Improving Food Security & Nutrition (IFSN) Overview of Project & Research

Improving Food Security & Nutrition (IFSN) Overview of Project & Research Stacia Nordin, RD FAO Nutrition Officer (Food Security & Policy) [email protected] 28 April 2015 Mapping the Linkages Between Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition Slide 1 Project reports, materials & Research Dissemination http :// https ://

Transcript of Improving Food Security & Nutrition (IFSN) Overview of Project & Research


Food Security & Nutrition


Overview of Project & Research

Stacia Nordin, RD

FAO Nutrition Officer (Food Security & Policy)

[email protected]

28 April 2015 Mapping the Linkages Between Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition Slide 1

Project reports, materials & Research Dissemination

IFSN Project overview: 2007-2015Kasungu & Mzimba

Phase 1: 2007-2010

– Food Security Recovery - response to drought

– 29,000+ farmers

– 6 EPAs – 3 in each district

Phase 2: 2011-2015

– Development assistance, increased training / skills

– 55,000+ farmers (groups FFS + JFFLS + Nutrition)

– 6 New EPAs – 3 in each district

– One third of each EPA covered each year called “Rounds”

– Round 1 areas were researched for Child Nutrition

11 Million USD total (5.5 million each phase)

– 84,000 farmers = about 131 USD / farmer

– 4 technical staff, 1 coordinator, 1 admin, drivers

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Body & living conditions:

care, water, sanitation, hygiene

Food & Water SecurityAll food groups & water:

available, accessible, utilized, all the time

Human SystemsFor food, water, health, education, policies, etc.

Natural Resources & SystemsSoil, water, air, vegetation, animals (including insects & humans)





Environment + Agriculture =

the foundation of Nutrition,

the source of our nutrients

Nutrition Security =

Nutrient needs met for growth, health & energy

MedicationSoil, Food, Water & People

can be avoidedwith a healthy foundation

Achieving Food Security & Good Nutrition through integration

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High levels of

Poor Nutrition

Food & Water InsecurityCalories, but lacking nutrients

Water becoming serious threat

Systems are currently out of balance

Requires high input High Medication

People, Food, Water & Soil

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Healthy Living

& Health Care

Food & Water




Natural Resources

& Systems

IFSN Project’s 12 areas

Attempted to integrate all 12:

12 – Crop Increase & diversification

11 – Livestock pass-on

10 – Fruit production

9 – Clean Water

8 – Small Scale Irrigation

- Linkages to Ministry of Health

- Healthy home, Hygiene, Sanitation

7 – Nutrition Education Infant & Young Child Feeding

6 – Nutrition Policy

5 – Income generation & Village Savings & Loans

4 – Mainstreaming Gender, HIV, Malaria

3 – District Capacity Building: People & Institutions

2 - Environmental education, tree planting

1 - Soil & Water Conservation







Slide 5

Scaling Up Nutrition – 13 key interventions

Healthy Eating & Living:

1. Healthy Diverse Diets

• All people

• Pregnant & Lactating Women

2. Infant Young Child Feeding:

• Exclusive breastfeeding (0 - 6 mo.)

• Complementary feeding (6 - 24 mo.)

3. Water, Hygiene & Sanitation

Treatments / supplements:4. Vitamin A supplementation

5. Zinc supplementation for diarrhoea

6. Deworming

7. Iron & folate supplements

8. Salt iodisation

9. Prevent & treat Undernutrition

10. Treat Severe Acute Malnutrition

Not in Malawi:

11. Multiple micronutrient powders

12. Iodised oil capsules

13. Iron fortification of staples

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Food Security = all food groups Adult needs based on 2,200 kcal/day

(more than most adults need)

1 day 1 year

1 Adult




1 adult


16 Million

Adults (kg)

1. Staples

½ Grains + ½ Tubers









2. Fruits 150 7% 108 1,752,000

3. Vegetables 96 4% 108 1,752,000

4. Legumes & Nuts 588 26% 54 584,000

5. Animal Foods 58 3% 36 584,000

6. Fats 235 11% 18 116,800

TOTAL food needed: 2,205 100% 504 7,708,800

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Diversified meals

Based on 6 food groups

& Food Availability Calendar

Food Group: Foods Rains Cold Hot

1 - StaplesGreen Banana



2 - FruitsPapaya

Mbula fruit


3 - VegetablesAmaranth

Limanda (Hibiscus)

