
The Lymphatic and Immune Systems


Anatomy & Physiology Immune System

Transcript of immuneSTUDENT.ppt

  • The Lymphatic and Immune Systems

  • The Lymphatic System Consists of two parts

    Lymphatic vessels Lymphoid tissues and


    Lymphatic system functions Transports escaped

    fluids back to the _____________

    Plays essential roles in body defense and resistance to disease

    Also has a role in digestion

    Bukar AlibeBLOOD

  • Developmental Aspects of the Lymphatic System and Body Defenses

    Except for thymus and spleen, the lymphoid organs are poorly developed before birth

    A newborn has no functioning lymphocytes at birth, only passive immunity from the _____________

    If lymphatics are removed or lost, severe edema results, but vessels may grow back in time

    Bukar AlibeMOTHER

  • Central Lymphoid Tissue Bone Marrow + Thymus = Central Lymphoid Tissue Bone marrow

    Hematopoietic stem cells: precursor for all blood cells Leukocytes except T lymphocytes fully develop here

    _____________ T lymphocytes migrate from bone marrow to thymus Develop maturity in thymus

    Bukar AlibeTHYMUS

  • Peripheral Lymphoid Tissue Spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoid, appendix, Peyers patches Collections of B cells, T cells, and _____________ Function to trap microorganisms and foreign particles Works to expose them to leukocytes in high concentrations Spleen and lymph nodes filter blood and lymph

    Bukar AlibeMACROPHAGES

  • Lymphoid Organs That Contribute to Lymphatic Function

    Spleen Located on the left side of the abdomen Filters blood and destroys worn out blood cells Forms blood cells in the fetus Acts as a blood reservoir

    Thymus Located low in the throat, overlying the heart Functions at peak levels only during childhood Produces hormones (like thymosin) to program

    lymphocytes Tonsils

    Masses of lymphoid tissue around the pharynx Trap and remove bacteria and other foreign

    materials Tonsillitis is caused by congestion with

    bacteria Peyers patches

    Found in the wall of the small intestine & capture and destroy bacteria in the intestine

  • Lymph Nodes Filters lymph (fluid) before it is

    returned to the blood Defense cells within lymph nodes

    Macrophages engulf and destroy foreign substances

    Lymphocytes provide immune response to antigens

    Some harmful materials that may enter lymph vessels Bacteria Viruses Cancer cells Cell debris Protists Worms Fungi

  • Lymph Node Structure Most are kidney-shaped and less than 1 inch long _____________

    The outer part Contains follicles that house collections of

    lymphocytes Medulla

    The inner part Contains phagocytic


    Bukar AlibeCORTEX

  • Lymphatic Characteristics Lymph fluid carried by lymphatic vessels Properties of lymphatic vessels One way system toward the heart No _____________ Lymph moves toward the heart Squeezing motion of skeletal muscle Rhythmic contraction of smooth muscle

    in vessel walls


  • For a 70 kg man, total body water = 42 liters

    28 liters intracellular fluid (ICF)

    14 liters ___________ fluid (ECF) 3 liters plasma 11 liters interstitial

    fluid (ISF)

    Body Fluid Compartments


  • Flow of Lymph Through Nodes: Lymphatic Vessels

    Lymph enters the convex side through afferent lymphatic vessels Lymph flows through a

    number of sinuses inside the _____________ Lymph exits through

    efferent lymphatic vessels Fewer efferent than

    afferent vessels causes flow to be slowed

    Bukar AlibeNODE

  • Lymphatic Vessels Lymph capillaries

    Walls overlap to form flap-like minivalves

    Fluid leaks into lymph capillaries

    Capillaries are anchored to connective tissue by

    _____________ Higher pressure on the

    inside closes minivalves Fluid is forced along the


    Bukar AlibeFILAMENTS

  • Lymphatic Vessels Lymphatic collecting

    vessels Collect lymph from

    lymph capillaries Carry lymph to and

    away from lymph nodes

    Return fluid to circulatory veins near the heart Right lymphatic duct _____________

    Bukar Alibethoracic duct

  • The Immune System

  • Body Defenses: The Immune System The body is constantly in contact with protists, bacteria, fungi,

    parasitic worms and viruses (many want to live in or on you!) The body has two defense systems for foreign materials

    1) Innate defense system (_____________ defense system) Mechanisms protect against a variety of invaders Responds immediately to protect body from foreign materials

    2)Adaptive defense system (specific defense system) is specific defense is required for each type of invader

    We can develop immunity or specific resistance to certain pathogens

    Bukar AlibeNONSPECIFIC

  • Innate (Nonspecific) Body Defenses First Line of Defense

    Physical Barriers Skin is a physical barrier to foreign

    materials Mucous membranes Mucus traps microogranisms in digestive

    and respiratory pathways Chemical Barriers

    Secretions from sebaceous and sweat glands (salty sweat), sebum is toxic to bacteria

