Imd 203 Questions

Answer: False Review Questions Circle True or False. 12.2 Lab Please read these important Navigation Notes About the Online Instructor’s Manual: The Online Instructor’s Manual is an electronically enhanced version of the printed Instructor’s Manual. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can easily browse the Online Instructor’s Manual to find material that will help you prepare for class at a moment’s notice. A predefined list of bookmarks allows you to quickly link to chapter overviews, chapter outlines, technical notes, lecture notes, additional assignments, solutions, and more. Navigating the Online Instructor’s Manual: The easiest way to navigate through the pages of the Online Instructor’s Manual is by using the bookmark list prepared by Course Technology. To use the bookmark list: 1. First, take a moment to expand the overview area so that the bookmark list is fully visible. To do so, drag the Window Splitter control (see Fig. 1) to the right. This setting will be retained until you close the document. 2. Use the scrollbar to the right of the Overview Area to view the bookmarks for each chapter. Click on a bookmark to go to the topic indicated. 3. To expand the document page to the full width of the Acrobat Reader for easier reading, click on the Page Only button on the toolbar (see Fig. 2). 4. To return to the bookmark list from Page Only view, click the Bookmarks and Page button on the toolbar (see Fig. 2). 5. If you would like to return to your previous location in the document, use the Go Back button on the toolbar (see Fig. 2). The Go Forward button will return you from this previous location. Adobe Acrobat is a Trademark of the Adobe Corporation. Please read the licensing agreement for this and all software you use. For more information on the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, visit their web site:

Transcript of Imd 203 Questions

Page 1: Imd 203 Questions

Answer: False

Review Questions Circle True or False.

12.2LabPlease read these important Navigation NotesAbout the Online Instructor’s Manual: The Online Instructor’s Manual is an electronically enhanced version of the printed Instructor’s Manual. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can easily browse the Online Instructor’s Manual to find material that will help you prepare for class at a moment’s notice. A predefined list of bookmarks allows you to quickly link to chapter overviews, chapter outlines, technical notes, lecture notes, additional assignments, solutions, and more.

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Managing and Maintaining Your PCLab Manual


Clint SaxtonMCSE, MCT, A+

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Answers and Solutions to Review Questions

Lab 1.1


Attaching your lab workstation’s devices

1. Results will vary depending upon the hardware attached to the demonstration workstation.

Review Questions

1.True / False. A monitor requires one cord and one cable to function properly. Answer: True

2.True / False. Most keyboards have their own power source. Answer: False

3.True / False. The mouse and keyboard connections are interchangeable. Answer: False

4.How many cables and cords are connected to the system unit and which devices are they connected to? These answers may vary but should include the following: Power cord, mouse cable, keyboard cable and Answer: monitor cable.

5.You are employed as a Desktop PC support technician at the PC Store. Matt, one of your customers, has called you with a problem. He explains that he just finished moving his PC and reconnecting all of the cables but now he is getting error messages and both the keyboard and mouse won’t work. What is the most likely cause of Matt’s problem?

Answer: Matt has probably reversed the keyboard and mouse cords.

6.Another customer, Judy, has also just finished moving her PC but now the monitor picture won’t show a picture. She explains that the power light for the monitor is turned-on and that the system unit power light is also on. Which cables would you ask Judy to check first?

Answer: Ask Judy to verify that the monitor cable is plugged into both the back of the monitor and the back of the system unit.

7.Describe how to clean a mouse.

Answer:1.Turn the mouse upside down2.Locate and remove the cover of the mouse ball3.Remove the mouse ball4.Inside the housing of the mouse ball you will find several rollers. The cleaning of a mouse refers to

clearing these rollers of debris.5.After clearing any debris that might be located on the rollers replace the mouse ball and cover.

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Lab 1.2


Understanding a DOS system disk

3. The workstation should now boot from the floppy disk in drive A.

7.The workstation should now attempt to boot from the unformatted floppy disk and return an error message.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False. When booting an MS-DOS computer you must always have a System Disk in drive A. Answer: False.2.True / False. Before powering-off a DOS system you should first execute the SHUTDOWN DOS

command. Answer: False.

3.True / False. Only Black diskettes can be used as System Diskettes. Answer: False.

4.True / False. The Edit program can be used to create DOS System Diskettes. Answer: False.

5.Describe the most obvious difference between a DOS System Disk and other formatted diskettes. Answer: A DOS System Disk is bootable.

6.You are working as a PC desktop support technician at the Fun Job corporation. Kyle, one of your customers, just rebooted his PC after copying some files from a diskette to his hard drive. Kyle says that he is receiving the error message Non-system disk or disk error and it just keeps repeating that error no matter what he does. Describe what the problem is and how Kyle should go about resolving the problem.

Answer: Kyle has most likely left the diskette he was copying files from in his A drive, and it is not a System Disk. To resolve the problem Kyle should remove the floppy disk from his A drive and reboot his computer.

Lab 1.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False. You can use either Windows or DOS to create a directory. Answer: True

2.True/ False. To create a directory in Windows 3.x you can use the Notepad program. Answer: False

3.True/ False. Notepad is equivalent of the DOS command MD. Answer: False

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4.Where is the Notepad icon found by default in Windows 3.1? Answer: In the Accessories group

5.Rick is trying to locate an important document that he misplaced on his C drive. He wants to use File Manager to locate the document but can’t remember how to start it. List the instructions you would give Rick to help him start File Manager.

Answer:Double-click on the Main groupDouble-click on File Manager

6.Tom, has written a quick letter in Notepad. He now wants to save the letter to his C drive. Describe how Tom should go about saving his letter from within Notepad.

Answer: Click on File then Save As and type in a File name and click the save button.

Lab 1 .4

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. The Notepad program in Windows 95 can be found in the Accessories group through the start button.

Answer: True

2. True / False. Notepad can be used to write short text files. Answer: True

3. True / False. Using Notepad you can only create and manipulate one text document at a time. Answer: True

4. Where can the Accessories group be found in the Windows 95 environment? Answer: Click on the Start button and point to Programs.

5. The Windows Explorer is a replacement for the Windows 3.x File Manager utility.

6. You are employed at the Happy Day Corporation. Bill, the manager of your department has a new laptop with Windows 95. He is new to the Windows 95 environment and is trying to shutdown his computer. List the instructions you would give Bill to properly shutdown his Windows 95 laptop.

Answer: Bill needs to click on Start and Shutdown.

7. Two days later you are chatting with Bill and he asks you where to find File Manager on his laptop. Write your answer to Bill’s question below.

Answer: There are two correct answers to this question. One is to direct Bill to use the Windows Explorer as a replacement for File Manager. The other possibility is to use File Manger via the winfile command.

Lab 2 .1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. A System Configuration Worksheet is used to record your operating system’s configuration.

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Answer: False

2.True / False. The system time and date are always configured through the CMOS SETUP program. Answer: True

3.True / False. Always record your CMOS settings before making changes. Answer: True

4.Describe some of the dangers of flashing a BIOS.Answer: The process of FLASHING a computer’s CMOS is somewhat dangerous for the computer. If the CMOS is flashed with the incorrect BIOS update or is interrupted during the flash, the data on the EEPROM chip could become left missing or corrupt and render the system BIOS useless. For this reason there is not a lab exercise allowing you to FLASH a workstation’s BIOS.

5.You are employed at the Yesterday company as a desktop PC support technician. Karl, a coworker, isadding a hard drive to a computer. Karl has verified that the hard drive is properly connected and

powered by the computer still won’t recognize the drive. What recommendations can you give Karl? Answer: Karl should Enter into the computer’s SETUP program and configure the hard drive parameters there.

6.You just finished installing 32 megabytes of RAM into Umair’s computer for him. You now want to verify that Umair’s computer is recognizing all 32 megabytes of RAM. Describe below how you could verify the memory configuration on Umair’s computer.

