JIUUOH Baker Is niiiklug a r rangements to move lo One-onta,

Mr. Winter is making many ollttUgesirj the acid factory force, which Is qui te unsatisfactory.

The high wate r of Mondayulghtcuuseil some of the people of Bridge street to leave their comfortable homes.

The school depar tments will combine lu a two-hour enter ta inment to be given tlio week before teachers ' institute.

11. Whitney was taken to Delhi Mon-day evening by Officer Dimmick.of Mar­garotvllle to awult the notion of the graud jury because of maltreating his wife. Ho has been it terror to bin wife uud near neighbors for some time,

(Satmog luoi.liers for a short time.

Clarence Bellows of Bedell made this place a business ca.ll on Thursday.

The high water of Monday damaged the bridge at this place so that It Is Im­passable for teams.

Several loads of milk pass through th is place from Vega daily to the Kelly Corners creamery.

John Arnold, with (he wholesale dry goods house of Neal <t Hyde, Syracuse, was a guest over Sunday of C. W. Jen­kins.

LeunderMcEweu went to Ulster County last week and secured the services of two ine.u to help him on his farm the coming summer.


G. L. Hull made a business trip lo Hobar t the last of (ho week.

Harvey Craft of Ulster County began work for Avery Ryer March 1.

Hugh Hosier has moved Into hlsfath-fli's house on lower Huhbell Hill.

B . Merwin of Pine Hill spent a few days with friends in this place recently.

C. E. Swart and John Caswell have been putting In a quantity or feed for spriDg use.

A nunibei id' Farmers from Vogn havt boguu drawing mill; to the Elgin Cream­ery a t Keily Corners.

On account of the heavy lain ami melt-iug enow of Monday the Huhbell Hill s treum became a raging torrent, lllllng the roads and making them almost Im­passable for a time.



Gleanings of a Week from the Notebook of a Lively and Wideawake


Ed Hull has been on the sick list lately.

Hewit t Scudder has been on the eick list.

Mrs. Brink is gains.

Smith's livery business has been lively of late.

Ar thur Hanley's fiiroily has been sick the p'.ist week,

jHmes White's family has been on the sick list of late.

ifforlug some good bar-

-oy J'tidd has a. (lock of liny j , v ] l l g D l e k s ( ) | 1 0 , Margaretvllle was orn pullets that she w o u I d l s e ( J n o n O U f g t r e o U o u Tuesday,

Profitable Pullets.

A North Korfrlght correspondent writes as follows to tlio Stamford Recorder: " M r s . Harvey White Logic uot exchange for the goose that Julil tin goldou egg. From November Hi last up to February W> these Industrious birds have presented their uilslross with 173 dozen of eggs, tho proceeds' of which amount to something over $60. Mrs, Judd, of course, takes excellent on'ro of her fowls ami gives fhciu a variety nt food. In addition to grain and feeds of warm mash thoy feast on fresh cooked meat, cabbage and other vegetables, and thev havo u comfortable, roomy house with a supply of wind, shells and water always a t hand."

A Hidden purchased a fine $10 cut ter of Mr. Williams,

James Maiehn.ll has boon on the sick list the past week.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hubbel), March G, a daughter.

William Renter has been spending the past week at Roxbury,

John Cisco, train master on the U. & D., was in town on Friday.

Mrs. Willhim Hewitt has been under t h e doctor's cure of lute.

W, II. Morse coiucnonced taking his milk to Gold Spring recently.

ZiljH Bauford of Duuraven visited a t J. E. Keator 's Brsl ol! the week.

George Bennett has re turned from Ids visit I" Finn kiln end Oueonta.

Officer Dutcher was at Margaretvllle anil Al l< ville Brsl of the week,

It Made the Rabbits Mad. At Cornell University a clny or two ngo

several mbhlta hat were Inoculated with the bin lu of a dog I hut a few days previous­ly had bitten seven persone a t Saugoi'tles became raving mad. F ive of those bit­ten have already gone to the Pasteur Inst i tute In Now York, and Blneotlie die-oov ry ul Cornell It Is t hough t that the other two will gJ. The rabid dog bit several elher dogs In Haugortlcs before being killed, and uow au epidemic of hy­drophobia In that plaoe is feared.


