In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23/Jamestown NY Post J… · Knut Johnson, bungalow...

FORTY —— JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL-Thuimday S w i n g , June 3, 1954 I'I m ' 'i* m i. i i , i i ii i i I.I 4 HffwNps .* Polio Chapter Not Running Survey. Webeck Declare! NtW ErTgland Mutual Lift Insurance months. $4.68, one month, 8* .58. Company. i, MISSED COPIES Aseig » »t »f Iwtmt _ If you fail to receive fwxr coyy call Chantauqaa^^oneJ_S_5k> Trust the Post-Journal before 7 P.M. e*> Company to Equitable Life Assurance cent on •aaoMnttosv AgTee eat 2 New England Mutual Life Insurance Company and Theodore W. Berenson. V ^ * • _^_v % *• # «a _i_y as _•_•* Tor rates l o Foreign Cou ntrtes Dial 7-1U. Mail Subscription Clark. : ' Hedberg Bakery h&To Build Addition rasse.t .f W. Berenson to New Eng- 2 I WILL not be responsible for any bills or debts eon- Jamestown, N.Y. 4-A 21 CORffETENT HOUSEKEEPER For 2 adults. U v e m. Call at 211 E. 3rd St f Competent Woman Or Girl For General Housework References. Phone 97-162 Between 10:30 A.M. & 4 P.M. COUPLE NEEDS elderly lady to work evenings and weekends. 2 room furnished apartment with utilities paid is supplied in ex- change for services rendered. For full particulars call 42-352 EXPERIENi rtlculars ( INCED sal gift shop. « IRIS FOR SALE Call 4823 Every Day Except Thursday saleslady for jewel- ry and gift shop. Write. Box £-80. Post-Journal. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Johnny's Lunch. Apply in person. Johnny's Lunch, Matin WamtmA t____U *8 27 r Main St. x EXPERIENCED cook wanted. Apply ••' in person. The Chautauqua County Chap- ter of the National Foundation forLJJ^SSS. , -, , Infantile Paralysis has no connec- - UBd M £Z&?% SSSSt2T Pany tton with a health survey being Of Union Grange No. 244. Patrons conducted in the area, Clayton R J oTHusbandry by Homer Firth and mtw a, iA-r,-, r„-r~, . D • _ v Webeck. executive secretary of the i,,.-^ NMm . «_»«•«*._. ^ ^ m ^ ^ % ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -«* ^ay. Of m ^ T ^ t Junk . building and for additions, altera- Mr, Webeck said rr^ persons X«£ nue by R G D r »^iwiJaSS,. N.Y* 1 " 1 I tions, and repairs, total work to have «athered the impression that Diseaatteaaaee *t 4 .»._«* Mama ooat an estimated $51,522, Tues- the survey has something to do Ctf D ^ U * e d Auto Fjuns * Junk i day. jwrth a polio vaccine test for the Imra oy j^„J_2_t * The followmg building permits *"*• He ••** t*" 8 *** true and casimir St. George d.b.*.. Silver; I g j g ^ aSSS r ° " 5 £ sanctioned" b? « X r " P 3TcouiS ^M^il^iJs&firrS: ?*&& Knut Johnson, bungalow north i s * nc " onca °f e i, I- , e c , cou 5 iy nla. N.Y.. $189.51. County Court side of Hillcrest Avenue. $3,000. !chapter or the National Founda- Leona studd WatsVn 3 a ? E . 5th K ft 2? £ i S .t ?5f2 , ?L, ZSS^SK ^U'r W*hock _ , * * . ^ m t v U ^ J S T S ^ £ ^ r A S«gl CALL SOW g appotntmant LIBERTY RESTAURANT boose, east side of Delaware Ave- Mr. Webeck said the county town. N.Y.. Supreme Court. Interlock MRS. MAKIA METS, 861 W_ 5TH ST j 113 N. Main St. nue, $10,500. i chapter has received numerous torjj Judgment of Divorce. Swedish massage and steam baths GIRL TO LIVE IN and care for 2 children while mother works. Good! home in preference to high wages. Inquire 10" 2nd Ave.. Falconer, Wednesday or Thursday evening. GIRL WANTED Want a good job, down-town, in a pleasant office? If you're a good typist, friendly with -people and a nice person to have around, you'll dS. Five day week, alternate Sat- urday mornings. Write, giving ex- perience and starting salary wanted, to Box B-81 Post-Journal. ^ GOOD PLAIN COOK To live in at Agnes Home. Pleasant atmosphere among 23 friendly girls. 6 Broadhead Ave. or Phone 6065 Jamestown. LADY TO CARE for bed ridden pa- tient from 1 P.M. to 11 P.M. Phone 93-966 or 95-363. Stenographers Typists Timekeeper Manufacturers Employment Bureau 308 PINE ST. CALL 7-111 FOR WANT ADS nSttp fTWIlCw, 21 Ixperi Fun SALES GflRL Experienced' lor ladies ready to wear. MODE B. 4TH ST, Help Woirtao, 21 TYPIST We- have an opening for aa exper- ienced typist who would like a 'tlon in a convenient tlon. Aptitude for ble. Writ* Box L-80, Post-Journal. YOUNG WOMAN For interesting work in centrally lo- WOMAN > take areof4_->e.r gjg jg?w^S^A^E*!^ . ladies dresses and coats. it position, good salary. Ap- *a. Utt E. 2nd St boy while mother works. Call after 6 P.M. 91-573. Journal. DISFIGURING HAIR NunzK) Conti. bungalow east side calls during the past week concern- rS*** Z'J****^**!^ T 3 ^*' of Niagara Street. $10,000. ing the survey and he wished to ffl^Ereet: Fafiner^N? (Now^I A , ,.,„, h > m «n M Mfn ,.„ Mt ,, r^ . Grayson's, new store front and|emphasize that there was no con- ing at ConewanJS Vaiiey Y -iiy\T S^^ A mJveTby M r s ^ n a ^ t i v X f7 alteration*, 13 East Third Street, nectton between any survey and £?*??,* ^°5 ,rt ' Interlocutory Judgment Fairmount Ave. Ph. 65*0. :|»»0«. the chapter of National Foundation ^ Hedberg Bakery, build block ga- rage one story block and veneer j > lfl addition, subject to approval New L e Q I O l l lO I IIStOII York State Department of Labor. _*-5f w " » w •ss*»*ais at 908 North Main Street, $8,500. Jam?* DeAng^io appry sidii ^KlOy; LOUflty iwrf and dwelling, 328 Alien Street, c ^ CM. A i2ooo. Session Saturday ilflW*£Sl &S" g8rage; »*« •««»•« the Ira Lou PermiN iuimi for additions al- Sp™* Post, American Legion, will! JUDGE estimated costs were LEGAL NOTICE At a Term of the County Court. County of Chautauqua. State of New York, held at the County Court House at Mayville. New York, on the 24th day of May. 1954. P, ISSS* T: « HON - HUGH V. N. BO- DINE. CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY FXXJNDATION GARMENTS Smart Form now offers new Spring feature* in White Summer Mesh Nylon Marquisette. Patented Fea- tures. Magic Seam. All in one for largo figures up to 52 size. Corse- tieres wanted. Phona 3730. 225 Wellman Bldg. NUBONE CORSET SERVICE Alice G. Cuiien. 269 S. Main St. Ph. 56-495- Lost ems! rotiao Vacation Guide Vacation Resorts, Boats, Sports Equipment. Where to Dine, Cottages for Rent. Good Things to Eat, Antiques and Hobbies. Where to Dine e-A Post Home. 15 East Fifth Street. of DOROTHY MARIE VAN ESKEY John W. Eckman. interior altera- Jl' *!Jf eU u? u i ta £ on r * e , n « w ! for fe^e »«chvige her name to tiens 45 Bush Street $1000 commander, heads the list of postj DOROTHY ANN VAN ESS OaVSJ^ero^me ga^ge. 64,?«fer. to be installed by Hof°DoSr^ , MAs^%i^gg? Hammond Street. $600. ^ f f n ^ ' L ^ 1 1 ^ ^ V «S?« * * ^ ^ paySPSr JfSJe^dwS^ Avenue. $500. | J ^ w officer, a«Johetl Wheet) gS and stead of her pres^nt^narne 6 and the court being satisfied that aaid petition is true and it appear the Annllcation! KEYCHAIN LOST ^ lt,on Between Cherry and Main, on 3rd Phone' 21-055. St. LOST: BROWN WALLET in or near Celoron Park, May 31st. Contains valuable papers. Reward. Ph. Pan- ama 2585. LOST: Brown part Cocker doe in the vicinity of Bust! and Stillwater. Reward. Ph. 85-172. Eugene Wensley. install window. J 10 " 1 *' . James ??2*"!* i ack » Johnson Street, $50 Loux, vice commanders; Dale Cor- i£"A*£TrVSn. four-foot'fy- treasure^ Percy Seoor chap- ^ ^ J ^ t f * fence back property line. 241 ^ S', W ' Ne,SOn : ad J ulant i. ^ ' " o reasonable objection to the change a Street S50 Jonn "°" e y. member of the board I of name proposed. LOST: SMALL Chihuahua dog Fri- day afternoon In the vicinity of Wicks Ave. Answers to name of "Dick*" Please contact 42-254 of whereabouts. Reward. LOST: GUERNSEY Heifer on Pan- ama. Clymer town line Road. Phone Panama 2817 or 2520. Forrs ARE NOW SERVING WHOLE LIVE BROILED LOBSTER DINNERS Fresh Shrimp AS ALWAYS THE BEST IN FOOD SILVER CREEK. N.Y. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK leeto end Accessories 41 in. one who prefers g> Ph or write C. L. Bunce. Ripley. LAWRENCE RESTAURANT Open 7 A.M.