In the Presence of Angels November 2008

guidance & insight into living a life that is more holistic, more aware, more angelic IN THE Presence of Angels NOVEMBER 2008 Ask the Angels Angel image for the month November Numerology Our new website inside this issue


Information, guidance and advice from the holistic network of businesses that make up In the Presence of Angels. Music by Shaun Frearson. CD available at

Transcript of In the Presence of Angels November 2008

Page 1: In the Presence of Angels November 2008

guidance & insightinto living a life that is

more holistic, more aware, more angelic

INTHEPresence of Angels


Ask the Angels Angel image for the month

November Numerology Our new website

inside this issue

Page 2: In the Presence of Angels November 2008


Well, we’ve all been doing battle recently, haven’t we? That’s right! You are not alone in your struggle. What better place to demonstrate this energy than the co-lesseum in Rome, pitured above, although the battles that took place here were perhaps more brutal than our own.

Are we out the other side? Have we made it? Well, I’m smiling in the photo so I guess we must have. The sky is blue!

The truth is that our recent discomforts haven’t so much been battles as challenges. Even though at their worst they have felt quite tough!

The challenge has really been to find ourselves, to recognise ourselves for who we truly are and what we can really do for this world while we are here. What we were meant to do! Depending on how far away from this awareness we are our experience may have been quite uncomfortable as the universe tries to shock us into realisation.

- What is it that only you can do?

- What were you put here to do?

- What are you happy when doing?

- What would you do if money, time or other commitments were not a factor?

How amazing to discover this! Some of you may al-ready know and be doing your ‘uniqueness’ - that which only you can do.

The next step is to do this in service. To use your gift for others. To use it to help. Meditate on how this might work for your special talent. You may be sur-prised at the insight you receive!

Within our organisation we have been challenged to find our uniquenesses and to then settle into our roles based around them. For when trying to do things that we are not suited to, and trying to do each others roles, we were not making the progress we needed to. Once we respect each others uniqueness then we can function truly as a whole!

Ask yourself what your uniqueness is and feel it in-side. Then once you have found it spend all of your time doing it. Abundance will follow!

November is an amazingly powerful month and so we wish you joy as you find yourself. This is a short news-letter introducing our new website! As part of step-ping into the uniqueness of our organistion we have our brand new website live for you to explore.

See you next month

Russell Goffe

Page 3: In the Presence of Angels November 2008

ASK THEAngelsDear Angels,

We are all so excited about our ascent and the lead up to 2012 and we are finding out that it is not all plain sailing. As the universe starts to leave behind another massive chapter in its history, we are being affected by the changes in the air. As delicate subtle be-ings dedicated to seeing this through we can truly thank the uni-verse for keeping us onboard and witnessing the biggest change for mankind in centuries. There can be little doubt that everyone who is around at this time will in some way witness something so extraordinary that it will change them forever.

So what am I leading up to? Well, what I would like to know is what we should do for ordinary people who either are totally unaware at the moment of the changes that will affect them in the near future, or worse still do not want to know? Do we solely concentrate on our own ascent or make efforts to bring others to a beautiful state of awareness by simply speaking to them? Other Earth Angels will know that state of eutopia that we are getting, which is becom-ing stronger by the day, and wish to share this with others. As the excitement builds up I want to walk into the street and shout out aloud! But is this what the universe wants us to do? In other words do we solely concentrate all of our efforts on our own one-ness or attempt to enlighten others? For me personally this has been a complex, massive individual journey which I can enjoy in the company of other like-minded people, but do the Angel’s want us to expand our vibrations by giving talks and spreading the word in the lead up to the auspicious date to people totally una-ware of what we will experience as human beings? As a communi-cative Gemini I feel a sense of obligation to do so,but only if this is required. Is this an individual journey for us all, or do we need to expand that joy to others on earth ?

Thank you, Barry.

Hello Barry and thank you for your question. The answer is to ask out loud each day “show me the best way to serve”. We are all here at this incarnation so we can help others become aware with love, light and compassion. Here at In the Presence of Angels we say the following mantra every day three times a turn; you may like to add it to your daily rituals as it will also help you as you have linked in with the energy. This is what we say, “In the Presence of Angels and I earn a perfect wage, this perfect day in service to those who come our way”. What this means is that if we release our fears in regard to money or not hav-ing enough we will free ourselves up to helping more people. We are always provided by the Universe so the more we trust the more we will accept this.

