in partial fulfillment of

Automated Personality Inventory System by Mohd Aziezie bin Sidek Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Technology (Hons) (Information Communication Technology) JAN2008 Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Bandar Sri Iskandar 31750 Tronoh Perak Darul Ridzuan I

Transcript of in partial fulfillment of

the requirement for the
Bachelor of Technology (Hons)
the requirement for the
Bachelor of Technology (Hons)
This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this project, that
the original work is my own except as specified in the references and
acknowledgements, and that the original work contained herein have not been
undertaken or done by unspecified sources or persons.
An automated Personality Inventory system is a system that will help
organization, managers, or people to understand the personality of someone. The system
is called SMN Personality Inventory Solution. 1bis system will help to improve the
quality of employee. Currently, the traditional system of personality inventory test is not
very practical as the user has to wait for quite a number of times before getting the
results. The objective is to develop an automate Personality Inventory system that can be
use as the assessment tool for any organization especially for the Human Resource
Department to assess their employee. The system will focus on Sidek's Personality
Inventory (IPS) as the personality inventory. IPS has been developed to determine the
characteristic of individual personality trets. The methodology used in developing this
system is Spiral model as few prototypes have to be developed before come out with the
final system. The system will be developed using an Open Source web programming
language such as Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) or Java. The system will also use
MySQL as the database server. The web server for this system will be Apache. As the
conclusion, the system will be beneficial to all organizations, employers and also
employee. As for the organization and employee, they can use this system to filters up
the candidate that want to work for their company. Organization and employer can know
with ease the individual that is qualified for the job that they advertise. As for the
employee or student or anyone, they can know their personality type and can improve
themselves from there.
Assalamualaikum W.B.T and good day,
Finally it has came to the end, the completion of my Final Year Project also
mean the end of my study experience in University Technology ofPetronas. I have spent
five years in UTP and it is hard to think that I have to leave it soon.
To all who have helped me a lot with my Final Year Project,
Dr. Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad,
Prof. Madya Dr. Sidek Mohd Noah,
Abidah Bte Omar
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
1.3 Objectives and Scope of Study
1.3.1 Objectives
4.2 Discussion. 24
Figure 2.2: Jung Typology Test Interface 2
Figure 2.3: Jung Typology test result page
Figure 3 .I: Methodology
Figure 4.1: Prototype 1
Figure 4.2: Prototype 2
Figure 4.3: Prototype 3
Figure 4. 7: Prototype 2 IPS Result Page
Figure 4.8: Prototype 2 Graph
Figure 4.9: Navigation Map
Nowadays, personality inventories were used globally by many big organizations
in order to hire a good quality employee. Big organization such as PETRONAS can
used these personality inventories to help them filters up the candidate that they wanted.
Personality inventory is used as part of a self assessment done for career planning
purposes. The test results can be enormously helpful when determining the kind of
career of candidate that they might like to pursue. Understanding the candidate
personality type will improve their chance of being happy of their work. This will
decrease the amount of turnover in an organization.
Sidek Personality Inventory (IPS) is an assessment tool used to determine which of
these personality types a person falls into:
• Aggressive • Endurance
• Analytical • Self-critics
• Autonomy • Controlling
• Depending • Helping
• Extroverted • Supportive
• Introverted • Structure
• Intellectual • Achievement
• Variety • Honesty.
1.2 Problem Statement
1.2.1 Problem Identification
Organizations want the best people to work for them. To archive that objective
they cannot only rely on the resume itself. Sometimes people with good and tempting
resume might not as good as they claimed. Candidate can cheat on their resume to make
it look impressive to the eye of the organization they wanted to work with. This is
actually a problem for many organizations out there that are seeking for the best people
because they have to waste a lot of time and money reviewing an application from the
person that actually does not suitable for, the job. This is where personality inventory
came in handy because it helped employer to analyze and filters out person who is not
suitable for the job. However, good and n;liable personality inventories are hard to find.
Furthermore, most of the test has to be done manually, which mean the organization
must have the psychologist to assist the test. This is not practical for the psychologist
and also for the organization. Therefore, Automated Personality Inventories should be
created to counter this problem.
The concept of using the personality inventories is easy, for example if the
employer is looking for a good salesperson, they must choose someone that fall in
extroverted personality type. Extroverted personality person are much more outgoing
and does not shame to talk, so when there is two candidates who have equal academic
qualification, but different personality, it easy for the employer to choose one. Apart
from that, personality inventory will help student to make a choice on what career they
should choose. Student always have a difficulty to make a choice on their own on what
they should be when graduated. By understand their own personality; they are more
likely to succeed in their work.
1.2.2 Significant of the project
Conventionally done, IPS test will need to have a conducive room. The time
taken to complete the whole test is about 20 to 30 minutes. In order to get the precise
results, each individual have to answer the entire question honestly. The aim of the
research is to automate Sidek Personality Inventory (IPS) so that it can be done in much
more efficient way and time saving.
The results will include with all the necessary information about the candidate
personality. It will be included with graph, summary and also recommendations. This is
a hectic process if there are many candidates need to be process, but by automated the
inventory; it will be a great tool for any employer to find a high quality employee.
1.3 Objectives & Scope of Study
1.3.1 Objectives:
• To develop an automate Personality Inventory system that can be use as the
assessment tool for any organization especially for the Human Resource
Department to assess their employee.
• To aid individual to find a perfect career path.
