In Any Light€¦ · All comrades of the O. A. B. and all Soldiers, Sailors, Sons of Veterans,...

-- ' 11 - I if ' i 3 I ? K.. Li l 2 ., fe -- ' i ESTABLISHED MAT 11,1878. Colnmbns gouroaL Columbiw, Nebr. Eatered at the PostoSce. ColHjnbns, Near., M awced-clas- e mail matter. taulWaUMiijlty X.X.TVUnSCI. TOMS Or SCB8CBIPTIOB: One year. by'maiL, postage prepaid... SlX aaa0alsmnee e . .18 Three aaoataa WEDNESDAY. KAY 27. UM. 0Tb Babacrlbera of the Jomr-nnl:-Plaa- ae look at the date oppo- site yoar name on tae wrapper of yoar Joamal or on tae aaargia of The Joaraal. Up to tale date, yoar ambacripthm ia paid or accoanted for. An early date is now talked of for hold- ing the republican state convention. A lakge tract of land containing 83,000 acres in Chihuahua, Mexico, has been parchased and will be settled by Boer immigrants. The Inter Ocean of Chicago refers to trust newspapers of that city in which tax payers there were humbugged out of $10,000 to $15,000 in the Durborow-Lor-im- er contest. Two automobolists, Dr. N. Nelson Jackson of Vermont and S. Krocker of Seattle, will undertake to make the trip from coast to coast in a twenty hone-pow- er automobile. They left San Fran- cisco Friday of last week. It is given out from Washington that W. J. Bryan's choice for the democratic presidential nomination in 1904, is Chief Jaetice Walter Clark of the North Car- olina supreme court. It is said of him that he is more populistic than Mr. Bryan. Two candidates to run in opposition to Chief Justice J. J. Sullivan this fall have already offered themselves. They are Supreme Court Commissioner Barnes of Norfolk and Judge Letton of Fair-bur- y. No doubt the woods will be full of candidates by the time of the meeting of the nominating convention. A pbess dispatch from Lincoln dated the 23d says that Chancellor E. Benja- min Andrews of the Nebraska University that day announced to one of his classes that he was in error in his position as a silver man. He had been misled by the word of eminent geologists that the world's production of gold was limited. He said he was henceforth a gold man. Miss Louise Hadlet, a chamber maid in an Indianapolis hotel, who refused to make the bed in which Booker T. Wash- ington had slept and was discharged, promptly became a "martyr" and has received upwards of $10,000, the money having been raised by subscription in various parts of the country, the larger portion of it coming from the southern states. In an article on irrigation, Edward A. Beak of the weather bureau says that there are more than 7,000,000 acres of irrigated land in the United States. The total cost of the irrigation systems of the TJaited States is fd,289,G01, and the valueof the irrigated crops for the single year of 1899 was $84,433,438, or .30 per cent greater than the cost of plants. The number of irrigators was 102,819. Fbidat evening between five and six o'clock a cyclone struck that section of country lying about eight miles west of Franklin, this state, doing great damage to property. Mrs. J. Gish was killed and her husband so badly hurt he will die. Six others are badly injured. They are J. J. Gish and Charles Gish, Mr. and Mrs. John Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, the latter having a broken shoulder. Mr. Gish and wife were visiting, having only been there a couple of days. Joms McNeil, grand president and organizer of the Brotherhood of Boiler makers and Iron Shipbuilders of Ameri ca, in a statement last Saturday, said that the strike of the boilermakers on the Union Pacific inaugurated June 19, 1902, has been settled, the men being granted a substantial increase, and other questions arranged satisfactory to both parties. All the men now out are to return to work. The men struck for an increase in wages and the establishment of shop rules. At Greenport, N. Y., on the 19th insL the Holland submarine torpedo boats Plunger and Shark had their official government trials on Peconic bay. They covered a two-mil- e course, each firing a 'torpedo at the end of the distance. The Hanger exceeded the government in speed, and fired the tor- pedo with absolute accuracy between two flag buoys, the space representing a Battleship. Owing to an accident, the Shark's speed fell slightly below that required, but her torpedo was fired as correctly as that of the Plunger. Aooodkiko to the report of the state beard of equalization, which recently completed ite work the result is an in- crease in the valuation of railroad prop- erty of $488,740.80. An increase was Hade on ten separate lines of road, and a redaction on seven lines. The value-tio- a of the Burlington main line is $80 per mile less than last year, and that of the Union Pacific main line is increased 9100 per mile. The greatest change is in the valuation of the A. & N which was increased from $4,600 per mile to $5,700. Over half of the increase in val aatioa is due to the construction of new lines, mostly by the Northwestern. The United States Geological survey has recently issued, as Geologic Folio No. 88, the Scotte Bluff folio of the Geologic Atlas of the United States. The quadrangle thus mapped lies entire- ty within the broad valley of the North Platte river, and contains about 892 square miles, including the greater part ef Seetts Blaff county and the north- - ad north-centr- al part of Ban- - reonmty, Nebraska. The Seotts Blaff itself, a coaspicaoas landmark for many miles, rises about half a mile back' from the North Platte river to an altitude of attz last, which is aboat 800 feet above the river. There are extensive irrigation along the valley of the North river; and tbe results of irrigation are so satisfactory that increased fadli- - for obtaiaiag water are being t The fusion press is clamoring for the removal of the supreme judiciary from politics and unanimous support of all parties for Judge Sullivan. This is not surprising. It is the habit of that party to clamor for outside assistance whea in the minority and for a strict adhereaoe to party lines when the majority is their way. But wherein lies the fairness in retaining two of the three judges fusion when a considerable majority of the voters of the state are republican? Why not wait until Judges Sullivan and Hol-eom- b have been displaced by John B. Barnes and another republican equally eligible and then raise the nonpartisan cry? Stanton Picket. An expedition is being sent out under the auspices of the Geographical society of Philadelphia and the Arctic club of New York to explore Mount McKialey, the highest peak in the Alaskan range, estimated to be 20,400 feet in height The expedition is to be in charge of Dr. Frederick A. Cook of Brooklyn, who accompanied Peary on two of his Arctic trips and the Belgian party on their visit to the antarctic regions. The Lincoln Star observes the Omaha World-Heral- d now pays high tribute to the character and public services of Benjamin Harrison. General Harrison is dead. Of course, during his lifetime, and especially while he' was in public office, the World-Heral- d assailed him with the most venomous partisan rancor and indiscriminate abuse, 'it calumniat- ed him for precisely what it now praises and approves. One day last week at the saleof Scotch bred short horns by E. S. Kelley at Whitehall farm, near Springfield, Ohio, thirty head were disposed of for a total sum of $13,906. The'prices ranged from $850 for Fair Moen (imported) to $3,000. MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES. Uaaer the Auspices ef Baker Test I 9. . A. ., Nerta Opera Meuse. Ma 30. 1903. All comrades of the O. A. B. and all Soldiers, Sailors, Sons of Veterans, Veterans of the late Spanish American war and members of Co. K Nebr. Natl Guard and Coafederade Soldiers are invited to join the members of Baker Post at 130 p. m. shabp on Memorial Day. The Fire- men and City Band will form oa Thirteenth street in front of Firemen's hall at l:90f. m. and march west on Thirteenth street to Nebraska Avenue, thence sooth to Twelfth street, thence east to Olive, thence south to Eleventh street to G. A. 1L hall where under command of J. B. Meagher, marshal of the day. the line of march will be taken up to the North opera house by way of North and Thirteenth streets. Exercises will commence promptly at 2 p. m. The Veterans of the Spanish-Americ- an war are requested to meet in G. A. B. hall Saturday to march with that body to memorial services. PROGRAM. L. Call the assembly to order by Commander A. W.Clark. 