    Sebaceous glands secrete oily substance into hair follicles

    _____________ Vaginal secretions are acidic pH of the skin is acidic to inhibit bacterial

    growth Stomach mucosa and secretes hydrochloric

    acid, also has protein-digesting enzymes Lysozyme in tears, sweat, saliva, etc can

    break down bacteria

    Bukar AlibeURINE

  • Innate (Nonspecific) Body Defenses First Line of Defense

  • Nonspecific Immune Systems General Response: Flu-like Symptoms

    Fever Runny nose and watery eyes Fluid and mucus in lungs Diarrhea _____________ Achy muscles Fatigue

    Bukar AlibeRASH

  • Innate (Nonspecific) Body Defenses Second Line of Defense

    Fever Abnormally high body temperature Hypothalamus heat regulation can be reset by pyrogens

    (secreted by white blood cells) A _____________is substance than can cause fever High temperatures inhibit the release of iron and zinc from

    the liver and spleen needed by bacteria Fever also increases the speed of tissue repair What is the normal body temperature?

    Heat increases the density of sticky molecules on the surface of blood vessels in the lymph nodes, which catch more white blood cells as the blood rushes past

    Bukar AlibePYROGEN

  • Innate (Nonspecific) Body Defenses Second Line of Defense: Phagocytosis

    Phagocytosis is a process Neutrophils move by diapedesis (movement of blood cells

    through capillary walls) to clean up damaged tissue and/or _____________ Monocytes become macrophages and complete disposal of

    cell debris Phagocytes are a cell type

    Cells such as neutrophils and macrophages engulf foreign material into a vacuole Enzymes from lysosomes digest the material

    Bukar AlibePATHOGENS

  • Innate (Nonspecific) Body Defenses Second Line of Defense: Natural Killer Cells Natural killer (NK) cells Can ________(disintegrate or

    dissolve) and kill cancer cells Can destroy virus-infected cells

  • Innate (Nonspecific) Body Defenses Second Line of Defense: Inflammation

    Functions of the inflammatory response Prevents spread of damaging agents Disposes of cell debris and pathogens through phagocytosis Sets the stage for repair

    Inflammatory response Triggered when body tissues are injured Series of events causing accumulation of proteins, fluid, and

    phagocytes in area injured or invaded Four most common indicators of acute inflammation

    Redness _______ Swelling Pain

    Results in a chain of events leading to protection and healing

    Bukar AlibeHEAT

  • Flowchart of Inflammatory Events

  • Innate (Nonspecific) Body Defenses Second Line of Defense: Antimicrobial Proteins Antimicrobial proteins

    Attack microorganisms Hinder reproduction of microorganisms

    Most important antimicrobial proteins Complement proteins

    Uses a MAC (membrane attack complex) proteins to lyse cells May be part of the specific (adaptive) or nonspecific (innate)

    immune response _____________

    Proteins secreted by virus-infected cells Bind to healthy cell surfaces to interfere with the ability of viruses to multiply

    Bukar AlibeINTERFERON

  • Second Line of Defense: Complement System Plasma proteins that lyse foreign cells, especially

    bacteria Response involves ~30 proteins in cascade resulting in MAC on surface

    of bacteria MAC pierces bacterial membrane causing lysis Triggers histamine release from mast cell May act as opsonins (working with antibodies) _____________ Pathway Binding to carbohydrates on bacterial cell walls Part of nonspecific defense mechanisms

    Classical Pathway Binding to antibodies attached to bacteria Part of specific defense mechanisms

    Bukar AlibeALTERNATE

  • Summary of Nonspecific Body Defenses Second Line of Defense

  • Specific (Adaptive) Immune Responses Third Line of Defense

    Specific immune responses triggered by foreign matter

    reaching lymphoid tissue Antibodies are proteins that protect from pathogens Aspects of adaptive defense

    1) Antigen specific, recognizes and acts against particular foreign substances

    2) Systemic, not restricted to the initial infection site 3) _____________, recognizes and mounts a stronger

    attack on previously encountered pathogens 4) Can recognize self from non-self

    Bukar AlibeMEMORY

  • Specific (Adaptive) Immune Responses Third Line of Defense

    Types of Immunity Humoral immunity is antibody-mediated

    immunity is B cell mediated Provided by antibodies present in body fluids Involves secretion of antibodies by plasma cells

    Defend against bacteria, toxins, viruses in body fluids

    _____________ immunity is T cell-mediated immunity

    Targets virus-infected cells, cancer cells, and cells of foreign grafts

    Involves lysis of cells by cytotoxic T cells Defend against bacteria, viruses in body cells Part of reaction to transplants and cancer cell

