Impact marijuana and Colorado commercialization - adult audience

It’s Time to Change Course for Our Health, Our Legacy, Our State Assembled by Bob Doyle Chair, Colorado SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) Coalition Executive Director, Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention Alliance [email protected]


How marijuana impacted the health, legacy and state in Colorado commercialization

Transcript of Impact marijuana and Colorado commercialization - adult audience

  • 1.Its Time to Change Course for Our Health, Our Legacy, Our State Assembled by Bob Doyle Chair, Colorado SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) Coalition Executive Director, Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention Alliance [email protected]

2. Colorado does not have to accept, try and deal with/contain, marijuana legalization/commercialization Colorado can be returned to a state that focused on marijuana use prevention, not promotion and glamorization Colorado does not benefit from increased marijuana use If we do not stop legalization/commercialization, this will be the birth, and Colorado the birthplace, of the next tobacco industry There is a better way marijuana policy based on reputable science and sound principles of public health and safety. click on affiliates and go to Colorado get connected to Colorado SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) A Better Way 3. Option 1: Do nothing stay on the sidelines Option 2: Try to regulate/contain it What have learned from fighting the tobacco industry? A decades long game of chase Like tobacco, the marijuana industry will pay the best lawyers, lobbyists, scientists, PR people to stay steps ahead of regulators, cloud the science for as long as possible, and protect the industry The marijuana industry profits Colorado loses. Who loses? The user, employers, healthcare system, law enforcement, schools, youth, families, at risk communities and people Option 3: A third way/better way Remove it return to prevention and treatment, not promotion, take back our state join Colorado SAM Our Choice Our Legacy, Our State 4. This Colorado 5. Or This Colorado 6. Almost all of the money to pass Amendment 64 came from out of state More marijuana involved deaths with commercialized marijuana More child poisonings with legalization/commercialization More hash oil explosions in 2014 than all of 2013 Mass production of potent marijuana Colorado has some of the most potent marijuana in the world Better, more attractive drug delivery devices since commercialization More science on negative brain impact especially among teens and young adults More science on negative heart impact High use rates among youth and young adults in Denver and Colorado Child-like marijuana products gummy bears, soda, cookies, cupcakes Regulators going to work for the marijuana industry Medical marijuana dispensed like alcohol, not medicine And the list goes on Voters did not sign up to be part of a marijuana industry social experiment The Need for a New Direction What many voters did not know or anticipate 7. Regulation/legalization makes it better Makes taxpayers money instead of cartels Our state and federal prisons are filled with low level marijuana users Voting for Amendment 64 funded schools Regulation will protect our kids Police can focus on other issues Marijuana is safe The Legalization Smokescreen 8. Trends in drug use U.S. 52.10% 26.70% 7.30% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% If the marijuana industry is not trying to increase use of marijuana or target kids why do they want to regulated like alcohol the most used drug among adults and youth? Current use among persons 12 and older: 2012 Commercialized/regulated/legal drugs are the most used Is our goal as a state more or less marijuana use? Marijuana promotion or prevention? Source: NSDUH, 2013 8TobaccoAlcohol Marijuana 9. Ask yourself Is it worth it? Can I/we afford to be silent any longer? Public Health and Safety Impact 10. 1 in 6 teens become addicted The adolescent brain is especially susceptible to marijuana use. When kids use, they have a greater chance of addiction since their brains are being primed. Source: Anthony, J.C., Warner, L.A., & Kessler, R.C. (1994); Giedd. J. N., 2004 1 in 10 adults and 1 in 6 adolescents who try marijuana will become addicted to it. 10 11. Youth Marijuana Use Higher rates in Denver and Boulder County Almost 20% of Denver 8th Graders are using marijuana Grade Youth Marijuana Use Rate US (Last 30 Day) Youth Marijuana Use Rate Denver Youth Marijuana Use Boulder County 8th 6.5% 18% 11.4* 10th 17.0% 28% 24.4 12th 22.9% 32% 36% 12. Marijuana Use Young Adults CO The average reported past month marijuana use for young adults (ages 18-25) in 2011: The national average = 18.78 percent The Colorado average = 27.26 percent The average reported past month marijuana use for young adults (ages 18 25) in Colorado has increased from 21.43 percent in 2006 to 27.26 percent in 2011. That is a 27 percent increase. