Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) ISSN ...

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-2 , 2016 ISSN : 2454-1362 , Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 593 Survey On Trees In District Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India Dr. Yashwant Rai Green Planet Welfare Association Meerut, U.P. INDIA ABSTRACT : A study was conducted in all area of Meerut district during March 2009 to November 2015 to investigate the Multipurpose use Trees diversity. Some trees species recorded all parts of Meerut but some tees species (rare) recorded in few parts of Meerut. A total of 101 species of trees belonged to 89 genera under 37 families were recorded for the first time. The family Leguminosae was found to be dominant with (18 species) followed by Apocynaceae (07 species), Moraceae (07 species), Meliaceae (05 species), Euphorbiaceae (04 species), Lythraceaev (04 species), Rubiaceae (04 species), Bignoniaceae (03 species), Combretaceae (3 species), Myrtaceae (03 species), Rosaceae (03 species), Rutaceae (03 species), Sterculiaceae (03 species), Anacardiaceae (02 species), Asclepiadaceae (02 species), Bombacaceae (02 species), Boraginaceae (02 species), Ebenaceae ( 02 species), Malvaceae (02 species), Sapindaceae (02 species) Sapotaceae (2 species), Ulmaceae (02 species), Verbinaceae (02 species), Annonaceae (01 species), Arecaceae (01 species), Capparaceae (01 species), Caricaceae (01 species), Casuarinaceae (01 species), Loginaceae (1 species), Moringaceae (01 species), Oleaceae (01 species), Proteaceae (01 species), Putranjivaceae (01 species), Rhamnaceae (01 species), Salicaceae (01 species), Santalaceae (01 species) and Simaroubaceae (01 species). All the species are commercially and ecologically multipurpose use such as medicinal, dye, timber, wildlife conservation, ornamental, phytoremediation and avenue trees. The present study emphasizes the need multipurpose tree species and their conservation and sustenance for future generation and wildlife. Keywords: Tree, Meerut, Survey, Multipurpose, conservation. INTRODUCTION Meerut is having prestigious space in the Indian history. The first revolution for freedom of India was started here itself in 1857 by great son of this soil Mangal Pandey. Capital of Kauravs & Pandavas was at Hastinapur. Meerut is 65 km away from the National Capital Territory. Fertile land of Meerut for growing many species of tree. The total forest area in the Meerut district is 21,314 hectare. Trees are an important part of life. Since the beginning, trees have furnished us with two of life's essentials, food and oxygen. Trees contribute to their environment by purifiers air quality, climate amelioration, Water purifiers, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. They also lower the air temperature and reduce the heat intensity of the greenhouse effect by maintaining low levels of carbon dioxide. Trees are of exceptionally high ecological, socioeconomic and cultural importance. As the principal biomass component of forest ecosystems, they provide habitat for at least of Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005), supporting 80% of amphibian, 75% of bird and 68% of mammal species (Vié et al., 2009). Trees and forest ecosystems provide a wide range of benefits to people including production of timber, fuel wood and fiber, and ecosystem services such as clean water, flood protection and prevention of soil erosion from watersheds, as well as being of high cultural and spiritual value (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005; UNEP, 2009). Some 1.6 billion people depend directly on trees for their livelihoods (World Bank, 2004), and forest industries

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-2 , 2016 ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 593

Survey On Trees In District Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India

Dr. Yashwant Rai

Green Planet Welfare Association Meerut, U.P. INDIA

ABSTRACT : A study was conducted in all area of Meerut district during March 2009 to November 2015 to investigate the Multipurpose use Trees diversity. Some trees species recorded all parts of Meerut but some tees species (rare) recorded in few parts of Meerut. A total of 101 species of trees belonged to 89 genera under 37 families were recorded for the first time. The family Leguminosae was found to be dominant with (18 species) followed by Apocynaceae (07 species), Moraceae (07 species), Meliaceae (05 species), Euphorbiaceae (04 species), Lythraceaev (04 species), Rubiaceae (04 species), Bignoniaceae (03 species), Combretaceae (3 species), Myrtaceae (03 species), Rosaceae (03 species), Rutaceae (03 species), Sterculiaceae (03 species), Anacardiaceae (02 species), Asclepiadaceae (02 species), Bombacaceae (02 species), Boraginaceae (02 species), Ebenaceae ( 02 species), Malvaceae (02 species), Sapindaceae (02 species) Sapotaceae (2 species), Ulmaceae (02 species), Verbinaceae (02 species), Annonaceae (01 species), Arecaceae (01 species), Capparaceae (01 species), Caricaceae (01 species), Casuarinaceae (01 species), Loginaceae (1 species), Moringaceae (01 species), Oleaceae (01 species), Proteaceae (01 species), Putranjivaceae (01 species), Rhamnaceae (01 species), Salicaceae (01 species), Santalaceae (01 species) and Simaroubaceae (01 species). All the species are commercially and ecologically multipurpose use such as medicinal, dye, timber, wildlife conservation, ornamental, phytoremediation and avenue trees. The present study emphasizes the need multipurpose tree species and their conservation and sustenance for future generation and wildlife.