Answer: Enter the SETUP program of Umair’s computer and verify that the CMOS recognizes all 32 megabytes of memory. Then save the changes and restart the computer.

Lab 2.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. The Device Manager utility can be used to view all of the DMA channels and the devices currently configured to use them.

Answer: True

2. True / False. Device Manager is located in the Control Panel, Add New Hardware icon. Answer: False

3. True / False. IRQ stand for Internal Response Question. Answer: False

4. True / False. DMA stands for Direct Memory Access Answer: True

5. You are employed as a hardware technician at Crunchy Com Corporation. One of your coworkers, Todd, just finished installing a modem into a customer’s computer. Unfortunately the modem doesn’t seem to be functioning properly. Todd believes there is a resources conflict between the modem and another device. Todd is asking you for help because he is new to the Windows 95 environment. Write the steps you would take to help Todd discover a resource conflict.

Answer: Todd should open Device Manager and check the properties of the Modem.

6. Referring to your list of IRQs, What device is IRQ 15 normally reserved for? Answer: When present the Secondary IDE controller reserves IRQ 15.

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Lab 2.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False. Only two device at a time can use an I/O address. Answer: False

2.True / False. I/O stand for Input / Output Answer: False

3.True / False. An I/O address is a physical location on the hard drive where the CPU will store data.

Answer: False

4.True / False. Most all hardware devices need at least six I/O addresses to function properly. Answer: False

5.Describe the steps you would take to determine which hardware device or devices are conflicting with a particular component.

Answer: Open Device Manager. View the properties of that particular component and click on the resources tab. Examine the list of conflicting devices.

6.You have recently installed a new Network Interface card. You believe that its I/O address is conflicting with your sound card. Describe two ways you could quickly resolve this conflict without removing either component.

Answer: Reassign or disable the resources of the Network Interface card. Reassign or disable the resource of the sound card.

Lab 2.4


Observing the boot process

9. Removing a SIMM from a Pentium computer will have varied results, but it will most often fail to boot properly. Removing a SIMM from a 486 computer will simply require that the memory be reconfigured.

17. The first time a workstation is powered-on with incorrect cabling it will return an error message.

22. The first time a workstation is powered-on without the hard drive cables properly attached it will return an error message.

29. The first time a workstation is powered-on without the floppy drive cables properly attached it will return an error message.

37. The first time a workstation is powered-on without the keyboard properly attached it will return an error message.

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Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. A PC can function properly without any memory installed. Answer: False

2. True / False. Hard drive data cables are reversible. Answer: False

3. True / False. Floppy drive data cables are not reversible. Answer: False

4. True / False. If a PC is started without a keyboard attached you will receive an error message during the POST.Answer: True

5. What one component from the previous activity will completely halt all system activities? Answer: Memory

6. You just finished moving a PC from one building to another. You have not changed any of the PC’s hardware configurations but now when you start the system it gives you a keyboard/mouse error. If the keyboard and mouse are plugged in what could be the problem? Answer: The keyboard and mouse cables are probably plugged in reversed.

Lab 3.1


Viewing the Instructor’s display

1. Answer will vary but could include differences in processor size, technologies.

Review Questions

Circle True or False

memory type, and expansion slot

1. True / False. The mouse and keyboard ports are always located immediately next to the CPU socket.Answer: False

2. True / False. Systemboards require two power connectors from the power supply. Answer: True

3. True / False. Different systemboards can use different types of memory. Answer: True

4. True / False. ISA slots are shorter in length than PCI slots. Answer: False

5. True / False. Most CPUs are bolted to the systemboard to eliminate a chance of it slipping off and causing the entire PC to crash.Answer: False

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6. You are employed at Cold Sweet Ice Company as a helpdesk technician. Jamie, one of your favorite customers wants to install more memory into her PC but doesn’t know how to attach it to the systemboard. Describe below the steps Jamie will need to follow in order to locate the memory slots.

Answer: Jamie will first need to unplug her system unit and remove the case. Next she should look for memory on her systemboard that looks similar to the memory she has. Last, after she locates the memory on her systemboard she will see several empty slots next to it this is where she should install her memory.

Lab 3.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. All CPU’s are the same size. Answer: False

2. True / False. CPU voltage varies depending on the generation and brand name. Answer: True

3. True / False. Chip pullers are used to remove the heatsink for the top of the CPU. Answer: False

4. True / False. ZIF sockets are used to connect the memory to the systemboard. Answer: False

5. Which is faster the 8088 processor or the 486 processor? Answer: The 486 processor

6. Your are currently employed as a PC support technician at the Heavenly Palace factory. Your Supervisor wants to upgrade his 486 computer to a Pentium 166. He has asked you to tell him the parts that he will need to purchase for this upgrade. List below the minimum parts your supervisor will need to purchase in order to complete this upgrade.Answer: Your supervisor will need to purchase a new systemboard, verify that he has the correct amount of RAM and purchase a new CPU.

7. You are at your local computer store and are considering upgrading your home PC to a Pentium Pro. Will you be able to use the CPU cooling fan from your 486 at home on the Pentium Pro Chip?Answer: You will need to purchase a new cooling fan, designed specifically for the Pentium Pro or socket 8 processor.

Lab 3.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False. ISA is always faster than PCI. Answer: False

2.True / False. Microchannel is a 64-bit bus.

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Answer: False

3.True / False. Microchannel and EISA can use the same expansion slot. Answer: False

4.True / False. An ISA expansion card can be either 8-bit or 16-bit. Answer: True

5.John wants to add a sound card to his 386. Before purchasing the sound card he is going to look at his systemboard to find out what type he should purchase. Describe to John how to tell if he has an 8-bit or a 16-bit ISA on his systemboard.

Answer: If the ISA slot is placed end-to-end with another ISA slot then the systemboard support 16-bit ISA. Otherwise the ISA slot will alone on the systemboard which will tell John that his systemboard only supports 8-bit ISA expansion cards.

6.What is one advantage of using PCI over ISA? Answer: PCI is faster

Lab 4.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False. When installing a floppy drive it is necessary to enter the CMOS setup program. Answer: True

2.True / False. All Floppy drives need three cables, two data cables and one power connector. Answer: False

3.True / False. The boot sequence can be affected when a floppy drive is added or remove from a PC. Answer: True

4.True / False. You can use the Add New Hardware icon in Control Panel to allow Windows to automatically detect new hardware.

Answer: True

5.What must you do after physically installing a floppy drive?Answer: Plug-in the cables, reconfigure the CMOS setup program, and install a floppy disk driver device driver.

6.Stacey just installed a floppy drive into her PC, but the floppy drive icon does not show up when she boots into Windows. Assuming that she installed the drive correctly, what would you recommend Stacey do to make Windows recognize her new floppy drive?

Answer: Stacey should use the Add New Hardware icon in Control Panel to allow Windows to detect the Floppy drive.

Lab 4.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. PC’s always boot to drive B:\ first.

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2.True / False. Your A drive is always a hard drive. Answer: False

3.True / False. A PC can only have two floppies drives. Answer: False

4.True / False. A 3.5 floppy disk holds more data than a 5.25 floppy disk. Answer: True

5.Alice who uses Windows 95, wants to know how to format a 3.5-inch floppy disk. Describe the steps below.

Answer: Double-click on My ComputerRight-click on the floppy drive iconSelect Format from the menuClick the Start button

6.Dave has recently removed one of his floppy drives from his PC. He now receives an error message every time he reboots his computer. What would you recommend Dave does in order to eliminate this error message?

Answer: Dave should reconfigure his setup program so that it does not expect a floppy drive to be present.

Lab 5.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1. True / False. When a partition's size is changed using the FDISK utility the data contained on the partition is lost.

