ILLOGICAL WISDOM - Book Design Final2.pdf · 2016. 3. 23. · Illogical Wisdom 1 To Ruthie God...

ILLOGICAL WISDOM THE STORY OF RUTHIE by Mark Hodge [email protected]

Transcript of ILLOGICAL WISDOM - Book Design Final2.pdf · 2016. 3. 23. · Illogical Wisdom 1 To Ruthie God...

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Mark Hodge

[email protected]

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Illogical Wisdom


To Ruthie

God loved you so much that he orchestrated all of

these events, people and circumstances for you to

become our daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend.

Ruth 2: 12 – May the Lord repay you for what you have

done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the

God of Israel, under whose wings you have come

to take refuge.

I love you so much.


As do we.

Daddy x 2, Mommy x 2, Caleb, Joshua, Zach, The Milk

Man and Cheerio, Grandma, Nana and Papa,

Grandmother, Granddaddy and Mimi, Your Aunts,

Uncles, Cousins and Friends.

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My name is Mark Hodge and I coach football at

Chapman High School in Inman, South Carolina. My

wife Dana teaches fourth grade at Campobello Gramling

School. We have been blessed with two beautiful and

healthy boys; Caleb who is ten years old and Joshua

who is six years old. This is a story of how God added

to our life through adoption. Years ago we felt led to

adopt and completed the adoption certification through

DSS. We felt God was going to use us to help the life of

a child. Amazingly, but not surprisingly, God’s plans

were much greater than ours. He not only wanted us to

help one child, but He wanted us to help multiple

children and extend our families as well. This is the

story of how Ruthie, and many others, came into our

lives through an open adoptionwhich has blessed

many.This story tells how God orchestrated all the

events to make it happen and how He has blessed us to

see His will unfold. I wrote this story for Ruthie. I want

her to see how fearfully and wonderfully made she is. I

want her to know how much God loves her, her

biological family loves her and how much her adopted

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family loves her. I want her to know the details that

God worked out in early 2014 to bring these families

together, to live lifewith this precious angel on earth. If

anyone else reads this, may you be blessed as well.

Isaiah 55: 8-9. 8

―For my thoughts are not your

thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,‖

declares the LORD. 9

―As the heavens are higher than

the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my

thoughts than your thoughts.

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The Missed Call

It was Sunday, January 27, 2013. Besides the

church meeting I attended that afternoon, the day had

been like any other Sunday.The deacons’ meeting is

important to this story simply because it is where I

turned the ringer of my iPhone off. This would turn out

to be huge in the plans He had for Ruthie.

That night when I got home, my eldest son began

to run a fever. Being a high school football coach, my

wife stays with sick kids during the season and I stay

with them during the spring. Therefore, I made

arrangements to miss the following Monday and stay

home with my son.

Monday morning Caleb slept in and I did some work for

an upcoming parent meeting. I was using both my

iPhone and laptop during this process. Due to the

excessive iPhone use my cell battery depleted pretty


In the mean time, Caleb had awaken and eaten.

He was feeling better and began to watch a movie. I

came to an ending point and put away my work. I took

my cell phone to my room to charge and then made us

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lunch. After lunch he laid on one couch and I the other.

We were both benefiting from the rest and enjoying a

movie together.

Then the home phone rang. I told Caleb to get

up and answer the phone. He replied that he was sick

and for me to answer it. I told him if it was important

they would call my cell phone. You see, the thing is our

home phone never rings. If the home phone rings

it’seither my mother, family friends - the Gentry’s, or

telemarketers. The caller id voice didn't say

grandmother or Sheila Gentry, so we assumed it was

telemarketers. No worries.

Thirty or so minutes later I went to check my

phone for work related messages. I saw where I had a

voicemail. After yesterday's church meeting I forgot to

turn my ringer on.Therefore, I had not realized I had

missed a call. I told Caleb if it is important, they will

call my cell phone... Well it was important and they did

call my cell phone. They called my wife's cell phone as

well. Being a busy fourth grade teacher, she left her

phone on her desk during computer lab. She missed the

call as well. We later found out they called both the

schools we worked at, or so they thought we worked at.

At the beginning of the year I accepted a new

position as head football coach at Chapman High School

in Spartanburg County. My wife also accepted a

position at Campobello Gramling School at the same

time. This move unified our family and allowed our

kids to attend school with us. God really blessed our

family with this opportunity and the move went without

a hitch...except for one thing.

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Dana and I forgot to update our paperwork and

list our new work numbers. Not only did they leave a

message at home and on both cell phones, but they

called the previous schools we had worked for. Both

schools informed them that my wife and I no longer

were employed there. After waiting a short while for

either of us to return any of their messages, the urgency

of the situation called for them to move on to the next

family. I found this out when, forty minutes later, I

returned their call.

I must admit the information I was receiving was

crushing. We were sure we had been called by God for

this service and could not wrap our brains around why

we had been allowed to miss this call.

The following is an email I sent out the next day. I

sent it to our family members, friends and colleagues. It

will explain things a little more clearly.

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From: Mark Hodge

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 7:01 PM


Subject: When the phone rings, do you answer it?

What a simple question. Can life change much either

way? Well, let me tell you about today. Caleb has been

sick and missed school Friday and today. I stayed home

with him today and as he rested I got some work done

for a meeting tomorrow.I was bouncing back and forth

between the lap top and iphone. Due to the excessive

use my phone was beginning to die. Keep in mind I

always keep my phone on me due to the family,

recruiting and being available for kids at school.

At this time I took my phone to my bedroom to charge. I

put my phone on vibrate in a meeting at church

yesterday and never turned the ringer back on.At 1:11

the house phone rang and Caleb and I did not recognize

the name on the caller i.d. Our caller i.d. reads the

name aloud. The phones were in another room and

because we did not recognize the name we allowed the

answering machine to pick up. In my mind I was

thinking if it is important, they will call my cell phone.

Little did I know they did call it, and Dana's cell phone

and my work number and Dana's work number - at least

they thought. Around 1:45 I happened to go get my

phone and noticed I had some new text messages and

emails. I failed to see a new voice mail and began

answering the emails. At this time Dana called and

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asked if I got a message from the adoption agency. As I

checked, I found the missed message on my phone and

answering machine was from the adoption agency. It

was an urgent request to call them back.

Once we finally got in touch with them we found out that

they were calling to ask us to come pick up a newborn

baby girl. As they were trying to contact us, the number

they had for Dana was her old work number. Due to the

fact our information had not been updated, none of the

calls were answered and fact we did not immediately

return their calls, they moved to the next couple. All of

this happened within an hour.

So, tonight there is a couple ecstatic in the fact that their

home has been added to. There is a baby girl who will

never know the walls of an orphanage. There is also a

blessed family at 102 Edgecombe Rd who believes God

has a plan that includes a father and son to lazy to

answer the phone. We are really excited and praying

for the family who answered the call. We are a little

saddened in our efforts not to.

However, I can't wait to tell my future little girl that God

loved her so much that he allowed a dead iphone battery

and two lazy boys play a part in her future. I don't know

where she is tonight, or when we will get that call. But

until then, pray for the ecstatic couple and baby girl

who were placed together tonight. Pray for us as we are

now far more aware of the phone. Pray for your future

granddaughter and niece , the current children of our

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family, and all the other children out there. As we

learned today, when it happens it happens fast! We

love all of you.

God Bless!

Mark Hodge

Head Football Coach

Chapman High School

You see, God had called us to adopt. At least up until

this moment we thought he did.

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The Clinic

Six months later in late July, I came through the

vendor section of the summer coaches’ clinic hoping to

run into Coach Owens. Bill Owens is one of my

mentors and best friends in coaching and in life. He

gave me my first coordinator job when I worked for him

at Broome High School. As I came around the corner, I

saw him and another dear friend, Randy Burns sliding

behind the vendors’ curtain. I hustled over and peaked

my head through the curtain and asked where they were

sneaking off to. Bill smiled and told me he was glad I

saw them and asked me to join them. He said he had

some information that he needed to share with both of


I immediately got excited. My first thought was that

he was going to take the head football job at Boiling

Springs High School, the sister school to Chesnee High

School where Bill was currently the athletic director.

The Boiling Springs job had just come open at a very

late time for football openings. Bill’s name was a

logical option since he was currently in their district. I

was kind of giddy of the thought of him coaching again.

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The last time he was on a football field was during our

state championship victory in 2004 while we were both

still at Broome.

Quickly my giddiness turned to speechless shock.