Keywords: Tree, Meerut, Survey, Multipurpose, conservation.


Meerut is having prestigious space in the Indian history. The first revolution for freedom of India was started here itself in 1857 by great son of this soil Mangal Pandey. Capital of Kauravs & Pandavas was at Hastinapur. Meerut is 65 km away from the National Capital Territory. Fertile land of Meerut for growing many species of tree. The total forest area in the Meerut district is 21,314 hectare. Trees are an important part of life. Since the beginning, trees have furnished us with two of life's essentials, food and oxygen. Trees contribute to their environment by purifiers air quality, climate amelioration, Water purifiers, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. They also lower the air temperature and reduce the heat intensity of the greenhouse effect by maintaining low levels of carbon dioxide. Trees are of exceptionally high ecological, socioeconomic and cultural importance. As the principal biomass component of forest ecosystems, they provide habitat for at least of Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005), supporting 80% of amphibian, 75% of bird and 68% of mammal species (Vié et al., 2009). Trees and forest ecosystems provide a wide range of benefits to people including production of timber, fuel wood and fiber, and ecosystem services such as clean water, flood protection and prevention of soil erosion from watersheds, as well as being of high cultural and spiritual value (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005; UNEP, 2009). Some 1.6 billion people depend directly on trees for their livelihoods (World Bank, 2004), and forest industries

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-2 , 2016 ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 594

contribute around $468 billion annually to the global economy (FAO, 2011). Leguminous trees have nodulation or nitrogen fixation ability (Sprent, 2001). Forest trees used for wood and as an ornamental, mainly along the streets and avenue trees. It also helps to reduce environmental pollution (Lorenzi, 1992). Among many woody species well adapted and commonly used multipurpose fruit trees intensively exploited for fruits, seeds, fodder, wood and traditional medicine (Okafor, 1991). Moreover, fruit tree species contribute to overcome nutritional problems and are important sources of income for rural communities (Ambé, 2001).The loss and degradation of forest ecosystems resulting from human activity are major causes of global biodiversity loss (UNEP, 2009; Vié et al., 2009). Clearance of population growth, mining, urbanization and industrial development all contribute to the loss of tree species in the Meerut. There is an urgent need to conserve tree species. Around 7,800 tree species

are currently recorded as threatened with extinction at the global scale (Oldfield et al., 1998; Newton and Oldfield, 2008). However, information is lacking on the status and distribution of many suspected rare species of trees, and the true figure is likely to be much higher. Trees are of exceptional ecological importance, providing habitat for a wide range of other organisms. Many of these trees also benefit people, and are associated with social, economic or cultural values. Consequently, their continued decline or loss can have a major impact on human wellbeing. In the present study, a total of 101 species of trees were collected along with the documentation of significant information regarding their scientific names, common names, families and used for different purposes. It is, therefore, very necessary to document the useful multipurpose and conserve it for future generations and biodiversity conservation.

Fig. A : Map of Meerut District

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MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted in Meerut District during March 2009 to September 2015. The survey was done months March, May and September 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 on the all area of Meerut. Study area, Meerut district is located between 77º. 00’ and 78º. 00’ longitude East and 28º. 54’ & 29º. 15’ latitude North. Fig. A. The temperature of the district is varies from 4º C in winter to 48º C in summer. The rainy session normally starts in the end of June month. The average rainfall is about 686 mm. Meerut district comprises of 676 villages under 12 blocks. The survey involved field work and multipurpose use of tree information collected from local peoples and various research papers. Trees observed were two groups common (found in many areas of Meerut district) and rare (found in few areas of Meerut district). Tree species were photo-documented by Sony Digital camera model no. DSC HX1, during the study period. Species identity, were confirmed with the help of the books by R.K. Chakraverty and S. K. Jain (1984), P. Krishen (2006), P. V. Prasanna et al (2012) and Y. Rai (2015).


