Images of artist for contents page


Transcript of Images of artist for contents page

Page 1: Images of artist for contents page



Pavandeep Dhillon

Page 2: Images of artist for contents page

Image 1 This image presents the artist posing and expressing in a serious manner, with body language similarly shown on hip hop/rap magazines , with similar element of fashion with the trendy glasses and designer gear, the way the artist poses in a side stance position has the element of rebellious behaviour, as seen from research conducted previously.

Page 3: Images of artist for contents page

Image 2This medium close up shows a really good side profile of the artist, with a strong position posed with their back against the other content, suggesting they feel that they are above the other articles featured in the magazine presenting a typical trait of rap/hip hop artists as conveyed through stereotypes of having attitude, and facial expression again looks serious and focused with the direction of looking ahead which could suggest the artist is foreseeing many more opportunities to present with their audience. In addition the image against the column of text on the right hand side would fit well with layout of a contents pages structure.

Page 4: Images of artist for contents page

Image 3 As commented on image 1&2 the image shows good costume and props linking to my chosen genre, however does not present a typical artist shown to be wearing multiple chains and gangster style clothing, as my aim is to present rap/ hip hop in a more professional ‘clean’ manner, so that it appeals to a wider range of audience on the market than the genre currently does, however to make this look a success image is important and should still presents elements of rap/hip hop as the professional can be conducted through organised layout of the magazine. The pose of the artist looking over his shoulder and when in use would be looking at the column of text, which could seem as if the text is all related to the artist, which may be confusing for the audience at first glimpse of the contents page and give a feel of the artist ‘owning’ the page which is not what the aim of the contents is for.

Page 5: Images of artist for contents page

Image 4 The lighting of this image is low-key and does not seem to fit for use of a contents page in my opinion, however the target audience may think otherwise. And the pose is very similar to the one used on the front cover of the magazine.

Page 6: Images of artist for contents page

Target Market feedback

Image 129%

Image 250%

Image 314%

Image 47%

Question asked to my target market: Which image out of the 4 presenting different poses and expressions do you feel will best suit the contents page?

The images were sent of a whatsapp group along with asking two of my peers into this particular genre and these were the results:

From looking at these results many opted for image 2, after going back and analysing the image in more depth I do agree with my target market, as I feel it will fit well with the over layout of my contents page.