Imagine This



Imagine This is an online magazine for readers. With raw pieces that inspire, touch and give some thought to your day. Great reads throughout by writers from all around the world.

Transcript of Imagine This

Page 1: Imagine This
Page 2: Imagine This

In This Month’s Issue: Touching Stories

Inspiring Articles


Flaunt It

Interview -



n unforgettable holiday

Writers Corner

Your Imagination Must Reads


Imagine a world where anything is


Letter from the editor

Welcome to the very first edition of Imagine This online magazine. Go

on a journey and rediscover the depth of your imagination. Support the

writers within this edition and take a good look via their websites and links on

other works they have written. I hope Imagine This is the beginning of a

beautiful journey for you, as your dreams turn into reality through the use of

your imagination.

Why I created Imagine This? I wanted to create a space where

readers can find talented writers and feel a connection through the content

they have written. I wanted to create a magazine that is filled with interesting

and entertaining reading material. Imagine This is also here to provide you

with raw pieces that inspire, touch and give some thought to your day. I

really do want you to feel inspired, after reading Imagine This. This is not a

normal magazine, this is to inspire, move and touch your life.

Please note, writers have submitted content from all around the world, so I have left spelling

of their language as is, even if in another country, the word is spelt differently.

I personally, hope you enjoy reading Imagine This. Be sure to spread the word of this online


Yours sincerely,

Melanie Toye

Editor of Imagine This

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anecdotes are not necessarily the original work of the editor or writers. Content thereof published by Imagine This remain

the property of Imagine This and cannot be reproduced under any circumstances without prior consent. All published

information, to the best of Imagine This knowledge is correct at time of publishing.


Copyright © of all images included in content within this publication, unless stated otherwise, are from 123RF Stock Photos

at All content submitted by a third party is copyright to the author.

Page 3: Imagine This

“Allowing your mind

to be free to explore,

is giving yourself the

ultimate freedom in


Enter the mind of a creative person By Melanie Toye

Author of Kids, write your own stories

“Allowing your mind to be free to explore, is giving yourself the ultimate freedom in life.”

When people think of artists and

creative people, they imagine a free spirit

whose clothing and identity are rather unique

and playful. What underlie beneath the façade

of appearance are not just a creative mind but

the focus and organisation with somewhat

perfectionist tendencies that creates an

exciting outcome.

Their original idea for their piece of art is

created from nothing, sourcing the basis of the

piece from the resources they already have

and then using their imagination to really

create what they want to build from what they

have. See a creative person does not hold

back. They let their dream ideas come true

with as little as an idea. Talk about inspiring!

A person can see the piece and think,

‘wow, that artist must have such an

imagination. I wish I was imaginative.’

The truth is we all are. And the best part is, no

matter how old you are, you can ignite your

imagination from childhood to adulthood.

There are simple ways to be imaginative

and creative. The best way is to start with

simple activities but to not let anything hold you

back while you think about each scenario. For

example, describe your dream home. What

would every room look like, how would the

room feel, what makes it so special to be the

home of your dreams?

I could tell you mine, but to be honest, its

nearly three pages long in descriptive text and

a scrap book filled of drawings and cut outs of

what each room would look like. I showed my

husband and he was like,

“gees, we are going to have

to win lottery – BIG TIME, to

buy that.” And you know

what, I don’t even care if it

comes to reality or not. The

whole process was liberating.

I felt good creating my

dream home. I felt good

finding what I really want my

home to look like. And it was fun.

I didn’t allow the thought “if only we had

money” to appear during the creation process

and I didn’t think “there is no way I could afford

this, so instead of my dream home, let’s do a

dream unit. Oh hold on, that’s still a bit

expensive, how about something more


I pushed through the initial fears and

doubts and just allowed myself to indulge in

what I wanted to aspire to. Allowing your mind

to be free to explore is giving yourself the

ultimate freedom in life.

My Imagination Space

Imagine you found this folded picture of the

beach … what questions would pop up in your

mind? Was this someone’s paradise? If I found

the beach in the picture, would it be my

paradise too? When I arrive to this location,

would I meet someone too?

Perhaps all along it was your destiny to find this

folded picture and meet the love of your

dreams … Imagine This.

Page 4: Imagine This

Keep it to Yourself By Zach Abrams

Author of Ring Fenced & Made a Killing, Co-author of Twists & Turns

Tony was hiding in his bathroom. He sat on the toilet, fully clothed with his head in his hands,

trying to think. There must be a solution. There must be. But, try as he might, he could think of

nothing that would work. His head ached and his hearing was now replaced by a constant

buzzing from tension while his face glistened with tears streaming down his cheeks. His fingers

combed through what was left of his hair, tightly grasping the few remaining curly, grey strands

which surrounded his bald pate. It was as if he was trying to balance his head on his shoulders, to

stop it from falling off. His broad six foot frame was limp. He needed the support of the toilet seat to

stop him from slumping to the floor.

How had it come to this? He ought to be happy. Only three short months ago he had been

happy. He’d been married for twenty seven years. Deirdre, his wife, was still pretty and she had

always been loving and caring. His children Steven and Philip were both grown and had partners,

lived in their own houses and were slowly, but successfully, making their way in life. He and Deirdre

had just begun to regain their independence, once again having time for each other without

having to care for the children first. His job was nothing special. He worked as an account

manager for a small manufacturing subsidiary of a national group. The office was located no more

than a twenty minute drive away from his suburban home, a compact two-up, two-down mid

terrace on the edge of a small but wealthy town in middle England. It was a safe and regular job

and it provided a comfortable living which had enabled them to raise their family. Now, with the

children out of the house, they were quite well off and able to think about the holidays and luxuries

which they hadn’t previously been able to contemplate. That was three short months ago. Now

everything had changed.

At first it seemed like a dream come true. When Tony checked his numbers, he was sure he

must have been mistaken, but when he checked again he saw he was right. It was the same

result. His lucky dip had provided him with all six numbers in a rollover jackpot. His ticket was the

only winner and the prize was more than six and a half million pounds. He had been sitting alone in

his car when he first found out, while on his way into work to put in a Sunday morning’s overtime.

He’d stopped at the newsagent’s so he could pick up a paper and check his Lotto ticket before

driving on. He never did make it to the office that morning. He called in sick.

Instead he drove to the park on the other side of town. He sat on a bench by the lake all

morning, trying to work out what he wanted to do. So much money, his life could change

completely. He needed time to think about how he would break the news and who he would tell.

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That’s when it started to go wrong. He thought of all the times he’d sat talking to Deirdre and

dreaming of this happening. He particularly remembered what Deirdre had said she would want

to do with the money. Yes, sure, she’d like them to have a big new house, a flashy car and travel.

However, she’d also talked about everyone she needed to look after; the ones she’d want to give

tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds to. She’d mentioned all the obscure relatives,

friends and acquaintances and, as if the list wasn’t big enough, there were also the many charities

she’d really have to help. There was no way Tony wanted all of that to happen, not using his

money. He didn’t consider himself to be a mean man, but neither did he want to give away his

new found fortune.

Of course he would look after his children but even there he thought he needed to be

careful. He wasn’t sure they could cope with sudden wealth. Philip in particular could be a

problem. He was easily led. He’d had some trouble when he was younger which led him close to

developing a dependency on drugs. If he suddenly had lots of money then who knew what might

happen. Tony felt he had to protect him from all the damage the money could cause.

He thought he would go ahead and register the win in his own name and ask for no

publicity, so nobody would know. In the first instance, he would put the money into a bank

account, or maybe take financial advice to find safe deposits which would maximise the interest.

He’d go to see his old school chum Frankie Smith. Frankie had set up his own business as an

independent financial advisor and he’d always steered Tony right in the past. They’d stayed close

friends. Frankie had arranged Tony’s mortgage when he was first married and later when he had

moved to his current house. Tony trusted Frankie and he knew he could rely on him not to tell

anyone about his good fortune. Setting things up in this way, with Frankie’s help, meant he could

take his time deciding how the money could be best used to give him and his family all of the

benefit, without taking any chances or giving away large sums.

Frankie had been really thorough. He’d talked through everything to determine what Tony

wanted and he’d arranged a portfolio to suit his

requirements. As part of the plan, he created a new

identity for Tony and registered for all the

correspondence to be sent to an accommodation

address, so letters would not arrive at his home.

Tony did allow himself a few small luxuries. He bought

a new, high definition, plasma screen television and

took Deirdre on a Mediterranean cruise, but he had to

be ever so careful not to spend too much, so as to

avoid creating any suspicion about where his money

was coming from. He’d had to take out credit

agreements so Deirdre didn’t question how he’d been

able to afford the purchases and even then she

chided him for his sudden extravagance. He really

wanted to tell Deirdre about what had actually

occurred but he didn’t know where to start. A number of times he’d started a conversation and

directed it along the lines of what they’d do if they won a fortune. He’d tried to steer the

conversation, but it never really worked. Deirdre had always been adamant in her assertions about

how she’d want to distribute her fictitious wealth.

