In the Midst of it All – Reaping a Harvest of God’s Peace and … · 2020. 9. 1. · Holy...

Holy Harvest 2020 Daily Meditations In the Midst of it All – Reaping a Harvest of God’s Peace and Blessings Job 1 3501 Holman Street Houston, Texas 77004 Eleventh Edition

Transcript of In the Midst of it All – Reaping a Harvest of God’s Peace and … · 2020. 9. 1. · Holy...

Page 1: In the Midst of it All – Reaping a Harvest of God’s Peace and … · 2020. 9. 1. · Holy Harvest 2020 Daily Meditations In the Midst of it All – Reaping a Harvest of God’s

Holy Harvest 2020 Daily Meditations

In the Midst of it All – Reaping a Harvest of God’s Peace and Blessings

Job 1

3501 Holman Street Houston, Texas 77004

Eleventh Edition

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Greetings Greetings, in times that most of us have not ever experienced in our lives. The loss of our Shepherd Teacher, pandemic, social distancing, large populations of people working from home and traditional school patterns disrupted are all characteristics of this greeting. However, the one constant that is synonymous with other writers in the Bible, is that God is still on the thrown and in control in the midst of chaos.

For such a time as this, God is still allowing us to participate in his plan and experience his provisions. What an awesome God! In the mist of what appears to be monumental, we are excited about this year’s “Holy Harvest Season 2020.”

We are thankful for our team of writers. They so diligently prepare this blessed Holy Harvest meditation booklet every year. We thank you all for your tireless efforts to bring the Meditation Booklet to fruition. May God continue to bless each member of the team for their dedication to this ministry work. We pray that God will usher the readers into his presence as we all utilize this booklet.

During the month of September, we will continue to gather on the conference calls every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm to pray, lay our petitions at God’s feet and anticipate answered prayers. More than any other Holy Harvest Season our families, communities and our country are poised for God’s manifestation of his outpouring of blessings.

Some things that we can do as we await God’s outpouring of his blessings are:

• First begin to thank God for the blessings we can look around and see.

• Find a space in your home where you can place your written prayer request, as many as you desire.

• Set aside an additional thirty minutes for prayer, meditation and quiet time with God.

• Be present on the Community Prayer Call each Wednesday night at 7:00 pm and invite

someone to join you on the prayer call.

• Allow God to use you to pray on the prayer conference call by calling the Church office to express your desire to pray on Wednesday night.

• Tune in to the Holman Street Baptist Church website to join in, be present and participate with

“The Table of Blessings Service” on September 27, 2020.

Be Blessed-Stay on Top- Live on Purpose,

Rev. Fred and Linda Ponder

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It would be an understatement to say that none of us predicted what life in this world would be like it has been these last six months. If we believe the reports of the scientist and medical professionals, we still have far to go before “normal” returns.

These facts remain steadfast and true: our GOD is faithful! HE is in complete control! HE is not surprised! HE will take care of HIS own!

Those who so graciously agreed to be participants of the writing team for 2020 have shared their observations from a variety of their life experiences. The thread that runs true through every writing is the faithfulness of our GOD, who is yet lavishing HIS blessings on HIS people, even in the midst of all that is occurring in this world.

Only one person in the group is a published writer, and we are honored to have her as part of this year’s team. The remainder of us, all your brothers and sisters of HSBC, are hoping to enhance our 30-day Holy Harvest Season with these writings and pray that you will be blessed by our efforts.

Your 2020 Writing Team

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Scripture Focus: “Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.” Acts 6:3 KJV

For Your consideration: When the news came that our Shepherd-Teacher had transitioned this earthly life to his home in Glory, we were devastated. We loved him and honored him, and many of us had served in ministry under his leadership for forty-three years. During those years, we knew no other leader. He was our Shepherd-Teacher. As sheep, we learned how to follow him because we trusted his leadership. He was a visionary called to lead us to greener pastures as well as equip us to evangelize the world. We knew that under his leadership we would grow and expand our church as a beacon light in our community and beyond. When the pandemic impacted our church as it did all churches, major decisions had to be made as to how our church would respond in this “abnormal” environment. The desire was to continue as usual, but wiser thinking and the need to heed the safety guidelines mandated by our city, county, and state officials, cautioned us to continue church but do it virtually. Our Shepherd-Teacher gathered his deacons together and began to plan the virtual services. They held phone conferences and shared ideas and strategies that would keep the services streaming each Sunday. Power Night Bible Study continued. Our prayer leaders initiated a Wednesday night pray line. Two drive by Lord Supper events took place as well as food distribution led by our mission ministry.

Although the church was not opened, the membership was encouraged to call the church or their deacon for whatever their needs might be. We were kept informed as we prayed for our deacons. Although we missed the fellowship, we were all grateful that our church was shifting smoothly from an in-person fellowship to a virtual one, all because the pastor and deacons got together and developed a plan.

When the Shepherd transitioned, we were not left dismayed about how we should continue. The deacons had already been taught how to operate. We all mourned the death of our leader for thirty days, but the church did not die! Nine men of honest report and full of the Holy Ghost rose up as leaders to carry the church forward. Each one gifted in his own calling added his expertise to the team and found the necessary people and resources to make every ministry event one that would benefit the people and glorify God. They held phone conferences, zoom meetings, planned and participated in the pre-service video recordings, supported the first lady and family and conducted the overall business of the church. They thoughtfully and prayerfully sought the Lord to provide ministers to preach and teach. We have had Spirit filled Sunday morning worship, dynamic Bible Studies, powerful prayer meetings, mission outreach and festive drive by celebrations. These nine men have been in charge and are strategically leading the way to a successful new beginning. The Pulpit Vacancy Ministry is actively reviewing candidates from which one will be selected as our new leader, and the church will move on.

“In the midst of it all”, our hearts are still heavy and our tears still flow, but we are determined that we will uphold our church’s core values, strengthen our witness, and be a “Christian Culture Center for Christ”. No matter who follows in his footsteps, the legacy of our Shepherd-Teacher will be remembered because of Holman Street Baptist Church, Manson B. Johnson Ministries, and the faithful leadership of nine men of the deacon ministry who were ordained to oversee the church’s business in such a time as this.

Focus Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for the nine men of good report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom that you have ordained to lead our church in such a time as this. We trust you to lead them in the way that we should go. Amen.

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September 2 In the Midst of it All

SCRIPTURE FOCUS: “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.” Job 1:22 KJV

FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: If you are reading this, you are blessed. God has kept you! Up until 2020, you may have lived a relatively carefree, easy going life. Or, you may have experienced trials, heartaches, loss and lack, but 2020 has presented challenges that the great majority of us has never endured. Consider these verifiable facts: babies born in 2011, the year planes crashed into the twin World Trade Center buildings in New York, on September 11, have lived through several catastrophic hurricanes and flooding; mass shootings at educational institution on all levels from elementary to college as well as in churches, movie theaters and music festivals; legalization of same sex marriage and many advancements for LGBTQ rights; the explosion of the #MeToo movement which lead to the firing or resignation of numerous prominent figures accused of misconduct and the social injustices brought to the forefront of the world’s moral conscious due to numerous killings of young, Black men and women. Considering all of the aforementioned events, 2020 has brought with it a worldwide pandemic that has altered or cancelled high school senior year celebrations such as prom, athletic, academic and cultural arts competitions, and most of all the opportunity for family and friends to celebrate the graduates as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas clothed in the regalia that took them 12 years to earn the right to wear. These babies, born in 2011 and graduated in 2020, will have much to reminisce about as they become the first ever class of “virtual celebrations.”

While the plight of our children born in 2011 has been unpredictable and challenging, those of us who are blessed to have lived twice or even three times as long as they are able to add our own survival and endurance stories. Our testimony surely must be Psalm 124, “If it had not been the LORD who was on our side…,” and hopefully, that of Job’s in verse 22 of today’s scripture reading. In March of this year, the COVID- 19 Virus shut down life as we knew it. Since that time jobs and incomes have been lost, businesses closed, and we have learned to embrace “virtual doctor’s appointments!” There has been hoarding of cleaning and paper products such as toilet paper and paper towels and the cost of a barrel of gas plummeted to $0 per barrel. Love ones have contracted the disease, many who have recovered and many others who have died.

On May 31, 2020, our church family was left stunned and shaken as our beloved Shephard/Teacher was taken home to be with the LORD because of COVID-19.

No doubt there are still some tough times ahead of us, but GOD IS STILL GOOD! As we go through the days ahead, may GOD be able to say of us, “In all of this, MY Believers did not sin.” The theme of our 2020 Meditations is “IN The Midst Of It ALL.” As Yolanda Adams so beautifully sang, “I’ve come through many hard trials, through temptations on every hand, though Satan’s tried to stop me, and to place my feet on sinking sand, through the pain and all of my sorrows, through the tears and all my fears, the LORD was there to keep me, for He’s kept me in the midst of it all.” Holman Street Family and Friends, in the midst of it all, GOD has us: He won’t let us fall. Let’s not let Him down in our thoughts, words or deeds. Be a people HE can depend on. “HE loves us so dearly and HE is there to answer our calls, HE is there to protect us as HE keeps us in the midst of it all.”

Prayer Focus: Father GOD we are thankful that you know our end from our very beginning. Thank you for being our shield, protector and exceeding great reward. Nothing is too hard for You. We YOUR people, choose to trust YOU to keep us as we go through uncertain times, knowing that YOU are keeping us in YOUR care. Because of the POWER in the shed blood of YOUR SON, JESUS we are safe, AMEN!

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September 3 A Heart for The Generations – I LUH GOD

Scripture Focus: “…Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. And the lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:21-23 KJV “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10 KJV

For Your Consideration: One of my favorite ways to relax when home alone is to turn the TV to the Stingray Gospel music channel. Here I can listen to non-stop, commercial free gospel music form all of my favorite artist and choirs. Usually I sing along as I go about my daily routine. At times I’ll even take a “praise break” if I get caught-up in the truth of the lyrics, especially the ones that talk about how Good GOD is! Recently I had to stop what I was doing to look at the TV screen to see what the actual name of the song was and who was singing it. Both the melody and the beat were catchy but my “septuagenarian” (70+) years and brain were not quite understanding. The title of the song was, “I Luh God” song by Erica Campbell of the “Mary Mary” duo. I stopped everything that I was doing, hurried to my computer to “Google” further information about this song with the strange lyrics. To my surprise, I learned that it was a protest song in response to a chart-topping song released in 2014, that was very popular with today’s generation. Her song, I found out, had been released in 2015, and had won several awards, despite the protest of many “main stream” and older members of the gospel music community. Following is Ms. Campbell’s account of why she wrote the song:

“Singer Erica Campbell told Rapzilla that her 2015 gospel trap anthem “I Luh God” was inspired by O.T. Genasis’s viral hit “CoCo”, which celebrates cocaine. The music video for “CoCo” has amassed over 150 million views since it dropped in Oct. 2014, and its message disgusted Campbell. “I was listening to the radio. Some song called ‘I’m In Love With The CoCo’ came on, and I got upset ’cause I’m like, this is what kids are singing and saying over and over,” Campbell said. “Why can’t [Christians] change that? We got some crazy writers, incredible artists that love Jesus. Let’s infiltrate! Let’s get in there and change it. “I know sometimes I want to turn up and have a good time, but I don’t want to listen to [music like ‘CoCo’], so I figured I’m a songwriter, I’ll write my own song.” Article written by Philip Road, February 11, 2016 for

My curiosity and a few minutes of research to find out more and get a better understanding of the catchy, yet unfamiliar to me, tune, reminded me afresh of just how much God loves His children. He speaks to us in words that we can understand and through people who are obedient to His leading. Each generation is drawn to HIM, like the Ethiopian eunuch, after Philip obeyed the Lord’s instruction to go minister to him. Acts 8:25-30 KJV

To the seasoned, senior saints, let’s not be so quick to pass judgement or become a stumbling block to the spiritual maturity of others, especially future generations. To the young people, help us to help you. We are in this together.

Prayer Focus: Father God, we thank You for loving us and being patient with us. Show us how to love like You love. Help all of us to be obedient to what you have commanded us in Matthew 28:19. Amen.

