In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training...

In Season Basketball Workouts Copyright 2012 © by Meglio Performance Systems LLC. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this manual may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This manual may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Joe Meglio, except in the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written for inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal – and these cases require written approval from Joe Meglio prior to publication. For more information, please contact: Meglio Performance Systems LLC Email: [email protected] Website:

Transcript of In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training...

Page 1: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

In Season Basketball WorkoutsCopyright 2012 © by Meglio Performance Systems LLC.

All Rights Reserved.

No portion of this manual may be used, reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including fax,

photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system

by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This manual

may not be reproduced in any form without the express written

permission of Joe Meglio, except in the case of a reviewer who

wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written for

inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal – and these cases

require written approval from Joe Meglio prior to publication.

For more information, please contact:

Meglio Performance Systems LLC

Email: [email protected]


Page 2: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to


The information in this book is offered for educational purposes only;

the reader should be cautioned that there is an inherent risk assumed

by the participant with any form of physical activity and diet. With that

in mind, those participating in strength and conditioning programs

should check with their physician prior to initiating such activities.

Anyone participating in these activities should understand that such

training initiatives may be dangerous if performed incorrectly, and

may not be appropriate for everyone. The author assumes no liability

for injury; this is purely an educational manual to guide those already

proficient with the demands of such programming.

Page 3: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Why In Season Basketball Training Is So Important

The biggest mistake many basketball players make is to stop

training once the basketball season begins. This is a huge mistake

because all the hard work in the off-season will be lost once training

is disregarded. One of the main reasons why basketball players stop

training in season is due to the amount of basketball they play on a

daily basis. Between games and practices, most high school and

college basketball players play basketball 6 days a week.

Understandably, it is very easy for basketball players to get caught up

in the rigors of practice and games and neglect the training aspect of

being a ballplayer.

Another issue is many basketball players have no distinction

between their off season training and their in season training. Many

basketball players try to carry their off season workouts to the in

season phase and once they see this is not possible, they just stop

training all together. Do not make this mistake! When you stop

training in season, your body begins to break down and you actually

get weaker as the season goes on. Not only will you loose strength,

power, speed but you will also be more prone to injury.

Your body has a limited amount of energy and the more energy

you expend in the weight room, the less energy you will have to play

basketball. Trying to get bigger, faster, and stronger during the

Page 4: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

season will decrease performance on the court. Instead, the goal of in

season training is to maintain the strength, speed, and power

developed in the off-season during the competitive season.

In season workouts need to be planned strategically to ensure

basketball players are peaking properly for the most important times

of the year (playoffs and championship games). With the in season

program outlined in this manual you will see that you are actually

getting stronger as the season goes on while the competition is

breaking down and getting weaker.

Page 5: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

In Season Training Considerations

In order to have a successful in season training program, you

have to understand a few key concepts. First and foremost, in season

training should focus on keeping basketball players healthy. Simply

put, if your not healthy you cannot play basketball at a high level and

if your injured you cannot play basketball at all. It is inevitable that

you are going to have a sore arm from practicing and playing every

day. Some days you may feel great and other days you need to rest.

In order to keep you healthy and injury free, you have to listen to your

body and make prehabilitation and rehabilitation a priority in your in

season training program.

Some other considerations include limiting the amount of speed

and agility drills you do during the season. There is nothing more

explosive or dynamic then playing basketball. In fact, every time you

jump for a rebound, playing defense, driving to the hole, you are

exerting maximal effort. Simply put, playing basketball is your speed

and agility work in season. There is no need to waste more energy

and time doing extra jumping drills or sprints in your training

especially since your coach will have you doing them at practice. By

limiting speed and agility drills during the basketball season, you will

conserve a lot of energy that will be spent playing basketball and

performing at a high level.

Page 6: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Conditioning needs to be limited during the season. A lot of

coaches and players need to understand there is a distinction

between general conditioning and basketball conditioning. Basketball

players need to have a high special work capacity. There is no better

way to condition for basketball than during the season than actually

playing basketball.

