Importantance of Mathematics Concept in Islamic Thought

Importance of Mathematics Concept in Islamic Thought Page 1 of 12 IMPORTANCE OF MATHEMATICS CONCEPT IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT (Fahruh Juhaevah) Preliminary In some studies the last century constantly revising an event on the basis of cause and effect, so even with the existence and development of knowledge. Humanity has always let curiosity overcome a mindset that is not considered normal in general. It is based on the ability that humans have the ability to think outside of their trust. Further when people began examining the role of birth on the basis of mathematical thinking abnormal and caused many to ask from their own. One of the very urgent for humanity is the concept of divinity in Islam has a starting point and relevance based on the knowledge that human beings developed in this math? It simply is what mathematical concept can describe a variety of things in Islamic thought and the concept is nothing more than a matter of coincidence and accident related? Discussion Reality of Mathematics In language (lughawi), the word "mathematics" comes from the Greek language is the "mathema" or perhaps even "mathematikos" which means things are learned. For the Greeks, mathematics is not only a knowledge of figures and space, but also about music and astronomy (astronomy). Nasoetion (1980:12) stated that mathematics is derived from the Greek "mathein" or "manthenein" which means "to learn". The Dutch, with wiskunde mention mathematics,



Transcript of Importantance of Mathematics Concept in Islamic Thought

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(Fahruh Juhaevah)


In some studies the last century constantly revising an event on the basis

of cause and effect, so even with the existence and development of knowledge.

Humanity has always let curiosity overcome a mindset that is not considered

normal in general. It is based on the ability that humans have the ability to think

outside of their trust.

Further when people began examining the role of birth on the basis of

mathematical thinking abnormal and caused many to ask from their own.

One of the very urgent for humanity is the concept of divinity in Islam has a

starting point and relevance based on the knowledge that human beings

developed in this math?

It simply is what mathematical concept can describe a variety of things in

Islamic thought and the concept is nothing more than a matter of coincidence

and accident related?


Reality of Mathematics

In language (lughawi), the word "mathematics" comes from the Greek

language is the "mathema" or perhaps even "mathematikos" which means things

are learned. For the Greeks, mathematics is not only a knowledge of figures and

space, but also about music and astronomy (astronomy). Nasoetion (1980:12)

stated that mathematics is derived from the Greek "mathein" or "manthenein"

which means "to learn". The Dutch, with wiskunde mention mathematics,

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mathematical meaning. While the Arabs, saying mathematics is' knowledge of al

reckoning, meaning numerology.

Mathematics is the abstraction of the real world. Abstraction in language

means the process of abstraction. To state the result of abstraction, required a

medium of communication or language. The language used in mathematics is the

language of symbols. To specify the number "two" is used the symbol "2". The

symbol for the number of called numbers. The language has two advantages

symbol that is (a) simple and universal, and (b) has a broad meaning.

Mathematical symbols are very simple and not wordy. In addition, mathematical

symbols are also universal. For example, the definition of converging lines in the

symbol is expressed as follows. The symbol is simple and universal. Very short

and simple means universal mathematician means that wherever in the world

will be able to understand it. Try to compare when language is translated into a

symbol of the Indonesian language, the following:

" Line of real numbers ( xn ) is said to converge to a real number L if for every

positive real number e there is no natural number such that xn distance to L is

less than e when n is greater than or equal to no" .

His words to be very long and can only be understood by those who understand

the language of Indonesia.

Symbols in mathematics also has broad meaning. Because the prevalence

of hidden meanings, sometimes mathematical symbols is said to be empty of

meaning or significance. Mathematical symbols devoid of meaning.

For example, the symbol "2", it represents the number two. But in this case "two

what?". The symbols will be meaningless if it is associated with a specific context,

such as 2 books.

Besides having properties that are abstract mathematical symbols and

language, mathematical deductive nature. Mathematical subscribe paradigm or

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deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is a pattern of thinking that is based

on truths in general have proven to be true. Permission obtained from some

specific examples later digeneralisasi, is said to be inductive and have not been

true in mathematics. Inductive truth will be accepted after proved by strict and

logical reasoning. While the deductive nature of mathematics, mathematician

also taking care inspiration, guess, experience, creativity, taste, and phenomena

in developing mathematics. Summary of the expansion will be accepted after the

designated or established through logical reasoning. Math as a Language of the


If we want to engage, understand, or comprehend Qualiyah verses, that

the Quran, the Arabic language to live in. So, if we want to engage, understand,

or comprehend sentences kauniyah, that the universe, the universe and its

contents elections, the language we have to master? What language should we

use to understand? The answer is mathematical.