In present survey study investigation, the multi use tree species were recorded. Totally there are 101 of tree species belonging to 37 families and 89 genera were recorded. Acacia catechu, Acacia nilotica, Aegle marmelos. Ailanthes excels, Albizia lebbeck, Alstonia scholaris, Anthocephalus cadamba, Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia variegata var candida, Bombax ceiba, Calliandra haematocephala, Callistemon viminalis, Calotropis gigantea, Calotropis procera, Carica papaya, Carissa carandas, Cassia fistula, Cassia siamea, Cassia spectabilis, Dalbergia sissoo, Delonix regia,

Diospyros virginiana, Dombeya natalensis , Drypetes roxburghii, Ehretia laevis, Emblica officinalis,Erythrina indica, Fernandoa adenophylla, Ficus benghalensis, Ficus religiosa, Hamelia patens, Grevillea robusta, Holoptelea integrifolia, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Kigella Africana, Lagerstroemia indica, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Leucaena leucocephala, Mangifera indica, Melia azedarach, Mimusops elengi, Moringa oleifolia, Morus alba, Murraya koenigii, Nerium indicum, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Phoenix dactylifera, Pithecellobium dulce, Plumeria obtuse, Polyalthia longifolia, Pongamia pinnata, Prosopis juliflora, Psidium guajava, Pterospermum acerifolium, Ricinus communis, Syzygium cumini, Tamarindus indica, Tectona grandis, Terminalia arjuna, Thevetia peruviana, Toona ciliata, Ziziphus mauritiana, these species are recorded in many parts of Meerut. But Adenanthera pavonina, Adina cordifolia, Aphanamixis polystachya, Artocarpus hetrophyllus, Artocarpus lakoocha, Butea monosperma, Casuarina equisetifolia, Celtis tetrandra, Chorisia insignis, Chukrasia tabularis, Cordia dichotoma, Creteva adansonii, Diospros melanoxylon, Eriobotrya japonica, Ficus glomerata, Helicteres isora, Holarrhea antidysenterica, kydia calycina, Laserstroemia alba, Lawsonia inermis, Limonia acidissima, litchi chinensis, Madhuca indica, Prunus persica, Pyrus communis, Salix tetraphylla, Santalum album, Sapindus mukrossi, Securinega virosa, Spondias pinnata, Sterculia foetida, Streblus asper, Strychnos nux-vomica, Tamilnadia uliginosa, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chiubula, Trewia nudiflora, Vitex negundo, Wrighta arborea, these are recorded in few parts of Meerut. A complete result clear in the Table 1,Table 2 and Fig B 101 photographs. .

TABLE :1 Trees of Meerut district Uttar Pradesh Sr. No.

Botanical Name Common Name

Location & Status Uses

1 Acacia catechu Khair Mostly Hastinapur forest and many areas of Meerut

Source of kattha, which is astringent, digestive and useful in ailments of throat, mouth, gums, cough and diarrhoea. Nitrogen fixing and timber.

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2 Acacia nilotica Babool Hastinapur forest and many areas of Meerut

It is also useful in diabetes, cure skin diseases and bleeding piles. Nitrogen fixing and timber.

3 Adenanthera pavonina

Red sandal wood

Gotaka village Sardhna, demoli village and Jaisinghpur village Meerut By Dr. Yashwant Rai) (only 5 trees in Meerut)

A. pavonina is also known as a “food tree”, because its seeds are often eaten by people. The ground seeds are used to treat boils and inflammatory reactions. Decoction of leaves is used to treat gout and rheumatism A red powder made from the wood is used as an antiseptic paste. Bark used to wash hair. Nitrogen fixing and timber.

4 Adina cordifolia Haldu Meerut Cant and few areas of Meerut)

The bark of tree is used for the treatment of cough jaundice, stomachache and ulcer. Avenue tree and yielding timber.

5 Aegle marmelos Bael Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut

Fruit is used dysentery, constipation, peptic ulcer& Internal hemorrhages. Root and bark is used in fever and leaves used in diabetes. Flowers are source of nectar for many insects.

6 Ailanthes excelsa Mharukh Mostly Hastinapur forest and Many areas of Meerut

Its leaves and bitter bark is used as a tonic and for curing fever, bronchitis and dyspepsia.