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September 4 The Power of Obedience to God

Scripture Focus: "And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams." 1 Samuel 15:22 ESV

For Your Consideration: Have you ever invited a friend to attend a church worship service with you? Perhaps you have invited a friend to a special church event such as Women's Day or Homecoming Day Celebration, and you received a, "No, but thank you," response. Well, I experienced several rejections from a friend each time I invited her to attend a church worship service or a special church event with me. I thought perhaps my friend was concerned about transportation. I assured her that I would be the driver and she would be the passenger. Well, this did not change her response. I finally stopped inviting her after several years of asking her and receiving the, "No, but thank you" response. I valued our friendship and I did not want her to feel pressured.

When the church began having Wednesday night prayer meetings, I did not invite her because of the "No, but thank you" past responses I received from her. I was tired of the refusals, so I decided not to invite her. I failed to recall the word of God that says, "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 ESV

I was driving home one day and the Holy Spirit spoke and instructed me to invite my friend to go with me to the next prayer meeting on that following Wednesday night. I was very reluctant to do so because of her rejection of my past invitations. However, I felt an urgency to be obedient to the Holy Spirit, so I stopped by her home, uninvited, extended the invitation, and she quickly responded with a resounding "Yes"! I was so surprised! The Holy Spirit reminded me of the importance of timely obedience to the voice of God. I shudder to think that I almost allowed my flesh to cause me to disobey the will of God. She attended many Wednesday night prayer meetings with me and repeatedly told me how much she enjoyed them. She was so anxious to attend the prayer meetings, that almost each Wednesday she would ask me, "Are we going to the prayer meeting tonight?" We had already determined on Tuesday that we would attend prayer meeting on that following Wednesday night; however, she wanted reassurance. She was very disappointed when we were unable to attend some of the prayer meetings because of my work schedule; however, she was so inspired by the Wednesday night prayer meetings that she began attending some of the church services at her home church. She had not attended church services for many years. How Great is Our Lord! His power is absolute! Psalm 147:5a NLT

This experience reminded me of how important it is to hear, to recognize, and to obey the voice of God. We know that, "whoever is of God hears the words of God and is obedient." John 8:47 ESV How soon we forget that no word from God will ever fail. I prayed and asked God for forgiveness. In spite of the rejections I had received from my friend, Mark 1:37 reminded me that "with God nothing shall be impossible." I recalled the dedicated obedience of Joshua to God, and the many victories that he was given over his enemies. How wonderful it was to know that the will of God was manifested in the midst of the storm of rejections that I experienced.

Prayer Focus: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace and mercies that you extend to us daily, and that you forgive our sins and trespasses. Thank you that you chose me to be used as an instrument of your divine will to impact the life of another. I will continually surrender my will and submit to thy Holy will. I give you praise, honor, and glory. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen! Amen! Amen!

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September 5 God's Omnipresence

Scripture Focus: "Am I Only a God nearby," declares the Lord, and "not a God far away?" …declares the Lord’ Jeremiah 23:23-24 NIV " For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them… " Matthew 18:20 ESV

For Your Consideration: A dear family member had been battling a serious thyroid problem for two years. A large tumor developed and test results were abnormally elevated. Medications did not stop the growth of the tumor. We discussed the available treatment options and she decided not to undergo surgery at that time. She explained that she had been praying and asking God for divine directions, and that she would not make a decision until she heard from Him. She was a young woman who had been battling another chronic illness for several years, and during those years her trust in God had blossomed into firm, immovable faith in God as she was being healed. Jeremiah 17:14a KJV

She continued in prayer, heard from God, and agreed to have the surgery performed. I spoke words of encouragement to her, and she assured me that she was not afraid nor worried because God had told her that the surgical procedure and the post-operative recovery would be void of problems. She truly believed and had faith in the word of God that tells us, "if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22 NIV

We arrived at the hospital on the day of the surgery and immediately went to the pre-operative holding area. I believed that God had spoken to her, but the flesh me was feeling some apprehension. We prayed and waited for the medical personnel to transfer her to the operating room. The chief anesthesiologist, an African American lady, came into the holding area, introduced herself, explained the anesthetizing procedure, and discussed what to expect post-operative. Then the anesthesiologist began to speak words of encouragement, to pray, and then to praise God. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. The atmosphere changed and she seemed to be totally unaware of her surroundings. She assured my family member that healing had already been given to her through Jesus Christ, and that no problems would occur. Isaiah 53:5 KJV The surgery was 100% successful and no malignancy was found.

Later, as I thought about how the anesthesiologist, who unashamedly and boldly offered up prayer and praise to God without hesitation, had reminded me of King David who said, " I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth; yea, I will praise him among the multitude.". Psalm 109:30 KJV How exciting and encouraging it was to witness a sister in Christ who did not let her professional status or location prevent her from praying and praising God. This display of her faith and trust in God reminded us that God knows and cares about every situation we experience in life and that He is always present. We were so strengthened by her demonstrated faith and trust in God that "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding," settled in our spirits. Philippians 4:7a KJV We knew that everything was going to be all right!

Prayer Focus: Most holy and righteous God, Thank You, for your promise to never leave nor forsake us. How comforting it is to know that You are present everywhere and at all times. Thank You, for those who faithfully serve as prayer intercessors. We will praise You and will not forget all of your benefits for your word reminds us that it is You who forgive all of our sins and heal all of our diseases. Psalm 103:2-3 We pray this prayer in the name of our resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen! Amen! Amen!

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September 6 Pastor Wayne Lawson

Scripture Focus: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds.” James 1:2 NIV

For Your Consideration: Pastor Wayne Lawson, in a sermon entitled “Charging God Foolishly,” made this observation: “In the face of the Coronavirus Pandemic, we have the power to choose our response. When we choose Faith over Fear, Wisdom over Worry, and Prayer over Panic, we can experience the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. Philippians 4:7.” Although the world is rapidly changing, we know our God never changes. He is the same faithful God that we experienced in the past. However, this pandemic is not only a threat to our health, but for many it has shaken their trust in God.

Several members of my family have cancer or are cancer survivors. I also have many church family members who are cancer survivors. They all fit the response described by Pastor Lawson. They have never lost their praise. Whenever I talk to any of them, I come away encouraged. They don’t complain about their health issues but instead, they constantly thank God for how He has blessed them. What a testimony!

Tramaine Hawkins, the gospel award-winning singer had some problems to overcome. She divorced Bishop Walter Hawkins, who was her pastor and minister of music. She had a serious illness and finally, Pastor Hawkins with whom she continued to record, passed away. Tramaine said that even after all of this pain and suffering, she never lost her praise.

Tramaine, like the woman of God in Proverbs 31:25, is clothed with strength and dignity. She can still laugh in the days to come because she knows that God is in control of her future.

When we honor God, our blessings will come. We shall reap if we faint not. Let’s praise God in the morning. Praise Him in the evening. Praise Him when the sun goes down. Ev’ry praise is to our God, our savior, our healer, and our deliverer. Yes, He is!

Prayer Focus: Heavenly Father, please help me to trust in You every hour of every day and let me be so full of peace that I too can laugh at the days to come. Amen.

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September 7 The Lord Has Not Forgotten Our Prayers

Scripture Focus: 5 “After each feast, Job would send for his children and perform a ceremony, as a way of asking God to forgive them of any wrongs they may have done. He would get up early the next morning and offer a sacrifice for each of them just in case they had sinned or silently cursed God.” Job 1:5 CEV

For Your Consideration: Four years ago, one of my grandchildren was attending college in another city. She also received a scholarship which helped to pay for a portion of her dorm and tuition fees. Books and other expenses were taken care of by her parents. After two years, scholarship funds were depleted so she returned home. Not sure what the next step would be, this child was determined to finish college and get her degree.

Well, as a parent and grandparent you find yourself praying without ceasing just as Job did in verse five. What we learn from Job is to pray for their spiritual welfare, whether they are little ones, teenagers or adults. It was Holy Harvest Season at Holman Street Church and we always have a prayer box, a planter box or a pot to plant our seeds of faith. I planted a seed for each grandchild with a special blessing, along with other personal requests. I also asked God to open a door at a local college here at home and for funds to take care of all school expenses for my grandchild.

Two years later and in the midst of all that is going on, my granddaughter graduated from college. It was not easy, but with her faith, prayer, part time job, family support and burning late night oil, she accomplished her goal.

At times when I prayed, I would remind God of my prayers that were in the box; however, He was answering every day. Know that God has a timing and ways to answer our prayers that we do not always understand. He has not forgotten us but is allowing us to grow. As we grow, we develop a closer relationship with Him and love Him as he loves us.

Prayer Focus: Lord I thank you that you will never leave us nor forsake us. You hear our prayers and You answer. I will wait patiently on You. Amen.

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September 8 A Hedge of Protection

Scripture Focus: “Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house and about all that he hast on every side? thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land.” Job 1:10 KJV

For Your Consideration: Like Job, if we have experienced sickness, hard trials, and tribulations but we have survived, God has a hedge of protection surrounding us. We are covered because of God’s love and His mercy. This hedge, according to Pastor Sean Jonathan, is like an electromagnet field that we can’t see with the naked eye, but we can see its effects. It was like the hedge that the prophet referred to in II Kings 6:16- 17 that the servant couldn’t see.

I thank God every day for the hedge around my husband, children, grandchildren, great grands, other relatives, extended family, including my church family, and all others who love God and have put their trust in Him. We have a loving family and we try to stay close to God and to each other. Psalm 125:23 says, “The Lord surrounds you as the walls surround Jerusalem.” That’s the hedge that is protecting us.

God allowed Satan to remove the hedge around Job, but Job still continued to love and trust God. We can have our hedge removed if we continue to disobey God and live sinful lives. Ecclesiastes 10:8 says, “Remember, he that breaks the hedge, the serpent shall bite.” We certainly don’t want to be bitten by the snake!

Let us all honor God if we want to experience a bountiful harvest for the seeds that we’ve sown. “Those seeds that you’ve sown, you’re gonna come into your own. The wait is over. Walk into your season.”

Prayer Focus: Heavenly Father, I thank You for the hedge of protection You’ve put around me. Help me to stay in Your favor, and please continue to cover me with Your Hand of Protection. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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September 9 Make Every Day A Celebration

Scripture Focus: “The Lord has done it this day: let us rejoice and be glad.” Psalm 118:24 NIV

For Your Consideration: Like Job’s family in Job 1:4, our family loves to celebrate each other. At least once a month after morning worship, we would gather for a birthday, anniversary, or holiday celebration. The honoree (s) would choose the location, the theme, and the menu. We would have lots of food, fun, and fellowship. Well, this year, the Coronavirus changed everything. No in-service worship and no more in-house celebrations! This didn’t seem fair to those who were anticipating a special celebration on their behalf. My husband, who loves to get extra special attention on his birthday, wasn’t surrounded by the whole family on birthday #81. Our oldest daughter who loves to celebrate others, missed her birthday dinner with the gang. Our youngest granddaughter graduated from high school; two nephews and 2 nieces also graduated from high school; one niece graduated from college. My sister who was blessed to reach the age of promise (70) was entitled to a grand celebration. There was also Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, all of which occurred while we were not allowed to congregate.

We solved the problem by doing “Family and Friends Drive - By Celebrations.” Each honoree was surprised at the outpouring of love shown to them. Our oldest daughter gets cheated because she has to usually celebrate with Mother’s Day, but her school and her Sunday School class each surprised her with Drive-By parades.

There are people who don’t have close relatives or friends to celebrate them. Let’s look around and find church family, neighbors, or co-workers who need to be celebrated. We can cheer them up by calling or texting them, sending them a card or note to let them know that they are loved. I feel so blessed that my family, our deacons, deaconesses, church family and friends are forever checking on us. I try to also celebrate others on a daily basis. Everyone needs love, so I try to put a smile on someone’s face every day. The more we do for others, the more the Lord does for us. Remember, God loves to bless us especially when He sees us blessing others.