• To research on the guidelines of a suitable website to be applied to the
1.3.2 Scope of Study
The scope of this project is to automate one of the personality inventories
developed by Associate Professor Dr. Sidek Mohd Noah. IPS is one of the most
successful personality inventories that can determine what kind of personality an
individual has and also suggest suitable jobs. It is important to understand the concept
and how it works so that the system will provide user with an accurate output or
In this project, a web-based system will be developed to automate the
conventional personality inventories system. This system will interact with user and user
can know their personality type and also what is the most suitable job for them. The
system will be solely develop using Open Source technology, which consists of Open
Source web programming language (PHP) or JavaScript, Open Source database
(MySQL), and also Open Source Web Server (Apache). The importance of using Open
Source technologies is to reduce the development cost and also make light of the
adoption cost when the system completed near future.
Web-based system is acknowledged to be easily use and can also be scalable.
The question that may be appeared in mind while having a system based on open source
is the security. However, there is ongoing research by the community for providing a
safe and reliable security options. A web based system also easy to apply through a
network, either locally or globally. Security issues is one of the scope that need to be
focus during the development of this project. This is because, the system involved with a
lot of personal data that must not be distributed freely without the individual concern.
When the system can be access online, it is vulnerable to attack from hackers, virus,
Trojan or worms. So the security of the system is important to protect the integrity of the
1.4 Limitations of Study
The system is currently on Bahasa Malaysia because the personality inventory
used is written in Bahasa Malaysia.
The tools that the author will automate are widely known in Malaysia. It is
commonly used by counselor for the career counseling. As stated clearly in the previous
chapter, personality inventory is a very useful tool for employer to search for a good
quality candidate. With the use of this tool, any big organizations can choose the right
person for the job. The employees are more likely to perform better because he/she like
their job very well. Below are several articles or review that will support the important
and benefits of personality inventory.
Personality inventory is a measurement tools to identify the characteristic or trets
of an individual. There are 2 types of personality inventory, projective and non
projective. Projective is the used of images or pictures to identify the personality of
individual based on the responsesd to the images. It is subjective. As for the non
projective type, the item used are words or statement instead of using images or picture.
The non projective type will be used throughout this project.
As stated m the Univeristi Putra Malaysia website
(, Sidek Personality Inventory (IPS),
Sidek Vocational Interest Inventory (IMKS) and Sidek Vocational Value Inventory
(INPS), and Color Personality Inventory (IPW) are widely used among the counselors in
Malaysia particnlarly in career counseling. This proved that the tools chosen have a
great qnality and well known.
Eighty-four managers who make hiring decisions in 1 of 6 occupations
representative of Holland's (1973) 6 job typologies (medical technologist, insurance
sales agent, carpenter, licensed practical nurse, reporter, and secretary) rated 39
hypothetical job applicants on 2 dependent variables, hirebility and counter­
productivity. Applicants were described on the Big Five personality factors (Emotional
Stability, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness)
and on general mental ability. Results showed that general mental ability and
conscientiousness were the most important attributes related to applicants' hirability and
that Emotional Stability, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness were the most important
attributes related to counter productivity. In most respects, these results mirror meta­
analytic reviews of validity studies, thereby confirming hypotheses. (Department of
Psychology, Coe College, USA)
In a recent discussion of the bandwidth-fidelity dilemma in personality
measurement for personnel selection, Ones and Viswesvaran (1996) concluded that
broader and richer personality traits will have higher predictive validity than narrower
traits. In this paper, the arguments made by Ones and Viswesvaran (1996) in favor of
the exclusive use of broad personality dimensions are discussed. New data are presented
that contradict their claim of the existence of a general, integrity-related personality
factor, and that show two narrow measures -the Responsibility and Risk Taking scales
of the Jackson Personality Inventory - to have higher validities than the Big Five
dimensions with respect to job performance criteria based on self-reported workplace
delinquency in a sample of 127 entry-level employees. (John Wiley & Sons, 1998)
Response distortion (RD), or faking, among job applicants completing
personality inventories has been a concern for selection specialists. In a field study using
the NEO Personality Inventory, the authors show that RD is significantly greater among
job applicants than among job incumbents, that there are significant individual
differences in RD, and that RD among job applicants can have a significant effect on
who is hired. These results are discussed in the context of recent studies suggesting that
RD has little effect on the predictive validity of personality inventories. The authors
conclude that future research, rather than focusing on predictive validity, should focus
instead on the effect of RD on construct validity and hiring decisions.
(Rosse, Stecher, and Miller, 2001)
As employers start to hire again, they are increasingly taking steps to ensure that
the hires they make are a good fit--not only with the job description but also with the
people with whom they'll be working. (Frieswick, 2004). As stated by Frieswick in
Magazine of Senior Financial Executive, it is important that employer must choose the
right individual to do a certain job because it is really matter. Making a bad hire can cost
from 30 to 150 percent of an employee's salary, depending on the person's position in
the company. This is why it is important to know if the individual that we want to hire is
capable or not.
There are a few online personality inventories on the Internet; one example is
HUMANMETRICS Jung Typology Test Chtto://­
win/JTypesl.htm). This test is based on Carl Jung and Isabel Myers-Briggs typological
approach to personality.
Jung Typology Test does provide with a good personality test. It focuses on the
Big 5 personality traits. Compared to Sidek' s Personality Inventories, Jung Typology
Test has only 5 personality traits that can be analyze while IPS has 16 personality traits
it can analyze. In term of range, IPS will provide much more information compare to
Jung Typology Test.