Cassava leaves

4 - Legumes & NutsNseula



5 - AnimalsChicken Eggs



6 - FatsSunflower Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds


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Improve porridges using

locally available foodsThicken,

Use whole grain,

& Add food groups

1. Trainer of Trainer Guidelines

Owned by sector

Flip Chart & Markers

SUN strategy & new Training Manual

2. Nutrition Counseling Bag

Owned by Village

Counseling Flip Charts (new SUN cards)

Food Calendar (blank)

Recipe Book – scientific & cultural

Pictures: Individual foods

Pictures: Porridges

Cup (250 ml)

Recording Books and Forms, pens

3. Cloth with IYCF message

owned individually

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IYCF Materials

1. District Trainer of Trainers (ToTs) District Nutrition Coordinating Committee Agriculture – Food & Nutrition Officer Health – Nutritionist

2. Orient all levels (1/2 day, 2-4x/year) Sensitize Area Development Committee Village Development Committees Attempt to serve healthy snacks as part of learning

3. ToTs Train Extension Staff & Volunteers (8 days) Agriculture Extension Development Officers Health Surveillance Assistants Community Nutrition Promoters (CNPs)

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IYCF Nutrition Education Process:

4. Community Nutrition Promoters (forever) 1 Agriculture (Lead Farmer) 1 Health (Community health Volunteer) Work in pairs own village. CNPs Facilitate 10 sessions in 4-5 mo.

5. Nutrition Care Groups (5 mo.) 15 caregivers with children 6 to 24 months Grandparents, husbands & anyone encourages Groups meet about 2 hours 1-2 times a month New care group every 6 months (changing)

6. Caregiver Graduation (2x/year) Government certificates Graduation ceremony organized by village Graduates teach community during graduation

IYCF Nutrition Education Process (cont.)

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IYCF Coverage in KU & MZ


ROUND 1 Group 1+2+3

2013/14ROUND 2 Group 1+2

2014/15ROUND 3

Group 1 TOTAL

Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) 20 + 5 + 4 29

Frontline Staff 64 111 74 + control 249

Villages 200 175 100 + control 475

Community Nutrition Promoters (CNPs) 400 368 200 + control 968

Caregivers 4,775 3,930 Counting now 8,705

Householdsincluding others who attended sessions

6,365 5,250 Counting now 11,615

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LUANAR Research:

Factors influencing adoption of improved IYCF practicesAs reported by Caregivers & Grandparents from FGD & Observation

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Facilitating factors (Intervention areas had the best dietary diversity scores)

1. Knowledge: allowed to implement what they learned

2. Taste: of the porridge was good according to Children & other family members

3. Health: Seeing improvements: Child behaviors, Reduced illness, No malnutrition cases

4. Supportive community: understanding / interest in improved nutrition practices

5. Attendance: Those that attended all/most sessions had the best growth in children

Hindering factors:

1. Unsupportive community, especially grandmothers, discouraging food changes

2. Food availability & access – either spouse reluctant to purchase, or not available in the

area, minimal ability to substitute foods within food groups

JLU Research: Cross-sectional Impact Surveys

1. 2011 Aug/Sep Research Baseline

• 2011 October FS starts & Nutrition Trials of Improve Practices (TIPs)

• 2012 October Nutrition Education trainings started (Round 1 Group 1)

2. 2013 Aug/Sep Mid-term (less than 1 year implementation)

3. 2014 Aug/Sep Impact (1 ½ year implementation)


Intervention villages: Nutrition Education component (Round 1) - very few FS

Control villages: Food Security component only (no NE)

Focus was on community effects not on individual participants

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mid-term – FS & Diets improved in intervention areas

Sub-group analysis of HAZ:











no NE participant NE participant (2012/13)





e Z


re (



Control area no participation


Intervention area



Intervention AreaIFSN FS but no NE


Intervention area



NE = Nutrition Education FS = Food Security (inputs / training) IFSN = Improving Food Security and Nutrition project

Stunting = HAZ -2

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Food-based approaches

focusing on the use of local foods

are feasible for improving child feeding.


Government & Community Ownership & Understanding

with Integrated Food Security & Nutrition Programming

is needed to achieve the best results.