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 13. 13 Average urine drug screen results Teens in Denver substance abuse program Source: Thurstone et al., in preparation Ng /ml 14. Kids caught distributing pot in school Summer Nettles, KUSA 12:05 p.m. MDT April 23, 2014 Several Montfort Elementary School students were suspended Tuesday after school officials discovered they were selling and trading stolen, loose-leaf marijuana and edible forms of the drug at school. News Impacting Youth and our Schools 15. Child Welfare The Logan County Department of Human Services papers show the home was previously considered a fire risk. Both boys also tested positive for THC, that active ingredient in marijuana, more than once, but the most recent positive test was just hours before the fatal fire on MondayOn the night of the fire, many people were in the home and some were smoking marijuana, sources also say. Meanwhile, Levi was left unattended with his brother in the bedroom where the fire began. Drug use, fire danger documented as risks in Sterling home where toddler Levi Welton died in fire Levi was found dead Monday by firefighters, Jan 18, 2014 home-where-toddler-levi-welton-died-in-fire 16. Death of Levi Pongi in Denver Police reports released Thursday said 19-year-old Levy Thamba Pongi consumed a little more than one cookie that his friend purchased from a pot shopAn autopsy report from the March 11 incident lists marijuana intoxication as a significant contributing factor in the death. Associated Press, April 17, 2014 17. Increased Hash Oil Explosions Firefighters in the state have raced to at least 31 butane hash oil explosions this year, compared with 11 last year, according to the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area explosions-rise-with-legalized-marijuana/20880828/ 18. A recent University of Colorado School of Medicine study shows the number of drivers in fatal Colorado crashes testing positive for pot nearly doubled from 2009 to 2011 Read more: No doubt about the dangers of stoned driving - The Denver Post stoned-driving#ixzz3288cUbVD (may 14, 2014) Latest News Marijuana Involved Auto Fatalities 19. THC involved Fatalities Tanya Guevara and her son, Adrian, were killed in 2010 when a driver, impaired after smoking marijuana, hit Guevaras car head-on in Colorado. Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths, February 15, 2014 ealth-news/pot-fuels-surge-drugged- driving-deaths-n22991 20. 20 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2009 2010 2011 Blood tests for DUID positive for THC - Colorado Source: Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment 1,489 791 2,030 # 21. In states that started medical marijuana before 2005 poison center call rates for children under 9 tripled In states that adopted recreational or medical between 2005-20011 call rates increased 50% For states that did not make any change before 2011- there was no change Association of Unintentional Pediatric Exposures with Decriminalization of Marijuana in the United States, Annals of Emergency Medicine, In Press, 2014. Data from National Poison Data System Poisonings Up Nationwide 22. Poisonings Up in Colorado Last year, the poison center run by Bronstein (Rocky Mountain Poison Control) received 126 calls concerning adverse reactions to marijuana. So far this year after pot sales became legal on Jan. 1 the center has gotten 65 calls. Bronstein attributed the spike to the higher concentrations of THC in marijuana that has become available. Colorado deaths stoke worries about pot edibles, Associated Press, April 18, 2014 23. Marijuana and Mental Health News Outside Colorado Stephanie said she had decided to live for God, and that God told her she should not smoke marijuana all day and night. God said that she only needed to smoke pot to relax at night. She then asked if her husband was dead and said she smokes a lot of weed. I love to smoke it, she said, according to the release. Sometimes when I do, I start seeing things that others dont. Isnt God good? Police release 911 call after wife stabs husband, claims he was "worshipping the NASCAR race" Posted: Mar 17, 2014 10:59 AM MDT Monday, March 17, 2014 12:59 PM EDT Updated: Mar 24, 2014 10:59 AM MDT Monday, March 24, 2014 12:59 PM EDT the-nascar-race 24. Marijuana and Psychosis Anecdotally, yes, were seeing kids in treatment here who have paranoia and seeing things