Impact of eight weeks of plyometric training on jump...

1 Impact of eight weeks of plyometric training on jump parameters in junior badminton players Demonstrated with D- and D/C-squad players Hanno Felder 1,3 /Michael Fröhlich 2 /Marcel Reuter 2,3 1,3 Olympic Training Center Rhineland Palatinate/Saarland 2 Saarland University, Institute for Sport Science 3 Institute for Prevention and Public Health, University of Applied Sciences

Transcript of Impact of eight weeks of plyometric training on jump...


Impact of eight weeks of plyometric training on

jump parameters in junior badminton players

Demonstrated with D- and D/C-squad players

Hanno Felder1,3/Michael Fröhlich2/Marcel Reuter2,3

1,3Olympic Training Center Rhineland Palatinate/Saarland

2Saarland University, Institute for Sport Science

3Institute for Prevention and Public Health, University of Applied Sciences




Plyometric training is popular among individuals involved in dynamic sports, and

plyometric exercises such as jumping, hopping, skipping and bounding are executed

with the goal of increasing dynamic muscular performance, especially jumping. Much

less information is available on the effectiveness of plyometric training (PT) in bad-

minton, where jumping height (e.g. forehand overhead jump-smash) is important for

success. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of an eight-week period-

ized PT program on jumping height, agility and power among male and female junior

badminton players, using high-impact bilateral plyometric exercises.


Starting and finishing with the biomechanical diagnostics of the squat jump (SJ), counter

movement jump (CMJ), and drop jump (DJ) on force plates, kinematic analysis of forehand

overhead smashes, anthropometric data as well as force data for pre- and post-test were ana-

lyzed. Before and after the biomechanical diagnostics, the players (n=11) undertook an eight

week period of plyometric training (2 units per week) with a total of 2286 jumps. Eight male

and three female junior badminton players (age: 16.0 ± 1.6 years, height: 175.5 ± 9.9 cm,

mass: 69.3 ± 11.4 kg) were tested in jumping height and forehand overhead jump-smashes



The effect of the eight-week plyometric training in junior badminton players signifi-

cantly increased height of the squat jump (p<0.05; dz=0.8) and the drop jump (p<0.05;

dz=1.1). The height of the counter movement jump increased non-significantly

(p > 0.05; dz = 0.3). Consequently, this form of training is considered essential for the

development of junior badminton players. Moreover, the study has shown that the con-

tact height of the overhead smash was not increased with improved plyometric

strength training (p>0.05). Therefore, in complex movements, like the badminton

smash, the focus must also be on technical training.


This study provides information on a physical increase in performance in combination with a

technical component (jump-smash). It is considered to be important to include short-term

plyometric programs during in-season preparation in order to improve these kinds of complex


badminton-specific dynamic performance. The results of this study can directly be assimilated

into specific badminton training.



Besides table tennis and tennis, badminton is one of the fastest Olympic racket and net

sports in the world. World-class athletes are able to achieve short-term, maximum

shuttlecock speeds in the range of 288 km/h to 365 km/h (Kollath et al., 1986; Luke &

Schwab, 2008; Tsai & Chang, 1998). This competitive sport is also characterized by

badminton-specific running paths, jumps, and lunges, as well as by the continuous

change between accelerated and decelerated movements (Diehl & Kohl, 1999). During

an entire match, a player covers a distance of approx. 1800-1900 m (Liddle et al.,

1996). The average match and break time is approximately 6.4s and 12.9s (table 1),

and the average number of shots is 6.1 per rally (Cabello & González-Badillo, 2003).

Table 1: Typical badminton match characteristics (from Faude et al., 2007)

Rally time (s) Rest time (s) Work density Number of

shots per rally

Shots per rally

time (s-1)

EPT (%)

5.5 ± 4.0 11.4 ± 6.0 0.51 ± 0.34 5.1 ± 3.9 0.92 ± 0.31 31.2 ± 2.8

Data as mean ± SD; EPT = effective playing time

The physiological demands of badminton are of an interval type, which results in high

demands of energy provision over short periods of time. Accordingly, a badminton

player's lactate values are usually above the aerobic-anaerobic threshold for continu-

ous activity with values of 3.8-4.7 mmol/l (Cabello & González-Badillo, 2003; Ma-

jumdar et al., 1997). The corresponding heart rates values are specified in the range of

80-95 % of the maximum heart rate (Cabello & González-Badillo, 2003; Faude et al.,

2007; Liddle et al., 1996; Majumdar et al., 1997). Table 2 shows the physiological re-

quirements for badminton from various sources.