Try to observe the solar system. Observe the shape of the sun, earth,

moon, and other planets. Everything is ball-shaped. Note the path of the earth

around the sun now, so the paths of other planets around the sun now.

Ellipse-shaped cross it. Based on these facts, it is not wrong if later on around the

year 1200 AD, Galilio Galilie say "Mathematics is the language with wich God

created the universe". Through an in-depth study and review of the phenomena

of the universe, scientists trigger the Big Bang Theory, that Stephen Hawking

eventually follow Galilio expression by saying "it is God who created the universe

with the language (Mathematics)".

If we look into the Qur'an, then we would not be surprised or may say

that the expression Galilio or ALS is stale. Some 600 years earlier, the Qur'an has

stated that all things were created mathematically. Note the words of Allah in

the Qur'an the Al-Qamar verse 49 following That is:

We created everything according to a measure.

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Everything in nature is no size, no count-reckoning, there is his formula, or some


A mathematician or physicist does not make an iota of formulas. They

just find a formula or equation. Albert Einstein did not make the formula E = mc2,

he just found and to make it as a symbol. Formulas that are now not created

humans, but it is available. Man found only in the language of mathematics and

image. Look at how Archimedes find the count of objects through the medium of

water volume. Law of Archimedes had been there before, and it was he who

discovered the first time that the result of studying and reading the decree of

Allah SWT.

In recent times, the modeling, mathematical modeling done man does

not make new things. In reality, they are just looking for similarities or common

rules that occur on a phenomenon. In fact, outbreaks such as dengue fever,

malaria, tuberkolosis, even bird flu appears to have a mathematical rules.

Behold, all things have been created with the measurements, calculations,

formulas, or certain similarities that very closely and carefully. Note the letter of

the Qur'an Al-Furqan verse 2 That is: ....

And He created all things, and has measured it exactly precisely.

Observe and find orderliness, neatness, cleanliness, and care arrangements or

the laws of the universe, Albert Einstein with amazement saying "God does not

play dice being". God is not a joke, not're experimenting, do not play

opportunities in creating the universe. However, this too is an expression of the

Einstein actually also stale, because about 1200 years before the Qur'an the Al-

Anbiya 'verse 16 states That is: We created Iangit and the earth and all that is

between them in play. Similarly, in a letter Ad-Dukhan verse 38 mentioned


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And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between

them in play.

One of the activities is the estimate or calculate math, so it was not wrong then

there's the mention of mathematics is arithmetic or knowledge of al-measure.

In the course of calculating this count, Allah SWT is a member. God very fast in

calculating and very carefully. We note that the verses of the Qur'an explains

that Allah is quick in making calculations and very thorough. In the Qur'an An-

Nur verse letter mentioned 39 Meaning: God is very swift at reckoning. In the

Qur'an letter quoted Ali Imran verse 199 This means that Allah is swift at

reckoning. In a letter Qur'an Al-Baqarah verse 202 mentioned Meaning: Allah is

swift at reckoning. In a letter Qur'an Ar-Ra'd verse 41 mentioned Meaning: He

who is swift at reckoning. In the Qur'an the Al-An'am verse 62 mentioned

Meaning: He is making the fastest calculations. Then, one can calculate quickly if

not a mathematician? Who can define rules, common rules, measurements, and

election laws of the universe so painstakingly, if not a mathematician? Then, if

the almighty God well in mathematics, why we do not want to learn it? How do

we understand the universe using mathematical language, if we do not master


Mathematics in the Islamic World

In the previous section, is described mathematical language universe.

However, in reality there are many among the Muslims themselves who hate

math and claimed that mathematics is the science infidelity. It's a strange

phenomenon. Essence is worshiped like math, while worshipers thus hate math.

There is a verse in the Qur'an that explicitly instructs Muslims to learn

mathematics, which is concerned with the problem faraidh. Faraidh problems

are problems concerning the organization and distribution of inheritance for the

beneficiaries in accordance with those specified in the Qur'an. For the

distribution of inheritance should be known in advance how much all that was

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left as inheritance, how many beneficiaries are entitled to receive, and how the

section entitled beneficiaries. With respect to the entitlement by the

beneficiaries, the Qur'an describes in a letter Nisa ', verse 11, 12, and 176.

Conditions are entitled to the heirs mentioned furudhul muqaddarah. There are

six kinds of furudhul muqaddarah.

To be able to understand and be able to perform well faraidh problem

then it should be understood first is related to the mathematical concept of

fractions, equivalent fractions, the concept division, the Greatest common Factor

(GCF), the least common multiple (LCM), and the concept of measurement cover

wide measurement, weight, and volume. An understanding of these concepts

will make it easier to understand the problem faraidh.