Prayer Focus: Dear Lord, thank You for a loving family who loves to celebrate others. Help all of us learn to be people who please You and delight ourselves in serving others. We love You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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September 10 Gifted Musicians

Scripture Focus: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 NIV

For Your Consideration: God has gifted so many musicians with the gift to compose, play an instrument, and/or to sing songs that will lift our spirits, but most of all to glorify God. I wake up each morning with a praise on my lips and with joy in my heart because, “He didn’t have to wake me up this morning, but He did! Yes, He did, Oh, yes, He did! I want to thank Him for being so good to me.”

One of the many songs that I love was written by Edwin Hawkins and recorded by Jennifer Holiday is: “Give Us This Day.”

Give us this day our daily bread You said You would. Supply all our needs according to your riches. We have but to ask and we shall receive. To go from here and spread this love You gave to me. To show someone who’s lost and help them find their way. The way to truth and faith. So, they can be free like me. Free like me. Lord, we need Your love. Lord we need Your peace. Lord we need Your joy. This day.

As a child, Jennifer was a member of Holman Street. Her mother sang in our choir. Thank You Lord for Jenny and Jennifer Holiday.

At the end of the day a few weeks ago, I was very uplifted and extremely proud! Channel 11 ended the 10:00 news with something inspiring. On this particular night a choir made up of opera singers rendered a beautiful arrangement of “The Negro National Anthem” otherwise known as “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.” I was excited to see Holman Street’s own Michelle Johnson Major and her husband Brian Major in the choir! Thank You, God, for giving them both such wonderful musical gifts. My prayer is that all of our young people will be blessed as they pursue their dreams.

If we continue to trust God and give Him praise, glory and honor for what He’s already done in our lives, we will have no fear of the future.

Prayer Focus: Thank You God, for those who You have put in our paths. Help us as we do whatever is necessary to lift them up so that they can complete the good work You have put in them. We give You glory, honor and praise. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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September 11 Giants

Scripture Focus: “You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.” Psalm 30:11 NKJV

For Your Consideration: I love good old gospel music! Singing praises to God is a way to keep our eyes off the problems in our lives and on the One who can solve them. We should begin and end each day with prayer and praise to our God. The COVID 19 virus has not destroyed us because we know that nothing is too hard for our God to handle.

Many Christians have died because of the virus, even our own pastor, but they have gone to be with our Heavenly Father who has removed their earthly pain. Our loss is Heaven’s gain. To those of us who are still alive, let’s do what we’ve been asked to do to keep us as safe as possible. The Coronavirus is a giant that is continuing to take down millions of people. Sooner or later this giant will die.

One of my favorite gospel recording artists tells us what God thinks about giants. They do die. God proved through David that the bigger they are the harder they fall. David didn’t fear Goliath because he knew that although Goliath was big, His God was even bigger.

Happiness and joy are not the same. For many people, happiness comes when good things are happening. They can’t handle the giants in their lives. But Christians know that we can experience joy even when terrible things are happening all around. We realize that our faith is being tested. Like Job, we acknowledge the fact that God gives and God takes away. Blessed be the name of our God! Donald Lawrence sings these words:

When you praise God you bring down strongholds. When you pray you will see miracles and the King of Glory will show His glory. Let God arise giant, die!

Hold on and trust God to topple this giant in His own time. He will come through. We shall reap a harvest of blessings if we faint not. Personally, I am receiving blessings from seeds that I have planted throughout my life. I haven’t asked for wealth, but better health, a loving family and loyal friends, a heart for others that I can help in their time of need, and above all a closer walk with God. All these blessings have been granted and I am grateful! My job now is to continue running for Jesus. I’m not tired yet!

Prayer Focus: Thank You God, for Your love and Your mercy toward us, and we offer praise. Amen.

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September 12 In the Midst of It All – A Harvest of Blessings

Scripture Focus: “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them, Are ye not much better than they?” Matthew 6:26 KJV

For Your Consideration: As I think back throughout my work career, I often inwardly thought to myself, what it would be like if I made ten or even twenty thousand dollars more per year. Then God’s word would enter my mind. Hebrews 13:5 says, “Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” I was a young man, father of two beautiful daughters, single and paying child support. I was finding my way through life, while making a modest living at best. I worked for Harris County as Clients Rights Officer for mental health and mental retardation clients, all the while inwardly complaining about being paid less than my worth and being paid once per month trying to make ends meet. I often failed to consider the client base that I served, and simply be thankful for the job I had and the life that I was living. After ten years or so, a mass layoff occurred, and I found myself in that magic number of employees that was being laid off. Well, it would have seemed that I would have gotten the picture and been more thankful for what God had already done for me. Fast forward, several years later and several jobs that I felt really did not meet my personal standards, I finally landed what I believed to be a great job working as loan officer for a small bank by the name of World Savings. It was owned by a wealthy couple who are Mormons.

After working at, what I believed to be my “ideal” job for approximately six months, the husband and wife owners decided to retire and sold the bank to an emerging bank from the East Coast by the name of Wachovia Bank. Having a very small footprint here in the South the new bank lasted a mere year and was bought by a larger Wells Fargo. While thankful for retaining my job during the transition from World Savings to Wachovia, it wasn’t to be with the change from Wachovia to Wells Fargo. All the legacy World Saving employees were laid off because we had not been sufficiently trained to sell Wells Fargo’s loans. Much to my surprise, God was working behind the scenes. He had placed God fearing people in charge of what was to come. All the legacy World Savings employees were given an eighteen-month severance package, which had been brokered by the Mormon owners before selling their bank to Wachovia. That deal was even honored by Wachovia during their sell to Wells Fargo. In the midst of all the changes, I was newly married. My wife and I went on our honeymoon as planned. We studied the entire Bible together. God kept a very nice roof over our heads in our new home. I laid prostrate each day as I grew closer to God, and he ultimately provided me with what is my current job of eleven years. My income exceeds my expectations, and I was even offered twenty thousand dollars more than my asking price when I was first hired. All this begin in the eighteenth month of my severance package that God put together for me and my family. The Lord omnipresent, all knowing, is faithful to his word. He truly will never leave you nor forsake you. Matthew 6:26 says, “Behold the fowl of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them, Are ye not much better than they?”

Be faithful and trust in the Lord. He will never leave you and he will provide for your every need, even in the midst of it all. He has a harvest of blessings for you.

Prayer Focus: Thank you, Lord for your faithfulness and harvest of blessings you have in store for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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September 13 Never Lose Hope

Scripture Focus: “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. Job 1: 22 KJV Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieteth within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” Psalm 42:11 KJV

For Your Consideration: Having lived through and having experienced life thus far in the year of 2020, what is your outlook on life? Are you the type of person who sees a glass as being “half empty,” or do you see it as being “half full”? Are you optimistic about the future, or are you filled with anxiety? In his 1988 campaign for the Presidency of the United States of America, Rev. Jesse Jackson used the slogan, “Keep Hope Alive”. This phrase can serve as a good reminder to the Christian community, that no matter what challenging situations we may be facing, our lives should be filled with hope, not despair.

What is Hope? Along with faith and love, it is an enduring and vital characteristic of the Christian life. (I Cor 13:13,) KJV. It is not simply wishful thinking, as in, “I hope (wish) something will happen.” Instead, the biblical meaning of hope is confident trust in God with the expectation of fulfillment of His Word. Hope is confidence that what God has done for us in the past He will do in the future. If He blessed, delivered and provided for us in the past, He will do it again. Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness (Desmond Tutu.) Hope is also all about our attitude towards living; it is optimistic, and it never gives up on God.

The Christian’s hope is not based on fantasy, wishful thinking, people nor riches, but our hope is in our God and the integrity of His Word. He never changes and he never fails. Our faith says that we believe God and that His Word is true, but our hope takes it a step forward and says that we “expect” God’s Word to be fulfilled in our lives. There are some theologians who have expressed it this way, “Hope is faith on its tiptoes - looking and watching for God to show up.”

Living without hope does not please God; It is merely existing and marking time. Just as Job refused to give up on God, we too, must trust God when we do not understand the difficulties we face. In spite of setbacks, disappointments, a pandemic, racial injustice and the loss of loved ones, God is still good. He is alive and He is still taking care of his own.

The Bible tells us in 2 Chronicles 16:9, that God is looking for those to whom He can show himself to be strong. So, as we move forward in this eventful year, be motivated, be challenged, be encouraged to awake each morning full of faith and hope, believing that, “Something good is going to happen today”. Never lose hope! In Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) God says to us, “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Prayer Focus: Dear God, thank you that our hope is built on the solid rock, your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of him we can face whatever tomorrow brings. Amen.

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September 14 Dare to Dream

Scripture Focus: “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly”. Job 1:22 KJV All Things are Possible with God ...” If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth…”Mark 9:23 KJV

For Your Consideration: At the age of seven, a very determined little girl declared to her grandmother that one day she was going to become a doctor. Because children often do change their minds with time and experience, her grandmother was not sure that she would hold on to that dream, but she did.

She was an excellent student in elementary and junior high school, and she received several awards in recognition of her academic achievements. When she was a teenager, a visiting minister to her local church, who had no knowledge of her nor her future desires, prophesied to her that she would indeed become a physician. She hid this prophecy in her heart, and she believed that God was speaking to her, encouraging her to “go for it”, to pursue her dream of a career in medicine.

While continuing her studies in high school, one of her counselors tried to steer her away from the more challenging Advanced Placement Courses in math and science. Her mother, however, believing God’s plans for her daughter ‘s life, and having confidence in her academic ability, insisted that she be allowed to pursue those classes. This young lady performed excellently, and eventually graduated as salutatorian of her senior class.

As a result of God’s grace and a great work ethic, she was awarded scholarships and financial assistance to attend Xavier University of Louisiana where she majored in Pre-med Biology. Again, God was gracious to her, for after four years she graduated suma cum laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, and with honors in Biology, Chemistry and Theology.

Later, she was accepted into a five-year program at Meharry Medical College which after much prayer, diligence and hard work, culminated in her being awarded a Master of Health Sciences and a Doctor of Medicine degree. Amazingly, she completed all of her hospital rotations and licensing exams just a few weeks prior to the shutdown of schools due to the Corona virus pandemic.

Her testimony is one that glorifies God, lifts up Jesus and declares that with God all things are possible. Hopefully, it will serve to encourage someone who has a dream but who cannot see how it can be accomplished. In the midst of it all, with limited resources, many challenges and a worldwide pandemic, she eventually realized her dream.

God gives us dreams, gifts and talents so that we might glorify him and live out our purpose in life. If God has placed a dream or desire in your heart, no matter how unattainable it may seem right now, pursue it. Our God is an awesome God. Nothing is too hard for him. He will grant you favor and he will open doors for you. He can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we are able to ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). God is still in the blessing business. To God be the glory for the things he has done.

Prayer Focus: O God, how excellent is thy name in all the earth. Thank you that in the midst of all that is going on around us, you are still blessing your people. Amen.

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September 15 What If God Does Not

Scripture Focus: “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:17-18 NIV

For Your Consideration: One of my favorite Bible stories is of the three Hebrew Boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These brave young men refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar and his golden image. Because the three Hebrew boys stood on their faith and refused to bow, they were to be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace heated seven times hotter.

Do you love God so much that you are willing to deal with the lifestyle of standing on your faith? Being a believer of Christ, you will face troubles in life. Jesus tells us that in this life we will have trouble, but be of good cheer for He has overcome the world. One of the most dangerous prayers to pray is; “God, I want a closer relationship with you,” because trouble, heartache, pain, disappointment, trials, etc. could all come for you to go through. What will you do when you face the storms of life? Will you remember that God is able to bring you out or will you throw in the towel?

My favorite part is that the three Hebrew boys knew God was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace, but even if God did not bring them out, it was not because our sovereign God did not have the power, but because it was not in God’s will. Do you have the faith this Holy Harvest Month to say: “God, do it but if You do not, I still trust You? God, fix it, but if You do not, I know You still have more in store. God, answer my prayer, but if You do not answer it the way I intended, I will still give You all the praise.” Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Saying, “but if God does not,” means you put full control, authority, and submission in God to know God still has a purpose and plan for your life. Troubles grow your faith and allow a more intimate and closer walk with God. Andrea Crouch sings a song that says, “If I never had a problem, I would not know God could solve it.” We are to be grateful for the things we go through, or else we would not know God in the way we know Him to be God. That school, organization or job that may have rejected you, God could just be redirecting you to greater and may have more in store for you, but you must keep the faith to believe. There is only one thing God cannot do, and that is fail. If God can never fail, we are to know that rejection, trial, storm that God allowed is all a part of God’s will for our life.

