In relation to my observation in catania

In relation to my observation in Catania, Sicily, Italy at you club: A.s.d Katana Football (semiprofessional club) and at your players U14 squad, I wish to pose a few questions. 1) What type of warm up did you deliver? Technical, physical? CEZAR- Generally, I go for a mixed one, both technical and physical. Eg skips 2) How long did you coach strength? CEZAR- 20 minutes per training. And it reaches a maximum of 3 times during a week. 3) To make them recover after strength training, you made them recover through a couple of minutes of juggling around with the ball. How long was that for? What was the purpose? CEZAR- 3 minutes. Aim was developing technique while recovering. It is harder but more efficient. 4) After strength, you coached a technical session (unopposed) based on passing , receiving and switching positions. Did I get themes right? CEZAR- Yes, you did. 5) Was the set up of this passing drill a 4-3-3 module? CEZAR- No, that was a 4-2-3-1.

Transcript of In relation to my observation in catania

Page 1: In relation to my observation in catania

In relation to my observation in Catania, Sicily, Italy at you club: A.s.d Katana Football (semiprofessional club) and at your players U14 squad, I wish to pose a few questions.

1) What type of warm up did you deliver? Technical, physical?CEZAR- Generally, I go for a mixed one, both technical and physical. Eg skips

2) How long did you coach strength? CEZAR- 20 minutes per training. And it reaches a maximum of 3 times during a week.

3) To make them recover after strength training, you made them recover through a couple of minutes of juggling around with the ball. How long was that for? What was the purpose? CEZAR- 3 minutes. Aim was developing technique while recovering. It is harder but more efficient.

4) After strength, you coached a technical session (unopposed) based on passing , receiving and switching positions. Did I get themes right?CEZAR- Yes, you did.

5) Was the set up of this passing drill a 4-3-3 module?CEZAR- No, that was a 4-2-3-1.

6) Then, you delivered a possession game session. It was unopposed. Passive pressing and finishing by crossing. How long did you do it for? At the end of the game, there was a 300 yards lap training. Why did you do that? And why did you mix endurance with strength? CEZAR- Theme was ‘Possession with opponents being outnumbered, 8v8+2 jolly, goal counts only by head. I mixed endurance with strength, as I was not specifically working on strength. Moreover, it is a period of intense physical skills development.

Page 2: In relation to my observation in catania

7) Why weren’t GKs involved for the whole session? CEZAR- They train twice per week with their related GK Coach.

8) During the free game, I saw you telling players to make a few sit-ups. Why was that? Was it a sort of punishment? What do you think you may obtain from this approach? CEZAR- Yes, it was a sort of. They did it, because they had an argue.

9) I particularly liked the dominion you had on players. When I coached in England, one thing which one of my mentors made me notice, and according to her I need to work on was the absolute control of players. What are the benefits of these? CEZAR- Controlling team is crucial. At the end of the day, it is the coach the one who is charge for running the whole squad. They need to know who is the head of all. And that’s typical of my personality. I’m like that, discipline is very important for me. I also have an assistant coach who is an important part of my work but he is sick at the moment.

10) I saw during the free game, you didn’t let players talk. Why was that for? CEZAR- That was to educate players to discipline.

11) Finally, I saw you changed position while observing your session. What you need to do is be where you can see the whole practice right. Or do you have a specific position? CEZAR- Yes, that was simply to make sure I could see all the players.