Bill set Randy and I down and just came right out and

told us that his fifteen year old daughter Rebecca was

pregnant. This information was truly a bombshell. Bill

and Pam Owens are truly two of the most God fearing

parents I know. I have watched Bill persevere through

many unfortunate situations and never flinch on his

faith. I knew Rebecca was brought up in their Christian

home and instilled in God’s ways. Rebecca is a

beautiful young woman who has a doll’s face and

agenuine spirit. Rebecca Owens would be the last

person you would think you would hear this kind of

news about.

Bill went on to tell us that the baby was from an

interracial relationship and the father was a few years

older than her. All he told us was that he was an athlete

who played for one of my best friends at Chesnee. At

the time he had no answers and no plan. He simply

requested that we pray for Rebecca, their family, the

baby, the father, and the situation as a whole.

At this information, I went cold. I instantly felt

guilty and ashamed. Dana and I had felt led to adopt for

years now. We eagerly wanted to bring a little girl into

our home under the age of Joshua, our youngest child.

The only parameter we placed on the potential adoption

wasthat the child possesses no medical conditions that

would require our two boys to stop participating in the

activities they enjoyed. The feelings of guilt and shame

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came in the fact that I often joked that I wanted our baby

to be a mixed child so people who did not know us

would wonder which parent cheated on whom. I know

this is lame and trivial, but it was just some fun we had

with those who knew we were adopting. The interracial

issue was not what bothered me; the part that bothered

me was I instantly thought about our adoption when Bill

told of the pregnancy. I instantly wondered if this was

the plan? At this I cringed. I did not want a child at the

cost of Rebecca going through a teenage pregnancy. I

felt even smaller because I thought this child might

actually have something to do with our adoption. I was

very disappointed in my thoughts, in my

rationalizations, and in my selfishness. At the same

time I was hurting for Rebecca, her family and the

young father. Wow…What was going to happen

now?Jeremiah 29:13. You will seekme and find me

when you seekme with all your heart.

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The Answered Text

It was after 10:00 pm on Sunday, February 16, 2014,

when Dana got the text. I was asleep in bed beside Dana

when she woke me saying it’s Rebecca. Rebecca texted

Dana and asked if we would be willing to come to her

house the next evening. We immediately replied yes

and spent the next waking hours, which included most

of that night, wondering where this conversation would

lead. We knew God was orchestrating all of this, but

none the less we could not keep our minds from racing.

Monday night, after Joshua’sUpwardbasketball

practice, we headed over to Bill and Pam’s. Once we

arrived we all dined on 5 star pizza from Lil Ceasers!

Looking back it seems pizza is a staple in our

relationship with the Owens. While we ate, it was

obvious all of us were anxious and dodging the elephant

in the room. After eating, Bill invited us into the

sunroom to converse. We left the boys inside to

entertain themselves on the Wii. As we got comfortable,

Bill explained that Rebecca had requested we come over

and that she had some things to share with us. At this

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point Rebecca preciously indicated that she felt God was

leading her to ask us to adopt her baby. Dana

immediately took her by the hand and told her how

much we loved her and we would be honored to partner

with her in the raising of this child.

The next few hours were filled with tears, laughter,

hugs, recalled memories and what ifs. The common

thread to all of it was God’s presence and reassurance.

My verse of the day had been preparing my heart all day

for the information would receive later that evening.

Romans 8: 35, 37. 35

Can anything ever separate us

from Christ‘s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us

if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or

hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with

death? 37

No, despite all these things, overwhelming

victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.We knew if

God was asking us to collectively do this, that He would

guide the process. We also knew that He would love us

and carry us when we couldn’t walk. We knew He

would love Rebecca and Jay and show them through His

word where He willingly gave His child, Jesus, for us.

We prayed earnestly for His reassurance and direction in

all of this, but deep down we already knew God would

cover it. There was joy in this moment, but also tears.

The emotions felt and expressed were clearly tangled.

We talked about Rebecca’s future plans, goals and

ambitions. We talked about Bill and Pam’s relationship

as grandparents. We talked about the baby’s name. We

talked about a lot of stuff. As time went by we realized

there were still a lot of things to talk about. Things like

pictures, what would Rebecca be called, visitations, etc.

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We decided that God was driving this illogical bus and

we would not place any boundaries on it. We knew

through prayer and petition God would make us wise to

all things to come.

One answered text clarified the sovereignty of one

unanswered called.

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Preparatory Sovereignties

We first met Rebecca when her father came to be the

head coach at Broome High School. Rebecca was two

at the time and Dana and I had just begun dating. I was

teaching and coaching at Broome, and Dana was going

back to school to become a teacher. The relationships I

was forming with Dana, Bill, Shane Williamson and

Jimmy Anderson were changing me. They were living

God’s love, and I wanted to be more like them. What I

failed to see at the time was they were trying to be like

Christ. The living witness these people displayed drew

me in. I am a prime example of how witnessing others

living out God’s love and ways are not only a testament,

but life changing to others.

The years passed and many events blessed and

scarred our lives. We were all together for Dana’s and

my wedding. For Bill and Pam’s loss with a

miscarriage.For a state championship football

season.For a heartbreaking ending to our tenure at

Broome. For God’s calling for us to go in separate

directions, each being led to be the head of various

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organizations as leaders, directors or head coaches. For

Bill and Pam’s adoption of Zach and the medical

procedures Zach had to go through. For all kinds of

FCA camps.For the birth of my children. At one point

during the delivery of my first child when I was overly

concerned and scared, Bill, Shane and Jimmy all called

within fifteen minutes of each other. Through it all

though, we always found time to reconnect and get back

together. The relationships our families developed were

spiritually blessed and dear to all of us.

As we look back, we can see where God was

orchestrating this plan many years ago. Not only has

God blessed us with a new baby girl, new relationships

and extended families, but He has allowed us to see into

the depths of His thoughts and creations. He has

allowed us to peak behind the veil and show us where

we are living His promises and word.

Psalms 139:13-16. 13

For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother‘s womb. 14

I praise

you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your

works are wonderful, I know that full well.15

My frame

was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret

place, when I was woven together in the depths of the

earth. 16

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days

ordained for me were written in your book before one of

them came to be.

Not only does this verse speak directly of Ruthie, but

of all of us, of all our situations and circumstances. God

has blessed us to knowingly live His word. The

following are providences and sovereignties that

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occurred to bring us to the life we currently live

collectively together.

FCA Camp – It was hot. Really hot in Conway,

South Carolina. Dana and I had volunteered to run the

water at the FCA 7 on 7 camp at Coastal Carolina.

Actually, I kept the water coolers full and Dana baby sat

Caleb and Rebecca. Joshua had not been born yet, so

Dana spent roughly seventy two hours taking care of the

children. At the time, this time will Rebecca did not

seem to be that remarkable. To be honest, I had

forgotten all about this trip. It was not until Rebecca

brought it up and indicated that it was this weekend

when she first felt that Dana was a good mother.

Rebecca’s memories of how she was treated over seven

years ago led her to the decision to pick Dana to be the

adopted mother of her child. And Dana thought she was

just babysitting.

Adoption References – In getting approved to adopt

through DSS, we had to have letters of

recommendations written on our behalf. Over two years

ago, one of these references was written by Bill and Pam

Owens. Before Rebecca and Jay had met, before Ruthie

had been conceived, before Dana and I were even

considered to adopt Ruthie, her biological grandparents

referred us to adopt her!

Chapman or Chesnee – Two years ago both

football head coaching jobs came open at Chapman and

Chesnee High School. To those that know us, they felt

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Chesnee was the obvious placement for us. God had

blessed us with a great football experiences and we were

coming off great seasons at Carolina. Combine this with

the fact that I worked for Bill at Broome, that he was

one of my mentors in coaching as well as life, and he

now was the current athletic director at Chesnee, most

people thought Chesnee was a viable option. We did as


God’s plans were different. God led us to Chapman

and we were unsure why. I remember telling Greg

Wilson, the athletic director at Chapman, that

meaccepting a position at Chapman and not even

pursuing a possible job at Chesnee was a huge step of

faith for me. I told him that I truly trusted Bill and knew

that my best interest would be taken care of by him.

Why God made it clear to come to Chapman I was not

sure at the time. Now I am. I praise Him for

orchestrating our move to District One, through Dr.

