Improve your web and app development with the Symfony3 framework.

Improve your web and app development with the Symfony3 framework.

Transcript of Improve your web and app development with the Symfony3 framework.

Improve your web and appdevelopment with theSymfony3 framework.

What is efficiency for a web developer?

Is it possible to increase that sort of efficiency with the right tool?

Yes, and the answer is Symfony3.

It's about tweaking

the development process.

It's about making

the customer sa sfied

and willing to come back to you

with another project.

Before I get to explaining how Symfony3 can improve your very approach to making so ware that wows your customer... a few

important pieces of informa on:

Symfony is currently the biggest PHP framework.

The July 2011 update of Symfony put it far above its main rivals

(such as Zend) when it comes to the wealth of development enhancing func onali es.

The Symfony ecosystem received an investment round of USD 7 million

for further development (earning a tangible proof of its impact in the process).

Let's get to the

ni y-gri y...


Bundles are the founda on of apps wri en in Symfony. Each contains an independent module of your app.

What's so great about them?

The Bundle

You can reuse them. With just a li le of effort, you can get a module of one appto work as part of another app.

You can constantly polish your modules, perfec ng them and immenselyspeeding up your development...

…making your customer very sa sfied with the quality and scalable so ware delivered on me.

2If that's not enough, how about the ability to reuse modules written by other programmers? There are plenty of them and they cover just about any functionality. According to Javier Eguiluz (Symfony coach), the top 5 most popular are:

Better yet...

60 %

30 %

25 %

25 %

24 %







Want to code even faster? Symfony3 provides you with the great Doctrine ORM library to:

It provides an abstract database layer to unify the way databases such as MySQL,

PostgreSQL, Oracle, or Sqlite are accessed.

In other words…

Doctrine ORM & Database Layer

Create independent PHP objects that allow you to map the structures and func onali esof your databases.

Give you the ability to work on, say, a local MySQL database and then use PostgreSQLon the produc on server.


S ll not fast enough? Doctrine ORM delivers the goods with its migra on mechanism:

Really. Aside of being resource hungry, there is no drawback to it. Use it to further streamline your module-based Symfony3 development.

Doctrine ORM & Migra on Shortcut

Use Doctrine ORM to move your table structures and data types seamlessly.

Sync your table models and various PHP en es with the real data structurespresent in your database.

Do it all with the least amount of structure compa bility-related issues.


The update schedule is another area that gives you an edge in your efforts to sa sfy your customer.

Update schedule for each type of customer

It provides one year and three year (LTS) support versions.

Updates every year to get all the latest features.

Pick the LTS version to be safe in the long term and not to use too much mefor s ll untested products (startups etc.).


Get familiar with the en re Symfony update schedule.

Symfony version roadmap


Protect the quality of your lightning fast so ware development with Symfony’s debugging tool - Debugbar. What does it do? It provides quick access to all data involved in the current request:

Debugbar - get your code in check

Symfony and PHP version


ac on and rou ng

RAM consump onof all scripts involved

execu on me stats

view files a ached

logged-in user info

connec on and databasequery info

There is even more to the powerful features that make your development more efficient while allowing you to sa sfy your customer. However, this ought to suffice to

make a point that Symfony3’s posi on among PHP frameworks is well-deserved.

Paraphrasing the slogan of a popular car manufacturer:Symfony – advancement through efficiency!

Senior PHP Developer

Szymon Bluma