7 Albizia lebbeck Siris Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut

Oil from seeds used in leprosy& purities of skin. Ornamental, and timber yielding.

8 Alstonia scholaris Chatian Many areas of Meerut Bark is used in malaria. It is a hyperaccumulator for polluted soils.

9 Anthocephalus cadamba

Kadamba Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut.

The use of dried stem bark in disorders of female genital tract and bleeding disorders. Fruits are source of food for many species of birds. Avenue trees, Ornamental Timber yielding

10 Aphanamixis polystachya

Pithraj Vedvias puri and sanjay Van Meerut By Dr. Yashwant (only 2 tree in Meerut)

The stem barks of Aphanamixis polystachya is used traditionally in treatment of tumors, cancer and rheumatism.

11 Artocarpus hetrophyllus

Kathal Gandhi bagh and Hastinapur forest and few areas of Meerut.

Fruits edible as vegetable . The latex can be used as chewing gum The ripe fruit is eaten fresh or is processed into numerous delicacies including jam, jelly, and chutney. It also makes an excellent dried fruit or preserved candy when combined with sugar or honey. The pulp is also used as a flavoring in ice cream and drinks.

12 Artocarpus lakoocha

Barhal Railway Colony City station and Baffar Bumba Baghpat road Meerut

The fruits are used to tonic for the liver. Timber yielding.

13 Azadirachta indica Neem mostly village and many parts of Meerut

Leaves are antiseptic used in wounds, skin disease, eczema, burn. Seed is used for hair care and dandruff. Twig is used

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 597

as tooth brush and in measles. Fruits are food source for many species of birds.

14 Bauhinia variegata var candida

Kachnar Hastinapur forest and many parts of Meerut

Decoction of roots is carminative and prevent obesity. Bark is used as anthelmintic.. Dried buds used in diarrhea, dysentery and piles. Leaves. Source of nectar many birds and honey bees.

15 Bombax ceiba Semal Mostly Hastinapur forest And many parts of Meerut

Root is stimulant& tonic prickles used to cure pimples. Flowers are source of nectar for many species of birds, insects and mammals.

16 Butea monosperma Palash Hastinapur forest and Ghat Village Meerut

Leaf extract is used against pimples and tumors; bark powder is used orally for menstrual disorders and flower paste is applied externally skin disease. Root is used in snake poisoning. Dye-Flowers yield a yellowish orange dye. Nectar-Flowers are provide nectar to many birds and honey bees

17 Calliandra haematocephala

Red powder puff

Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut.

Bark is medicinally used to cure gum diseases, also used in toothpaste. Ornamental small tree

18 Callistemon viminalis

Bottle brus Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut.

Volatile oils has been used as antimicrobial and antifungal agents. Flowers are source of nectar. It is grow in gardens for ornamental purpose.

19 Calotropis gigantea Madar Mostly Waste land and many areas of Meerut

Juice from the plant is used to cure piles. Root bark is made into a paste and applied to treat elephantiasis. Flower decoctions are good digestive and also cure stomachache. Nectar source for butterflies, xylocopa and sunbirds. Hyperacccumulator small tree for polluted land.

20 Calotropis procera Madar Mostly waste land and many areas of Meerut

The smoke from the burning leaves is inhaled for the cure of asthma and cough. A paste of the charcoal prepared from roots mixed with some bland oil is applied over skin diseases. Hyperacccumulator. Nectar source for many insects and birds.

21 Carica papaya Papaya Mostly village and Many parts of Meerut.

The ripe fruit is considered to be good for digestive troubles and skin diseases. The seeds are used as a vermifuge. The unripe fruit is used in curries and also preserved and Pickled

22 Carissa carandas Karanda Many parts of Meerut. The fruits are rich source of iron, so its used in treatment of anaemia. Fruits are used for jam, syrup and chutney.

23 Cassia fistula Amaltas Mostly nai sabgi Mandi It is useful in skin diseases, cardiac

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 598

and many areas of Meerut.

disorders, and intermittent fever and also as an anti-inflammatory.

