In Texas, How Can You Determine If You Can Sue For A Dog Bite?

How To Determine Whether It Is Possible To File suit For A Dog Bite In Texas? Dog attacks may lead to mental trauma and even major injuries. It is assumed that the pet owners are to blame for any bites or wounds caused by their dog. But, this isn't the case so, and the dog attack rules might be complicated, according to Attorney Carl Barry. It is vital to contact a capable Austin personal injury attorney who has dealt with these kinds of cases and holds an enormous experience. Texas is noted for its status as a "one bite rule" dog bite, and a person must be familiar with the defenses the dog owner may enjoy when confronting such accusations.


A personal injury can result while using a defective item, an auto or truck crash or an injury at work. If you've been wounded, it can be an emotional hardship together with a physical one. You want a settlement that will take care of any medical bills and pain and suffering you may have experienced because of your trauma. The competent team at the Barry Law Group is dedicated to passionate and innovative counsel of really injured folks in the Austin area and throughout Texas.

Transcript of In Texas, How Can You Determine If You Can Sue For A Dog Bite?

Page 1: In Texas, How Can You Determine If You Can Sue For A Dog Bite?

How To Determine Whether It Is Possible To File suit For A Dog Bite In Texas?Dog attacks may lead to mental trauma and even major injuries. It is assumed that the pet owners are to blame for any bites or wounds caused by their dog. But, this isn't the case so, and the dog attack rules might be complicated, according to Attorney Carl Barry. It is vital to contact a capable Austin personal injury attorney who has dealt with these kinds of cases and holds an enormous experience. Texas is noted for its status as a "one bite rule" dog bite, and a person must be familiar with the defenses the dog owner may enjoy when confronting such accusations.

Even though the rules linked to dog bite can differ from region to region, however there are two standard legal guidelines. The first is the liability while the pet owner was aware about or should have known about the likelihood of his dog biting on a person. The second pertains to the liability irrespective of the knowledge or info possessed by the owner of the dog. There is a legislation in Texas known as the "statute of limitations" and this is connected with the deadline for registering the case associated with a dog attack. The law offers you two years’ time to submit such a law suit in the civil court of the state, and the 2-year time begins from the date the

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incident of dog bite takes place. The courtroom is likely to call off your case without hearing it if you do not file the case within 2 yrs, as per Attorney Carl Barry.

So as to file a claim against the pet owner and recuperate damages, one will need to prove that the dog was of intense and chaotic nature. If the dog's owner is in the practice of letting his dog stroll freely in the area, the courtroom may find his behavior to be negligent. Therefore, you might possibly seek damages should you be attacked by a freely wandering dog. Even if the dog's owner was present during the time of the assault, you can easily show his negligent inability to control the dog, when the dog assaulted you.

The pet owner in Texas takes advantage of 2 defenses, the first is trespassing, and the other is lack of information. As an example, if a friendly dog bites a passing person abruptly, the pet owner can state that he was unaware of these hostile habits in his pet and so did not behave negligently. He will be able to escape legal responsibility if he can verify that the dog hadn't shown signs of aggressiveness in the past.

If you or your dearly loved one has suffered a dog bite, your first step must be to call a good Austin personal injury. The dog owner will be responsible for wounds induced by her / his dog if only he was aware of the violent nature of his pet. However, there may be exceptions and Austin Legal Help, who is an expert in these types of issues, will be able to guide on your specific case. Of course, you ought to have legal representation, if you happen to be a victim of a dog bite attack.

Barry Law Group

401 Congress Avenue#1540Austin, TX 78701

(512) 852-4327