IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow...

IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 Imperialism = the economic and political domination of a weaker country by a larger or stronger one. When a country adapts an imperial policy, they extend their power and influence onto others. Post-Civil War Isolationism US sees itself as “an apart nation,” separate from European and world affairs US separated by oceans and a disdain for European monarchies and societies US focused on industrial development and westward expansion Post-Civil War Expansion ¤866: US pressures France to withdraw from Mexico 1867: US purchases Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million o “Seward’s Folly/Icebox” o purchase is criticized and ridiculed US acquires Midway Island Late 1880s: US beings to look towards expansion Reasons for Imperialism Economic Social Political Industrialization leads to increased need for raw materials, new markets and world trade for US goods US is competing with Europe for the world market By 1900, US #1 industrialized nation in the world Social Darwinism/Nationalism Racial Superiority “Then this Anglo-Saxon race… of the purest Christianity, the highest civilization… will spread itself over the earth” need to spread Anglo-Saxon civilization over the inferiors and uncivilized peoples and nations belief that democracy was destined to spread over every corner of the Earth by 1890, the frontier is closed need to expand beyond our borders by 1890, European powers had conquered, colonized and divided Africa and parts of Asia US needs to keep up with the European powers or risk being left out

Transcript of IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow...

Page 1: IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow Journalism: first media-driven war. Yellow journalism of the 1890s that used sensational

IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 Imperialism = the economic and political domination of a weaker country by a larger or stronger one. When a country adapts an imperial policy, they extend their power and influence onto others. Post-Civil War Isolationism

▪ US sees itself as “an apart nation,” separate from European and world affairs ▪ US separated by oceans and a disdain for European monarchies and societies ▪ US focused on industrial development and westward expansion

Post-Civil War Expansion

▪ ¤866: US pressures France to withdraw from Mexico ▪ 1867: US purchases Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million

o “Seward’s Folly/Icebox” o purchase is criticized and ridiculed

▪ US acquires Midway Island ▪ Late 1880s: US beings to look towards expansion

Reasons for Imperialism

Economic Social Political

▪ Industrialization leads to increased need for raw materials, new markets and world trade for US goods ▪ US is competing with Europe for the world market ▪ By 1900, US #1 industrialized nation in the world

▪ Social Darwinism/Nationalism ▪ Racial Superiority ▪ “Then this Anglo-Saxon race… of the purest Christianity, the highest civilization… will spread itself over the earth” ▪ need to spread Anglo-Saxon civilization over the inferiors and uncivilized peoples and nations

▪ belief that democracy was destined to spread over every corner of the Earth ▪ by 1890, the frontier is closed need to expand beyond

our borders ▪ by 1890, European powers had conquered, colonized and divided Africa and parts of Asia ▪ US needs to keep up with the European powers or risk being left out

Page 2: IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow Journalism: first media-driven war. Yellow journalism of the 1890s that used sensational


o Mahan spells out what the US needs to do in order to become a world power o US needs to build a modern Navy

▪ By 1900, third largest fleet in the world o Naval basses in the Caribbean o Hawaii and other Pacific Islands o Canal through Panama o 1890s Mahan’s ideas win support in Congress o By 1901 Mahan’s goals are achieved


▪ Spanish treatment of Cubans: Cuba was a colony of Spain, Cubans had tried to gain control of their government. Spain was mistreating Cubans – concentrations camps

▪ de Lôme letter: Spanish ambassador Enrique Dupuy de Lôme wrote a personal letter to his friend José Canalejas who was in Cuba. The letter criticized President McKinley and outraged Americans

▪ USS Maine Explosion: USS Maine sunk in Havana harbor. Newspapers immediately

begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain

▪ Yellow Journalism: first media-driven war. Yellow journalism of the 1890s that used sensational headlines, melodrama, romance, and hyperbole to sell millions of newspapers. Newspapers exaggerated harsh treatment of the Cubans and blamed Spain for the sinking of the USS Maine - helped rally public support against Spain

▪ Interest in Cuba American businessmen invest millions of dollars in Cuba

developing sugar plantations

Page 3: IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow Journalism: first media-driven war. Yellow journalism of the 1890s that used sensational

Spanish-American War ▪ April 20, 1898: after much deliberation, President McKinley asks Congress to declare war

o “Splendid Little War:” US easily defeats Spain in three months o fighting takes place in Cuba and the Philippines o 5,000 Americans killed (only 400 from combat)