and hearing things that arent there, said Thurstone. Adolescent exposure to marijuana [raises] risk of permanent psychosis in adulthood. Dr. Christian Thurstone, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado and the head of the teen rehab center Adolescent STEP: Substance Abuse Treatment Education & Prevention Program Colo. Teen Addiction Centers Gear Up for Legal Pot for-legal-pot/ 25. Latest News Study on Mental Health and Marijuana in College Students Harming the 21st century workforce Cannabis use in college students with psychiatric disorders is high and appears to have a significantly greater negative impact on function in this population, new research suggests. Overall, 25% of the study sample was on leave from college. However, the investigators found that those with cannabis use disorder were significantly more likely to be on leave compared with their counterparts who did not have a cannabis use disorder 46% vs 13%. American Psychiatric Association's 2014 Annual Meeting. Abstract NR7-1 Presented May 6, 2014. 26. Latest News Marijuana and the Brain Young adults who used marijuana only recreationally showed significant abnormalities in two key brain regions that are important in emotion and motivation, scientists report. It showed the degree of brain abnormalities in these regions is directly related to the number of joints a person smoked per week. Scientists examined regions for emotion and motivation, and associated with addiction People think a little recreational use shouldnt cause a problem, if someone is doing OK with work or school. Our data directly says this is not the case. The study was published April 16 in the Journal of Neuroscience. - See more at: marijuana-use-linked-to-brain-abnormalities-in-students.html#sthash.3bY7IXtZ.dpuf 27. An early finding: The Link Between Marijuana & Mental Illness 1987 study from Sweden published in the British journal Lancet. Researchers did a 15-year examination of 45,570 military conscripts and found that those who had used marijuana on more than 50 occasions had a six-fold risk for developing schizophrenia relative to non-users 27Jan Copeland, Saul Gerber and Wendy Swift., J.; Gerber, Saul; Swift, Wendy (2006). Evidence-based answers to cannabis questions: a review of the literature. ANCD Research Paper. Canberra: Australian National Council on Drugs 28. Since 2002, almost a dozen studies have shown that regular use of marijuana carries a significant increased risk of developing psychotic illnesses like schizophrenia. Higher risk for: Those with a family history of the disorders Those with a psychosis-prone personality Those who start using in early adolescence. Risks increase with potency and frequency of use. 28 The Link Between Marijuana & Mental Illness Moore TH, Zammit S, Lingford-Hughes A, et al. Cannabis use and risk of psychotic or affective mental health outcomes: A systematic review. Lancet 370(9584):319328, 2007. Also Large, M., Sharma S, Compton M., Slade, T. & O., N. (2011). Cannabis use and earlier onset of psychosis: a systematic meta- analysis. Archives of General Psychiatry. 68. Also see Arseneault L, et al. (2002). Cannabis use in adolescence and risk for adult psychosis: longitudinal prospective study. British Medical Journal. 325, 1212-1213. 29. 29 - adolescents who use marijuana have a 2-4 fold increase risk of developing psychosis and this risk is dose-dependent (Hall and Degenhardt, 2009) - adolescents who use marijuana heavily have up to an 8-point drop in IQ and this risk is also dose-dependent (Meier et al., 2012) - marijuana, especially high potency marijuana, may cause acute anxiety attacks and psychosis (Hall and Degenhardt, 2009). MJ accounted for 461,028 ED visits in 2012 (DAWN, 2013). Symptoms of withdrawal include anxiety and depression (Budney et al., 2002). - Controlling for other possible confounds, those who use marijuana are twice as likely to have had a suicide attempt requiring hospitalization (Hall and Degenhardt, 2009). - Marijuana withdrawal causes a doubling in aggressive episodes compared to controls (Kouri et al., 1999; Smith et al., 2013). Marijuana, Mental Health, and Kids 30. Marijuana smoke California classifies marijuana smoke as a carcinogen information from the California Report: Classified as a Carcinogen in California At least 33 chemicals in tobacco and marijuana smoke are classified as carcinogens under prop 65: Benzene Benzopyrene Arsenic Formaldehyde Mercury Naphthalene 31. Studies reporting results for direct marijuana smoking have observed statistically significant associations with cancers of the lung, head and neck, bladder, brain, and testis. The strongest evidence of a causal association was for head and neck cancer, with