2. Music by Columbus City Band. 3. Salute to the Dead by G. A. R. 4. Prayer, Chaplain of Baker Post, W. A. Mc Allister. 5. Beading of general orders. Adjutant of Post, E.O. Hector. 6. Remarks. 7. Song, Tenting on the Old Camp Ground," Chorus of Boys. Public schools. 8. Declamation, "Decoration Day." N. Rose Basmuasen. . Song. "Our Fallen Brave." .St. Francis Academy. 10. Declamatioa (a) Our Dead Heroes. (b) The Veteran Aetua ciuu. 11. Declamation, The Silent Army of Memo rial Day," Miss . Brega, St. Francis Academy. 12. Flag Drill, public schools. 13. Song. "Singing in God's Acre," Miss Ethel Galley. "11. Address, W. M. Kern. 13. Song, "Our Country's Call." public schools. 18. Address for Fire Department, by August Wagner. 17. Music by Columbus City Band. At the close of the program the line of march will be taken up to the city cemetery where the exercises will be completed according to the G. A. B. ritual, ending with "taps" by the High School Cadets. All offerings of flowers by citizens are re- quested to be taken during the morning hours to the G. A. R. hall, where a comrade of Baker Post will be in readiness to receive them. THE SOLDIER DEAD. IN THE OOLUMBCS CEXETEBT. J. B.Tschudy, K. W.Arnold, B. a Mclntire. Henry Woods, Win. Maloy, John Hammond, J.W.Early. Frank North. J. N. Lawson, LJ.Slattery, Fred Matthews, A. J. Whittaker, Bart Hunt, James Jones, P. J. Lawrence. M. Koenig, FredSchutte. Jacob Ellis, George Drake. W. H. Thomas, W. 8. Campbell, J. V. Stevenson, 8. Edwards. H. T. Spoerry, Thos. M. Wilson, John Wise, B. H. Henry, T.W.McKinnie, O. H. Archer, JosiahMcFariand, Lewis White, M. K. Turner, H.L. Adams, W. M.Schroeder. John L. Sturgeon, W. H. Thompson, E.O. Wells. Confederate IN THK CITBOUC OEXETEBV. E.D.Sheehaa. E. C. Kavanaagh, aCaffrey. James Nolan. lieklaad aad Vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kluck are rejoicing over the arrival of a eon and heir. We're plowing in the mud. We're planting in the rain. And if this thing don't sooa let up We won't raise any grain. Epworth League was re -- organized last Sunday. Fred Hoppe, president; Foes Preston, secretary. Friends are invited to meet in class room at 7 p. m. Bring yoar bibles. Rev. Preston preached the memorial sermon at Monroe Sunday. Tbe Meth- odist congregation at that place feel very proud of their new church which was recently dedicated. . Miss Minnie Wertz closed a successful term of school Friday in district 23 with an excellent program. Refreshments were served to both scholars and visitors. Both old and young indulged in a game of ball in the afternoon, the ladies play-again- st the gentlemen. We tally 1 for the ladies. De Tern Wait a Camera? Boys and girls, here is a chance to secure a good camera absolutely free. We will give you a Brownie Camera, made by the Eastman Kodak Co. This camera is not a toy, but is a reliable and accurate instrument making pictures 2M24 inches, which are as sharp and clear as pictures made by most $10 and $15 cameras. Send us three new sub scriptions to the Weekly World-Heral- d, prepaid for one year, and we will at once mail you, postage paid, a Brownie Cam- era. The subscription price of the Weekly World-Heral- d is $1.00 per year. Address, Weekly World-Heral- d, Omaha, Nebraska. H PERSONAL MENTION Will Lehman spent Sunday ia Tsacoln. Dr. Paul was in Omaha aaji Lsncoln Wednesday. R 8. Dickinson was a visitor to' Lin- coln Friday. G. 8. Easton and family spent Sunday in Bell wood. Mrs. Adolph Sauer of Omaha is here visiting friends. , Mahlon Clother of Platto'Center was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Jones ire visiting in Albion this week. R H. Jenkins is down from his Madi- son county ranch this week. Mrs. L. W. Snow was in Hastings last week, returning home Saturday. - Mrs. J. J. Sullivan and Miss Maud Parker were in Lincoln Wednesday. Rudolf Durcbe of Albion was in the city Friday on his way to Bellwood. Ed. Hofrichter, Mr. Banning and Geo. Zeter were over from Bellwood Friday. Mrs. Ed. McCann of Omaha came up Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Kumpf. Mrs. G. H. Krause went to Genoa Saturday to visit her son Joe for a few days. Mrs. G. A. Speiee and Mrs. Mary Bre mer have been visiting relatives in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bickly of Omaha spent Sunday here with W. T. Bickly and family. Mrs. Barnell of Lincoln came up Mon- day for a visit to her son J. O. Barnell and family. Miss Nellie Evans of Ellijay, Georgia, a niece of H. Hockenberger, is here visit- ing relatives. C. W. Pearsall of Omaha was in the city Sunday visiting relatives and greet ing old friends. George Heller leaves this Wednesday for Cordova, Maryland, taking his family and household effects. Mrs. Hansen, mother of Dr. Hansen, arrived here Wednesday from Vinton, Iowa, on a abort visit to her son. Will Henaley is expected home in a few days from the West Point Military Academy for a two months visit. Miss Anna Murphy of Bogers returned home last week after a visit with her brother, J. J. Murphy and family. Bev. G. Miller and daughter Margaret will start Friday for a four weeks' visit east, going as far as New York City. Mrs. George Brodfuehrer returned last week from David City where she has been with relatives for seveial weeks. Henry Sturgeon came up from Garri- son to spend Sundayat home. He was accompanied by his cousin Reuben Aden. Miss Dolan of Lincoln, one of the promising artists of that city, is visiting her friend Miss Marie Kyle near Duncan. Charles Green and Mr.Plakeof Genoa were in town Friday on their way to Lin- coln. Mr. Plake is clerk at the Indian school. Mrs. W. B. Kenney of Canon City, Colorado, arrived here last Tuesday on a viait to lr paranla, 14V. and MlB. O. C Shannon. Mrs. James Dowers of David City and sister Mrs. Harris of Lincoln, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. S. R Baker, a few days last week. Miss Courtney Dale of Omaha and Miss Pearl Bonesteel of Downers Grove Illinois, are expected here today from Omaha for a short visit with relatives. Miss Tona Brodfuehrer is expected home this week from Chicago, where she is engaged in the millinery business. She will visit her parents a few weeks. Miss Lida Turner left Saturday for Peru where she will take a summer course in the State Normal school. Her sister, Miss Frances, accompanied her as far as Lincoln. Mrs. Robert O'Brien of Cheyenne, Wyoming, visited relatives here Wednes day on her way home from Illinois, where she was called by the serious illness of her father. Mrs. W. J. Williams and daughter Miss Ethel Henrich and Mrs. Alexander, mother of Mrs. Williams, have returned from Palo Alto, California, and are now in Council Bluffs with relatives. Miss Ethel is expected here this week on a visit to friends. S. F. D. Mt. 3. Miss Mary Lange has purchased a new sewing machine. Max Gottberg has placed a new wagon scale on his farm. Quite a number of farmers had hogs on the market the past week. Miss Birdie Dodds closed her school last week in the Gottberg district. Mr. John Jeldon etill uses cratches, hut he says he is improving and feels quite well. There is a larger acreage of corn being listed this season than we have ever noticed before. Peter Schmitt's yoangest boy, who has been under Dr. Evans' care, is reported to be about weU. Ad. Brady, our recent deputy sheriff, mm at farmins with all the imrennitv and vim of an old time granger. Andrew Erb has resumed teaching again, having'' closed bib school on account of his skaters death and illness of himself. Those storks made a recent trip to Silver Creek and presented Mr. and Mrs. George Engel with a brand new baby girl, and its name ia Elisabeth May. One of the large pastures along tbe route is being broken an. Thebreakiag of prairie and the planting of beans with a hatchet, as we noticed tbe girls doing, reminded us of oar younger days. A rural carrier on a near-b- y town route writes that he recently found three sacks of oats at different boxes along his route. That's nothing; we know a carrier who recently found a beer bottle and nine doughnuts in a mail box oa his route. Friday evening, May 29th, in North opera house. Invocation Bev. G. A. Lace Music Emma hLRagatx Salutatory. Grace M. Lewis Address. Bev. W. N. Haleey Mask) Myrtle M. Hoffman Clam History. Samuel A. Maaood Class Prophecy Ralph D. Wiggins Valedictory. Hoawr A. Martya Preeeatatina of Diplomee Beaediotioa. .. .Bar. J. R R .,- -! in (ffiBllSaeliBBaaBBBBBBBBW Vf ItraBSafllSSBBBBBBBBBBBW fls f !