RESULTS OF THE WAR TELLER AMENDMENT: US recognizes Cuba’s independence and agrees not to annex Cuba Treaty of Paris (1898) US gains Puerto Rico and Guam US gains the Philippines for $20 million Theodore Roosevelt becomes an American hero with his famous charge up San Juan Hill Returns and becomes governor of NY, will go on to become Vice President and then President US becomes a world power and nationalism soars! The Philippines: Annex the Philippines

o Economic interest: a gateway to Asian markets o Social reasons: to civilize and Christianize them

Anti-Imperialists/Against annexing Philippines

o Argued that it would be a violation of the spirit of the Declaration of Independence to govern a foreign territory without the consent of its inhabitants

o Labor leaders feared a flood of Asian immigrants o Filipinos were inferior and unfit for American

colonization Filipino Rebellion (1898-1901)

▪ Emilio Aguinaldo: Filipino who led guerilla rebellion against American imperialism

▪ US sends 70,000 troops to put down the rebellion (4,200 killed)

o 215,000 Filipinos killed o Philippines will remain a US territory until 1946

Page 4: IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow Journalism: first media-driven war. Yellow journalism of the 1890s that used sensational

EXPANSION IN ASIA ▪ US interested in expanding trade to Asian markets ▪ 1944: US opens trade with China ▪ 1854: US Commodore Matthew Perry opens up trade with Japan US takes Hawaii: prime location in the Pacific, center of trade, sugar plantations. Hawaii previously ruled by a monarch. Prominent US planters influence government, convince king to give them more power. US helps overthrow Queen Liliuokalani – asks to be annexed US-Asian Relations CHINA:

▪ By 1890s, European powers and Japan had carved up China into territorial spheres of influence and dominated Asian markets

▪ Open Door Policy (1899): US calls for equal trading rights in China

JAPAN: ▪ 1905: President Theodore Roosevelt

mediates peace between Japan and Russia ▪ 1907: Gentlemen’s Agreement – Japan

agrees to stop emigration to America 1907-1908: Great White Fleet World Tour – President Teddy Roosevelt sends US great white fleet on a world tour to show off the might of the US navy


▪ Americans view Cubans as unfit for self-government

▪ Platt Amendment (1901): allowed for American intervention in Cuba to protect Cuban independence

▪ Cuba agrees to a naval base at Guantanamo Bay

Page 5: IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow Journalism: first media-driven war. Yellow journalism of the 1890s that used sensational

The United States also saw an interest in influencing/providing order in other Caribbean and Central American Nations Problems facing peoples of Caribbean and Central America •Uneducated, desperately poor, politically unstable •Power and wealth controlled by a few ruling families •Debt and threat of European intervention


US warns European nations to stay out of the affairs of Latin America

ROOSEVELT COROLLARY TO THE MONROE DOCTRINE (1904) An extension of the Monroe Doctrine US will act as “policeman” of Latin America US will maintain political and economic stability by force if necessary

Big Stick Diplomacy “speak softly but carry a big stick”

Page 6: IMPERIALISM 1890-1912 · begin to blame the Spanish and rally support for war against Spain Yellow Journalism: first media-driven war. Yellow journalism of the 1890s that used sensational

Maintaining Stability in the Caribbean

▪ President Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” (1909) o Encourages economic and political stability in Latin American with US investment

and financial aid

•1904-1924: US occupies Dominican Republic •1912-1933: US occupies Nicaragua •1914-1934: US occupies Haiti •1903-1925: US intervenes in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras

PANAMA CANAL Hay-Paunceforte Treaty (1901): US and Britain agree to allow the US to build a canal through Panama and allow access to all ships IMPORTANCE: shortens distance between NYC and San Francisco by 8,500 miles. Beneficial for trade/economy as well as national defense ▪ US offers Colombia $10 million for a canal zone through Panama

o Colombia rejects the offer ▪ Roosevelt is furious and determined to build the canal US sends warships to Panama to prevent the Colombians from putting down a Panamanian revolt o Panama wins its independence and is

recognized by the US government Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903):

▪ US Gains a 10 mile wide zone through Panama ▪ US guarantees Panama’s independence ▪ US paid $10 million to Panama (Colombia gets nothing)