It was so difficult for Tony. He knew he had millions of pounds set aside. Yet he had to

pretend they still needed to be careful with their spending. Worse still, he had to go to work every

day and jump through all the hoops. He’d never really enjoyed his job in the past, but he got along

well with his colleagues so it was quite bearable. Now it had become insufferable. He had to

attend the office every day and repeat the same boring drivel, knowing instead he should be

sunning himself on a beach or swimming in his own private pool. Understandably, his commitment

to the job declined and with it so did his performance. Where in the past he’d been considered

one of the best and most reliable employees, this slipped to him being seen as a hanger on. His

timekeeping became sloppy. He’d been rude and offensive both to managers and to other staff

and he’d received two disciplinary warnings.

After a while, Tony reached the stage of thinking it couldn’t go on. He’d have to tell. But

how could he? How could he explain to Deirdre, and to everyone else, that he’d won all this

money ages ago and decided to keep it a secret? He could, of course, just keep the money and

run away by himself. He’d even had a trial run. He went away for a weekend and told Deirdre it

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was to do with work. He’d gone to London, stayed at a plush hotel and had a wild night

consorting with strangers. Although it had been fun on that one occasion, it wasn’t for him. It

meant nothing. He didn’t want to start again. For all he didn’t want to lose control of the money,

he loved his wife and his family and didn’t want to lose them either.

After some time, he thought he’d come up with a solution. He’d concoct a story about

inheriting a fortune. He could get Frankie to set it all up with a lawyer. He’d create some long lost,

distant relative who’d left him one or two millions in a will. Deirdre would still want to make large

gifts but doing it this way, he’d be able to keep control of the rest of the money and still afford

himself and his family immediate access to everything they might ever need. He’d be able to quit

his job and get the car, the house and the luxuries which he’d always wanted. Tony thought it

would be a perfect solution.

He’d gone to see Frankie to set the plan in motion. That was four weeks ago. Frankie said

there’d be no problem. It would take just a couple of weeks to organise. Tony waited but he didn’t

hear from him. He’d gone back to Frankie’s office last week but it was closed and there was a

notice saying he was on holiday and would be away for a further week. Strange he hadn’t

mentioned it. Only this morning Tony returned and the office was still locked up. He’d received no

answer from Frankie’s mobile and when he went round to his house, it was empty and had a ‘sold’

notice in the garden.

What was he to do now? He could wait and see if Frankie turned up - but he knew in his

heart he was gone forever and so was the money. Should he go to the police? No, that would be

impossible. It would mean the whole story coming out. What would his family and friends think of

him then? Could he go back to his old life? He’d been finding work insufferable for the last three

months while believing it was only temporary, until he found a solution. How could he cope with

the prospect of it being permanent, knowing what he’d won and lost? There was no-one he could

even talk to.

Tony was bereft. His eyes scanned the bathroom searching for inspiration, looking for a

solution. They settled on a packet of razor blades lying on the cabinet to the side of the wash hand

basin. He was giving serious thought to this providing his only way out when suddenly he heard a

scream from downstairs.

It was Deirdre. What had happened? Was she hurt? Without any further thought he

charged down the stairs to check and see if she was all right. To his amazement, he found her

unharmed, dancing around the kitchen.

“You’ll never believe this?” she almost shrieked, “We’ve just received a letter from your old

friend Frankie Smith. It’s postmarked from Brazil. He says that he’s just come into a small fortune and

he wants to look after all his old friends. He’s sent us a cheque. It’s for a quarter of a million pounds.

Imagine that! And there you were, always calling me stupid for saying that’s what I’d do if I won a

lot of money!”

Monthly Poll When do you like to read?

Poll published in Imagine This Wordpress site in February. Here are the results:

50% of our readers prefer to read at night

22% like to read on the way to work or study.

6% find reading is best when boredom strikes.

And 22% prefer to read when they choose to.

When do you prefer to read?

Does it depend on the type of book you are reading?

Do you prefer to read the scarier books during the day?

Page 7: Imagine This

Behind the writing

8 Slices of Cake co-authors get interviewed

by Isabella Louise Anderson

Co-authors of 8 Slices of Cake include Paige Bleu, Meadow Bleu, Lisa Day, Monica Lee, Yvonne

McEvaddy, Paula Mills, Brenda Perlin and Melanie Toye.

Where inspired co-writing “8 Slices of Cake?” Monica: I was thrilled to be asked by author Melanie Toye to contribute to "8 Slices of Cake," and I

was excited to try writing fiction for a change.

Lisa: Some idiot in this group I belong to suckered me into it. They decided it was a great idea. I go

along with any idea someone has, because you never know who might turn out to be a genius.

Brenda: As far as I know this was all Melanie Toye’s idea. I just went along for the ride.

Yvonne: The idea was the brain-child of Melanie Toye. She cooked up the co-writing idea and

then, through brainstorming, the setting of the book and the title came about.

Meadow: I was inspired to join the project by my mother, Paige Bleu, who was already involved in

writing it with her other friends.

Melanie: As creator of our author promotion group, I wanted to bring together our different writing

genre’s and style and came up with the idea that we all write a short story together. The writers

were keen and ideas bubbled with excitement

from everyone, on what the theme of the stories

should focus on and that’s how 8 Slices of Cake

was created. It may have been my idea but

without the effort from everyone, 8 Slices of Cake

wouldn’t be as awesome as it is now.

Paige: My chapter was inspired by a combination

of things including personal experience, friends

stories and some fiction.

Tell us about the book: Monica: "8 Slices of Cake" is a romance anthology.

The short stories all revolve around the same

wedding. The characters all know or know of

groom Michael and bride Ava, and they all

experience -- or cope with -- adventures in love.

Michael and Ava serve a fancy 8-tier wedding

cake at the reception, and each short story

references one of the flavors.

Paula: It’s a viewpoint story from different guests at

the same wedding.

Lisa: It’s about a wedding from different authors.

Some things are the same and other trivial items

are different allowing each story to have a flavor

of its own. Then each author chose a cake flavor

to feature.

Brenda: 8 Slices of Cake is an Anthology created

by 8 girls from all around the world. Australia,

Chicago, Ireland etc. This book is was published just in time for Valentine ’s Day. There are 8 short

stories. The common thread is a wedding and an 8 tiered cake. That is where the title comes from.

Each story has its own cake recipe. Every writer had picked their favorite cake. The two things we

all share in common is the love of writing and of course, cake. Each story is in our own unique style.

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8 Slices of Cake will make for a fun read about marriage, divorce, romance, dating, failed

relationships, and maybe even finding everlasting love.

Meadow: The book is a story about love of all shades, portraying a wedding from different points of


Paige: The book, in my opinion, is a fabulous way of merging different points of view, writing styles,

and the personalities of 8 unique woman with one common thread and story.

Yvonne: 8 Slices of Cake is a romantic eBook. We each wrote a short story about two or more

characters attending Ava and Michael’s wedding, at which there would be an 8-tiered cake.

Each author chose her favourite cake for her characters and included a recipe for the cake.

Californian author, Brenda Perlin, created the name, and Southern Belle author, Lisa Day, created

the cover image. Along with Melanie, Lisa and Brenda, the other 5 stories are written by Yvonne

McEvaddy from Ireland, Paula Mills from the U.K., Paige Bleu and her daughter Meadow Bleu from

Washington and Monica Lee from Illinois.

In the collection, as well as the bride and groom, you will meet Melissa who is plagued by a bad

memory of a wedding, Lisa, a woman who dislikes weddings, Lilly the best friend of the groom, who

wishes she were more, Brooklyn a woman who found her way out of a bad marriage, Chantelle

and Olivia who go to the wedding as single girls and find love and possibilities where they were not

expecting to find them, the unavailable Beth, lovable uncle Rufus and two of the women in his life,

Hope and Georgia.

We are comparing this book to the movie “Love Actually,” as there are 8 individual stories linked by

the wedding of Ava and Michael and of course the 8-tiered cake.

How do you know each other? Melanie: Most of us met through LinkedIn and then we came together through the Author

Promotion Group. I met Paula Mills, taking our children to the library and immediately we bonded

and discovered we both loved to write.

Lisa: Most of us met through LinkedIn. Then we moved to Facebook while there, eight of us seemed

to have a similar outlook about branding and marketing ideas. So we formed a small second

group to prefect our ideas.

Paula: I literally bumped into Melanie Toye one day. We bonded over our passion of writing and a

refreshing and honest conversation about how scared we were to be first time mums.

Brenda: I personally met everyone in an author group on Facebook sometime last year. It has been

a great experience. I love these girls and they just happen to be super talented.