Garner, The School Board, Mrs. Mathis, Coach Wilson,

and Inman community. Proverbs 16:9.In their hearts

humans plan their course,but the LORD establishes their


Chesnee – I told Bill that I was removing my name

from the application pool at Chesnee. I was going to

accept the position at Chapman and, other than a calling,

I was unsure of why. I just happened to be talking to

Bill on the deadline date for applicants for the Chesnee

job. I knew one of my best friends, Lynn Fleming, was

applying for the Chesnee job, and I asked Bill if he had a

shot. Bill indicated that he had not received an

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application from Lynn. I knew Lynn had applied and I

called and told him. He immediately went to his office

and sent his application directly to Bill.

Not sure why Bill and I had that conversation that

day, other than the fact that God had created that

position at Chesnee for Lynn. We were so excited when

Lynn accepted the Chesnee job. It would move his

family closer to home and allow us to not only spend

more time together, but compete against in each other in

a classic Spartanburg County rivalry. Over the past two

years we have spent a lot of time with each other’s

programs. The games are violent, but the respect and

love is felt on and across the field. Lynn would do

anything for my players, as I would for his.

Not only did God allow us to spend much more time

together, but He also had a predetermined reason for

Lynn to be at Chesnee. Ruthie’s birth father was

actually one of Lynn’s players at Chesnee: Jay Evans.

God used Lynn’s relationship with Jay to help foster my

relationship with Jay. Lynn made himself available to

Jay throughout these minutes, hours and days of

uncertainty. Lynn was there for Jay the night Rebecca

told him thatshe felt God was leading her to ask us to

adopt Ruthie. Lynn waited at the Chesnee High School

weight room incase Jay felt the need to talk. Jay did and

Lynn was there for him. Lynn also communicated

encouragement and support to Jay, as well as offered the

much needed and timely advice that Jay seeked. Lynn is

also currently playing a role in Jay’s future plan by

helping establish a plan and support structure to aid Jay

in reaching his goals.

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Throughout the process, Lynn has been a sounding

board, advocate and support structure for Jay, Rebecca,

Bill and myself. He was often the sound of reason and

his actions and thoughts were based entirely upon love.

Through friendships and high school football, God was

establishing the relationships that needed to come

together so His plans could come to be. Proverbs 18:24.

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but

there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Inman Mills Baptist Church – I was invited to

speak at the men’s service on January 19, 2014. I was

really not sure what I was going to speak on. I have

done many devotions over the years. Our football

program is designed around God’s calling for us to be

great men of God who become husbands and fathers

who don’t flinch in the face of adversity. I have done

may devotions based upon these principals. I felt I

would use a devotionalong these linesthat I had

previously done. However, on the way home from

work the Thursday before, God spoke to me about being


I like to use reference words when I do my

devotions. I like to know what God says about words or

concepts. Over the next few days, as I prepared for the

men’s day devotion, Godmade some things pretty clear

to me. First of all I found that the word logic exist zero

times in the bible. I searched Webster’s and found the

definition for logic is: a proper or reasonable way of

thinking about or understanding something. It became

clear that logical thinking is thinking that is limited by

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mans “facts or reason.” Logical thinking prevents the

possibility for miracles. Essentially, logical thinking

limits God.

God was calling me to challenge the church, my

team, and my family to be illogical. He also made it

clear that in this process to not be foolish. He made it

clear to use wisdom. Wisdom appears throughout the

Bible. Wisdom is the way of the Bible. As God tells us,

wisdom was present before creation.Proverbs 8.Does

not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her

voice? 2

At the highest point along the way, where the

paths meet, she takes her stand; 3

beside the gate leading

into the city, at the entrance, she cries aloud:4

―To you,

O people, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. 5

You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are

foolish, set your hearts on it6Listen, for I have

trustworthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what

is right. 7 My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips

detest wickedness. 8

All the words of my mouth are just;

none of them is crooked or perverse. 9

To the discerning

all of them are right; they are upright to those who have

found knowledge. 10

Choose my instruction instead of

silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, 11

for wisdom

is more precious than rubies,

and nothing you desire can compare with her. 12


wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess

knowledge and discretion. 13

To fear the LORD is to hate

evil; I hate pride and arrogance,evil behavior and

perverse speech. 14

Counsel and sound judgment are

mine; I have insight, I have power. 15

By me kings reign

and rulers issue decrees that are just; 16

by me princes

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govern,and nobles—all who rule on earth. 17

I love those

who love me, and those who seek me find me.18

With me

are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19

My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield

surpasses choice silver. 20

I walk in the way of

righteousness, along the paths of justice, 21

bestowing a

rich inheritance on those who love me and making their

treasuries full. 22

―The LORD brought me forth as the

first of his works, before his deeds of old; 23

I was

formed long ages ago, at the very beginning, when the

world came to be. 24

When there were no watery depths,

I was given birth, when there were no springs

overflowing with water; 25

before the mountains were

settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth,26

before he made the world or its fields or any of the dust

of the earth. 27

I was there when he set the heavens in

place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the

deep, 28

when he established the clouds above and fixed

securely the fountains of the deep,29

when he gave the

sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his

command, and when he marked out the foundations of

the earth. 30

Then I was constantly at his side. I was

filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his


rejoicing in his whole world and delighting

in mankind. 32

―Now then, my children, listen to me;

blessed are those who keep my ways. 33

Listen to my

instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. 34


are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors,

waiting at my doorway. 35

For those who find me find

life and receive favor from the LORD. 36

But those who

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fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love


God was calling us to be illogically wise! He was

calling us to leave Him room to work miracles. Little

did I know that He was actually calling for us to live a


Student Teacher – It was no accident that this

semester God worked out an interesting situation where

Mrs. Bailey and I shared a student teacher – Joshua

Hyman. I knew of Josh as a player in high school and

from watching him play baseball at Wofford. Josh is an

outstanding young man. He has a great personality and

is not afraid to say he loves Jesus. Josh quickly

established rapport within the classroom, within the

math department and on our hall. God knew that I was

going to need time to devote to Ruthie’s situation and

therefore miss some class time. He loves us so much

that he planned for this, with Josh. It is no accident that

Josh was placed at Chapman with Mrs. Bailey and me.

It was no accident that he was scheduled to teach the full

load at the time all of the adoption events unfolded.

Josh is teaching our second block as I type this now.

Another detail God planned for. I Chronicles 28:19.

―All this,‖ David said, ―I have in writing as a result of

the Lord‘s hand on me, and he enabled me to

understand all the details of the plan.‖

CGS – There are three couples who have been dear

to our lives for a long, long time. We were all a part of

each other’s college years, marriages and current

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families. The Gentries (Mike, Sheila, Cooper and

Kirby), Flemings (Lynn, Ashley, Tyler and Chelse),

Calloways (Brad, Jen, Nathan and Jenna) and Hodges

have done many things together. We found it thrilling

that our lives reconnected so closely and that all our

children joined Campobello Gramling School in the fall

of 2012. It was a blessing for us to get to live life so

closely together. Little did we know in 2012 that this

would benefit us so much in the days of Ruthie. Each

family was available to take care of our children as Dana

and I had to go to various meetings and spend time at

the hospital. The three days we were at the hospital with

Rebecca, these three families rallied around our children

and made sure they were well taken care of. God has

gifted us with such great friends, that not once did we

worry about Caleb and Joshua. We could write a book

just on the experiences we have lived with each of these

couples. Ruthie will spend many, many days of her life

with these people. We can’t thank God enough for their

friendship and availability. They are the backbone of

the daily lives of this story. We do life together.

The Notary Republic – I talked to the adoption

counselor about how the consents would be taken. She

explained the process and said there must be a witness

and a notary republic available. She explained that the

hospital usually has a notary republic there, but

sometimes in the later hours they are not available.

Dana, Bill and I began brainstorming on late night

notary republics if we needed one. Bill thought of his

secretary. Dana thought of her aunt. I just sat there not

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knowing what I was I thinking, then I heard Nana

Cheryl say, “I’ve told you all three times I am a notary

republic.” I had to laugh. God had provided another


The Elevator – I sat in front of the elevator for

hours the day Ruthie was being born. I watched

countless people get on and off. It was at this elevator

where I ran into one of my former players who was there

for the delivery of his first child. I was blessed to be

able to spend some time with Damon Brisco the day his

son was born. If we recall correctly, eighteen babies

were born over that twenty four hour stretch. Every

time a child is born, the hospital plays “Twinkle,

Twinkle Little Star” over the PA system. They were

coming so fast and the song played so often people

began to catch a rhythm and dance to it!