24 Cassia siamea Kassod Sanjay van and many areas of Meerut.

The flowers are eaten in curry. The wood is used in Burma for mallets, shelves and walking-sticks because of its hardness and durability

25 Cassia spectabilis Sanjay van Medicinal ,Ornamental, and timber 26 Casuarina

equisetifolia Whistling pine CCS University Meerut Commonly cultivated in gardens

nitrogen fixing and timber 27 Celtis tetrandra Khrik Jaisinghpur Village and

few areas of Meerut The juice from the seeds is used in the treatment of indigestion

28 Chorisia insignis White floss silk tree

Rajban Meerut (only 1 tree)

The cotton inside the fruit pods, although not of as good quality as that of the kapok tree, has been used as stuffing, soft and flexible, and is employed in packaging, to ake canoes, as wood pulp to make paper, and in ropes. From the seeds it is possible to obtain vegetable oil. Nectar source for many insects and birds

29 Chukrasia tabularis Chikrasi and many areas of Meerut

It is used in skeletal fractures, while the bark is a powerful astringent used against diarrhoea. Wood used for high class furniture.

30 Cordia dichotoma Lasora Sanjay Van and few areas of Meerut.

The fruits are used against cholera, dropsy and dysentery. Dye-Leaves yield a brownish black dye

31 Creteva adansonii Barna Nai fruit mandi and few Meerut (about 3 tree)

The fresh juice of leaves is useful as a tonic. Bark cures urinary bladder stones. Avenue Timber yielding

32 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham Many parts of Meerut Juice of leaves cure apthalus ulcer and used as gargles in sore throat. Root is used in gonorrhea. Timber yielding and Nitrogen fixing.

33 Delonix regia Gulmohur Mostly Nai fruit mandi and many areas of Meerut

It is a good tree to control soil erosion. Ornamental, and Nitrogen fixing

34 Diospros melanoxylon

Tendu Gotaka village Sardhna Meerut (only 2 trees)

The edible fruits are largely eaten and disseminated by fruit bats and birds, notably hornbills. The fruits and powdered seeds are sold in local markets and eaten. The fruits have a cooling and an astringent effect. Dried flowers are reportedly useful in urinary, skin and blood diseases. Leaves are used to make Cigars commonly known as Beedi

35 Diospyros virginiana

Persimmon Mostly Hastinapur forest Meerut

The fruit is also fermented with hops, cornmeal or wheat bran into a sort of beer or made into brandy

36 Dombeya natalensis Ajuba CCS University and R. G. college Meerut.

Root is used in ulcers. Ornamental

37 Drypetes roxburghii Putranjiva Sanjay Van and many The leaves are used for catarrh, fever,

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 599

areas of Meerut and sterility. 38 Ehretia laevis Small cherry Railway Station Meerut

city and many areas of Meerut.

Leaves are applied to ulcers and in headache. Fruit is astringent, anthelmintic, diuretic, demulcent, expectorant and use in affections of urinary passages, diseases of lungs and spleen. Fruits are edible. Important as source of food for wildlife.

39 Emblica officinalis Amala Sastri Nagar and Many areas of Meerut

Fruit is blood purifier used in jaundice. It is one of the ingredients of triphala churn a. source of vita. C, given in diabetes it is good for hair

40 Eriobotrya japonica Loquat Jaisinghpur Gandhi Bagh Few areas of Meerut

The fruit is used fresh, and is made into jellies, pies, and sauces.

41 Erythrina indica Coral tree Danic Jagran crossing and many parts of Meerut

Warm poultice of the leaves are applied externally to relive joint pain.

42 Fernandoa adenophylla

Snake Phali Sanjay colony and many areas of Meerut

The oil used in muscular pain. Timber, avenue and ornamental.

43 Ficus benghalensis Bargad Many areas of Meerut The fruits are used as tonic . The latex of plants useful in neuralgia, rheumatism hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, inflammations, and skin diseases. Fruits are source for many species of birds.

44 Ficus glomerata Goolar Sanjay Van and few areas of Meerut

The fruits are carminative and the milky latex is used to treat piles and diarrhoea. Fruits important source of food for birds and other mammals.

45 Ficus religiosa Peepal Hastinapur forest and many areas of Meerut.

Leaves juice are used asthma, cough, sexual disorders, diarrhoea, haematuria, toothache, migraine, eye troubles, gastric problems, scabies. The ripe fruit is cooling, alexipharmic, good for burning sensation, foul taste, thirst, biliousness and diseases of blood and heart. Powdered dry fruit destroys sorrows of a person. Seeds are laxative and if taken three days during menstruation, sterilizes women for long time.It is important for honey bees and many birds.