Yvonne: We made initial contact on LinkedIn and became great friends through the author

promotion group that Mel Toye set up on Facebook.

Paige: We are involved in some online networking groups like LinkedIn. We have become a close

group and thought it would be a fun experience to do something together. And it was!

Monica: The eight authors, most of them independent, became acquainted through social media.

Meadow: The glorious world of social networking!

Describe the writing/editing/publishing process: Lisa: Some of us used pen and paper. Some used the computer. I being the oldest used chisel and

rock. When finished we compared the rough drafts and pulled some events from others stories into

our final drafts. Then we all dumped them into Ms Mel Toye’s lap to straighten out.

Paula: For me, I argue a lot in my head. The creative V the attention to detail freak. I spin my ideas,

bulk it out with the narrative and add the scenes later. I can see it all in my head and I take myself

to the moment, each scene and character. Editing, I try and leave until the end. But I never do.

Ten spaces forward and eight back. Don’t look to my method for inspiration - It’s cruel.

Monica: For "Habits to Break," my offering in "8 Slices of Cake," I brainstormed my theme first, and

settled on a story about good habits and bad habits, and how they affect ones lives and loves.

Hope is a young divorcee, modelled roughly after a younger me. Aunt Georgia is a recent widow,

and I tried to imbue her with the wisdom I hope I have someday. The man they have in common?

Uncle Rufus, a thrice-married smoker who enthusiastically embraces life and all its ups and downs.

After I wrote the first draft, I ran it by a couple of beta readers: my husband, my mother and my

sister, who suggested some small improvements in description and clarification. The creativity

came from describing what heretofore existed only in my mind.

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Paige: The writing process reminded me of a 'round robin' writing circle. A lot of passing each

other’s stories back and forth to make sure that even though they were all different, there was

some consistency in the story.

Brenda: Writing the story was a bit of a challenge for me because I am not used to writing fiction. I

had to stretch a bit as a writer. When in doubt, I go to John Emil Augustine who wrote ‘Love Seen

From Hell’. He is brilliant and always helps me out. Also, Yvonne McEvaddy gave me some really

good advice. If you are not open to criticism you won’t grow as a writer or as a person. The entire

process seemed to go down as smoothly as a fresh piece of red velvet cake!!!

Melanie: We had one month to write, edit and publish to release 8 Slices of Cake in times for

Valentine’s Day. Everyone was really excited and didn’t waste time in getting it altogether. Some

of the writers edited another writers work and then I proof-read all of them and structured them

into a position that fit within the entire story. Our recipe writer pulled out at the last minute, but

everyone pitched in to source their own cakes recipes and images to add something special and

unique to 8 Slices of Cake. We self-published onto Smashwords, which was an easy process as

everyone had the formatting guidelines to follow for submission of their story.

Yvonne: We each agreed to write a short story centered on two characters attending the

wedding, to first self-edit, and then edit someone else’s story. We then sent all of the stories to Mel

for publishing.

Meadow: Writing is the fun part, editing can be as well... publishing? I'd ask one of the more

experienced ladies about that.

What was the most difficult part of

creating “8 Slices of Cake?” Lisa: It's Cake man. Ever try to write about

cake and not crave it.

Melanie: For me it was preparing the

table of contents. I don’t know why but

the linking and formatting just didn’t seem

to work, once it was published. I tried

numerous times. Then took the time to

really read the instructions after the tenth

time and it worked!

Paula: Not being able to scene set and

having no idea, where I was.

Yvonne: I had immense fun in the creation

of the book. I think Mel had the most difficult part, which was collaborating and publishing the

whole thing.

Brenda: Writing about an 8 tiered cake without getting to eat any.

Meadow: Coordination.

Monica: All the stories share the same reception, but each of us writes only a sliver about it. It all

had to fit together logically, and in the end, I think it does.

Paige: For my chapter, being that I was the 'Bride & Groom', the challenge was trying to include a

little piece of each of the 7 other authors details. I needed them all to be represented for


Chocolate or vanilla? Lisa: YES. Chocolate and vanilla will be just fine. Thank you.

Paula: Chocolate.

Brenda: Without question, chocolate!

Yvonne: Chocolate, without a doubt, unless being served with chocolate fudge cake, and then its


Melanie: Chocolate! I love chocolate. Yvonne chose chocolate for her favour of cake, so I chose

my next favourite – Caramel Indulgence.

Meadow: Personally, I'm a chocolate girl.

Monica: Vanilla. Top quality, high-fat vanilla.

Paige: Oh definitely chocolate. Hands down...I'm a chocolate girl!

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Are any of the stories in this anthology based on reality? Meadow: Not that I'm aware of. Melanie: My story of Olivia and Chantelle is 100% fiction. But I do

feel every woman reading 8 Slices of Cake would be able to connect with at least one

character’s story amongst these 8 short stories.

Lisa: Actually yes, But I'll never tell. Well. I really would be if I was threatened and then there's that

nasty gag order in place.

Paula: For me, it’s always a moment in time, a feeling, a reaction; I do draw upon that experience,

in everything I do. Elements. I cannot write with passion without my elements.

Paige: Parts of my chapter were...but I'll never tell which!!

Yvonne: Chocolate Heaven is a work of fiction, although I did draw on my own experience of

missing my dad at weddings.

Brenda: I don’t know about any of the other

stories but a good portion of my story, Red

Velvet was from real life. I just had to add lib

a bit.

Monica: My story is completely fictional.

Little parts are based on my personal

experience. After I read everyone else's, I

wondered if I should have written a

science fiction bit, but it's probably good

I didn't.

If this book were a movie, who would

play the parts? Melanie: Eva Mendes would play

Chantelle, coming across as a snob

with wealth when really she just wants

to be loved. Olivia who is easy to be

walked over and believes in the fairy

tale of romance, would be played by Taylor Swift.

Paula: Ryan Gosling is Tom I am sure.

Lisa: What a silly question. Why actors and actresses of course.

Brenda: For my story, Brooklyn should be played by Sandra Bullock and without a doubt Bo should

be played by Richard Gere. Gerard could be played by John Travolta.

Yvonne: Anna Kendrick would play Melissa, and Zac Efron would play David.

Monica: Jennifer Lawrence plays Hope, Harrison Ford plays Rufus and Sela Ward plays Georgia.

Meadow: I'd like to see fresh new actors play the parts. Who wants their story to be tainted by

preconceived notions?

Paige: Hard to say for each character, there are way too many. Ava, the bride, would probably

be played by Drew Barrymore or Blake Lively.

How did you all agree on the title? Yvonne: Hmm, not sure, I think when we agreed on setting the book at a wedding we just got

talking about wedding cakes and our favourite flavours.

Paula: I am very diplomatic and went with the idea given to me.

Lisa: Brenda Perlin the big baby, threatened to leave the group if we didn't use her Idea. Of

course, after she paid me five dollars it was easy to vote for her.

Paige: We tossed ideas around, discussed, joked, then took votes. All of the ladies in this project

were so amazing, it was really easy to find compromises. Everyone was open and willing to

contribute ideas.

Melanie: Once we decided it was to be a wedding theme, we were all throwing in ideas and it

was Brenda’s that made the cut!

Brenda: We racked our brains.

Meadow: Magically

Monica: I love the title! It says "sweet," "short stories" and "slice of life" all at the same time.

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What is the most memorable wedding you’ve been to? Melanie: Can I say my own!! The beach wedding was absolutely perfect. Nothing unplanned went

haywire! Just a beautiful day, filled with love.

Paula: Mine.

Lisa: My first one. My second one. My third one and my last one.

Paige: My oldest sisters. They were wed in a backyard wearing matching T-shirts, then we had a

barbeque. It was really comfortable and fun.

Brenda: I would have to say my own. I was such a silly bride.

While I was greeting all the guests I realized I should have been locked away in a room so I

wouldn’t see my future husband until I was walking down the aisle. While the ceremony was taking

place I felt like I was doing stand-up. I thought I needed to entertain everyone there. During dinner,

I must have eaten close to ten rolls. I am the only bride I know that actually ate her entire meal.

Yvonne: My own. I have a kaleidoscope of memories from that day, and all of them involve smiling

and dancing. It was a recession-friendly wedding, before the Celtic Tiger drove everyone and

everything mad. We were young and in love and kept everything simple, because the important

thing was us getting to spend the rest of our lives together, and as long as we got to do that, we

were living a fairy-tale.

Meadow: Hmmm, haven't been to many.

Monica: When the former CEO of a company I used to work for got married, she had the wedding

in a convention center, she wore three dresses throughout the afternoon and evening, guests

were served two entrees (fish AND steak), and I left feeling like I had been one to receive the gift,

instead of the couple. It was an extravagant experience.

Can you give us any tips to co-writing? Paula: Don’t think about it too much, use your creative energy to spur yourself on and worry about

the detail at the end and don’t panic about the other writers being better than you!