two of four studies reporting statistically significant associations. The evidence was less strong but suggestive for lung cancer, with one of three studies conducted in populations that did not mix marijuana and tobacco reporting a significant association. Suggestive evidence also was seen for bladder cancer, with one of two studies reporting a significant association. For brain and testicular cancers, the single studies conducted of each of these endpoints reported significant associations. California Report on Marijuana Smoke as a carcinogen 32. Marijuana use may result in cardiovascular-related complications even death among young and middle-aged adults, according to a French study reported in the Journal of the American Heart Association There is now compelling evidence on the growing risk of marijuana-associated adverse cardiovascular effects, especially in young people, Marijuana use may increase heart complications in young, middle-aged adults April 23, 2014 Recent News Marijuana and Heart Disease 33. Smoking tobacco or marijuana, taking prescription painkillers, or using illegal drugs during pregnancy is associated with double or even triple the risk of stillbirth, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. NIH press release, Tobacco, drug use in pregnancy can double risk of stillbirth, December 11, 2013 Marijuana and Tobacco and Stillbirths 34. Cannabis-related emergency hospital admission rates have been rising sharply in the US. From an estimated 16, 251 in 1991 to over 461,028 ED visits in 2012 (Drug Abuse Warning Network - DAWN , 2013) 34 Marijuana Related Emergency Room Admission Rates Rising Source: SAMHSA, 2011 35. (Commercialization really began under medical in 2009) Legitimacy for the marijuana industry More sophisticated operations marketing, legal, PR, science Access to/influence on political/regulatory systems/persons More access points to the drug More promotion Mass producing marijuana products including very potent forms of marijuana and kid targeted products like gummy bears, soda, cupcakes Branding Better Drug Delivery Devices Higher use rates among young adults and youth More addiction Greater burden to families, employers, healthcare system, schools, etc. Marijuana Legalization/Commercialization brings 36. Colorado Manufacturing/marketing the most potent marijuana in the World. Is this a source of pride? Law enforcement from neighboring states agree, Colorado has strongest marijuana in the world By Garrison Wells April 14, 2014 marijuana-in-the-world/article/1518194#TxA0JLQJs0k7wobD.99 37. 196 0 196 5 197 0 197 4 197 8 198 0 198 3 198 4 198 5 198 6 199 0 199 2 199 3 199 5 199 6 199 7 199 8 199 9 200 0 200 1 200 2 200 3 200 4 200 5 200 6 200 7 200 8 200 9 201 0 201 1 THC 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 1 1 1.5 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.1 4 4.5 5.2 5 4.7 5.4 6.2 7.3 7.2 8.3 8.1 9.1 10 10 9.9 11 11 CBD 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 MARIJUANAPOTENCY CBD: NON- Psychoactive Ingredient Average THC and CBD Levels in the US: 1960 2011 Colorado marijuana is far more potent Source: Mehmedic et al., 2010 THC: Psychoactive Ingredient 37 38. Making marijuana more appealing to children, easier to conceal, and more potent All are marijuana products/devices 39. This is the wave of the future. whichever (vapor) pen you get, it will produce almost scentless vapor and can be hit easily in a bathroom or on the street. I like to be able to smoke when I wantBeing in Colorado, I can smoke it anywhere its so discreet. (quotes from Joshua Thomas who oversees Colorado warehouse of The Ipod of Getting Baked, Rolling Stone, June 20, 2013 Vapor Danger (marijuana vaporizers) The Ipod of Getting Baked The result of marijuana commercialization 40. Since our first vaporizer buyer's guide in 2011, a plethora of new pen-sized vapes have hit the market offering cannabis consumers a stealthy, convenient way to get high in almost any location or situation. High Times Magazine March 28, 2013 Vapor Danger Marijuana vaporizing industry promotes concealment of marijuana use and use of very potent marijuana in vaporizers 41. Marijuana Vapor World Ad on Groupon this is what commercialization/legalization brings 42. Can You Tell the Difference? Nicotine and marijuana vaporizers a concern for schools, employers, communities 43. Vapor Danger Concealment/Potency 44. Trippy Stix Growing marijuana vaporizing industry 45. Mass Producing and Packaging Potent Marijuana (can be 60-80% THC compared to 3 to 4% THC of marijuana in 70s in other words 20 times stronger) 46. Mass Producing and Packaging Potent Marijuana 47. Increased Promotion of Potent Marijuana In Colorado a competition on who