Answer: True

2. True / False. The FDISK utility is used to partition and format hard drives. Answer: False

3. True / False. The FDISK utility refers to hard drive capacity in bytes. Answer: False

4. True / False. Extended partitions are always placed with logical drives. Answer: False

5. List three functions of the FDISK utility. Answer: Create partitions, delete partitions and view partition configuration information.

6. What will happen if an active partition is not set? Answer: The PC will not boot properly.

7. You are the desktop PC support technician for the Good Job Corporation. John, one of yourcustomers, suspects that his hard drive is not partitioned to use its full capacity. Describe how you

would use the FDISK utility to show your customer his current hard drive configuration. Answer: Enter the FDISK utility and use the view partition information option to show John his hard drive’s configuration.

8. Describe the relationship between a logical drive and an extended partition.

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Answer: Under normal circumstances there will only be one extended partition per a physical drive, but each extended partition can contain several logical drives.

Lab 5 .2

Review Questions

1.True/False. Using the SCANDISK utility will delete all files less than 512 KB in size. Answer: False

2.True/False. The DEFRAG utility places file cluster in consecutive order. Answer: True

3.True/False. The SCANDISK utility should only be ran once every 3 months. Answer: False

4.True / False Newly created partition always need to be formatted before an operating system can be installed.

Answer: True

5.Describe the functionality of the DEFRAG utility. Answer: The DEFRAG utility is used to place file clusters in consecutive order.

6.You are currently employed as a PC desktop support technician at the Our World Corporation. One of your customer, Jamie, computer is running slower than it use to last month. List two things that might help improve the performance of Jamie’s computer.

Answer: You could use the SCANDISK and DEFRAG utilities to check for errors and reorganize her hard drive.

7.John is currently running DEFRAG and it is taking a really long time. John has called you to ask what the DEFRAG program is doing and wants to know why it is taking so long. Note that over the last year John has never ran the DEFRAG utility. Describe to John what the DEFRAG utility is doing and explain why is taking so long.

Answer: The DEFRAG utility is placing each of John’s file clusters stored on his hard drive in consecutive order. Because John has not defragmented his hard drive in more than a year, it is likely that his hard drive is severely fragmented and will take quite a while to complete the defragmentation process.

Lab 5 .3

Review Questions

1.True/False. Using the REN command you can rename a directory. Answer: False

2.True/False. When you receive the error message Invalid or missing it means that the entire operating system is corrupt and must be reinstalled.

Answer: False

3.What does CD stand for? Answer: Change Directory

4.What is the ATTRIB command used for? Answer: Viewing and modifying the attributes of files

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5.Name one required DOS system file. Answers could include but are not limited to the following:


6.Patrick, one of your customers, is trying to find a file on his computer, which is located in the MyData directory. What command would you suggest that Patrick use to view the contents of the MyData directory?

Answer: Patrick should use the DIR command to view the contents of the MyData directory.

7.List the five DOS system files that are used during startup.Answer:


8.John is attempting to rename his c:\Mydata directory to c:\stuff. But his computer won’t let him. Describe the steps that John needs to take in order to rename the c:\Mdata directory to c:\stuff. Answer: John should use the following command: MOVE C:\MYDATA C:\STUFF

Lab 5 .4

Review Questions

1.True/False Drivers for external drives are always sold separately. Answer: False

2.True / False External drives are always attached via a parallel port. Answer: False

3.True / False DOS will always automatically detect an external drive. Answer: False

4.Name two types of external drives Answers could include but are not limited to the following:

Jazz drive Zip drive

5.List several reasons you would use an external removable drive.Answer: External drives are commonly used because they are convenient, have an unlimited storage capacity, and are portable.

6.You are employed at the COMP Computer Outlet as a service technician. Bobby, one of your favorite customers, has just bought a new Zip drive and is trying to configure it. He explains to you that he is using DOS 6.22 and has attached his Zip drive to the proper port but DOS will still not detect his Zip drive. List the first three questions you would ask Bobby to help discover the problem.

Answers can include but are not limited to the following:Did you install the drivers?Is the Zip drive powered on?Is the port that the drive is attached to correctly configured and enabled?

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Lab 6 .1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True/False. You can identify the location of pin one on a power connector by the red wire. Answer: False

2.True/False. The BIOS must be modified when the hard drive configuration has been changed. Answer: True

3.True/False. You should always unplug the hard drive cables while the PC is powered-on. Answer: False

4.True / False. Hard drives are not ESD sensitive. Answer: False

5.Are all IDE hard drive controllers integrated on the systemboard?Answer: No, not all IDE hard drive controllers are integrated on the systemboard. Often, 386 and some 486 computers had their IDE controllers added through the use of an ISA or EISA expansion slot.

6.Donna wants to install a hard drive in her PC but she doesn’t know if she needs to buy a hard drive controller. On the lines below describe to Donna how to check and see if she will need to purchase a new hard drive controller for her computer.

Answer: Ask Donna to open her case and look to see if there are any IDE or SCSI cables. If there isn’t then most likely Donna will need to purchase a hard drive controller.

Lab 6 .2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. When you are using cable-select, the hard drive connected closest to the systemboard becomes Master.

Answer: True

2. True / False. You can add up to three devices to an IDE channel. Answer: False

3. True / False. When two hard drives are present the Master drive is the D drive. Answer: False

4. How can you easily identify a Cable Select data cable? Answer: A cable select cable will have a notch or hole punched out.

5. What are the three standard jumper options available with an IDE hard drive? Answer: Master, Slave and Cable Select

6. How many devices can be attached to an IDE cable? Answer: Two

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Lab 7 .1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False COM port settings are always modified using the CMOS setup program. Answer: False

2.True / False A COM port won’t work properly when it is sharing an IRQ with another COM port. Answer: False

3.True / False COM 4 always uses IRQ 7 Answer: False

4.True / False COM 2 defaults to IRQ 3 Answer: True

5.True / False COM stands for Communication Office Module. Answer: False

6.True / False A jumperless expansion card is an expansion card without any jumpers. Answer: True

7. Describe how an IRQ conflict occurs.Answer: Two devices attempt to use the same IRQ.

Lab 7 .2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False L1 cache and L2 cache are both housed within the CPU. Answer: False

2. True / False The Nuts & Bolts software always uses a diagnostic card to test a Answer: False

PC’s components.

3. True / False The hard drive seek time is the amount of time it takes your hard particular data cluster.

Answer: True

4. Describe how you could use the Nuts & Bolts software to identify if a problem related?

Answer: You could use the diagnostic capabilities of the Nuts & Bolts software to PC’s components are functioning properly.

drive to locate a

is hardware or software

determine if all of a

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Lab 7.3

Review Questions

1. True / False You should always verify that your sound card is functioning properly before troubleshooting a hard drive problem.

Answer: False

2. True / False While you are troubleshooting a problem, it is best to only make one change at a time. Answer: True

3. List three of the six troubleshooting steps below.Correct answers include any combination of the following six steps.

1.Let the customer explain the problem.2.Search for answers.3.Develop a hypothesis.4.Test you theory.5.Resolve the problem and explain your changes to the customer6.Complete proper documentation.

4. Describe how a floppy drive will behave if it is not plugged-in correctly.Answer: The first time a PC is powered-on with the floppy drive incorrectly plugged-in the CMOS will return an error message.

Lab 7.4

Review Questions

1.True / False Always ask the customer to leave when you are going to troubleshoot a PC. Answer: False

2.True / False Asking the customer question can almost always help you resolve the issue faster. Answer: True

3.True / False If a problem is detected during POST the BIOS will normally return an error message. Answer: True

4.True / False Describe the symptoms of an unplugged hard drive.Answer: When the PC is powered-on for the first time with a hard drive unplugged the CMOS will signal you with an error message.

Lab 8.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False. Answer: False

2.True / False Answer: True

3.True / False

Device Manager can be found by clicking in the Control Panel, and Network Icon.

A red “X” in Device Manager means that the device is disabled.