I would urge you to go within your heart and ask yourself what is the best way for you to serve. I’m sure you know the answer. If that means holding talks and spreading the word then do that. Many people do not understand the word ascension so may be fearful of it, so use grace and discernment in the words you use.

Finally always “be” the light of love, wisdom and compassion. People will seek you out as they wish to be the same way, so just be. I hope that has given you some guidance Barry.

Thank you for your question Barry, we are the Angels!

Dear Angels,

I am stuck in a personal situation causing me some stress, frustra-tion, heartache, confusion and just basically not knowing what to do, what path to take and endless amounts of soul searching and thinking has not given me any guidance, so I’m asking if possible to see if the Angels have any messages or words of wisdom or advice for me via yourself.

I met my soul mate and the ‘right one’ for me nearly eight years ago. The problem is that he still lives with another woman, the mother of his children, and for this I took to understanding his unhappy situation, rather than judging it. We are very best friends too and we talk openly and honestly about things. However last November, I had reached a point of being unable to cope and by then things were distant between us and I felt very pushed out of his life, so I got with someone else very briefly to try and stop lov-ing him and move on. However it did not work. He found out and admitted to doing the same with another because of guilt and not being able to give me what I wanted. The same reason as me, both of us trying to escape the reality that we can’t be without each other. We love each other too much and he just can’t seem to be able to leave his children. It’s tearing us both apart and despite his promise to leave and start a life with me, I can’t see it happening.

Part of me feels that I should walk away, because I love him. An-other part of me feels I should stick with it because I can’t imagine being in a life without him. He is just not a strong person who will take risks or go after what he wants. He knows his staying put is affecting the children and the woman he lives with, as they row constantly, have slept in separate rooms for years and everyone is unhappy. He is scared of losing me, I know that much, and because of what happened before he is constantly paranoid I will get someone else if he does not make a decision. Its an awful situ-ation because I’m very non-judgemental and feel for him despite my own un-happiness, and I know this sounds stupid, but I feel I have a duty to take care of him and make sure he is ok, because he locks things away, but being selfless is not really helping, I think its just making it easier for him, not me.

Sorry about the length of this letter but it’s not something that can be put into one sentence. I just wish I knew what to do, my head and my heart are in battle and therefore ‘ I am stuck’.

Thakn you, Collette

Collette, I can feel your pain and angst oozing out off the paper. The compassion Angels are sending you waves of love and compassion right now at this moment so open your arms and breathe it in. The answer is probably shorter than you expected. Here it is, as always sent with LOVE:

When you ask the question about this man starting a new life with you, you said, ”I can’t see it happening” there is your answer in truth. Short, true and painful, yes. Collette if you truly want to live this life without the continued pain, hurt, frustration and resentment then step into this truth now. Walk away and honour yourself. You have loved deeply, you both have but this love is now being tainted by deceit and pain, there is no going back.

Receive this message with the love, truth and honour that it was chan-nelled.

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ASK THEAngelsDear Angels

I’ve recently been in hospital with a small operation. It’s been de-manding on all the family and my daughter has been very clingy to me. She has also started waking with night terrors. We do try and spend as much quality time together as we can as a family and I especially try to make sure that at least every day we do an activity together so that we gave one-to-one time.

Although she goes through spells of sleeping well it never seems to last - and is really wearing us down especially at a time when I need to sleep and regain my health. Is there anything I can do to help her that I’m not already doing?

Yours – Kirstyxxx

Dear Kirsty, there is such a strong connection with you and your daugh-ter Kirsty even stronger than many mother – daughter relationships. She feels as if she is going to be left and then wants to cling on to you. I’ve been told to say, give her your love and patience and be consistent in your approach. Keep to her routine but be firm and lovingly assuring her each time that mummy is close by. Having your scent near her will help her settle as she is very clair-scent-ient; familiar smells give her familiar feelings and therefore comfort.

You have a special light in your daughter. Allow her to blossom even further by being consistent in your approach that is the main answer for you Kirsty, bless you both.

Dear Angels Am I feeling stuck? I don’t know. I know situation is out of my control and have accepted it. I know I’m not sad. I’ve taken control and I’m ok. It sort of feels like I’ve left an imprint or a trace behind. I know I feel like something is hanging over my head, some con-nection. I can’t put my finger on it or work it out. My question, the only thing I can think of is “will he ever back in touch or is it truly over?”

Dee xx Dear Dee, LOVE AND BLESSINGS are coming your way. It is time to step into your future with head held high and your heart full of love. Your journey has been hard and at times arduous; soon you will be lighter in step. I feel there may be some contact in the future, but it’s time for you to move on. Things are moving for you and soon you won’t even resonate with this person.

