Image sheet

Image sheet This PowerPoint presentation is a collection of images that I will be wanting to replicate when creating my magazine. For a couple of these pictures, I will be doing an analysis of why I would perhaps use them over others and will also discuss what makes them effective.

Transcript of Image sheet

Page 1: Image sheet

Image sheet

This PowerPoint presentation is a collection of images that I will be wanting to replicate when creating my magazine. For a couple of these pictures, I will be doing an analysis of why I would perhaps

use them over others and will also discuss what makes them effective.

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Page 3: Image sheet

Stornoway - PropsThis picture taken of Stornoway is extremely effective due to the use of props and instruments incorporated into the image. As you can see, the band members are placed in front of a large, zorbing ball, whilst a lone violinist sits inside it. The violinist is NOT in the band, but is still included in the shot as this is a mid action shot, meaning it was taken during a performance or some sort of activity.

The use of the Zorbing ball relates to the article, which was written about the band’s song, Zorbing. It has contextual relevance to the band itself and is probably the smartest use of prop I have seen in a music magazine.

Linking back to the position of the band members, they are actually stood in the order and placed in the positions that they were during one clip in the music video of the song.

Because this is a mid action shot of the band performing, there are obviously going to be instruments involved. But it is this picture that sets Stornoway aside from modern day, mainstream music. The magazine couldn’t have chosen a better song to write up about and get them to perform, as it shows how the band do not need fancy, electric instruments or sound effects to make their songs.

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Kiss – Poses and costumes

As we all know, KISS are well known for their strange, yet iconic costumes and are renowned for sticking out their abnormally long tongues. In this photo shoot, they have maintained their famous style and idiosyncrasies.

Furthermore, the use of the green background links back to many of the band’s shows where they would come out onto the stage through a cloud of smoke, to be greeted by thousands of adoring fans and music fanatics.

All of these features almost makes it seem as if the band is performing once again and maintains a sense of identity, as they are posed “Doing” what they are famous for.