&KmE jiilmiiDvBaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaav kW 'BDDBuamliaaBBBBBBBBT izfAu .va9KsnHnRfSEsBWsaass&BBE!raBaaaaaaaaw r l!'11 tjPJI!SKflBaSWSaBBBBBBBBBW VfjggjgggggsjBBaggaaaaaaf iSaaaal - PSlaeBBBBBBnW. North Op House, Saturday, lay ! ... .:.. SxaB&gexxien&t of MR. CHAtfLES B. HANFORD Aobompanled toy MISS MARIE DROFNAH With a Magnificent Production of Shakespeare's Delightful Comedy The Merchant of Venice. Prices, $1.50, 41, r ASIVUVASV w I- - WbOL -- DEALERS IN- - Patton's Sun . . . . The heavy rain storms of last week over and states, the worst in Kan- sas and where several mnch Saline county, Kansas, was visited by three twisters within hours, several people were killed and dozens Blaine and other towns in Knnnnn all report storms. In the entire southern and east- ern of the state have had heavy in many instances to and York, Clay, Franklin and Dodge counties all have had storms with that have swept trees, and that lay fin their path. and other towns along the rivers have been del- uged with water. The Union Pacific and other roads out from Omaha have had tracks washed away nearly, every night for a week, causing delay in train service. the rain has been so many farmers have in in their corn. The rainfall in for May, up to to- day has been 6.10 inches with sixteen distinct rains during the month. This is the amount of rainfall for May in nine years, the lightest rain being in 1897 when 1.12 inches fell, and the heaviest in 1896 with 5.91 inches. Garaem 8pet ef tie Earth. The fertile soils of eastern Oregon or yield, in abund- - mm anil in tliA hionMlt a ww am - "" D BT 9 a at -- 4. a il grain, grass, vegeuune ana iraii. m. toe ' zone. To enable persons to reach these tavnrttA lnnalttiai withnnt nnnafiflawrv m m m -j or ume ana money, uw TTniui Puilfl hrna nat in Ar7Mt Rntlhd Trip rates as follows from Missouri river, May 19. Jane 2 and 16: $32.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.,. $3LS0 to Butte and Helena. SHOO to ' ' $52.00 to Tacoma and Seattle. Alan rknaWiav RaljM everv dav nntil June 15,' to many points in the states of uauiorms. uregun, nuiugw, wu- - tans, and Utah. W. H. Bkkhah Bock for Sale ! Pn Vn 1 ta hfMiUdi hv a Hawkins No. 2 by a Ringlet cockerel and No. 3 by a uongor cocKerei. jsggs fmm AWt tmn nana CI .50 nor aAttincr of thirteen. Eggs from No. 3, $1.00 per ... .I-.I4-.- ST1t - - Selling Ot uurmuo. i-- u uu ur auuiuuu, ano. J--. n xnunia, 8spr3m Nebr. Far The Uaion Pacific Railroad is issuing giving and accurate reports of work carried on in the states of fsnitsr, and Also special bulletin on ajfalfa, wheat, corn, beet sugar, eta. Mailed free 'on to W. Agent. TO Tn rnri-- M f. .Sam Beater aoUSed that sd teal Batata, to wit: Lota one (l)aad two ia block Udrtj-ai- a (). ia the city of . Platte mratv. Nullf-- I - nar- - -- ...-- --, - - --- .--. at ta ninao- - we couiy Btaaamrer o- - UM for the tear IM. aad said B. W. Yoaa, ia the owaaraaJ aoldar ef aaid earttaoate. ras BaaBje lots wWi tassel ia taeaa-ae- ef Aemmmaa - . AlamA aVa --- - - aaal mimmmm Hams mm sasaaiv aw aa.amamaBaiea ejaa bmh wrtiaeata wU esaire en Norea- -r SU, jam. nauim w. uiumr. t. rtf 30, 1 Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Glass, Var- nishes and Oils PAINTERS AND !44h444MM4nH:' extended Nebraska surround- ing occurring Oklohoma cyclones destroyed property. twenty-fou- r injured. Ash- land, Kinsley, disastrous Nebraska, portions rainfalls, amounting cloudbursts cyclones. Fillmore, electrical cyclones buildings vegetation Plattsmouth Although plentiful, suc- ceeded putting Columbus (Tuesday) greatest Washington overflowing nArfafltionevarv temperate expenaiiure Homeseekers Excursion Spokane. Portland, Barret PlyMOBtl. Eggs cockerel; Monroe, FaTaman. Agricaltural Bulletins complete experimental Ne- braska, Colorado Wyoming. application H..Benham, NOTICE REDEEM. tk7ollowia Ir&?J!fc,5T 75o, 50c and 35c. XVUVI, v X w&m 0 aAa t T 5 T - Proof Paint V T t PAPER HANGERS. i Bates via TJaiea Pacific to many points in the states of California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Montana, FBOM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS. $15.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return, July 1 to 10, in- clusive. $17.50 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return, June 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive. (Glenwood Springs, $29.50.) $30150 to Ogden and Salt Lake City and return, Jnne 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive. $31.50 to Butte and Helena and return. May 19, June 2 and 16, July 7 and 21, Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1 and 15. $1450 to Spokane and return, May 19. June 2 and 16. $52.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return, May 19, June 2 and 16. $45.00 to San Francisco and Los Angeles and return. May 12 to 18, inclusive, Aug. 1 to 14, inclusive. $50.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego and return, July 1 to 10, inclusive. For Sale, Four-roo-m house containing pantry, closets, good cellar; large barn for four head of horses, chicken yard, coal shed, two full-size- d lots 132 ft square, located in the southeast portion of city. Inquire of as. Ricklt. PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Platte coutj-- , as. Ia the coast? cosrt, ia and for said count. Ia the matter of the estate of Frank ('. Tamer de- ceased, late of said coontr. At a session of the county coart for said county, holden at tbo Coonty Jodge'a oBtce ia Ctolaabas, ia said county oa the 18th day of May A. D. 1903, present John Ratterman, county judse. On readinc aad filiafc the duly verified petition of J. A. Tamer prayiaathat letters of aaainistratioa be iaaaed to Ed. H. Jenkins on the estate of said dSOOdOaaf- Thereupon, it is ordered that the 13th day of Jane A. D. 1903, at V o'clock a. m., be assigned for the bearing of aaid petition at the Coaaty Jadcjs'a ottce in said coaaty. Aad it ia farther ordered, that doe legal notice be given" of the' pendency aad bearing of aaid petition by publication in Tax Columbus Joub-- J AI. for three coaaeeativo weeks. (A tram eonr of the order.) John Ratrexas, l8t""J Coaaty Judge. Dated, Colambaa, -- Neb May 18th, 190a. PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska. Platte coaaty, aa. Ia tbe county court, in and for aaid coonty. In the matter of the estate of Alien C. Turner de- ceased, late of aaid coontr. - At a session of tbe county court for said county. noraen at toe uoaniy J nagea omce in lainmbas, in said county oa the 18th day of May A. D. 198a, present John Batterman, county judge. On read- ing and filing the duly verified petition of J. A. Tamer piayiagthat letters of administration be issaed to Ed. H. Jenkins on the estate of said decedent. Thereupon, it is ordered that the 13th day of iune a. u. iws, at w ociock a. m., neasstgaea for tbe bearing of aaid petitioa at the Coaaty Judge's office in said coonty. Aad it is farther ordered, that doe legal notice be given of tbe pendency and bearing of said petitioa by publication in Tax Comthsus Joub-h- al for three consecutive weeks. (A tme copy of the order.) Jobk Rattkbxav, t1-- ! County Judge. Dated. Columbas, Neb., May 18th. WM. PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Platte coaaty, as. Ia the coaaty coart, in and for aaid coontr. Ia the matter of tbe estate of Margaret T. Tamer deceased, late of aaid county. At a aessioa of tbe coaaty coart for aaid coaaty. holdea at tbe County Judge's ofice ia Colambaa, ia aaid coaaty oa the 18th day of May A. D. 1808, present John Kattermaa, coaaty jadge. Oa reading aad filing tbe duly verified pstiUoa of J. A. Tomer praying that letters of administration he iaaaed to EdTH. Jenkins oa