He created the sun and the moon one of them is so that people can know

the calculation time, as the word of Allah in Surah Yunus verse 5.


He who makes the sun shine and the moon a light and set his manzilah-

manzilah (places) for her stages, that ye might know the number of years and the

count (of time).

God did not create it but with such truth. He explains the signs (the verses) to the

people who know. The initial determination of the time of prayer, early, early,

manufacturing, even Qiblah is precise and accurate many need help in


Something that really does not make sense is when there is a religious

figure who set the early time of prayer with rubu 'but hate math.

He did not understand that the meaning of the word "rubu '" is the fourth part,

that is a quarter circle. He did not understand that rubu much involved

trigonometry concepts that are mathematical material. Is not strange if people

were using mathematics, but state math and science unbelievers hate it?

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If Muslims want to look back, look back at the times of Islamic success in

the development of science, it will be found a lot of figures from the Muslims

who have been of service to today's modern world. A lot of hype among the

Muslims who have contributed significantly in the development of science,

including mathematics.

Several prominent Muslim figures as Muslim mathematicians among

others, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (or Al-Khwarizmi), Abu

Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (or Ibn Haytham), Abu Rayhan

Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Biruni (or Al-Biruni), Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l Fath Umar

ibn Ibrahim Al-Khayyami (or Omar Khayyam), and Muhammad Ibn Muhammad

Ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi (or Al-Tusi).

In the decimal number system we know now, the number zero is the

contribution of Al-Khwarizmi. The word "zero" to say nothing of other not

derived from the Arabic "Sifr". The word "Sifr" continually changing, that cipher,

zipher, zephirum, zenero, cinero, and much more to be zero.

The word "algebra" is taken from the name of the other math book "Al-Kitab al-

Mukhtasar fi arithmetic al-jabr wa al-muqabalah" Al-Khwarizmi's work.

The word "algorithm" or "logarithm" is taken from the name of Al-Khwarizmi.

The word "Al-Khwarizmi" changed to the Latin version of the "algorismi",

"algorism", and eventually became the "algorithm".

On the 8th and 9th centuries around AD, knowledge of the most favored

Muslims are mathematics and astronomy. Muslim mathematicians learned

arithmetic to calculate manufacturing heritage and Islamic calendars.

Mathematical or astronomical geography is needed to determine the direction of

the Qiblah. Astronomy is also needed to determine the beginning of the prayer,

the beginning and the end of the fasting of Ramadan, and Eid Muslims.

Knowledge of the position of stars very helpful in arranging travel guide to

perform the pilgrimage. In fact, the Muslims by the 9th century known as the

developer of the observatory.

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Mathematics in Islamic Thought

Determination of the object in a symbol is highly dependent on context or

point of view or even the level of imagination of people who read it.

Imagination will affect the level of variation that is associated with symbol

objects and ultimately also affect the visualization of the symbol.

The following will be given examples of how to interpret the language of

symbols x = 3 which in turn can provide an overview and analogy in the

repertoire of Islamic thought, particularly in understanding the Quran. First,

when finding symbols x = 3, a person may not be able to read it. She can see it,

but can not spell it. He does not know the forms are written in the symbol.

Obviously, these people will not be able to give meaning to the symbol.

Second, when finding symbols x = 3, one may be able to read it, but do not know

what exactly to say the symbols x = 3. He knew the forms were written in the

symbol. He knows the letters x, sign =, and number 3, but do not understand

what x what and 3. Obviously, these people will not be able to give meaning to

the symbol. Third, when finding symbols x = 3, one may be able to read it, and

begin to associate objects in forms that are written in the symbol.

He began to understand, in the light and imagination, that no object is equal to

3. I wonder what the object and 3 in units of anything. The symbol "=" to mean

price, quantity, or other. At this level, in addition to be able to interpret, one can

generally provide visualization.

Someone who thinks mathematically geometric can say x = 3 as a point

on the real number line (R). This person can only say as a point.

He can not interpret more than that, because the imagination is only on one

dimension, namely R. A person whose imagination is higher than the dimension

of the (R), namely the two-dimensional (R2), not only can interpret as a point, but

can also interpret it as a line parallel to the Y axis that passes through the point


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A person whose imagination is higher than the two-dimensional (R2), which is the

three-dimensional (R3), not only can interpret as points and lines, but can also

interpret it as a field parallel to the Z axis Ydan axis through the point (5,0,0).