Prayer Focus: God, thank you for being able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ever ask, think, or imagine. I pray you will bless me with the things I stand in need of, but if not, you have already done more than enough for me. Help me to grow my faith to know even if what I pray for does not align with Your will, You still have a plan for my life in Jesus’ name AMEN!

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September 16 The More Things Change

Scripture Focus: 7 After the Lord had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has...” 10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes again and gave him twice as much as he had before.” Job 42: 7, 10 NIV

For Your Consideration: “The more things change the more they stay the same,” is a colloquial statement often spoken to compare how times past and times present are very similar. Like today there was tragedy in the land. Job’s life was being attacked by Satan, characterized by death of family, loss of livelihood and questions about what is next. Job’s family and his friends all had an opinion about what Job should do in response to his tragedy. Their opinions were filled with accusations, blaming and misguided advice, such as, “curse God and die.” Job didn’t listen to the misguided advice, he ignored baseless advice of friends and refused to follow his most trusted family members.

Job kept his eyes on his Creator. He trusted God. Job waited until God intervened in his situation and circumstances. Maybe in this COVID 9, 2020, season we should do what Job did. In the midst of racism, we should keep our eyes on God and stand up for what is right. Love one another by treating each other as brothers and sisters in the kingdom. In the midst of COVID-19, mask up and social distance, because what we do impacts not only us but others also. In the mist of our bereavement, we pray for direction and encourage one another to keep the faith. Just like Job experienced, we too will experience God’s faithfulness, His promises and His provisions. “My servant Job will pray for you and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly. You have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has. So Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite did what the Lord told them; and the Lord accepted Job’s prayer. After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before.” Job 42: 8b –10

“The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first.” Job 42: 12a “After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation.” Job 42:16

Prayer Focus: God, in the midst of it all we pray, we keep our eyes on you and not on our circumstances. We pray we will hear your voice and act accordingly. Amen.

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September 17 GOD is Still Good

Scripture Focus: “The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, and he knows those who take refuge in him.” Nahum 1:7 ESV

For Your Consideration: Back on June 24, 2020, I was asked to finish this statement “In the midst of it all” … Well, after thinking about it for a few minutes, my answer was “GOD is still good.” This world is in turmoil, and even as I write this, things are getting worse. The hospitals are at capacity with this coronavirus pandemic. Grocery stores are running out of necessities. People are afraid and angry, protesting and rioting. Police brutality/murder is too common a thing, and do “Black Lives Really Matter?” Schools, businesses, Houses of Faith, sports arenas, restaurants and bars, were shut down and then allowed to open back up too soon. So, now things are worse than before. The coronavirus deaths are up and we will probably have another lockdown soon. In the meantime, I’m still dealing with the death of my Shepherd Teacher, Manson Johnson II, who went home to be with the LORD on May 31, 2020.

Yes, “In the midst of it all,” I believe, GOD is still good. Why do I believe? I believe because the Bible tells me so:

• 1 Chronicles 16:34 “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.”

• Psalm100:5 “For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations”

• Luke 18:19 “Why do you call Me good? Jesus answered. No one is good-- except GOD alone”

So, “In the midst of it all,” If GOD has been good to us before this pandemic, I believe that He will continue to take care of us and He can do anything but fail. I have tried Him and I know Him. He’s been better to me than I’ve been to myself. He is a very present help in the time of trouble. Have you tried Him? “For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Prayer Focus: Father in Heaven, we thank You for being such a good GOD. There is none like You. For You, LORD GOD, are a sun and shield. You give grace and glory, and no good thing do You withhold from those who walk uprightly. We thank You Father, that Your goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, and we will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. AMEN.

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September 18 GOD IS IN CONTROL

Scripture Focus: “Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.” Deuteronomy 4:39 KJV “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV

For your Consideration: During a vacation to Jerusalem our tour guide pointed out three olive trees located in Gethsemane, Jerusalem (the olive garden) whose trunks and branches indicate they have been around for over nine hundred years, making them some of the oldest olive trees still living. Many people have posed questions: “When are they going to die? How is it that the soil where they are planted is still fertile and supporting the production of good fruit? Why is it that the fierce winds and changing weather conditions have not destroyed them? All of the elements of nature have had an opportunity to destroy them, but yet they stand. What is it that is holding them up? They are still standing because God has left them there! Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, “He hath made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”. GOD THE FATHER IS IN CONTROL!

Difficult times, stormy weather conditions, changing seasons, death, etc. have at one time or another rocked the world of each of our lives. When we are in difficult situations, when we are in situations where the inevitable seems impossible, what do we do? In years past I have felt the horror of being laid off from a long-time job. It can be depressing. I have been saddened to here on many occasions that a longtime friend has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. I have grieved the death of two sisters over the last two years. I have been heart broken by the death of a pastor of forty-three years, a fraternity brother and friend for even years longer. In these and other situations I have had to ask myself who is in control? GOD THE FATHER IS IN CONTROL!

Covid-19 has tested our faith. The death of George Floyd, has once again, exposed police brutality against people of color to its highest degree. The “Black Lives Matter” movement has opened the eyes of the world to injustice and inequality worldwide and especially in the United States. The arrest of innocent people peacefully exercising their 2nd amendment rights on the streets of our cities by unmarked federal troops, has brought dissatisfaction and lawsuits aimed at our elected officials. We are seeing corruption in high places like never before. In perilous times such as these, we as believers need not worry because, GOD THE FATHER IS IN CONTROL!

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane did not avoid the hard truth of his situation, neither did He ignore his pain. He knew exactly what His mission was and stayed the course. He trusted God the Father.

The same GOD that gives long life to trees, is the same GOD that protects us during the most difficult and challenging days of our lives. He is the same GOD that comforts us through the death of loved ones. He is the same GOD that carries us in perilous times. He is the same God that directs us through the storm and rain, and He Is the same God that covers us as we seek His righteousness. GOD THE FATHER IS IN CONTROL!

Prayer Focus: Father God, I thank You for growth both Spiritual and Physical. I thank You for bringing me through the storms in my life and for creating me in your image. Father, I will trust You, and You alone, because You are in complete CONTROL. Amen!

Centuries Old Olive Garden in Jerusalem

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September 19 Stressed But Blessed

Scripture Focus: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV

For Your Consideration: I am the victim of a huge conspiracy! What makes this dilemma so frustrating is that it was instigated by my own children, grandchildren, my sister, other female relatives, and would you believe-The Holman Street Baptist Church Prayer Ministry!

I was enjoying my life after retirement with my family and friends doing things that I loved: reading, watching television, talking to friends and family, eating out with family/friends, solving crossword puzzles/word puzzles, and of course, going to church for Sunday School, church services, Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Then the Coronavirus shut down many of my activities, and that’s when I was highjacked! My conspirators dragged me kicking and screaming into the 21st century of technology! Since we couldn’t attend church physically, we had to go to the church’s website to view our church services and Bible Study using the internet. In the 20th century, I was able to talk to everyone using my landline and my flip phone during emergencies. Now, my people want to text me just when I was getting used to E-Mail! Of course, I had to retire my trusty old flip phone and use the new cell phone purchased by our daughter. I’m still getting used to it. Since we can’t see each other in person for prayer meeting, the prayer ministry began using the telephone conference line for prayer. The next major change was we started having ZOOM meetings. Thanks to our children and grandchildren, I’m learning to enjoy the challenges that all of my conspirators have placed upon me. Old dogs can learn new tricks!

Despite all of the pain and heartache we’ve endured, the Coronavirus hasn’t defeated us because we are God’s people. We can still sing praises, pray, fellowship with each other, as we worship our God. The best thing about worship during this time of isolation is that we can use You-Tube to travel all over the world electronically. After we stream Holman Street service, we worship virtually at each of our children’s churches, my sister’s church, as well as my favorite churches in Houston, Memphis, Chicago, and Los Angeles. I can also watch the best gospel choirs, quartets, and male choruses in concerts or church services.

Thanks to all of my conspirators for forcing me to stretch and join the 21st century of technology! I love each of you!

Prayer Focus: Thank You Heavenly Father, for giving me a loving family, church family, and great Christian friends who love You. You are the God who has delivered me from all my fears. I will be still because I know that You are the one and only God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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September 20 Making Room

Scripture Focus: “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7 KJV

For Your Consideration: December 31, you make up in your mind that on January 1, of the new year you will begin your day with at least an hour of personal bible reading/study and prayer. Days 1-4 go as planned. How refreshing and rewarding it was to enjoy the uninterrupted time with the Master! Day 5, before you awake to begin your daily routine, the phone rings and you shake yourself and pretend to have mental clarity to handle the situation presented by the caller. The ringing of the phone disturbed the kids and they begin to bombard you with breakfast requests. The dog begs to be let out for a walk, and as you are closing the door you hear a splash and breaking of a dish as no one admits to knocking over the bowl of cereal on the counter. As you clean up the mess, you decide to mop the entire kitchen floor because it really did need it and now is a good time. You finish, sit down with a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper. Next thing you know, it’s 3:00! Not one minute of quiet time, Bible reading or stillness in God’s presence was accomplished.

It is so very easy for the cares of this world to crowd out, fill up, consume and dominate the 24-hours God has given us. The very blessings from God: jobs, family, sporting activities, entertainment, even community engagement, often prevent us from spending time with the one Who is the source of our blessed state. When I retire, when the kids are out of the house, when my schedule is not so full, I will make time for personal Bible Study and time in God’s presence. Well, since the middle of March this year, the one thing that most of us have had is TIME and lots of it. It’s as if the Lord has said that since they can’t make room for Me voluntarily, I’ll just remove those activities that they thought they could not live without: attending schools, sporting activities, going shopping, enjoying entertainment. I will limit their hours at the grocery stores, cut back on travel, work and pleasure, and yes, even cause the churches and houses of worship!

When God decides to put an end to this worldwide pandemic, I pray that we, “HIS people,” will on purpose, make room for HIM in our daily lives. Luke 10:38-42 tells of a situation where one sister was so busy trying to entertain Jesus that she asked the Master to make her sister (who was sitting at His feet in worship) come help her with the party preparations. Jesus gently admonished Martha that her sister Mary had chosen the good thing, time with the Master, something no one could ever take away from her. Our scripture for today says that the Baby Jesus was born in a stable with the animals because there was no room for him in the inn.

When we make room for quality time in the presence of the Master in prayer, Bible study and just being silent before HIM, getting to know His voice, our souls will overflow with genuine praise and worship. May we all, on purpose, with purpose, choose to make room for HIM daily.

Prayer Focus: Father God, please forgive us for squeezing You to the outskirts of our daily activities. May we deliberately choose to make room for You in our lives. Because You are our Shepherd, we can trust You to lead us to our green pastures as Your Word provides light for our daily lives. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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September 21 God Made A Way

Scripture Focus: “14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” I John 5:14-15 NKJ

For Your Consideration: John reminds believers that when we approach God with our prayers and requests, “according to His will,” He hears us. We will have whatever we have asked of him. We may or may not receive an immediate answer(s), but we will receive what we ask for according to his will. God does hear and respond to all our prayers. Travis Green sings a song entitled “Made a Way.”

And You made a way, When our backs were against the wall, And it looked as if it was over, Lord You made a

way, And we're standing here. Only because You made a way, You made a way, And you move mountains You cause walls to fall, With Your power, You perform miracles, There is nothing that's impossible

And we're standing here, Only because You made a way

This couple I know was already married, but they made plans to have a destination wedding. There was much planning and money spent by the couple and we who were planning to attend the wedding. Airline tickets, lodging, and attire were purchased by most. As the date drew near, their plans were not God’s plans, as there was COVID-19 spreading throughout countries, states and cities. COVID-19 brought about shutdowns, layoffs, furloughs, travel bans and quarantine to mention a few of the occurrences. As the days rolled by, they thought they would be able to travel in April, but that did not happen. So everyone began hoping and praying their money would be refunded. “Our backs were against the wall.” Much prayer went forth as everyone began checking with the venue, airlines and wedding planner to see if monies could be refunded. The virus was not going away. The couple did not want to reschedule for later in the year if they could get their money back. Everyone continued to make contact, but there was not an immediate positive answer.