All serial ports can be configured using the BIOS setup program.

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Answer: False

4.True / False Serial port can only conflict with modems. Answer: False

5.What IRQ does COM 4 normally use? Answer: IRQ 3

6.Describe how to view the IRQ of a device using Device Manager. Answer: Double-click on the device then click on Resources tab.

7.List two ways of resolving a serial conflict. Answer: Disable the device or reassign its resources

8.You are the desktop PC support technician for the Good Job Corporation. Janet, one of your customers, suspects that she has a resource conflict between her newly installed modem and one of her serial ports on her laptop. Describe how you could use Device Manager to confirm or deny her suspicions.

Answer: Open Device Manager and check the resource setting for both her modem and each of her serial ports.

9.Steve, one of your customers, has just installed an I/O card into his PC because he needed more than 2 COM ports. He is now receiving an error message every time he starts his system. Steve has asked you to troubleshoot. Describe the steps you would take to resolve Steve’s conflict.

Answer: Check the resource settings of the newly installed I/O card. Check the resources settings of his original serial ports Make resource adjustments accordingly.

Lab 8 .2

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False. Parallel ports are assigned their LPT number by the BIOS. Answer: True

2.True / False Parallel ports do not need an IRQ. Answer: False

3.True / False You can only have one parallel port per a computer. Answer: False

4. True / False Serial ports commonly conflict with parallel. Answer: False

5. Briefly describe how parallel ports are assigned LPT numbers.Answer: The system BIOS assigns LPT numbers by locating the LPT port with assigning it LPT 1.

6. List two ways a parallel port conflict can be resolved.Answer: Two ways a parallel port conflict can be resolved are by disabling one or by reassigning the resources of one of the conflicting devices.

the highest I/O address and

of the conflicting devices

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7. You are working on a PC that has the parallel port built-in to the systemboard. You are about to install a new sound card, which will use IRQ 7. Describe the steps you will need to take to avoid an IRQ conflict with the sound card.

Answer: You will need to enter the CMOS setup program and either disable or reassign the resource settings for LPT1.

8. You are working on a PC that has the parallel port built into the systemboard. You are about to install a new sound card that will use IRQ 7. Describe the steps you will need to take to avoid an IRQ conflict with the sound card.

Answer: To avoid an IRQ conflict with the parallel port, change the sound card to IRQ 5 or any other available IRQ.

Lab 8 .3

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False SCSI is faster than IDE. Answer: True

2.True / False To install a SCSI host adapter you will require one available IRQ Answer: True

3.True / False All SCSI hard drives have a built-in BIOS. Answer: False

4.True / False You can modify the SCSI BIOS through the system BIOS. Answer: False

5.When a PC is configured to use both SCSI and IDE which drive must be the C drive and why? Answer: The IDE drive must be configured as drive C because it will be initialized by the system BIOS before the SCSI drive will be initialized by the SCSI BIOS.

6.You are working employed as a desktop PC support technician at the Black Moon company. Carol, one of your customers, has asked that you install a SCSI hard and SCSI host adapter into her computer. Describe the step necessary to complete the job Carol has asked you to do.

Answer: Install the SCSI host adapter Install the host adapter drivers Install the SCSI hard drive Configure the SCSI IDTest the installation

Lab 8 .4

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1. True / False A SCSI conflict occurs when a SCSI device is not plugged into the SCSI cable. Answer: False

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2.True / False A SCSI conflict occurs when two or more SCSI drives are set to Master. Answer: False

3.True / False All SCSI standards require some sort of termination. Answer: True

4.True / False SCAM stands for SCSI Configuration Automatically. Answer: True

5.How is SCAM helpful? Answer: SCAM is helpful by automatically configuring each SCSI devices SCSI ID.

6.You are working employed as a desktop PC support technician at the Black Moon company. Bob, one of your customers, wants you to write him directions for installing and configuring a SCSI hard drive. Write the instructions you would give to Bob below.

Answer: Answers will vary but should include setting the jumpers on the SCSI device, setting the SCSI ID and testing the installation.

Lab 9.1


Recording the different characteristics of RAM

1. SRAM – SRAM or static RAM are RAM chips that retain information without the need for refreshing as long as the power is on. They are more expensive than traditional RAM.

2. DRAM – DRAM or dynamic RAM is the most commonly used type of system memory with access speeds ranging from 70 to 50 nanoseconds, requiring refreshing every few milliseconds.

3. DIMMS – DIMMS or dual in-line memory modules is a miniature circuit board that has a 64-bit path, unlike SIMMs, which have a 32-bit path.

4. Parity RAM – Parity RAM is 9-bit memory in which the 9th bit is used for error checking. Older DOS PCs almost always use parity chips.

5. Nonparity RAM – Nonparity RAM is slightly less expensive, 8-bit memory without error checking, used on Macs and recently in DOS PCs.

6. EDO RAM – EDO RAM or extended data output memory is a type of RAM that may be 10-20% faster than conventional RAM because it eliminates the delay before it issues the next memory address.

7. FPM RAM – FPM RAM or fast page mode RAM is an earlier memory mode used before the introduction of EDO memory.

8. Flash memory - Flash memory is a type of RAM that can electronically hold memory even when the power is off.

9. SDRAM – SDRAM or synchronous DRAM is an expensive memory that can operate at various speeds depending on the bus speed whereas SIMMs only operate at a single speed.

10. COAST – COAST or cache on a stick is a type of cache memory that consist of chips on a module available for pipelined burst synchronous SRAM.

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Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False. When installing memory into a PC it must always be installed in pairs. Answer: False

2.True / False Conventional memory includes the first 128K of RAM. Answer: False

3.True / False EDO stands for Extended Data Output. Answer: True

4.True / False EDO RAM is faster than FPM RAM. Answer: True

5.True / False FLASH memory is commonly used as cache for desktop PC’s. Answer: False

6.If the following line was added to your CONFIG.SYS file what would it tell your computer to do? DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS

Answer: This would tell your PC to execute the file HIMEM.SYS located in the C:\DOS directory.

7.What will the following command tell your PC to do?EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT

Answer: This would tell your PC to run the EDIT program and open the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

Lab 9 .2

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False TSR stands for Terminate Safety Return. Answer: False

2.True / False TSR’s are programs that stay in memory even when they are not being used. Answer: True

3.True / False TSR can only be loaded into memory through the CONFIG.SYS. Answer: False

4.True / False The MEM command can be used to view the amount of hard drive space available. Answer: False

5.True / False The HIMEM.SYS file is used to test conventional memory. Answer: False

6.Which icon in Control Panel is used to modify the Window 3.x memory settings? Answer: EMM386

7.Describe how to repair a corrupt swap file in the Windows 3.x environment. Answer: Delete and recreate the swap file.

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Lab 9.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False Windows 95 has the ability to manage it own swap file Answer: True

2.True / False It is always recommended that you disable your virtual memory because it isn’t needed on new computers.

Answer: False

3.True / False Changing the virtual memory setting in Windows 95 has the same effect as changing the swap file size in Windows 3 .x.

Answer: True

4.True / False In Windows 95 each program has its own swap file Answer: False

5.How many swap files can Windows 95 use at the same time? Answer: One

6.You are working employed as a desktop PC support technician at the Sweet town Hot water company.Billy, one of your customers, has asked that you show him how to disable his swap file setting on hislaptop. Below, write the instruction for Billy to modify the memory configuration of his laptop.

Answer:Right-click on the My Computer iconSelect properties from the menuClick on the performance tabClick on the Virtual Memory buttonClick on the Let me specify my own virtual memory setting radio buttonPlace a check mark in the Disable virtual memory check boxClick the yes button on the confirmation messageClick the close buttonClick yes when you are prompted to restart your computer.