the estate of aaid decedent. ThenapoB, it is ordered that the 13th day of Jane A. dTi90b, at 9 o'clock a. m, be aasigaed for tbe hearine- - of said petition af the Coaatv Jadge'a ofice ia aaid coaaty. Ana it is rartaer oroerea, max one jeaai aouee be givea of the pendency and heeriag of said petitioa hjr pabliration iaTaxComnua Jotra-va- i. for tame eoaaeeative weeks. (A traecoov of the order.) JOBS HATTXBXAH, Caai.l CoaatoJadge. Dated, Colombo., Neb, May UU, 19M. OjaWftJasl) In Any Light MAKE PICTURES ON THK KODAK PUN Loaded im daylight, Haloaded in daylight, develop- ed in daylight. raw Dark Rwwm NtMarii. This ia Only Possible With the KODAK Not with any other camera. Ours is the only place that KODAKS are for sale in Columbus, Nebraska. Brownie Kodaks $ 1.00 Brownie Kodaks 2.00 Other Kodaks up to 25.00 A full line of supplies, all at fac- tory prices. Here you save express or freight. .J. Siga of the Big Watrh. .nBBmmft'll-anae- Mmaaatf Ottft .eatsf" ejnW fwlffafafm I 1 cf Bus m tEAV Maac ilOBJEcr ussoH It's a wise man who knows his own style. A style that looks splendid on some one else isn't necessarily becoming to yon. A style is styl- ish only when artistically adopted to the wearer's figure and face. Only an extra good cutter can successfully adopt a style. It's the individual fit, and individual atten- tion and individual fashion that makes oar customers the best dressed men in Columbus. LUfSTEUM, The Tailor. BUeuaraBMavaWaaaWa AMERICA'S Ewiterially Fearli Ceaeistentf y ReaahHoaa. News from all of the world-W- ell written, erigiaal storiea-Aaew- era to oaeriaa-Artie- lea on Health, the Home, New Books, aad oa Work Aboat the farm aad Garden. Th WHf HUr Onu i IaamemberettheAasoctadPreaa.the only Wsstera Newspaper receiviag the entire tdagraphle newe aervlce ot the RewTprk Boa and special eaaw ef the Hew York World-da-ily over 3,000 pedal throaghoat the eomatry. YEAR QNg DOLLAR Beth paper for tLtO. tirNauratmm DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache in alsaases ef Klaaeys, jw TfJV an Deat Became eiseearaaea. There Is a care far yea. If necessary write Dr. Feaaer. He has spent a life time curias; last such cases as joura. All consultatloaa Free. ISroMIIWiSrUIA-l- S 'eaJ2 iiooflapiojojsv itM30S'iaaBja bvost spunodoci oimaiae. ufpaonpaipert BimaX) esoaBipAeappijo XttvaiS pejannf pen i Mrtp-0- 1 eair Saiaq'Xnx jo osn3 em a aaao eqa(3a poa Xaaprn saaaa j 'ja- - For Sale by C. HENSCHING. left Offer Zrer Ibdt. Thk Journai. has succeeded in getting a special clnbbine; price from the pub- lishers of the Nebraska Farmer, one of tbe best they have ever made, and during the past two months a good many have taken advantage of tnis offer and are well pleased with it. We have had the time extended for tnis offer, believing tnat many more would like to take advantage of it before it is witndrawn. For f 1.75 we can send you the Ne- braska Farmer and Columbus Journal both for one full year. The Nebraska Farmer is the leading general farm and live stock journal of the west. It prints from 21 to 40 pages each week, is well known and well liked, having been established since 1889. Its publishers are practical and experienced men, who are now and have been for thirty years extensively engaged in farming and stock raising in Nebraska and know from expe- rience the needs and conditions applica- ble to the west. It is a joaraal for the farmers by farmers. No other farm paper can fill its place or be so helpful to the farmers of the west. It is contrib- uted to by all tbe leading agricultural writera and experimenters of the wast and at our special club price should be taken by everyone. vh .nn wiaii Mm) neat, clean I handsome work done ia the line of I anauag, oau n eoeaaan uaaun t ; -A- ND- We have added to our large stock of Hardware, a complete line of GROCER- IES, all fresh, clean, bright and new, which we expect to sell at quick sales and small profits, and we extend to you a cordial invitation to call and look us over, as we can give you bargains of seasonable goods for present and future use. BUTTER aad EGGS taken jn exchange for both Groceries and Hardware and the highest market price paid. ELEVENTH STREET. T UNION PACIFIC ti & TO MANY POINTS IN K Celoraato, Maataaa, Utah, Oregaa, I California aa Wasfciagtra E ROUND Tftlf. B M to Deader, Colorado Springs aad PaeUo Jaly I to 10 lar. M moXts?SL5a, I wr .!.. m teSORoea and 8alt Lake City. I W iSL5eBatte and Helena. LW 5. u L afaW SMJO Spokane. )Jaaetf.l. V aWPorttaad.Taeoaia aad Seattle atay a. IS. t 1H. H K 15.00 Baa Francisco aad Los Anaeles. f Aaa;. 1 te 14. Inc. A U ONE WAY. H H $ao.W to Bette. Aaacoila. Heleaa. Ogdea and Bsar ffalf fate I SBB aS2Jto)Ba-eaiWeBatel.W- a. Tleaet ... Sale f2s to Portlaad aad BMaroti Oregon aad lK."uu.. M Waabiaftoa poiata. J to !. M a tWtorJaaVnaaeiaeo.LoeABcelesaadBwa7 otker Califoraia poiata. J m L lafonaatioB eaeerfally faraisheil oa applieatioa to m L W. . BENWIM. ftieni. f a GROCERIES HARDWARE Bed Front Store HEALTH S$utv Tae treat reaeady for aervoaa oc etueraez. snea as ipoteacT. Nlcatly Eaitasioae, oc rooaccooruptesm. wbicb leaa ICTCa $; aeorderwegaaraateetocare HHOTTS " ataaaairae.wfc a.raaatmiavavaa ieeaiaaai PHMYROYAL PILLS of menstraatioB." They are MIiIPE SAVERS to girls at womanhood, aiding development organs and body. No remedy for women them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pJeasare. l.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. SeM fcy alraCffata, DB. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland. Ohio. For Sale by POLLOCK & CO. SPREADING THE NEWS. -- WE KEEP THE- - 20th Ccitiiy Mann Lim Ms Fertilizer Distriiitif. Tae Delaaee Flaws; Baggies, Carriages, Wagas aad all Kiael f InpleneHts. BLACKSMITHING Done on Short Notice. LOUIS SCHREIBER. Fur Pentaall- - Ch-k- W Eicitsms bbTbtbbSbIbbbbVI H AaSal afTsF VWa BHb.BBBI aBBBI BBBBL.aW'' kal wcfov TO CALIFORNIA Every week with choke of routes. These ezcar-stoe- s leave via UNION PACIFIC evry Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 4:25 p. m. And can be joined at aay poiat earoute Fall information cltsatfally oa application to W.H.BENHAM, arostraUoa aad all diseases ot the geaeratrra asaaaaoiaT7 of known equals Omaha Merroas rrosrrauoa. aiungor ist Maaaood. Yoatarol Errors. Meatal Worry, excessive use to uoasoaipuoa ana lasaaisy. With emra or reread tneaaoaey. Sold at Sl.bvaer box. They overcome Weak- ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig- or and "'sh "Dains COLUMBUS MARKETS. i Wheat Wi Corn, old shelled Vbashel :tl Oats, new V basael 28 Byeybaeael Xi Hogs y ewt. S 25 r SO Fat steers ewt 4 00 4 2T Fat cows cwt 2 25$ :t 00 Stock steers y ewt a ODfc 4 INI PoUtoes $? basheL 2S Batter y m. i:i 20 ' EgxsVdoaen. 11 Markets eorreeted every Tuesday af- ternoon. TIME TABLE, COLUMBUS. NEB. Lincoln, I Deanrer. Helena, Chicago, Batte, 8t.Joaaph( alt Lake City, raaaaa City, Portlaad, St. Loads and all 8a a Fraaciaco poiata Beat aad aad all nnlata ' I w. TBAINS PBYABT. No. 22 Paaaeacer. ilaily except Saaday . 7:25 a. m No. 32 Accommodation, daily except Batnrday J0 p. m TBAIXS ABBIVK. No. 21 Pasaner. daily except Saaday. p. m No. SI Accomaifldatioa. daily exewpt rJaaday 1:30 p. m fflp TIME TABLE U.P.RB. BAST BOC5D. XAI!I UXB. No. 12. Cnicaco Special 1:20 a.m. No. 4. Atlaatie Express. 420 a. m. No. 84 Grand Island Loral I- - o a. a. No. 10K. Past Mail 1230 p. at. No. 10. North P atto Local 'tig, p. m. No. ft. Eastern Express iSit.m. No. 2. Overland Limited 5:27 p. m. WBST BOU5D. MAIM USB. No. 5, Pacific Express 2:18a. in No. 11, Colo. Hpecial IKSa. m. No. V. Norta Platte Local l0M.m. No. Ml. Past Mail 11:15 a.m. No. 1. Overland Limited. llAp.a. No. S, California Express 7:08 p. at No. 7, rand Island LocaL 8J5p,m. No.2S, Freisht. 4:t a. m. OaVOlB BBASCB. Bepart No. SB, Paaseaaer. a TllU. B. No. 71. Mixed . szmm a aaw Arrive Xi o eiv aTsMaweBflvjir n . IaiwS b. ta. No. 72, Mixed 700 p.m. ALHOV ABB SPALOUf O BBAXCB. Depart m en - No. 7a. Mixed J0a. m. Arrive 2. S?S'er 1235 p. at. No. 74, Mixed 8:00 p.m. Norfolk passsaBer traiaa raa daily. Notraiaa oa Albioa aad SpaUiaK braaek Baadaya. Oraad Tslaad Local daily except Saaday. W. M. Bksbam. Aaeat. D. 8TIMJC8. Olive at- - foarta doer aorU ef GOLDaUTJS, v : s it