    Bukar AlibeCELLULAR

  • Specific (Adaptive) Immune Responses Third Line of Defense

  • Specific (Adaptive) Immune Responses Third Line of Defense

    Antigens (nonself) are very specific Any substance capable of exciting the immune system and provoking

    an immune response Antigens (antibody generators) confer specificity

    Complex proteins/polysaccharides Part of foreign invader, _____________ cell Epitopes = recognition sites on pathogen/antigen

    for B or T cells B cell and T cell specificity

    Antigen receptors recognize certain antigens only B cells membrane antibodies T cells T cell receptors

    _____________ Human cells have many surface proteins Our immune cells do not attack our own proteins Our cells in another persons body can trigger an immune response

    because they are foreign and restricts donors for transplants

    Bukar AlibeTUMOR

    Bukar AlibeSELF-ANTIGENS

  • Specific (Adaptive) Immune Responses Third Line of Defense

    Immunocompetentcell becomes capable of responding to a specific antigen by binding to it

    Cells of the adaptive defense system Lymphocytes

    Originate from hemocytoblasts in the red bone marrow B lymphocytes become immunocompetent in the bone

    marrow (remember B for Bone marrow) T lymphocytes become immunocompetent in the thymus

    (remember T for Thymus) _____________

    Arise from monocytes Become widely distributed in lymphoid organs Secrete cytokines (proteins important in the immune


    Bukar AlibeMACROPHAGES

  • Self-Tolerance B and T cells do not attack normal cells of body As cells develop in bone marrow and thymus, any that have antigen

    receptors against normal body cells are destroyed by apoptosis (_____________ cell death)

    Autoimmune diseases caused by failure of self-tolerance MHC molecules unique to individual person Major histocompatibility complex=MHC MHC marks body cells as self Responsible for tissue/organ rejection stimulates immune response to foreign tissue

    Bukar AlibePROGAMMED

  • Specific (Adaptive) Immune Responses Third Line of Defense: T Cells & Cellular Immunity

    T cells defend against foreign or abnormal matter through direct contact

    T cell clones Cytotoxic (_____________) T cells Specialize in killing infected cells Insert a toxic chemicals (perforin/fragmentin)

    Helper T cells Recruit other cells to

    fight the invaders Interact directly with B cells

    Regulatory (Suppressor) T cells Release chemicals to suppress the activity of T cells Stop the immune response to

    prevent uncontrolled activity A few members of each clone are

    memory cells

    Bukar AlibeKILLER

  • Actions of Activated Cytotoxic T Cell on Virus-infected Cells

    Cell secretes _____________ Form pore in membrane of infected cell Leads to lysis of infected cell

    Cell secretes fragmentins Enter infected cell through perforin-induced pores Trigger apoptosis

    Bukar AlibePERFORINS

  • Role of B Lymphocytes Third Line of Defense: B Cells & Humoral

    Immunity B lymphocyte exposure to antigen triggers clonal selection:

    memory B cells + plasma cells Memory B cells: _____________ Plasma cells:

    Life span = 4-7 days (may be longer for some) Secretes 2000 antibodies specific for antigen per second Antibodies circulate several weeks binding/marking antigen

    for destruction May cause phagocytosis or complement-mediated lysis

    Bukar AlibeYEARS

  • Specific (Adaptive) Immune Responses Third Line of Defense: B Cells & Humoral Immunity Secondary humoral responses

    Memory cells are long-lived A second exposure causes a

    _____________ response The secondary response is

    stronger and longer lasting

    Primary Response (initial encounter with antigen)

    Antigen Antigen binding to a receptor on a specific B cell (lymphocyte) (B cells with non-complementary receptors remain inactive)

    Proliferation to form a clone B cells

    Plasma cells

    Secreted antibody molecules

    Clone of cells identical to ancestral cells

    Subsequent challenge by same antigen

    Memory B cell

    Memory B cells

    Plasma cells

    Secreted antibody molecules

    Secondary Response (can be years later)

    Bukar AlibeRAPID

  • Antibodies Antibody Functions:

    Binds to specific antigen Aids in inactivation or destruction

    of antigen Antibody structure

    Four amino acid chains linked by disulfide bonds

    Two identical amino acid chains are linked to form a heavy chain

    The other two identical chains are light chains

    2 specific antigen-binding sites are present

    Constant region same within a class of antibodies

    _____________ region gives specificity to antigen-binding site

    Bukar AlibeVARIABLE

  • Antibodies Five major immunoglobulin classes (MADGE) All classes: neutralization and agglutination

    IgM can activate _____________ IgA found mainly in mucus IgD important in activation of B cell IgG can cross the placental barrier, activate complement and

    NK cells, opsonization IgE involved in allergies, histamine release from mast cells and basophils

    Bukar AlibeCOMPLEMENT

  • Immunoglobin Classes

  • Antibodies: Neutralization

    Binding of antibody to antigen blocks activity of _____________

    Bukar Alibeantigen

  • Antibodies: Agglutination

    Many antibodies binding to pathogen cause clumping for easy _____________ and identification