Ei> tJ:11: 'li!>W H1tOrY ~ Iools ~
~ :t_·i G; ~---~~~~~)J~I_:~----=====~-~~-=- =:J-~1 ii:- _u UTPO!I.e<n*"JSy<tem I&,_Fl_-_L!'m·:""' ~ ~_'~~-~__'~ ~-'"" u AEfu-.1 Ll Ull'Wellflloi ""'Yahx>l LJ t.WOXY-heeAntm ...
H\ TJ: L-\Ni\IETRI <:'S Jung: Typology Test
i This testis based on Carl Juoa and Isabel Myers-Briggs Wological aPProach to penona!i1y. Whim .:mrwering quesli.ons, please I choose one of two possible answers y-ou agree the mort. If you arc not sun: how to lmSWel" then the decision should be based on i yolll:" most typical reaction or fi:eliog m the~ si!uabw. Respond to all !he questions to get a reliable remlit
\ Press 'Score It' button after you are done answering the questions. Upon compleli.on, you will ob!:ain omm.:-
• Y Olll:" type fOI"!I'lllia according to Carl Juug and IoabelMyers-Briggs typology aloog with the slre!Igths of the prefurence1; • The description ofyou.r personality type • The list of occupatiqns and educational ins!itutions whc:rc y-ou can get n:levaot degree or lrllinirlg. most suitable for your
personality type • You. can als-o U$C the type formula and ~ of the preferences to assess onhru: eompatibilitywilh y-our mate m the l!!!Jg
Marriage Test andDtmo of the Marriage Test
@ 1996-2007 All righ1s rese!'led
Figure 2.1: Jung Typology Test Interface
,... :-;-------------- ----------------------
~- _Ll_~1f'!"'!'_·~~:?""i~Jl~------- -------- LJ \11Pci."""'"""SystemC;,Ft.UV..crmiJ,. I..J AllF<IM LJ UJPWeBfllaii"0-Yahool U KPROXV-FreeAr-o:ln.-·
1. You are almost never late for your appo-inlmcnts OYES G".iNO
2. Yon like t-o be engaged in an active andfm..-pacedjob ·8YES ONO
3. You enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances CYES ONO
4. You feel involved when watd:iing 'IV soaps OYES ONO
5. You are urually !he liM to react to a sudden evem: the telephone rin8ing or lmC.llpected qu.ffii:on ClYES (i'JNO
.Tung Typology Test
6. You are more interested in agenemlidea than in !he details of its realization. OYES 0NO
7 You tend to be U!lbiased eveniftbis mi,sht endanger your good relations with people OYES GNO
8. Strict observance of the ertablished ~ 5 likely to prevent a good oub::ome OYES 0NO
9 It's diffio:uh to gct yo-u excited OYES ·»NO
10. Itisinyournatureto-as=en:sponslbility OYES ONO
11. You often lbink about humankind and its destiny r.VYES ONO
12. You believe !he best decision is one tlmt can be easily char!$d n :vc<> r;, t.<n
Figure 2.2: Jung Typology Test Interface 2
'-..--' ~ ~ ·~~-~~~Wil!{~~C~---------- LJ _lJTP~Synn C; fl-l.ive_rnm [j "IK . !.J ADFur1d U ~WeB Mol "VitYahou! U KPROXY-F""'Anon. •.
illllg Typology Test
---------------------- --- - - -------------1 ' You haven't answered two questions_ The n:liability ofresuhs has decreased. Would you like to aDSWl:rthese questions \ thCII. click 'Back' button on you£ brows!'!!"_ 1mswr:r theoe qu~sti.ous md press 'Score It' button again_ i
Yom Type:i>:
INTP Intro~·erted Intuitive 1'hmking Perctiving
' 1NTP We descnption byD Keirsey lliTP tvre de~cnption by l Butt
Career Choices for Your TYPe """"-
You are:
I . I
According to my research, in order to develop a good website there are numbers
of characteristic need to be look into. The first important characteristic is to make sure
that the website is usable by everyone if possible. Kelly's in his website
(bttp:// has suggested that the system must
work on any browser. This is important because bared in mind that there are many types
of browser used by the user such as Internet Explorer, Mozzila Firefox, Opera, Netscape
and many more. The SMN Psychological Solutions has been tested on all of the browser
and work welL
The second characteristic or factor that needs to be considered is to make the
website to be as fast as possible. In order to do so, SMN Psychological Solution has
limited the usage of unnecessary graphic and image. By doing so, SMN Psychological
Solution not only can load a lot faster, but also have the professional and clean look that
is best suited the system functionality. Apart from that, Kelly's also point out that any
website has to be easy for any user to use. SMN Psychological Solution implements this
characteristic by make the website easy to navigate. There are only a few links in the
web based system, and the link is placed where user can see it clearly.
Kelly's has also stressed out that the website need to be useful depends on the
objective of the website. SMN Psychological Solution has been designed and develops
based on the objective to provide an assessment tools for organization to assess their
employee personality. It let the user to understand their personality a lot more and can
improved from that.
l_}pi~'fiHi lit.' nl ~jl>t: I 1\"i'\..
Figure 3.1: Methodology
3.1 Research Methodology
l·.,·(lkmiP jlfwrnaun~
The methodology that will be used for this project is spiral methodology. The spiral
methodology extends the waterfall model by introducing prototyping. It is generally
chosen over the waterfall approach for large, expensive, and complicated projects.