There was a time after Ruthie was born where the

waiting room got to be a little uncomfortable. There

were a lot of different personalities and the small talk

had subsided. At this moment I was trying to think of

ways to ease some of the tension. At this thought God

gently whispered, “I’ve carried the situation this far, I

won’t stop now.” So, I sat quietly. Then elevatordoors

opened and out came four of Rebecca’s and Jay’s

friends. Two of whom played football for Lynn so I

knew them. There is nothing spectacular about this,

except that God orchestrated their day so they would

show up at this very moment. Simply being there at this

exact time promoted small talk and relieved a time of

tension. God’s timing is perfect even with the smallest

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details. Something as simple as the timing of when four

friends got off the elevator was includedin God’s perfect

plan for us.1 Kings 19:12. 12

After the earthquake came

a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire

came a gentle whisper.

The License Plate – While leaving the parking

garage to pick up Dana and Ruthie, the day we left the

hospital, I was overcome with emotion. I was sobbing

and could hardly breathe. So many thoughts were flying

through my mind. As I pulled up to the parking circle,

God again spoke love into the story. The car in front of

me had a license plate that read: ”AMZNGRACE.”

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The Lawyer

A private adoption is a much different ballgame

that a DSS adoption. There are nuances of a private

situation that the prospective parents are responsible for,

where in a DSS adoption the state handles them. I was

really not sure where to start looking for help or advice.

In talking with Bill about how to handle the potential

legalities involved, he recommended that I call Matt

Henderson. Matt was the lawyer who represented Bill

and Pam as they adopted Zach. He mentioned how loyal

to adoptions Matt was and how he and his staff worked

for the best interest of the adopting family. He

mentioned that Matt and his wife had adopted numerous

children as well. This man sounded very familiar to me.

I asked if he lived in Landrum and Bill said,“yes.” At

this moment I knew where I had met Matt before.

I always enjoy the Veterans Day Ceremony at

our school. I love getting to meet the veterans and

hearing their stories and encouragement to the students

and staff. I am overly blessed to be able to teach and

coach high school kids. This opportunity was provided

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by those who dedicatedly served our country. Chapman

does a beautiful job honoring these men and women and

allows us the opportunity to serve them, if at least for a

day. It is very rewarding to be able to serve those who

served for us.

I was looking forward to the Veterans Day

Ceremony 2013 like all the others. I had no idea who

was going to speak to us, but I was excited to hear them.

The guest speaker this day was especially impressive.

He possessed the same qualities of most other

distinguished veterans that have spoken before, but there

were a few things that stood out about him.

First of all he mentioned that he had adopted 10

children. This initiated cold chills throughout my body

because I just read an email from my wife on my phone.

In her email she spoke of how God called her out of bed

that morning to specifically pray about our adoption. At

this point our faith in our possible adoption was

wavering due to the length of time we had been waiting.

Due to Dana's email, I too made it a point to pray

specifically at this time about our potential adoption. In

the middle of this moment,a man is speaking on behalf

of veterans and adoption comes up. Talk about faith

being reassured.

The second thing about him that grabbed my

spirit was he did not fear telling the students and staff

that God loved them and had a plan for them.

Throughout his speech he mentioned God’s plan and

love and made a point to end on his promises. He

concluded his speech with a prayer for all of us. Not

only did he pray for our school and students, but he

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specifically prayed for our football team, who I just

happened to be the head coach of.

After the assembly I made a point to thank him

for his prayers and testimony. I explained our adoption

situation and could not help but wonder if he could

potentially help when and if we finally got the call.

There was no doubt that God used this man - Matt

Henderson - to reaffirm, his calling in our lives, but also

to open the boundaries that we were putting on the

situation. God was already orchestrating future

relationships at a Veterans Dayceremony. Below is a

copy of the email exchange my wife and I had that day.

Pay attention to the times. Only God…

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From: Dana Hodge

Date: November 11, 2013, 9:42:20 AM EST

To: Mark Hodge

Subject: You

I hope you are having a wonderful day!! I have

something to tell, but God really woke me up this

morning and told me to go and pray about our adoption.

I felt like he was saying it was going to happen soon. I

clearly woke up and he said, "Get up, go pray about

your adoption". Just thought I would share that with

you! I will be at Chapman this afternoon for meetings

from 3:30 to 5:30 but I am sending the boys over on the

Chapman bus. I love you~

Dana Hodge

4th Grade Math and Science

Campobello Gramling School

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From: Mark Hodge

Date: November 11, 2013, 10:15:20 AM EST

To: Dana Hodge

Subject: Re: You

Our Veterans Day speaker is a lawyer in Spartanburg.

He gave credit to God and challenged the kids to

realize their created purpose. He prayed and prayed for

our football team. He handles DSS adoptions. He has

adopted 10 kids. I asked him to specifically pray for us


God Bless!

Mark Hodge

Head Football Coach

Chapman HS

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Text from Me (2/24/2014): Jay, this is coach hodge at

chapman. I want you to know you've been heavy on my

heart and in my prayers of late. I can only imagine

what you are feeling because of what I do. I love

helping young men and being a part of their

development. This is why I coach. I understand the

situation we are all facing is very complex and

confusing. I am relaying on God to make it clear what

needs to be done. I would love to get with you some

time and tell you how Dana and i ended up in the

discussion. I also want to know your heart, thoughts

and wishes. My prayer is that great things, only God

things, come from all of this. Let me know when is a

good time and I will make sure the place is convenient

for you. If you'd like your mother, coach Fleming or

anyone else there, I am good with that as well. Praying

for all of us!

Jay (2/26/2014): Sorry so late coach..butits just hard..i

want her to know im her father an stuff..i want to keep

her an all that..i can show her love time give her needs

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an all that..ani appreciate everything you an danawillin

to do

Me (2/26/2014): I feel u. Im going to call you. Answer.

I won't keep you but a second.

Jay (2/26/2014): Yessir

Jay did answer when I called. I explained to him

that Dana and I had been going through the adoption

process long before he ever met Rebecca. I explained

that we were not trying to take his baby from him, but

that we were trying to help. I asked Jay if he would be

willing to meet with me and at least hear what I had to

say. I told him, whatever his decision, we would

support it, but I wanted him to have all the information

as he made his decision. I told him I did not want him

to be able to say one day, “If I knew that, then…” I

asked him to bring his mother, or anyone else whom he

felt would be an advocate for him. Jay and I had met

through athletic competitions, but I did not really know

him. I wanted to make sure he was as protected and

comfortable as possible. Jay did agree to meet with me.

He suggested we meet at McDonalds that night at 8:00.

I pulled into McDonalds a little apprehensive.

What was going to happen, would I say the things God

intended me to say? Would the situation be

uncomfortable, smooth, calm, what? Oh man, I was so


As I waited for Jay and his mother, Misty, I

noticed another couple and their children at the counter.

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The man was being a total jerk. He was talking ugly to

the children and ugly to the lady. At one point he acted

as if he would hit her. At this moment, my blood

pressure escalated and I began to say something. At this

time they started acting as if they were playing with

each other. I was not sure if they were kidding or not,

but all I could think was Jay and his mother were going

to walk into McDonalds and find me in a fight. Talk

about first impressions. I can’t help but believe that

God used this moment to calm my nerves and remove

any apprehension or premeditated thoughts from my


As Jay and his mother entered, I felt a peace

come over the situation. I did not know where the

conversation would lead, but I felt that God was in the

room. After we greeted and introduced ourselves, we

sat at a table and talked. I thanked them for coming and

then began to share how we arrived at this situation. I

spoke of my wife and children and showed pictures of

them. I expressed that adoption was something we felt

we had been led to do for some time. I informed them

that we had been approved to adopt long before Jay and

Rebecca met. I wanted to ensure them that this was not

some ploy to take Ruthie from them or limit them in any


I expressed that when we agreed to potentially

adopt Ruthie, we did so with positive intentions for all.

This whole situation quickly becamefar more

complicated than we first imagined. Dana and I thought

we would be able to help a child through adoption. We

felt it would be a child whom we had no contact with

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her biological parents. This situation quickly threw a

monkey wrench in our thoughts. However, God quickly

reminded us that his thoughts and ways are not the same

as ours. This was evident by the scriptures of the day I

would receive on my Bible Gateway App.