This leads right into the next point that long distance running is

not a good idea for basketball players. As mentioned above,

basketball players need a high special work capacity. For this reason,

long distance running is acceptable for distance runners but not

basketball players because it does not train the proper energy system

for basketball. While basketball players need a solid aerobic base to

help preserve heat in-between quarters and while resting on the

bench, this is not achieved through long distance running. Instead an

aerobic base is built through tempo runs and extensive medicine ball

training. Not only does long distance running train the wrong energy

system for basketball, but it the lactic loads from long distance

running will actually decrease your performance on the basketball

court. Simply put, there is no validity behind doing long distance

running so make sure you do not run miles during the season (or at

any point during the year for that matter).

In order to prepare for in season training, basketball players need to

condition their bodies to train on the same days they practice and

play games. This needs to be accomplished during the preseason

phase, when basketball players practice around 5 days a week.

Page 7: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

During the season, most basketball players have one day off. How

will they ever be able to train during the season if their bodies aren’t

conditioned and prepared for it?


Ø In Season training is important to help you peak properly when

the games count the most

Ø In Season training is important to maintain all the strength,

power, speed and agility you gained in the off-season

Ø The main goal of in season training is to keep you health and

injury free

Ø Limit the amount of speed, agility and conditioning drills you do

in season because playing basketball is your speed, agility and


Ø Your body has a limited amount of energy, use it wisely

Ø There needs to be a clear distinction between your in season

training program and your off season training program

Ø Your body has to be prepared to train on the same days you

practice and or have games

Page 8: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

The Importance of Active Recovery During The Season

What is the one thing that all elite basketball players have in

common? It is their ability to stay healthy and have long and durable

careers. How many All-Americans, DI scholarship players, and stud

high school basketball players do you know that didn’t have a healthy

and durable career? While some may have missed a portion of their

season due to injury, for the most part, all elite basketball players are

very durable and are able to stay healthy for the duration of their

career. It’s unfortunate when basketball players with remarkable

talent, cannot stay healthy and miss opportunities like getting a

scholarship or helping their team win a championship.

How To Speed Up Recovery in between Games & Practices?

Ø Do a dynamic warm-up and soft tissue work everyday

Ø Try contrast showers and Epsom salt baths

Ø Go to a chiropractor or ART practitioner

Ø Getting 8-10 hours of sleep every night

Ø Eat nutrient dense foods

Page 9: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Your In Season Training ProgramPlease note that 1A & 1B represent a superset. 1A, 1B, 1C represent a tri set.

“1A” “1B” “2A” “2B” etc…= Do 2 exercises in a row before you rest. 3A/3B/3C means do all 3 exercises in a row before you rest.

Week 1

Day1 1A) Push-ups Onto Box 4 X 2 2A) DB Goblet Squat To Box 3 X 6 2B) Neutral Grip Pull-up 3 X Submax3A) Single Leg Hip thrust 3 X 8 3B) Band Pull Aparts 3 X 153C) Plank Series 3 X

Day 21A) Box Jump 3 X 3 2A) DB Bench press 3 X 6 3B) Chest Supported Rows 3 X 6 4A) Reverse Lunge 2 X 10/10 4B) Tall Kneeling Anti-Rotation Press 2 X 30s4C) Band 90 Degree External Rotation 2 X 10

Page 10: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Week 2

Day1 1A) Push-ups Onto Box 4 X 3 2A) DB Goblet Squat To Box 3 X 8 /2B) Neutral Grip Pull-up 3 X Submax3A) Single Leg Hip thrust 3 X 10 3B) Band Pull Aparts 3 X 153C) Plank Series 3 X

Day 21A) Box Jump 3 X 4 2A) DB Bench press 3 X 8 3B) Chest Supported Rows 3 X 84A) Reverse Lunge 2 X 12/12 4B) Tall Kneeling Anti-Rotation Press 2 X 30s4C) Band 90 Degree External Rotation 2 X 10

Page 11: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Week 3

Day1 1A) Push-ups Onto Box 4 X 42A) DB Goblet Squat To Box 3 X 82B) Neutral Grip Pull-up 3 X Submax3A) Single Leg Hip thrust 3 X 103B) Band Pull Aparts 3 X 153C) Plank Series 3 X