Lab 9.4

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False Windows NT supports the use of multiple swap files at the same time. Answer: True

2.True / False When working in the Windows NT environment it is recommended maintain a 20MB swap file at all times.

Answer: False

3.True / False The largest swap file Windows NT workstation supports is 40MB. Answer: False

4.True / False In Windows NT you have the ability to control the maximum size of the registry. Answer: True

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5.Describe how to configure Windows NT Workstation to use multiple swap files Answer: Right click on the My Computer icon

Click on the Performance tabClick on the Change buttonSelect the drive that will contain the additional swap fileSpecify the swap file sizeClick the Set buttonClick the Close button

Reboot the PC

6.Jimmy just installed Windows NT workstation on his PC. He has asked you to explain to him how he can move his swap file from his C drive to his D drive. Write your answer to Jimmy below.

Answer:Right click on the My Computer iconClick on the Performance tabClick the Change buttonSelect the drive that will contain the new swap fileSpecify the swap file size Click the Set button Select the drive C driveSet the swap file size to 0 and 0Click the Set button Click the Close button Reboot the PC

Lab 10.1


Creating a circuit See diagram below:

Measuring voltage

4. 9 volts should be recorded in the student workbook.

Measuring amps

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1. True / False –15V to +15 Answer: FalseA hard drive connector’s red wire should have a voltage that falls within the range of V.

7. .5 amps should be recorded in the student workbook.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1. True / False. Resistance is measured in Ohms. Answer: True

2. True / False A switch can act as a break in a circuit. Answer: True

3. True / False AC is another acronym for ampere. Answer: True

4. True / False A multimeter can only be used to measure voltage Answer: True

5. True / False In a circuit, AMPS and Volts always measure to be the same amount. Answer: False

6. Describe the difference in multimeter placement for measuring volts and AMPS.Answer: To measure volts the multimeter must be connected to either side of a circuit. To measure AMPS the multimeter must become part of the circuit.

Lab 10.2


The results will vary for the activities found in this exercise but should fall within the acceptable voltage ranges specified in Table 10-1 of the Lab workbook found on page 134.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

2.True / False The P8 and P9 connectors are designed to be used for SCSI devices. Answer: False

3.True / False Removing a power supply is as simple as removing the power connectors and dismounting the power supply.

Answer: True

4. True / False Answer: True

5. True / False 15V. Answer:


There should always be at least one ground wire per power connector

The ground wire should have a voltage reading that falls within the range of –5V to -

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6.True / False The power supply is normally mounted to the systemboard. Answer: False

7.Ginger’s PC keeps rebooting by itself. She suspects that the power supply is faulty. Describe below why or why not Ginger’s suspicion is a realistic possibility.

Answer: If a power supply is shorting or has developed a problem with its transformer the power supply will probably need to be replaced.

8.John tested one of his power supply connectors by attaching his multimeter’s leads to the two center wires of a hard drive connector with the system powered-on. He received a reading of zero volts. He now believes that he will need to replace the power supply. Describe below why or why not John should replace the power supply.

Answer: John should not replace his power supply because he tested the ground wires, which should read zero volts.

Lab 10.3


Observing the functionality of a UPS device

4. When the UPS device is unplugged the UPS protect device should remained powered.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False All UPS devices provide the same functionality. Answer: False

2.True / False A power conditioner will provide battery power for five minutes in the case of an outage. Answer: False

3.True / False Surge protectors eventually deteriorate. Answer: True

4.True / False An intelligent UPS can be controlled by software. Answer: True

5.Describe how a surge protector provides protection from power spikes.Answer: A surge protector uses a fuse to provide protection from power spikes. If a power spike occurs the fuse will be broken thereby protecting its devices from the added voltage. Note that after the fuse has been broken the surge protector will continue to function properly; this is why you should replace a surge protector every six months.

6.You are employed as a network administrator at Pictures Inc. Your employer has asked you to assess the need for UPS devices for each of their 10 servers. After talking with the staff you discover that 7 of the servers are used for email and bulletin board communications. The other 3 servers are used to maintain all of the company’s accounting inventory databases. Because support costs are an issue for Pictures Inc. you will need to design two plans for employer, one outlining the minimum and most cost effective protection the other outlining the ideal protection.Answer: Plan A should include a UPS device for the three database servers

Plan B should include a UPS device for each of the servers.

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Lab 10.4

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False If a power supply’s fan does not spin it could indicate that the power supply has failed. Answer: True

2.True / False The P8 and P9 power connectors can be attached to the systemboard in any order. Answer: False

3.True / False Hard drive connectors and the systemboard’s connector use the same voltage. Answer: False

4.True / False A common mistake is to attach the hard drive power connector to the systemboard. Answer: False

5.What should the voltage of a power supply’s ground wires be? Answer: 0 volts

6.Elliot has just replaced his systemboard but now his computer won’t boot. List three possible power related problems that could be wrong with his system.

Answers can include but are not limited to: P8 and P9 connectors may not be plugged-in P8 and P9 connectors may be reversedThe power supply may be shortedThe power cord may not be plugged-in

Lab 11.1


Identifying Windows 3.x system files

a.The WIN.INI file is located in the Windows directory.

b.The SYSTEM.INI file is located in the Windows directory.

1 c. The USER.EXE executable is located in the Windows\System directory.

d.The GDI.EXE executable is located in the Windows\System directory.

e.The WIN.COM file is located in the Windows directory.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False. To install Windows 3 .x you must run the Install program. Answer: False

2.True / False The WIN.INI store the setting for the Windows 3.x swap file. Answer: False

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3. True / False Choosing the Custom option during the Windows 3 .x installation process will allow you to choose the Windows 3 .x components you wish to have installed.

Answer: True

4. True / False Windows 3.x must always be installed into a directory named Windows. Answer: False

5. True / False The SYSTEM.INI stores Windows 3.x application configuration data. Answer: False

6. Lily wants to install Windows 3.x on her laptop. She has copied the installation files to her hard drive and run the setup program. The Windows setup program is now asking her whether she wants to use the Express setup or Custom. She has asked you to describe the difference to her, she doesn’t want to make a mistake. Write your answer to Lily below.

Answer: The difference Lily needs to be aware of is that the Custom option allows you to choose the Windows components that should be installed whereas the Express option will choose the most common components for you. Lily should probably use the Express option if she is unsure which components she would like installed.

Lab 11.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False You can configure you desktop wallpaper via the Accessories group. Answer: False

2.True / False The term desktop wallpaper refers the BMP file displayed as your background Answer: True

3.True / False You cannot create any additional groups in the Program Manager window. Answer: False

4.True / False You can configure Windows 3.x to automatically start applications. Answer: True

5.True / False A screen saver can be configured via the Control Panel, desktop icon. Answer: True

6.Alice wants to create a program group containing all of her most commonly used applications. Describe below how Alice could accomplish this task.

Answer: Alice should complete the following tasks:

Open the Program Manager windowClick on the File menu Select NewClick the Program Group radio buttonClick the OK buttonType MY GROUP in the description boxType MY GROUP in the Group File boxClick the OK button

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Lab 11.3


Identifying Windows 95 system files

a.The IO.SYS file is located in the root directory.

b.The MSDOS.SYS file is located in the root directory.

c.The COMMAND.COM file is located in the root directory.

1d.The WIN.INI file is located in the Windows directory.

1e.The PROGMAN.INI file is located in the Windows directory.

1f.The SYSTEM.DAT file is located in the root directory.

1g. The USER.DAT file is located in the root directory.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False Windows 3 .x and Windows 95 use the exact same setup program. Answer: False

2.True / False While installing Windows 95 you are given the option to install MSN connectivity. Answer: True

3.True / False The Windows 95 setup program executes the SCANDISK utility before installing or upgrading the operating system.

Answer: True

4.True / False During the Windows 95 installation you will being given an opportunity to create an emergency repair disk.