Table 2: Physiological requirements profile in badminton

Parameter Result Author(s)

Heart rate in percent of the maxi-

mum heart rate

80-85 % HRmax

Ø 86 % HRmax

Ø 93 % HRmax

78.3-99.8 % HRmax

Docherty, 1982

Majumdar et al., 1997

Liddle et al., 1996

Faude et al., 2007

Lactate concentration during a

badminton match

3.8-4.7 mmol/l Cabello & Gonzales-Badillo, 2003

Majumdar et al., 1997

Weiler et al., 1997

VO2max in percent of the maximum


Ø 60.4 % VO2max

Ø 73.7 % VO2max

45.7-100.9% VO2max

Faccini & Dal Monte, 1996

Cabello & Gonzales-Badillo, 2003

Faude et al., 2007

At the technical level, the forehand overhead smash is most important in terms of max-

imum shuttlecock speeds (Tang et al., 1995). With an occurrence of approximately

20 % it is also the second-most frequent shot in badminton (Hong & Tong, 2000). The

objective of the forehand overhead smash is a direct winner or the aggressive prepara-

tion for a winner. The higher the athlete hits the shuttlecock – i.e., indirectly, the high-

er the height of the jump – the steeper the trajectory and the shorter the path of the

shuttlecock (figure 1). This enables the player to optimize the utilization of the court

size (Rambely et al., 2005).

Figure 1: Trajectories of shot techniques (1 = defense clear, 2 = standard or attacking

clear, 3 = drive/swipe, 4 = smash, 5 = drop shot, 6 = net play (modified by Poste &

Hasse, 2002, 106)


The technical difficulty of the forehand overhead smash becomes apparent when ob-

serving the shot technique in detail. The height of the hitting point depends on various

factors, such as jump ability, spatiotemporal perception, flight behavior of the incom-

ing shuttlecock, as well as the temporal interconnection of sub-segments. The optimum

hitting point is achieved when the entire body is stretched, which means an optimally

coordinated stretching of the upper body and the playing arm. An even higher hitting

point can be achieved when performing the shot as a jump smash, which requires op-

timum jumping power and jumping height (Tsai & Huang, 1998; Tsai et al., 2000). As

effective as the forehand overhead smash may for winning points, this type of shot

requires mastering the specific technique to a high degree and coordinative spatiotem-

poral and temporal precision (Hong, 1993). The technical complexity of the forehand

overhead smash can be described as follows. To perform a forehand overhead smash,

the player must go through various movement and orientation patterns. First, the play-

er needs to analyze the shuttlecock trajectory in order to position the body optimally

under the shuttlecock. Then, the player needs to select the optimal timing for the jump.

During the jump, the racket must be positioned in the best position to build up the

body tension required (figure 2). If these factors are perfectly coordinated, a forehand

overhead jump smash can be performed with a precise hitting point at the highest point


Figure 2: Forehand overhead jump smash (accessed on May 9, 2013 at


Relative force is a major factor in achieving the highest possible shuttlecock hitting

point. Therefore, maximum strength training, speed training, and various forms of

plyometric training, such as jumps, jump sequences, and jump combinations show sig-

nificant advantages over methods used to increase strength by increasing the muscle

cross section area (Blatter & Noble, 1979; Bobbert, 1990). Elastic and neurophysiolog-

ic (reactive) mechanisms can result in increased strength development (Enoka, 1994).

The combination of eccentric and subsequent concentric muscle action represents a

frequent movement pattern (e.g., a jump), also known as stretch shortening cycle

(SSC) (Komi, 1984). Contractions during the SSC generate a higher movement im-

pulse in the concentric phase (take-off phase, in a narrower sense) than a purely con-

centric contraction. The reasons for this are thought to lie in the storage of elastic en-

ergy and the triggering of muscle stretching reflexes during the eccentric phase (Eno-

ka, 1994; Komi, 1984; Schmidtbleicher & Gollhofer, 1985). The ability to realize a

highly concentric strength impulse within the shortest time span possible from within

an eccentric (decelerating) movement is called reactive movement behavior ("fast

SSC" within 90-200 ms) (Schmidtbleicher & Gollhofer, 1985). Factors limiting or in-

fluencing factors include:

a) elastic energy storage,

b) short-range elastic stiffness (SRES),

c) interconnection time,

d) stretch strain and stretch amplitude,

e) stretch speed, and

f) neuronal factors (Komi, 2003).

