Immigration Lecture - Rajiv

Before 1965 – US was referred to as “nation of immigrants” first wave of immigration = pilgrims (some cited this as the root of religious extremists in the US) second wave from Europe as indentured servants third wave = slaves from Africa fourth wave = northern and western Europe (Germany, Norwegians, Ireland [can be analogy to influx of current Mexican immigrants]) Irish was discriminated by Angelo Catholics Immigrants immigrate b/c there is a reason they need to leave their country. *Notion of “white” is fairly recent Chinese Exclusion Act = first piece of legislation aimed against immigrants, pushed by CA b/c blamed Chinese for pushing down wages Immigration Act 1924 = excluded immigrants in the US 1965 – Congress allowed for “family reunification” Leading origin of immigrants to US mexico indian china Family reunification = 2/3 of legal immigration Foregin nationals who become legal permanent residents = 66%, exceeds LPRS based on employment or humanitarian reasons


A lecture on immigration, specifically U.S. policies, etc.

Transcript of Immigration Lecture - Rajiv

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Before 1965 – US was referred to as “nation of immigrants”

first wave of immigration = pilgrims (some cited this as the root of religious extremists in the US)

second wave from Europe as indentured servants

third wave = slaves from Africa

fourth wave = northern and western Europe (Germany, Norwegians, Ireland [can be analogy to influx of current Mexican immigrants])

Irish was discriminated by Angelo Catholics

Immigrants immigrate b/c there is a reason they need to leave their country.

*Notion of “white” is fairly recent

Chinese Exclusion Act = first piece of legislation aimed against immigrants, pushed by CA b/c blamed Chinese for pushing down wages

Immigration Act 1924 = excluded immigrants in the US

1965 – Congress allowed for “family reunification”

Leading origin of immigrants to US




Family reunification = 2/3 of legal immigration

Foregin nationals who become legal permanent residents = 66%, exceeds LPRS based on employment or humanitarian reasons

Until 1930s, most immigrants were male

in squo immigrants tend to be younger than native population (increases the replacement rate of the U.S.)

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public attitudes on immigration were influenced the most by 9/11 (shifted immigration debate most substantially. prior to 9/11, 62% of Americans supported immigration)

NAFTA (passed by Clinton in 1990s) – objective was to stimulate the econ via free trade, ‘comparative advantage’ -> ‘division of labor’; in 1993 there were 3.9 mil illegal immigrants. in 2008 there were 12 mil (over half from Mexico).

Price of corn in Mexico fell 70% after NAFTA. In rural areas, population working in agriculture fell over 20%. 8.1 million farm jobs decreased to 6.2 mil, inverse to a rise in population.

This was the result of the US farmbill, a omnibus bill. Allocates 100 bil dollars of ag. subsidies to stable crops in the U.S. no chance for Mexico’s crops to compete on the US market illegal immigration influx


can become illegal through

1) enter w/out authorization or inspection (200k-500k)2) to stay beyond an authorized period of entry (4-5.5 mil)3) by violating the terms of legal entry (4.5-6 mil)

illegal immigrant = illegal alien = undocumented immigrants*most politically correct

Ways to Curb Immigration:

Borders – 3 gateway operations; enforces immigration, drug cartels

5,000 immigrant deaths across the us Mexican border over the last 13 years

a “overhaul’ mandate (secure fence act of 06) was passed, but would cost too much to be implemented

Deportation – increased dramatically in the Obama administration

Self-Deportation – (Arizona law: SB1070 made it a state misdemeanor for a ‘alien to be in in Arizona without carrying the required documents’ and ‘state law enforcement has a burden to attempt to determine a person’s immigration status…on reasonable suspicion’; similar law has been passed in Alabama)

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Court determined 5-3 that federal law contradicts the misdemeanor and says that in some situations police can’t arrest without a warrant, and that it’s unlawful to apply for work w/out fed authorization; agreed that state police to investigate if there is reasonable suspicion and stop detain and arrest

Intergovernmental Coop

Alternative methods of legal entry (vehemently opposed by Obama in 06)


Sanctuary cities


Senate’s plan: current undocumented in the US with otherwise clean record can pay a fine and back taxes; a path to full citizenships can be achieved after the fines have been paid

5 areas of consensus btwn senate and the pres.

1) border needs to be secure2) employers need to check the immigration status of employees3) has to be a path to citizenship4) a sustainable immigration system5) the republican party cant get majorities without 27% of the Latino vote

Sequestration, gun control, will drain Obama’s pol cap & kill possibilities of bipartisanship

House of Rep electiosn every 2 years – means conservatives aren’t willing to vote

If all 12 million illegal immigrants, 7 mil will be covered by medicare or Medicaid sig. increase in healthcare

Immigration intro:

Every day a border patrol agent sees a child crossing the border on a bicycle. Everyday he asks the child if he’s smuggling something, and the child says “No I’m just on a bike.” One day the child stops crossing the border, and the agent hears from another “Have you heard of the smuggler of illegal Mexican bikes?”

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