Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Every Day The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness & Women’s...

Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Every Day The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health - An Integrated Holistic Approach

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Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Every Day

The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health - An Integrated Holistic Approach

Getting To Know Your Fertility Enhancement Team

Where highly trained specialists in different yet complementary modalities take a team-oriented approach towards helping you achieve your dream of having your baby.

Dr. Mike Berkley, Director, The Berkley Center For Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health

Dr. Mike Berkley, the founder and director of The Berkley Center for Postpartum Wellness,

Licensed and Board Certified in Acupuncture in the states of New York and Connecticut, and licensed as a Doctor of Acupuncture in the State of Rhode Island.

Board Certified in Clinical Herbal Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

An Advisory Board member of The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc. (INCIID).

I am the first acupuncturist/herbalist in the United States to work exclusively in the field of Reproductive Pathology. I have developed unique acupuncture protocols and herbal formulae which have been shown to increase success rates by 30 to 35%.

I work exclusively in the area of reproductive medicine and enjoy working in conjunction with some of New York’s most prestigious reproductive endocrinologists.

Dr. Daniel Camburn, Clinic Director, The Berkley Center For

Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health

Dr. Daniel Camburn is New York State licensed and board certified in acupuncture and clinical herbal medicine. He is licensed as a Doctor of Acupuncture in the State of Rhode Island.

Clinical Director of The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health.

Faculty member at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine teaching herbal medicine.

Writing three books on Chinese medicine. He has written numerous articles, and continues to lecture frequently on the subject of infertility and traditional Chinese medicine.

Dr. Irina Logman

Dr. Irina Logman, New York State licensed acupuncturist and Nationally Board Certified herbalist, is a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City. 

She is licensed as a Doctor of Acupuncture in the State of Rhode Island.

Dr. Logman has had extensive training in the Berkley Method(TM), under the tutelage of Drs. Berkley and Camburn.

Cynthia Stadd, Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor

Cynthia Stadd, Certified Holistic Health Counselor specializing in nutritional therapy for enhanced reproductive function.

Accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

B.S. from NYU. Graduated from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City.

Leslie Daly, Certified Yoga Instructor

Leslie received her yoga certification from Integral Yoga Institute and is registered with the Yoga Alliance.

B.S. from New York University in Dance and Education

M.S. from Pratt Institute in Dance/Movement Therapy.

Leslie teaches private and group yoga classes at The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness & Women's Health.

Karen Kelly, Licensed Massage Therapist & Doula

Karen Kelly, New York State licensed, Nationally Board-Certified massage therapist.

Karen is a graduate of the Finger Lakes School of Massage in Ithaca NY.

She is also a DONA certified Birth Doula.

Anna Gudis, Director of Patient Services

Anna Gudis, Director of Patient Services has been an integral part of The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness and Women's Health since it's inception in 1997.  

Anna is the 'go-to' person for scheduling and insurance issues.

Will the Herbs Help Me?

High FSH LevelIrregular Menstrual

CycleThin Unresponsive


Idiopathic Infertility

Partial Tubal Occlusion

Poor Egg Quality

StressOligomenorrhea &Amenorrhea Endometriosis

Poor Morphology Low Sperm Count Poor Motility

The Answer Is YES If Your Concern Is:

Will Acupuncture & Herbs Help Me?

High FSH Level Poor Egg QualityThin Unresponsive


Idiopathic Infertility

Tubal SpasmIrregular &

Annovulatory Menstrual Cycles

StressOligomenorrhea &Amenorrhea Endometriosis

Luteal Phase Defect

Low Sperm CountSperm DNA -


Poor Morphology & Poor Motility

The Answer Is YES If Your Concern Is:



1) We Analyze Your Constellation

of Signs & Symptoms

2) Then We Identify the

Root Cause of the Problem

4) And Your

Reproductive Health

3) Our Protocols Will Improve Your

Overall Health


IICombined Usage of Acupuncture and Herbs will…

Reduce Stress Facilitate Relaxation

Improve Ovarian Function: More follicles, Better Egg


Strengthen the Immune System

Regulate Hormones:Better Egg Quality

Decrease Uterine Contractility: Aids Implantation

Improve Ovarian Blood Flow:Increased Ovarian Response

Reduce the Chance of Miscarriage

Increase Blood Flow to the Uterus:Thicken the Endometrial Lining

Improve Sperm Count, Motility & Morphology

Turning Back the Reproductive Clock

Improving Your Egg Quality With TCM

Increased Blood Flow to the

Ovarian Region

Wastes Eliminated

HormonesNutrients Oxygen


Reduction & Stability of FSH & E2 Levels

Unresponsive Ovaries

Healthier & More

Responsive Follicles &


Uterine Artery Impedance & Sub Fertility

Fact: A Uterine Artery Impedance >3 = infertility.