Numerous authors describe training effects in terms of jump height improvement

through SSC training (reactive training, plyometric training) (see Bubeck & Gollhofer,

2000, 2001; Bosco & Pittera, 1982; Schmidtbleicher, 1989; Kyröläinen & Komi, 1994;

Sialis, 2004). In summary, it can be stated that training of this type of contraction can

have considerable impact on both muscular-skeletal (see Kato et al., 2006; Kubo et al.,

2007; Witzke & Snow, 2000; Wu et al., 2010) and neuromuscular adaptations (see

Grosset et al., 2009; Kyrolainen et al., 2005; Malisoux et al., 2006; Saez-Saez de Vil-

laereal et al., 2010; Taube et al., 2011), as well as on jumping behavior, even if am-

biguous statements stemming from detailed observations (exhaustion behavior, dosage

behavior, pause design, etc.) exist (Sialas 2004).


In general, two (match-based) objectives apply to badminton jump movements:

a) achieving maximum height, and

b) achieving a specific point with part of the body/equipment (Ballreich & Kulow-

Ballreich, 1992).

Both objectives are of utmost significance in badminton and are therefore to be taken

into account in terms of practical training work and technique transfer. On the one

hand, plyometric types of training can improve badminton-specific speed requirements

and movement patterns, such as running and jump movements, lunges, steps, changes

in direction, etc. (Joshi, 2012). On the other hand, at a muscle-physiological level,

plyometric training exploits impulses of the pre-innervation and reflex potentiation

during the stretch shortening cycle as well as the elastic component of the muscle

(Gehri et al., 1998; Komi, 2003), which, in turn leads to an improvement of jump and

speed performance (Kannas, 2012; Martinez-Lopez et al., 2012; Meylan & Malatesta,

2009). Using plyometric training in badminton is now considered key to boosting

sport-specific capacities (Sturgess & Newton, 2008), with concrete training recom-

mendations being only rarely given (Middleton et al., 2013).

Ultimately, it is assumed that plyometric training will result in higher speeds of take-

off (de Varreal et al., 2009; Sialis 2004) and thus, implicitly, also in higher shot

speeds – to minimize the time the shuttlecock spends in the air – for forehand over-

head smashes. Based on these considerations, two questions should be examined:

1) Can an eight-week plyometric training program improve the jump performance

of junior badminton players of D- and D/C squad level?

2) Can an eight-week plyometric training program improve the hitting point in

forehand overhead smashes of junior badminton players in D- and D/C squad





A total of eleven members of the D- or D/C-squad of the Saarland and German bad-

minton association participated voluntarily in the explorative, quasi-experimental in-

tervention study including pre- and post- treatment measurement1. The players were

either under 15 or under 19 and had had no previous experience in systematic plyome-

tric training. The average age of the eight boys and three girls was 16.0±1.6 years with

an average height of 175.5±9.9 cm and an average body mass of 69.3±11.4 kg. Due to

organizational reasons a control group was not implemented.

Operationalization of jump parameters

To operationalize the vertical jump power or reactive force behavior, the performances

in squat jump (SJ), counter-movement Jump (CMJ), and drop jump2 (DJ) were deter-

mined using a contact mat and micro controller (Wank & Heger, 2009). In all jump

test forms, the hands were fixed at the hip during the entire jump. Each test person

received technique instructions before testing started (jump demonstration and two

familiarization test jumps). The individual jumps were performed in immediate suc-

cession with a one-minute break in between jump series. Subsequently, a 2-D video

analysis (Utilius Easy Inspect) identified kinematic parameters of maximum jump

height at the shuttlecock hitting point, and racket height during the forehand overhead

smash. Technique instructions were given here, as well (jump demonstration and two

test jumps). The forehand overhead smash was performed in intervals of 5 seconds.