Mrs. H, O. VuuBensoholen is under the doctor's care.

John Ruff of Bovine, visited his brother, Ed Run", the first of the week.

Mrs. Rachel Baker , who has been eon-lined to the house.s iuoo January 1,1s now able to be out .

Several young people from Margurot-vllln all ended t h e dance at, W, It. Htui-feril's Friday night .

Mrs, Rhoda Pa lmat le r Gilbert of Mich­igan visited at E Liildlaw'a and H, U. VauBeusehplon's Inst week.

David Lkldleof passed through this valley Wednesday with some cows lie purchased at t h e Blow&rt sale.

Mm H'lrah Faulkunr 1ms an orange ti'MO over three feet tall tha t she grew from a, seed. It Is very nice and quite a uiuloslty.

The largest Ice gorge ever seen In the Plutteklll Is uow lu Thompson's pond aud extends up to the bildga by E. Lnldlaw'w. In some places it Is llfi.eou feet high. The road for some distance Is full of loo anil water, malting it. Impassable. It bus proved quite an a t t ract ion, as many ooluo to see It. In soverel places It Is over 101) foot wide,

Mistook Her Symptoms. A Walnut street, poultry fancier suffer­

ed a groat disappointment this week, A few days IIK" he sot a hou that showed all the symptoms that accompany the first s tages of Incubation mid be n|, once begun to brag about the early olilckeus he was going to have, Biddy " s o t " a couple of days end then discovered that Instead of being prompted by motherly liietluol she was suffering from the mis­leading offoote of runt spots ou the liver, and with bur mlud restored to Its nol'iual condition she promptly quit tho job. Willi d reams of early brollors dispelled her owner offers to tlio nui.rkot, eggsll ial hi* s laudlug In Urn llnniicliil world fur-hid* tiltn to guarantee.

Lightning Striken Near Praltsvlllo. ' During the thunder s to rm lust Thurs­

day lightning struck the cupola of V. G, Oonlnu's barn, In lluntnrwlhild, destroy­ing the cUpola and u portion of the roof or the barn, toarlug the.tjooret from the hinges and otherwise Injuring the build­ing, One horse s tanding In the slull was killed mid another t?o paralyned that It could not walk, Tho building was In-Hiirod,—News,

Thoy .[tint Struck Town. At Arkvlllo un Mat'ull U tlio good-

natured Bttll'll dropped a llttlu girl down llic uhliiluoy of the house ociuwpiod by Mr, aud Mm, Etsra llciidrlului, end In this village yesterday twin buys t'ogletot'otl at the htime ul' Mr, and Mr. Duvlil Sltultle.

Like "Tlio Baltic of tho Ni le ," Durliiglliolaslfuirruoiil liHiiudnioiutlieb

ciiiinklllliauli'o sviiipanillhawn doiitaudfroK ciipauilthinvciloulHU(ll'rov,nu|ittudtliawod(i utaiuirrtiKoiipiuidlliawndoiifaMiluowlllMl'i'o onlii|.;upiigitlriohHhtiel<Ml

Trimming mill Kraftlng done, bUtiofb uuuod hand, CaB on J, II. Hondrlolte, Mar^arotvHle, M. V, 18W


D, M. Scudder was at Arkvllle on bnsl-u(W9 Inst week.

Mies Dora Kelly spent Inst week with friends at Vegu.

Ol'ville Ellis has o n t o quantity of wood for Elmer Hfroittor.

John F, Bllsli made n busluees trip lo Dry Brook llrst of the week.

Abel Fuller purchased four line cows of Gooige O'Kclly last week,

Hnlflln Kelly, J r , has engaged his »«r-vloinito James Kelly for the summer.

