Improve mobile conversion with these tweaks 1


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Page 1: Improve mobile conversion with these tweaks 1

Improve Mobile Conversion with theseTweaks – 1

Stay ahead of the competitors on all fronts is what every business desires for. However, today marketers face a new challenge, new strategy for a new medium. The desktop customer behaves differently than a mobile customer. So, to stay ahead and increase the conversion rate through mobile, it is important that the website should be mobile ready. Here are some other things marketers can do to increase mobile conversion rates:

1. Faster Mobile Checkout

Keep your form simple and shorter. Allow guest checkouts as many people do not like to divulge personal information for the first time. One click checkouts are the most preferable in case of returning customers. Keep multiple payments options and that too with a single click so that the customer need not waste time and the cart abandonment rates are low.

Page 2: Improve mobile conversion with these tweaks 1

2. Allow customer to change the device

Most people like browsing while on a go and do actual shopping once they settle down so that they can make the right buying decision. So, do allow the customer tohave an option wherein they can continue shopping from where they left even if they switch the device. This could be done by politely asking them to send them the link to the website and the shopping cart in the mail.

3. Cover only the relevant content

Relevant content neither means lengthy nor skimpy. It should make clear meaning with lesser use of words. Here another thing needs to be pointed out i.e. the layout has to be proper, it should keep the most important content above followed by lesser important content.

One way of doing this is to keep the desktop’s horizontal layout as such and allow that much scroll that allows to learn more about the product. Another way is by the use of videos. Mobile users consume videos at good rate and they can be a better alternative to 3D product images.

More points will follow soon in subsequent post. Till then read good, post good!