46 Hamelia patens Fire bush Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut.

Nectar source for bees, Birds and other insects.

47 Grevillea robusta Silver oak Sanjay Van and Many areas of Meerut.

The wood from Grevillea robusta is used in parts of the world for fuel as it makes good charcoal and firewood, as well as being used to make furniture. It is thought that the gum which exudes from the tree when it is cut could be used for industrial purposes. Yellow and green dyes can be made from the leaves,

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and the flowers are used for their fragrance.

48 Helicteres isora Marod phalli Mostly Khola Hastinapur forest.

The root and bark are expectorant and demulcent, and are useful in constipation, colic, scabies, gastropathy, diabetes, diarrhea and dysentery. The fruits are astringent, refrigerant, stomachic, vermifuge, vulnerary and useful in griping of bowels, flatulence of children.

49 Holarrhea antidysenterica

Kurchi Mostly Hastinapur forest

It is one of the best drugs for Diarrhoea.

50 Holoptelea integrifolia

Papri Hastinapur Forest and many areas of Meerut.

The leaves and bark are used in treating, oedema, diabetes, leprosy and other skin diseases, intestinal disorders, piles and spruce. Seed and paste of stem bark is used in treating ringworm.

51 Jacaranda mimosifolia

Jacaranda Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut

The bark and leaves are used for syphilis and gonorrhoea. Mostly grown in Ornamental..

52 Kigella africana Balamkhira Mostly CCS University Meerut

The fruits are used to treatments for skin afflictions, and intestinal worms.

53 kydia calycina Pola Mostly Khola Hastinapur Meerut

Source of good honey. Body swellings, body pain, boils, diabetis, febrifuge,increases saliva, inflamatio rheumatism. Flowers are important source of nectar for honey bees.

54 Lagerstroemia alba White Jarul Nai mandi Delhi road Meerut (Only one tree)

The leaves are purgative and diuretic. The bark is considered stimulant and febrifuge and a decoction or infusion is given in abdominal pain and diarrhoea. The roots are considered astringent, stimulant and febrifuge and seeds are narcoticAvenue tree and timber

55 Lagerstroemia indica

Crape myrtle Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut

Cultivared in garden for ornamental.

56 Lagerstroemia speciosa

Jarul Gandhi Bagh Meerut and many areas of Meerut.

Decoction of root is taken for jaundice. Bark infusion is taken orally for diabetes, diarrhoea and dysentery.

57 Lawsonia inermis Mehandi Kalanjari village and few areas of Meerut

Leaves extracts used as hair and hand dyeing and curing dandruff and heel crecks.

58 Leucaena leucocephala

Subabool Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut

Important for nitrogen fixing

59 Limonia acidissima Kaith Eid gah crossing Meerut. (Only 2 trees in Meerut)

The ripe fruit pulp is also used to make chutney. Its uses dysentery, diarrhea, liver ailments, chronic cough and indigestion. The root juice was used remedy for snake bite.

60 Litchi chinensis Litchi Kalanjari village and few areas of Meerut

Lychee increases immunity to protect against common diseases like cough, cold and flu. Vitamin C

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61 Madhuca indica Mahua Sanjay van and Gagol tirath Meerut

The tree bark is used to cure leprosy and heal wound. Flowers are used to cough, biliousness and blood pressure. The oil is used for the care of the skin, to manufacture soap or detergents, and as a vegetable butter. The flowers are used to production an alcoholic drink in India.

62 Mangifera indica Aam Many areas of Meerut Fruit contains vitamins A,B,C. Leaves are used in blood dysentery, soreness of voice. Raw fruit for prickly heat

63 Melia azedarach Bakain Many areas of Meerut Seed-oil is used in rheumatism. Wood-extract is used in asthma Fruits are food source for many birds.

64 Mimusops elengi Maulsari CCS University Meerut Ash of the bark is rubbed and applied on gum. Fruits are edible.

65 Moringa oleifolia Shagen Bangali Basti Near BhadarKali temple and many areas of Meerut

The tree is a source of proteins, calcium, iron and vitamin C. The leaves are used to asthma, tuberculosis, diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice and cholera. Best water purifier.

66 Morus alba Shatoot Hastinapur Forest and many areas of Meerut.

Fruit-cooling, mild laxative. Used for sore throat, dyspepsia and melancholia. Leaves and root bark-expectorant, diuretic, hypotensive. Bark extract- hypoglycemic. Leaf antiinflammatory, emollient, diaphoretic.