Everyone was still praying and believing that whatever we asked and believed we would receive. The airline wanted to give vouchers. The wedding planner stated the venue had a clause that they would reschedule but not refund monies. Each of the initial attempts to get monies back was not favorable. Additional answers came back: “Not sure.”; “We will have to check with the manager.”; You will have to wait.”; “No, we will issue a voucher to be used later.” Initially, the wedding planner did not try to fight for the refunds, so we kept praying, believing and petitioning God. I specifically began to ask that the money be given back to those who had paid. We did not want a voucher to be used later. As stated in Travis Green’s song, He moved mountains. He caused walls to fall. He performed miracles in this seemingly difficult circumstance for the wedding party. Through perseverance, everyone received a credit on their credit cards for airline tickets. All venue monies were refunded. The couple received all their money. So, we are standing because God made a way in the midst of it all. “…If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” What He’s done for others, He can do the same for you.

Prayer Focus: Thank You Lord, for what is impossible with man, is impossible with You. Thank You for Your grace, favor and mercy. Thank You that You made a way. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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September 22 I Won’t Complain

Scripture Focus: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” Psalm 103:2 KJV

For Your Consideration: The usual start to my mornings finds me sitting and gazing out of my living room window, with a freshly brewed cup of coffee close by, and Bible in my lap and other reading materials positioned within close reach. This is my meditation time. This is my “special spot” where each morning I can look out of the window and see the sun peek over roof tops and through the trees. It’s not unusual for the neighborhood critters to entertain me. Birds chirp and dart from place to place. Squirrels forage for food on the ground and then leap to the side of, then to the top of the trees. The delicate butterfly gently lands on top of flowers as if they were planted just for him to enjoy.

One particular morning as I was reading all of a sudden, it began to rain extremely hard causing it to hit the roof with great force and a loud tapping. It had not rained for weeks, and the temperature had been between ninety-nine and one hundred degrees. It was extremely hot! As I looked out of the window, being happy about the rain and not complaining, I began thinking about all the blessings that comes from the rain. First, I began to thank God for the rain. It was cooling off the weather, clearing the air, nourishing dry places like my yard, gardens and farmland. Then, I thought about how much God loves and care about all of us. He knows just what we need and when we need it.

Matthew 5:45 says, “That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

In today’s scripture, David’s praise focused on the good things God was doing for him. It is easy to complain about life, but David’s list gives us plenty to praise God for. Take time to read all of Psalm 103 and make your list. Your list may lead to more thanksgiving and praise and much less complaining.

Prayer Focus: Thank you, Lord, for your unfailing love and mercy. I will not forget all of your benefits, you are faithful. Amen.

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September 23 Come and Dine

Scripture Focus: “I’m telling you the most solemn and sober truth now: Whoever believes in me has real life, eternal life. I am the Bread of Life. Your ancestors ate the manna bread in the desert and died. But now here is Bread that truly comes down out of heaven. Anyone eating this Bread will not die, ever. I am the Bread—living Bread! —who came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this Bread will live—and forever! The Bread that I present to the world so that it can eat and live is myself, this flesh-and-blood self.” I am the bread of life………” John 6:47-51 The Message

For your Consideration: Remember when we use to go to the “all you can eat” buffets, “all you can eat specials,” and all you can eat salad bars with desserts. There were times we made pigs of ourselves. We ate and tasted just about everything on the menu. Too often we miss out on the greatest ‘all you can eat buffet’ in the world. We miss feeding on the spiritual food that Jesus provides that is free to all who will partake. Before March 2020, some of us more than likely had many excuses for why we were not focusing on getting our spiritual food. Some of those excuses were valid but should not have been an excuse. The number one excuse used was not enough time because we’re busy with work, family and church. Since COVID-19, that has not been a valid excuse because we have not been able to, as the older generation would say, “rip and run” up and down the streets. God has blessed us with time to slow down and feed on spiritual food. Marvin Sapp’s song titled “Come and Dine” says:

Come on in and take a seat From the bread you'll surely eat From the well that won't run dry

You can have a drink of life If you want to taste the bread By His word you will be fed

It will give you peace of mind Why don't you just come and dine

Ezekiel 2:8, “But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious people; open your mouth and eat what I give you.” The Master is calling us to come and dine. Jesus is the bread of life. God commands us to take His word and devour it, that is, eat all of His word. In essence, overeat on spiritual food. Just like we devoured the “all you can eat” specials at restaurants, devouring God’s spiritual food will make us gain spiritual weight and not physical weight (pounds). We are in a season where God’s Word is desperately needed with the escalation of the medical, social and political issues in our world today. We have missed being feed corporately and physically in our mission meetings, Sunday school, Bible study, and the Lord’s Supper. God has made a way via technology and airwaves to feed us in our very own homes. Jeremiah 16:16 says, “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.” God has blessed us all during this pandemic experience. I won’t complain but consider this season a blessing.

Prayer Focus: Lord, I thank you that we can come to the table and feast with Jesus eternally. I can eat all that I want and not be glutinous. Thank you that you satisfy those who are hungry for You. I praise and bless Your name. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen.

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September 24 God’s Recommendation

Scripture Focus: “8And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil. 12And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon him put not forth thine hand. So, Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.” Job 1:8, 12 KJV

For Your Consideration: “God is in control. What does He want me to learn from this experience?”, are often the words Christians say when unfavorable incidents happen such as natural disasters, illnesses, death, financial downfall, troubled relationships, lost jobs, and the list can go on and on. We often question ourselves as to why so much is going on in the world and to so many of God’s chosen people. As we read, study, and meditate on the book of Job chapter 1, we find that Satan had searched the earth to find someone to accuse before the Lord. God asked Satan to consider His servant Job. Satan’s response was that Job only feared and obeyed God because he had been bountifully blessed, and that God had put a hedge of protection around him and all that he possessed. God gives Satan permission to do whatever he wants to Job in chapters 1 and 2, except take his life. WOW! God recommended His servant Job to be tormented by Satan. God created Job and He knew his heart. Even though Job had questions about why these things were happening in his life, his faith in the sovereignty of God never wavered. Job blessed the Lord in the midst of his suffering and pain. Job’s confession to God in Job chapter 42 verses 5 and 6, says: “I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you, 6 and I loathe myself and repent in dust and ashes.” God blessed Job more at the end of his life than at the beginning.

We may live a life like Job, trying to do what is righteous and upright when things start happening. We get furloughed from our jobs for no reason. We get evicted from our apartments or homes. We don’t have enough money to feed the family, pay our utility bills, not to mention that much needed physical examination. Our elders who have lived passed the age of 65 would say, “if it’s not one thing, it’s another”. They lived long enough to see God’s hand in their lives and the lives of so many who have come and gone. In the midst of all that has happened, God has proven Himself to be faithful. Their trials and triumphs in life only deepened their faith in God to bring them out of an uncomfortable situation into a blessed place prepared by Him. They learned to believe the Word of God. They developed a trust in God. No matter what happens, will you lean and depend on God? He is help in troubling times. Your hope should be in the Lord. Patience is gained through suffering. Can you trust God to comfort you as you experience painful circumstances? Remember, God is in Control. He is sovereign!

Prayer Focus: Lord, I thank You for holding my hands as I face the day to day challenges of living a Godly life. Help me to lean not unto mine own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge You and allow You to direct my paths. I love You, Lord! Amen.

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September 25 Fruitful Expectations Scripture Focus: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance…” Galatians 5:22–23 AKJV

For Your Consideration: During this “Holy Harvest Table of Blessings” season, it is natural to expect that our prayers focus on asking God to resolve certain issues and circumstances that affect our lives and the lives of those we have been lifting up in prayer. We expect God to answer and fulfill our requests. We expect the seeds that we’ve planted in prayer to bear fruit in a harvest of blessings. Our expectations are reasonable for believers because we’ve seen what our God can do and know that nothing is too hard for our God!

Yes, for believers, it’s not uncommon for us to have fruitful expectation of God. Consider also the reasonable expectation that God has of us even in this season. He does expect us to bear fruit as indicated in the parable of the fig tree that our Lord spoke in Luke 13:6–9. His fruitful expectation of us is based on the fact that: (1.) He chose us! “Ye have not chosen me, but, I have chosen you, and ordained you that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you ask of the Father in my name, He may give it you.” John 15:16 We have been PLANTED in His vineyard and cultivated with utmost care. In His vineyard, we have been properly watered, given food for growth, and the Son has shined on us. His guidance and nourishment should provide us with all we need to be pleasing in His sight as symbols of blessings and bounty. God’s fruitful expectation of us is based on the fact that: (2.) He has given us adequate time to grow and develop. God has been patient with us as He comes seeking our fruit year after year, season after season. Even in the times we did not bear fruit, He made sure we did not go lacking of His love and constant care, and He keeps coming back with fruitful expectation.

As a fruit tree that’s expected to be fruitful in its season, God has fruitful expectation for believers. The parable of the fig tree does reveal that God will eventually cut down the fig tree if it continues to be unfruitful. This truth should produce a sense of urgency in us that propels us to do better, as suggested in Ephesians 5:14–17. It tells us to wake up; be careful how we act; redeem the time; don’t be unwise, and understand what the will of the Lord is. God’s will is that we bear the fruit of the Spirit!

Our scripture focus details the “fruitful expectation” that God has for believers. The work of the Holy Spirit in us should produce character traits in us which are found in the character of Christ. Love is essential because God is Love and it’s by our love one to another that men will know that we are His followers. The joy of the Lord is our strength and expresses our delight in God. Peace manages my temper and behavior towards others. Longsuffering is the patience needed to help defer anger. Gentleness enables us to be courteous. Goodness is the fruit which allows us to do justly to all as we have opportunity. Faith represents the honesty of what we profess to believe. Meekness keeps us from being provoked too easily. Temperance is self-control that enables us to not be excessive and immoderate in the pleasures we find enjoyable in life.

Prayer Focus: Father, I pray that You will help me to live in righteousness and fulfill the fruitful expectation that you have for me. I truly want to be an example and picture of someone who reflects You. Thank You for providing the Holy Spirit to guide me in bearing fruit that demonstrate Your character. Amen.

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September 26 Standing Still…Trying To Breathe

Scripture Focus: 13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:13-14 NIV

For Your Consideration: Wow! I can’t believe September is here. It seems January was last week. This year 2020 has been the most challenging year ever, for me. But God! I’m reminded of Job 1:13-22. Job lost all that he had including his children; however, he continued to trust in the Lord after all his trials. Tearing his robe, shaving his head and falling to the ground to worship the Lord he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

In the first five months of 2020, I experienced the loss of three persons that were pillows in my life. One brought me into this world. One shared many of my life experiences. One helped me see clearly my new birth and build on my connection with the Lord. When the one who gave birth to me entered into eternal life, I truly felt I couldn’t breathe, and just as I was catching my breath, my lifelong friend went home to be with the Lord, but God kept me breathing.

At the end of the fifth month the death angel showed his head yet again, taking home to be with the Lord into eternal rest my spiritual advisor. With that I truly felt my breathing would stop. I can’t breathe. Oh, did I mention COVID–19, injustice, and the fact we are in a pandemic? But, God! I am able to stand and continue to breathe only because of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit that lives in me as my guide.

Thank God for a husband, family and other friends who share in my beliefs that God is still in control. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Like Job who lost so much more said, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

Prayer Focus: Heavenly Father thank you for allowing me to continue to breath, enjoy your blessings and witness to others of your goodness. We know that you will see us through.