For all tests, the testers had the instruction of "maximum take-off". Figure 3 illustrates

the individual kinematic parameters of the hitting technique for the forehand overhead


1 Due to the explorative, quasi-experimental character of the study with pre- and post-measurement,

learning, adaptation, development, test and interaction effects cannot be excluded besides the assumed

intervention effects. Furthermore, due to the small size of the sample, the natural group, and the non-

withholding of treatment, an assignment to treatment and control groups or other treatment groups was

not applied. The treatment was not administered in intervals so that dosage-effectiveness interconnec-

tions cannot be excluded, either. 2 For test-economic reasons, a standardized drop height of 32 cm was applied, in contrast to a drop

height adapted to individual anthropometric or neurophysiological conditions (Faude et al.., 2010).


Figure 3: Kinematic jump and racket parameters of a forehand overhead smash at the

optimal hitting point (RH = maximum racket height at shuttlecock hitting point, HHmax

= maximum hip height during the jump, HHs = jump height at shuttlecock hitting


A total of seven jumps were performed for all jump forms, with the best and poorest

jump having been canceled so that in the end five jumps were included in the analysis

(Faude et al., 2010). The arithmetic mean for pre- and post-test was then calculated

based on these five jumps. To compare the DJ data for jump height and floor contact

time the so-called landing parameter was calculated for economic reasons (drop height

plus jump height divided by floor contact time) (Bartonietz & Eisele, 1994)3.

3 Various other parameterization procedures based on quotient calculations exist for dimensionless

quantification of reactive abilities – for example, jump height divided by contact time or jump height

plus take-off height, multiplied by 9.81 and then divided by the contact time, and the formula by

Hamar (1994).






The plyometric training was performed during an intervention period of eight weeks,

twice a week. The duration of the individual training units was approximately 30

minutes and increased progressively over the number of jumps to be performed. The

plyometric jump training took place before any badminton training. To avoid interac-

tion effects between plyometric training and general badminton training endurance-

specific strain was excluded. Nevertheless, interaction effects between jump training

and general badminton training cannot be completely ruled out. A general warm-up

program was followed by eight exercises (jumps, jump sequences, and jump combina-

tions) for simple (jumps without additional load or equipment) and medium (jumps

over obstacles) plyometrics one-legged or with both legs for SJ, CMJ, and DJ (table

3). Pauses between jumps and jump series and were kept constant and adjusted to the

individual performance level. The exercise sequence was predefined and of a progres-

sive character – the longer the training was performed, the more strain was added by

eccentric and intensive-plyometric strain (bounces). The first week of training served

as a familiarization phase with only 156 jumps to be carried out per training unit. To

avoid physiological, biomechanical, and coordinative overload, DJs and medium-

plyometric exercises were not performed in the first week of training. In the course of

the weeks, the number of jumps was successively increased from 204 (second week) to

360 (seventh and eighth week). Thus, during the entire intervention phase, 2286 jumps

were made.

Table 3: Plyometric training exercise overview

Exercise Description

1. Squat jump (simple


Start position:

Start position in squat position approximately 90°

Feet at shoulder width

Hands placed on the hips


Maximum vertical take-off

Direct upward movement by stretching the legs

Landing position identical with take-off position

2. Counter movement

jump (simple plyom-


Start position:

Upright standing position

Feet at shoulder width

Hands placed on the hips


Swing movement (knees flexed at approximately 90°)

Eccentric initial movement followed by maximum take-off

Landing position identical with take-off position


3. Drop jump (medium


Start position:

Standing on vaulting box (32 cm)

Hands placed on the hips


One-legged step forward from the vaulting box

Landing with both legs with maximum reactive take-off up

4. Triple jump with both

legs (simple plyom-


Start position:

Upright standing position

Feet at shoulder width

Arms are swinging


Swing movement (knees flexed at approximately 90°)

Maximum take-off forward-and-up with subsequent take-off

5. One-legged triple jump

(simple plyometrics)

Start position:

Upright standing position on one leg

Hands are swinging


Swing movement (knees flexed at approximately 130°)

Maximum take-off from the ankle joint forward-and-up with subse-

quent one-legged (same leg) take-off


Use obstacles

6. Jump with both legs

over the obstacle(s)

(medium plyometrics)


Front obstacle 15 cm, rear obstacle 30 cm

Start position:

Upright standing position

Feet at shoulder width

Arms are swinging


Swing movement (knee flexed at approximately 90°)

Take-off forward-and-up with subsequent explosive take-off with both

legs from the ankle joint


Place obstacles further apart

7. Gym bench jumps

(medium plyometrics)

Start position:

Upright standing position on gym bench

Feet at shoulder width

Hands placed at the hip


Drop jump from one bench to the next

8. Gym bench-obstacle

jumps (medium


Start position:

Upright standing position on gym bench

Feet at shoulder width

Hands placed at the hip


Combination of drop jump and obstacle jump with both legs (obstacle

30 cm)


The descriptive statistical analysis included factors such as the mean value (MV),

standard deviation (SD), minimum and maximum values, as well as percentage and

absolute changes. The interference-statistical calculation of significance was done us-


ing a T-test for paired samples. Pre-condition tests were carried out applying the usual

methods (KS test for Gaussian distribution, Levené test for homogeneity of variance).