Transcript of In Any Light€¦ · All comrades of the O. A. B. and all Soldiers, Sailors, Sons of Veterans,...

Page 1: In Any Light€¦ · All comrades of the O. A. B. and all Soldiers, Sailors, Sons of Veterans, Veterans of the late Spanish American war and members of Co. K Nebr. Natl Guard and

-- '11 -


if '









-- ' i


Colnmbns gouroaLColumbiw, Nebr.

Eatered at the PostoSce. ColHjnbns, Near., Mawced-clas- e mail matter.

taulWaUMiijlty X.X.TVUnSCI.


One year. by'maiL, postage prepaid...SlX aaa0alsmnee e . .18Three aaoataa


0Tb Babacrlbera of the Jomr-nnl:-Plaa- ae

look at the date oppo-site yoar name on tae wrapper ofyoar Joamal or on tae aaargia ofThe Joaraal. Up to tale date, yoarambacripthm ia paid or accoantedfor.

An early date is now talked of for hold-

ing the republican state convention.

A lakge tract of land containing 83,000

acres in Chihuahua, Mexico, has beenparchased and will be settled by Boerimmigrants.

The Inter Ocean of Chicago refers totrust newspapers of that city in whichtax payers there were humbugged out of$10,000 to $15,000 in the Durborow-Lor-im- er


Two automobolists, Dr. N. NelsonJackson of Vermont and S. Krocker ofSeattle, will undertake to make the tripfrom coast to coast in a twenty hone-pow- er

automobile. They left San Fran-

cisco Friday of last week.

It is given out from Washington thatW. J. Bryan's choice for the democraticpresidential nomination in 1904, is ChiefJaetice Walter Clark of the North Car-

olina supreme court. It is said of himthat he is more populistic than Mr.Bryan.

Two candidates to run in oppositionto Chief Justice J. J. Sullivan this fallhave already offered themselves. Theyare Supreme Court Commissioner Barnesof Norfolk and Judge Letton of Fair-bur- y.

No doubt the woods will be fullof candidates by the time of the meetingof the nominating convention.

A pbess dispatch from Lincoln datedthe 23d says that Chancellor E. Benja-

min Andrews of the Nebraska Universitythat day announced to one of his classesthat he was in error in his position as asilver man. He had been misled by theword of eminent geologists that theworld's production of gold was limited.He said he was henceforth a gold man.

Miss Louise Hadlet, a chamber maidin an Indianapolis hotel, who refused tomake the bed in which Booker T. Wash-ington had slept and was discharged,promptly became a "martyr" and hasreceived upwards of $10,000, the moneyhaving been raised by subscription invarious parts of the country, the largerportion of it coming from the southernstates.

In an article on irrigation, Edward A.Beak of the weather bureau says thatthere are more than 7,000,000 acres ofirrigated land in the United States. Thetotal cost of the irrigation systems of theTJaited States is fd,289,G01, and thevalueof the irrigated crops for the singleyear of 1899 was $84,433,438, or .30 percent greater than the cost of plants.The number of irrigators was 102,819.

Fbidat evening between five and sixo'clock a cyclone struck that section ofcountry lying about eight miles west ofFranklin, this state, doing great damageto property. Mrs. J. Gish was killed andher husband so badly hurt he will die.Six others are badly injured. They areJ. J. Gish and Charles Gish, Mr. andMrs. John Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, thelatter having a broken shoulder. Mr.Gish and wife were visiting, having onlybeen there a couple of days.

Joms McNeil, grand president andorganizer of the Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders of America, in a statement last Saturday, saidthat the strike of the boilermakers onthe Union Pacific inaugurated June 19,1902, has been settled, the men beinggranted a substantial increase, and otherquestions arranged satisfactory to bothparties. All the men now out are toreturn to work. The men struck for anincrease in wages and the establishmentof shop rules.

At Greenport, N. Y., on the 19th insLthe Holland submarine torpedo boatsPlunger and Shark had their officialgovernment trials on Peconic bay. Theycovered a two-mil- e course, each firing a

'torpedo at the end of the distance. TheHanger exceeded the government

in speed, and fired the tor-

pedo with absolute accuracy betweentwo flag buoys, the space representing aBattleship. Owing to an accident, theShark's speed fell slightly below thatrequired, but her torpedo was fired ascorrectly as that of the Plunger.

Aooodkiko to the report of the statebeard of equalization, which recentlycompleted ite work the result is an in-

crease in the valuation of railroad prop-erty of $488,740.80. An increase wasHade on ten separate lines of road, anda redaction on seven lines. The value-tio- a

of the Burlington main line is $80per mile less than last year, and that ofthe Union Pacific main line is increased9100 per mile. The greatest change isin the valuation of the A. & N whichwas increased from $4,600 per mile to$5,700. Over half of the increase in valaatioa is due to the construction of newlines, mostly by the Northwestern.

The United States Geological surveyhas recently issued, as Geologic FolioNo. 88, the Scotte Bluff folio of theGeologic Atlas of the United States.The quadrangle thus mapped lies entire-ty within the broad valley of the NorthPlatte river, and contains about 892square miles, including the greater partef Seetts Blaff county and the north- -

ad north-centr- al part of Ban- -reonmty, Nebraska. The Seotts Blaff

itself, a coaspicaoas landmark for manymiles, rises about half a mile back' fromthe North Platte river to an altitude ofattz last, which is aboat 800 feet abovethe river. There are extensive irrigation

along the valley of the Northriver; and tbe results of irrigation

are so satisfactory that increased fadli--

for obtaiaiag water are being


The fusion press is clamoring for theremoval of the supreme judiciary frompolitics and unanimous support of allparties for Judge Sullivan. This is notsurprising. It is the habit of that partyto clamor for outside assistance whea inthe minority and for a strict adhereaoeto party lines when the majority is theirway. But wherein lies the fairness inretaining two of the three judges fusionwhen a considerable majority of thevoters of the state are republican? Whynot wait until Judges Sullivan and Hol-eom- b

have been displaced by John B.Barnes and another republican equallyeligible and then raise the nonpartisancry? Stanton Picket.

An expedition is being sent out underthe auspices of the Geographical societyof Philadelphia and the Arctic club ofNew York to explore Mount McKialey,the highest peak in the Alaskan range,estimated to be 20,400 feet in heightThe expedition is to be in charge of Dr.Frederick A. Cook of Brooklyn, whoaccompanied Peary on two of his Arctictrips and the Belgian party on their visitto the antarctic regions.

The Lincoln Star observes the OmahaWorld-Heral- d now pays high tribute tothe character and public services ofBenjamin Harrison. General Harrisonis dead. Of course, during his lifetime,and especially while he' was in publicoffice, the World-Heral- d assailed himwith the most venomous partisan rancorand indiscriminate abuse, 'it calumniat-ed him for precisely what it now praisesand approves.

One day last week at the saleof Scotchbred short horns by E. S. Kelley atWhitehall farm, near Springfield, Ohio,thirty head were disposed of for a totalsum of $13,906. The'prices ranged from$850 for Fair Moen (imported) to $3,000.


Uaaer the Auspices ef Baker Test I9. . A. ., Nerta Opera Meuse.

Ma 30. 1903.

All comrades of the O. A. B. and all Soldiers,Sailors, Sons of Veterans, Veterans of the lateSpanish American war and members of Co. KNebr. Natl Guard and Coafederade Soldiers areinvited to join the members of Baker Post at130 p. m. shabp on Memorial Day. The Fire-

men and City Band will form oa Thirteenthstreet in front of Firemen's hall at l:90f. m. andmarch west on Thirteenth street to NebraskaAvenue, thence sooth to Twelfth street, thenceeast to Olive, thence south to Eleventh street toG. A. 1L hall where under command of J. B.Meagher, marshal of the day. the line of marchwill be taken up to the North opera house by wayof North and Thirteenth streets. Exercises willcommence promptly at 2 p. m.

The Veterans of the Spanish-Americ- an war arerequested to meet in G. A. B. hall Saturday tomarch with that body to memorial services.

PROGRAM.L. Call the assembly to order by Commander

A. W.Clark.2. Music by Columbus City Band.3. Salute to the Dead by G. A. R.4. Prayer, Chaplain of Baker Post, W. A. Mc

Allister.5. Beading of general orders. Adjutant of Post,

E.O. Hector.6. Remarks.7. Song, Tenting on the Old Camp Ground,"

Chorus of Boys. Public schools.8. Declamation, "Decoration Day." N. Rose

Basmuasen.. Song. "Our Fallen Brave." .St. Francis

Academy.10. Declamatioa (a) Our Dead Heroes.

(b) The Veteran Aetua ciuu.11. Declamation, The Silent Army of Memo

rial Day," Miss . Brega, St. FrancisAcademy.

12. Flag Drill, public schools.13. Song. "Singing in God's Acre," Miss Ethel

Galley."11. Address, W. M. Kern.13. Song, "Our Country's Call." public schools.18. Address for Fire Department, by August

Wagner.17. Music by Columbus City Band.