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September 27 Can Any Good Thing Come Out of Nazareth

Scripture Focus: “Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.” John1:45-46 KJV

For Your Consideration: This year the City of Houston lost two native sons within forty days of each other this. Memorial Day, May 25, 2020, the world witnessed the horrific, inhumane death of 46-year-old George Floyd. July 3, 2020, sixty-year-old Reginald Moore died from health issues brought on by congestive heart failure. Mr. Moore enjoyed a successful career as a longshoreman at the Houston Ship Channel and later was employed as a guard with the Texas Department of Corrections at Fort Bend County’s Jester State Prison Farm. He and his wife of over 30 years, were parents of three sons. According to an article about his death that appeared in the Houston Forward Times, Moore also became the caretaker of the nearby Old Imperial Farm Cemetery, which holds the marked graves of several dozen state prisoners and employees. His research on the former warden’s house ignited an interest in Fort Bend County’s Black history with a focus on the convict leasing system and prison reform. After retiring in in 2000 Moore threw himself into activism and advocacy. In 2006, he founded the Texas Slave Descendants’ Society to bring more recognition to the state’s history of exploiting Black labor and the resulting generational effects. He worked as a real estate agent and broker in addition to earning a certification in community economic development from the College of Biblical Studies, said his wife, Marilyn Moore. In 2015, Rice University’s Woodson Research Center acquired nearly two decades of Reginald Moore’s community activism and historical research archives.

Moore’s movement gained momentum in 2018 after human bones were uncovered on prison property. This led him to found the Convict Leasing and Labor Project known as CLLP ( The effort is dedicated to exposing the history of the convict leasing system and its connection to modern prison slavery while restoring the dignity of everyone forced into labor and their descendants. Specifically, the project was initiated to preserve the Sugar Land 95’s burial ground and ensure a proper memorial. Moore used the legal system, the court of public opinion, media attention, shame and guilt to move people to do what he believed was right. (Forward Times article by Cindy George, July 8, 2020) On August 13, 2020, Harris County Precinct 3 Honored Mr. Moore by naming one of its community parks after him.

During this same time another historic event with roots in Third Ward occurred bearing the name of George Floyd. Just prior to graduating from High School in 1993, a 17-year-old George Floyd told a classmate, “I Want to touch the world!” Little did he know, that his tragic death would do exactly that. He was reared in Third Ward Houston, Texas public housing, Cuney Homes (also known as “The Brick”.) He was loved and respected by those who grew up with him and was known as a gentle giant. Although he fell victim to the pitfalls of his surroundings, he made an effort to revive and refocus his life by moving to another state, seeking a fresh start. Even in his new neighborhood, he was known as a “nice guy.” The world was eye witness to Mr. Floyd begging for compassion as he repeatedly uttered, “I can’t breathe!” to no avail as his pleas fell on the deaf ears of the police officer who kept his knee on George’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds!

Both George and Reginal had much in common. They were graduates of Jack Yates High School, home of the Mighty Loins, who made the infamous Crimson and Gold proud as gifted award-winning athletes. Both were star players on the football team and George was an outstanding basketball player with dreams of going to the NBA.

In today’s scripture reading, Phillip told his friend Nathaniel, “We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” John 1:45 Nathaniel’s reply was simply, “Could anything good come out of Nazareth?” You see, his harsh comment was the common sentiment of the Jews of that day about this despised little town. Much like Third Ward, “The Trey” is thought little of by some even today. Despite the low opinion of the town of Nazareth and its inhabitants, God had special plans for one called JESUS! HIS death brought salvation to all who would believe in HIM. The life of Reginald Moore brought recognition to the injustices of dead Black slaves. George Floyd’s death crystalized the continued unjust and inhumane treatment of, especially young Black men, to the world’s attention! These were good men who came out of Third Ward. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows what His plans are for our lives. The world cannot change those plans. Trust HIM.

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Prayer Focus: Father we thank You for using ordinary people to fulfill Your purpose. Amen.

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September 28 David and Goliath – I Ain ’t Never Scared

Scripture Focus: “But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.” 1Samuel 17:34-37 KJV

For Your Consideration: If you have ever spent time in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Youth Discipleship Ministry, etc., you probably are familiar with the most popular story in the Bible: David and Goliath. David volunteered to go to battle against a giant named Goliath because Israel’s army was too afraid to fight this giant.

Believe it or not, we all will face giants. The giant we face may not be named Goliath. Our giant may be named anxiety, peer pressure, depression, addiction, laziness, and even sin. We all face Goliaths, and just like the Biblical Goliath, the adversities we face in life will not go away unless we overpower them. God gives us solutions to our adversities and the “Goliaths” in life through faith. Having faith in God and knowing God can do anything but fail, means we know that although our Goliaths may be big, God is bigger. There is not a problem that God cannot solve. There is not an obstacle God cannot help you to overcome. Every giant in our life that we give to God has no other option but to fall. It may look impossible to overcome that addiction, or it may look like you will never see the exit sign to the problems you face in life, but with faith in God your giants must fall down.

There are situations and people in our lives that have come to destroy us and make us feel unworthy and not called into service. Our strength doesn’t come from our qualifications, past experiences, or accolades, but it comes from the Spirit of God. The world may want us to believe that we will never be good enough, but we know that with the spirit of power given to us by God, even unlikely servants can overcome the giants in their life.

Prayer Focus: Father, thank you for every Goliath I face in life. If I did not have a problem, I would not know your worth and know you could solve it. I pray for every obstacle that may look impossible to overcome with the naked eye. I put my faith and trust in you to know that nothing is impossible because you are bigger than every problem I face. With you on my side, every Goliath in my life must fall. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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September 29 Faith Over Fear

Scripture Focus: “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD [is] the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalms 27:1 KJV

For Your Consideration: Will Smith says, “God places the greatest things in life on the other side of our fears.” We all have fears and things that scare us. Fear is natural. I am scared of the alcohol my barber puts on my head after he gives me a haircut and also scared of Chuck E. Cheese. Some are afraid of bugs or scared of heights or fearful of public speaking. Those are real fears, but if we are honest with ourselves, we all have deeper fears we face in our lives. What are those fears that keep you up at night? The fears that you deal with that are too big that you think God cannot handle?

Some people are afraid of losing their jobs, starting a job, losing a loved one, or never getting married. Other have fear of the future, fear of not being able to make ends meet, fear of rejection, and more. These are fears that we wrestle with daily, but the psalmist gives us good news for our fears. The psalmist says we have no reason to fear because the Lord is our light. When we trust God, we have no reason to be afraid because God always comes through.

God has a solution to our fears, and it’s called faith. When we have fear something, we are literally telling God that God cannot do what God promised us God would do. Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear allows us to operate with our heads held down and not believing we can, although God promised to always be with us.

Thankfully, God’s option of having faith over our fears means we are no longer bound with things that scare us, because we trust God to come through. With faith, you can move mountains and tell fear to move out of the way. The things that held you down will now have no other choice but to move because God is guiding you through.

Faith and fear cannot operate together. Which one will you choose to have today? You should tell your fears you are not scared because the Lord is your light and salvation.

Prayer Focus: Father, help me to always choose to have faith in you over my fears. I pray for every fear I face to be gone right now. I know fear is natural, but I pray you will increase my faith to know you can do all things but fail. I will not fear or fail because I have you on my side. Help me to know that I can face my biggest fears, because you are my light and salvation in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

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September 30 Rhythm of Life

Scripture Focus: “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;” Ephesians 5:19 KJV

For Your Consideration: There is a tremendous sense of peace and rest we experience when we find our rhythm of life. Many people search their entire life for this inner sense of peace and well-being, not realizing that it was within their grasp all along. Rhythm is simply a regular or repeated pattern of a movement or a sound. When we apply that to our Christian life, we develop our spiritual cadence, I.e., our rhythmic walk, talk, thoughts, and desires.

We are less rebellious against the Word and will of God. We find joy, contentment, and happiness in just knowing God. We don’t mind this metered outflow of living. Life becomes a harmonious melody. Sure the flow and tempo may change, but the sound of life is the same. But then again, now you know the sound of peace and serenity when you hear it, and you begin to guard and protect, that melody that you have developed in your spiritual ears. You block off negativity and naysayers that disrupt your rhythmic movements of life.

There are four types of rhythm, and God will take your life through each, because He knows what pace and tempo you need to get through every circumstance you shall face.

Repetition (When you need the same even rhythmic motion to get through your storm.) Alternation (When you need at least two of the same rhythmic beats to stabilize your mind.) Progression (When you need a series of rhythms that change slightly, yet predictably comforting.) Undulation (When you need an intense rhythm that rises and falls with you through the unforeseen.)

Prayer Focus: Jesus, show this reader their rhythm of life in You.

#Rhythm Copyright – 2020 – Belinda Payne – All rights reserved.

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In the Midst of It All Yolanda Adams I've come through many hard trials Through temptations on every hand Though Satan's tried to stop me And to place my feet on sinking sand Through the pain and all of my sorrows Through the tears and all my fears The Lord was there to keep me For He's kept me in the midst of it all Not because I've been so faithful Not because I've always obeyed No it's not because I trusted Him To be with me all of the way But it's because He loves me so dearly He was there to answer my calls He was there always to protect me For He's kept me in the midst of it all I've come through many hard trials Through temptations on every hand Though Satan's tried to stop me And to place my feet on sinking sand But Jesus loves me dearly He was there to answer my calls He was there always to protect me For He's kept me in the midst of it all For He's kept me in the midst of it all No He's never left me And He's never let me fall Oh yes He will protect you For He's kept me in the midst of it all For He's kept me in the midst of it all Yes Jesus kept me (Repeat 3x) Jesus kept me (Repeat 3x) In the midst of it all yea yes In the midst of it all yea yes Yes He did Yes He did Yes He did Jesus did Jesus did Yes He did Yes He did Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Kevin Bond

God Has Not Forgot Tonex

God has not forgot (x4) If He said that He would do it It will come to pass (it will come to pass) God has not forgot (x2) Just keep on believing, God has not forgot (x2) If He said that He would do it It will come to pass, God has not forgot about you. God has not forgot (x2) Don’t get discouraged (don't get discouraged), God has not forgot (x2) If He said that He would do it It will come to pass God has not forgot…

We’ve Come This Far By Faith Donnie McClurkin Church Medley.wmv - YouTube

Verse 1: You know we've come this far by faith Leaning on the Lord Trusting in His holy word He never fail me yet Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh No turning around

We've come this far by faith Repeat Verse 1: I will trust in the Lord (x3) Till I die I will trust in the Lord (x3) Till I die I'm gonna stay on the battle field (x3) Till I die I'm gonna stay on the battle field (x3) Till I die I'm gonna treat everybody right (x3) Till I die I'm gonna treat everybody right (x3) Till I die

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Never Give Up Yolanda Adams

Visions that can change the world Trapped inside an ordinary girl She looks just like me To afraid to dream out loud

And though it's set for your idea It won't make sense to everybody You need courage now If you're going to persevere

To fulfill your divine purpose You've gotta answer when you're called So don't be afraid to face the world Against all odds

Keep the dream alive don't let it die, if something deep inside Keeps inspiring you to try, don't stop And never give up; don't ever give up on you Don't give up

Every victory comes in time Work today to change tomorrow It gets easier Who's to say that you can't fly?

Every step you take you gets Closer to your destination You can feel it now Don't you know you're almost there?

To fulfill your life's purpose You've gotta' answer when you're called So don't be afraid to face the world Against all odds

Keep the dream alive don't let it die, if something deep inside Keeps inspiring you to try, don't stop And never give up; don't ever give up on you

Sometimes life can place a stubborn block in your way But you've gotta keep the faith Reap what deep inside your heart To fly

And never give up Don't ever give up on you, Don't give up

Who holds the pieces to complete the puzzle? The answer that can solve the mystery The key that can unlock your understanding It's all inside of you You have everything you need

So, keep the dream alive don't let it die If something deep inside keeps inspiring you to try Don't stop And never give up; don't ever give up on you

Sometimes life can place a stubborn block on your way But you've gotta keep the faith Bring what's deep inside your heart To the light

And never give up Don't ever give up on you No don't give up No, no, no, no

Don't give up Don't give up Don't give up Oh, don't, no, no, no, no Don't, give, up Source: LyricFind

Because He Lives Vickie Winans

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know, I know, I know He holds the future. And life is worth the living just because He lives.