Melanie: Be organized from the get go, be clear. One big email instead of several small ones is

best. Find a fun group of writers that you have respect for and enjoy their writing style before you


Lisa: Keep a bottle of wine handy. Yes cheap wine is Ok too.

Meadow: Check your email and make sure to get back to your partners ASAP. I wasn't too good at


Brenda: Stay true to yourself and don’t let yourself get intimidated or doubt your talent.

Monica: Be flexible. It's fiction after all.

Paige: Communication is key. It is also vitally important to have one person be in charge so there is

no confusion. We were incredibly lucky to have Mel Toye as our 'fearless leader'. She was

completely amazing, kept everyone organized and on task, and did a tremendous amount of

extra work. She made the whole process painless and fun.

Do you have plans for another collaboration? Paula: Yes, another one is on the cards. I hope.

Lisa: How would I know I just do as they tell me. Its better like...let the old lady know so she

embarrasses us.

Meadow: Hmmm, maybe.

Yvonne: Nothing definite, but watch this space.

Monica: I'm always open to opportunities.

Paige: I definitely hope we do. We've tossed the idea around. It really was fun.

Brenda: That is up to Melanie. She is full of ideas. With her I am inclined to say “yes.”

Melanie: You will just have to wait and see. ; )

Do you have any additional comments? As you can tell from the above answers, we are all different people, living different lives, with

different outlooks on life. And this is what has created such unique and interesting stories that

combine 8 Slices of Cake. It is a must read.

To read more about the interview, visit You can purchase 8 Slices of Cake from

Page 12: Imagine This

What would you do? Imagine ordering a coffee from a male waiter who speaks fluent French but also finds you

attractive and cannot get his eyes off you. Yes, he is handsome. Yes, he is single. And yes, did I

mention he is French? What would you do?

(a) If he asked for your number, would you call him that same day?

(b) If he asked you go to visit his homeland with him to meet his family, would you

go? All expenses paid.

(c) If he looked at you, as if he had never seen someone so beautiful, would you

fall in love with him too?

Find out what Miranda does when she meets Grant, the French waiter in Entice Me.

Click to buy from Smashwords Click to buy from Amazon Click to buy from Barnes and Noble

Live your life by

waking up each

morning and deciding

to not stop until you

achieve your dreams.

Page 13: Imagine This

Imagination...You've Got It, So Flaunt It By

Elizabeth Marques Kogan

Follow Elizabeth’s blog at Late yesterday morning, as I sneaked in one last half-cup of coffee at a busy local diner,

"just half a cup!" I quickly blurted out with a conspiratorial wink to the waitress. Mr. Unfazed shook

his head at me and made his way over to the cashier to pay for our meal. Our two girls trailed after

him like eager little puppies heeding the siren's call of the syrupy lollipops at the register. As I drank

the overdosed in cream coffee, I pondered what else we would do for the day.

Going back home was the last thing that I wanted to do. While I'd been cooped up in the

house on Saturday due to the vexing tyranny of the cold/flu; my daughters and Mr. Unfazed

enjoyed an afternoon of tobogganing. So yeah, I deserved a day out. And besides, it was sunny

outside and I could go glove-less on a winter's day. A sign of favour from the goddesses, one might

conclude. And I did indeed conclude.

Having avoided the retail spectacle of Boxing Week (a sign that surely pointed to the

gravity of my illness), I was ready for a little retail therapy. After a quick jaunt to the mall to pick up

a little bit of this and a little bit of that, I was once again left with the question of what to do next.

"Wanna see what's playing at the cinema?"

The question popped out of my mouth (damn my clear audible voice!) and I couldn't take it

back. Then desperate hope set in as I prayed there would be a decent G-rated movie to watch.

"I heard something about Rise of the Guardians," Mr. Unfazed said coolly.

"Oh is that the one with the tooth fairy? Santa Claus?" one of the girls piped up.

"Oh yes, I remember seeing something about that too. Is it G?" I yelped.

As my finger did its ritual iPhone scrolling, I found the movie and confirmed its G-rating.

Quickly I realized that we had just enough time to leave the mall to make it for the popcorn line-up

and maybe even watch a movie too.

We got to that theatre in time. As I sat, popcorn in mouth one second followed by Diet

Coke the next; my eye taking in the colourful powerful images of the movie splayed across the

screen, I was overcome by the power of the imagination. As I watched night skies illuminate in

forceful streaks of gold, I actually wanted to jump through the screen and be a part of it. To feel it.

To touch it. To scream wildly as I clung to its rays and rode the ride of my life. I looked nervously

around me to see if I was the only one feeling these stirrings. And to be honest, I couldn't tell. It was

hard to see in the theatre after all.

What that moment in the movie theatre taught me was to never forget the gift of

imagination. I've watched musicals, plays, and movies many times before. Not to mention how

many books I've devoured in my lifetime. And if I look way, way back, and am honest with myself, I

remember the mousy brown haired girl who used to shamelessly belt out, "Imagine! Imagine! You

can imagine!" along with every Polka Dot Door episode graced by Polkaroo's presence. But never

in my adult-life have I held myself accountable to keeping the fire of imagination alive.

Not until that moment in a darkened theatre did I dare myself to keep that flame burning

inside of me. I want that spark to ignite the next time I moan that "I have writer's block again!" or

whine nauseatingly "What should I write about now?" I want to remember the sensation I felt, the

sheer animal abandon of wanting to leap out of the lazy theatre seat and into uncharted territory.

There's so much to be released, one slow but deliberate key stroke at a time.

Page 14: Imagine This

Healthy Mind and Body Allow the act of writing to de-clutter your mind

An important aspect of life is to

keep your mind and body stress free.

Obviously challenges and setbacks

happen. But to avoid health issues,

migraines, nausea and colds is to

balance your positive versus negative


Making time to just rest your mind,

and let out all the thoughts it is holding, is

something you should do daily.

Generally if you keep this routine

up, the shorter time you will need to

allow. However for those withholding a

lot of stress or even just a backlog of

tasks they need to complete, your body

starts to show you signs that you need to address these thoughts and issues. Otherwise it will shut

down your body and your body will get sick.

Obviously the healthier you eat; the stronger your immune system, but even a healthy body

can get sick from a build-up of unhealthy thoughts (i.e. self-blaming, guilt, fear etc.).

Tips to de-cluttering your mind to allow for fresh, new ideas to flow right in:

Take time out each day for ten minutes. Close your eyes, breathe, have pen and paper ready. Right down any thoughts, tasks, ideas that come to you. Simple.

By writing down the above, you then release the thoughts from your mind. You are then

able to see a clearer picture of what actually needs to be done. And generally it’s not as bad as

you expected. In terms of ideas, if you are holding onto ideas - but fear if you write it down it is

expected you start on it immediately - your mind has a feeling of fullness. Write down the ideas

without any expectations and just jot down everything that comes to you. You may even be

surprised at much detail the idea has already created.

Now that you have released all the actions and tasks you had playing on your mind, how

do you feel? Let’s hope you feel liberated, motivated and have a more positive approach to your

day ahead.

Time to Indulge in You

A daily mini-facial


Pour a small amount of your favourite cleanser in the palm of

your hand.

Use two fingers on each hand to gently circle the cleanser on

your face.

The light massage will circulate your muscles and help you feel


Wash water on your face and softly pat dry. Do this daily.

Feel the lift in yourself as you make time to feel good.

Page 15: Imagine This

An unforgettable holiday

Holiday Destination: Hamilton Island, Whitsundays, Australia

With Melanie and Daniel Toye: I want to share with you one of my most memorable holidays. It

held romance, adventure and helped me reach further heights. This is my real life holiday story. It

was the year 2007, my husband and I had been married roughly for 48 hours. We travelled by train,

airplane, bus and boat (in that order) to arrive to our destination, Hamilton Island on the

Whitsundays in Australia. On arrival we were excited to learn our travel agent had moved us from

the first floor to the eighth floor unit. The room was smartly designed. As its focus were the

incredible island views. I looked at the brochures and decided what we wanted to do over the

following days. A reef viewer glass bottom boat tour was first on the list. The glass bottom boat

showcased the majestic reef below as well as various exotic fish. To cool off, we went swimming in

the pool that has its own built-in bar. At night, we embarked on an elegant dinner for two

overlooking the moonlit waters. We tried a new cocktail every night. We also dined at one of the

many high class restaurants. For breakfast the buffet style dining was a great way to wake up and

the hardest decision is what will to eat.

I did mention we went on adventures. A simple walk to Coral Cove was what I had originally

planned, however I had not for seen the amount of physical energy one needs to trek through the

high mountain rocky track. The track felt as if I was hiking in the wilderness with little direction of

where to go. The long, windy and somewhat steep path opened up to the most sensual and

stunning private beaches I have ever been too. The clear, still blue waters and the soft sand held

the relaxation I was craving. Not to mention the high mountain walls, the incredible view and the

privacy. This was a small pocket or shall I say, cove of paradise.