Answer: True

5.What are the file names of the SYSTEM.DAT and the USER.DAT backup files created automatically by Windows 95?

Answer: SYSTEM.DA0 and USER.DA0

6.If you were installing Windows 95 on a laptop which of the following component packages would be ideal and why or why not?

Answers can include but are not limited to the following:

Typical – You may not want to use the typical option (to conserve disk space).

Custom – If you are unfamiliar with the Windows 95 installation process this option may be too complicated and time consuming.

Portable – This option would be ideal for a laptop installation because it will conserve disk space while still installing all of the most common components used with a laptop.

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Review Questions Circle True or False.

12.2Lab1.True / False You can configure you desktop wallpaper via the Control Panel, Accessories option. Answer: False

2.True / False In the Windows 95 environment the desktop includes the wallpapered area of your screen. Answer: True

3.True / False Shortcuts in Widows 95 are configured the same way as shortcuts in Windows 3 .x Answer: False

4.True / False The Start menu is a compilation of shortcuts. Answer: True

5.Describe how to create a new folder and add it to the start menu.Answers can include but are not limited to the following possible solution: Create a folder on the desktop. Right click on the Start button and select Explore. Drag and drop the folder to its new location.

6.Describe how to place a shortcut to My Computer in the Start Menu.Answers can include but are not limited to the following possible solution: Create a My Computer shortcut on the desktop. Right click on the Start button and select Explore. Drag and drop the shortcut to its new location.

Lab 12.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False Windows NT does not include an upgrade path from Windows 95. Answer: True2.True / False Windows NT is Plug-and-Play compliantAnswer: False

3.True / False Windows NT includes an Express, Custom and Portable option similar to the Windows 95 setup program.

Answer: False

4.True / False Windows NT is a 16-bit operating system. Answer: False

5.True / False The difference between upgrading and installing Windows NT is that an upgrade always takes less time.

Answer: False

6.Jim wants to install Window NT on his PC. Jim has all of the necessary software but doesn’t have a NIC. Does Jim have to purchase a NIC before proceeding with the Windows NT installation?

Answer: Jim does not have to purchase a NIC; he can either skip the network adapter installation process completely or install the MS loopback adapter.

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1.True / False To install Windows NT you must have a network interface card. Answer: False

2.True / False The Windows NT installation allows you the option to create and delete partitions. Answer: True

3.True / False Windows NT allows you to configure a network interface card during the installation process.

Answer: True

4.True / False The Windows NT operating system does not support PCs that use a 486 processor. Answer: False

5.What is the name of the directory that contains the Windows NT installation files for x86 computers? Answer: I386

6.Name 4 questions that you will have to answer to install Windows NT. Answers could include but are not limited to the following

Product IDType of installation (typical, custom etc)

Network participation Protocol, adapter type Video setting

Lab 12.3


Using shortcuts to manage memory

1.How does Windows NT respond when the Run in Separate Memory Space check box is checked? Answer: Windows NT opens the selected application in a separate memory space.

2.What does it mean when the Run in Separate Memory Space check box is grayed out? Answer: When the Run in Separate Memory Space check box is grayed out it means that the application is already in a separate memory space. This is most often the case when executing 32-bit applications.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1. True / False The Windows NT repair process can be used to reinstall Windows should it become damaged.

Answer: False

2. True / False An ERD is always necessary when using the emergency repair process.

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Answer: False

3.True / False There must be a CD-ROM drive present to execute the emergency repair process. Answer: True

4.True / False The Run in Separate Memory Space check box tells Windows NT to store that application in the swap file at all times.

Answer: False

5.List two tasks that the Windows NT repair process can be used to accomplish. Answers could include but are not limited to the following:

Re-copy critical system filesRestore the Windows NT registry using an ERD Restore the Windows NT startup environment.

6.Janet’s Windows NT workstation has been rendered useless by a virus. You are Janet’s PC support technician and have cleaned the virus but the system still won’t boot properly. Janet does not have an ERD. Describe how you could attempt to restore Janet’s PC without reinstalling Windows NT. Answer: You could use the Windows NT repair process to repair the startup environment without an ERD.

Lab 13.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False Video adapters normally use the PCI bus because it is faster than the ISA bus. Answer: True

2.True / False All video cards have the same display capabilities. Answer: False

3.True / False VRAM stand for Virtual RAM, which is commonly found on a video card. Answer: False

4.True / False If Windows 95 doesn’t have the video driver for your video adapter you can install the correct video driver by using the Have Disk button.

Answer: True

5.Describe the relationship between VRAM and your display resolution and color quality. Answer: The more VRAM that your video display adapter has the better color quality and resolution your system will be able to achieve.

6.Jimmy has just installed a new video adapter but now nothing will show on his monitor. Is Jimmy’s problem hardware or software related? List the first three troubleshooting steps you would take if you were in Jimmy’s position.

Answer: Jimmy’s problem is hardware related. The first three troubleshooting steps a technician could take include but are not limited to the following:

Check the connection between the monitor and the video cardReseat the video cardRemove the video card and boot the system to verify that it is functioning properly

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Install the video card into another PC to verify that it is functioning properly

Lab 13.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False An 8-bit sound card can produces a higher quality sound than a 16-bit sound card. Answer: False

2.True / False All sound cards use a PCI bus. Answer: False

3.True / False You can install a sound card’s device driver by using the Device Manager utility. Answer: False

4.True / False In order to use a sound card you must have a set of speakers or headphones. Answer: True

5.True / False Most sound cards include a built-in microphone and speakers. Answer: False

6.Jacob just installed a new sound card into his Windows 95 PC. Windows did not detect the sound card when he used the Add New Hardware option in Control Panel. Below, describe to Jacob how to install the proper sound card driver.

Answer: Jacob should double-click on the Add New Hardware icon in Control Panel, select the No option when asked to detect new hardware, then select the Sound, video and Game controller option and use the have disk button to install the proper sound card drivers.

Lab 13.3


Inspecting and labeling a laser printer cartridge

1. Primary corona - The primary corona is an element that applies a uniform negative charge (-600 volts) to prepare the drum for the new image.

2. Photo-sensitive drum – A photo-sensitive drum is the key component in a laser printer. A laser beam is used to write the image onto the drum, the drum then attracts the ink in the area where the image has been written.

3. Developing cylinder – The electrostatic image on the drum is developed into a visible image when toner from a developer cylinder is transferred to the discharged (-100 volt) areas of the drum. The developer cylinder has a magnetic core that attracts the iron in the toner. As the cylinder rotates, the doctor blade keeps the toner at a uniform height. The toner acquires a negative charge by rubbing against the developer cylinder. This negative charge causes the toner to be attracted to the relatively positive (-100 volt) areas of the drum that have been exposed to the laser light.

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Inspecting and labeling a laser printer

4. Fuser – The toner is held on the paper by gravity and a weak electrostatic charge until it reaches the fuser assembly. Heat (180 C/356 F) and pressure applied by the fuser rollers melt the toner into the paper to produce a permanent image.Since the Photo-Sensitive Drum is 3.75 inches in circumference, the print cycle must be repeated several times to print one sheet of paper. Note that if temperature rises above 410F the printer will automatically shut itself down to cool off the fuser.

4.Paper tray – The paper tray is where new paper is stored until needed for printing.

5.Primary corona wire – The primary corona wire supplies power to the primary corona.

6.Transfer corona – The transfer corona produces a positive charge (+600 volts) on the back of the paper that pulls the toner off the drum to the paper. Once the toner is on the paper, a static charge eliminator reduces the paper’s charge.

7.Power supply – A printers power supply provides power to all parts of a printer.

8.Sensors (all) – Depending on the type of printers used for this lab exercise sensor location will vary.

9.Expansion slots - Depending on the type of printers used for this lab exercise sensor location will vary.

10.Logic boards (all) - Depending on the type of printers used for this lab exercise sensor location will vary.