67 Murraya koenigii Karipatta Hastinapur Forest and many areas of Meerut

Its leaves as curry are used in indigestion and jaundice. Flowers are source of nectar for many insects species.

68 Nerium indicum Pink oleander D N College Meerut and many areas of Meerut.

Roots ground and fried in ghee applied on the ear to cure inflammation. Flowers are source of nectar for sunbirds and honey bees

69 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis

Harshingar Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut

Decoction of the leaves of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn is used in the treatment of sciatica, chronic fever, rheumatism, intestinal worms, laxative, cholagogue, diuretic, diaphoretic

70 Phoenix dactylifera Khajur Hastinapur forest and many areas of Meerut

Fruits are nutritive, laxative and useful in fever and gonorrhea. Leaves serve as hand fans.

71 Pithecellobium dulce

Jungale jalebi Hastinapur forest and many areas of Meerut.

The leaves can be applied as plasters for pain and veneral sores. Decoctions of leaves are also used for indigestion and abortifacien

72 Plumeria obtusa Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut


73 Polyalthia longifolia

Ashoka Many areas of Meerut Skin diseases. Ornamental

74 Pongamia pinnata Karanja Sanjay Van and many areas of Meerut

Seed powder is applied scalp for dandruff treatment. Leaf juice as a nasal

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drops for migraine 75 Prosopis juliflora Vilaiti Keekar Hastinapur forest and

many areas of Meerut. The leaves can be used for are Diarrhoea.

76 Prunus persica Peach Jaisinghpur Village few areas of Meerut

Peaches are rich in phenolic and carotenoid compounds which possess anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties and help in fighting various types of cancers such as breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer

77 Psidium guajava Amrood Many areas of Meerut Decoction of bark is used for stomachache, fever, headache, gonorrhea, menstrual disturbances and sores. The young leaves are used as tonic in diseases of digestive function. A decoction of the leaves is used as gargle to relieve toothache and gum boils. Fruits are source of food mammals and birds.

78 Pterospermum acerifolium

Kanak Champa

D N college and many areas of Meerut

Bark and leaves are used in smallpox.

79 Pyrus communis Naspati Kalengeri village and many areas of Meerut

Pear is a rich source of Vitamin C, ascorbic acid and it is an antioxidant.

80 Ricinus communis Arand Waste land on Meerut and many areas of Meerut

Castor seed oil is used widely for various purposes. It is used as a lubricant in high-speed engines and aero planes, in the manufacture of soaps, transparent paper, printing-inks, varnished, linoleum and plasticizers. It is also used for medicinal and lighting purposes. The cake is used as manure and plant stalks as fuel or as for preparing paper-pulp. In the silk-producing areas, leaves are feed to the silkworms. Leaves are used in the form of a poultice or for sores and swellings. Castor bean is a most hyperaccumulator for contaminated soils.

81 Salix tetraphylla willow Only Khola Hastinapur forest

willow bark source of asprin. The wood is used to make cricket bats.Twigs are used to make baskets.

82 Santalum album Safed Chandan

Only Hastinapur forest Meerut

Sandalwood oil is used in perfumes, cosmetics, aromatherapy and pharmaceuticals.

83 Sapindus mukrossi Reettha D N College few areas of Meerut

A decoction of the bark is good for cattle suffering from ulcers due to worm infestation after calving. The fruits are good for asthma, diarrhoea, cholera, verminosis and gastralgia due to dyspepsia. Its fruits are natural substitutes for soaps and hair dyes.

84 Securinega virosa Hartho Only Jaisinghpur village Meerut

Decoction of the leaves is used for bath in case of measles, chicken pox, scabies and skin itching. Fruits are edible.

85 Spondias pinnata wild mango Rassna village Meerut. Fruits are very nutritious and rich in

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( only 2 trees) vitamin A, minerals and iron content. The bark is useful in dysentery, diarrhea, and vomiting.

86 Sterculia foetida Jangli badam Jwala nagar gali no1 Meerut By Dr. Yashwant Rai (only 7 trees in Meerut)

Leaves of this plant are used as herbal medicine as aperients, diuretic and as insect repellant. Decoction of wood boiled with seed oil is said to be employed in rheumatism.

87 Streblus asper Siora Mostly Hastinapur forest Meerut

Leaves are used in diarrhea and dysentery. The latex is used for crack in foot and toothache.