can make the most potent marijuana wax In California, trying to crack down on potent marijuana industry The idea is to do as many dabs as you can without passing out or coughing back into the oil rig In California ABC News highlights Colorados celebration/promotion of potent marijuana while California works to control potent marijuana e/video/wax-colorado- embraces-drug-22693499 48. Students Find Way To Secretly Smoke Marijuana In Class February 5, 2014 10:10 PM LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4) Marijuana vaporizing in Colorado schools 49. Confiscated Nicotine and Marijuana Vaporizers from Jefferson County High School Students 50. Medical marijuana ad promoting marijuana strains with THC content from 18-24% - around 6-7 times stronger than marijuana of the 70s 51. Marijuana Strain Reviews and Promotion on Denver Post Marijuana Promotion Site 52. High THC marijuana cigarettes made in Colorado and promoted on Denver Post Marijuana Promo Site 53. Diversion of Colorado Marijuana (General): From 2005 to 2008, compared to 2009 to 2012, interdiction seizures involving Colorado marijuana quadrupled from an average per year of 52 to 242. During the same period, the average number of pounds of Colorado marijuana seized per year increased 77 percent from an average of 2,220 to 3,937 pounds. A total of 7,008 pounds was seized in 2012. The legalization of marijuana in Colorado The Impact August 2013 Rocky Mountain HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) Increased Illegal Diversion 54. The Next Tobacco Industry Unless we stop it. 55. Defendants have marketed and sold their lethal products with zeal, with deception, with a single-minded focus on their financial success, and without regard for the human tragedy or social costs that success exacted. Over the course of more than 50 years, Defendants lied, misrepresented and deceived the American public, including smokers and the young people they avidly sought as replacement smokers The evidence in this case clearly establishes that Defendants have not ceased engaging in unlawful activity. From U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler 2006 Regulation Fiction Lesson from the tobacco industry Why repeat this mistake? 56. The tobacco Industry (Old Industry, same script/deceit) The marijuana industry (New industry, same tobacco industry script) Our product does not cause harm, its not addictive, we dont target kids, and its about freedom 57. Here comes Big Marijuana Colorado Ground Zero for Global Activity Ex-Microsoft manager plans to create first U.S. marijuana brand Reuters, May 30, 2013 marijuana-idUSBRE94T0ZE20130530 The Ex-Microsoft exec with the former president of Mexico at the press event just six months after Colorados vote 58. Big Tobacco Was Ready 38 Years Ago have the land to grow it, the machines to roll it and package it, the distribution to market it. In fact, some firms have registered trademarks, which are taken directly from marijuana street jargon. These trade names are used currently on little-known legal products, but could be switched if and when marijuana is legalized. Estimates indicate that the market in legalized marijuana might be as high as $10 billion annually. Brown and Williamson Tobacco Secret Document 1976 59. The Alcohol Industry Bigger players are waiting in the wings. In the past year, Allen St. Pierre, executive director of NORML, the nation's biggest marijuana-advocacy group, has met half a dozen times with representatives of the beer, wine and liquor industries. By Bruce Barcott January 3, 2014 experiment-a-tale-of-two-drug-wars-20140103 60. Big Tobacco is Here Marijuana/tobacco vaporizer partially owned by Japan Tobacco Intl screen shot from Denver Post marijuana promotion site 61. Regulators Going to Work for the Marijuana Industry Laura Harris, who was the director of the Marijuana Enforcement Division until her retirement last year, said she waited about six months before starting work at the law firm Dill Dill Carr Stonbraker & Hutchings as the firms administrator and as a consultant. The firm whose offices are on the same floor of the same building as the Marijuana Enforcement Divisions represents marijuana businesses. Colo. marijuana regulators reverse roles, join industry, MAR 21, 2014, By John Ingold, The Denver Post 62. Regulators Going to work for Marijuana Industry Attorney Jordan Wellington who worked as a policy analyst at the division and was instrumental in the writing of Colorados recreational marijuana business rules went to work for the marijuana-specialist law firm Vicente Sederberg Colo. marijuana regulators reverse roles, join industry, MAR 21, 2014, By John Ingold, The Denver Post 63. 