At the close of the program the line of marchwill be taken up to the city cemetery where theexercises will be completed according to theG. A. B. ritual, ending with "taps" by the HighSchool Cadets.

All offerings of flowers by citizens are re-

quested to be taken during the morning hoursto the G. A. R. hall, where a comrade of BakerPost will be in readiness to receive them.



J. B.Tschudy, K. W.Arnold,B. a Mclntire. Henry Woods,Win. Maloy, John Hammond,J.W.Early. Frank North.J. N. Lawson, LJ.Slattery,Fred Matthews, A. J. Whittaker,Bart Hunt, James Jones,P. J. Lawrence. M. Koenig,FredSchutte. Jacob Ellis,George Drake. W. H. Thomas,W. 8. Campbell, J. V. Stevenson,8. Edwards. H. T. Spoerry,Thos. M. Wilson, John Wise,B. H. Henry, T.W.McKinnie,O. H. Archer, JosiahMcFariand,Lewis White, M. K. Turner,H.L. Adams, W. M.Schroeder.John L. Sturgeon, W. H. Thompson,

E.O. Wells.


E.D.Sheehaa. E. C. Kavanaagh,aCaffrey. James Nolan.

lieklaad aad Vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kluck are rejoicingover the arrival of a eon and heir.

We're plowing in the mud.We're planting in the rain.

And if this thing don't sooa let upWe won't raise any grain.

Epworth League was re -- organizedlast Sunday. Fred Hoppe, president;Foes Preston, secretary. Friends areinvited to meet in class room at 7 p. m.Bring yoar bibles.

Rev. Preston preached the memorialsermon at Monroe Sunday. Tbe Meth-odist congregation at that place feel veryproud of their new church which wasrecently dedicated. .

Miss Minnie Wertz closed a successfulterm of school Friday in district 23 withan excellent program. Refreshmentswere served to both scholars and visitors.Both old and young indulged in a gameof ball in the afternoon, the ladies play-again- st

the gentlemen. We tally 1 forthe ladies.

De Tern Wait a Camera?Boys and girls, here is a chance to

secure a good camera absolutely free.We will give you a Brownie Camera,made by the Eastman Kodak Co. Thiscamera is not a toy, but is a reliable andaccurate instrument making pictures2M24 inches, which are as sharp andclear as pictures made by most $10 and$15 cameras. Send us three new subscriptions to the Weekly World-Heral- d,

prepaid for one year, and we will at oncemail you, postage paid, a Brownie Cam-era. The subscription price of theWeekly World-Heral- d is $1.00 per year.Address, Weekly World-Heral- d, Omaha,Nebraska.


Will Lehman spent Sunday ia Tsacoln.

Dr. Paul was in Omaha aaji LsncolnWednesday.

R 8. Dickinson was a visitor to' Lin-

coln Friday.G. 8. Easton and family spent Sunday

in Bell wood.

Mrs. Adolph Sauer of Omaha is herevisiting friends.

, Mahlon Clother of Platto'Center wasin town Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. R E. Jones ire visitingin Albion this week.

R H. Jenkins is down from his Madi-

son county ranch this week.

Mrs. L. W. Snow was in Hastings lastweek, returning home Saturday. -

Mrs. J. J. Sullivan and Miss MaudParker were in Lincoln Wednesday.

Rudolf Durcbe of Albion was in thecity Friday on his way to Bellwood.

Ed. Hofrichter, Mr. Banning and Geo.Zeterwere over from Bellwood Friday.

Mrs. Ed. McCann of Omaha came upWednesday to visit her mother, Mrs.Kumpf.

Mrs. G. H. Krause went to GenoaSaturday to visit her son Joe for a fewdays.

Mrs. G. A. Speiee and Mrs. Mary Bremer have been visiting relatives inOmaha.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Bickly of Omahaspent Sunday here with W. T. Bicklyand family.

Mrs. Barnell of Lincoln came up Mon-

day for a visit to her son J. O. Barnelland family.

Miss Nellie Evans of Ellijay, Georgia,a niece of H. Hockenberger, is here visit-ing relatives.

C. W. Pearsall of Omaha was in thecity Sunday visiting relatives and greeting old friends.

George Heller leaves this Wednesdayfor Cordova, Maryland, taking his familyand household effects.

Mrs. Hansen, mother of Dr. Hansen,arrived here Wednesday from Vinton,Iowa, on a abort visit to her son.

Will Henaley is expected home in afew days from the West Point MilitaryAcademy for a two months visit.

Miss Anna Murphy of Bogers returnedhome last week after a visit with herbrother, J. J. Murphy and family.

Bev. G. Miller and daughter Margaretwill start Friday for a four weeks' visiteast, going as far as New York City.

Mrs. George Brodfuehrer returned lastweek from David City where she hasbeen with relatives for seveial weeks.

Henry Sturgeon came up from Garri-son to spend Sundayat home. He wasaccompanied by his cousin Reuben Aden.

Miss Dolan of Lincoln, one of thepromising artists of that city, is visitingher friend Miss Marie Kyle near Duncan.

Charles Green and Mr.Plakeof Genoawere in town Friday on their way to Lin-

coln. Mr. Plake is clerk at the Indianschool.

Mrs. W. B. Kenney of Canon City,Colorado, arrived here last Tuesday on aviait to lr paranla, 14V. and MlB. O. CShannon.

Mrs. James Dowers of David City andsister Mrs. Harris of Lincoln, visited theformer's daughter, Mrs. S. R Baker, afew days last week.

Miss Courtney Dale of Omaha andMiss Pearl Bonesteel of Downers GroveIllinois, are expected here today fromOmaha for a short visit with relatives.

Miss Tona Brodfuehrer is expectedhome this week from Chicago, where sheis engaged in the millinery business.She will visit her parents a few weeks.

Miss Lida Turner left Saturday forPeru where she will take a summercourse in the State Normal school. Hersister, Miss Frances, accompanied her asfar as Lincoln.

Mrs. Robert O'Brien of Cheyenne,Wyoming, visited relatives here Wednesday on her way home from Illinois,where she was called by the seriousillness of her father.

Mrs. W. J. Williams and daughter MissEthel Henrich and Mrs. Alexander,mother of Mrs. Williams, have returnedfrom Palo Alto, California, and are nowin Council Bluffs with relatives. MissEthel is expected here this week on avisit to friends.

S. F. D. Mt. 3.Miss Mary Lange has purchased a new

sewing machine.Max Gottberg has placed a new wagon

scale on his farm.Quite a number of farmers had hogs

on the market the past week.Miss Birdie Dodds closed her school

last week in the Gottberg district.Mr. John Jeldon etill uses cratches,

hut he says he is improving and feelsquite well.

There is a larger acreage of corn beinglisted this season than we have evernoticed before.

Peter Schmitt's yoangest boy, who hasbeen under Dr. Evans' care, is reportedto be about weU.

Ad. Brady, our recent deputy sheriff,mm at farmins with all the imrennitvand vim of an old time granger.

Andrew Erb has resumed teachingagain, having'' closed bib school onaccount of his skaters death and illnessof himself.

Those storks made a recent trip toSilver Creek and presented Mr. and Mrs.George Engel with a brand new babygirl, and its name ia Elisabeth May.

One of the large pastures along tberoute is being broken an. Thebreakiagof prairie and the planting of beans witha hatchet, as we noticed tbe girls doing,reminded us of oar younger days.

A rural carrier on a near-b-y town routewrites that he recently found three sacksof oats at different boxes along his route.That's nothing; we know a carrier whorecently found a beer bottle and ninedoughnuts in a mail box oa his route.

Friday evening, May 29th, in Northopera house.Invocation Bev. G. A. LaceMusic Emma hLRagatxSalutatory. Grace M. LewisAddress. Bev. W. N. HaleeyMask) Myrtle M. HoffmanClam History. Samuel A. MaaoodClass Prophecy Ralph D. WigginsValedictory. Hoawr A. MartyaPreeeatatina of DiplomeeBeaediotioa. . . .Bar. J. R R

.,- -! in(ffiBllSaeliBBaaBBBBBBBBW VfItraBSafllSSBBBBBBBBBBBW fls

f!&KmE jiilmiiDvBaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaav

kW 'BDDBuamliaaBBBBBBBBTizfAu .va9KsnHnRfSEsBWsaass&BBE!raBaaaaaaaaw rl!'11 tjPJI!SKflBaSWSaBBBBBBBBBWVfjggjgggggsjBBaggaaaaaaf

iSaaaal- PSlaeBBBBBBnW.

North Op House, Saturday, lay! ...

.:.. SxaB&gexxien&t ofMR. CHAtfLES B. HANFORD

Aobompanled toy

MISS MARIE DROFNAHWith a Magnificent Production ofShakespeare's Delightful Comedy

The Merchant of Venice.