We began the evening with a romantic evening. Cruising the Whitsunday waters was hot on

our 'must experience list'. Together with six other couples, we welcomed the soft breeze, the

bubbly champagne and the amazing view from the sailboat during the sunset. An added

bonus was hearing about a husband and wife who lived on an opposite Island together and

visited Hamilton Island and its guests often.

Page 16: Imagine This

For the ultimate challenging adventure, we embarked on an eight-seater airplane. To fly

around the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. My husband smiled, my hands were

shaking, both hearts pumping and for two very different reasons. My husband could not wait to fly

in the sky. Me-not so much. I hated heights, airplanes and the worry that something could go

wrong and our lives would be over. A bit mellow dramatic but at the time, the worry was real. The

experience was probably one of my best adventures yet. It was fabulous to see the Whitsunday

Islands from above. The silky white sand, mountains and the sea held prominent views. Flying over

The Great Barrier Reef gave a once-in-a-lifetime view. The Heart Reef in particular touched my

heart. We flew in-between two mountains landed back to the comfort of the ground. I could not

believe I did it. I faced all my fears. But more importantly we conquered the joy ride together and

were ready to begin our incredible journey as husband and wife.

Writers Corner

Come on...commas really? By Lisa Day

Author of Wolfkeeper’s Woman, The

Stepbrothers, Another Time & Another Place

and Co-author of 8 Slices of Cake.

When I decided to become a writer I

said as many before me how hard can it

be. Little did I know. Ok, those of you who

know what you’re doing can stop laughing

now. I really, really, really thought I knew

how to write the English language...wrong.

Five years ago I discover I had no

idea where the little suckers go. Five years

later, I still don’t and it’s not from the lack of

trying or classes.

So I ask, why even bother with them?

Then some Grammar Guru with give you

this example:

“Let’s eat, Grandpa!” and “Let’s eat


I say phooey. It doesn’t matter. Just

let the context tell you.

If you read about Mary Smith, and

her happy-ever-after, family getting ready

to eat dinner, then you know someone is

telling Grandpa to get to the table. And

since there is an exclamation point the

person telling the old man to remember

Ruby Lee’s wedding and hurry before 400 hundred pound cousin Louie beats everyone to the

table again to find no Spaghetti and meatballs and no Antipasti, just empty plates.

Now if the family is on a cruise, and all grandpa did was complain about everything

and they shipwrecked. Well, a totally different tale here. While Mr. and Mrs. Howell are

deciding what outfit to wear to the first meal in three days and Ginger and Maryann dig up a

slow cooker or crock-pot. The Skipper and Gilligan track down Grandpa right after cousin

Louie yells. ‟Let’s eat Grandpa.”

See how easy to tell who is eating who or who’s eat what?

Now, here’s the question, will the one editing this piece put the commas in correctly?

Or to put it another way: Anyone hungry...Calling all Grammar Gurus!

Page 17: Imagine This

New Beginning By Yvonne McEvaddy

Author of Passion Killer and Shadows of the Dead, and co-author of 8 Slices of Cake Georgina yawned and stretched in the bed,

the covers half falling off as her foot pushed down,

her back arching as she pushed her hand into the

empty space beside her. She had a good feeling

inside, but for a moment couldn’t tell exactly why.

The thought remained untouched at the tip of her

brain until she came fully awake. Then it became a

shout, reverberating through her whole body. Yey,

spring is here.

Okay, so she knew that the grey skies, wind

and rain might follow her into much of spring, but just

knowing that the long month of January with its

biting cold, stinging rain and dark evenings was

behind her was enough to have her bouncing out of

bed to greet the day.

She pulled back the curtains and was delighted to see that February had not disappointed her.

The sky was blue, the birds were singing, and was she imagining a teeny, tiny green bud starting to

sprout on the Sycamore tree outside her window? Yeah, she probably was, but it would be there

before long, she knew it.

Along with winter, Georgina was leaving the memory behind her of the last man to walk out

on her. It had been a stormy night, they’d had a fight, he walked out, slamming the door behind

him, and never came back. It was a relationship that started and ended in a winter storm. Now

she was ready to start afresh with a spring relationship.

Georgina went over to the hi-fi and chose a compilation of love songs. She always started

the day with rock music to get her revved up and ready for the day ahead, but now that

Valentine’s Day was on the horizon it was time to get all loved up and ready to put the vibes of

availability out into the world.

Singing along to Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Georgina hopped into the shower and

inhaled deeply as she poured a generous helping of her coconut shampoo into her hand. She

took her time with her exfoliating, washing and moisturising routine, dressing in a blue suit, and

finishing up by teasing soft curls into her auburn hair.

As Georgina walked down the street towards her office, a smile stretching across her face,

she received answering smiles and winks from men who would normally never give her a second

glance. Oooh, spring and love are definitely in the air, she thought, turning around and openly

flirting with these men, something she hadn’t done since before she’d started dating Ben. She was

only realising now how much Ben had shattered her confidence. Reaching the coffee shop beside

her office, Georgina paused and took a compact out of her bag. Satisfied with the face that

peered out of the mirror, she opened the door and walked towards the counter. Her heart was

hammering as she noticed Joe, his eyes twinkling as he gave a customer change and laughed at

something she said.

Ben used to smile like that, Georgina thought, before he started shouting and arguing with

me, before he started to control every move I made.

Georgina almost turned around, just as she had done every morning for the last three

months, ever since Joe starting working in Starbucks. All through winter she had foregone her usual

latte in favour of the stale vending machine coffee in her office. But it was spring now. She was

going to get him to notice her before Valentine’s Day. And in order to do that, she had to order a


Georgina’s turn came. Her smile faltered. Then Joe looked up from the till and asked, “What

can I get for you?” The smile never left his face and she found herself responding in kind as she

asked for a latte, unable to keep her eyes from the sandy coloured hair that fell down over his

coffee coloured eyes.

“One latte coming right up,” Joe said as he turned and prepared her drink.

Georgina thanked him and paid for her drink, feeling proud of herself as she went through

her office doors. It was only a small step, ordering a latte from Joe, but it was a step towards

Page 18: Imagine This

getting her life back to where it had been before Ben. Every day for the next two weeks

Georgina’s morning latte was served by Joe, and each day more words passed between them.

On the second morning Joe said, “You work next door don’t you?” at which Georgina

nodded. Inside, her heart was jumping because he had noticed where she worked. After that it

was small talk about the weather, the background music playing as she waited for her latte, and

what had been on T.V. the previous night.

Even though some mornings brought rain and others a chill that wouldn’t have been out of

place in winter, Georgina’s mood never faltered, as each day brought something to look forward

to apart from her morning latte.

She hadn’t looked forward to anything this much since... well she didn’t want to think about

that anymore. She wanted to close that chapter of her life.

On Valentine’s Day Georgina put on her favourite love song and sang along to Al Green’s Let’s

Stay Together as she showered and dressed. She was still humming the tune as she went into


“I love that song too,” Joe said as he was passing by her on the way to delivering

someone’s coffee to their table. On his way back to the counter he said “In the mood for

Valentine’s tonight then? What have you got planned?”

“Oh, nothing, I’m single,” replied Georgina. Instead of the lead weight that filled her heart

every time she’d said that for the last year, she felt a flutter of hope.

“Well I must get back to work or these customers will start serving themselves,” Joe said.

Damn, that was his opportunity, Georgina thought. Looks like he’s just not into me.

When Georgina got to the counter she found a latte already sitting on the counter top with a milky

heart shaped swirl floating on the top. She looked around at the other customers, just to be sure

this wasn’t a Valentine’s Day treat for everyone, and sure enough, none of the others had heart

shaped milky swirls in their drinks.

Joe handed her a napkin, and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Bewildered, Georgina answered, “Yeah, Happy Valentine’s Day to you too,” noticing that Joe’s

attention had already gone to the next customer.

As Georgina opened the door, a man bumped into her and some of her latte splashed

onto her hand. She unfolded her napkin and stood there, not caring that the drink was dripping

down to the cuffs of her favourite blue suit.

On her white napkin, there was a heart drawn in red ink, and inside the heart was a

message written in blue - Meet me tonight at 8 in Francesco’s? Joe.

Georgina looked up to find Joe looking at her with an expectant expression on his face. She smiled

at him and nodded her head.

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” ~Jamie Paolinetti (American Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling)

Think Believe Wish

Page 19: Imagine This

Unique reading spaces

What are your first impressions on this lounge room

setting? Do you find it too glamorous to not put your feet

up and indulge in a great read? Or is it the perfect

setting to read your favourite novel? Comfort and

luxurious = bliss. Would you permit someone else to sit

down with you to read? Perhaps you may even share a

flirtatious glance over the tops of your books?