Mm, Maggie Clancey spent Htliidny with her brother, William Carey, lu this plncn,

Mm, Lewis Fuller mid daughter of Arkvllle vlulted frloniln lu Ihhi place hint week

TIIOIIIIII.1 Ellin, who has boen on the iilnk Hat for eui'nu t ime. Is slowly recov-oriuy.

Edward Kelly and Marlon Kelly of Vogn called on friends hi I hlu plaoe on Hiiiidnv,

fcl, I), Hollows of Denver Spout Holiday with IIIH puroiiln, Mr. mid Mm. M, A, Bellows*

II ol ] ii a it li'tilli'ii' wdll work for Abel b'ullcr again thin suuitiinr, l ie began worlt on March 1,

Mini,hull O'Connor line eiigugcd hie soi'Vluu lo llarrlMiui Murun for the ncimon, anil cniiiiuiineoil work Mm eh I,

Mrs, Amy I'auldlug of Klehitilimniiii Spent hint week with her piirtniln, Mr, and MM. Merrick Kelly, In thin place,


II. hiiiin le stopping a t (1, W, Wallior'n,

ICiirl Jenlilim vlulted filcndu at Gillllti

tiui'iieruou I'lni.iinle.v and Htuitlay.

0, Wluoliol) of Vogn J» working tor

As It Should He. Asseniblyman Oowan'n bill providing

that the County Clerk shall keep a rec­ord of all temporary loans atttliorlaud by boards of supervisors has passed the Legislature and is now Chapter 2u or the Laws of 100-1. It will prevent n repeti­tion of the crooked work done by a re-cunt outgoing Oimijfy Treasurer and Is a wise measure. All notes, certificates of Itidebfeilueus or oilier county obligations Issued for the moneys BO borrowed, slmiod by the County Treasurer, shall also be countersigned by the County Olerk. Mr, Cowan Is lo Ins congratulated,

Hold on a Serious Charge, Adell.iert l.'\ Crosby wns IIITCHIOII by

Oillcer Griffin ul Ilex bury last week ami held iiuijer $1,000 bull Thursday by Jus­tice Paohloy atBlaiiiford for appearance before the next grautl jury, oh the charge of riipc in tho soooutl degree preferred In behalf of his ueioo, Pearl Urosby, of (hut villago, who, al, the age of fourteen Is about to become a mother. Crosby hail been employed as a freight brakotnaii on the U, & D, It, it. mid says he In 111* liilinnenl.,

Ice Jam at Griffin Corners,

During the storm or Monday ail Inn Jam formed at the bildgn just above Tiushut's hotel a t Orllllu Corners aud tor­rents of water poured down Miiln idroet lu one dlrenlliiu mid aureus J usMue Todd's properly In another, The liiuuuiinnf ol l.''iiulkiier'M store was Hooded to the street level mid llllml with lingo cakoii of Ice, While we (It) not, lionr of any grout ilmn-nge bring done uiiieli Inconvenience wnn ncniiHliilinil.

Illinin'ii oil Mi Hi Wniiini. II, II, Kelly mi Tuesday purcliiiHcd the

oiiUru dairy of A, Albori', anil un Monday next will take the milk route iinrelnforn nerved by till) latter. Mr, Alburn will runt the limine un bis fariii or will let the plane on iiliarne to it mini who wmiln to go Into the poultry business, The fnrm line a SOtltliBril OXptiSUl'9 tttld WUi|ll| (HI II lined place on which to ruble pniiHry on a-largnunale,

The Vllhiiso Election. The village election wllltntuui' CM Tues­

day next at the irunfens' room, The. tlukoti) a re the uiuiio no miiniiinenil, week excepting flint fur trustee on the Imuiunratlu tlukul the namu ul' A, J, ib' Inn boon niibntltiitml for flint of A, |J, UHiott, who doolluuii to uorvo,

Take T 1-r.n N is win ami do it quiolt.