3.2 Project Activities
At a high-level, the steps in the spiral model are as follows:
I. The new system requirements are defined in as much detail as possible. This
usual! y involves interviewing a number of users representing all the external or
internal users and other aspects of the existing system.
2. A preliminary design is created for the new system.
3. A first prototype of the new system is constructed from the preliminary design.
This is usually a scaled-down system, and represents an approximation of the
characteristics of the final product.
4. A second prototype is evolved using four steps:
a. Evaluate the first prototype and identify its strengths, weaknesses, and
c. Plan and design the second prototype.
d. Construct and test the second prototype.
5. At the project sponsor's option, the entire project can be aborted if the risk is
deemed too great. Risk factors might involve development cost overruns,
operating-cost miscalculation, or any other factor that could result in a less-than­
satisfactory fmal product. Author will work closely with the sponsor, Associate
Professor Dr. Sidek Mohd Noah.
6. The existing prototype is evaluated in the same manner as was the previous
prototype, and, if necessary, another prototype is developed from it according to
the fourfold procedure outlined above.
i. The preceding steps are iterated until the customer is satisfied that the refined
prototype represents the fmal product desired.
8. The final system is constructed, based on the refined prototype.
9. The final system is thoroughly evaluated and tested. Routine maintenance is
carried out on a continuing basis to prevent large-scale failures and to minimize
The tools that are required to develop this system are:
(2.16GHz, 667Mhz, 4MB L2)
This chapter will summarized the analysis and fmdings of the data collected
during the planning period. The data gathered are mostly from Associate Professor Dr.
Sidek Mohd Noah as he is the main person behind this hold project. This chapter will
show the interface of the system, the example of the IPS question, and also the way on
how the process to calculate the result.
4.1 Results
4.1.1 System Interface
The system interface for this project has been through a couple series of changes
due to the fact that to get the ultimate design for the application. The interface has been
changed three times; Figure 4.3 shows the latest design used by the system. Figure 4.1
shows the ftrst design of the user interface and Figure 4.2 shows the second design of
the user interface. These changes were made to give the website more corporate feeling
to it. This transformation is important in order to grasp interest for big organization in
using it as tools for their employees' assessment. User will look it as a web based
system instead of website with a test on it.
This new look will have a very simple and easy interface where user will surely
know what to do on their ftrst visit to the website. Compared to the previous design, user
will be bombard with unnecessary information and this will affect their interest in using
the system.
Org,ni;:~tions wont tho bo5t people to work for them. To ~rchiYe \hot ob)octive they
connot ani>' rely on the resume I<>Oif. Sometime', ~eople w1th good ond tempting rosu1ne
might not 8; good as they cloimed. Cand1dote con cheat on their resume to make it look
impresme t~ <he eye of the or9<>niootion thH '"Onted to work with. Th1s ;, actlJolly"
problem for mony organizatiOn' out there that ore see'.img for the be;\ people boc.~uoe
they hove to wa,te a lot~~ t1me ond money reYiew1ng on appl<cation f<om the per;on
that r,o':uoiiJ doeo ~~t '"'tilblo for the jo'l
IS wh~.-~ ll•,r<onoliloJ 1nv•·~to:\' came in hand; becou'e it helped employor· to
ana11''" and filters out por<on who io not -w,toble for the job
Figure 4.1: Prototype 1
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\l'fSJon l 0 \1 PI!\
Sf,IIN Perl;IIIUiity Solution m~nf~Oial<an s~buah Piatfann untuk anda tabrh manganatr ~ersanaliti drri anda. Sattan lmantart ini dlr~k~ alah Prof r.ladta Dr. Srdek MoM Noah Setiap keputusa-rr drjamlnlt;~i>loleh bali au
SistGm kamr]uga bolelr dig una pakai ot~h Qrqanisasi yang in~rn manjalan~llll kajian persanaliti tarlradap pekarja maraka_ Kaj•an lni p\lnting '>UPil"'/3 praduklwrtr dan daya saing satiatJ pe~arja dapatdr hngkffikan
Berikut adalah irNantorl yarrg dicy..,artan. Kirk pada lrnl\ untul\ menJ:mah ujiorr sekaligus manganali siapa drri aroda
Co",-ri~o>z;)Q~;n ijod . .<.U oan"'.....,.,..,;. lov""'='Y"' .. ,_., oyA;,,,;at.f'ro~Qc.\liQ~t.lohd "-~•h
\'.""""~ """olo;;.;; Oi Mood ~<n..,;a~i" Sid.;;
Figure 4.3: Prototype 3
Through the 3'd changes to the interface design, the system managed to get the
corporate and professional look to attract serious or business user to use the system.
There is a plan to add the functionality to change the system to another language.
Figure 4.4 shows the basic design for test. Each page will display sixteen
questions. IPS contains 160 questions, so there will be I 0 pages for user to go through
when taking the test. The initial design is to display only one question for every page,
however based on my research and survey, it will annoy them a lot. On the technical
part, one question per page will make the server to process a lot of works each time the
user click for the next page. Each of the requests will put a burden to the server and
possibilities to loss the data through the sent receive process between client and server is
high. Therefore, the best solution is to compromise between performance and design to
get the good system. On Figure 4.4, shows the design of the first prototype for
displaying the questions. Figure 4.5 shows the latest design for this page as it is much
more neat and tidy.