Day 21A) Box Jump 3 X 5 2A) DB Bench press 3 X 83B) Chest Supported Rows 3 X 84A) Reverse Lunge 2 X 12/124B) Tall Kneeling Anti-Rotation Press 2 X 30s4C) Band 90 Degree External Rotation 2 X 10

Page 12: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Week 4

Day 11A) Drop Push-up 4 X 2 /2A) DB Goblet Squat 3 X 6 2B) Recline Row 3 X Submax3A) Glute Bridge 3 X 8 3B) BPA’s With Underhand Grip 3 X 153C) McGill Sit-up 3 X 10/10

Day 21A) Broad Jump Up Hill 3 X 3 2A) Feet Elevated Push-up 3 X Submax3B) 1 Arm Rows 3 X 8 4A) Split Squat 2 X 10 4B) Anti-Rotation Press 2 X 30s each side4C) 90-degree Band External Rotation w/ Punch & Extension 2 X 10

Page 13: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Week 5

Day 11A) Drop Push-up 4 X 3 2A) DB Goblet Squat 3 X 8 2B) Recline Row 3 X Submax3A) Glute Bridge 3 X 10 /3B) BPA’s With Underhand Grip 3 X 153C) McGill Sit-up 3 X 10/10

Day 21A) Broad Jump Up Hill 3 X 4 2A) Feet Elevated Push-up 3 X Submax3B) 1 Arm Rows 3 X 104A) Split Squat 2 X 12/12 4B) Anti-Rotation Press 2 X 30s each side4C) 90-degree Band External Rotation w/ Punch & Extension 2 X 10

Page 14: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Week 6

Day 11A) Drop Push-up 4 X 42A) DB Goblet Squat 3 X 82B) Recline Row 3 X Submax3A) Glute Bridge 3 X 103B) BPA’s With Underhand Grip 3 X 153C) McGill Sit-up 3 X 10/10

Day 21A) Broad Jump Up Hill 3 X 52A) Feet Elevated Push-up 3 X Submax3B) 1 Arm Rows 3 X 104A) Split Squat 2 X 124B) Anti-Rotation Press 2 X 30s each side4C) 90-degree Band External Rotation w/ Punch & Extension 2

X 10

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Week 7

Day 11A) Rebound Push-up 4 X 2 2A) DBL DB Goblet Squat 3 X 6 2B) Feet Elevated Recline Row 3 X Submax 3A) DB Swings 3 X 10 3B) Reverse Band Fly 3 X 12 3C) Body saws 3 X 8

Week 8

Day 11A) Rebound Push-up 4 X 3 2A) DBL DB Goblet Squat 3 X 8 2B) Feet Elevated Recline Row 3 X Submax 3A) DB Swings 3 X 12 3B) Reverse Band Fly 3 X 12 3C) Body saws 3 X 8

Page 16: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Week 9

Day 11A) Rebound Push-up 4 X 42A) DBL DB Goblet Squat 3 X 82B) Feet Elevated Recline Row 3 X Submax 3A) DB Swings 3 X 123B) Reverse Band Fly 3 X 12 3C) Body saws 3 X 8

Week 10

Day 11A) Box Jump 3 X 3 2A) Weighted Push-up 3 X 8 3B) DB Farmer Walks 3 X 30 Yards 4A) Step-up 2 X 10 4B) Hanging Knee Raise 2 X 15 4C) Standing Band External Rotation 2 X 10

Page 17: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Week 11

Day 11A) Box Jump 3 X 4 2A) Weighted Push-up 3 X 10 3B) DB Farmer Walks 3 X 40 Yards 4A) Step-up 2 X 12 /124B) Hanging Knee Raise 2 X 15 4C) Standing Band External Rotation 2 X 10

Week 12

Day 11A) Box Jump 3 X 52A) Weighted Push-up 3 X 103B) DB Farmer Walks 3 X 40 Yards4A) Step-up 2 X 124B) Hanging Knee Raise 2 X 15 4C) Standing Band External Rotation 2 X 10

Page 18: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Game Day Nutrition

The goal of game day nutrition is to make sure you are properly

fueled to perform at your best. Below are 5 game day meal plans that

you should utilize during the basketball season and they are excellent

choices before games.