Q. What is Uterine Artery Impedance? A. The Measure of Resistance of Blood

Flow Through The Uterine Arteries To The Uterus & Fallopian Tubes

Q. What Causes Increased UAI and What is The Affect of UAI on Fertility?

What Causes Increased UAI and What is The Affect of UAI on Fertility?

Stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous systemwhich causes uterine artery contraction -

which inhibits blood flow to the uterus, tubes and ovaries

The Devastation of an Elevated Uterine Artery Impedance

When the blood flow to the uterus is ‘impeded’ it is referred to as an elevated ‘uterine artery impedance’.

A uterine artery impedance greater than 3 means that in most cases, implantation will not occur.

Acupuncture Reduces Uterine Artery Impedance

Acupuncture has been shown to reduce uterine artery impedance. Sterner-Victorin et al. demonstrated this in their study.

This reduction factor has increased successful IVF, IUI and natural conception outcomes.

Uterine Artery Impedance, cont

In conclusion, studies show that a decrease of uterine artery impedance increases implantation rates.

Acupuncture makes achieving this goal a reality.

Uterine Artery Impedance

UAI > 3 Subsequent to

acupuncture UAI =2.7


Inhibits the sympathetic nervous system and thereby encourages blood flow to

the uterine lining

Thickens Uterine Lining

Acupuncture Pre and PostAcupuncture Pre and Post IVF & IUIIVF & IUI

Pre Embryo Transfer / Insemination Post Egg Transfer / Insemination


Mitigates the prostaglandin cascade

Reduces Uterine Contractility


Increased Chance of Successful Implantation

Thickens Uterine Lining

Sympathoinhibitory effect viaEndorphin release whichfacilitates uterine urtery

dilation thuspromoting circulation to

the endometrium


Aging and Female Infertility

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates, 2001.

We Continue To Successfully Treat…

PCOS High FSH Thin lining Endometriosis Blocked tubes Premature ovarian failure Luteal phase defect Low sperm count Poor motility Poor morphology Sperm DNA fragmentation Idiopathic (unknown cause) infertility Immunological factors (APA, ATA, NKa) Thrombophilias (Factor V Leiden)

High FSH. What does it mean and can acupuncture help?

Elevated FSH (>10) indicates poor ovarian reserve and/or poor egg quality.

Generally speaking, IVF clinics will not accept patients with an FSH >15.

Your options: donor-egg transfer. Or…

Use acupuncture & herbs to…

Increase blood flow to the ovaries. This increases delivery of oxygen, hormones & nutrients.

Facilitate removal of dead cells & waste matter from the ovaries.

Improves ovarian health and helps normalize FSH levels.

We have seen this exact thing occur with hundreds of our patients who have gone on to have successful full term pregnancies.

A Thrombophilia Is…

The inherited tendency to develop blood clots too easily.

Due to either too much clotting factor or not enough anticoagulating factors.

Acupuncture & herbs stimulate and increase blood flow, frequently decreasing the thrombophilic state.

Thrombophilias, cont.

We have seen improved rates of thrombophilic reduction when including acupuncture & herbs with lovenox or heparin.

In many cases where heparin or lovenox were used alone or in conjunction with 81mg of aspirin the results were less dramatic.

NKa cells

Highly toxic to the trophoblast and endometrial cells leading to their death and subsequent implantation failure.

As acupuncture & herbs regulate the immune system, we have frequently seen a reduction in activated NK cell activity after treatment.

Nka cells

Typical Western treatment protocol may include:

Dexamethasone an immunosuppressant .75 mg daily

This is a safe and effective strategy. Including acupuncture & herbs seems

to have a potentiating effect and serves to yield better outcomes.