—8:30 P.M. YWCA Bldg. home Li Io ! P « va ^ P**"* MIDDLE AGED housekeeper _ood he. , ^, c «rrx westfieid. Sat. Nite Smorgasbord 5 to 7 EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS PENNYAN BOATS Complete Line of Accessories Almgrcn's Marine Sales 6: Service Fluvanna Ph. 92-601 RESPONSIBLE WOMAN work 1 or 2 To assist with house days per week. Phon«r 64 234. Good Things to lot 42 Help Woefd, Male 22 w*re M*Jc«epnine^iiica.iiewfrc^ - s .i ;., r ^ &„„ n ^ , torch floor, 67 West Fourteenth . r ou °wmg me installation cererno- Mter N e w y attorneys for said •treat $20 \mes, delegates for the county Le- petitioner, it is Allen Ca'rr. three-foot fence rear;««" convention will meet The i ORDERED, tha* the «»d Dorothy of tot. 37 Gwendolyn Avenue. S 17., county conclave wiU be held Sat-1 K t h S i U t o ^ a s i a m ^ t l ^ n a ^ ^ James Dietrick, make window, ur^ay in fredonia. Dorothy Ann Van Ess in the place alterations, 56 Grant Street, $15.' Outgoing Commander Frederick j and stead of her present name, on St. and business section on Newton Ave. Black and white Jacket. Size 50. Ph. 73-294. Reward. . Instructions Certified Seed Potatoes New maple syrup, N.Y.S. Dairy Cheese fruit and vegetables KEITH'S MARKET Westfieid. N.Y. Ph. 344M Five Churches Again to Join In Pork Services Union Gospel services wiU again be held on Sunday evenings n Fen ton Park. The cooperating churches and groups will be: LEARN TO DRIVE ta H s2r^^ S p^sir n of he Art?cr6 yln of Johnson Private Driving School Lou Spring Posts annual report. the C|v R|gnUl Uw namely . That , UCENSED BY STATE D F N.Y. at the installation meeting. Also the petitioner cause this order and purtkJr ic Qc^ HP Q7 4?1 meeting at the same time will be the papers upon which it was grant- r rn/iic JJ-VJJ \JI\ ^7I-JL\ (the Ira Lou Spring Post Auxiliary. Jamestown Man Hurt in Crash CORKY William Loveland, 56. R.D.I, Jamestown, suffered back | Pf 00 ,^ 0 ,* «?h^pubMcatTon by affidavit ed to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Chautauqua within ten (10) days from the date hereof, and that within ten (10) days from the date of the entry of said order, the petitioner cauae a copy thereof to be published in the Jamestown Evening Post-Journal, a newspaper published in said County of Chautauqua, and within thirty (30) days after the making of this order Chandler Street Baptist. First Mis- anr . - ^u ini,,,.;,*. ; n a n al ,tnmrth«l«» !be fl, * d and recorded in the Office of i See George H. Larson, 304 E. 2nd sion Covenant Jamestown Citv -J? . i nJU o W m an , automoDlie t the Gerk of the County of Chau-f St. Phone 6822 or 682& Represent- sion covenant, J amesiown city acCK j ent Tuesday on Route 6, one. tauqua. and after such requirements Rescue Mission, Salvation Army, I hal{ mile east o{ ^ city are compiled with, the eqi ild PIANO LESSONS In your home. Children and adults. Write Post-Journal Box H-80. I 8-A GOING AWAY? Accident expenses paid. Only 50c for a week—T. N. Nelson Agent 1117 Prendergast ori% 627 E. 2nd St MORTGAGE INS. anyone can afford. DUE TO EXPANSION ONE OF JAMESTOWN'S BETTER AUTOMOBILE AGENCIES HAS AN OPENING FOR AN AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 25 AND 45 TO SELL NEW AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS petitlon- Zion Mission Covenant Church. , ^ Stot Poli j> atr<)1 stated (^ J•***&..Marie VanlEskey shall The services will begin on Sun- that i^ve-lanrf wa^ trwiin* west ^ 5 fte . r u June ^ J 9 !?- be . klH ! wn j al , ^, a -t__ T,,I„ A *ZA n ,i\\ ^%«_ max U)yeiar)a was traveling w e s t a , an( i by the name of Dorothy Ann day evening July 4, and will con- ^ ^^ highway and another west- Van Ess, which she is hereby auth- tinue on each Sunday evening bound car operated by Morris L. I ort2ed to assume, and by no other through Sept 5. Each service will w 17 R . D . Spring Creek, struck h*™*' Hu _ h v N Mi1tm begin promptly at 7:15 P M . and ^' TW of ^ ^ e s t o w n motor- W&AS oSSff Judge with the exception of July 4 and arM machirM? Gertrude C. Phiibiad, Dep. * Sept. 5, will be -preceded by a Darna ge to Way's automobile wa I gj* , band concert beginning at 7^.M. ^ ^ ^ at $400 and $150toLove-lil^liJ This concert will be conducted by ^'i car, police said. The Salvation Army Band. The services will be conducted by the churches ace « 13 schedule: July 4, Zion Mission Church; July 11, Salvation Army; j July IS, First Mission Church; July 25, Salvation Army; Aug. 1. Res- LEGAL RECORD BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Recorded June 1) Frank J. Saldl and one to Henry E. cue Mission, August 8, First Mis- Borgstrom and one. Jamestown—51 LEGAL NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 5-A SECTION 1*3 GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW Notice is hereby given that the Town Superintendent of Highways. Town of Poland. Chautauqua County will receive sealed bids for the pur- chase of Bituminous Materials, the Highway Department's requirements for 1954. Specifications may be obtained at ing Farm Bureau Ina. Co.. Cohun- bus. Ohio. Help Wonted, Ftmote 21 2 Girls wanted for photo work, to learn printing. Must be between the ages of 20 to 35. Apply in person Saturday between 2 and 5 P.M. No phone calls accepted. GLEN RAY PHOTO 228 E. 2nd St. Foot of Prendergast A GIRL WANTED Friday thru Mon- day for job through gummer at lake cottage, to assist with house- work. Must have experience. Good wages. Ph. 22-542. SAURY AND COMMISSION EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY WRITE BOX E-79 POST-JOURNAL Boots end Accessories 48 16 FT. GARWOOD utility. 95 H P . Chrysler engine. Boat and engine completely reconditioned. New cov- er. Call 98-160 or 96-666. 16-foot Thompson boat 12-foot Wolverine, A-l 22^'H.P. Johnson motor, like new, trailer 152 Sampson St. 17 FT. INBOARD 18 ft. Mullens Reasonable. Ph. 96-815 after S P.M. 18-FOOT Century Sea Maid, like new. 24 engine hours, substantial reduction from original cost. Phone 581J1 Cuba, N.Y. Evinrude Sportwin Motor 3.3 horse power, 2 cylinders, alter- nate firing, full reverse, weedless. excellent condition. $100. Inquire Knapp Electric Co. Phone 55-105. Johnson Motors SALES SERVICE STORAGE PLAN NOW FOR YOUR 1954 MOTOB Jamestown Cycle Shop, Inc. Martin Motors Sales Service Parts LAKEWOOD SPORTS SHOP Lakewood. N.Y. Ph. 7365 SPECIAL Glass casting rods, regular S3 95 $1.95 While They Last Lures, lines, reels or rods, we have it. Special prices and no parking problems. Come in and browse around. C. W. JOHNSON 547 Buffalo St Ph. 4-742 Lake Cottogri 41 3 ROOMS BATH PRIVATE YEAR AROUND LAKE FRONT $40 MONTHLY WRITE BOX W-80 POST-JOURNAL. 4-rm. lakefront. Boat A dock. Now til June 19. half price. Aug. 21 A on. Excellent location. Phone 35-313. COTTAGE or rooms now renting by season, month or week. Private beach. Inquire Willow Ron Golf Course on 17J. E. L. Nasn, West Lake Road, Mayville. N.Y. FOR RENT BY SEASON OR SALE Pleasant Lakefront Home Call 64-876 FOR RENT Modern Lake Lrle Cottage Ph. 97-761 LAKE cottage tor rent at Stockholm. 84-811. Point All conveniences. Call 18-FT. CABIN CRUISER Complete with Trailer and Equipment Ph. 46-595 20-FOOT inboard runabout style. Needs spring outfitting. Must sell. $150. Inquire Keller's Store, R t 17J at Vukote. 25 MILES PER HOUR boat, complete, with motor and trailer. 14 ft. Cen- tury. Steering wheel, seat cush-| ions, canvas cover, and lights. Priced to move. Ph. 6075 days. MERCURY MOTORS 5 H.P. $202.00 Chautauqua Lake Marine Works Prendergast Pt. Ph. Sted. 2465 1954 EVINRUDES RACING SAILBOAT Nice shape, reasonable. Write Post- Journal Box R-80. SAIL BOAT. Snipe Class. Complete. Ready to sail. $300 Ph. 52-213. USED LYMAN ISLANDERS Giaut. Lake Boat Yard Mayville, N.Y. Ph. 5201 MODERN 3 BEDROOM Lakefront home, near Chautauqua, $7S weekly for June. $100 weekly for July and August. Richard Wilcox. Phone Mayville 2-685. SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM nicely fur- nished home on Lake front. Very desirable location with shaded lawn and 125 foot private beach. Season rental only. Phone 63-206. Summer Apartment 3 rooms bath enclosed porch private — on lake 1% miles from town good fishing — etc — furnished — 2 to 4 — June Sept. $20 weekly July-Aug. $25 weekly. Box Y-80. write Post-Journal Vocation Resorts 61-A Thompson Lyman Boats Easy Payments Available Sports Equipment 48-A MAN'S LEFT handed matched golf n RECONDITIONED MOTORS c i U bs. Excellent condition. 4 woods. 2 H.P. Evinrude $30' 10 irons. Ph. 42-954 evenings. 3 H.P. Elgin 3.6 Scott Atwater 5 H.P. Elgin 5 H.P. Mercury 16 H.P. Johnson 15 H.P. Evinrude COLLIN'S SPORT SHOP 109 — 111 E. 3rd Sf> $50 $70 $65 $85 $150 $250 'NEW ?l \ TRI-ANGLE, COUNTRY home camp; boys and girls, 7-12. Flexible pro- gram, sports, riding, $25 weekly. Folder, Box 26, Dewlttville. N.Y. Lake Propity 69 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Furnished 5 rooms and screened liv- ing porch. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, 50 x 200 sandy beach, boat, 75 ft. dock. cal -UO Savase rifle- Weav- Connellv Park Deal ^^ owner cai. 340 Mvage i le. weav w ,, te Post . Journal Box Q^ ,er J 4 scope. $66. Swiss fix spinning reel, extra spool. John Shield Bullfrog Hotel Looking for a Musical Instrument Read Musical Merchandise LAKEFRONT 2 - bedroom cottage. Completely furnished. Ready to live in. Electric stove and refrigerator. Call Lakewood 5608. Want Ads find oaoerhangers sion Church, August 15. Chandler! w^fi^,, .I** Er ,& k ,. ,on _V Gordtm H ltm» office of the Superintendent of Street Baptist Church; Aug. 22J ^ i n e y E - a t i e r t f o S o l A. Arnold. g e ^ k T r ^ w n ^ i l S » d ° f ^ T ° Wn Rescue Mission, August 29. Zion Chautauqua-si. i a | u * n T °^ „£?>£' fri-i i« •.,* Mission Church; and Sept 5th C^A^ohn^oa and o n e ^ ^ ^ \ J ^ 0 ^ ^ n % ^ T o ^ n ^ t Chandler Street BaptistChurch. ^ c i S r n ^ G . S_fhle° "A a F W i v f i o n I ™_%> W ' & . & T s. 0 v?°TimT i These churches have been coop-Army. Eiiicott-$i. nS_, • p i3_ a * y K vl . ng *!• I erating in union services for sev- ^ufrane Corp, to Stanley Schutu'#£*,*„ ^ op £ ed whtch llme «•», eral years and have Often enjoyed Wilde Oil Corn to The Texas Co ' Tne Town Superintendent of High-! attendances of tnore than 1,000 Gerry-$l. w ; ways reserves the right to reject any , Louis A. Mott to John Bostlc and o r a '' °}<™- _, . one Hanover—$1 Harold brlcsson Leona Damlco to Dominic D. Dami- T , own Superintendent of Highways I co and one. Hanover—$1. ,-_• V™'"- of ,^1*5? Anthony S. Fadale et al to Louis, V" ted ; June J » 1954 - Guglno and one. Pomfret—$1. j June 3 Lvelyn M. Wright et al to Maurice;" ——-——-—-____________ F. Orton and one. Ripley—$1. _ •».—.__, . _ . . — * ..... onil'SocSonlS Leon ^ ^ and| ™E POST-JOURNAL j Chautauqua County to Luther H. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Derby. Stockton—$8.46. Delivered by Carrier and Motor persons. BUSINESS DIRECTORY SERVICES-REPAIRS-BUSINESS NOTICES Catholic Youth Plans Election; Outing June 13 Awnings EJtetrical Sorvicts Permallte Aluminum Awnings, Stor Master Aluminum Comb. Doors— New Permallte Aluminum Comb. Windows. Free EsUmate. ROOF SIDE CO. PH. 46-970 Brick and Stono Work BLOCK AND BRICK WORK Luther H. Derby and one to Leon A. l Routes to Cltv and ciuburh-n <suh- The Catholic Youth Council of j Derby and one. stockton-$i. servers. 3fcrc^test tuRa DOT ; SS. Peter and Pauls Chuixh wiU .J5*™ n L c 'vnuiH k . % David Murray year bold election of officers at4he last and onc ' V,U Xrtga? M regular meeting of the school year, Theodore W. Berenson to New Eng- taraueua Counlv NV* «-- * - 5T-* in the school auditorium tonight. }»nd Mutual Life Insurance. James- go^y pfnnsyV--- ^A-???? i CHIMNEYS.__STEPS, .FIRLPLACtb. .Chimneys a specialty. Carpentry. Delivered by mall to R.F.D. Box- Home building and repair. Don holders in Chautauqua County. Cat-' Klinginsmlth, Sinclalrvllle 2652. Newly elected officers and new town—S25.000. One year. W.00, six months, $4.50. three months Charles E. Geer and one to First to vt nn# month «v sensors will be installed at the N^ional B«k. Jamestown. James- »g- M ,!l T NewYork State and _? Th^S__TcYC " June ! ^ ^ «™,™- .^ Pennsylvania, ouUlde the above C outing wiU s__Sk^f i»_22K_S? i_VS_J?n_.-« to aame<1 Counties: One year $12.00. six also be held June 13. at the Villa, $rax) ° f Jamwlown ' JamMtown - month* $6.50. three month. $3.50.* on. j Bemus Point. Leonard V. Klaybor and one to Man-' T 'ViiS th* II «5 A rt ,.t«id* New ! Immediately preceding tonight's ! gj" u r r k n i. * ™« Trust Company. Y £l ^ffi^S pSnsyfvania* On. meeting, members of the CYC Gordon H Mead and one to Betty year. $18.72. six months, $9.36, three COLE ELECTRIC Electric Contractors COMMERCIAL—INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Repairs to Motors and all Electrical Appliances NORGE DEALERS Range unit and water heater element* by Chromolox 311 Fluvanna Ave. Ph 84-605 ELECTRICAL work. House wiring. Ph. Charles Fisk, Jr. Lakewood 4738. ELECTRIC WIRING ,«., , v.*,-.-- FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES better^ chimney at a lower Linquest Electric Co., Inc. 209 Pine St. Ph. 7-l$y AND HOUSES. MASONRY. FREE ESTIMATE. PHONE 96-578. CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED HtotiiKj It Plumbic Conewango Valley Hardware Ph. E1L 2717 Ch. Cr. 3971 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ON ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING NEEDS Sharp Heating & Plumbing Co., Inc. Nights 3-835 Cor. 4th A Clinton Sts. Ph. 6-042. Moving,, Trucking. Storooo A-l Local Trucking DeUverlng KEB0RT TOUCKENG PHONv£ 99-900 SHREDDED PAPER for packing or crating, also Fork Lift truck for rent CHAUTAUQUA STORAGE _ and Transfer Co*. For a price, call Bentley STEPS BARBECUES PORCHES Ph. 94-536 or Cherry Creek 4481 FREE estimates on either «;as or oil i . . , , v and Coal furnaces given free. | LONG DISTANCE HAULING terms can be arranged up to 36; AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES Expert wVkman- 929 Monroe St Ph. 72095 Cultural Committee will present Jane Erickson. Bust I—$1,500. the one-act play. "The Sight of v , lD T cen _ v __ B _ Ig ^. t ,?. 1 and W __*2JF* 1 - the Blind." Members of thTcast eral ^ n __USg. ?, U _fiS_«?' S00 are Jean Morton, Mary Eileen Union Trust Co. to Frank J. Saldi Weten, Patricia Palmer and Rich- * n j? one ard Murray. The play is based g ^ te Bank - M*yv»"«. to Vance Hap- Upon an incident in the life of St. Louis A. Mott to Raymond L. Smith Bridget. and onc. ^ncing and games will foUowi ^'^^IZnX'rLm^^' |he CYC meeting. First National Bank of Boston to Vegetable Stand AC ROSS SS Tribe 1 Hardy type of 58 Royal Italian cabbage family name 9 cabbage 37 Born • Garden vegetable 12 Assam silkworm 13 Age 14 Within (comb, form) lft Termini lft Upper limb 17 Solar disk 18 Placard 20 Shrubs 58 Trial DOWN 1 Retain 2 Italian river 3 Covers 4 Oriental 5 Erects 6 Make a mistake 7 A frost ft Perforated balls Answer to Previous Puzila KQL 1U l Jf JUL! | DUO LJCJULIU uuutdaurj —-—• rjWL^I i wrjraca e___ iJLitj uurjLi LIL_LJ:J aH_s_3t_rj%?ac3c_ai_D t_L!uuuu raacjkst mi fJLi_ij riuiiu ii_;j •••• rjuci^rjUEiu •-__— us laui lut i -, nntiui i anuaauQ_3L__3L_LJu a a _ l u u u c i i y i i r j u 21 Halt 39 Green 24 Cicatrit 40 Rugged 25 Apple center mountain spur 26 Mineral rocks 41 Frighten 27 Finished 42 Story 28 String 43 Rubber trees s name 44 Lease 10 German nver30 Asiatic weight 46 Vex 11 Units of 32 Quotation 47 Harem rooms weight 35 Bargain event48 Canvas shelter 19 Eternity 36 Derogate 51 Scottish river !__3a__5.«°» , -o~->»?« 24 Contemn 27 Obscure 28 Wager SI on tha cob 22 let cream container 22 Greek letter 24 Exit* 25 WarMe 2ft m a t of the pa lm tree 2?Lefal#oifit 22 Goddess of infatuation » Punitive | 40 Winglike pert .__! 41 Harden % 42T*wer "ftSRabbrti favorite vegetable 42 Toward the sheltered side 50 Feminine appellation 82 Military assistant 83 Church fast T eeaeon ; 84 Above (contr Classified Advertising DEADLINE 9:30 A.M. Day of Publication Classified Display 4 F.M. 2 days before publication 3 LINE MINIMUM Noa CoMinorciel Cask Rotes 8 DAYS.. '2.11 3 PAVS.. $ 135 Box Reply Ads 25c If Called For 50c If Mailed Ako«« ease rates may »« earnad alto on *di which kava baan eharaad fROVIOeO Out a.ti n paM ea or ketera tha dtsceaat date shown on year statement Cat* most accent* pany ordais from Mihida tht Pott* Joarnal'i circatatio* area. All tit- u*don wanted. Auction and Com- plete MousaaoM Saws era cask ta edveecs. lulldozinq Cellars du Mason BULLDOZING land clearing Charles Randolph 3-415. Carpentry Work A-l Birch Kitchen Cabinets BY THE WOODCRAFT Formica tops and restaurant counters Free estimates, 10 years experience in kitchen cabinets. Ph. 74-3*2 or 86-841. 7jM___| E. 2nd. All Kinds of Carpenter Work Remodeling, also new buildings Tel. 5-893 A. LINDQUIST. 36 MEADOW LANE B00THCRAFT KITCHENS ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW AND USED BOUGHT, SOLD AND REPAIRED GATES V-BELT DRIVE METALIZED AND MACHINE WORN SHAFTS TO SIZE A. E. WESTBURGH 91-100 E. 1st St. Ph. 3-^22 of 3-922 HOUSE WIRING INDUSTRIAL WIRING Royal Electric & Appliance 10 E. MAIN ST., FALCONER PH. 3-027 LAKEWOOD ELECTRIC All types wiring. Jamestown city li- cense. 