The effect size (dz) was calculated as the mean value difference divided into sBaseline

(Bühner & Ziegler, 2009). The significance level was set to a total of p < 0.05 with the

Bonferroni correction applied.


Squat jump, counter movement jump, and drop jump

The eight-week plyometric training significantly increased the squat jump performance

by 4.4 cm from an average 32.9 ± 5.4 cm to 37.3 ± 6.2 cm (p < 0.05; dz = 0.8). The

average performance increase was 13.7% (0.6% minimum and 26. % maximum).

For the CMJ, performance increase non-significantly (p > 0.05; dz = 0.3) from an aver-

age of 40.7 ± 7.6 cm to 43.2 ± 7.5 cm (6.0%). Individual performances showed a broad

range with values between -7.2% and +14.8%.

For the DJ, taken as a measure for the reactive force performance, a significant im-

provement of the landing parameter from 3.9 ± 0.4 to 4.4 ± 0.6 was demonstrated

(p < 0.05; dz = 1.1). The average improvement was 12.1% with a range between 1.1%

and 24.2%.

The values identified using videographic means for maximum jump height (HHmax),

jump height at shuttlecock hitting point (HHs), and racket height (RH) during the fore-

hand overhead smash are shown in Table 4 . The maximum jump heights increased

considerably between pre- and post-test (p < 0.05; dz = 0.3), while the jump height at

shuttlecock hitting point (p > 0.05; dz = 0.2) and the maximum racket height at shuttle-

cock hitting point (p > 0.05; dz = 0.1) did not show any significant changes. Absolute

jump height improvements were measured at 4.4 cm (HHmax), 3.3 cm (HHs), and

2.8 cm (RH).


Table 4: 2D video analysis results of the pre- and post-test

Player 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MV SD

HHmax-E 131.4 170.4 149.6 152.2 128.4 151.2 146.8 166.2 175.6 149.2 165.8 153.3 15.1

HHmax-A 139.6 177.4 152.8 158.8 130.8 155.6 147.8 174.8 172.4 154.6 170.4 157.7 15.0

HHs-E 130.4 165.4 147.6 147.2 127.4 150.6 144.4 158.8 173.6 146.2 163.0 150.4 14.1

HHs-A 138.2 173.6 150.4 152.8 129.8 146.2 146.2 168.0 169.2 150.2 166.4 153.7 14.0

RH-E 248.0 291.6 252.2 276.2 230.2 249.8 249.0 274.6 298.2 256.4 265.8 262.9 20.5

RH-A 260.6 300.2 256.8 281.2 230.6 252.2 250.2 289.6 285.0 254.6 262.2 265.7 20.7

HHmax = maximum hip height during jump, HHs = jump height at shuttlecock hitting point, RH = maxi-

mum racket height at shuttlecock hitting point, E =pre-test, A = post-test


The results of this study point to the conclusion that additional plyometric training can

positively influence the performance of junior athletes of the D- and C/D badminton

squad in terms of various jump parameters in squat and drop jumps. The positive per-

formance improvement in squat jumps can be explained by the selection of individual

exercises of simple and medium plyometrics within the training units. Since most ex-

ercises, jumps, or jump sequences of the training intervention did not require any

swing movement – the actual jump was executed mostly from a concentric movement

with a knee angle of more than 90 degrees – a high degree of congruence between dy-

namic training exercise and test modality can be assumed for the SJ. Due to the rela-

tively low drop heights, short floor contact times can be assumed, which in turn, leads

to the assumption of a high degree of congruence between test and training require-

ments for the DJ. In contrast, no significant improvement was found for the CMJ

based on the selected treatment – dynamic jumps mostly without swing movement and

in the SSC. Overall, the varied jump training resulted in a performance increase of an

average of 13.7 % for SJ, 6.0 % for CMJ, and 12.3 % for DJ although individual par-

ticipants did exhibit performance degradation. This can be explained inter alia by de-

velopment and learning-based influences, sports-specific training age, neuronal and

tendomuscular values, interaction with other training content of regular badminton

training, for example.