Archangel Chamuel says “he was sent to you for you to find yourself. His job is done so release him with LOVE and honour.”

So Angel, flap those wings, dust them off and fly!

Dear Angels,

My question would be, do we become ‘stuck’ due to our own inse-curities/old habits? I refer to the eternal question of losing weight, and my own struggles. When I achieve a weight that I haven’t reached for a long time, I find I almost jeopardise it, and become ‘stuck’. Is this my own doing?

Interested to hear back.

Lots of love, Mandy

Bless you Mandy. There is a lack of self love and self acceptance within you. You are a beautiful, loving and much-loved person. It is now time to embrace yourself with the love surrounding you and stop fighting yourself. How do you do this? Simply start small by accepting compli-ments and offers of help. I feel there is harshness within you towards yourself so I am urged to ask “why are you punishing yourself? Have you let yourself down or under achieved in any way? Be honest with yourself as your energy is crying out to be heard and recognised. You have achieved much in this lifetime, a wonderful mother and partner, friend and companion. Everyone else knows this now it’s time for you to accept it.

Rest, have fun and love you – as God and his angels of light love you.

Dear Angels

I am feeling really down at the moment and bored with everything to the point where I want to give up everything. Will this feeling pass anytime soon and is there anything I can do to lift my spirits? I talk to my Angels nearly every day and ask for protection for my friends and family, can you tell me my Angel’s name?

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you, Elaine xx

Elaine, your angels are calling you to wake up! You are bored because your soul is crying out to be fulfilled. You are being urged to find your uniqueness! This is such a theme at the moment for many people as this year has been a rapid year for change. Be truly honest with yourself and ask “why are you bored?” Then look into your heart and ask what brings you joy? Music, laughter, exercise, being creative in your own unique way? Really look.

Archangel Chamuel will help you find yourself. Look at the friends around you... are they too lost or are they fulfilling their life’s purpose? Maybe all meet up and help one another find your own uniqueness. With some work, patience and commitment to finding YOUR truth, you will find joy and your life will be well worth living.

Page 5: In the Presence of Angels November 2008

November; the 11th MonthIn Numerology the number 11 represents mastery. It is thought of as a “master” number because it is a double digit of the same number. When this occurs - the vibrational frequency of the prime number doubles in power.

11 symbolizes the principle of enlightenment, living the dream, instigating a new consciousness. Take a look at this number and tune in to it. Use all of your senses.


What does it represent to you? You and your soul mate, you and your higher self, your legs walking your path or is it you walking alongside another person? Do you see pillars standing tall or channels from Source to Earth? What do you sense?

The 11 carries a vibrational frequency of balance. When we constantly see elevens we are being re-minded to be aware of our balance.

1+1= 2 The number two symbolizes the principle of coming together with another.

Energize the numerology of November. Instigate a new consciousness!


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The new In the Presence of Angels website

We are pleased to bring you news of the launch of our new website, which has been many months in the making. With so many new additions to our site, and so many more planned for the coming months, this site is a true portal into all that we do! Please take some time to visit the site and find out about what we do and where we do it! Find out more about:

- In the Presence of Angels;- Holsitic Children & Family Services;- Global Living Soul Network;-;- Living Soul Store (opening Novemeber 2008).- And much more.

You can visit the site now at

Please have a look around and give us some feedback if you feel guided to do so!

Page 7: In the Presence of Angels November 2008

Angel Image for NovemberThose of you that have been to our centres or on our website will be fa-miliar with our angel images. These channelled images are designed for specific healing and when used in meditation they are very powerful.

This month we bring to you the Angel of In the Presence of Angels, our logo. This Angel was channelled specifically for our organisation and represents the oneness and uniqueness that In the Presence of Angels

seeks to spread.

State your wishes and then allow the healing energy to come from the image and pass through you as you and the angel become one.

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Contact In the Presence of AngelsGeneral enquiries: [email protected]

Newsletter enquiries: [email protected]

Products: [email protected]

Holistic Children & Family Services: [email protected]

NEXT MONTHThank you for taking the time to read this November is-sue of our newsletter. We hope you enjoyed it! We have re-ceived some great contributions so look forward to putting some of this content out in the coming months.

if you want to see your words in print in this newsletter then please get in touch.

Have a great month from all of us at In the Presence of Angels!

In the Presence of Angels Ltd. Registered Cardiff 5543246Holistic Children & Family Services Ltd. Registered Cardiff 6570631