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Inventorl P•e-rson:aUitf Sfdek {IPS}
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Personality Profile
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A\ltlllll!llll SMr ra111~Jir (1.)0';1,) )IIJI:J 1-lijll]'l);.I\.Jft :01111-llalrilr "'--k:J.onarHI!im:; :;r:~l'lll ""~") i,;i'l ot~r "\rrJklrJf •iQ>il'~ l-'·lllq ltrQin~!li.JO;J>r k~!ll<\1,.,, --:;l<or ra~~·"' (1,lQ%) •mlu>Jllj>Jt.~'ll' Y'~''l '.1<1¢1. a<I:JJ'Ilt ~c;orarra \!-lito) :;~r~a IHlf<li~:1n Dal:~n n11;mlru:;t ><l'ill'.ll>l ~a]IUIIn:Sl d;J.I\ <n<>I:Jl-:IJk'lll W?~:Jtri;Jictr-jcll. 'l>nt.l 'i<!l:JII]Ffl';J.IiQ:j]< il<!H}11clll11<) ktll!'lli;J. 0(·1111)1:~11
l'.l<aiJmo;tt :lKor f~ll~'JI\ (1 ;Jil%) 111~111Jili<J~K:}I1 '<l«<'J 'l<liji:Jir 'l<W<'llm j!~!CI ~IJ\'lflY ,"JiaU n¢JI< ~Q-'l<al Alld;J. •;<!l<JIU m<>~nJ<!l:J); rrnlutll~rurlllr-"Jt.-.i <bi:Jin ~'"""'JIOll l!a•;[J< d,.,, 1<lllill -'lmn.::• IJe<:.ul:l daJ;J.Itr konnuulan r~c:iJ_ /~t<l:< k!tltl<~<ll'>1<1 n~r:J<I'l ~'li:nnmJ:~;;~H ~<111'• b<!<"~<lltt~fl:llt :;J;~i-$JIIJ<~ll""",$1
Figure 4. 7: Prototype 2 IPS Result Page
After user has finished the test, Personality Profile will be generated with all the
analysis for each trets. From Figure 4.6, there is a table that shows the score for each
trets and also the percentages. There is also the analysis for each tret that describe what
each number means. Apart from this table, there will also be a graph for user to see on
general their scores. However the design of the result page has been changed to a much
more professional look. This is shown in Figure 4. 7 and Figure 4.8.
• ~ ~ ,_(l:fi,~:J~~~ .. ~;~,-~,~~-~1r_;.:l~~~?:I>_'P_ ljj.\PW/SWf'(lt'Jft:! >~_, >"""'··· G! 1P5Protcl:ype
1,£'rSJOn I 0 <\(PH'\.
I ___ -····------t-------------1 Result Page
Figure 4.9: Navigation Map
Figure 4.9 shows the navigation map of the website. On the top, there is the login
page. Once the user provides the system with their usemame and password, the system
will determine whether they are authorized or not. If user is not authorized, the system
will navigate user to New User Registration Page where they can register as new user
and then re-login back to the system.
Once user manage to login to the system, user can choose from the list provided
to use which personality inventory system. Once they completed the test, the system will
provide them with the result page where user can choose whether to save it or print it.
User can still claim their result by login back to the system, and the system will display
their result.
4.1.2 IPS Questionnaire
This section will show few questions asked in the IPS test. Please note that the
questions asked are in Bahasa Malaysia. The language of the question can't simply be
convert because it may affect the meaning of the question asked and may also affect the
results of the test. There will be the English version of the questionnaire throughout the
development of this system.
Users who take the test will have to answer between YES or NO. To see the full
questionnaire, please refer to Appendix A- IPS Questionnaire
Below are the example of the question been asked in the system in order to determined
the characteristic of an individual. Note that the question asked is in Bahasa Malaysia.
1. Selesa rnernberitahu kawan-kawan rnengenai apa-apa sahaja yang ada dalarn
jikiran saya
2. Lebih suka bekerja dengan idea-idea dari bekerja dengan data dan benda
3. Suka rnelakukan sesuatu rnengikut cara saya sendiri dari rnengikut struktur yang
telah ditetapkan
4. Merasa selarnat hila saya tahu orang yang saya percayai berada di sarnping
say a
5. Suka rnenghadiri rnajlis-rnajlis kenduri dan perkahwinan
6. Suka rnernbuat kritikan yang rnernbina rnengenai apa-apa sahaja bahan yang
7. Suka rnernbuat krittkan yang rnernbina rnengenai apa-apa sahaja bahan yang
saya baca
4.1.3 Score sheet and Calculation for IPS
This section will show how the score is calculated once the user has finished answering
the entire question throughout the test. Each number 1-160 represent the number of
question asked. Question with their number colored are the question that user answered
YES. This is shown in Table 4.1
TABLE 4.1: Score sheet
1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 6
J:l! ~~· ~g· 66 .82 ,_,, •98! ll4 1$0 146 9 :•,-_,
1:~ ~~· $1 i67 83 . ,~,, ht5· :·t~i f-;1~ 8
20 36 52 68 84 100 116 • 132 148! 3
21 Yl 53 69 85. 1.01 1}:17 133) til~ 9
·l~~··· J:is" ..