23*_W. Summit, Lakewood. Ph. 7111. SEE~ months to pay. ship. BYRON F0ULKROD 641 Foote Ave. Phone 54-763 FURNACES Coal, OU or Gaa Free Estimates KALAMAZOO 107 N. Mam St. Phone 99-085 MOTKI— TW H mmlf _(_»_«'_ __________0 amy s lecarrast US FIRST FOR THE BEST REPAIR SERVICE ON Televisions, radios, phonographs, aut- Have Boothcraft's well known for-1 omatic washers-, refrigerators, dish mica tops and birch kitchen cab- washers and disposals, inete to fit and last. TUr TRADlNn PfrST BUY ONLY THE BEST inc ' Iftlr\UsT1tJ TVJOl E. Linus johwon. Owner . __. HARDWARE STORES J&N PLUMBING AND HEATING Day &c Night Service PHONE AL JORGENSON HERB NELSON 54-854—73 Summit Roofffig, iRMUIUOR ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND SIDING GET OUR FREE ESTIMATE DAVIS ROOFING & SIDING 64 17th St. - 98-120 ROOFING, SIDING, REPAIRING a JOHNSON. 17* ELAM AVE. P__L 86-681 SPOUTING, PAINTING, chimney and roof work of all kinds. Free astl- mates. Ph. Jamestown 64-366 RING. E. RANDOLPH, NY. PH 32-965 I JOHNS MANVILLE APPLICATORS Rites. Carpet Geanina, Overhead Door Overhead Door Sales Co. Allen Carpet & Upholstery USING KARPET-KARE ' five section. $79.50 Phone James- town 95-366. Latest design overhead door, 8 x 7, 'Exclusive product developed by Big- elow-Saniord Carpet Co. Authorized and trained. Wall or yardage. Phone Lakewood 3303. Free Estimate. A i DIM D rADi c v Chautauqua Rug & Upholstery ALOlPt K. UAKLoUiN I Furniture, rugs cleaned at home or Interior and exterior patnUng. paper I P'ckup, delivery service. 88-143. _hanging. Ph 75-861 or 6-703. ! GARFIELD RUG CLEANING Pointing, Pope-ring, CALL ARTHUR WHITMAN for' D painting and papering. Frewsburg! R"« cle ? nin « * specialty not a klda 3-653. line. 31 Linden Ave. Pb. 6-787 McGINIH JOHNSON & CO. PLUMBING HEATING 308 E. 3nd St. Pa. 6-S43 CARL 0. ROSE # Painting Contractor Retailing Devoe Paints 1211 E. 3rd St. Ph. 42-385 FOR papering and interior painting, Call 96-384 evenings. 14 Scott St. I From 5-7 P.M. Septic Teaks 122 East 2nd St. Ph. 6-080 FOR ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK PH. 65-654 FOR FREE estimates on carpenter and cement work, new buildings and remodeling work, call Thomas Mallare. Tel. 84-773. GENERAL CARPENTRY Custom Kitchens Formica and Tile Work J VV. Batavich Ph. 94-215 OPEN 8 A.M. 5:15 P.M. Monday thru Friday 8 A . M . . 5:00 P.M. Saturday The Post-Journal 311-13 Washington St PHONE 7-111 or 4-958 T S. E. JOHNSON MFG. CO. Mfg. _ designers of bank fixtures, office partitions, bar fixtures, walk in coolers, special custom work. 148-152 Hopkins Ave. Jamestown, N.Y. Phone 6708 83642. Cement Work CALX JOSEPH L0DICO , For concrete cellar floors, sidewalks and curbing construction or drive- ways. 215 WtUow Ave. Free •8t^ mates. Phone f_H___8_. Proismekinoj. Sowing DRESSMAKING. HEMS AND ALTERATIONS. NORA ROBBINS 624 Prendergast Ph. 95-336 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS PHONE 91-484. Lakewood, Phone Lakewood 7-525—! 7-473. Fwrnrtere Upholstery NIAGARA FURNACES (GAS, COAL, OIL) Installed and serviced Free Estimates—Reasonable Rates THORPE & KING. INC. Falconer. N.Y. Tel. 83-391 Bed given away free with purchase of every box spring and mattress. Limited time only. Call Lakeland Upholstery 714 NORTH. MAIN ST. PH. 32-175 General Tool Grinding OLSON PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 304 Pine St Ph. 8-751 Nights 84-278 GENERAL SAW FILING Tools and Shears Grinding N. D. WHITFORD 28 Ohio Ave.. Lakewood. N.Y. Phone Lakewood 4-551 Hooting ft Plumbing AIR CONDITIONING YEAR ROUND—PACKAGED UNITS FURNACES GAS—OIL BURNERS CHRYSLER AIRTEMP Also Sheet Metal Work—Eaves trough FANS—FILTERS—INCINERATORS SPRINCHORN & CO. 501 W. 3RD PH. 4-116 PENNSYLVANIA GAS FURNACES TIMKIN SILENT AUTOMATIC FURNACES HEATING AND VENTTLATINQ JAMESTOWN BLOWER CO. 727 E. 2nd St Ph. 6-064 SHEET METAL WORK G. M. THORPE AND CO. Phone 8-823 ELMER S. ANDERSON Distributor of Odorleaa Keystone* Paints. Phone 5-751. Interior and Exterior Decorating, free estimates. Phone 91-794. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED *aold A Installed. Free estimates FRANTZ A RUSSELL TEL. FRBWSBURG 4431 "SERTC TANKS CLEANED and installed. Waterman's Septic Tank Service. Phone Stedman 2-3». If no answer phon* Stedman 2-307. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Painting. Free estimates, Reasonable rates. Ph. 96-143. Sewing MecWne Repair Lakewood Sewing Machine Service Offers complete checking, adjusting and lubrication, at $2. Electde Con- version $22.50. Phone 17-810-25. REPAIRS PAINTING AND DECORATING Elvln J. Bollock. 71 Hazzard St. Ph. 97-605. PAPERTNG done reasonable" Any size Job. Book now for outside spring painting. Ph. 95-413 eve. Plastering JOHNSON AND NELSOlT Key Shops A. W. (HE) MEUBAUER Residential — Commercial—Industrial Electrical contracting service and sales. 321 Washington St.. cor. W. 4th. Phone day or night 84-105. All Kinds of Electrical Contracting CALL US FIRST B & E E1£CTRIC CO. INC. 106 E. 1ST ST. PHONE 3483 Before Buying Your Fuel For Next Winter Investigate the Winkler Low-Prea- ure Gas or Oil Burners. The Wink- ler L. P. burners heat for >A the cost of coal, or high pressure Oil burners and at lower coat than stokers. Sea the Winkler burner demonstrated at oar office, or at your home. Furnaces for Gas. Oil and Coal. All makes cleaned and repaired. Call day or night 3-705 for free es- timate MAXWELL rlEATING CO. _, 508 W. MAIN ST. C. RAYMOND CARLSON Plumbing & Heating Repair Work $32 Fluvanna Ave Ph. 5-983 Residency 1112 N. Main KEYS MADE, LOCKS INSTALLED Repairs a specialty. Lawn mower sharpening and sharpening of all kinds. Lee's Key and Repair. 219V* Washington. Ph. 6-712. New -and Repair Work. Free Estim-^ ates. Phone 83-711 or 98-135. IW t i l W Iff Q r4V_Wsfle RURAL WIRING * PLUMBING Ap- iiance dealer. Wasslnk Bros, hone 2333 Panama N. Y. Sewing machines. All makes repaired or electrified. 18 IV. Livingston Ave.. Celoron. N.Y. Phone 77^565. I' Laundry CURTAINS neatly done. 81.00 pair and up Ph. 48-891 RURAL PLUMBING Light home repairs ph. 55-519 Route, Television Repair Singer Sewing Center Free service on all make sewing machines. Phone 3938. ZIPPER SERVICE ON ANYTHING Luggage and purses repaired. Cut your shoe cost in half with Pllato s Shoe Repair. 588 E. 2nd St. Tregjjot Mower Service A-l MOWER & GARDEN TRACTOR SERVICE We sharpen and repair all makes of hand and power mowers on the latest modem equipment. . We repair all makes of garden trac- tors. I Authorized parts and repair service for Briggs a Stratton. Clinton. Lauson, Continental and Pincor Engines. Pic IRONING neatly done your home, factory authorised TV Service, An- or mine. Will pickup and deliver, tenna installations. Ph. 95-356. «* Foote Ave. LOITS RADIO AND T.V. We service all makes. Ph. 92-098 also housecleaning. Ph. 99-560. >—————i——._——- ii in —————— I i • • - •' Movteg. TteeJdeg, Storage AAA—All types of general trucking, clean attics, cellars, garages. Ashes and rubbish hauled away. Household moving, delivery service REASON- ABLE. Phone 3901. PHONE Classified Ads 7-111 or 4-958 For Quick Results j H KERM JOHNSON T.V. Television and radio service my pro- fession—not a sideline. PHONE 32-912 Pickup and Delivery Service LATONA TV & APPLIANCE JAMESTOWN UNIT PARTS CO.. INC. MCCARTNEY RADIO - T.V. Ph. Lakewood 7247 or 6278 NORM SMITH TV Phone 97400 214 Washlngto TV, radio, antenna service Authorised GE Television Sales and Service n St PHIL'S RADIO-TV SERVICE ON ALL MAKES 588 E. 2nd St. 98-935 or 95-371 TIM'S T.V. SERVICE 208 West 4th Street Jamestown, New York Phone 7-195 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED POWER AND HAND Have it sharpened on our Precision machine. A few minutes here will *mvt hours in the sun. Filegar Saw & Mower Service STRUNK ROAD PHONE 99-350 Tree Sorgoon TREES trimmed and removed Full insurance. Free estimates. James- town Tree Service Co. Phone 35-714. Well Drilling House calls $375. Guaranteed service r C /< L. r _.j,„_ |L,J "27AJ1 on an makes. Ph. 32-341. 2Qi Buf- *-• ocnermernorn, Lkwd. .5/oo faio St. i WATER WELL DRILLING Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23/Jamestown NY Post J… · Knut Johnson, bungalow...

Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23/Jamestown NY Post J… · Knut Johnson, bungalow north i s*nc"onca °f ei, I- , e c, cou5iy nla. N.Y.. $189.51. County Court side of


JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL-Thuimday S w i n g , June 3, 1954 I'I m • ' ' i* m i. i i , i i ii i i I.I

4 HffwNps .*

Polio Chapter Not Running Survey. Webeck Declare!

NtW ErTgland Mutual Lift Insurance months. $4.68, one month, 8* .58. Company. i , MISSED COPIES

Aseig » » t »f I w t m t _ If you fail to receive fwxr coyy call C h a n t a u q a a ^ ^ o n e J _ S _ 5 k > Trust the Post-Journal before 7 P.M. e*>

Company to Equitable Life Assurance cent on •aaoMnttosv

AgTee eat 2 New England Mutual Life Insurance Company and Theodore W. Berenson.

V^* • _^_v % *• # «a _i_y as _ • _ • *

Tor rates l o Foreign Cou ntrtes Dial 7-1U. Mail Subscription Clark.

: ' Hedberg Bakery h&To Build Addition

rasse.t . f W. Berenson to New Eng-


I WILL not be responsible for any bills or debts eon-

Jamestown, N.Y.



CORffETENT HOUSEKEEPER For 2 adults. U v e m. Call at 211 E.

3rd S t f

Competent Woman Or Girl For General Housework

References. Phone 9 7 - 1 6 2 Between 1 0 : 3 0 A.M. & 4 P.M. COUPLE NEEDS elderly lady to

work evenings and weekends. 2 room furnished apartment with utilities paid is supplied in ex­change for services rendered. For full particulars call 42-352

EXPERIENi rtlculars ( INCED sal gift shop.


IRIS FOR SALE Call 4823 Every Day

Except Thursday

saleslady for jewel­ry and gift shop. Write. Box £-80. Post-Journal.

EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Johnny's Lunch. Apply in person.

Johnny's Lunch,

Matin WamtmA t _ _ _ _ U * 8

27 r Main St. x EXPERIENCED cook wanted. Apply ••' in person.

The Chautauqua County Chap­ter of the National Foundation forLJJ^SSS. , -, , Infantile Paralysis has no connec- -UBd M£Z&?% S S S S t 2 T P a n y

tton with a health survey being Of Union Grange No. 244. Patrons conducted in the area, Clayton R J oTHusbandry by Homer Firth and

mtw a, iA-r,-, r„-r~, . D • _ v Webeck. executive secretary of the i , , . - ^ NMm. «_»«•«*._. € ^ ^ m ^ ^ % ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - « * ^ a y . Of m ^ T ^ t Junk

. building and for additions, altera- Mr, Webeck said r r ^ persons X«£nueby


Dr»^iwiJaSS,. N.Y*1"1

I tions, and repairs, total work to h a v e «athered the impression that Diseaatteaaaee *t 4 .»._«* Mama ooat an estimated $51,522, Tues- the survey has something to do Ctf D ^ U * e d Auto Fjuns * Junk

i day. jwrth a polio vaccine test for the Imra o y j^„J_2_t * The followmg building permits *"*• H e ••** t*"8 *» *** true and casimir St. George d.b.*.. Silver;

I g j g ^ a S S S r ° " 5 £ sanctioned" b? « X r " P 3 T c o u i S ^ M ^ i l ^ i J s & f i r r S : ? * & & Knut Johnson, bungalow north i s * n c " o n c a °f e i , I- , e c , c o u 5 i y nla. N.Y.. $189.51. County Court

side of Hillcrest Avenue. $3,000. !chapter or the National Founda- Leona studd WatsVn 3 a ? E . 5th K f t 2 ? £ i S . t ? 5 f 2 , ? L , Z S S ^ S K ^ U ' r W*hock _ , * * . ^ m t v U ^ J S T S ^ £ ^ r A S « g l CALL SOW g appotntmant LIBERTY RESTAURANT b o o s e , east side of Delaware Ave- Mr. Webeck said the county town. N.Y.. Supreme Court. Interlock MRS. M A K I A METS, 861 W_ 5TH ST j 113 N. Main St. nue, $10,500. i chapter has received numerous torjj Judgment of Divorce. Swedish massage and steam baths GIRL TO LIVE IN and care for 2

children while mother works. Good! home in preference to high wages. Inquire 10" 2nd Ave.. Falconer, Wednesday or Thursday evening.

GIRL WANTED Want a good job, down-town, in a

pleasant office? If you're a good typist, friendly with -people and a nice person to have around, you'll dS. Five day week, alternate Sat­urday mornings. Write, giving ex­perience and starting salary wanted, to Box B-81 Post-Journal. ^

GOOD PLAIN COOK To live in at Agnes Home. Pleasant

atmosphere among 23 friendly girls. 6 Broadhead Ave. or Phone 6065 Jamestown. LADY TO CARE for bed ridden pa­tient from 1 P.M. to 11 P.M. Phone 93-966 or 95-363.

Stenographers Typists


Manufacturers Employment Bureau

308 PINE ST.


n S t t p f T W I l C w , 21

Ixperi Fun

SALES GflRL Experienced' lor ladies ready to wear.


Help Woirtao, 21

TYPIST We- have an opening for aa exper­

ienced typist who would like a 'tlon in a convenient

tlon. Aptitude for ble. Writ* Box

L-80, Post-Journal.

YOUNG WOMAN For interesting work in centrally lo-

WOMAN > take areof4_->e .r g j g j g ? w ^ S ^ A ^ E * ! ^

. ladies dresses and coats. it position, good salary. Ap-

*a. Utt E. 2nd S t

boy while mother works. Call after 6 P.M. 91-573. Journal.

DISFIGURING HAIR NunzK) Conti. bungalow east side calls during the past week concern- rS*** Z'J****^**!^ T 3 ^ * ' of Niagara Street. $10,000. ing the survey and he wished to ffl^Ereet: Fafiner^N? (Now^I A , , . , „ , h > m « n M M f n , . „ M t , , r^ . Grayson's, new store front and|emphasize that there was no con- ing at ConewanJS VaiieyY-iiy\T S ^ AmJveTby M r s ^ n a ^ t i v X f7 alteration*, 13 East Third Street, nectton between any survey and £?*??,* ^°5,rt' Interlocutory Judgment Fairmount Ave. Ph. 65*0.

:|»»0«. the chapter of National Foundation ^ Hedberg Bakery, build block ga­

rage one story block and veneer j • • > lf l addition, subject to approval New L e Q I O l l l O I IIStOII York State Department of Labor. _ * - 5 f w " » w •ss*»*ais at 908 North Main Street, $8,500. Jam?* DeAng io appry sidii • ^ K l O y ; L O U f l t y iwrf and dwelling, 328 Alien Street, c ^ • CM. A i2ooo. Session Saturday ilflW*£Sl &S" g 8 r a g e ; »*« • « « » • « the Ira Lou

PermiN iuimi for additions al- Sp™* Post, American Legion, will! JUDGE

estimated costs were


At a Term of the County Court. County of Chautauqua. State of New York, held at the County Court House at Mayville. New York, on the 24th day of May. 1954.


FXXJNDATION GARMENTS Smart Form now offers new Spring

feature* in White Summer Mesh Nylon Marquisette. Patented Fea­tures. Magic Seam. All in one for largo figures up to 52 size. Corse-tieres wanted. Phona 3730. 225 Wellman Bldg.

NUBONE CORSET SERVICE Alice G. Cuiien. 269 S. Main St.

Ph. 56-495-

Lost ems! rotiao

Vacation Guide Vacation Resorts, Boats, Sports Equipment.

Where to Dine, Cottages for Rent. Good Things to Eat, Antiques and Hobbies.

Where to Dine e-A

Post Home. 15 East Fifth Street. of DOROTHY MARIE VAN ESKEY

John W. Eckman. interior altera- J l ' *!JfeU u?u i t a£o nr * e , n « w ! f o r fe^e »«chvige her name to tiens 45 Bush Street $1000 commander, heads the list of postj DOROTHY ANN VAN ESS

O a V S J ^ e r o ^ m e ga^ge. 64,?«fer. to be installed by H o f ° D o S r ^ , M A s ^ % i ^ g g ? Hammond Street. $600. ^ f f n ^ ' L ^ 1 1 ^ ^ V « S ? « * * ^ ^ paySPSr

JfSJe^dwS^ Avenue. $500. | J ^ w officer, a«Johet l Wheet) g S and stead of her pres^nt^narne6

and the court being satisfied that aaid petition is true and it appear

the Annllcation! KEYCHAIN LOST ^ l t , o n Between Cherry and Main, on 3rd

Phone' 21-055. St. LOST: BROWN WALLET in or near

Celoron Park, May 31st. Contains valuable papers. Reward. Ph. Pan-ama 2585.

LOST: Brown part Cocker doe in the vicinity of Bust! and Stillwater. Reward. Ph. 85-172.

Eugene Wensley. install window. J10"1*' . J a m e s ? ? 2 * " ! * i a c k

» Johnson Street, $50 Loux, vice commanders; Dale Cor-i £ " A * £ T r V S n . four-foot'fy- treasure^ Percy Seoor chap- ^ ^ J ^ t f * gg . th .

fence back property line. 241 S ' , W ' N e , S O n : a d J u l a n t i . ^ ' " o reasonable objection to the change a Street S50 J o n n " ° " e y . m e m b e r of the board I of name proposed.