Review Questions

Circle True or False.

1.True / False The Photo-Sensitive drum is always housed within the printer cartridge. Answer: True

2.True / False The Primary Corona is always housed within the fuser. Answer: False

3.True / False The Erase Lamp melts excess ink off of the Photo-Sensitive drum. Answer: False

4.True / False During the printing process mirrors are used to control the movement of a tiny laserbeam.

Answer: True

5.True / False The Primary Corona wire is a small wire that should be attached between the Primary Corona and fuser.

Answer: False

6.True / False All laser printers use only one motor. Answer: False

7.What are the six steps of the laser printing process? Answer: Cleaning


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Transferring Fusing

8.Describe how to replace the fuser in your lab workstation. Answer:

Power-off your laser printer and unplug itLocate the fuser and its mounting screwsDismount the fuserMount the new fuserVerify that the printing path is clearPlug-in and power-on your laser printerPrint a test page

Lab 14.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False Systemboards are designed to use specific types of CPUs. Answer: True

2.True / False Memory must always be installed at the same time as the CPU. Answer: False

3.True / False Standoffs are used to keep the systemboard from touching the case and shorting the entire PC.Answer: True

4.True / False All systemboards require a minimum of 8 screws. Answer: False

5.True / False The P8 and P9 power connectors are used to supply power to the systemboard. Answer: True

6.One of your coworkers, Joe, is attempting to install a CPU. After several attempts Joe has decided tocall you for help. Below, describe to Joe how to identify which direction the CPU should be installed.

Answer: Joe should match the blunt end of the CPU with the blunt end of the ZIF. If he still has problems installing the CPU he should check to make sure that the CPU pins are not bent.

7.Which banks must always be included when installing RAM and why?Answer: When installing RAM the first two banks must always be included. Depending on the systemboard these could be labeled as either banks 0 and 1, or as banks 1 and 2.

Lab 14.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False COM ports don’t follow the pin one rule. Answer: False

2.True / False Cable Select is the same as Master and slave.

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Answer: False

3.True / False CD-ROMs must always be slave. Answer: False

4.True / False A CD-ROM should not be mounted next to a hard drive because it has a magnetic field that could erase data off of the hard drive.

Answer: False

5.List three ways an IDE CD-ROM could be jumpered to function properly with only one other hard drive present.

Answer: Second drive, Cable SelectMaster on a secondary channelSlave on a secondary channelCable Select on a secondary channelSlave to an IDE hard drive

6.How, if at all, are the COM ports affected when a systemboard’s LPT port is an embedded component. Answer: COM ports are never affected by a LPT ports physical location.

Lab 14.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False You must always install the video card before the sound card. Answer: False

2.True / False Most sound cards use IRQ 9 by default. Answer: False

3.True / False All network interface cards require DMA 3. Answer: False

4.True / False PCI video cards are faster than ISA video cards. Answer: False

5.True / False Before powering-on a system, you should always look for loose wire or metal pieces. Answer: True

6.Name three CMOS settings that must be modified after a PC is powered-on for the first time. Answers could include but are not limited to the following:

System timeSystem dateHard drive parametersCOM and LPT configuration

7.Describe how a system burn-in period effects a product’s quality.Answer: Allowing a system burn-in helps to ensure that a computer’s hardware is sound and configured properly.

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Lab 15.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False A modem could never conflict with a COM port. Answer: False

2.True / False The Terminal program can be used to test a modem. Answer: True

3.True / False ATDT and ATZ are examples of ATS modem commands. Answer: False

4.True / False The ATDT command is used to reset an AT compatible modem.Answer: True5.How should an AT compatible modem respond to the ATH command?Answer: An AT compatible modem should respond to the ATH command by disconnecting (hanging-up) the phone line.

6.Write the AT commands necessary to reset, dial and hang-up an AT compatible modem. Answer: ATZ, ATDT XXXXX, and ATH. (X represents the phone number)

Lab 15.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False Dial-Up Networking is installed via the Add New Hardware option found in Control Panel.

Answer: False

2. True / False Modem drivers are installed using the modems option in Control Panel. Answer: True

3. True / False All dialers must be configured to dial the same phone number. Answer: False

4. True / False Dialers are created using the Make New Connection option in the Dial-Up Networking folder.

Answer: True

5. Joy has just purchased and installed a new modem. Joy has Windows 95 installed on her PC. Whatshould Joy do next to allow her operating system to properly communicate with her modem. Answer:

Joy must now install the proper modem drivers. She should use the Modems option in Control Panel to complete the installation of the modem drivers.

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6. List four configurable options in a Windows 95 dialer.Answers can include but are not limited to the following:

Primary DNS Secondary DNS Primary WINS Secondary WINS Phone number Allowed protocols

Lab 15.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False Configuring a dialer in Windows 95 is the same as configuring a dialer in Windows NT. Answer: False

2.True / False Windows NT will attempt to detect your modem after it has been installed. Answer: True

3.True / False RAS is used to create and configure remote access connections Answer: True

4.True / False You can uninstall RAS via the Add/Remove icon in Control Panel. Answer: False

5.True / False RAS can be configured to dial-out or receive calls. Answer: True

6.True / False A phonebook entry is the Windows NT’s version of a dialer. Answer: True

7.Neil wants to configure his Windows NT computer to dial into the Internet, but doesn’t know where in Windows NT to type in the DNS and WINS addresses. Describe below where in Windows NT Neil must go to enter the DNS and WINS addresses for his remote connection.

Answer: After creating a phonebook entry for Neil’s dial-out connection, he must use the edit phonebook entry option, select the Server tab and then click on the TCP/IP button.

Lab 15.4

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False The RAS service can be disabled via the modems option in Control Panel. Answer: False

2.True / False Windows 95 will allow you to create multiple phonebook entries. Answer: False

3.True / False In Windows 95 you can view a modem’s resources by using the Device Manager utility. Answer: True

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4.True / False In Windows NT you can view a modem’s resources by using the Device Manager utility. Answer: False

5.Peggy wants to reinstall the RAS service on her Windows NT computer. Describe below how Peggy could complete this task.

Answer: Peggy should use the network option in Control Panel to remove the Remote Access Service and then reinstall it via the Dial-Up Networking icon available in the My Computer window.

6.Steve has decided to reinstall his modem driver on his Windows 95 computer. Describe below the steps Steve should take to complete this task.

Answer: Steve should open Control Panel, double-click on the System icon, select the Device Manager tab, double-click on Modems and then select the installed modem and press the delete key. After he has rebooted his PC, Steve should use the Modems option in Control Panel to reinstall the modem driver.

Lab 16.1


Identifying network components

1 a. DB-9 cable – DB-9 cables are most often used to communicate using a serial port.

b.DB-25 cable – This type of connections is often used for parallel or SCSI communications.

c.Centronics parallel data cable – A Centronics parallel data cable is used almost exclusively for communication between a printer and a parallel port on a PC.

d.RJ-25 – RJ-25 is a wiring standard that is used to interconnect phone and data lines.

e.RJ-11 – RJ-11 is the type of wiring connector used for today’s telephones.

f.RJ-14 – Slightly larger than a RJ-11 is used to interconnect phone and data lines.

g.RJ-45 – RJ-45 is the wiring connector that looks similar to an RJ-11 but is slightly larger. It is most often commissioned for interconnecting UTP LAN lines.

h.BNC – BNC or British Navel connector is most often employed in the computer industry to interconnect coaxial data lines.

i.BNCT – A BNCT is similar to a BNC connector except that it is T shaped, and is used to interconnect three different wires. A BNC is more barrel shaped and only connects two wires together.

j.PS2/MINI-DIN – The PS2/MINI-DIN are more commonly known today as the keyboard connectors.

k.ThickNet – ThickNet is a coaxial cable that is used to carry a data signal.

l.Unshielded twisted pair wire - Unshielded twisted pair wire or UTP is slightly thicker than telephone wire and is also used to carry a data signal.

m.Shielded twisted pair wire – Is the same as UTP except for it has an additional layer of shielding around the wire which gives it a coax look.