22 ... ~) 54 70 .·· .. ··8(} 134 :t:~O 10 , . .,_. __ : .. ---- :.·,-·.,
7 23 39 55• 71 :87 103 119 135 151 3
8 24 40 56 n 8& 104 120 136 .152 7
9 25 4.1 57 73 ~9' >t:o~· Ue1 13'7 i$'3 8
10 26 42 58 74 90 106 122 138 154 0
11 27 43 59 75 91 107 123. l31J 155 8
12 ~8 '44• .···.···44). .'76· 92 •.it»J···· >124 140 156 9
13 29 4$ 61 77 93• 109: :ri's 141 157 6
14 30 4(j 6~ 78 !J4 110 126 142 158 5
15 31 47 ~3. .,, !J5 JH 127 143 15!) 8
16 32 48 64 80 96 112. 128 144 160 4
Calculation will be done from row to row. There are 16 row (see Table 4.2) that each of
the row representing one personality tret. To calculate the score as per table 4.a, just
count the question that user stated as YES vertically row by row. For example in the
table, the entire highlighted square has been answered with YES. Count the highlighted
squares and total it up.
Example 1:
For row 1, question 17, 49, 65, 81, 97 and 145 has been highlighted because user
answered YES for this question. So the score is 6
For row 4, question 52, 116, and 148 has been answered with YES. So the score for this
personality tret is 3.
Once all the calculation for all the row has been made, then the percentage will be
calculate to formulate a graph as shown at Table 4.2
From the score, the system can determine what kind of personality the individual have.
For example in this table, the person have score 90% for personality tret helping. This
means that this kind of person have a willingness to help other people no matter how
hard it could be for him.
Another example is that, this person will always think that he or she is always right and
other people are wrong. This is because the low score of self-critic personality tret.
4.2 Discussion
As describe and discuss in earlier chapters, the automated Sidek Personality Inventory
system will be a beneficial to all. It will make a person to understand more about their
personality. By knowing that, they can choose a job or career that suitable with their
personality and also they can know their strength and weaknesses and improving from
Pre-requisite of the system:
• Automated where all the calculation and analysis is done by the system itself. It
must be accurate though.
• The system must have clean and neat graphic user interface
• The system must provide a great details on the results it will produce
• The system must provide a log in capacity
• User can choose to the language of the system between English and Malay
In order to meet the pre-requisite, the system will be design in details because
this project involved a real client which is Associate Professor Dr. Sidek Mohd Noah. It
will be develop using PHP or JAVA technology as it is an open-source progrannning
language and can reduce cost. Apart from that, in terms of compatibility PHP has native
connections available to many database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, mSQL,
Oracle, dbm, FilePro, Hyperwave and others. Among of these, PHP also has a built in
SQL interface call SQLite.
The system will also be included with database system that will surely develop
using MySQL. The database will be used to store the information and results of each
person that have taken the test. The database should provide good security as it will be
used to stored personal information about others. MySQL also was chosen because of
the cost factors as it is free.
For testing purpose, the web server for this project will be Apache 2.0 as it is
compatible with PHP 4. Apache is also free and can reduce the development cost.
As conclusion, it is believed that this tool is beneficial to all especially big organization
that wants to have good quality workers on their side. The system will provide people
with opportunity to success in their work. The impact of this system to organizations is
big as it will reduce turnover by employee. This will benefit organization most because
it safe their money for hiring people into their organization. Personality is an important
thing because once people know type of person they are, they can learnt on how to
communicate better, work better and also improving our weaknesses into strength. This
will increase the productivity of any organization and provide the organization with
healthy working environment because people are happy to do what they love to do.
The recommendation for this system is that to make sure it can be accessed globally and
be used by international organization as well. In order to achieve that, the system will
first have to be converted to other languages such as English, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese
and others. This is the stepping stone for the system to be used globally. Apart from that,
the system will need to be kept improve in terms of the technology used and also the
security reason. This is because the system will store a lot of user personal information
especially on their personality.
Associate Professor Dr. Sidek Mohd Noah from Universiti Putra Malaysia
Hicklin J, Thomas A. 2005. European Journal of Personality.
Volume 19, Issue 4, 325-342
Jung Typology Test- HUMANMETRICS. Retrieved on 17th April 2007 from the
World Wide Web
Joho W. 2005. System Analysis Design, 11th Edition, Pearson International Edition
Joho F. Edens, Keith R. Cruise, Jacqueline K. Buffington-Vollum. 2001. Behavioral
Sciences & the Law. Volume 19, Issue 4, 519-543
Kelly, C. - Aichi Institute ofTechoology (Toyota, Japan). Retrieved on 27th March 2008
from the World Wide Web
Retrieved on 20th March 2007 from the World Wide Web. Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Rosse, J.G, Stecher, M.D and Miller, J.L. 2001. Human Function & Work. University of
A Inventori Personaliti Sidek ini mengandungi 160 pernyataan. Bermula dengan nombor
satu, rekodkanjawapan fuida pada borangjawapan yang disediakan.
B. Jika pernyataan itu menerangkan diri anda, hitamkan {Y) dan jika tidak menerangkan
diri anda, hitamkan (T) pada borang jawapan yang disediakan.
C. Jika anda menghadapi kesukaran untuk menentukan sama ada sesuatu pernyataan itu
menerangkan diri auda ataupun tidak, pilih jawapan yang anda rasa paling selesa.
Bil. Item Ya Tidak
dalam fikiran saya .