On the Monday I initially contacted Jay through

text, the daily verse was Jeremiah 29:11-13. 11

For I

know the plans I have for you,‖ declares the LORD,

―plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give

you hope and a future.12

Then you will call on me and

come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.13

You will

seek me and find me when you seek me with all your


On the Tuesday when I waited to hear from Jay

the verse reminded me to make sure Jay was a priority in

this as well. Matthew 22:37-39. 37

Jesus replied: ―‗Love

the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your

soul and with all your mind.‘38

This is the first and

greatest commandment.39

And the second is like it: ‗Love

your neighbor as yourself.‘

On Wednesday when Jay returned my call, God

reminded me of true sacrifice and how hard it is to give

up a child for the good. I John 4:9. 9

This is how God

showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son

into the world that we might live through him.

It was obvious God was preparing my heart,

mind and thoughts for this conversation with Jay and his

mother. As I spoke with Jay and Misty, I wanted Jay to

understand that Ruthie was not our only priority, but he

was as well. I expressed that we were not trying to take

Ruthie from him, but we intended to allow the adoption

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to be open. I expressed that we intended for Misty to be

her grandmother and have as much access to her as all

her other grandparents. We expressed that she would

know Jay was her father from the beginning and he

could see her as much as he deserved. At this Misty

asked; “What exactly dictates what he deserves?” I

expressed that God created Jay for a purpose and to be

something specific. I went on to explain that Dana and I

feel as long as Jay is striving to become this man, then

he is deserving. We don’t care if it is a doctor, teacher,

coach, trash man,etc. As long as Jay, and Rebecca for

that matter, is striving to become who heis created to be,

he would always have a right to Ruthie.

I also explained that we would help Jay in this

process. I spoke to him about dreaming again. I asked

him to dream dreams so large that he knew he could not

reach them. I expressed that this would allow for God to

step in and do His part. We discussed different avenues

for Jay and possible ways to reach those avenues. I

challenged him to become the man he would want his

daughter to marry.

We also discussed the fact that this was new to

all of us. I pointed out the obvious in that we would all

be apprehensive and cautious in the beginning. We

discussed the day when we all looked at each other and

celebrated the fact that we trusted God enough to join in

this partnership with Him. I even shared with Misty that

there may come a time when not only Ruthie came to

visit but her two brothers, Caleb and Joshua, did as well.

At this her eyes got big and she smiled as she responded

that she had never even thought of that.

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We also discussed the possible resistance that

Jay may encounter. We discussed the comments that he

would likely hear. Comments such as whyhe was

allowing a white man to raise his child?Comments about

stepping up, or manning up.Comments about giving up.I

asked him to evaluate where these comments would

come from. Would these have any credibility, or would

they come from people with no children. Or even come

from fathers who showed up at the little league game,

but have never read a book to their child, or helped them

with homework, or been unfaithful to their child’s

mother, or failed to provide any other support whether it

be financial, spiritual or social. I explained that if he

was following what he truly felt was God’s plan than

God would give him the protection, wisdom and

discernment to deflect such flaming arrows.

I reassured him that Dana and I could and would

provide all that for her. She would stay with a Christian

couple who would raise her on God’s principals and

love. That we would do all the things that loving

parents do for their child. That we would also help him

become the man he dreamed to be and in the end, he’d

also be my baby’s daddy! I assured him she would have

no problems allowing two daddies walk her down the

aisle. That he could be a witness to so many others; that

we could be a witness.

In the end I encouraged them to think and pray

through all of this. I gave my word to help Jay in any

way possible, regardless of the decision. We closed out

the night holding hands in prayer and with hugs.

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The next few days, God reminded me to not talk

about his love, but to live it. That he loves us and that

he has and will provide us the power to do this amazing

thing. My daily verses over the next few days were: I

John 3:18. 18

Dear children, let us not love with words

or speech but with actions and in truth. II Timothy 1:7

(This verse has been on my office window for years.) 7

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but

gives us power, love and self-discipline. Psalm 73:25-

26. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has

nothing I desire besides you. 26

My flesh and my heart

may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my

portion forever. Job 22: 10-11. But he knows the way

that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as

gold. 11

My feet have closely followed his steps; I have

kept to his way without turning aside. Joshua 1:9. 9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD

your God will be with you wherever you go.‖

The following is the message thread Jay and I

had over these next few days. The relationship and trust

developed is God led. Also, notice those flaming arrows

did show up.

Jay: Coach i appreciate you comin out

there..Meansalot..Lookin forward to meeting

danajoshua an caleb

Me: There is no doubt You are a good kid. Things are

going to work out. Read Isaiah 43:1-13. See what God

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says to you in these verses. We'd love for you and your

mom to visit our home. This way you could meet

everyone and see where she could possibly live.

Jay: Im go let him work

Me: Awesome. It won't always be easy, but that is

where God comes in. He handles the stuff we can't. You

pray hard, work hard, but always leave God his room to


Read Jeremiah 29: 11-14.

Verse 11 - God created you - Jay - for a purpose.

Verse 12 - for His plans to work, you have call on Jesus.

You have to want a relationship with Him. When you

call him, he will answer.

Verse 13 - you have to want Jesus with all your heart.

Verse 14 - when you call on Him you will find Him and

he will bless you far more than you will ever know.

You hanging in there?

Jay: Yessir..You know i just trust you an feel that you

mean what you sayin..ani been wantin to

change..stopstuffin them phillieslol..anfindin out who i

need to cut out my life to keep me on the right path..An

tell text me so ill have his number i want to get

back up with my boiani feel like he on the right path an

thats what type of people i need around me..thati can

relate too

Me: It all starts with a decision! I always tell my kids,

you don't have to stop lovin your friends, just stop

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hanging where bad things happen. And sometimes it not

bad things, its just nothing. Do nothing, u get nothing.

Pull each other up. Iron sharpening iron...A gang ain't

a bad thing. Sometimes what gangs do are bad. Jesus

had a gang! It's all in the decisions. Just know that i

am proud that You want to be a part of her life. That's

not selfish. That's admiral. I promise you'll get to be. I

promise she'll know you and love you. She'll know her

dad and grandmother. She'll be proud of him too. God

created him to be great, and you will be.

Jay: Thats amazing that just make me feel so

confident about all this..i just see the signs..ani really

ani know for sure iwanna come closer an know our

father I know god sent you to me

Me: He's pretty awesome. We all grow each day. I

was exactly like you when in was your age People

poured into me. You will pour into others one day too

Jay: I always wanted to pour into others an i will

Me: I think all you have to do to go to Spartanburg

Tech is graduate from HS. If this is true, It will cost you

$2000.00 a semester to go to Spartanburg tech

($4000.00) a year. This is without any financial aid.

You may could get aid. If you graduate there, it would

guarantee you to be admitted to Upstate. You can still

be anything you want if you decide to be. I can help

you, but you have to decide. If you do, start saving your

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money. I can help you do this too. Start reading while

you wait for school to start.

Jay: Im interested in that..i will start saving an

reading..Youan thefam doing alright?

Me: Yep. All good. You'll get to meet them all soon.

Jay: Looking forward to it..

Me: Jeremiah 33:3 ‗Call to me and I will answer you

and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not


Jay: Man this all unbelievable to me right now..bci was

just thinkin about helpinpeoplr in my life an things was

just poppin up in my head what i know will change them

an i went to god first but when you send me these verses

it come to me for i get your messages

Me: That's awesome. It means God is validating your

thought processes. You'll be a better man at 20 than 18.

You'll be better at 30 than 20. And so on and so on.

You still will screw up make mistakes but the beauty is

in God's grace and mercy. None of us can be perfect

that's why we need him. And understand this doesn't

mean you cannot have fun. It just means you won't

regret the fun you had!

Jay: Yesssirr but tell them boys they go get somethin

they been wanting

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Me: Im saving your text messages so she can read on

day. I want to make sure she understands how much

you love her from the beginning.

Jay: All i can do is smile..

Jay: You go be a daddy/grandpa..My mom was with this

man since i was a baby until last year he did her wrong

an said he was getting married to another woman but

him an my mom was never my momma was

hurt an i told her we will see better days..but my point is

i thought he was that father figure in my life but he didnt

teach me how yo do right or nothin like that..ani look at

you coach fleming coach owens more of a father figure

bcyall put the time in to sit down an let me know the

right thing to do but also help me realize god has a

GREAT PLAN for me as well as all of us..

Me: There will come a time when you look back and be

like wow because it will all make sense. Just remember

that average sucks. God doesn't want any of us to be

average. Would like to have you and your mom over

sometime. Let Let us know when it works for you guys.

Another thing you're going to have to learn is to forgive

those who have hurt you. You will not be able to Fully

develop as a man if you carry that baggage. Also be

times that you will have to allow people to forgive you.