  • Antibodies: Opsonization

    Variable region of antibody binds to antigen

    Constant region of antibody binds to phagocytic cells

    Enhances _____________

    Binding of antibodies enhances phagocytosis


  • Antibodies: Complement Activation MAC (membrane attack complex)

  • Antibodies: Enhanced Natural Killer Cell Activity

    NK cells have receptors for antibody tail Antibodies mark cells for

    destruction NK cells produce pore in

    membrane of cells causing _____________

    Bukar AlibeLYSIS

  • Antibody Function


  • Primary and Secondary Immune Responses 1st exposure to antigen (primary immune response) Takes 10-17 days to occur after first exposure Symptoms of illness occurs during these days Antigen-selected B and T cells proliferate and differentiate

    into effector cells _____________ cells Cytotoxic T cells

    Secondary immune response Subsequent exposures to antigen Takes 2-7 days to occur Greater magnitude response and more

    prolonged Occurs due to presence of

    memory cells This is not the same as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lines of defense!

    Bukar AlibePLASMA

  • Immunity Active Immunity Immune response to vaccine or

    pathogen in individual gives immunity Occurs when B cells encounter antigens

    and produce antibodies _____________ Immunity

    Ready-made antibodies administered No memory cells, so no long-term


    Bukar AlibePASSIVE

  • Immunization

    _____________ = compromised microorganism or its antigens in form not expected to cause disease Induces immune response including production of memory


    Bukar AlibeVACCINE

  • Decline of Measles After Vaccine Introduction

  • Passive Immunity

    Occurs when antibodies are obtained from someone else Conferred naturally from a mother to her fetus (naturally

    acquired) Passive immunity from mother to fetus/baby

    IgG passes placenta IgA passed in _____________ Conferred artificially from immune serum or gamma

    globulin (artificially acquired) Immunological memory does not occur Protection provided by borrowed antibodies

    Bukar AlibeBREAST MILK

  • Functions of Cells and Molecules Involved in Specific Immunity

    Suppressor T

  • Functions of Cells and Molecules Involved in Specific Immunity

  • Summary of Adaptive (Specific) Immune Response

  • Organ Transplants and Rejection Major types of grafts

    Autografts: tissue from one site to another on the same person Isografts: tissue grafts from an identical person (identical twin) Allografts: tissue taken from another person Xenografts: tissue taken from a different animal species

    Autografts and isografts are ideal donors

    Xenografts are rarely successful Allografts are more successful with a

    closer tissue match Immune system recognizes self from

    non-self Need to match donor to recipient

    closely Must _____________ immune

    system in recipient

    Bukar AlibeSUPPRESS

  • Immune Dysfunctions

    Autoimmune Diseases Allergy Immunodeficiency Diseases Stress and the Immune Response

  • Autoimmune Diseases Inefficient lymphocyte programming Cross-reaction of antibodies produced against foreign antigens with

    self-antigens The immune system fails to distinguish between self and nonself The body produces antibodies and sensitized T lymphocytes that

    attack its _____________tissues

    Bukar AlibeOWN

  • Disorders of Immunity: Autoimmune Diseases

    Immune system treats a part of self like pathogen Immune response induced against that part of the body Examples of autoimmune diseases

    Multiple sclerosis: white matter of brain and myelin on nerves are destroyed

    Myasthenia gravis: impairs communication between nerves and skeletal muscles

    Type I diabetes mellitus: destroys pancreatic beta cells that produce _____________

    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): Affects kidney, heart, lung and skin

    Rheumatoid arthritis: destroys joints Vitiligo: affects pigmentation of skin

    Bukar AlibeINSULIN

  • Autoimmune Diseases

    Multiple sclerosis

  • Disorders of Immunity: Allergies (Hypersensitivity)

    Abnormal, vigorous immune responses Triggered by release of histamine from

    IgE binding to mast cells _____________ shockdangerous,

    systemic response


  • Anaphylactic Shock Severe allergic reactions: massive release of histamine from

    mast cells throughout body cause vasodilation decrease blood pressure

    Prophylactic = _____________ increases cardiac output and blood pressure increasing blood pressure

    Bukar AlibeEPINEPHRINE

  • Production or function of immune cells or complement is abnormal May be congenital or acquired (_____________) Weak or under-active immune system Problem in any factors of immune response can impair immune

    function Examples:

    Hodgkins Disease = cancer of lymphatic system AIDS = affects helper T cells

    Disorders of Immunity: Immunodeficiency

    Bukar AlibeAIDS

  • Stress and the Immune Response

    Stress suppresses immune system Steroid hormones (cortisol)

    decrease number of leukocytes Anti-_____________ activity

    Autonomic neural input to lymphoid tissue