In mathematics, the level of imagination is not limited to three

dimensions, but there is still a dimension four, five, even infinite dimensions.

Thus, the higher one's imagination, the more complex visualizations can be made

to a symbol. Visualization itself still requires its own meaning.

Questions about what the desired symbol, it will have implications for the

question of what lies behind the visualization. Understanding of the visualization

is ultimately a symbol of understanding on. Illustration of the meaning of the

symbols x = 3 this would mathematically analogous to the geometric

interpretation of Surah Al-Fajr paragraph 3. Note Surah Al-Fajr paragraph 1-3

below. Meaning:

By dawn, And by night 10.

And for the even and odd.

What is it about the night 10? What's up with even and odd numbers? Why God

to swear by the even and odd? Let us see how the existing interpretation of the

Surah Al-Fajr paragraph 3.

In Jalalain interpretation, the word "syaf'i" only be interpreted as a "pair" and

the word "watr" is defined as "alone" without a detailed explanation.

In the commentary of Ibn Kathir and Al-Qurtubi tafsir there are many

interpretations of the word "syaf'i" and the word "watr" among

a. as the day of Arafah (9th) and nahar day (the 10th) month of Dhul Hijjah.

b. as the morning prayer (2 cycles) and maghrib prayer (3 cycles), or even the

whole obligatory prayers. There are berraka'at berraka'at even and odd.

c. the oath of Allah for creatures and He alone. Syaf'i are creatures and that witr

is Allah SWT. Allah is witr, odd, ie first-(a) while the creature is syaf'i or in pairs.

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There heavens and the earth, there are land and sea, west and east, good and

bad, bitter and sweet, tall and short, and others. All of God's creation is in pairs

as mentioned in Surah Adh-Dzariyat paragraph 49. Meaning:

And all things We have created pairs that you may remember the greatness of


Now we will see how the possibility someone will interpret and understand the

mathematical geometric paragraph.

First, one can not read it. Obviously these people can not understand it.

Second, one can read it, but do not understand the meaning of the word in that


This person also can not understand it. Third, one can read it and understand the

meaning of the word in that language. People began to associate words with

objects syaf'i and watr particular. As in the existing interpretation, may be

associated with real objects such as numbers, dates, and number of rak'ah, or

even other abstract objects. At a certain level of imagination, someone will find a

visualization of Surah Al-Fajr paragraph 3 as follows.

Visualization is made form an equilateral triangle with the number 1 at

the top of the triangle and the bottom number 2. This visualization then require

interpretation. The equilateral triangle can be seen as a sign of an arrow pointing

upwards. As if the arrows say, from the bottom up, from the 2 to the 1, instead

of 1 towards 2. This concept in accordance with Surah Al-Fajr verse 3 that call

even more first and odd. Why even before the new odd? If then even interpreted

"being" created "in pairs" and odd interpreted "khaliq" the "single / odd",

meaning that it obtained to get the odd, the one, the bully, ie Allah then start by

knowing who is even, pairs, ie creatures (of the universe and its contents).

This concept in accordance with QS Adh-Dzariyat paragraph 49 which states that

all the pairs are a means for remembering the power of Allah SWT.

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Even in a hadith mentioned that "think about God's creation, do not think about

the Essence of Allah".

That is, that to know God is to know the ingredients and studying His creation,

that is by getting to know and study the universe. Then why equilateral triangle,

instead of the other? First keep in mind back stamp which contains Muhammad's

prophetic wake of an equilateral triangle. Second, equilateral triangles show the

balance in size. God created things are balanced, orderly, and prepared exactly.

Note Surah Al-Mulk verse 3. Meaning:

Who created the seven heavens in layers. You never see the creation of God,

Most Gracious, something that is not balanced. Then look again and again, is

there anything you see that is not balanced?

Thus one interpretation of the Qur'an using geometric mathematical approach,

which does not conflict with the interpretations that have been there both in

Jalalain commentary, Ibn Kathir, and Al-Qurtubi. Even this mathematical

approach gives a deeper explanation.


There is no creation of Allah in vain, including mathematics. Even mathematics is

the language used in the creation of the universe. Thus, it is to learn and

understand the verses kauniyah (of the universe) then the required

mathematics. An understanding of the universe will lead to wonder at the power

of God. In addition, mathematics is also able to provide a deeper approach to

understanding qauliyah verses (of the Qur'an). So the math is a media to know

and learn the greatness of God, God's mathematical concepts outlined long

before mankind found through creation, thus misleading to say that a

mathematical coincidence that brought the concept to understand Islam because

it was based and listed in scripture Al Quran before the mathematics found.

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