LOST: SMALL Chihuahua dog Fri­day afternoon In the vicinity of Wicks Ave. Answers to name of

"Dick*" Please contact 42-254 of whereabouts. Reward.

LOST: GUERNSEY Heifer on Pan­ama. Clymer town line Road. Phone Panama 2817 or 2520.




Fresh Shrimp AS ALWAYS



l e e t o end Accessories 4 1

in. one who prefers g> Ph

or write C. L. Bunce. Ripley.


homeLiIo! P « v a ^ P * * " * MIDDLE AGED housekeeper _ood h e .

, ^, c «rrx westfieid. Sat. Nite Smorgasbord 5 to 7



Complete Line of Accessories

Almgrcn's Marine Sales 6: Service

Fluvanna Ph. 92-601

RESPONSIBLE WOMAN work 1 or 2 To assist with house

days per week. Phon«r 64 234.

Good Things to l o t 42

Help W o e f d , Male 22


M * J c « e p n i n e ^ i i i c a . i i e w f r c ^ - s . i ; . , r ^ &„„n^ , t o r c h floor, 67 West Fourteenth . r o u ° w m g me installation cererno- M t e r N e w y attorneys for said • treat $20 \mes, de legates for the county Le- petitioner, it is

Allen Ca'rr. three-foot fence r e a r ; « « " convention will meet The i O R D E R E D , tha* the «»d Dorothy of tot. 37 Gwendolyn Avenue. S17., county conclave wiU be held Sat-1 K t h S i U t o ^ a s i a m ^ t l ^ n a ^ ^

J a m e s Dietrick, make window, ur^ay i n f redon ia . Dorothy Ann Van Ess in the place alterations, 56 Grant Street, $15.' Outgoing Commander Frederick j and stead of her present name, on

St. and business section on Newton Ave. Black and white Jacket. Size 50. Ph. 73-294. Reward. .


Certified Seed Potatoes New maple syrup, N.Y.S. Dairy

Cheese fruit and vegetables

KEITH'S MARKET Westfieid. N.Y. Ph. 344M

Five Churches Again to Join In Pork Services Union Gospel services wiU again

be held on Sunday evenings n Fen ton Park. The cooperating churches and groups will be:

LEARN TO DRIVE taHs2r^^ S p^sirnofheArt?cr6ylnof Johnson Private Driving School Lou Spring Posts annual report. the C | v „ R|gnUl U w n a m e l y . T h a t , U C E N S E D B Y S T A T E D F N.Y. at the installation meeting. Also the petitioner cause this order and purtkJr i c Qc^ H P Q7 4?1 meeting at the same time will be the papers upon which it was grant- r rn/iic JJ-VJJ \JI\ ^7I-JL\

(the Ira Lou Spring Post Auxiliary.

Jamestown Man Hurt in Crash

CORKY — William Loveland, 56. R.D.I, Jamestown, suffered back | Pf00,^0,* «?h^pubMcatTon by affidavit

ed to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Chautauqua within ten (10) days from the date hereof, and that within ten (10) days from the date of the entry of said order, the petitioner cauae a copy thereof to be published in the Jamestown Evening Post-Journal, a newspaper published in said County of Chautauqua, and within thirty (30) days after the making of this order

Chandler Street Baptist . First Mis- a n r . - ^ u ini,,,.;,*. ; n a n al,tnmrth«l«»!be f l , * d a n d recorded in the Office of i See George H. Larson, 304 E. 2nd sion Covenant Jamestown Citv -J? . i n J U o W m a n , a u t o m o D l i e

t the Gerk of the County of Chau-f St. Phone 6822 or 682& Represent-sion covenant , J ames iown c i t y a c C K j e n t Tuesday on Route 6, one. tauqua. and after such requirements Rescue Mission, Salvation Army, I h a l { m i l e e a s t o { ^ c i t y are compiled with, the

eqi ild

PIANO LESSONS In your home. Children and adults.

Write Post-Journal Box H-80.

I 8-A GOING AWAY? Accident expenses

paid. Only 50c for a week—T. N. Nelson Agent 1117 Prendergast ori% 627 E. 2nd St

MORTGAGE INS. anyone can afford.





25 AND 45


petitlon-Zion Mission Covenant Church. , ^ S t o t P o l i j>atr<)1 stated ( ^ J•***&..Marie VanlEskey shall

The services will begin on Sun- t h a t i^ve-lanrf wa^ t r w i i n * west ^ 5 f te.ruJune ^ J9!?- be.klH!wn

j a l , ^ , a - t__ T,,I„ A *ZA n,i\\ %«_ m a x U)yeiar)a was traveling w e s t a , an(i by the name of Dorothy Ann day evening July 4, and will con- ^^ highway and another west- Van Ess, which she is hereby auth-tinue on each Sunday evening bound car operated by Morris L. Ior t2ed to assume, and by no other through Sept 5. Each service will w 17 R .D . Spring Creek, struck h*™*' Hu_h v N Mi1tm begin promptly at 7:15 P M . and ^'TW o f ^ ^ e s t o w n motor- W&AS oSSff Judge with the exception of July 4 and arM machirM? Gertrude C. Phiibiad, Dep. * Sept. 5, will be -preceded by a D a r n a g e to Way's automobile wa I g j * , band concert beginning at 7^.M. ^ ^ ^ a t $400 and $150 to Love-l i l^l iJ

This concert will be conducted by ^'i car, police said. The Salvation Army Band.

The services will be conducted by the churches ace « 13 schedule: July 4, Zion Mission Church; July 11, Salvation Army; j July IS, First Mission Church; July 25, Salvation Army; Aug. 1. Res-


(Recorded June 1) Frank J. Saldl and one to Henry E.

cue Mission, August 8, First Mis- Borgstrom and one. Jamestown—51


GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW Notice is hereby given that the

Town Superintendent of Highways. Town of Poland. Chautauqua County will receive sealed bids for the pur­chase of Bituminous Materials, the Highway Department's requirements for 1954.

Specifications may be obtained at

ing Farm Bureau Ina. Co.. Cohun-bus. Ohio.

Help Wonted, Ftmote 21 2 Girls wanted for photo work, to

learn printing. Must be between the ages of 20 to 35. Apply in person Saturday between 2 and 5 P.M. No phone calls accepted.

GLEN RAY PHOTO 228 E. 2nd St.

Foot of Prendergast A GIRL WANTED Friday thru Mon­

day for job through gummer at lake cottage, to assist with house­work. Must have experience. Good wages. Ph. 22-542.




Boots end Accessories 4 8 16 FT. GARWOOD utility. 95 H P .

Chrysler engine. Boat and engine completely reconditioned. New cov-er. Call 98-160 or 96-666.

16-foot Thompson boat 12-foot Wolverine, A-l 22^ 'H.P . Johnson motor, like new,

trailer 152 Sampson St.

17 FT. INBOARD 18 ft. Mullens

Reasonable. Ph. 96-815 after S P.M. 18-FOOT Century Sea Maid, like

new. 24 engine hours, substantial reduction from original cost. Phone 581J1 Cuba, N.Y.

Evinrude Sportwin Motor 3.3 horse power, 2 cylinders, alter­

nate firing, full reverse, weedless. excellent condition. $100. Inquire Knapp Electric Co. Phone 55-105.



Jamestown Cycle Shop, Inc.

Martin Motors Sales — Service — Parts

LAKEWOOD SPORTS SHOP Lakewood. N.Y. Ph. 7365

SPECIAL Glass casting rods, regular S3 95

$1 .95 While They Last Lures, lines, reels or rods, we have

it. Special prices and no parking problems. Come in and browse around.

C. W. JOHNSON 547 Buffalo S t Ph. 4-742

Lake Cottogri 41 3 ROOMS — BATH — PRIVATE —


4-rm. lakefront. Boat A dock. Now til June 19. half price. Aug. 21 A

on. Excellent location. Phone 35-313. COTTAGE or rooms now renting by

season, month or week. Private beach. Inquire Willow Ron Golf Course on 17J. E. L. Nasn, West Lake Road, Mayville. N.Y.

FOR RENT BY SEASON OR SALE Pleasant Lakefront Home

Call 64-876 FOR RENT

Modern Lake Lrle Cottage Ph. 97-761

LAKE cottage tor rent at Stockholm. 84-811.

Point All conveniences. Call

18-FT. CABIN CRUISER Complete with Trailer and Equipment

Ph. 46-595 20-FOOT inboard runabout style.

Needs spring outfitting. Must sell. $150. Inquire Keller's Store, R t 17J at Vukote.

25 MILES PER HOUR boat, complete, with motor and trailer. 14 ft. Cen­tury. Steering wheel, seat cush-| ions, canvas cover, and lights. Priced to move. Ph. 6075 days.


Chautauqua Lake Marine Works

Prendergast Pt. Ph. Sted. 2465


RACING SAILBOAT Nice shape, reasonable. Write Post-

Journal Box R-80. SAIL BOAT. Snipe Class.

Complete. Ready to sail. $300 Ph. 52-213.

USED LYMAN ISLANDERS Giaut. Lake Boat Yard Mayville, N.Y. Ph. 5201

MODERN 3 BEDROOM Lakefront home, near Chautauqua, $7S

weekly for June. $100 weekly for July and August. Richard Wilcox. Phone Mayville 2-685.

SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM nicely fur-nished home on Lake front. Very desirable location with shaded lawn and 125 foot private beach. Season rental only. Phone 63-206.