2. Lebih suka bekeija dengan idea-idea dati bekeija dengan data dan
3. Suka melakukan sesuatu mengikut cara saya sendiri dari mengikut
struktur yang telah ditetapkan
4. Merasa selamat bila saya tabu orang yang saya percayai berada di
samping saya
6. Suka membuat kritikan yang membina mengenai apa-apa sahaja bahan
yang saya baca
7. Lebih selesa tinggal di kawasan yang tidak mempunyai ramai jiran
9. Tidak mudah keciwa apabila berhadapan dengan masalah-masalah yang
rum it
11. Mempunyai keinginan supaya orang lain menganggap diri saya sebagai
dari rasa tertekan
14. Sul<a kepada kelja-ketja yang memp\llly<li struktur yangjelas
15 .. Mengharapkan supaya orang lain menganggap saya sebagai seorang
yang amat berjaya
16. Setakat ingatan saya, saya tidak pemah meradang dengan sesiapa
17. Selesa meminta pertolongan dari kawan-kawan dan ahli-ahli
profesional bila menghadapi masalah
dan lihat
yang saya hadapi
menyebabkan orang lain marah
22. Suka memikirkan masalah-masalah yang mmit dan mencabar
23. Seringkali memendarnkan perasaan saya agar tidak diketahui oleh
orang lain
24. Tidak sl!ka terikat dengan jadual yang ketat untuk aktiviti-aktiviti masa
Ia pang
26. Merasa keciwa hila memikirkan diri saya tidak berupaya mengawal
mengharapkan bantuan orang lain
28. Tidak sampai hati melihat orang lain dihukum walaupun ianya telah
29. In gin supaya orang lain bersimpati dengan masalah hidup yang saya
31. Beranggapan adalah penting mempunyai pekerjaan di mana orang lain
tidak berupaya melakukannya
33. Selesa meminta kembali barang-barang yang telah dipinjam oleh
35. Akan menghadiri sesuatu majlis jika saya rasa ingin berbuat demikian
36. Selalu memihak kepada kumpulan yang mendapat suara majoriti
37. Percaya bahawa diri saya adalah seorang yang peramah dan mudah
orang yang praktikal
39. Jarang bercakap di dalam sesuatu sesi perbualan atau perbincangan
40. Mel"asa seakan~akan berminat kepada seinua perk.ara
41. Akan menyelesaikan sesuatu ketja sebelum memulakan kerja-kerja
yang lain
42. Percaya bahawa orang lain membuat sesuatu ketja lebih baik daripada
say a
44. Sedia memberi pertolongan kepada orang lain tanpa mengira
pertolongan itu dihargai atau tidak
45. Selalu menceritakan masalah-masalah peribadi saya kepada orang lain
46. Suka kepada aktiviti-aktiviti yang memerlukan perhatian dan tumpuan
49. Mudah berang apabila kerja yang saya lakukan tidak menjadi
50. Berminat untuk mencipta idea-idea dan teori-teori barn yang berhubung
dengan manusia
say a
53. Mudah memulakan perbualan dengan orang-orang yang belum saya
ken ali
terlebih dahulu
56. Merasa bosan bila tiada ketja-kerja baru yang boleh dibuat
57. Akan meneruskan kerja-kerja yang susah walaupun peluang untuk
berjaya adalah tipis
58. Rasa tidak puas hati dengan apa yang telah saya capai dan perolehi
sehingga ini
60. Selalu meminjamkan barang-barang yang saya sayangi kepada kawan-
kawau yang memerlukan
61. Selalu mengbarapkan belaian kasih sayang dan perhatian dari orang
62. Ada jadual makan dan tidur yang tetap untuk setiap hari
63. Suka menerima hadiah-hadiah dan anugerah-anugerah bagi setiap
pencapaian cemerlang yang saya perolehi
64. Saya sentiasa bersetuju dengan pendapat ibu bapa saya
65. Akan berterus terang menyatakan bahawa tingkahlakunya telah
menyakitkan hati saya
67. Tidak suka dikawal oleh individu yang mempunyai autoriti
68. Tidak akan melanggar peraturan yang telah ditetapkan walaupun saya
tidak bersetuju dengan peraturan itu
69. Cenderung bercakap lebih banyak dari orang lain apabila berada di
dalam sesuatu kumpulan
71. Suka menghabiskan waktu petang seorang diri dari berbual dan
bermain dengan kawan-kawan
72. Selalu mengubah program dan aktiviti yang telah saya rancangkan
73. Boleh bekelja dalam satu jangkamasa yang panjang tanpa mudah
merasa letih danjemu
saya lakukan pada masa lalu.