63 Myth Prisons are filled low level marijuana users 64. 6% 1.40% 0.40% 0.30% 0.10% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% Drug possession Crimes involving only MJ MJ-only drug offenders; no prior sentences MJ-only possession MJ-only possession; no prior sentences Drug Possession Offenders in State Prisons Percent of State Prisoners, 2004 Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2004 64 65. Medical Marijuana Industry Smokescreen Promoted and Dispensed Like Alcohol, Not medicine Focused on patient or promotion/profit? 66. Dose? Duration? Patient focused? Know the difference between legitimate cannabis based medicine vs. the medical marijuana movement and industry Marijuana as medicine 67. We will use [medical marijuana] as a red-herring to give marijuana a good name. Keith Stroup, head of NORML to the Emory Wheel, 1979 Legalization behind the medical marijuana movement smokescreen Source: Emory Wheel Entertainment Staff, 6 February 1979 67 68. After the Compassionate Use Act passed in California in 1996, Allen St. Pierre, the director of NORML admitted in a TV interview that in California, marijuana has also been de facto legalized under the guise of medical marijuana Behind the smokescreen Source: CNN Newsroom 9 May 2009 68 69. Majority of medical marijuana users report using marijuana to treat chronic or severe pain. 96% in Colorado 91% in Oregon 93% in Montana Chronic pain Source: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2011; Oregon Public Health Authority, 2011; Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, 201169 70. In Colorado, 2% reported cancer, less than 1% reported HIV/AIDS, and 1% reported glaucoma as their reason for using medical marijuana. In Oregon, these numbers are less than 4%, 2%, and 1%, respectively. Only a small proportion of medical marijuana users report use for cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc. Source: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2011; Oregon Public Health Authority, 2011 70 71. 87.9% had tried marijuana before age 19 75% of Caucasian patients had used cocaine and 50% had used methamphetamine in their lifetime. A study of California medical marijuana patients Source: OConnell, T.J. & Bou-Matar, C.B., 2007 Avg. Profile: 32-year old white male history of alcohol and substance abuse no history of life-threatening illnesses 71 72. Free Joint Friday for Females (for medical purposes) 73. Medical? Ads from Colorado Medical Marijuana Sites 74. Medical Site? Medical soda 75. Highly Potent Marijuana Vaporizing (60% plus THC) for Medical Purposes? 76. If any local pharmacy was offering daily specials on prescription medicine How would regulators, media, public health/medical officials, and the public react? Why the silence around the medical practices of the marijuana industry? 77. Residents of states with medical marijuana laws have abuse/dependence rates almost twice as high as states with no such laws. Medical marijuana has led to increased use Source: Cerda, M., et al., 2012. 77 78. Imagine cannabis based medicine that has.. Dosage Duration Clinical Trials to determine efficacy, side effects, etc. Its not delivered through a bong or pipe SAM supports removing any political barriers to testing constituents of marijuana for medicine Cannabis Based Medicine What the medical marijuana industry does not talk about it or want you to know 79. Cannabis based medicine Sativex Why isnt the medical marijuana industry talking about this medicine? Are they really patient focused or more about people getting high and the promotion of marijuana use? 80. FDA Speeds Research On Marijuana Spray For Cancer Pain U.S. health authorities hope to accelerate the approval of Sativex, a cannabis-based spray in final stages of clinical research as a treatment for cancer pain. April 29, 2014 Recent News Cannabis Based Medicine FDA Speeds Research 81. A British pharmaceutical company has won orphan- drug status from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a cannabis extract for use in children with a severe form of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome. Epidiolex, contains plant-derived Cannabidiol (CBD) CBD and Seizures FDA cannabis based medicine testing for children 82. Meet the Marijuana Industry Some of Those behind Amendment 64 (A64) 83. Meet the Marijuana Industry Those behind Amendment 64 NBC Interview with head of Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) one of the larger funders of A64 Legalize all drugs? The man behind loosening pot laws in US eyes new goal November 27, 2013 drugs-the-man-behind-loosening-pot-laws-in-us-eyes-new-goal 84. DPA wants to legalize heroin, cocaine, and other drugs The whole, of course, is safe and legal