How sweet to hold a new born baby, and feel the pride and joy he gives. But greater still is that assurance the child can face uncertain days because He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know, I know, I know He hold the future.

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And life is worth the living just because He lives.

And then one day, I'll cross that river. I'll fight life's final war with pain. And then as death gives way to victory. I'll see the light of glory and I'll know that He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know, I know, I know He hold the future. And life is worth the living just because He lives.

Made a Way Travis Greene Made a way Don't know how but You did it Made a way Standing here not knowing how we'll get through this test But holding unto faith You know that Nothing can catch You by surprise You got this figured out and You're watching us now But when it looks as if we can't win You wrap us in Your arm and step in And everything we need You supply You got this in control And now we know that

You made a way When our backs were against the wall And it looked as if it was over You made a way And we're standing here Only because You made a way You made a way

And now we're here Looking back on where we come from Because of You and nothing we've done To deserve the love and mercy You've shown But Your grace was strong enough to pick us up

And You made a way When our backs were against the wall And it looked as if it was over Lord You made a way And we're standing here

Only because You made a way You made a way When our backs were against the wall And it looked as if it was over Lord You made a way And we're standing here Only because You made a way

And you move mountains You cause walls to fall With Your power You perform miracles There is nothing that's impossible And we're standing here Only because You made a way You move mountains You cause walls to fall With Your power Perform miracles There is nothing that's impossible And we're standing here Only because You made a way

You move mountains You cause walls to fall With Your power Perform miracles There is nothing that's impossible And we're standing here Only because You made a way And we're standing here Only because You made a way And we're standing here Only because You made a way You made a way (repeat 3x)

Don't know how but you did it Made a way Don't know how but you did it Made a way Don't know how but you did it (repeat 4x) Don't know why but I'm grateful (repeat 4x)

And we're standing here Only because You made And we're standing here Only because You made a way And we're standing here Only because You made 'Cause You move mountains (repeat 3x) And You cause walls to fall (repeat 3x) And You cause chains to break (repeat 3x) And giants fall (repeat 3x)

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'Cause you move mountain You move mountain And everything is easy for you 'Cause you move mountain Yes you move mountain Mountains are moving(repeat 3x) Strong holds are breaking now (repeat 1x) Strong holds are breaking(repeat 1x)

'Cause you move mountain You cause walls to fall With your power (repeat 3x) You perform miracles (repeat 3x)

My son is breathing My son is living My son is breathing My son is living When the doctor said no You said yes When the doctor said no You said yes

When they pronounced me dead You said not yet When they pronounced me dead You said not yet You perform miracles You perform miracles Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Travis Montorius Greene

Through It All Andraé Crouch

I've had many tears and sorrows, I've had questions for tomorrow, there's been times I didn't know right from wrong. But in every situation, God gave me blessed consolation, that my trials come to only make me strong.

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God.

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word.

I've been to lots of places, I've seen a lot of faces, there's been times I felt so all alone. But in my lonely hours, yes, those precious lonely hours, Jesus lets me know that I was His own

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God.

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word.

I thank God for the mountains, and I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He brought me through. For if I'd never had a problem, I wouldn't know God could solve them, I'd never know what faith in God could do.

We Offer Praise Performed by Rodnie Bryant & CCMC

Oh Lord we give you praise And oh Lord we bless your name And We Lift our voices to say thank you For your goodness And your mercy Toward Us We Offer Praise (repeat)

You are worthy of Glory, Honor, Worthy of all praise For your goodness And your mercy Toward Us We offer pause

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For your goodness And your mercy toward us (repeat, modulate)

We offer praise (repeat) Songwriters: David Miner

There’s No One Like You Performed by Kelontae Gavin

You are great. You are mighty. There’s no one like You. Nobody like You. There’s no one like You.

You are great. You are mighty. There’s no one like You. There’s no one like You.

None compares to Your splendor and Your power. Powerful and mighty, my strong tower.

You are ruler of the nations and You’re my defender. You’re great say…

(Repeat 2x) You are great. You are mighty. There’s no one like You. There’s no one like You.

None compares to Your splendor and Your power. Powerful and might, my strong tower.

You are ruler of the nations and You’re my defender. You’re great say…

You’re great and mighty (repeat) Written by Kelontae Gavin

Take Me To The King Tamala Mann RDwU3qgPn3bGA&start_radio=1

Take me to the king I don't have much to bring My heart is torn in pieces It's my offering Take me to the king

Truth is I'm tired Options are few I'm trying to pray But where are you? I'm all churched out Hurt and abused I can't fake What's left to do?

Truth is I'm weak No strength to fight No tears to cry Even if I tried But still my soul Refuses to die One touch-will change-my life

Take me to the king I don't have much to bring My heart's torn into pieces It's my offering

Lay me at the throne Leave me there alone To gaze upon your glory

And sing to you this song Please take me to the king

Truth is it's time To stop playing these games We need a word For the people's pain

So lord speak right now Let it fall like rain We're desperate We're chasing after you

No rules, no religion I've made my decision To run to you The healer that I need

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Take me to the king I don't have much to bring My heart's torn to pieces It's my offering

Lay me at the throne Leave me there alone To gaze upon your glory And to sing to you this song

Take me to the King

Lord we're in the way We keep making mistakes Glory is not for us Its all for you

Take me to the king I don't have much to bring My heart's torn to pieces It's my offering

Lay me at the throne Leave me there alone To gaze upon your glory And sing to you this song

Take me to the king Take me to the king Take me to the king Songwriter: Kirk Franklin

Make Room Jonathan McReynolds

I find space for what I treasure I make time for what I want I choose my priorities and Jesus you're my number one

So I will make room for you I will prepare for two So you don't feel that you Can't live here, please live in me

I find space for what I treasure I make time for what I want I choose my priorities and

Jesus you're my number one Yes Jesus you're my number

So I will make room for you I will prepare for two So you don't feel that you Can't live here, please live in me

I will make room for you I will prepare for two So you don't feel that you Can't live here, please live in me

I will make room for you I will prepare for two So you don't feel that you Can't live here, please live in me

Live in me yeah Please live in me God I will make room for you

My will (you can move that over) My way (you can move that over) My ego (you can move that over) My plans (you can move that over) My schedule (you can move that over) My itinerary (you can move that over) See I, I will make room for you

My habits (you can move that over) My attitude (you can move that over) Whatever it is (you can move that over) That's not like you (you can move that over) Whatever it is (you can move that over) You can move it over (you can move that over) Oh see I will make room yea

Whatever it is (you can move that over) That's in your way (you can move that over) Whatever it is (you can move that over) If it takes your space (you can move that over) See whatever it is (you can move that over) Oh I don't want it there (you can move that over) Oh see I will make room

I wanna seek you first (you can move that over) Get the odd things out the way (you can move that over) I wanna seek you first (you can move that

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over) Move it all out the way (you can move that over) See whatever it is (you can move that over) Lord I just want you (you can move that over) Oh so I will make room yea

See whatever it is (you can move that over) You can move it all (you can move that over) Please just move it all (you can move that over) Help me move it all (you can move that over) Jesus I (you can move that over) I just want you know (you can move that over) That I will make room

I find space for what I treasure I make time for what I want I choose my priorities and Jesus you're my number one

In the Midst of It All Yolanda Adams

I've come through many hard trials Through temptations on every hand Though Satan's tried to stop me And to place my feet on sinking sand Through the pain and all of my sorrows Through the tears and all my fears The Lord was there to keep me For He's kept me in the midst of it all

Not because I've been so faithful Not because I've always obeyed No it's not because I trusted Him To be with me all of the way But it's because He loves me so dearly He was there to answer my calls He was there always to protect me For He's kept me in the midst of it all

I've come through many hard trials Through temptations on every hand Though Satan's tried to stop me And to place my feet on sinking sand

But Jesus loves me dearly He was there to answer my calls He was there always to protect me For He's kept me in the midst of it all For He's kept me in the midst of it all

No He's never left me And He's never let me fall Oh yes He will protect you For He's kept me in the midst of it all For He's kept me in the midst of it all

Yes Jesus kept me (Repeat 3x)

Jesus kept me (Repeat 3x) In the midst of it all yea yes

In the midst of it all yea yes

Yes He did Yes He did Yes He did Jesus did Jesus did

Yes He did Yes He did Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Kevin Bond

I Need You To Breathe Earnest Pugh

Need you to breathe Oh God oh God I need you Oh now

These hands I raise This voice will praise I live to worship you

(Help me say)

These hands (I raise) I raise (This voice) this voice (it will) Will praise (I live) I live (to worship you) To worship you

(Jesus here’s my heart) Jesus here’s my heart (And my soul)

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Here’s my soul (Take control) Take control

I need you to breathe I need you to breathe You are the air I breathe I need you to breathe I need you to breathe You are the air I breathe Oh you are the air I breathe

(Come on let’s declare this together)

(You heal) you heal (You save) you save (Without) without (God without your grace) your grace (I know) I know (I would) I would (I’d be lost without you) be lost (Wouldn’t be here today)

(One cross) one cross (One grave) one grave One life (it was one life that you gave) you gave (And you did it all just for me) you did it all just for me

(So I give you my heart) Lord, here’s my heart (And I give you my soul) here’s my soul (Hey, take control) take control

I need you to breathe I need you to breathe You are the air I breathe (Say) I need you to breathe (I need you to breathe, God) I need you to breathe You are the air I breathe (Said, I need you to breathe) I need you to breathe (Oh God) I need you to breathe You are the air I breathe I need you to breathe (O Lord, you’re the reason I’m still here) I need you to breathe You are the air I breathe

Through It All Andrea Crouch

I've had many tears and sorrows, I've had questions for tomorrow, there's been times I didn't know right from wrong. But in every situation, God gave me blessed consolation, that my trials come to only make me strong.

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God.

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word.

I've been to lots of places, I've seen a lot of faces, there's been times I felt so all alone. But in my lonely hours, yes, those precious lonely hours, Jesus lets me know that I was His own

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God.

Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word.

I thank God for the mountains, and I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He brought me through. For if I'd never had a problem, I wouldn't know God could solve them, I'd never know what faith in God could do.

Come and Dine Marvin Sapp

I can hear the Master calling, saying Come and dine (Repeat 3X)

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(Oh uh oh) Come and dine (Come on) Come and dine

I can hear the Master calling, saying Come and dine(Repeat 3X) (Oh uh oh) Come and dine (Come on) Come and dine

He took two fish Five loaves of bread And the multitude the Lord He fed Again He's waiting to feed the multitudes I can hear Him calling you and you and you

I can hear the Master calling, saying Come and dine (Repeat 3X) (Oh uh oh) Come and dine (Come on) Come and dine

At a wedding... He took the water And turned it into wine So that all of us could dine Again He's waiting, to turn your water into wine It will renew your strength and your mind again

I hear Him calling you saying Come and dine (Repeat 3X) (Oh uh oh) Come and dine (Come on) Come and dine

Said I can hear the Master calling, saying Come and dine (Repeat 3X) (Oh uh oh) Come and dine (Come on) Come and dine

Come on in and take a seat From the bread you'll surely eat From the well that won't run dry You can have a drink of life If you want to taste the bread By His word you will be fed It will give you peace of mind Why don't you just come and dine

Come on and dine Come on, come on Help me sing it y'all, come on in

You can have a drink of life If you want to taste the bread By His word you will be fed It will give you peace of mind Why don't you just come and dine

I can hear the Master calling, saying Come and dine (Repeat 3X) Come and dine Said I can hear Him calling you Come and dine

He says come unto me All ye that labour And I will give you rest for your weary heart You don't have to be alone (Repeat 2x) The feast of the Lord is going on Come on in and take a seat Take a step, you can be fed You can drink from the well that won't run dry

Come on in, come on in (Repeat 2x) Come on in and take a seat (Repeat 2x) Whosoever will, let him come (Repeat 2x) You don't have to be afraid Your heart, your mind the Lord will change Come on, come on, come on Hallelujah

Can’t Stop Praising the LORD Ron Kenoly If you confess the Lord, call Him up If you confess the Lord, call Him up If you confess the Lord, call Him up If you confess the Lord, call Him up If you believe on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost Call Him up, and tell Him what you want

