In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of...

The Find A Photographer Awards are an opportunity for photography businesses around Australia to be recognised for exceptional industry performance across a variety of categories. This awards program has been designed to commend businesses not for their photographic skill, but for their ability to run a successful photography enterprise and to shine light on those who are using their photography expertise in unique and meaningful ways. In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following awards categories: 1. Client Experience 2. Community 3. Marketing 4. Creativity 5. Philanthropy 6. Studio Design To enter each category, a 1000 word (maximum) written submission must be completed by June 30 th 2019. Businesses are eligible to enter as many categories as they wish. Written submissions will be judged and decided by our panel of industry experts and winners will be announced on stage at the Style Pose Click Melbourne event on July 20 th . All entries that are deemed to have fulfilled the criteria by the judges will be commended for their entries. Depending upon entry numbers, each category will have 3 finalists and 1 overall winner.

Transcript of In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of...

Page 1: In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of professional photography, branding of your business is crucial. How you present information

The Find A Photographer Awards are an opportunity for photography businesses around Australia to be recognised for exceptional industry performance across a variety of categories. This awards program has been designed to commend businesses not for their photographic skill, but for their ability to run a successful photography enterprise and to shine

light on those who are using their photography expertise in unique and meaningful ways.

In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following awards categories:

1. Client Experience 2. Community 3. Marketing 4. Creativity

5. Philanthropy 6. Studio Design

To enter each category, a 1000 word (maximum) written submission must be completed by June 30th 2019.

Businesses are eligible to enter as many categories as they wish. Written submissions will be judged and decided by our panel of industry experts and winners will be announced on stage at the Style Pose Click Melbourne event on July 20th.

All entries that are deemed to have fulfilled the criteria by the judges will be commended for their entries.

Depending upon entry numbers, each category will have 3 finalists and 1 overall winner.

Page 2: In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of professional photography, branding of your business is crucial. How you present information

PLEASE USE THE OFFICIAL ONLINE ENTRY FORM TO ENTER To enter across a number of categories, use the same form but submit each entry individually.

1. The Find A Photographer Awards launch on Monday June 10th 2019 and run until Sunday June 30th 2019.

2. To ensure that your submission is eligible for entry, you MUST address the category criteria and evidence must be provided in the form of imagery, website links, reviews, media articles etc to support your claims.

3. Businesses are eligible to enter one or many categories. 4. The written criteria for each category submission must not exceed 1000 words.

5. Entrants must comply with all terms & conditions outlined on the website to be deemed eligible to enter. 6. Entries must be uploaded to the website by 5pm on June 30th 2019.

7. Entrants agree to allow Style Pose Click and Find A Photographer Australia the use of their entry information for publicity purposes and agree to being contacted by media outlets at the conclusion of the Awards process. Credit

will be given to the photographer for all images used by Style Pose Click and Find A Photographer Australia. 8. Entrants may be contacted by judging personnel or Style Pose Click staff for a phone or Skype interview to

discuss entry details. 9. The decision of the judging panel is final and details of their decision will not be available.

10. Awards entries are free to featured and premium members. 11. Non members and Basic Listing Members are required to pay a nominal $20 entry fee per category.


Page 3: In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of professional photography, branding of your business is crucial. How you present information

All entrants who are deemed to have fulfilled the criteria for their category entry will receive a digital certificate, graphics that can be used for ongoing marketing and mentions in articles, promotions and across social media.

Prizes will be presented on stage at Style Pose Click Melbourne 2019 at the Coburg Town Hall on July 20th from 6-8pm.

Finalists in each category will be notified in early July of their nomination.


In alignment with the mission of Find A Photographer Australia, our prize packages have been designed with the sole purpose of helping the winners of each category to further expand and promote their businesses to future clients.

Each category winner will receive a full marketing and public relations package valued at over $1000.

1. Category Trophy for display in your studio space.

2. $200 Camera House Australia voucher. 3. One month paid online marketing campaign promoting your win to your target audience

a. Two week Google Adwords campaign b. Two week Facebook/Instagram campaign

4. Public Relations campaign with press releases and images issued to local media outlets in your area and throughout the photography industry.

5. Recorded Skype or Live interview with Find A Photographer Australia for YouTube 6. One week front page feature article on

7. $500 in marketing spend with which may include upgrade of business listings, ongoing feature articles, front page advertisements, social media features and more.


Page 4: In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of professional photography, branding of your business is crucial. How you present information

While the quality of your images may be what first draws a client to you as a professional photographer, the full client experience is what your customers remember and often use when deciding whether to return to you in the future or when recommending your business to family and friends. It also often has an impact on what they are willing to invest with you

if their experience from beginning to end has been a positive one.

We are celebrating photographers who go above and beyond and give their clients an exceptional experience. What do you do that makes your customers feel comfortable and valued? Is your space inviting? How do you communicate with your

clients? What little extras or big gestures do you offer that separates your client experience from your competitors?

Describe your client experience in 1000 words or less to be considered for this Find A Photographer award. We recommend that you provide testimonials, images, documents and links as evidence to support your entry.

Suggested Criteria:

1. Your customer service philosophy?

2. How do you make your customers feel safe and welcome in your workspace? 3. How do you encourage customer loyalty?

4. How do you handle customer complaints or encourage feedback? 5. How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors in the area of customer service?