How to make your own reading space? It’s quite simple actually, think about how you like to sit or

lay when you read and the settings and atmosphere you

find most comfortable. For example, some people enjoy

a bright light, either man-made or from direct sunlight.

Options could be to set-up a space near a window or

even under shelter outside. Others may embark on a

more gloomy setting, such as the bedroom, where they

can snuggle under their doona covers and fall asleep

when their eyes can’t stay open any longer. Make sure

your space is not near heavy foot traffic that is generally

between the kitchen and TV room, as you will feel

distracted with the noise. Then make your space homely

and inviting. Find items that you love, your favourite

cushion, a book stand or something creative that you

can use to have your book showcased. Set-it up where you can come into your space, pick up a

good book and relax. Some people may even go as far as setting up a small fridge close by, so

they don’t have to leave their story behind for long. While others are happy with the break to walk

to the fridge, so they can feel their bottom half again.

◄ Don’t get sand in your books, take this booth/bench and relax

under the hot sun in comfort.

► Immerse yourself in a

beautiful book as you sit

amongst a glorious garden.

If you have an enchanting reading space that you want to showcase on Imagine This, email:

[email protected].

Page 20: Imagine This

Just like the movies Entice Me Book Trailer

Miranda is the top recruitment consultant for Entice Consultancy, working long hours to

achieve great results. From the outside she appears to have her life in order as a successful career

woman. Yet a jealous rival is determined to do anything to take her down and soon Miranda’s life

turns problematic. Grace and Louise both met Miranda through work and lead interesting lives of

their own. Grace a free spirit, falls in love with a man that appears to be perfect. When her true

love goes missing her world soon falls apart. Louise’s eating disorder is pushed to the limit as is her

marriage with Mike. Retirement and a new relationship seem like bliss until one night’s event

changes everything. Entice Me is a journey that explores life changing events that forces each

woman to rediscover themselves and what they are seeking from life. Meltdowns, break-ups, love

and laughter make Entice Me into an entertaining read.

Author: Melanie Toye

Viewers Comments:

“Yes, I want to read Entice Me even more than before!!! You made it beautiful Melanie!!! You go

girl!!!” ~ Brenda

Check out this month’s book trailer here:

Page 21: Imagine This

Episode Title: Give And Take By Melanie Toye

Character: Jeremiah - a young man wanting to become a star. Acting is what he loves to do. He is

a bit goofy and is tall and lanky.

Scene: TV Promotion

Jeremiah is standing in front of a tall brick building. A sign on it says B.W. Talent Agency. A one-man

film crew sets up the camera and lighting.


"Ready. Action."


“Want to be famous? B.W. Talent Agency is a place that will find you the best jobs in the

industry. Register today to see if you have what it takes to be a star.”


“That's a rap.”


“Do you think I could audition for B.W. Talent agency?


“Sorry kid, you will need more experience before they will promote you.”

Scene: Street Walk

Jeremiah walks up the street. Head low and hands in his pockets. Two girls are playing hopscotch

and Jeremiah hops in their chalk drawn lines. The girls shoo him off. Jeremiah runs off laughing. He

sees a sign outside the Party Fun Shop. The sign reads 'seeking a job, apply within.'

Page 22: Imagine This

Scene: Party Fun Shop

Jeremiah walks inside and greets the Party Fun Shop Owner. The Party Fun Shop Owner shows him

the clown suit. Jeremiah changes into the clown suit.


“You look great. Now ride this bike and spread word about my business."

Jeremiah walks the bike outside. He puts on his oversized clown gloves. He places one leg over the

bike. He discovers his hands cannot grip the handle bars. Jeremiah looks into the glass door to see

the Party Fun Shop Owner. The Party Fun Shop Owner motions him to ride the bike. Jeremiah

places his hands palm flat down on the bars and begins to ride.

Scene: Street Bike Ride Promotion

As he is riding in one direction, he finds it easy as he doesn’t need to turn in any direction. He is

able to balance on the bike.


(yells out to crowd)

“Come one, come all. Visit the Party Fun Shop to turn your next event into a fun fair."

Jeremiah begins to grow an audience. People were stopping on the path to watch him. He

continues entertaining and is distracted by the crowd. That's when he realises it’s too late, as he

rides down a steep hill. His smile turns to a grimace as he watches on in shock. People walk out of

the shops to watch in mock horror. Jeremiah starts to feel calm as the bike continues on in a

straight line.


(shouts to the crowd)

Jeremiah: "Lots of fun and entertainment at the Party Shop."

The bike slightly turns to the right and Jeremiah loses control. He

tries to turn the handle bars back straight. But the large clown

gloves push the handles bars far right. His bike crashes into the

comic store.

Scene: Comic Store Drama


"I'm ok."

The crowd clap and cheer. Then a pile of comics fall over the

top of Jeremiah. Party Fun Shop Owner runs into the store and

pulls the comics off Jeremiah.


"Wow, you did great Jeremiah. The crowd loved you."

Party Fun Shop Owner helps Jeremiah to stand.



"Just doing my job.”


"You're hired. You can come be the clown every day for an hour after 4 p.m."

Page 23: Imagine This

Scene: At the Party Fun Store

Jeremiah is sitting in his clown suit. He types on the computer to search for more acting work online.

He wants to get noticed as a professional actor and he also needs money to pay the rent.

Unsatisfied with his search, he leaves the office and walks out to see a shop full of customers. The

crowd applaud him. Jeremiah bows. Jeremiah's mobile phone rings.


"Jeremiah, we received your resume and want to interview you. How soon can you come down?"


"I can be there in five minutes."

Scene: Street Run

The call ends. Jeremiah rushes to change back into his 'good interview' clothes. He runs down the

hill, around the corner and up the street. He takes a moment to catch his breath and then opens

the door. He is full of optimism.

Scene: Audition Process


(Open mouth shock)


"Hi, I am Jeremiah. I am expected for an interview.”


(Makes a hand signal over her face.)

Jeremiah has no idea what she is doing. No voice comes out of her opened mouth. He shrugs and

walks further. Jeremiah finds the Executive Talent Recruiter's Door. He finds this from the door name

tag, titled Executive Talent Recruiter. Jeremiah knocks once and the Executive Talent Recruiter

opens the door. Jeremiah receives a similar reaction. Mouth open, no words escaping. Jeremiah

walks in and sits down. The Executive Talent Recruiter coughs and walks over.


"Jeremiah, thank you for coming at short notice. I have a serious acting job available. It’s for a one-

off gig. I have to say though, I am not confident that you will fit the profile. The role is more

dramatic. The actor will need to read and perform a monologue in front of large audience. Thank

you for your time..."


"Whoa, wait a second. You call me in here and then tell me I don't have the job. Why?"


"I have to go off appearances. Obviously you're a very funny guy.”


"Why would you assume that?"

The Executive Talent Recruiter pulls out a mirror from his desk draw and gives it to Jeremiah.

Jeremiah looks at the mirror in open mouth shock horror. He is still wearing his clown make up.



"I can explain. I just left a gig of which I had to dress as a clown and promote the Party Fun Shop.”



"Wash off the make-up and come back here when you have finished."

Page 24: Imagine This

Jeremiah washes his skin dry and walks out. At the same time a young depressed looking woman

walks out of the Executive Talent Recruiters office. She doesn’t smile. She just looks glum.


"Oh Jeremiah, that looks better.

The Executive Talent Recruiter turns back on his heel into his office.


"That's it? What about the job?"


“The woman you saw leaving got the job. She had the look we were seeking."


(shakes his head).

As Jeremiah walks out, half of his body slams against the secretary’s desk. Jeremiah grimaces and

tries to smile to cover up the pain. There is no doubt in his mind; that he will never be called again

for an audition from this company.

Scene: Another day, another attempt at success.

Jeremiah arrives home. Pats his guinea pig and slumps on the couch. He dreams of stardom and

knows he will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

BOOK GIVEAWAY Massimo Marino is giving away a paperback copy, author signed, of his novel "Daimones" to one

lucky winner.

About Daimones Dan and his family awake one day in a world where

everyone is dead but nothing points to a cause. Initial

searches for survivors yield nothing and, in panic, the

family turns their house into a stronghold. Eventually,

they find Laura, a survivor who wins their hearts...and

leads Dan to temptation. Laura describes her

panicking encounter with strange entities which Dan

recognizes in his childhood hallucinations. He forces

himself to find and confront them: An older power

controls the fate of men. A few selected will face the

ultimate quest: a painful genetic transformation and

work toward the rebirth of a new human race, or

oblivion and death in isolation.