Acupuncture & herbs…

Regulate the immune system. They don’t cause hyperactivity or

hypoactivity of physiologic systems but rather…

They reduce what is in excess (balancing a hyperactive state) and…

They increase what is deficient (balancing a hypoactive state).

Weight & Infertility

Twelve percent of all infertility cases are rooted in weight issues. If your body is chronically malnourished or over-exercised, you can't menstruate, since a minimum of 22 percent body fat is necessary for normal ovulation and reproductive competence. On the other side of the scale, being overweight can alter hormone chemistry and help prevent conception.

The Berkley Center Helps You To Achieve Your Perfect Weight

The good news is that shedding or gaining pounds can easily remedy weight-related infertility; more than 70 percent of women conceive spontaneously once they reach healthy weight parameters.

The Berkley Equation for Increased Pregnancy Outcomes

+ + + +



Can prevent ovulation No cure Symptoms must be managed

PCOS, contd.

Acupuncture, herbs & dietary changes lead to a normalization on LH/FSH ratios and a reduction in androgen levels.

Menstruation is often regulated and regular ovulation restored.

Weight reduction contributes to lowering insulin levels. Our acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutritional counseling protocols will help you lose wait safely.

Our protocols have helped many patients to reduce their dosage or even completely eliminate the necessity of taking Metformin.

Thin lining (> 6mm)

Acupuncture, herbs, yoga & massage, by enhancing circulation to the endometrium, often facilitate a thicker lining.

We have consistently seen 2mm endometrial growth with our treatments.

The difference between a 6mm lining and an 8mm lining can mean the difference between implantation failure and a full term pregnancy.


Though there is no cure for endometriosis, we have seen a great reduction in pelvic pain with our treatments.

Many doctors see endometriosis as an autoimmune disorder. As acupuncture and herbal medicine have a regulatory effect on immune function, we see very slow re-growth of endometriosis after laparoscopy. Without our protocols we typically see recurring signs & symptoms of endometriosis occurring twice as fast.

Combining acupuncture, herbs, yoga & massage in the endometriosis patient is often what is needed to ensure a successful IVF within the context of this hostile pelvic environment.

Blocked tubes

Nothing can eliminate tubal scarring or adhesions except surgery, however…

60% of ‘blocked’ tubes seen on a hysterosalpingogram are due to spasms not scarring or dense adhesions.

Acupuncture & herbs, combined with yoga & massage are frequently able to eliminate these spasms and restore tubal function frequently enabling the couple with the ‘blocked tube’ issue to conceive naturally.

Blocked tubes, contd.

We are starting to see major results in the de-spasming of fallopian tubes with Mayan massage.

Karen Kelly’s Mayan Massage technique is yielding effects similar to those of Clear Passage but without the necessity of vaginal penetration.

Luteal phase defect

LPD or luteal phase defect manifests when there is a progesterone deficiency after ovulation. This means that the lining after ovulation will not be receptive to an embryo and implantation will not occur.

A blood serum progesterone level of lower than 10ng/mL one week prior to the start of menstruation or 7 days after the LH (luteinizing hormone) surge is generally accepted as a diagnosis of luteal phase defect.

Since acupuncture & herbs serve to regulate organ function and thus frequently ‘normalize’ endocrine levels, the function of the corpus luteum (this is what emits progesterone after ovulation) is restored and progesterone levels are often normalized.

Elevated FSH

Elevated FSH >10 indicates low-ovarian-reserve and/or poor egg quality.

The Berkley Center Frequently Regulates FSH/E2 levels.

Chronic MiscarriageCan It Be Helped?

Acupuncture & Herbs have been used successfully to treat chronic miscarriages caused by:

Anticardiolipin antibodies (blood clotting)

• Activated NK cells

• Stress


Prolactin suppresses ovulation as a result of gonadotropin (FSH & LH) suppression.

Hyperprolactinemia is one of the causes of infertility.

One cause of elevated serum prolactin is stress. Acupuncture reduces stress by release of

endorphins. Acupuncture frequently normalizes prolactin

levels via its stress modulating effect.