Any relationship worth having overcomes tough times

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There'll be times that I will piss you off and youll piss

me off. We just work through it

Jay: So true so off work all week except wed.

anthur. So let me know which day would be best

Me: If you can do tomorrow evening that works for us.

Jay: Yessiri just called an took the day off we will be

able to make it..which one is the youngest so i will have

the name right..joshua

Me: I miss read it. I thought you were off. Don't take

the day off. You start taking days off and next thing you

know they lay you off. You need to call back and tell

them i miss understood. Go on into work. You may

have to take a day off or leave early when the baby

comes. We can do it another day.

One of those times when what you want to do ain't what

you need to do. You need to go on to work. We will

hook up on an off day. We ain't going no where! :)

Jay: Okay

Me: Awesome. Thats a Man decision. You are growing


Jay: Yessir you right about that..Its all about them

decisions I tell ya

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Me: They are habits also. Bad decisions are a habit.

So are good ones. Make a few good ones in a row and

next thing you know you are known as a good man...

Jay: I think i went through my bad habits to.make me

realize that it aintright..Soim on it..Good Man is what

im go be known for

Me: You were just being a kid... You don't understand

until you understand!

The following is part of our message thread after Ruthie

was born.

Jay: Fwd: (from a friend) Why u giving the baby up


He wont understand until he understand

Me: Amen. And you are not giving her up. We are

sharing her. Praying God protects and defends you.This

is the prayer for you the next few weeks. It is about

Gods word and love protecting you. It's just like putting

on a football uniform. You don't wear to hang out. You

wear it to be on the game:

Ephesians 6:10-18

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your

stand against the devil‘s schemes. For our struggle is

not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,

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against the authorities, against the powers of this dark

world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the

heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of

God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be

able to stand your ground, and after you have done

everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of

truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of

righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the

readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In

addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with

which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the

evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of

the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the

Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and

requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on

praying for all the Lord‘s people.

Jay: These people juss keep talkin crazy..imtakin your

word i do right i get to stay in her life

Me: Of course. Jay I live in the public eye. I get

written about in the paper and stand for a school

district. Most importantly I stand for God. I'm not going

to lie and be a screw up for all these things I stand

for.Remember, logic and common sense are not biblical.

Miracles are. We are living a miracle together. Tell

them to watch and see!

Isaiah 25:1 Lord, you are my God;I will exalt you and

praise your name,for in perfect faithfulnessyou have

done wonderful things,things planned long ago.

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Jay: They just gotta watch an see

Me: Yep. This can change a lot your boys too. May

actually teach some people watching how to really love

someone.Pray for us too. This is hard for us as well.

But I know its right.

Jay: Oh yessiri can see it already it

changinthem..anyessiri pray for yall..It hard for all

us..but like you say you know its right

Me: The only way it will be right or work this for both

of you to be in her life. I will not be able to do it if it's

not this way

Jay: Speechless..Its wonderful how god work..I love

them boys ready to meet them..prayin for yall. im bout

to go to coach flemings right now...She be keepinyall up

Me: She is on a 3 hour feeding schedule. Plus that first

few months you are scared to sleep. Any noise she

makes you check on.Coach Fleming is a stud. We joke

around with each other, but there is no body I love


Jay: Lol do she cry thats what real brothers do

Me: Nope. She's an angel.

Jay: She like her mamas then :)

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I love yall so much..Love the home she at Love the

people she with..Them boys happy an so funny an cool

remind me of myself..Felt comfortable the time i walked

in..I just like being around yalljusschillin..Thats what i

like to do pretty laid back love sports and family

Me: Glad you feel good about Us. We love each other.

We work hard but make spending time together a

priority. When you truly decide to have a family, it then

becomes all about the family. I really think people are

not ready to do this until they are about 25. as you

become the person you were created to be, your

priorities change as well. We look forward to a long life

with great relationships.

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The Cross

As I was leaving the meeting with Jay and his

mother, many thoughts ran through my mind. What

would come of all of this? What did they think of me,

of us? Did they think they were being swindled? Did

they feel this was orchestrated? What do we do now?

What’s next? Etc? Etc? Etc?

My mind raced through all of these thoughts and

many more on my way. I tried to use music to quiet my

thoughts and soul, but my mind kept tuning out the

music. At about 9:30, roughly half way home, I just

happened to look through a grove of trees and notice a

lit steeple. I had never noticed this small church tucked

off the road across from Renfro Brothers before. I

instantly felt the urge, or should I say calling to go this

church. With all that God had already put into motion, I

was not going to argue with Him now. I was really not

sure what I was going to do when I got there, or why

God was calling me there. As I turned into the church

parking lot, I noticed a big oak tree beside the drive. It

was not until I turned fully into the parking lot did the

calling become clear.

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As I turned into the parking lot, my headlights

came to rest on a wooden cross. I instantly realized that

God had led me to the cross. At this moment I knew

what I was supposed to do. I knew I was to go lay all of

these thoughts, concerns, questions, theentire situation at

the foot of the cross.

Getting out of the car was the easy part. The

hard part was the praying. Not the actual process of

praying, but I knew God was not only calling me to the

cross, but calling me face down to the cross. You see, I

have prayed many times, in many places, in front of

many venues, but I have never laid face down at the foot

of the cross. For one small moment I almost felt too

proud to do this. For one small second I became the

priority. When I realized this, I think I actually felt as

Peter must have when he heard the cock crow.

I knew all there was to do at this point was

follow His calling. I stepped up to the cross and

dropped to my knees. As I laid my head on my hands at

the foot of the cross, God interceded. I became

speechless. Instantly I could hear the promises of God.

He clearly and plainly told me He had this. He made it

clear that He was in control, and all I had to do

throughout this process was leave it at all the cross.

Once it was clear God had finished speaking, I was

able to praise Him. I was able to ask forgiveness of my

pride and inflated thoughts of myself. I was able to trust

Him completely, able to glorify Him no matter the

outcome, able to give all praise and honor to Him. What

was going to happen next? I was not sure, but I knew it

was taken care of. I Peter 5:6-7. 6

Humble yourselves,

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therefore, under God‘s mighty hand, that he may lift you

up in due time.7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he

cares for you.

I told no one of this experience, until days later.

At this point, I shared it only with Jay over a text

conversation. This experience has made the song “Lead

me to the Cross,” by Hillsong United a truly living

experience. The grace, love and blessings this song now

reminds me of will forever be linked to this moment.

The mercies and goodness of Christ are enough.

Romans 8:26-30. 26

In the same way, the Spirit

helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we

ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us

through wordless groans.27

And he who searches our

hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit

intercedes for God‘s people in accordance with the will

of God.28

And we know that in all things God works for

the good of those who love him, who[i]

have been called

according to his purpose.29

For those God foreknew he

also predestined to be conformed to the image of his

Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers

and sisters.30

And those he predestined, he also called;

those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he

also glorified.

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Her Name

As Dana and I imagined our adoption, we often

talked about names. We discussed many names, and

finally came to agreement on Ruth. My paternal

grandmother was named Ruth. My maternal

grandmother was named Annie Ruth. Dana’s mothers

name is Linda Ruth. Also, our boys have biblical names

and we wanted our daughter to have one as well. Dana

was extremely fond of Ruth, because she was extremely

loyal and caring to Naomi even though she was not her

biological child. Ruth 1:16. 16

But Ruth replied, ―Don‘t

urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where

you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your

people will be my people and your God my God.Ruth it

would be and we would call her Ruthie.

We threw around the idea of Anna as well. My

mother’s name is Linda Ann, and both of us have

grandmothers named Annie. Caleb and Joshua also

helped decide her name, if given the opportunity to

name hershe would be Anna Ruth.

Rebecca and Jay had named Ruthie,Aleeyah in

the womb. When she was spoken of she was called by

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this. Dana and I wanted to honor them by keeping the

biological name they had given to her. We decided to

combine the names and came up with Annaleeyah Ruth.

I must admit we were a little apprehensive how Rebecca

and Jay would respond to this. When Dana mentioned

the name Ruthie to Rebecca, she lit up and responded

that she loved it. Rebecca also liked the thought we

combined the names. It was such a relief that Rebecca’s

heart was at ease over this. What about Jay? The

following is our text conversation concerning her name.

Me: How did you and Bek come up with the name


Jay: Just thinkinonedayan we agreed on I love


Me: My wife always had a name in mind that was

biblical and named after our grandmothers and

mothers: My grandmother was Annie Ruth. My other

grandmother was Ruth. In the bible, Ruth was

essentially adopted. Also, My mother and her mother

have the name Ann in their name. What to you think

about us combining the name to honor everyone?