Read a free sample of Daimones from


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Page 25: Imagine This

Till Death Do Us Part By Massimo Marino

Author of

The Daimones Trilogy

“We are gathered here in the presence of God to witness the exchange of vows that will

bind this couple together in the covenant relationship of marriage. When this ceremony has

ended, they will leave this place as husband and wife, joined together by the Lord of heaven and


With those words, the first best day of my life officially started. I looked at her, and she was

crying. We kissed, the flood of congratulations and applause crushing against the bubble our love

created around us. The joyous—and raucous—shouts from close friends forced us to stop

smooching because we were laughing so much.

That night, I lovingly stripped my wife of something old, something new, something

borrowed, and something blue.


It was my first teaching tenure. The chemistry department at UC Berkeley, no less. We rented

a small house on Euclid Avenue. Not much of a view since the houses having one were still beyond

our budget. But it was our world.

Did you ever feel love as a crushing feeling, shaping every thought, every move, every

dream, and every desire you might have? This is how I felt, waking up every morning a few minutes

before the alarm clock called us to our daily tasks. To watch her breathing, slowly opening her

eyes right after the most beautiful smile had reached her lips. And it was all for me. Every morning.

That summer, going down the hill on my bike, was a hymn to joy. I blessed every hour and every

minute that passed because it was an hour and a minute less until the time I could be in her arms


We made love often the first year and every room of the house knew us very well. We never

had sex. From the beginning with Kinley, it was love...passionate, excruciating, burning,

breathtaking. All the adjectives you might think of about sex, but it was love. I wished no other life

than one spent with my Kinley. No other.


“Honey, I have to tell you something,” Kinley said that morning with a smile that left no


I stopped drinking my coffee and looked at her, hoping to hear what I wanted to hear with every

fiber of my being.

“I think...I’m pregnant.” Tears blossomed in her eyes like dew on flowers at daybreak.

“Oh, God. Kinley, I love you so much!” I rushed to hug her, hug them wife and my

child. That was the second best day in my life.

“Did you get a positive test? You did it?”

“Not yet. But it's been over two months since I've had a period so I don’t need to pee to

know it.” Her smile will be carved in my heart forever.


Page 26: Imagine This

We waited anxiously for the results from the blood test and CVS. Although neither of us had

any family history, we wanted to have some peace of mind and enjoy every moment. We had

been late going to the Ob-Gyn but Kinley didn’t have any issues we knew about, like morning

nausea. Just a bit of pressure in her abdomen and some urinary urgency but that was normal.

Thank the Lord, everything was perfect. Her belly had started to show and she was so lovely.

We floated in our bubble of love, strong as ever.


The phone rang.

“This is Alta Bay Ob-Gyn. Am I talking to Mr. Jim Preston?”


“I’m sorry, I see here... Dr. Preston?”

“Oh, no problem. It’s Jim here on campus.” The secretary didn’t change her tone.

“Dr. Preston, we need you to come to the office at your earliest convenience. You'll have

an appointment with Dr. Jammers to discuss your wife’s recent tests.” My heart jumped...I was

going to be a father.

“Any time! Just need to pick up my wife at work.”

There was a too-long pause on the line and then, “Dr. Preston...we’d like you to—”

“Jim?” Another voice hijacked the conversation. “This is Jenny, Jenny Jammers. Please

come. Alone.”


“Hold me, Jim. You promise?”

“Forever, my love. I will never leave

you. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Jim. But I’m scared.”

“Don’t be, my love. You are with me.”

Kinley was all curled up against me

and falling asleep peacefully. I made sure it

would be that way. With tenderness, and

with love.

“I’m cold, honey. Hold me.”

“Yes, my love. Don’t be afraid. I’ll be

with you always. Sleep...sleep now.”

I was caressing her lovely head.

Kissing her and trying hard to hold my tears. I

loved her so much. She was fading away slowly—her breathing getting more and more feeble—

and she was relaxing in my arms.

“Oh, God. Oh, GOD!” She was sleeping now.

The glass on my bedside table was waiting for me. Kinley was so beautiful and I could not

wait to join her. Her lips were turning blue...


“When this ceremony has ended, they will leave this place as husband and wife, joined

together by the Lord of heaven and earth.”

That day, we'd replied, “Till death do us part.” I drank the liquid in one gulp.

Kinley had ovarian cancer and it had spread to other organs, too. A rarity, but it happens.

The growing mass in her abdomen was not my child and it had robbed me of everything.

I hugged Kinley as hard as I could although she cannot feel me now. But God, please, do

have our place ready—as husband and wife—because I’m coming, too.

This was the third best day of my life. I was joining my Kinley forever and shove it to that

Death Bitch.

Something old, something new, something borrowed...and something blue.

Page 27: Imagine This

7 Habits of Highly Effective People WOMEN A 4-part series

By Jennifer Galletti

Habit One: Be Proactive When the baby is crying, hubby is hungry, junior

needs help with his homework, and you have a case

file that puts Mount Everest to shame demanding your

attention, this habit may be the hardest to practice.

Throw in some laundry, bills, some hot flashes, and a

tumultuous economy- no wonder half the country is on

antidepressants. But have no fear, Dr. Covey is here!

This first Highly Effective Habit implores us to be

“response-able” when reacting to unsavory stimuli; we

are able to CHOOSE how we respond?! Yep.

There are things happening all over the place that can

impact our mood and state of mind. Decide for

yourself, here and now, that you will not allow that to

happen. If you can change it, you will. If you cannot,

then you will focus on something else that you can. The

weather, politics, the news- all of these things

contribute to how we feel on a daily basis. Using

“proactive language” throughout the day can be an

easy first step to being a Proactive Woman. When

there are a ton of files on your desk and you are thinking to yourself, “There is no way I can finish

this on time,” recognize the negativity in your thought process and turn that “I can’t” into an “I

can” statement: “I can get ABC done before lunch and XYZ afterwards.”

Habit Two: Begin With The End in Mind “If your ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step you take gets you to the

wrong place faster” (Covey, 1989). This is the part where we envision ourselves being where we

want to be. This is our dream, our future, our earthly Nirvana. Not the path; Not the obstacles. The

ultimate destination. Covey suggests that all Highly Effective People have a personal mission

statement. Google has one, so why can’t we? If you do not know where you want to go, how will

you get there? Once you have a clear vision of where you are going, the path will present itself

with the precision of GPS. The bedazzled CEO penthouse office, your children graduating from that

Ivy League school, or wearing that tiny bikini on the family vacation this summer- all things are

possible with a clear vision.

What is a mission statement? “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and

make it universally accessible and useful.” It is clear, concise, and to the point. It is, ideally, one

sentence that sums up the fabulousness that is YOU and who you have chosen to be. I have a

different mission statement for every area of my life: personal, work, school, and parenting each

have a clear, concise mission statement. Put it in writing. Repeat it to yourself throughout the day

as an affirmation. Keep your CoverGirl eyes on the prize!

Follow the next few issues of Imagine This to read all the 7 Highly Effective Habits.

Page 28: Imagine This

Entice Me Book Preview In the mindset of Grace By Melanie Toye

It’s nine in the morning and Grace is late to

work again. As Grace walked into the office, she

noticed the staff glare at her. Grace hated her work

and her boss. Grace had not even turned on her

computer when her boss summons her over. “Grace

would you please come over here?” He asked.

Admitting defeat Grace reluctantly walked over.

“Please do this report for me immediately.” He


“Sure.” Grace replied trying to bring a smile

to her face, though a more of an annoyance look

shined through. Grace purposely held onto the

report till mid-morning then presented it to him.

Grace had been working in her role for over

four months now and was already over the

honeymoon period. Generally the honeymoon

period would last for six months and then she would

come to realise she absolutely hated her job. To

resolve her anguish, Grace would soon quit and

begin the process all over again, by accepting a

similar role. It was a vicious cycle.

Grace could always tell when she had

reached the end of the honeymoon period. She

started making ‘humph’ noises whenever someone

asked her to complete a dull task.

Her swearing dramatically increased and she

became quite verbal in meetings, not in a good

way. Grace would then begin to talk about the company in a sarcastic tone. People would just

laugh at Grace because they had witnessed her sweetness and could not accept that she could

get angry. They thought she was playing around. But she was not. She would become so angry,

that it was unhealthy.

Every morning after her three alarms buzzed loudly, Grace would continue to sleep in and

arrive to work very late. And because she could not handle the office politics she would leave

work early too. The less time she was at work the better. The worst part was Grace was only on a

contract. Her employer could fire her with one finger click, leaving her jobless and without a

reference. This thought offered little comfort to her current situation.

When lunch time arrived, Grace would set out for her daily walk pass the newsagency. She

was in luck; a flyer read $30 million Jackpot. Lotto was on tonight. Grace quickly walked in and

purchased five mega quick picks. If there was any chance of retiring now, she was taking it.