Idiopathic infertility

Idiopathy does not exist in TCM. There is a differential diagnosis

available for every patient. There is an appropriate acupuncture

protocol and herbal formula for every case.

Reproductive success is frequent in those with a history of repeated failures.


The body responds to stress with a faster heart beat and breathing rate, higher blood pressure and increased muscle tension.

If the stress becomes chronic or out of proportion, this may progress to mental strain, anxiety, insomnia and exhaustion, raised breathing rate and even panic attacks.

Acupuncture relieves stress

Acupuncture initiates a relaxation response with decreased heart rate, lowered BP, stress reduction, increased energy and tissue regeneration.

It has been shown to produce a calming or tranquilizing action.

Acupuncture can relieve feelings of anxiety and depression.

It is an effective substitute for sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and antidepressant drugs. Acupuncture can be used in many cases not only as an alternative to these drugs but also to treat side effects and dependence.

Acupuncture can provide a safe and effective tool for stress.

Sperm health

On average, sperm require 74 days to mature and up to 20 additional days to become capable of fertilization.

Smoking, drinking, drugs, stress, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise all can contribute to poor sperm quality.

Sperm is Negatively Impacted by…

Age. Emotional Stress may interfere with

GnRH and reduce count. Chronic fever can lower sperm count. Smoking impairs count, motility and

reduces sperm lifespan.

Sperm & Nutrition

Deficiencies in vitamin C, selenium, zinc and folate contribute to low sperm count.

Nutritional counseling will positively impact sperm parameters.

Cynthia Stadd, our Director of Nutrition Services will answer your questions about vitamins, supplements and nutrition later.

Improving sperm parameters

Acupuncture reduces stress (a major cause of low sperm count)

Herbs increase blood flow and clear heat from the scrotum (heat and blocked flow are seen in the patient with a vericocele)

Yoga is a gentle means of exercising which increases circulation, reduces depression and promotes over-all health.

Leslie Daly, Yoga Instructor will answer your questions about yoga later.

Poor diet & life-style may contribute to sperm problems. With our nutrition programs you will be given countless suggestions on how to successfully improve your sperm parameters through proper diet and supplements.

Improved Sperm parameters

Our protocols continue to yield impressive results in the areas of…

Low sperm count Poor morphology Low motility and… Sperm DNA fragmentation

SDIA – What is It?

The SDIa is a tool for measuring clinically important properties of sperm nuclear chromatin integrity.

The results correlate well with the potential of sperm from a given male to produce an embryo that would be sufficiently “competent” to produce a live birth.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation, contd.

SDIa data are not well correlated with classical sperm quality parameters and have been solidly shown to predict sub/infertility and poor reproductive performance.

The SDIa measures DNA damage. DNA damage may be present in sperm from both fertile and infertile men.

Therefore, this sperm DNA damage analysis may reveal a hidden abnormality of sperm DNA in infertile men classified as unexplained based on apparently normal standard sperm parameters.


Sperm Fragmentation, Contd.

Damaged DNA in the single sperm cell that fertilizes a female oocyte can have a dramatic negative impact on fetal development and health of the offspring.

The control group studies revealed that the thresholds of sperm DFI of 0-15%, 16-29%, and =30% relate to high, good to fair, and low to poor fertility potential, respectively.

ROS or Reactive Oxidative Species

ROS are responsible in great part for causing sperm dna fragmentation.

Many herbs and vitamins have super anti-oxidative properties and reduce the fragmentation index in affected males.

Treatment for DNA Fragmentation of Sperm

Acupuncture – increases blood flow to testicles

Herbs – anti oxidative properties Vitamin C (1000mg) Vitamin E (500mg) Pycnogenol L-Argenine Carnetine

Male Factor - What We Cannot Treat

Congenital absence of vas deferens Severe vericocele Azoospermia as a result of radiation

therapy Kleinfelter syndrome (xxy

chromosomes) leads to destruction of seminiferous tubules (contain sperm cells) during puberty


Definition: A varicose vein in the scrotum. 40% of men attending infertility clinics

present with a vericocele. Its negative affect on sperm manifests

because it causes an abnormally high temperature within the testicles.

This high temperature causes a reduction in sperm count as well as a reduction in overall sperm health causing male-factor infertility.

Treating vericocles

If severe, then surgery is the appropriate intervention.