H. B. Mead was at HaloelLvillo and I railed horses 11 ret of this week.

Home of (be buck row Is l ime been so Icy of late flint they were Impassable,

Addison Hulbarl hasfl 'd ;hed his school ,it Kingston and cilllli) heme Sntiirday.

'1 humus Jnquisb bus commenced tak­ing his inllli to the Standard creamery,

Thomas Oanlwell and Frank Bouton were business ou.lli IN In (own recently.

P. II, Mitchell of Roxbury was n busi-noes oallor u.1 Halcottville on Tuesday.

Rev. mid Mrs. Bonuotl visited Mis. Nnin Rober tson Thursday and Friday.

Mr, wild Mrs. W, Truosdeli were a t Roxbury trying to rent a farm recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of lloxbiity wore guests of Mrs, A. 8. Hi ink recently.

AlloruoyJaokeon of Margaretvll le was In town <>n legal business on Wednesday.

Prod Gray linn finished his work a t George TowuHolid's end bus gone to A ren a.

JVllf'.e May OloltBou bun recovered from her slokiioBH mid opened her school on Monday,

The frost Is from three to llvo feet deep and loo from two nndn half to throe feet thick.

Elder John Clark commenced taking bis milk lu the Standard creamery first of i he mouth,

Air. and Mrs, M. Smith's children have beou very eicli of lute, but both of them are ge t t ing better.

Eldor J. Clark was called to Roxbury to conduct Mm. Dustman's funeral on Sunday a t 2 o'clock.

The church party at Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo E. (irllliu'H Friday evening was appreciated by thoso present,

W. A. LongyeiM', represent ing L, S. Wliuio A' Co, Kingston was oalllng on cus­tomers a t Mnlceffvllln on Tuesday .

MIHH Edna Bmllh, who haa been spend­ing n. few weeks In Schoharie County visiting rolut.lvcH, returned home t't-uiay.

Thomas fugles, DeWltt Hammond, Henry Banfunl, Will Iiigles, Thoiaas Ingles and Juinen Caswell were among the out-of-town callers at Halcottvi l le on Saturday.

The Denver and Vega milk feauiHcmno out this way to got lo tho Kelly Corner's creiimery Tuesday on account of the Denver bildgn being taken away Monday night, mid also the llrst one up from Kelly Corners.

Death of A. B, Whitlock. A. II. Wbltluoh, one of the IIKIHI prom­

inent residents of Gulden's Hrhlgo und well known In tide village, died at his homo In the foriaer plaoe on b'lklu.y lust. His m<n wan 7fl yours, t in was au active Worker In Methnillnf eb-elen and a man who wnn uiilvei'Hully esteemed. Ills sur­viving widow In a sister of Mrs. Will Mungle, J r . , of t hlu village.

Pine Illll Wider Cuinpmiy. The rtnfinal report ol the Pino lll l l Wa­

ter Ciiuipauy luiii boon llloil In the County Clerk's ollioo; It U.slgnud by,r, 0,0or« uluh, p res iden t ; Andrew !), lllll, trnns-Ut'OI'i ami RMiuril W, lllll aud R C, lllll, illrectiirn. Amount of ottpltol stock, :|;!!'i,01)11, t he propicillin Issued * 1-1,0011; aicicln, $14,000 I nn IIOM.H,

(loud for Ilia Town Heard I Tim Town Uuiiid lum neltlnd Its cliff01'-

eiiceii with the (Irnlmi llrldge (Jinnpaiiy regarding Urn Arni.m biklrni mut t e r a l a navlng to IIic taxpayers of from $800 to $1,000, Ootid iiianageniiiul I

A Cuulciuplalei'i (lliaiij'.e, |i'|'n|u our, Yt'ijii cerriiuiiniiilciil,

'I'luii'ii hi talk uf rmirguiili'.luR thii tele-plionn iimiipiiii.v, MCCIII lug a char te r mid put t ing In tho brliuOiiy boll cysfeni In the niu lug.