Grace’s thoughts soon change from her dire situation to dreaming of having unlimited money and

a new lifestyle. As Grace takes pleasure in these thoughts she returned to work feeling on top of

the world. She cleared out her personal emails, documents and even cleaned out her desk. If she

won lotto there would be no way she would be giving two weeks’ notice to her employer. On that

comforting thought, Grace’s phone rings. “Grace speaking.”

“Grace my name is Miranda; I received your resume for the Executive Research Assistant

position. Do you have a moment to talk?”

“Would tomorrow be ok?”

Miranda agreed to call back tomorrow; hopefully by then Grace would have the

satisfaction of telling everyone she was young and retired. Finally she would be able to use her

youth to enjoy life rather than wasting it working in a role she disliked.

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Page 29: Imagine This

Entice Me Review by Elizabeth Wright on behalf of “Entice Me follows the lives of three women who are caught up in the struggle to find their true

selves and work out exactly what they want. This question of life and what we should do with it is

something that everyone has pondered over at some point in their lives and many are still

struggling with. Melanie Toye uses her novel to delve deeply into the issue and gives her three

heroines, Miranda, Grace and Louise, the answer we all long for. Each woman is strong and

successful in her chosen career and yet acknowledges that there is still something missing. This

question of the balance between a career and family life is very popular in today's culture and is

sure to generate a heated discussion amongst women. Toye generously gives her characters very

successful work and personal lives, with highly paid glamorous careers and handsome men with

bottomless wallets. This gives each woman the chance to make an unbiased decision. If you had

the option of financial independence and the perfect man who was completely devoted to you,

what would you do with your life? Ultimately, Toye is saying to all of us, your life is in your own

hands. Make of it what you will!”

About the Author

For a short period of time, Melanie Toye worked

as a recruitment consultant as well as worked in other

multiple jobs that have never fulfilled her thirst for

something more from life. Melanie has spoken with

many people who are working in jobs that aren’t


Through Entice Me, Melanie uncovers the hidden

message to stop waiting for opportunities to happen

and to go out and make your own dreams a reality.

Melanie is now on a mission to chase her dreams

and hopefully inspire others to chase their own too.

Melanie resides in Australia with her family and

two dogs, where the blue skies are always on display

and the sun shines brightly.

Follow Melanie at:

Click to follow on Facebook Click to follow on Twitter Click to follow on Wordpress

Other e-books written by Melanie include: ‘Kids, write your own stories’ which hosts 26 Creative Writing Activities for ages 8 +. Let your child

create a story where anything can happen. This e-book is purely to inspire and excite children to

take a step out of the technicalities and rules of writing. As they write freely letting their imagination

guide them. Kids, write your own stories can be purchased from Smashwords here

‘Annabelle’s Angels’ is a sweet a sweet story about a young girl who can see angels. A great story

that will show your child how magical a world can be, when one believes in the power of angels.

Annabelle's Angels can be purchased from Smashwords here

‘Activities for Babies’ is another classic example of Melanie’s creativity in the home. With a young

son of her own, Melanie created an e-book for babies aged 6 months +. The activities included

use items around the home that will surely give your baby a giggle and a new platform for

exploration and learning. Available from -

Babies-When-enough-ebook/dp/B00961P0XG/. The next big novel release by Melanie is Destiny Lane, a fantasy novel that will take readers on a

journey of living in a world where the mind creates what you want at the moment you want it. Let

your imagination fly.

Page 30: Imagine This

A True Story

The Color of Water

Submitted by: Michele Guerin

This is a true story that seems like something

out of a fairy tale, but it really did happen. I had

seen this book in my library, read the back of it to

see what it was about, thought it would be a good

choice, and put a mental memo in my head to read

it at a later date, as I already had a few books on

my nightstand.

A few months later a friend of mine tells me

that she has a book to share with me and that I

should find it a very interesting read. She sends me

the book. It is The Color of Water by James McBride.

“What a coincidence…”

I am a nurse and at that time I was working at

a prestigious medical center in Philadelphia, in the

Cardiac Catheterization lab. I was taking the train

back and forth to work, whiling away my commute

reading this book.

I found the book intriguing and insightful, as

James McBride told us about his life, his eleven

siblings and his beloved mother, Ruth McBride

Jordan-known as “Mommy”.

The glimpses he gave us into his world, made

one feel as though they had stepped into his life,

becoming well acquainted with the characters and the intricacies of their lives.

As I was reading the epilogue, where James pays tribute to his mother, whose children are her

greatest achievements, he lists all his siblings by name and their respective, notable,

accomplishments, and I take special note of one of his older sisters. Her name is Helen McBride

and she is a nurse midwife practicing in Atlanta. “Oh, the world of coincidences!” I think to myself. I

now realize why my friend referred this story to me, Helen was our classmate in nursing school and

this was her brother’s book!

I went to work the next day, after finishing the book the evening before. I had completed

our first case of the morning and went to meet my next patient. Standing in the ‘holding area’

where our patients are prepped for their procedures was none other than Helen McBride and

three of her siblings-my next patient was ‘Mommy’ herself! Well, you could have blown me over-

standing in front of me were the characters from my book- in the flesh!

As I stood there and spoke with each of them, asking for follow up of their lives, they realized

that I “must have read James’s book’. Yes, I did. Unfortunately, he was not in attendance that day,

but Helen, already knowing me, knew her dear mother was in capable hands.

I don’t believe in ‘coincidences’. I believe the Universe puts us all in the right place at the

right time and things happen for a reason. Being so familiar with her story and life, I felt as though I

knew ‘Mommy’ and her family. This lent itself to an immediate intimacy that put her and them at

ease and I was able to comfort Ruth and her family at a very scary and difficult time. ‘Mommy’

wound up needing emergency open heart surgery- which she survived.

I did get back to my friend, who lent me the book. She was anticipating my reaction

regarding that it was our classmate Helen’s brother that wrote the book, but not prepared for my

personal epilogue to the story. She, too, does not believe in coincidences, so she was not

altogether surprised. My regret was not having the book with me to get them to sign it, as I had

completed it the night before and left it at home- no coincidences there!

If you have a true story about something happening to you while reading a book and would like to

share, please send to: [email protected]

Page 31: Imagine This

Head in the clouds

Follow Melanie Toye’s inspirational blog at:

If you dream about a positive world and see yourself doing wild things, such as riding a horse in an

equestrian competition or swimming in the Olympics. Noting that you have never done this activity

before. Then before you even start the day in your current reality, you have lived.

What do I mean by this?

Sometimes our current way of living, is just that – it is only for the moment. When we dream, we feel

good, we smile. When the dream makes us feel good, we remember it at lunch time and then

before bed. The next morning, an idea around the dream pops into our head. The question soon

follows- what if I tried to chase my dream?

And this is the moment where your dream either stays a dream and melts into the fears that reveal

themselves. Or this is the beginning of an incredible journey that you will never forget. Every day

you wake up with the possibility of changing your ‘current’ way of living, if that is what you want.

The question is, will you?

Page 32: Imagine This

Your Monthly Book Browser Catalogue Love a particular genre or want to find something new to read? Browse through the various titles

below and click on the links underneath it, to read a free sample. Happy reading!


Entice Me by Melanie Toye Wolfkeeper’s Woman by Lisa Day Daimones by Massimo Marino

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Mystery and Crime Fiction

Passion Killer by Yvonne McEvaddy Yoder’s Farm by Kim Mullican Made a Killing by Zach Abrams

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Contemporary Romance

Lilith by N. Lalit Only for you by Lynn Murphy 8 Slices of Cake

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Fantasy and Paranormal Fiction

Kimber by Sarah Denier Before True Light:

Buy from Amazon The Awakening by Sarah Buchynski

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Buy from Kobo Books

Buy from iTunes

Non Fiction

The Seventh Sense Women of the Way Dancing on the Edge of an

By Michael Shuttesworth By Jane V Blanchard Endangered Planet

Buy from Amazon Buy from Amazon By John Mattson

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Page 34: Imagine This

Imagine This Scenario I am born into a world of magic and adventure. My home has a protective shield around it where

no harm can come inside. The shield colours are of the rainbow. Our trees host pink leaves and the

grass is coloured yellow. This is my world and I love it. Peace, fun and exploration are the key to

survival. Positive thinking and being grateful for life, dominate our thoughts. Nothing holds us back

when we go for what we want in life and fear does not rein our action. So what makes life this

good? It’s simple, our outlook on the way life should be, is what it is.

Take the fairies point of view; see the natural surroundings that are all around you. Then look within

yourself to find the power of your light. Trust that your inner light will guide you through your journey.

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“Imagination is the only key to the

future. Without it none exists - with it all

things are possible.” Ida Tarbell

Page 35: Imagine This

Remember, right now,

at this very moment,

you can change your

direction and live the

life of your dreams.

Anything is possible.

Focus. Believe. Do.