When considering the videographically analyzed HHmax, HHs, and RH parameters, the

eight-week training resulted in a significant increase (jump power) only for the maxi-

mum jump height (with the hip being the reference point). The two parameters jump

height at shuttlecock hitting point and maximum racket height at shuttlecock hitting

point – both representing a highly coordinative and spatiotemporal challenge – do not

differ majorly in pre-test and post-test results. Thus, it could be concluded that the

plyometric training applied improved jump power or jump height, while its influence

on the technical component of the forehand overhead smash in the sense of a spatio-

temporal improvement is negligible. This would mean that the influence of the optimal

technique applied to the forehand overhead smash in the sense of a suitable combina-

tion of sub-segments outweighs pure jump force improvement. Nevertheless, this study

does not provide any estimation to what extent the technical implementation may rep-

resent a corresponding limitation within the group examined. Furthermore, it may be

presumed that plyometric training may have improved both general agility – as a rele-

vant characteristic for changes of direction on the court – (Joshi, 2012) and anaerobic

capacity (Liu, 2009), which contributes as a collateral training effect (Vescovi &

McGuigan, 2008) to further optimize playing skill.

It is presumed that plyometric training content can positively influence the badminton-

specific court speed (for example, by reducing floor contact time), which in turn has

positive effects on competitive performance.

An opportune point in time for additional plyometric training for performance-oriented

badminton players would be the preparation phase, which is usually scheduled in May

and August. During this time, the physical foundation is established for the entire

competitive sports season that runs from August to April including several seasonal

peaks. Using plyometric training after a hypertrophy training block for the lower ex-

tremities is conceivable, with the training completed one to two weeks before the

competitions start so that the players recover in time for the competitive phase.

Moreover, plyometric training should be based on individual preconditions. It is essen-

tial to ensure that the extent of stimulation and the training scope do not result in over-

straining the tendomuscular structures. Since the extent of stimulation or strain inten-


sity in plyometric training is decisively determined by drop height and predefined

jump height in jump forms and combinations, it is important to make sure that, for ex-

ample, the heel does not touch the floor during a drop jump. The training scope can be

intensified progressively with the number of jumps in line with performance increase.

In principle, increasing the number of jumps is recommended to be implemented as a

means of progression before increasing the drop height. However, it is important to

assure that the complexities of plyometric training match the overall movement re-

quirements of badminton and that no negative interaction effects with regular badmin-

ton training occur. Because of the high amount of mechanical and neuromuscular

strain/fatigue, which can lead to an increased deterioration of cellular structures, re-

generation is of key importance (Macaluso et al., 2012). To minimize the risk of injury by

plyometric training, warm-up training is recommended to prepare the athlete in terms of coor-

dination and muscle pre-stress for the challenges ahead. Rests are of major significance here.

A rest of between one and two minutes (Weineck, 2003) is suggested. Also, reactive

jumps on the court floor are recommended because on the one hand, this surface pro-

vides adequate buffer for the joints, and on the other hand, it is sufficiently hard for

not reducing the stretch strain. Frequent pre-, intermediate, and post-tests as well as

continuous training controls should be included in planning and executing a plyome-

tric training in order to be able to evaluate the quality of the training program. Suitable

reliable and valid test procedures are available: squat jump, counter movement jump,

and drop jump, all performed on a contact mat.

Conclusions pertaining to practical training

The analysis showed that an eight-week, systematic, progressively increasing plyome-

tric training can improve the jumping power of junior athletes of the D- and D/C

squad. Even though maximum jump height is not explicitly required in performance-

oriented badminton, it is likely that improvement of jumping power and jump height

influences badminton-specific hitting techniques, such as smashes and on badminton-

specific running techniques, such as short, quick steps that mainly put strain on the




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We are grateful to Badminton World Federation (BWF) for the financial support of this study

Corresponding author

Prof. Dr. Hanno Felder

Olympic Training Center Rhineland Palatinate/Saarland (OSP)

Department of Biomechanics and Sports Science

Hermann Neuberger Sportschule

66123 Saarbruecken


[email protected]