access to all drugs. Cocaine. Heroin. Hash. Ecstasy. You name it, Nadelmann wants people to have the right to get it, hold it, use it and even pass it in small quantities. new-goal 85. DPA Working to lower the age to 18 Youth focused? Public health and safety focused? Nadelmann himself sees the campaigns as parallel public education efforts. In the pot world, hell fight to spread legalization. Hell work to refine current law, lowering the age of access to 18 Legalize all drugs? The man behind loosening pot laws in US eyes new goal pot-laws-in-us-eyes-new-goal?lite&ocid=msnhp&pos=6 86. Like the tobacco industry, DPA wants you to believe use of the drug is about freedom(not addiction/harm) Its absolutely pivotal, he continued, for building a broader movement for freedom and justice He ties decriminalization to freedom of consciousness, and then to same-sex marriage and abortion rights, and ultimately to the rights of the First Amendment Other times he compares drug hysteria to the fears of letting women vote, or abolishing slavery. Philip Morris ad currently running overseas Source: Legalize all drugs? The man behind loosening pot laws in US eyes new goal /2013/11/27/21578665-legalize-all- drugs-the-man-behind-loosening- pot-laws-in-us-eyes-new- goal?lite&ocid=msnhp&pos=6 87. As clear as he is about his end game, Nadelmann is still mulling the details of implementation. He calls for legal access, but doesnt say whether it should be provided by doctors, delivered by mail, doled out in private cooperatives, or administered by the government, among untold options. Source: Legalize all drugs? The man behind loosening pot laws in US eyes new goal pot-laws-in-us-eyes-new-goal?lite&ocid=msnhp&pos=6 Colorado as Guinea Pig Push for laws but with no idea on how to be implemented Are they really concerned about public health and safety? 88. Meet the Marijuana Industry One of the drafters of 64 hosting a free joint giveaway in Denver and Boulder (not about increased use?) 89. Alcohol & Tobacco: Money Makers or Dollar Drainers? For every 1$ gained from alcohol and tobacco tax revenues, $10 is lost in legal, health, social, and regulatory costs $$$$$$$$$$$ Source: Urban Institute and Brookings Institute, 2012; Tax Policy Center, 2008 89 90. The Story is the Same While the marijuana industry profits, burden falls on: Adult and youth users Employers Families Healthcare system Law Enforcement Schools 91. Join the Colorado SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) Coalition Part of a growing national movement exposing the marijuana industry and providing a science and public health based approach instead of the current medical marijuana and legalization movements Click on affiliates and then Colorado to get linked with Colorado SAM Bob Doyle Chair, Colorado SAM, [email protected] How do we stop this? 92. Arizona California Maine Nevada New Ham Vermont Maryland Rhode Islan Partners & Affiliates (in white) 93. 93 SAMs National Leadership 94. Third-way approach to marijuana policy is based on reputable science and sound principles of public health and safety. Non-partisan Neither legalizes, nor demonizes, marijuana. Rejects dichotomies such as incarceration versus legalization SAMs Focus 95. Champion smart policies that decrease marijuana use and do not harm marijuana users and low-level dealers with arrest records that stigmatize them for life and make it harder to break free from substance dependence. To promote research on marijuana in order to obtain FDA-approved, pharmacy-dispensed, cannabis-based medications Preventing the birth of the next tobacco industry SAMs Focus 96. Help communities block/oppose or remove marijuana commercialization (retail, manufacturing, growing, etc.) Conduct ongoing statewide education on marijuana, medical marijuana, the marijuana industry, failings of marijuana legalization/commercialization Build a statewide movement to counter the marijuana industry and eventually go back to the voters to remove legalization Colorado SAMs Focus 97. American Medical Association American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology American Society of Addiction Medicine Who Else Opposes Legalization Were in good company 98. Join Colorado SAM - contact Bob Doyle, Chair, Colorado SAM at [email protected] Help build Colorado SAM - recruit others, pass on the web site, add SAM information to local newsletters, schedule SAM presentations in your community Become a spokesperson for Colorado SAM speak to media, groups, elected officials Organize your community to stay marijuana industry free or remove the marijuana industry Donate time or money or both to Colorado SAM to end Colorados failed marijuana policies/experiment What can you do?