In addition to these meals make sure you are properly

hydrated. In order to hydrate properly, make sure you are drinking a

lot of water hours before the game starts. During your games you can

sip on coconut water to replace electrolytes that are last. If you

cannot sip on coconut water, Propel or G2 are acceptable.

Page 19: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

These meals are designed to be digested quickly so they

should be consumed 1 and half hours before your game or pregame

routine. Eating too large of a meal too close to game time will slow

you down and make you sluggish.

Game Day Sample Meal 1• Protein and Applesauce • 1 scoop of whey protein powder• Half a cup of unsweetened applesauce

*Direction: mix 1 scoop of protein with the applesauce and stir until mixed smoothly

Game Day Sample Meal 2• Peanut butter and banana sandwich • 2 slices of whole grain bread • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter • 1 large banana

Game Day Sample Meal 3• Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Page 20: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

• 2 slices of whole grain bread • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter • 1 tablespoon of jelly

Game Day Sample Meal 4• Fruit & Nuts• 1 serving of any type of fruit (apple, orange, berries) • 2-3 handfuls of any nut (cashews, almonds, walnuts)

Game Day Sample Meal 5• Protein bar • Find a protein bar that is low in sugar alcohols and contains whey

protein as the main source of protein

Workout Nutrition Similar to game day nutrition, the goal of workout nutrition is to

make sure you are properly fueled to perform at your best. Below are

9 different meals (3 pre workout, 3 during workout and 3 post workout

meals). The pre workout meals should be consumed roughly about 1

and half hours before your workouts. During workout meals should be

sipped on throughout the whole workout. Post workout meals should

be consumed within 45 minutes of the end of the workout

In addition to these meals make sure you are properly

hydrated. In order to hydrate properly, make sure you are drinking a

lot of water hours before your workouts. These meals are designed to

be digested quickly and deliver high quality nutrients to your muscles.

Page 21: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Eating too large of a meal too close to a workout will slow you down

and make you sluggish.

Pre-Workout Sample Meal 1• 1 scoop of whey protein powder• Half a cup of unsweetened applesauce

Direction: mix 1 scoop of protein with the applesauce and stir until mixed smoothly

Pre-Workout Sample Meal 2• Whey protein shake:• 1 scoop of whey protein powder• 8 ounces of milk (preferably organic)

Pre-Workout Sample Meal 3• 1 slice of whole grain bread • 1-2 pieces of thinly slices chicken breast• 8 ounces of milk (preferably organic)

During Workout Sample Meal 1• Sip on coconut water throughout the duration of the workout

During Workout Sample Meal 2• Sip on Gatorade or G2 for the duration of the workout

During Workout Sample Meal 3• Sip on 20 ounces of chocolate milk

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Post Workout Sample Meal 1 • 1-2 large sweet potato mashed • 2-3 pieces of thinly slices chicken breast• 1 banana

Post Workout Sample Meal 2• 1 scoop of whey protein powder • 1 cup of oats with 8-12 ounces of milk (preferably organic) • 1 banana

Post Workout Sample Meal 3• 20 ounces of chocolate milk• 1 large

9 Rules of In Season Training

Ø Listen To Your Body

Ø When it comes to in season training, less Is More

Ø Understand the stressors of playing basketball and structure

your training accordingly

Ø Include prehabilitation and rehabilitation into your program to

keep you healthy and injury free

Page 23: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

Ø Eliminate speed and agility drills during the season

Ø Eliminate all forms of long distance

running during the season

Ø Do 2 full body workouts in the early

in season phase and 1 full body

workout as you get closer to playoffs

Ø Use submaximal loads while training

Ø Make sure to do active recovery in-

between games and practices

About The Author

Joe Meglio is a performance coach at the Underground

Strength Gym in Edison New, Jersey. In 2011 Joe was named the # 1

Rising Star In the Fitness Industry and was also named the first ever

STACK Expert Of The Month and has been featured in STACK


Joe has worked with 100s of athletes at all different levels and in

addition to being a performance coach, Joe played four years of

college baseball and was one of the team captains his senior year.

Page 24: In Season Basketball Workouts - Amazon S3Season+Mastery... · 2012-11-22 · In Season Training Considerations In order to have a successful in season training program, you have to

For more information on Joe Meglio please check or

contact Joe directly at [email protected]