A critical part of running a successful photography business is the creation and interaction with a community. This may be the physical community in which you operate your business, an online community that you have developed / participate in

or even a community you have created between other photographers.

We are celebrating the ways in which photographers are building communities through their business. How have you created connections with clients and others? How have you used your business to support members of a community - in person or online? Perhaps you are generally ‘community minded’ and belong to or participate in various communities or

support those around you on a daily basis. Communities can be big or small. Far reaching or local.

Describe your involvement with communities in 1000 words or less to be considered for this Find A Photographer award. We recommend that you provide testimonials, images, documents and links as evidence to support your entry.

Suggested Criteria:

1. What kind of community have you created or participated in?

2. What are the goals or philosophy of your community? 3. How have you encouraged or connected with clients or others in your community?

4. How have you cultivated an inclusive and positive environment for members of your community? 5. How has your community helped others and who has it reached?

Page 5: In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of professional photography, branding of your business is crucial. How you present information

In the competitive world of professional photography, branding of your business is crucial. How you present information to future clients through your brand has a significant impact on the types of clients you book and how much you can

charge. Being able to differentiate yourself through branding and marketing activities is also of great importance in order for you to stand out from the crowd.

We are celebrating the ways in which photographers have branded or marketed their businesses in order to improve their profitability, recognition in the marketplace and image. Have you worked to create a consistent brand for your business that sends a clear message about your work? Perhaps you have undertaken a marketing campaign that was unique and highly successful. How have you used the various marketing channels effectively to increase followers, interactivity and


Describe your marketing activities in 1000 words or less to be considered for this Find A Photographer award. We recommend that you provide testimonials, images, documents and links as evidence to support your entry.

Suggested Criteria:

1. How have you identified and reached the target markets for your products or services?

2. How have you developed your business brand? 3. How have you used different media channels to reach your target audiences?

4. How have you quantified and analysed the success of your marketing activities? 5. What interesting, unique or successful marketing campaigns have you undertaken?

It’s not easy being unique. In a visual industry, we often find ourselves inspired by our peers and mentors and as a result, our business activities and imagery may be influenced. But sometimes, something magical may happen. A creative idea that takes our imagery or business activities to a new place that has either never been seen before or has been adapted and built

in a way that is unique and personalised.

We are celebrating the ways in which photographers have shown creativity in their businesses. This may be through developing a unique photography setup. A series of mini sessions themed in a new or creative way. A photography

product or sales opportunity that gives clients a new experience. It may even be the development of a single image that took time and unique thinking to create.

Describe your example of creativity within your business in 1000 words or less to be considered for this Find A

Photographer award. We recommend that you provide testimonials, images, documents and links as evidence to support your entry.

Suggested Criteria:

1. What is your idea that is unique, different or creative?

2. How was it developed or what was the creative process? 3. How have you used your creative idea to improve your business?

4. What has been the reaction to your creativity? 5. How do you plan to continue with creative innovations within your business?

Page 6: In 2019, photography businesses can enter the following ......In the competitive world of professional photography, branding of your business is crucial. How you present information

Photographers work hard for their clients and their own families every day. But many are also involved in charity work, volunteering or other philanthropic activities within the industry with the sole purpose of helping others. It may take the

form of financial giving or the giving of time and skills.

We are celebrating the ways in which photographers have given to others in a charitable way. It may be as a direct result of business activities, or simply by using their own skills as a businessperson or photographer. Have you been involved in or

created a charity event? Have you donated your photography skills? Have you raised funds through your business for a certain cause?

Describe how you have embedded philanthropy into your life or business activities in 1000 words or less to be considered

for this Find A Photographer award. We recommend that you provide testimonials, images, documents and links as evidence to support your entry.

Suggested Criteria:

1. Does your business integrate philanthropy into your daily activities?

2. Have you undertaken a specific project or an ongoing philanthropic program? 3. How have you used your photography or business skills in a charitable way?

4. How have you used your philanthropy to raise funds for a cause? 5. Who have you helped and how?

A photographer’s workspace makes a huge impact on the flow of their photography sessions, the types of clients they attract and the overall client experience. From the moment a client walks through the door, they are immersed in the

environment. Everything is important - from welcome signage to furniture, colour, decor, amenities, temperature, workplace health & safety requirements, waiting areas and of course, studio equipment.

We are celebrating photography workspaces and studios around the country that provide a welcoming and professional

environment for clients. Has your studio space been designed in a way that suits your brand? Are your clients treated to a unique and enjoyable experience? Are your facilities suitable for all clients? Does your studio or workspace include areas

that are special?

Describe your studio or other photography workspace in 1000 words or less to be considered for this Find A Photographer award. We recommend that you provide testimonials, images, documents and links as evidence to support

your entry

Suggested Criteria:

1. How have you created a workspace or studio that allows you to work successfully? 2. How has your workspace been designed in a way that suits your brand?

3. How do you ensure that your clients experience a unique and enjoyable experience when they visit your studio? 4. What facilities do you have available - for the needs of your clients and for your own needs as a photographer?

5. What unique or special areas are available in and around your studio?