Summer Apartment 3 rooms — bath — enclosed porch —

private — on lake — 1% miles from town — good fishing — etc — furnished — 2 to 4 — June — Sept. $20 weekly July-Aug. $25 weekly. Box Y-80.

write Post-Journal

Vocation Resorts 61-A

Thompson Lyman Boats Easy Payments Available Sports Equipment 48-A

• MAN'S LEFT handed matched golf n RECONDITIONED MOTORS c iUbs. Excellent condition. 4 woods. 2 H.P. Evinrude $30' 1 0 irons. Ph. 42-954 evenings. 3 H.P. Elgin 3.6 Scott Atwater 5 H.P. Elgin 5 H.P. Mercury 16 H.P. Johnson 15 H.P. Evinrude

COLLIN'S SPORT SHOP 109 — 111 E. 3rd Sf>

$50 $70 $65 $85

$150 $250

'NEW ?l

\ TRI-ANGLE, COUNTRY home camp; boys and girls, 7-12. Flexible pro­gram, sports, riding, $25 weekly. Folder, Box 26, Dewlttville. N.Y.


Furnished 5 rooms and screened liv­ing porch. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, 50 x 200 sandy beach, boat, 75 ft. dock.

cal -UO Savase rifle- Weav- C o n n e l l v P a r k D e a l ^ ^ owner cai. 340 Mvage i le. weav w , , t e P o s t . J o u r n a l Box Q^ ,er J 4 scope. $66. Swiss fix spinning

reel, extra spool. John Shield

Bullfrog Hotel Looking for a Musical Instrument

Read Musical Merchandise

LAKEFRONT 2 - bedroom cottage. Completely furnished. Ready to live in. Electric stove and refrigerator. Call Lakewood 5608.

Want Ads find oaoerhangers

sion Church, August 15. Chandler! w ^ f i ^ , , . I * * Er,&k,. ,on _V G o r d t m H l t m » office of the Superintendent of Street Baptist Church; Aug. 22 J ^ i n e y E - a t i e r t f o S o l A. Arnold. g e ^ k T r ^ w n ^ i l S » d ° f ^ T ° W n

Rescue Mission, August 29. Zion Chautauqua-si. i a | u * n T ° ^ „£?>£' fri-i i« •.,*

Mission Church; and S e p t 5th C ^ A ^ o h n ^ o a and o n e ^ ^ ^ \ J ^ 0 ^ ^ n % ^ T o ^ n ^ t Chandler Street B a p t i s t C h u r c h . ^ c i S r n ^ G . S_fhle° "A a F W i v f i o n I ™ _ % > W ' & . & T s . 0 v ? ° T i m T i

These churches have been coop-Army. Eii icott-$i . nS_, • p i 3_ a*y * « K v l .n g *!• I erating in union services for sev- ^ufrane Corp, to Stanley S c h u t u ' # £ * , * „ ^ o p £ e d

w h t c h l l m e «•», eral years and have Often enjoyed Wilde Oil Corn to The Texas Co ' T n e T o w n Superintendent of High-! attendances of tnore than 1,000 Gerry-$l . w ; ways reserves the right to reject any ,

Louis A. Mott to John Bostlc and o r a ' ' °}<™- _, . one Hanover—$1 Harold brlcsson

Leona Damlco to Dominic D. Dami- T , o w n Superintendent of Highways I co and one. Hanover—$1. ,-_• V™'"- o f ,^1*5?

Anthony S. Fadale et al to Louis, V " t e d ; J u n e J» 1 9 5 4-Guglno and one. Pomfret—$1. j J u n e 3

Lvelyn M. Wright et al to Maurice;" ——-——-—-____________ F. Orton and one. Ripley—$1. _ •».—.__, . _ . . — * . . . . . onil'SocSonlS Leon ^ ^ and| ™E POST-JOURNAL

j Chautauqua County to Luther H. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Derby. Stockton—$8.46. Delivered by Carrier and Motor



Catholic Youth Plans Election; Outing June 13

Awnings EJtetrical Sorvicts Permallte Aluminum Awnings, Stor

Master Aluminum Comb. Doors— New Permallte Aluminum Comb. Windows. Free EsUmate.

ROOF SIDE CO. PH. 46-970

Brick and Stono Work BLOCK AND BRICK WORK Luther H. Derby and one to Leon A.l Routes to Cltv and ciuburh-n <suh-

The Catholic Youth Council of j Derby and one. stockton-$i. servers. 3fc rc^ t e s t tuRa DOT ; SS. Peter and Pauls Chuixh wiU .J5*™nLc'vnuiHk. % Dav id Murray year

bold election of officers at4he last and onc' V , U X r t g a ? M regular meet ing of the school year, Theodore W. Berenson to New Eng- taraueua Counlv NV* « - - * - 5T-*

• in the school auditorium tonight. • }»nd Mutual Life Insurance. James- g o ^ y p f n n s y V - - - ^A-???? i CHIMNEYS.__STEPS, .FIRLPLACtb.

.Chimneys a specialty. Carpentry. Delivered by mall to R.F.D. Box- Home building and repair. Don

holders in Chautauqua County. Cat-' Klinginsmlth, Sinclalrvllle 2652.

Newly elected officers and new town—S25.000. One year. W.00, six months, $4.50. three months Charles E. Geer and one to First to vt nn# month « v

s e n s o r s will be installed at the N^ional B « k . Jamestown. James- » g - M , ! l T N e w Y o r k State and _ ? T h ^ S _ _ T c Y C " J u n e ! ^ ^ T ° « ™ , ™ - . ^ Pennsylvania, ouUlde the above

C outing wiU s _ _ S k ^ f i » _ 2 2 K _ S ? i_VS_J?n_.-«to a a m e < 1 Counties: One year $12.00. six also be held June 13. at the Villa, $rax) ° f J a m w l o w n ' J a m M t o w n - month* $6.50. three month. $3.50.* on. j B e m u s Point. Leonard V. Klaybor and one to Man-' T ' V i i S th* II «5 A rt,.t«id* New !

Immediate ly preceding tonight's ! g j " ur


n i . * ™ « Trust Company. Y£l ^ f f i ^ S pSnsyfvania* On. meet ing , m e m b e r s of the CYC Gordon H Mead and one to Betty year. $18.72. six months, $9.36, three

COLE ELECTRIC Electric Contractors


Repairs to Motors and all Electrical Appliances

NORGE DEALERS Range unit and water heater

element* by Chromolox 311 Fluvanna Ave. Ph 84-605

ELECTRICAL work. House wiring. Ph. Charles Fisk, Jr.

Lakewood 4738. ELECTRIC WIRING

, « . , , v.*,-.-- FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES better^ chimney at a lower L i n q u e s t E lec tr ic C o . , Inc .

209 Pine St. Ph. 7-l$y



HtotiiKj It Plumbic

Conewango Valley Hardware Ph. E1L 2717 Ch. Cr. 3971



Sharp Heating & Plumbing Co., Inc.

Nights 3-835 Cor. 4th A Clinton Sts. Ph. 6-042.

Moving,, Trucking. Storooo A-l Local Trucking — DeUverlng


SHREDDED PAPER for packing or crating,

also Fork Lift truck for rent CHAUTAUQUA STORAGE _

and Transfer Co*.

For a price, call Bentley STEPS BARBECUES PORCHES Ph. 94-536 or Cherry Creek 4481

FREE estimates on either «;as or oil i . . , , v and Coal furnaces given free. | LONG DISTANCE HAULING terms can be arranged up to 36; AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES

Expert wVkman- 9 2 9 Monroe S t Ph. 72095

Cultural Committee will present Jane Erickson. Bust I—$1,500. the one-act play. "The Sight of v,lDT

cen_ v__ B_Ig^.t,?.1 and W__*2JF*1-the Blind." Members of thTcast eral ^ n _ _ U S g . ? , U _f iS_«?' S 0 0

are Jean Morton, Mary Eileen Union Trust Co. to Frank J. Saldi Weten, Patricia Palmer and Rich- *nj? one„ ard Murray. The play is based g^

te Bank- M*yv»"«. to Vance Hap-Upon an incident in the life of St. Louis A. Mott to Raymond L. Smith Bridget . and onc. ^ n c i n g and games will foUowi ^'^^IZnX'rLm^^' | h e CYC meet ing. First National Bank of Boston to

Vegetable Stand

AC ROSS SS Tribe 1 Hardy type of 5 8 Royal Italian

cabbage family name 9 cabbage 37 Born • Garden

vegetable 12 Assam

si lkworm 13 Age 14 Within

(comb, form) lft Termini lft Upper limb 17 Solar disk 18 Placard 20 Shrubs

58 Trial

DOWN 1 Retain 2 Italian river 3 Covers 4 Oriental 5 Erects 6 Make a

mistake 7 A frost ft Perforated


Answer to Previous Puzila

KQL1U • l Jf JUL! | D U O

LJCJULIU u u u t d a u r j —-—• rjWL^I i wrjraca e___ iJLitj u u r j L i L IL_LJ:J aH_s_3t_rj%?ac3c_ai_D t_L!uuuu raacjkst mi f J L i _ i j r i u i i u i i _ ; j •••• r juci^rjUEiu •-__— us l a u i lut i -, n n t i u i i anuaauQ_3L__3L_LJu a a _ l u u u c i i y i ir ju

21 Halt 39 Green 24 Cicatrit 40 Rugged 25 Apple center mountain spur 26 Mineral rocks 41 Frighten 27 Finished 42 Story 28 String 43 Rubber trees

s name 44 Lease 10 German nver30 Asiatic weight 46 Vex 11 Units of 32 Quotation 47 Harem rooms

weight 35 Bargain event48 Canvas shelter 19 Eternity 36 Derogate 51 Scottish river

!__3a__5.«°»,-o~->»?« 24 Contemn 27 Obscure 28 Wager SI on tha

cob 22 l e t cream

container 22 Greek letter 24 Exit* 25 War Me 2ft m a t of the

pa lm tree 2?Lefal#oifit 22 Goddess of

infatuation » Punitive

| 40 Winglike pert .__! 41 Harden % 42T*wer

"ftSRabbrti favorite vegetable

42 Toward the sheltered side

50 Feminine appellation

82 Military assistant

• 83 Church fast T eeaeon ; 84 Above (contr




Day of Publication Classified Display

4 F.M. 2 days before

publication 3 LINE MINIMUM

Noa CoMinorciel Cask Rotes

8 DAYS.. '2.11 3 PAVS..$135

Box Reply Ads 25c If Called For

50c If Mailed Ako«« ease rates may »« earnad alto

on *di which kava baan eharaad fROVIOeO Out a.ti n paM ea or ketera tha dtsceaat date shown on year statement Cat* most accent* pany ordais from Mihida tht Pott* Joarnal'i circatatio* area. All tit-u*don wanted. Auction and Com­plete MousaaoM Saws era cask ta edveecs.