It takes 6 months to determine if the surgery was successful in increasing sperm count.

To ensure rapid recovery and to increase sperm health…

Use acupuncture & herbal medicine

For 6 months following the vericocelectomy.

Acupuncture and herbs increase blood flow to the testicles contributing to the healing & recovery process.

Acupuncture & herbs also reduce the inflammatory process that occurs after a vericocelectomy. Remember, heat kills sperm.

Idiopathic infertility (no known cause)

Many patients present to our clinic with the complaint of infertility due to “no known cause”

Remember, there is always a cause. And we are specialists in finding it (or them).

In the world of acupuncture & herbs the term ‘idiopathic’ (meaning ‘no known cause’) does not exist.

We always arrive at a differential diagnosis and treat accordingly and more often than not, successfully.

Let the ‘Mind-Body-Experience’ at The Berkley Center Increase Your Fertility Quotient

Acupuncture Herbs Massage Nutrition Yoga & Meditation Life Coaching

A Randomized Study Evaluating Acupuncture as an Adjunct to IVF

Study conducted by: Rodolfo Quintero, M.D., Wendy Yu, L.Ac., Brandon Horn, L.Ac., J.D., Daoshing Ni, D.O.M., Barry Schifrin, MD., Brian Acacio, M.D.

Study conducted at: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Glendale Adventist Medical Center (GAMC) and the Eastern Center for Complementary Medicine, Glendale, CA

Conclusions: Our study shows a significantly lower amount of gonadotropins used when IVF is combined with standard acupuncture. A 70% pregnancy rate was also achieved with standard acupuncture and IVF, compared to 25%.

Study: Acupuncture Treatment For Infertile Women Undergoing Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection

Conducted by: Sandra L. Emmons, MD and Phillip Patton, MD

Source: Medical Acupuncture, A Journal For Physicians By PhysiciansSpring / Summer 2000- Volume 12 / Number 2

Objective: To describe the use of acupuncture to stimulate follicle development in women undergoing in vitro fertilization.

Results: No pregnancies occurred in the non-acupuncture cycles. Three women produced more follicles with acupuncture treatment.

Study: Role of acupuncture in the treatment of female


Conducted by: Raymond Chang, M.D.[a,b] Pak H. Chung, M.D.[b] and Zev Rosenwaks, M.D.[c]

Conducted at: Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York

Objective: To review existing scientific rationale and clinical data in the utilization of acupuncture in the treatment of female infertility.

Various investigators have shown that in normally ovulatory or anovulatory women, acupuncture also influenced plasma levels of FSH, LH, E2, and Progesterone. Acupuncture as a surrogate for hCG in ovulation induction was successfully used by Cai, Chen and Yu.

Acupuncture normalized the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, and in another study Chen reported that 6 of 13 anovulatory cycles responded to acupuncture treatment.

More From The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York

“The peripheral impact of acupuncture in improving uterine artery blood flow and hence endometrial thickness also provides encouraging data regarding its potential positive effect on implantation.”

Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy

Conducted by: Wolfgang E. Paulus, M.D.,[a] Mingmin Zhang, M.D.,[b] Erwin Strehler, M.D.,[a]Imam El-Danasouri, Ph.D.,[a] and Karl Sterzik, M.D.[a]

Published in: FERTILITY AND STERILITY® VOL. 77, NO. 4, APRIL 2002Copyright ©2002 American Society for Reproductive Medicine

Objective: To evaluate the effect of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in assisted reproduction therapy (ART) by comparing a group of patients receiving acupuncture treatment shortly before and after embryo transfer with a control group receiving no acupuncture.

Intervention(s): Acupuncture was performed in 80 patients 25 minutes before and after embryo transfer. In the control group, embryos were transferred without any supportive therapy.

Result(s): Clinical pregnancies were documented in 34 of 80 patients (42.5%) in the acupuncture group, whereas pregnancy rate was only 26.3% (21 out of 80 patients) in the control group.


Herbs are totally safe when prescribed by a Board Certified herbalist.

Help to normalize organ function Regulate hormonal levels Help reduce weight Help increase energy Help to alleviate depression & anxiety Help improve quality of sleep Help regulate bowl function Help increase circulation

Herb Studies

A study at Taipei Medical College, Taiwan revealed that the Chinese herb, Cornus officinalis, can enhance the motility of human sperm.