75. Akan mengambilalih tugas kepimpinan apabila suasana berada dalam
keadaan tertekan
menyelesaikan masalah-masalah sosial
77. Merasa perlu mencurahkan perasaan yang terkandung di dalam hati
saya kepada kawan-kawan
78. Menyusun idea dan pemikiran saya dengan cermat sebelum memulakan
apa-apa sahaja aktiviti yang bercorak pertandingan
80. Saya tidak pernah tersinggung apabila ditegur oleh
81. Selesa bertanya apabila arahan yang diberikan oleh ketua kurangjelas
82. Suka melibatkan diri dalam perbincangan yang berkaitan dengan
falsafah hidup masyarakat yang ideal
83. Suka melakukan kerja-kelja yang tidak melibatkan arahan, persetujuan
dan pendapat orang lain
sesuatu pekerjaan
86. Selalu menghabiskan masa dalam perpustakaan membaca
buku-buku yang bercorak akademik
88. Selesa dalam menghadapi situasi-sltuasi baru
89. Jarang menangguhkan kerja yang telah diberikan kepada saya walau
pun saya tidak suka
90. Merasa diri saya gaga! hila orang lain membuat kerja lebih baik
daripada saya
92. In gin bergiat cergas dalam persatuan yang bertanggungjawab
membantu iudividu yang kurang bernasib baik
93. Selalu meminta kepastian dari orang lain bahawa apa yang saya buat
dan katakan adalah betul
94. Sentiasa menjaga ruang tempat kerja saya supaya kelihatan bersih dan
96. Saya tidak pernah berselisih faham dengan sesiapa
97. Akan terns bertanya sehingga saya berpuas hati denganjawapan yang
masalah sosial, politik dan ekonomi
99. Melakukan sesuatu mengikut cara saya sendiri tanpa memikirkan apa
orang lain akan kata
dengan orang lain
101. Selesa bercakap dengan sesaorang walaupun bertemu buat kali pertama
102. Suka menulis ulasan kritikal mengenai buku-buku dan
artikel-artikel bercorak akademik yang saya baca
103. Merasa gugup bercakap di hadapan khayalak ramai
104. Tidak suka tinggal di sesuatu tempat dalam satu jangkamasa yang lama
105. Akan meneruskan kerja-kerja yang menghadapi kebuntuan, walaupun
orang lain telah menarik diri
108. Percaya bahawa menolong orang lain adalah sama penting dengan
menolong diri saya sendiri
sokongan dari kawan-kawan
110. Merancang dengan tellti matlamat yang ingin saya capai di masa akan ..
Ill. Merasakan bahawa kejayaan orang lain selalu mendorong saya untuk
mencuba dengan lebih bersungguh-sungguh
113. Lebih selesa membuat kelja-kerja yang telah saya rancang dari
membuat kerja yang disuruh oleh orang lain
114. Berminat mencari sebab musabab mengenai tingkahlaku dan
pennasalahan manusia
116. Merasa perlu bergantung kepada individu yang saya percayai bagi
membentuk nilai-nilai hidup saya
117. Lebih selesa berinteraksi dengan individu yang tidak saya kenali dari
duduk seorang diri
118. Sering memikirkan sebab-sebab berlakunya masalah di dunia ini serta
cara penyelesaiannya
119. Selalu merasa bimbang hila bertemu dengan orang yang belum saya
120. Suka membuat sesuatu kelja hanya disebabkan ianya berbeza dari yang
walaupun saya terpaksa bekerja lebih masa
122. Merasakan yang diri saya patut dihukum kerana telah melakukan
sesuatu yang salah
123. Suka kepada aktiviti-aktiviti kumpulan di mana saya bertindak sebagai
orang lain
125. Merasa kecewa hila orang lain tidak menghargai diri saya
126. Merancang semua aktiviti-aktiviti supaya ia dapat dijalankan dengan
127. Mempunyai keinginan yang tinggi untuk 1ebih berjaya daripada orang
tidak pemah marah
saya yang lain
masalah rumit yang perlu diselesaikan
131. Percaya yang saya mempunyai hak untuk menentukan sendiri apa yang
ingin saya lakukan
132. Lebih suka meminta nasihat dari orang lain daripada cuba
menyelesaikan masalah saya sendiri
133. Menganggap diri saya sebagai orang yang mudah untuk didampingi
134. Merasakan yang diri saya lebih berkebolehan membuat sesuatu kerja
berbanding dengan kawan-kawan saya yang lain
135. Merasa amat sukar memberitahu orang lain mengenai diri saya
136. Ingin mencuba sesuatu sekurang-kurangnya sekali
137. Bila saya membuat sesuatu keputusan, jarang sekali saya akan
138. Percaya bahawa diri saya mempunyai lebih banyak masalah peribadi
dari orang lain
140. Percaya bahawa kebanyakan orang yang saya temui boleh menjadi
kawau kepada saya
141. lngin supaya diri saya difahami dan diterima oleh orang lain
142. Bekerja lebih efektif mengikut jadual yang telah dirancang terlebih
kerja-keija yang mencabar
145. Suka kepada perdebatan yang hangat tidak kira sama ada
saya menang atau kalab
146. Suka membaca buku-buku yang boleh membantu saya mengenali diri
dengan lebih baik
147. Berpendapat babawa apa yang betul dan apa yang salah
adalab ditentukan oleh diri saya sendiri
148. Tidak akan memulakan sesuatu keijabila saya dapati orang lain tidak
berminat untuk melakukannya
150. Suka berbincang mengenai konsep-konsep dan idea-idea
151. Akan mengelak situasi-situasi yang memaksa saya berhubung dan
berinteraksi dengan orang ramai
152. Merasa bosan hidup dalam keadaan yang stabil di sepanjang masa tanpa
153. Tidak suka membiarkan sesnatu keija terbengkalai tanpa mencari jalan
penyelesaiannya segera
155. Akan memilih pekerjaan di mana saya mempunyai tanggungjawab .
pennh untuk menyelia
158. Rasa kecewa hila ada sesuatu y!Ulg menganggu perjalanan rangangan
say a
159. Ingin diiktiraf sebagai seorang yang berpengaruh
160. Saya tidak pernab cemburu walaupun kekasih atau orang yang saya
sayangi bermesra dengan orang lain