Cellars du Mason

BULLDOZING land clearing Charles Randolph 3-415.

Carpentry Work A-l Birch Kitchen Cabinets

BY THE WOODCRAFT Formica tops and restaurant counters Free estimates, 10 years experience

in kitchen cabinets. Ph. 74-3*2 or 86-841. 7jM___| E. 2nd.

All Kinds of Carpenter Work

Remodeling, also new buildings Tel. 5-893






A. E. WESTBURGH 91-100 E. 1st St. Ph. 3-^22 of 3-922 HOUSE WIRING


Royal Electric & Appliance 10 E. MAIN ST., FALCONER

PH. 3-027

LAKEWOOD ELECTRIC All types wiring. Jamestown city li­

cense. 23*_W. Summit, Lakewood. Ph. 7111.


months to pay. ship.

BYRON F0ULKROD 641 Foote Ave. Phone 54-763

FURNACES Coal, OU or Gaa

Free Estimates

KALAMAZOO 107 N. Mam St. Phone 99-085

MOTKI— TW H mmlf _(_»_«'_ __________0

amy s lecarrast


REPAIR SERVICE ON Televisions, radios, phonographs, aut-

Have Boothcraft's well known for-1 omatic washers-, refrigerators, dish mica tops and birch kitchen cab- washers and disposals, inete to fit and last. T U r T R A D l N n P f r S T

BUY ONLY THE BEST i n c ' Iftlr\UsT1tJ TVJOl E. Linus j o h w o n . Owner . __. H A R D W A R E S T O R E S


Day &c Night Service PHONE


54-854—73 Summit



DAVIS ROOFING & SIDING 64 17th St. - 98-120


P__L 86-681 SPOUTING, PAINTING, chimney and

roof work of all kinds. Free astl-mates. Ph. Jamestown 64-366

RING. E. RANDOLPH, N Y . PH 32-965


Rites. Carpet Geanina, Overhead Door

Overhead Door Sales Co. Allen Carpet & Upholstery

USING KARPET-KARE ' five section. $79.50 Phone James­town 95-366.

Latest design overhead door, 8 x 7, 'Exclusive product developed by Big-elow-Saniord Carpet Co. Authorized and trained. Wall or yardage. Phone Lakewood 3303. Free Estimate.

A i DIM D rADi c v Chautauqua Rug & Upholstery ALOlPt K. UAKLoUiN I Furniture, rugs cleaned at home or

Interior and exterior patnUng. paper I P'ckup, delivery service. 88-143. _hanging. Ph 75-861 or 6-703. ! G A R F I E L D R U G C L E A N I N G

Pointing, Pope-ring,

CALL ARTHUR WHITMAN for' D painting and papering. Frewsburg! R"« c l e ? n i n « * specialty not a klda 3-653. line. 31 Linden Ave. Pb. 6-787


308 E. 3nd St. Pa. 6-S43

CARL 0 . ROSE # Painting Contractor Retailing Devoe Paints

1211 E. 3rd St. Ph. 42-385 FOR papering and interior painting,

Call 96-384 evenings. 14 Scott St. I From 5-7 P.M.

Septic Teaks

122 East 2nd St. Ph. 6-080


PH. 65-654 FOR FREE estimates on carpenter

and cement work, new buildings and remodeling work, call Thomas Mallare. Tel. 84-773.


Formica and Tile Work J VV. Batavich Ph. 94-215

OPEN 8 A.M. • 5:15 P.M.

Monday thru Friday 8 A . M . . 5:00 P.M.


The Post-Journal 311-13 Washington S t

PHONE 7-111 or 4-958


S. E. JOHNSON MFG. CO. Mfg. _ designers of bank fixtures,

office partitions, bar fixtures, walk in coolers, special custom work.

148-152 Hopkins Ave. Jamestown, N.Y. Phone 6708 — 83642.

Cement Work CALX

JOSEPH L0DICO , For concrete cellar floors, sidewalks

and curbing construction or drive­ways. 215 WtUow Ave. Free •8t^ mates. Phone f_H___8_.

Proismekinoj. Sowing DRESSMAKING. HEMS AND

ALTERATIONS. NORA ROBBINS 624 Prendergast Ph. 95-336


PHONE 91-484.

Lakewood, Phone Lakewood 7-525—! 7-473.

Fwrnrtere Upholstery


Installed and serviced Free Estimates—Reasonable Rates

THORPE & KING. INC. Falconer. N.Y. Tel. 83-391

Bed given away free with purchase of every box spring and mattress. Limited time only.

Call Lakeland Upholstery 714 NORTH. MAIN ST. PH. 32-175

General Tool Grinding


304 Pine S t Ph. 8-751 Nights 84-278

GENERAL SAW FILING Tools and Shears Grinding

N. D. WHITFORD 28 Ohio Ave.. Lakewood. N.Y.

Phone Lakewood 4-551

Hooting ft Plumbing AIR CONDITIONING



SPRINCHORN & CO. 501 W. 3RD PH. 4-116





G. M. THORPE AND CO. Phone 8-823

ELMER S. ANDERSON Distributor of Odorleaa Keystone*

Paints. Phone 5-751.

Interior and Exterior Decorating, free estimates. Phone


SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED *aold A Installed. Free estimates


"SERTC TANKS CLEANED and installed. Waterman's Septic Tank Service. Phone Stedman 2-3». If no answer phon* Stedman 2-307.

INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Painting. Free estimates, Reasonable

rates. Ph. 96-143.

Sewing MecWne Repair Lakewood Sewing Machine Service

Offers complete checking, adjusting and lubrication, at $2. Electde Con­version $22.50. Phone 17-810-25.

REPAIRS PAINTING AND DECORATING Elvln J. Bollock. 71 Hazzard St. Ph.

97-605. PAPERTNG done reasonable" Any

size Job. Book now for outside spring painting. Ph. 95-413 eve.


Key Shops

A. W. ( H E ) MEUBAUER Residential — Commercial—Industrial

Electrical contracting service and sales. 321 Washington St.. cor. W. 4th. Phone day or night 84-105.

All Kinds of Electrical Contracting


B & E E1£CTRIC CO. INC. 106 E. 1ST ST. PHONE 3483

Before Buying Your Fuel For Next Winter

Investigate the Winkler Low-Prea-ure Gas or Oil Burners. The Wink­ler L. P. burners heat for >A the cost of coal, or high pressure Oil burners and at lower coat than stokers. Sea the Winkler burner demonstrated at oar office, or at your home. Furnaces for Gas. Oil and Coal. All makes cleaned and repaired.

Call day or night 3-705 for free es­timate


C. RAYMOND CARLSON Plumbing & Heating

Repair Work $32 Fluvanna Ave Ph. 5-983

Residency 1112 N. Main

KEYS MADE, LOCKS INSTALLED Repairs a specialty. Lawn mower

sharpening and sharpening of all kinds. Lee's Key and Repair. 219V* Washington. Ph. 6-712.

New -and Repair Work. Free Estim-^ ates. Phone 83-711 or 98-135.

• IW t i l W Iff Q • r4V_Wsfle

RURAL WIRING * PLUMBING Ap-iiance dealer. Wasslnk Bros, hone 2333 Panama N. Y.

Sewing machines. All makes repaired or electrified. 18 IV. Livingston Ave.. Celoron. N.Y. Phone 77^565.


Laundry CURTAINS neatly done.

81.00 pair and up Ph. 48-891

RURAL PLUMBING Light home repairs ph. 55-519

Route, Television Repair

Singer Sewing Center Free service on all make sewing

machines. Phone 3938.

ZIPPER SERVICE ON ANYTHING Luggage and purses repaired. Cut

your shoe cost in half with Pllato s Shoe Repair. 588 E. 2nd St.

Tregjjot Mower Service A-l MOWER & GARDEN

TRACTOR SERVICE We sharpen and repair all makes of hand and power mowers on the latest modem equipment. .

We repair all makes of garden trac­tors.

I Authorized parts and repair service for Briggs a Stratton. Clinton. Lauson, Continental and Pincor Engines.


IRONING neatly done — your home, factory authorised TV Service, An-or mine. Will pickup and deliver, tenna installations. Ph. 95-356. «*

Foote Ave.

LOITS RADIO AND T.V. We service al l makes. Ph. 92-098

also housecleaning. Ph. 99-560. > — — — — — i — — . _ — — - i i i n — — — — — — I i • • - •'

Movteg. TteeJdeg, Storage AAA—All types of general trucking,

clean attics, cellars, garages. Ashes and rubbish hauled away. Household moving, delivery service REASON­ABLE. Phone 3901.

PHONE Classified Ads 7-111 or 4-958

For Quick Results j


KERM JOHNSON T.V. Television and radio service my pro­

fession—not a sideline. PHONE 32-912 Pickup and Delivery Service


MCCARTNEY RADIO - T.V. Ph. Lakewood 7247 or 6278

NORM SMITH TV Phone 97400 214 Washlngto

TV, radio, antenna service Authorised GE Television

Sales and Service

n S t


588 E. 2nd St. 98-935 or 95-371


208 West 4th Street Jamestown, New York

Phone 7-195


Have it sharpened on our Precision machine. A few minutes here will *mvt hours in the sun.

Filegar Saw & Mower Service STRUNK ROAD PHONE 99-350

Tree Sorgoon TREES trimmed and removed Full

insurance. Free estimates. James­town Tree Service Co. Phone 35-714.

Well Drilling House calls $375. Guaranteed service r C / < L . r _ . j , „ _ | L , J "27AJ1

on an makes. Ph. 32-341. 2Qi Buf- *-• ocnermernorn, Lkwd. . 5 / o o faio St. i WATER WELL DRILLING

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069