Did you know that…

– Vitex Angus (Also known as Chaste Tree Berries)Help regulate hormones in the woman.

– The research that has been done on the herb suggest that it works on the pituitary to help create a larger LH surge (similar to how the drug clomiphene citrate works), which should help to bring on ovulation.

– It also has components in it that bind to dopamine receptors on the pituitary. This action is thought to help lower prolactin levels (elevated levels of prolactin can inhibit ovulation as well).

– It is particularly useful for women with annovulation, irregular cycles, long cycles, and luteal phase defects (low progesterone levels).

And that…

Black CohoshMay help to lower LH levels. Appropriate for PCOS patients.


Dong QuaiDong Quai does seem to act like an estrogen "modulator" which activates or suppresses estrogen receptors within the pituitary to even out the hormones that pulsate to the ovaries and bring on ovulation.

Dong Quai is also believed to increase metabolism within the uterus and ovaries and has been attributed with helping to build a receptive uterine lining.


LicoriceLicorice appears to modulate estrogen.

Licorice has anti-virual, anti-inflammatory, and glucose-balancing effects.

A Japanese study showed positive results in treatment of oligomenorrhea due to elevated androgen levels, as seen in PCO patients.

And that…

Korean GinsengHelps increase sperm formation, testosterone levels and sex drive.

Forms of Herbal Medicine




Raw Herbs

Least Effective

Most Effective

Not Just Any Massage

Massage at The Berkley Center is Done By a Licensed Massage Therapist & Certified Doula, Karen Kelly.

A Doula is a labor and birth professional - assistant, usually a woman, with special training, who provides emotional, physical and spiritual support to the laboring mother.

Karen Kelly’s Training Includes

Anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, fetal development, labor, postpartum, and breastfeeding

Prenatal care Emotions of pregnancy Pain management techniques The emotional and psychological aspects of giving

birth, and its significance in women’s lives Emotional support and physical comfort measures Support for difficult labors, Cesarean birth, and vaginal

birth after Cesarean Newborn care and breastfeeding support

And, Karen Has Also Had Training In…

Swedish Massage Kinesthetic Awareness through Movement Energy Palpation Shiatsu I and II Connective Tissue Therapy Neuromuscular Therapy Medical Massage Pre/Post-Natal Massage Infant Massage Elder Massage Sports Massage


Karen is trained in ‘Maya-Abdominal’ massage which helps to unblock spasmed tubes.

Nutrition With Cynthia Stadd, HHC

Discover the fresh whole foods that optimally prepare your body for conception.

Break free from damaging habits and cravings. Attain your healthy, ideal weight without strict

measures. Understand how lifestyle choices and self-care

awareness practices can impact your ability to conceive.

Manage any chronic health problems, especially reproductive issues.

Fertile Wellness Yoga With Leslie Daly

Yoga is effective in addressing infertility because it:

Promotes a healthy life style Balances hormonal problems Stimulates and strengthens the reproductive

organs Heightens awareness of the connection between

your body and mind Provides stress management and relaxation


Summing Up…

The Berkley Center Integrates… Acupuncture Herbal medicine Nutrition Massage Yoga & Meditation All designed and carefully coordinated to

enhance reproductive function & increase positive pregnancy outcomes

How Often Should I Receive Acupuncture?

Under 35 years old: Once weekly Over 35 years old: Twice weekly

Pre & Post IVF-ET Acupuncture

Get treated up to one hour before ET and… Up to 24 hours after ET German Study: Acupuncture was performed in 80

patients 25 minutes before and after embryo transfer. In the control group, embryos were transferred without any supportive therapy.

Result(s): Clinical pregnancies were documented in 34 of 80 patients (42.5%) in the acupuncture group, whereas pregnancy rate was only 26.3% (21 out of 80 patients) in the control group.

We Come To You!

We can perform your pre and post embryo transfer acupuncture right at the clinic.

We Want To Make Your Life Easier

We can also come to your hotel or apartment to provide acupuncture treatment.

What Happens after IUI/IVF/Donor Egg Transfer?