"Annaleeyah Ruth". To you she will still be Aleeyah.

This can be a special thing between you two. Illcall her

one of many things: Annaleeyah, Anna Ruth, Ruthie,

Leeyah, etc. I call Caleb: Caleb, Caleb Ryan, K Dog, K

Bean and monkey butt! I call Joshua: Joshua, Joshua

Kyle, J Dizzy, Diz, and monkey butt.

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Jay: I think its great an i love it its different like

jerlaune you dont really hear it too when me

an bec talk about her i call leelee an all that stuff..i love

it because it relates to the bible an yall happy an it

makes me happy..

Thus, her name is Annaleeyah Ruth. Such a

beautiful name to say.Such a beautiful little girl.Such a

beautiful story.We call her Ruthie.And any other

combination that fits the moment!

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I love the song “Oceans,” sung by Hillsong United.

During the weeks leading up to the adoption of Ruthie, I

listened to it over and over again. It just gives me a

peace and confidence in God. It touches my soul in all

areas effected by this whole experience. The verses

personally touch on the scriptures that have become one

of my life verses / passages. Isaiah 43:1-13.

In the summer of 2008, my wife and I experienced

an incredible couples retreat sponsored by FCA at The

Cove in Asheville, North Carolina. The speakers were

dynamic and powerful. One speaker took a moment to

pray for Les Steckel’s wife and the verses he prayed

over was Isaiah 43:1-13. I found these verses to be a

beautiful love letter from God to us. I felt this to be the

perfect passage to write our team devotion for the FCA

Team Camp we were to attend in the coming weeks. I

felt God led me to write a great devotion for our kids

this Saturday night. I did experience a little confusion

on how to include verses 2 and 13 into the devotion. It

was not until the following Thursday before these verses

made sense.

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The Monday after our return on, an unfortunate

accident occurred and one of our players, Jarvis Walker,

drowned in Lake Bowen. He was attending a cookout at

one of our coach’s homes and having a great time. I was

in attendance with my youngest son. The kids floated

across a small cove and then some of them tried to swim

back. We are not sure what exactly happened, but half

way back Jarvis began to struggle. Many kids and two

coaches tried feverishly to save Jarvis. I found Jarvis in

seven and one half feet of water. We got him to shore

and began CPR. Unfortunately, our efforts failed. We

lost Jarvis that day. Jarvis was a great kid and I still

think of him and the selfless acts those kids displayed

that day. One other child almost drowned trying to save

his teammate. The visions of this day will be forever

etched in my mind. I will always keep a picture of

Jarvis in my office. He reminds me that each of us is

created in the image of God and to love daily the people

around you.

After Jarvis’s service I looked back over the

devotion I had written the weekend before. We were

still taking the kids to camp the following week, and I

was wondering if the devotion still applied. In reading

the scriptures again, it was obvious that God’s love letter

was indeed meant for these kids. Even more so, verses 2

and 13 now made sense. God was preparing us in

advance for His calling and we did not realize it.

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Isaiah 43:1-13.But now, this is what the LORD

says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you,

Israel: ―Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have

summoned you by name; you are mine. 2

When you pass

through the waters, I will be with you; and when you

pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;

the flames will not set you ablaze. 3

For I am the LORD

your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give

Egypt for your ransom, Cush[a]

and Seba in your stead. 4

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and

because I love you, I will give people in exchange for

you, nations in exchange for your life. 5

Do not be

afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from

the east and gather you from the west. 6

I will say to the

north, ‗Give them up!‘and to the south, ‗Do not hold

them back.‘ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters

from the ends of the earth—7

everyone who is called by

my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed

and made.‖ 8

Lead out those who have eyes but are

blind, who have ears but are deaf. 9

All the nations

gather together and the peoples assemble. Which of

their gods foretold this and proclaimed to us the former

things? Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they

were right, so that others may hear and say, ―It is true.‖ 10

―You are my witnesses,‖ declares the LORD, ―and my

servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and

believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no

god was formed, nor will there be one after me. 11

I, even

I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. 12

I have revealed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not

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some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,‖

declares the LORD, ―that I am God. 13

Yes, and from

ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my

hand. When I act, who can reverse it?‖

The lyrics in “Oceans” remind me of these

verses, of God’s calling to us and God’s sustaining

power. He was the strength that allowed us to move

forward after the loss of Jarvis. His strength is also what

allows me to share this story as part of my testimony. I

know He will provide the strength, wisdom and

discernment to live out this miracle. “Oceans” reminds

me of this.

The night before I met with Jay, I became

overwhelmed with emotion. I had sent the text inviting

Jay to meet with me, but I had not heard back from him

of yet. I just kept allowing my mind to race through so

many different scenarios that I became overwhelmed. I

simply shut down. I could not speak, could not think,

could not talk. I went to bed at 9:00 that night. I woke

up feeling the same way. Then my friend showed up

with God’s promises.

Every Wednesday morning a few staff members

generally meet for a time of devotion and fellowship.

Normally Robert Gray, Rebecca Pack, Molly Blackwell,

Monica Goforth and myself rotate through devotions.

This week Robert was giving the devotion. He spoke of

a man who limited his vision because someone told him

that his dream could not happen. The man simply

wanted a pond because he loved water. Notice the water

symbolism! The man then encountered another man

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who awakened him from his depression and heartache

and led him through a plan to build his pond. When the

process was finished, the man did not have one pond,

but seven. He also used the excess dirt to provide him

with a platform to be able to enjoy daily, and be

reminded of God’s blessings. God used Robert to

remind me to be irrationally wise and allow Him room

to bless the situation.

After the devotion I checked in on Josh, my

student teacher, and then went to my office. Once in my

office, I began to listen to “Oceans” and pray. I then

started reading through some quiet time notes I had

written many years ago. The words and scriptures were

very comforting and reassuring. The first devotion was

based off of Isaiah 44: 1-5. God was speaking

confidence and love in me. He also immediately turned

me back to Isaiah 43:1-13. Oh, how these verses made

sense in so many different ways. It spoke directly to our

situation, to Rebecca, to Jay, to all involved. I

immediately text Robert and asked him to read these

verses in Isaiah and pray for each situation individually.

After this I sat in my office and cried from 9:30 until

about 11:00. When I emerged from my office I felt a

renewed strength and reassurance that God had the

situation under control. No matter what was to be the

outcome, I had a renewed faith that it was going to be

beautiful. Hebrews 11:1. Now faith is confidence in

what we hope for and assurance about what we do not


Later in the day is when Jay and I communicated

and decided to meet at McDonald’s that night. The

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events of the morning allowed me to go into the meeting

with Jay and his mother fully confident that God’s plan

was going to be greater than ours. The next morning

Dana’s verse of the day was Isaiah 43:2! Talk about


The morning of the induction, as Dana and I

were walking from the parking garage to the hospital, a

car stopped to speak to us. In it was Hampton Williams.

Hampton is one of the young men who tried to help

Jarvis that day at the lake. He is the young man who

almost drowned in his efforts to help his teammate. The

last time Hampton and I were together at the hospital

was when we found out that Jarvis had been called home

to Jesus. Hampton and I will be forever joined in this

moment of loss. However, leave it only to God to paint

a picture where He would have Hampton and I forever

linked together again. God had not only used Isaiah

43:1-13 to comfort and guide us in a time of tragedy, but

He had now come full circle and used it to provide

comfort and guidance in a time of gain. Not only did he

use the same verse, but some of the same people as well.

Only God can write an irrational story like this. Leave

room for miracles.

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Induction Day

Rebecca went to the doctor on Monday, March

third. Her due date was March fifth.We were all

anxious as to what the doctor was going to say. There

was solace and almost humor in my verse of the day -

Isaiah 55:8-9. 8

―For my are not your thoughts, neither

are your ways my ways,‖ declares the LORD. 9

―As the

heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways

higher than your ways and my thoughts than your


The doctor told her she was ready to have the

baby and that she was going to be induced the next

morning. She was to be at the hospital at 6:00 am. A

little after four a.m. we received a text from Bill stating

that the hospital called Rebecca and told her there was

no room in the inn! Actually, they had in influx of

babies that night and were having to push her induction

back so they could prepare a room for her. We used this

as an opportunity to try and get a few more hours of


When I woke up a little after seven, the first

thing I did was check the verse of the day. I wanted to

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see what God was telling us this day. Joshua 1:9.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD

your God will be with you wherever you go.‖Wow!