[Bridge:] Delight thyself in the Lord And He will give you the desires of your heart Even though sometimes we stumble Even though sometimes we fall Call Him up, and tell Him what you want [Verse 2:] When darkness comes your way, call Him up

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He'll brighten up your day, call Him up When darkness comes your way, call Him up He'll brighten up your day, call Him up If you believe on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost Call Him up, and tell Him what you want

[Chorus:] Can't stop praising His name I just can't stop praising His name I just can't stop praising His name Jesus (Vamp)

Jesus Hallelujah Jesus Praising His name (End) Can't stop praising His name I just can't stop praising His name I just can't stop praising His name Jesus

I Never Lost My Praise Performed by Tremaine Hawkins

I've lost some good friends along life's way Some loved ones departed in heaven to stay But thank God I didn't lose everything I've lost faith in people who said they cared In time of my crisis they were never there But in my disappointment, in my season of pain One thing never wavered, one thing never changed

I never lost my hope I never lost my joy I never lost my faith But most of all, I never lost my praise

My praise still here My praise still here

I've let some blessings slip away When I lost my focus and went astray But thank God I didn't lose everything

I've let some blessings slip away When I lost my focus and went astray But thank God I didn't lose everything I lost possessions that were so dear I lost some battles walking in fear But in the midst of my struggles, in my season of pain One thing never wavered, one thing never changed

I never lost my hope I never lost my joy I never lost my faith But most of all, I never lost my praise

Praise, Praise, Praise, Praise, Praise Most of all, I never lost my praise

My praise still here My praise still here

You Covered Me Performed by Donald Lawrence/Hezekiah Walker

I could've lost my mind wanted to give up so many times but God was my anchor a consistent way maker yes, I'm grateful God covered me Well the enemy came against me attacked my body and my ministry but what God ordains he will maintain yes I'm grateful he covered me

You covered me hands of protection all around me if not for your grace and your mercy thank you Lord you covered me I failed so many times but your love divine you touched this soul of mine and restored me

You covered me hands of protection around me your grace and mercy covered me I could've lost my mind wanted to quit many times but God what you ordain I'm a witness you will maintain

You covered me hands of protection around me your grace and mercy covered me[repeat]

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Hallelujah You’re Worthy To Be Praised Artist: Daryl Coley

Hallelujah, You're worthy to be praised Hallelujah, You're worthy to be praised

When I think of all you've done, all the victories you have won; I will my lift my voice and praise you, oh most holy one.

For you are wonderful, marvelous, glorious, mighty lord; I will lift my voice and give you the highest praise.

I lift my hands I praise you, lord. I bow my head, I honor you, lord

I lift my hands, I praise you, lord I bow my head, I honor you, lord Bridge

Hallelujah, so worthy Hallelujah, we praise your name.

Hallelujah, so worthy, Hallelujah, Lord we lift you up.

I’m Blessed Performed by Rev. Clay Evans

Chorus 1 I'm blessed, truly blessed. (I've got my health and I've got my strength), (thank God), thank God I'm blessed. I'm blessed, wondrously blessed, I won't complain, I'm blessed.

Chorus 2 I'm blessed, truly blessed. (I've got legs to walk and I've got a voice to talk),

(thank God), thank God I'm blessed. I'm blessed, wondrously blessed, I won't complain, I'm blessed.

Verse 1 If you want to see a miracle, all you gotta do is (just look at me). I've been blessed, I've been kept by goodness and mercy, right now I've got (the victory). So before you start to complain, count your blessings, you'll be amazed, I won't complain (I won't complain, I'm blessed).

Chorus 3 I'm blessed, truly blessed. (When I woke up this morning), (I had the activities of my limbs), (thank You, Jesus), thank God I'm blessed. I'm blessed, wondrously blessed, I won't complain, I'm blessed. I'm blessed.

This Day Performed by Edwin Hawkins

Verse 1 Give us this day our daily bread, You said you would supply all our needs, according to Your riches. I have but to ask and I shall receive.

Verse 2 To go from here and share this love You gave to me; to show someone who's lost and help them find their way, the way to choose and pray. so they can be free like me, free like me.

Lord, we need Your love, Lord, we need Your peace, Lord, we need your joy this day.

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Everyday Is A Day of Thanksgiving Performed by Dr. Charles G. Hayes/The Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer Choir lives.

Everyday is a day of thanksgiving Gods been so good to me Everyday He's blessing me

Everyday is a day of thanksgiving Take the time to glorify the Lord today. Repeat He keeps blessing me, blessing me He opens my eyes that I might see He keeps blessing me, blessing me He opens my eyes that I might see He's blessing me He keeps blessing me, blessing me

Take the time to glorify the Lord today. He keeps blessing me, blessing me Blessing me everyday

Be Fruitful Vashawn Mitchell

God has a plan with you in mind, for you to be fruitful and multiply He knows you ending, before your beginning

Don't be dismayed, it's only delayed It's not only your time, but your turn It's not only your time, but your turn

God has a plan with you in mind, for you to be fruitful and multiply He knows you ending, before your beginning

Don't be dismayed, it's only delayed It's not only your time, but your turn It's not only your time, but your turn God's plan for you, shall come to pass Just wait and see, you'll be alright [x2] Be fruitful, multiply I speak blessings, on your life [Repeat as lady ad libs] I speak blessings [repeat as lady ad libs] On your life

Multiply, multiply, multiply, multiply, multiply Be fruitful and multiply It's not only your time, but your turn

Giants Performed by Donald Lawrence

Giants do die, The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Giants, they die, Just walk around the Jericho wall. Now we come in Your name And we stand on Your word, What is loosed in the heavens, Will be loosed on earth. Now we come in Your name And we stand on Your word, What is loosed in the heavens, Will be loosed on earth; Let God arise, giant, die. Repeat

Your praise will bring down strong holds. When you pray, you will see miracles. Just pray when things seem impossible And the King of Glory will show His glory; Let God arise, giant, die.

When you shout, Just Shout They got to come down.

More Than You'll Ever Know Byron Cage

To the sick He is a healer And to the lost a compass for your way To the lonely He is a company keeper Don't hang up I have more to say To the broken He is a mender And to the weak He is a leaning post

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Wooo hoooo He is more than you'll ever, Than you'll ever know Oh, yes He is I got another verse, listen

To the homeless He is your shelter And to the down the lifter of your head And to the thirsty He is living water Don't you know, haven't you heard To the sinner He is a savoir But to the saint the absence of the Holy Ghost Wooo hooo He is more than you'll ever, whooo you'll ever known

EL SHADDAI, God Almighty EL ELYON, God Most High ADONAI, Yes He is, Lord and Master Come on He is EL-OLAM, EL-OLAM, God everlasting Listen, but if you can't remember all those names like that We want you to know that there's yet another name What is it, tell them There is still one other name What's that name That name is Jesus He is more than you'll ever know

If you don't want to be here tonight, say it again in Aramaic EL SHADDAI God Almighty EL ELYON, God Most High ADONAI, Yes He is Lord and Master EL-OLAM come on, come on EL-OLAM, God everlasting Listen in case that's just too much for you To remember tonight Don't forget the name That name is Jesus He is more than you'll ever know So now

Let the Worshipers just call his name together What is his name Dwayne Woods Come on tell us, tell us

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus It's more than you ever known More than you ever known How many of you all really love the name, Jesus, Jesus I mean you really love the name, Jesus I mean there is no one like the name of Jesus More than you will ever know More than you will ever know

How many you all got healing in the name, Jesus No sickness is common to man, Jesus Because of the stripes of Jesus He is More than you will ever know, Jesus Come on sing it more than you will ever know More than you will ever know Thank you Jesus I got the healing. Jesus Come on, come on I have got the Miracle Jesus, aha aha

Jesus, oh yes I got it Lord, Jesus More than you ever known

Salvation at the name, Jesus Joy in the name, Jesus Power in the Name, Jesus More than you ever know, Jesus Lift your voice and say the Name, Jesus Come on Say the Name, Jesus Say Jesus, Jesus Come on Jesus, More than you ever know So just in case, you can't remember Don't forget there's still one other name That name is Jesus

He is more than you He is more than you ever know He is more than you ever know, know, know Alleluia Whooo, yes He is He is more than you ever know

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How Much We Can Bear Hezekiah Walker

If in your life you are going through And you don't know really what to do Just call on Jesus, He will see you through For He knows, Jesus, He knows If there's a trial that has come your way And you are looking for a brighter day Just call on Jesus, He will make a way For He knows, Jesus, He knows

How much we can bear Jesus, He knows how much we can bear

How much, how much (Repeat 3x) We, we can bear, we can bear (Repeat 3X)

Jesus, He knows how much we bear

Where Would I Be Smokie Norful

What kind of God can make the morsels of snow, fall from a gray sky What kind of God can weave the tapestry of a rainbow, and sketch it into a we sky It's no wonder how he can do, every little thing he does for me If it hadn't been for you, where would I be?

What kind of God can give you a vision, and create a skyscraper tall What kind of God can use the pattern of color, and give it a name like fall It's no wonder how he can do, every little thing he does for me If it hadn't been for you, where would I be?

I'd be at the bottom when you told me there's a place at the top for me I'd be on the back side when you showed me there's a place in the front I should be I'd be on the outside looking in when, you've prepared

What kind of God can take my fragile and wounded heart, fill it with unconditional love What kind of God can take away my guilt and shame, and give me grace to rise above It's no wonder how he can do, every little thing he does for me If it hadn't been for you, where would I be?

I'd be at the bottom when you told me there's a place at the top for me I'd be on the back side when you showed me there's a place in the front I should be I'd be on the outside looking in, when you've prepared me a table for kings If it hadn't been for you, where would I be? (Repeat 2x)

Just like a ship without a sail, without you

What’s Coming Is Better Deon Kipping

I see you cryin’ And you’re about to lose control But you can’t give up Just because your future’s not worth letting go Let go frustration Soon it will all come to an end Just endure what you’re going through What’s coming is much better than what’s been (repeat)

There has been pain And you can’t describe Something inside, speaks to your life And it’s saying What’s coming is better (2x) What’s coming is better than what’s been (Repeat)

What’s coming is better (2x) What’s coming is better than what’s been (Repeat 4x)

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So I’ll endure I know what’s comin’ I won’t move I know what’s comin’ I’ll believe I know what’s comin’ What’s comin’ is better than what’s been (Repeat 3x) What’s coming is better (2x) What’s coming is better than what’s been (Repeat 4x)

Put a Praise On It Worship Medley Tasha Cobbs There’s a miracle in this room With my name on it There’s a healing in this room And it’s here for me There’s a breakthrough in this room And it’s got my name on it So I’m gonna put a praise on it I’m gonna put a praise on it Somebody put a praise on it There’s a miracle in this room With Tasha’s name on it You outta put your name in the atmosphere, c’mon There’s a healing in this room And it’s is here for me There’s a breakthrough in this room And it’s got my name on it So I’m gonna put a praise on it Somebody put a praise on it Can you help me put a praise on it Somebody put a praise on it Let’s go…

(I dare somebody to put a praise in this room, I declare wherever you are miracles are breaking off in your house. You outta declare there is a miracle in this room and it’s got my name on it. Let’s go!) There’s a miracle in this room With my name on it There’s a healing in this room And it’s is here for me There’s a breakthrough in this room With my name on it

So what you gone do So I’m gonna put a praise on it I’m gonna put a praise on it Alpha And Omega

Israel & New Breed

You are Alpha and Omega We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised You are Alpha and Omega We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised You are Alpha and Omega We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give You all the glory We worship You our Lord You are worthy to be praised

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Andrea Bryant Teresa Burton

Dinah Colbert Ty Davis

Ryan George Billie Grays

*James Grays *Gwendolyn Harris

Zelda Johnson Jackie McVea

Zelda Miller Belinda Payne

Fred Ponder Linda Ponder

Willie Taylor Rosalyn Thomas



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In The Midst of It All…

Reaping a Harvest of GOD’S

Peace and Blessings! Job 1

Chelsea Williams

Walking into her destiny!

2020 High School Graduate