Prices, $1.50, 41,




Patton's Sun

. . . .

The heavy rain storms of last weekover and

states, the worst in Kan-

sas and where severalmnch Saline county,

Kansas, was visited by three twisterswithin hours, several peoplewere killed and dozens

Blaine and other towns inKnnnnn all report storms. In

the entire southern and east-

ern of the state have had heavyin many instances

to and York,Clay, Franklin and Dodgecounties all have had stormswith that have swept trees,

and that lay fintheir path. and othertowns along the rivers have been del-

uged with water. The Union Pacificand other roads out from Omaha havehad tracks washed away nearly, everynight for a week, causing delay in trainservice. the rain has beenso many farmers have

in in their corn. Therainfall in for May, up to to-

day has been 6.10 inches withsixteen distinct rains during the month.This is the amount of rainfallfor May in nine years, the lightest rainbeing in 1897 when 1.12 inches fell, andthe heaviest in 1896 with 5.91 inches.

Garaem 8pet ef tie Earth.The fertile soils of eastern Oregon or

yield, in abund- -mm anil in tliA hionMlta ww am - "" D BT 9

a at -- 4. a ilgrain, grass, vegeuune ana iraii. m. toe'zone.To enable persons to reach these

tavnrttA lnnalttiai withnnt nnnafiflawrvm m m -jor ume ana money, uw

TTniui Puilfl hrna nat in Ar7Mt RntlhdTrip rates asfollows from Missouri river, May 19.

Jane 2 and 16:$32.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.,.$3LS0 to Butte and Helena.SHOO to ' '$52.00 to Tacoma and Seattle.

Alan rknaWiav RaljM everv dav nntilJune 15,'to many points in the states ofuauiorms. uregun, nuiugw, wu--

tans, and Utah. W. H. Bkkhah

Bockfor Sale !

Pn Vn 1 ta hfMiUdi hv a HawkinsNo. 2 by a Ringlet cockerel

and No. 3 by a uongor cocKerei. jsggsfmm AWt tmn nana CI .50 nor aAttincr ofthirteen. Eggs from No. 3, $1.00 per... .I-.I4-.- ST1t - -Selling Ot uurmuo. i-- u uu ur auuiuuu,

ano. J--. n xnunia,8spr3m Nebr.

FarThe Uaion Pacific Railroad is issuing

givingand accurate reports ofwork carried on in the states of

fsnitsr, andAlso special bulletin on ajfalfa, wheat,corn, beet sugar, eta. Mailed free 'on

to W. Agent.

TOTn rnri-- M f..Sam Beater aoUSed that sd

teal Batata, to wit: Lota one (l)aad twoia block Udrtj-ai- a (). ia the city of

. Platte mratv. Nullf--I - nar----...-- --, - ---- .--.

at ta ninao-- we couiy Btaaamrer o--

UM for the tear IM. aad said B. W. Yoaa, iathe owaaraaJ aoldar ef aaid earttaoate.ras BaaBje lots wWi tassel ia taeaa-ae- ef Aemmmaa

- . AlamA aVa --- - - aaalmimmmm Hams mm sasaaiv aw aa.amamaBaiea ejaa bmhwrtiaeata wU esaire en Norea- -r SU, jam.

nauim w. uiumr.


30, 1

Window Shades, RoomMouldings, Glass, Var-nishes and Oils



extended Nebraska surround-

ing occurringOklohoma cyclones

destroyed property.

twenty-fou- rinjured. Ash-

land, Kinsley,disastrous


rainfalls, amountingcloudbursts cyclones.


cyclonesbuildings vegetation


Althoughplentiful, suc-

ceeded puttingColumbus



Washington overflowingnArfafltionevarv



Homeseekers Excursion


Barret PlyMOBtl. Eggs




Agricaltural Bulletins completeexperimental

Ne-braska, Colorado Wyoming.

application H..Benham,




75o, 50c and 35c.



w&m 0aAa

tT5T-Proof Paint VT



Bates via TJaiea Pacificto many points in the states of California,Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Utah,and Montana,


$15.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs andPueblo and return, July 1 to 10, in-

clusive.$17.50 to Denver, Colorado Springs and

Pueblo and return, June 1 to Sept. 30,inclusive.

(Glenwood Springs, $29.50.)$30150 to Ogden and Salt Lake City and

return, Jnne 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive.$31.50 to Butte and Helena and return.

May 19, June 2 and 16, July 7 and 21,Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1 and 15.

$1450 to Spokane and return, May 19.June 2 and 16.

$52.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattleand return, May 19, June 2 and 16.

$45.00 to San Francisco and Los Angelesand return. May 12 to 18, inclusive,Aug. 1 to 14, inclusive.

$50.00 to San Francisco, Los Angelesand San Diego and return, July 1 to10, inclusive.

For Sale,Four-roo-m house containing pantry,

closets, good cellar; large barn for fourhead of horses, chicken yard, coal shed,two full-size- d lots 132 ft square, locatedin the southeast portion of city. Inquireof as. Ricklt.

PROBATE NOTICE.State of Nebraska, Platte coutj-- , as. Ia the

coast? cosrt, ia and for said count. Ia thematter of the estate of Frank ('. Tamer de-ceased, late of said coontr.At a session of the county coart for said county,

holden at tbo Coonty Jodge'a oBtce ia Ctolaabas,ia said county oa the 18th day of May A. D. 1903,present John Ratterman, county judse. Onreadinc aad filiafc the duly verified petition of J.A. Tamer prayiaathat letters of aaainistratioabe iaaaed to Ed. H. Jenkins on the estate of saiddSOOdOaaf-

Thereupon, it is ordered that the 13th day ofJane A. D. 1903, at V o'clock a. m., be assignedfor the bearing of aaid petition at the CoaatyJadcjs'a ottce in said coaaty.

Aad it ia farther ordered, that doe legal noticebe given" of the' pendency aad bearing of aaidpetition by publication in Tax Columbus Joub--J

AI. for three coaaeeativo weeks. (A tram eonrof the order.)

John Ratrexas,l8t""J Coaaty Judge.Dated, Colambaa, --Neb May 18th, 190a.

PROBATE NOTICE.State of Nebraska. Platte coaaty, aa. Ia tbe

county court, in and for aaid coonty. In thematter of the estate of Alien C. Turner de-ceased, late of aaid coontr.- At a session of tbe county court for said county.

noraen at toe uoaniy J nagea omce in lainmbas,in said county oa the 18th day of May A. D. 198a,present John Batterman, county judge. On read-ing and filing the duly verified petition of J. A.Tamer piayiagthat letters of administration beissaed to Ed. H. Jenkins on the estate of saiddecedent.

Thereupon, it is ordered that the 13th day ofiune a. u. iws, at w ociock a. m., neasstgaeafor tbe bearing of aaid petitioa at the CoaatyJudge's office in said coonty.

Aad it is farther ordered, that doe legal noticebe given of tbe pendency and bearing of saidpetitioa by publication in Tax Comthsus Joub-h- al

for three consecutive weeks. (A tme copyof the order.)

Jobk Rattkbxav,t1-- ! County Judge.Dated. Columbas, Neb., May 18th. WM.

PROBATE NOTICE.State of Nebraska, Platte coaaty, as. Ia the

coaaty coart, in and for aaid coontr. Ia thematter of tbe estate of Margaret T. Tamerdeceased, late of aaid county.At a aessioa of tbe coaaty coart for aaid coaaty.

holdea at tbe County Judge's ofice ia Colambaa,ia aaid coaaty oa the 18th day of May A. D. 1808,present John Kattermaa, coaaty jadge. Oareading aad filing tbe duly verified pstiUoa of J.A. Tomer praying that letters of administrationhe iaaaed to EdTH. Jenkins oa the estate of aaiddecedent.

ThenapoB, it is ordered that the 13th day ofJane A. dTi90b, at 9 o'clock a. m, be aasigaedfor tbe hearine-- of said petition af the CoaatvJadge'a ofice ia aaid coaaty.

Ana it is rartaer oroerea, max one jeaai aoueebe givea of the pendency and heeriag of saidpetitioa hjr pabliration iaTaxComnua Jotra-va- i.

for tame eoaaeeative weeks. (A traecoovof the order.)

JOBS HATTXBXAH,Caai.l CoaatoJadge.Dated, Colombo., Neb, May UU, 19M.




Loaded im daylight, Haloadedin daylight, develop-

ed in daylight.

raw Dark Rwwm NtMarii.This ia Only Possible With the

KODAKNot with any other camera.Ours is the only place thatKODAKS are for salein Columbus, Nebraska.

Brownie Kodaks $ 1.00Brownie Kodaks 2.00Other Kodaks up to 25.00

A full line of supplies, all at fac-tory prices. Here you save expressor freight.