88 Strychnos nux-vomica

Kuchla Poholii Village Sardana road Meerut. Only 1 tree

Kuchla is used as a tonic and in the treatment of nervous disorders and paralysis, always in small doses, for it is a virulent poison. Fruits pulp source of food many birds.

89 Syzygium cumini Jamun Many areas of Meerut The bark is used in sore throats, bronchitis, asthma, ulcers dysentery and purifying blood. The fresh juice of bark with goats milk is given in diarrhoea.

90 Tamarindus indica Imli University road Meerut and many areas of Meerut.

Tamarind source of vitamin C used for cure scurvy. Flowers are useful for piles treatment.

91 Tamilnadia uliginosa

Pinda Gotka village and Demoli village Meerut. (10 trees only)

The plant are used for various ailments like Cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, eye complaints, pimples, diuretic, tonic properties, biliousness, aphrodisiac etc

92 Tectona grandis Sagaun Hastinapur forest and many areas of Meerut

The bark is bitter tonic and is considered useful in fever. Dye-leaves obtained the deep orange dye. Best quality timber source.

93 Terminalia arjuna Arjuna Hastinapur forest and many areas of Meerut.

Bark is used as a heart tonic. Juice of fresh leaves is used for earache.

94 Terminalia bellirica Bahera Sanjay van ( only 1 tree)

Fruit wall is used for cough, sore throat and headache. Fruit is used in the preparation of triphala churn a.

95 Terminalia chiubula Harad Sanjay Van Meerut (Only 5 tree)

Fruits laxative, stomachic, tonic, & form a constituent of triphala. Fruits pulp powders are used in asthma. Bark diuretic and cardio tonic.

96 Thevetia peruviana Yellow oleander

Many areas of Meerut Flowers are source of nectar for sunbirds and honey bees.

97 Toona ciliata Toon Many areas of Meerut Leaves are tonic, useful in chronic dysentery. Flowers used in menstrual disorders

98 Trewia nudiflora khamara Jaisinghpur and few areas of Meerut

Fruits are edible and wood used for match boxes.

99 Vitex negundo Chaste tree Jaisinghpur village Meerut (only 1 tree)

The whole plant decoction is used to treat cough, fever and asthma. Roots tincture is used in rheumatism. Leaves are effective in gonorrheal epididymitis and as vermifuge. Smoke from the

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burning dried leaves relieves headache. 100 Wrighta arborea Dudhi Hastinapur Forest The leaves are applied as a poultice for

mumps and herpes. Seed is used in chronic fever. Root purifying blood. Seed and bark is used in kidney stone, diarrhoea and anemia.

101 Ziziphus mauritiana Ber Badharkali basti and many areas of Meerut.

Fruits are used to blood purifier, dysentery, stomachache, ulcers, wounds, and cough.

TABLE NO : 2 S.No. Family No. of Tree Species in Meerut. 1 Anacardiaceae 2 2 Annonaceae 1 3 Apocynaceae 7 4 Arecaceae 1 5 Asclepiadaceae 2 6 Bignoniaceae 3 7 Bombacaceae 2 8 Boraginaceae 2 9 Capparaceae 1 10 Caricaceae 1 11 Casuarinaceae 1 12 Combretaceae 3 13 Ebenaceae 2 14 Euphorbiaceae 4 15 Leguminosae 18 16 Loganiaceae 1 17 Lythraceae 4 18 Malvaceae 2 19 Meliaceae 5 20 Moraceae 7 21 Moringaceae 1 22 Myrtaceae 3 23 Oleaceae 1 24 Proteaceae 1 25 Putranjivaceae 1 26 Rhamnaceae 1 27 Rosaceae 3 28 Rubiaceae 4 29 Rutaceae 3 30 Salicaceae 1 31 Santalaceae 1 32 Sapindaceae 2 33 Sapotaceae 2 34 Simaroubaceae 1 35 Sterculiaceae 3 36 Ulmaceae 2 37 Verbenaceae 2

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Figure 1 PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TREES FOUND IN MEERUT DISTRICT. (See Table 1 for Corresponding names)

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All photos taken by : Dr. Yashwant Rai CONCLUSION Of the 101 tree species surveyed in the Meerut district have been used in multipurpose such as medicinal, timber, fodder, food, ornamental, avenue trees and wildlife conservation. Hence, there is an urgent need for conservation of rare tree species REFERENCES

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