IMPACT: Ghent University policy plan on societal value creation

Sneak preview of institutional policy plan: approval set for meeting of Board of Governors 8 May 2015 1

Transcript of IMPACT: Ghent University policy plan on societal value creation

Sneak preview of institutional policy plan: approval set for meeting of Board of

Governors 8 May 2015


Strategic Plan 2.0 (2012): project assigned to Research Department

SP Package: sponsor + project manager + taskforce + overarching Steering Committee

(incl. PMO)

Formal advice from Research Council (representatives from disciplines)


1. Agreeing on definition

2. Reflecting on scope (characteristics and principles, types of SI, prerequisites,

methods of evaluation and quality assurance, …)

3. Suggesting actions (from very concrete to conducive to general shift in mindset)

Result: Executive summary + comprehensive policy plan (with background info)


What is value creation?

What is societal value creation?

More than the transferral of the research results:

• Diversity (to researchers, disciplines, research, results…)

• Iterative process


Broad frame of reference:

• Relevant to all fields of research

• Respectful to fundamental research

• Taking into, account creativity and individuality

Plan proposes a framework which allows for quality assurance, evaluation and

appreciation of impact through a descriptive approach of types rather than a

restrictive measurement by way of quantitative indicators (goes against Flemish

predeliction for allocation keys).

Plan focusses on creating an academic environment stimulating societal value creation

through a set of diverse actions.



Policy plan describes a broad field of action and wide array of supportive

measures: from concrete tools for the research community (e.gL. Online toolbox

and professional advice onf funding and impact paragraphs) to strategic


Not one magic solution but a puzzle of measures: outside the strict confines of

research policy > need for synergies with other policy and support areas with the

university (HR, Communication)