.J.Siga of the Big Watrh.

.nBBmmft'll-anae- Mmaaatf Ottft.eatsf" ejnW fwlffafafm

I 1 cf Bus m

tEAV Maac

ilOBJEcr ussoHIt's a wise man who knows his own style. Astyle that looks splendid on some one else isn'tnecessarily becoming to yon. A style is styl-

ish only when artistically adopted to thewearer's figure and face. Only an extragood cutter can successfully adopt a style.It's the individual fit, and individual atten-

tion and individual fashion that makes oarcustomers the best dressed men in Columbus.

LUfSTEUM,The Tailor.



Ewiterially FearliCeaeistentf y ReaahHoaa.

News from all of the world-W- ell

written, erigiaal storiea-Aaew- era tooaeriaa-Artie- lea on Health, the Home,New Books, aad oa Work Aboat thefarm aad Garden.

Th WHf HUr Onu

i IaamemberettheAasoctadPreaa.theonly Wsstera Newspaper receiviag theentire tdagraphle newe aervlce ot theRewTprk Boa and special eaaw ef theHew York World-da-ily

over 3,000 pedalthroaghoat the eomatry.


Beth paper for tLtO.tirNauratmm



Backachein alsaases ef Klaaeys, jw TfJV an

Deat Became eiseearaaea. There Is acare far yea. If necessary write Dr. Feaaer.He has spent a life time curias; last suchcases as joura. All consultatloaa Free.


'eaJ2 iiooflapiojojsv itM30S'iaaBja

bvost spunodoci oimaiae. ufpaonpaipertBimaX) esoaBipAeappijo XttvaiS pejannfpen i Mrtp-0- 1 eair Saiaq'Xnx jo osn3 em aaaao eqa(3a poa Xaaprn saaaaj 'ja--

For Sale by C. HENSCHING.

left Offer Zrer Ibdt.Thk Journai. has succeeded in getting

a special clnbbine; price from the pub-lishers of the Nebraska Farmer, one oftbe best they have ever made, and duringthe past two months a good many havetaken advantage of tnis offer and are wellpleased with it. We have had the timeextended for tnis offer, believing tnatmany more would like to take advantageof it before it is witndrawn.

For f1.75 we can send you the Ne-

braska Farmer and Columbus Journalboth for one full year. The NebraskaFarmer is the leading general farm andlive stock journal of the west. It printsfrom 21 to 40 pages each week, is wellknown and well liked, having beenestablished since 1889. Its publishersare practical and experienced men, whoare now and have been for thirty yearsextensively engaged in farming and stockraising in Nebraska and know from expe-rience the needs and conditions applica-ble to the west. It is a joaraal for thefarmers by farmers. No other farmpaper can fill its place or be so helpfulto the farmers of the west. It is contrib-uted to by all tbe leading agriculturalwritera and experimenters of the wastand at our special club price should betaken by everyone.

vh .nn wiaii Mm) neat, clean I

handsome work done ia the line of I

anauag, oau n eoeaaan uaaun

t ;


We have added to ourlarge stock of Hardware, a complete line of GROCER-

IES, all fresh, clean, bright and new, which we expect tosell at quick sales and small profits, and we extend to youa cordial invitation to call and look us over, as we cangive you bargains of seasonable goods for present andfuture use.

BUTTER aad EGGS taken jn exchange for bothGroceries and Hardware and the highest market pricepaid.



& TO MANY POINTS IN KCeloraato, Maataaa, Utah, Oregaa, ICalifornia aa Wasfciagtra

E ROUND Tftlf. BM to Deader, Colorado Springs aad PaeUo Jaly I to 10 lar.

M moXts?SL5a, I wr .!.. mteSORoea and 8alt Lake City. I

W iSL5eBatte and Helena. LW 5. u LafaW SMJO Spokane. )Jaaetf.l.

V aWPorttaad.Taeoaia aad Seattleatay a. IS. t 1H. HK 15.00 Baa Francisco aad Los Anaeles. fAaa;. 1 te 14. Inc. A

U ONE WAY. HH $ao.W to Bette. Aaacoila. Heleaa. Ogdea andBsar ffalf fate I SBB

aS2Jto)Ba-eaiWeBatel.W- a. Tleaet ... Salef2s to Portlaad aad BMaroti Oregon aad lK."uu..M Waabiaftoa poiata. J to !. Ma tWtorJaaVnaaeiaeo.LoeABcelesaadBwa7

otker Califoraia poiata. J mL lafonaatioB eaeerfally faraisheil oa applieatioa to mL W. . BENWIM. ftieni. fa



BedFront Store

HEALTH S$utvTae treat reaeady for aervoaa

oc etueraez. snea asipoteacT. Nlcatly Eaitasioae,

oc rooaccooruptesm. wbicb leaaICTCa $; aeorderwegaaraateetocare


"ataaaairae.wfc a.raaatmiavavaa ieeaiaaai

PHMYROYAL PILLSof menstraatioB." They are MIiIPE SAVERS to girls atwomanhood, aiding development organs and body. No

remedy for women them. Cannot do harm lifebecomes a pJeasare. l.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. SeMfcy alraCffata, DB. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland. Ohio.

For Sale by POLLOCK & CO.



20th Ccitiiy MannLim Ms Fertilizer


Tae Delaaee Flaws; Baggies,Carriages, Wagas aad all

Kiael f InpleneHts.

BLACKSMITHINGDone on Short Notice.


Fur Pentaall- - Ch-k-W Eicitsms

bbTbtbbSbIbbbbVI H

AaSal afTsFVWa BHb.BBBI aBBBI BBBBL.aW'' kal


CALIFORNIAEvery week with chokeof routes. These ezcar-stoe- s

leave viaUNION PACIFIC evry

Wednesday, Thursday,Friday and Saturday

at 4:25 p. m.And can be joined

at aay poiat earoute

Fall information cltsatfallyoa application to W.H.BENHAM,

arostraUoa aad all diseases ot the geaeratrra


ofknown equals


Merroas rrosrrauoa. aiungor ist Maaaood.Yoatarol Errors. Meatal Worry, excessive use

to uoasoaipuoa ana lasaaisy. With emraor reread tneaaoaey. Sold at Sl.bvaer box.

They overcome Weak-ness, irregularity andomissions, increase vig-or and "'sh "Dains


i Wheat WiCorn, old shelled Vbashel :tlOats, new V basael 28Byeybaeael XiHogs y ewt. S 25 r SOFat steers ewt 4 00 4 2TFat cows cwt 2 25$ :t 00Stock steers y ewt a ODfc 4 INI

PoUtoes $? basheL 2SBatter y m. i:i 20 'EgxsVdoaen. 11

Markets eorreeted every Tuesday af-ternoon.


COLUMBUS. NEB.Lincoln, I Deanrer.

Helena,Chicago, Batte,8t.Joaaph( alt Lake City,raaaaa City, Portlaad,St. Loads and all 8a a Fraaciacopoiata Beat aad aad all nnlata'


No. 22 Paaaeacer. ilaily except Saaday . 7:25 a. mNo. 32 Accommodation, daily except

Batnrday J0 p. mTBAIXS ABBIVK.

No. 21 Pasaner. daily except Saaday. p. mNo. SI Accomaifldatioa. daily exewpt

rJaaday 1:30 p. m


BAST BOC5D. XAI!I UXB.No. 12. Cnicaco Special 1:20 a.m.No. 4. Atlaatie Express. 420 a. m.No. 84 Grand Island Loral I- - o a. a.No. 10K. Past Mail 1230 p. at.No. 10. North P atto Local 'tig, p. m.No. ft. Eastern Express iSit.m.No. 2. Overland Limited 5:27 p. m.

WBST BOU5D. MAIM USB.No. 5, Pacific Express 2:18a. inNo. 11, Colo. Hpecial IKSa. m.No. V. Norta Platte Local l0M.m.No. Ml. Past Mail 11:15 a.m.No. 1. Overland Limited. llAp.a.No. S, California Express 7:08 p. atNo. 7, rand Island LocaL 8J5p,m.No.2S, Freisht. 4:t a. m.


No. SB, Paaseaaer. a TllU. B.No. 71. Mixed . szmm a aaw

ArriveXi o eiv aTsMaweBflvjirn . IaiwS b. ta.No. 72, Mixed 700 p.m.


Departm en -No. 7a. Mixed J0a. m.

Arrive2. S?S'er 1235 p. at.No. 74, Mixed 8:00 p.m.

Norfolk passsaBer traiaa raa daily.Notraiaa oa Albioa aad SpaUiaK braaekBaadaya.Oraad Tslaad Local daily except Saaday.

W. M. Bksbam. Aaeat.


Olive at-- foarta doer aorU ef