Acupuncture in IVF linked to lower miscarriage and ectopic rates - OB/GYN News,  Jan 1, 2005  

"Other studies have looked at pregnancy rates, but what is really important is whether or not there is a baby," said Paul C. Magarelli, M.D., who reported his findings at the annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

Studies Prove Acupuncture Post ET Reduces Miscarriage & Ectopic Rates

The retrospective study included 131 women who were undergoing standard in vitro fertilization (IVF) and were given the choice of having acupuncture.

The Results Are In…

The miscarriage rate was almost halved in the acupuncture group (8% vs. 14%).

In addition, the rate of ectopic pregnancies was significantly lower in the acupuncture group--0 of 24 pregnancies (0%) vs. 2 of 37 pregnancies (9%), said Dr. Magarelli, who is also in private practice in Colorado Springs and Albuquerque.

Thus, the live-birth rate per IVF/ICSI cycle was significantly higher in the acupuncture group than in controls (21% vs. 16%).

Greater Live Birth Rates With Acupuncture

"The live-birth rate per pregnancy is an even more telling number, since some cycles get cancelled. There was a 42% live-birth rate per pregnancy in the acupuncture group, compared to a 35% rate in the nonacupuncture group," said Dr. Magarelli.

A Better Environment For Implantation

“Inclusion of acupuncture has demonstrated reductions in uterine contractility, so by relaxing the uterus before the embryo transfer and immediately after, we felt we were setting up a better environment for implantation," Dr. Magarelli said.

COPYRIGHT 2005 International Medical News Group

Your Time With Us: Acupuncture

First visit 1.5 hours long. Consists of an extensive intake, record

review (bring your medical records) and treatment. Additionally suggestions will be made for testing if appropriate.

If appropriate an herbal medicine prescription will be provided.

Feel Free To Schedule A Conversation

We invite you to come to our beautiful and tranquil Center and take the tour.

Meet with any of our wonderful, caring practitioners to see if their specialization is right for you. Whether it’s Maya-Abdominal massage, yoga, nutritional counseling or our free meditation -workshop. All of your questions will be answered.

Clinical Trial

New study produced by the Reproductive Medicine and Fertility Center in Colorado Springs has shown that receiving acupuncture treatment can aid the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.

During the trials, half of the 114 women involved received acupuncture along with their IVF treatment while the remaining half received no complementary therapy to their IVF treatment.

These women had a 36% success rate of becoming pregnant compared with 51% of the women that received acupuncture.

While 8% of the women who received acupuncture suffered a miscarriage, 20% of those women that did not have any complementary therapy suffered a miscarriage. Acupuncture was also shown to reduce the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. Source: Maxine Frith, Independent Online

Listen to Lauren

Case Study 1

Julia 40 years old: TTC 6 years Western Dx: Primary infertility/Elevated

FSH (23), low ovarian reserve Treated with acupuncture & herbs for 6

months. FSH was lowered to 6.8 with E2 at 75 Julia gave birth to a beautiful, healthy

girl naturally.

Case Study 2

Mary, age 37, TTC 2.5 years Weight 250lbs, height, 5.3 Western DX: PCOS/irregular periods/annovulatory cycles Western tx: Metformin with IVF 3 Failed IVF attempts Our treatment protocol: acupuncture, herbs, nutritional

counseling, yoga and massage. History: We treated Mary for 4 months. She lost 30

pounds and her menstrual/ovulatory cycles regulated. Her lining thickenedd from 7mm to 10mm. She did another ivf with successful full-term pregnancy of twins.

Case Study 3

Richard & Sharon: TTC 4.5 years. Western DX: Idiopathic infertility. No pathology was identified. I suggested that Richard be tested for SDI. He had a

fragmentation rate of 35% rendering him infertile. We treated him with acupuncture and herbs and

amino-acids and vitamins for 3 months whereupon his sperm was re-tested. At the time of the re-test his DNA fragmentation rate dropped to 10%. His wife became pregnant within 3 months naturally.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help you achieve your goal of conception and full term pregnancy.

We provide a safe, warm and compassionate environment offering a personal and caring relationship for each and every one of our patients. We understand that caring and nurturing are just as important to your success as medicine and procedures.

We invite you to join our family, so we can help you start yours.