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n.Network interface card – A network interface card or NIC is used to translate digital signals to electrical impulses that a computer can understand.

o.Hub – A hub is used to transfer ,and sometimes amplify, a signal from one wire to many others.

p.Router – A router is similar to hub but can also help distribute data packets to their destination.

q.Switch – A switch is a network device that selects a path or circuit for sending a unit of data to its next destination. A switch may also include functions of a router but it is not as complex.

r.Fiber optics – Fiber optic wire is a standard that employees a combination of light and wire to allow quick data transfers.

s.Network sniffer – A network sniffer is a tool that identify data packets while in transit.

t.Protocol analyzer – Similar to a network sniffer, a protocol analyzer can identify data packets while in transit but it can also trap and translate those data packets.

u.Time domain reflector – This is networking tool that can be used to test for termination among other things.

v.ISDN devices – ISDN devices are designed to communicate over a ISDN line, much in the same manner a modem is used to communicate over a phone line (Although ISDN devices don’t use the same standards as modems).

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False An RJ-11 connector is commonly used as telephone wire. Answer: True

2.True / False RJ stands for Registered Jack. Answer: True

3.True / False RJ-45 connectors are often used in a LAN environment. Answer: True

4.True / False BNC connectors are most commonly used when connecting UTP. Answer: False

5.Describe the difference between UTP and STP. Answer: STP includes a protective metal shielding that UTP doesn’t.

6.Describe the difference between a router and a hub.Answer: A hub simply amplifies a signal and interconnects networking components. A router can make routing decisions and decide where data packets are forwarded.

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Lab 16.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False You can configure Windows 95 to use an IP address via the Control Panel, Network option.

Answer: True

2. True / False The ping command can be used to share network resources. Answer: False

3. True / False All network drives that map from a Windows 95 PC to a Windows 95 PC must be mapped as drive G.

Answer: False

4. True / False Melanie can access her network properties on her Windows 95 computer by right-clicking on the My Computer icon and selecting the Properties option for the menu. Answer: False

5. Roy wants to enable File and Printer sharing on his Windows 95 laptop. He has already installed TCP/IP and is able to PING on the network but he can’t seem to share any files. Describe the steps that Roy should follow in order to enable File and Printer Sharing.

Answer: Roy should open the Control Panel, double-click on the Network icon, Click on the File and Printer Sharing button and place a check mark in each of the check boxes.

6. Where do you specify a computer and workgroup name in the Windows 95 environment? Answer: Open the Control Panel, double-click on the Network icon, click on the Identification tab and type the computer and workgroup names.

Lab 16.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False Windows NT does not allow you to share your C drive. Answer: False

2.True / False The PING command serves the same function in both Windows 95 and Windows NT. Answer: True

3.True / False To install a protocol in the Windows NT environment you must view the Network properties, click on the Protocol tab and choose the Add button.

Answer: True

4.True / False Roxy has decided to change her Windows NT computer name. In order to complete this task Roxy should open the Network properties window and choose the Bindings tab.

Answer: False

5.True / False Windows NT allows you to share and connect to different network resources. Answer: True

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6. Max wants to connect his Windows NT computer to a UNIX share. Max wants the UNIX share to appear as his N drive in his My Computer window. Describe the steps Max needs to follow in order to map a UNIX share as his network drive N.

Answer: Max should right-click on his network neighborhood icon and select the Map Network Drive option, type click the OK button, and if necessary enter the correct password.

Lab 16.4

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False Netscape Communicator is a web server software package. Answer: False

2.True / False The HTTP protocol is used when viewing web pages like Answer: True

3.True / False You can download by simply clicking on the link to the file and pressing the save button. Answer: True

4.True / False Netscape Communicator does not support proxy servers. Answer: False

5.Describe the steps necessary to connect to an FTP site. Answer: In the location box of your browser type FTP://FTPSITEHERE and press the Enter key.

6.List three examples of Domain Names.Answers could include but are not limited to the following:

Lab 17.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False All viruses can cause fatal damage to your operating system. Answer: False

2.True / False If your PC freezes often you probably have a virus. Answer: False

3.True / False Some viruses are designed to infect specific types of files such as Word 97 or Excel 97 documents.

Answer: True

4.True / False Currently there are 500 viruses in existence. Answer: False

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5.Name three common ways viruses are contracted.Answers could include but are not limited to the following:

DiskettesDownloads File sharing

6.List two things you can do to help prevent the spread of viruses.Answers could include but are not limited to the following:

Use Antivirus software and scan your system regularlyDon’t download files from unknown sources

Lab 17.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False The Window NT backup program will allow you to backup files to either a floppy drive or a tape drive.

Answer: False

2. True / False You can install a tape drive device driver via the Control Panel, Add New Hardware icon.

Answer: False

3. True / False To begin a backup using the Windows NT backup program lanch the backup program and click on tools and backup now.

Answer: False

4. True / False Windows NT support full, incremental and differential backups. Answer: True

5. True / False The Windows NT backup program will automatically backup the PC nightly unless specified otherwise.

Answer: False

6. Joy has decided to backup her hard drive. Joy understands how to execute the backup process but is unsure what kind of backup she should perform (Incremental, differential or full). Explain below which type of backup Joy must use and why.

Answer: Joy must perform a full backup on her Drive unless she has previously performed another backup.

Lab 17.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1. True / False. Tasks in a preventive maintenance plan must be completed only by the network administrator.

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Answer: False

2.True / False PM kits are normally designed to minimize printer downtime. Answer: True

3.True / False Shaking the dust out of a system unit is considered an excellent preventive maintenance task that should be completed once a month.

Answer: False

4.True / False Smoking around a hard drive can shorten the length of its life. Answer: True

5.True / False If all of the client computers are using the Windows NT operating system you will not need to create a preventive maintenance program.

Answer: False

Lab 18.1

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False As a technician you should always be sensitive to your customer’s situation. Answer: True

2.True / False Always tell your customers what to do. Answer: False

3.True / False Customers can often provide clues to their problem. Answer: True

4.What do you think the three most important personality traits a helpdesk technician should have. Answers will vary.

Lab 18.2

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.True / False Safe Mode can be used to troubleshoot Windows 95. Answer: True

2.True / False You can enter Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key during the boot process. Answer: True

3.True / False Windows 95 doesn’t need the or the MSDOS.SYS files. Answer: False

4.True / False Troubleshooting the Windows NT environment is very similar to troubleshooting the Windows 95 environment.

Answer: False

5.Describe how a Windows 95 repair disk can be used to repair the Windows 95 startup environment.

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Answer: You could use a Windows 95 repair disk to sys the C drive if you were experiencing startup problems.

6. Lesa has decided to clean some files off of her hard drive but isn’t sure if some of the files are safe to delete. Make Lesa a quick list of 5 files that she should not delete. Answers could include but are not limited to the following:


Lab 18.3

Review Questions

Circle True or False

1.Copyright protection is everyone’s responsibility. True/False Answer: True

2.One of your customers, John, asked several weeks ago that you create a shortcut to File Manager for him. He has now called you back and is very frustrated because the shortcut you made has stopped working. Describe the best way to defuse this situation.

Answers will vary but could include teaching John how to create a shortcut.

3 List at least three reasons that call report forms are used.Answers will vary but could include the history of the customers’ computer, resolutions for future reference and workload measurement.

4. Cindy has no previous experience working on a PC. To complete her job duties she must be able to use Microsoft Word. List 5 or more things you would tech Cindy to help her be successful.

Answers will vary but should include teaching Cindy how to: 1. Start her PC2. Shut Down her PC3. Execute Microsoft 4. Locate files5.