What a verse of encouragement for such a time as this!

Bill later called and said we were to meet at the

hospital at 10:45. At 10:45 Dana and I met Rebecca,

Bill, Pam, and Nana Cheryl in the second floor lobby at

Spartanburg Regional. At this moment they, were not

ready for Rebecca just yet. We all claimed a small spot

in the waiting room by the windows. I found a chair

facing the elevator and would be in this spot a while.

They eventually called Rebecca to her room and began

to prep her for the induction. We continued to hang out

and pass the time with conversation and memories.

Throughout the process I was communicating with Jay

through text messages. He was staying at a relative’s

house nearby. We agreed that it would be more

comfortable for him to wait there, and I would keep him

posted and make sure he had plenty of time to get to the

hospital before the baby was born.

The day seemed to drag on forever. It was like

being in the movieGroundhog Day. The elevator would

open and close. People would get on and off. “Twinkle,

Twinkle Little Star” would play. Families would hug

and become filled with love and celebrations. Then it

would happen all over again.And again.And again…

It did get kind of interesting at one point. One

couple visiting had three small children with them.

These children had a great time in the playground,

otherwise known as the waiting room. They climbed

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over chairs, under chairs, over legs, under legs, ran up

the hall, back down the hall. They destroyed some

cookies and made the biggest crumb mess I had ever

seen. Funny thing is I saw this happening, but didn’t

really notice it. I guess the magnitude of our situation

combined with being school teachers and having young

kids ourselves, made it not bother us. At least it didn’t

bother us too much. However, it was kind of shocking

when one of the kids reached up and started drinking

from Dana’s subway cup. He went to town on her diet

coke. At this I snatched up my bag of cookies to make

sure they were well guarded! Evidently, someone was a

little more bothered about them than we were. The

security officers showed up a little later and asked their

parents to actually parent!

By this point Rebecca was fully prepped and

they had begun the Pitocin. Dana and I then got to go to

her room and spend some time with her. They only

allow two people back at a time. It was a really good

moment. The three of us had not been alone together

until this point. We got to talk about past memories,

present feelings and future questions. Rebecca shared

some of the reasons why she felt like Dana and I were

the ones to share Ruthie’s life with. She brought up

FCA camp and some other memories that she had of us.

Mostly they were memories of Dana being a good

mother. This is what gave her the confidence in us. We

shared with Rebecca that we wanted her to be

comfortable with any request. It is our desire that

Ruthie know Rebecca as mommy and Jay as daddy. We

feel God has called Ruthie to have two mommies and

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two daddies. However, we would readily agree to

whatever wishes Rebecca has and we wanted to make

that clear to her. We asked her to not worry about what

parents, grandparents, friends, etc desired, but to focus

on what God was calling her to do. We ensured her that

we loved her and held no judgments against her. We

wanted her to be comfortable in the fact that Rebecca’s

best interest, as well as Ruthie’s, would always be

paramount. We prayed for the entire situation. We gave

it all to God and asked him to make his desires known

and prayed that we always be available. Romans 8:1.

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who

are in Christ Jesus.

After we met with Rebecca, we went back to the

waiting room and began watching the endless cycle of

the elevator door opening and closing, people getting on

and off and “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”playing all

over again. While we waited, I did get to enjoy one of

my Subway cookies we salvaged from the

playgroundyoungins running aroundearlier. We were

experiencing the calm before the storm so to speak.

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Birth Hours

It was not much longer when Dana came back

from visiting with Rebecca and said the doctor had just

checked her and she was almost fully dilated. This news

sped our heart rates up and got the adrenaline flowing.

At this time I texted Jay and informed him that he

needed to come on up. He replied that he was on the

way. It wasn’t much longer before Jay and his mother

arrived. We waited in the lobby with Bill and Nana

Cheryl. Rebecca had requested that Pam and Dana be

with her through the birth, so we chit chatted in the

lobby. We talked about Jay’s dreams and thoughts as all

of this was quickly becoming a reality.

Jay and I moved to another seating area and once

again went over the processes that would take place in

the coming hours. I re-explained that once Rebecca had

the baby they would make sure everyone was ok. They

would then start cleaning them up and begin to allow

visitors. Due to the fact both Jay and Rebecca had

agreed to the consent, the counselors felt it best if they

did not all share time with the baby together. I

explained that unfortunately, Jay and I would be the last

two to visit with her. I was told that once they

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completed the birthing and post birth process, they

would take Ruthie and Dana to the nursery and then Jay

and I would visit with them there. Initially, they told me

this would occur in about twenty to thirty minutes after

the birth cleanup. While we were talking, we were

informed that Ruthie was born perfectly and that both

she and Rebecca were doing fine. As they cleaned her

up, Bill, Misty and Nana Cheryl all went back to visit.

The twenty to thirty minutes Jay and I were to wait

turned into almost two hours.

I must admit this wait was a little nerve racking.

The biological and adopting fathers were the last to see

her. It really seemed wrong how long it took. We

agreed that due to the current situation, this process was

best, but it was taking forever. The waiting did not

make it any easier and did promote many mixed

emotions. The wait time and the lack of communication

brought forth skeptical thoughts and concerns. I tried to

be calm about it and reassure both Jay and Misty, but

behind the scenes I was sending Dana text messages

trying to find out what was occurring and expressing our


During this time I also went over with Jay again

how the consent would work. We had discussed this

earlier, but I did not want him to experience any

surprises or feel in any way as if he were being taken

advantage of. Misty also had some questions about it. I

explained, that legally, Jay could have signed his

consent to adopt the day he agreed, but Rebecca could

not until at least twenty four hours after delivery. I

explained that Dana and I wanted to allow Jay to see and

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hold Ruthie before he signed. We felt we owed him this

opportunity to make sure he was still in agreement. The

adoption counselor would take Jay’s consent after he

had visited with the baby, if Jay was still in agreement.

I explained that Robin, the adoption specialist, was at

her home and not there waiting. This was incase Jay

changed his mind, there would be no need for her to be

waiting around. If Jay agreed after holding Ruthie then

we would call her. I told her we would face that

decision once we got there.

Finally, we got the call that Ruthie was going to the

nursery and that we could see her.The nurse came out

and got Jay. The nurse then took him to the nursery, and

Misty and I watched as Jay met Dana and Ruthie for the

first time. The moment was sweet. Jay just cried and

held her like she would break. Dana and Jay talked

about their shared plans for Ruthie and their concerns

for each other. Jay then gave Ruthie her first bottle. As

he tried to burp her for the first time, his pats would not

have burst a soap bubble. Misty, Deon (Jay’s step

father) and I just laughed at his tenderness. Dana helped

him hold her, feed her and burp her. It was obvious he

was feeling emotions he did not know were possible.

For the first time all the advice and lessons he had been

taught over the years made sense to him. It was sweet to

see all the love being shared in the room and through the

nursery glass.

Dana spoke to the nurse and they ok’d for me to go

back with them as well. I was excited to hold my baby

girl for the first time. She was sweet and small. I had

forgotten how little newborns are. All 8 pounds and 10

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ounces and 20.5 inches of her seemed perfect. She

looked just like both Rebecca and Jay. She had

Rebecca’s lips and chin. You could see a blend of them

both in her eyes and nose. She also had Zach’s hair! I

couldn’t help but stare at her. She was so beautiful and

calm. I felt a whole peace about the entire situation

because it was as if Ruthie understood and was ok with

it. I just imagined briefly what huge plans God had in

store for all of us.

We got to visit for a while and then the nurses took

Ruthie to do whatever they do with newborns. Dana,

Jay and I met Misty back in the waiting room. We

talked about the visit and about the emotions that were

experienced. Jay verified the feelings we all knew he

was having. He also expressed that he was certain we

would love Ruthie and be true to our word. He was still

in agreement and willing to sign the consent. We

verified with him and Misty and then called Robin, the

adoption counselor. About fifteen minutes later she met

us in the waiting area, and Jay and his mother went over

the paper work.

I must admit that I was happy and hurting at the

same time. When we decided we were being led to

adopt, we really did not think we would have any

interactions with the biological parents. We never felt

we would be a part of an open adoption, must less have

to sit in the other room while the biological parents

signed their legal rights over to us. This moment hurt. I

hurt for Jay, for Misty, for his whole family. I did feel

like we were doing what we were called to do, but it still

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was not easy. It did not make it any better knowing that

we would have to do this again with Rebecca.

Jay and Misty completed their meeting with Robin.

Jay had consented to sharing Ruthie’s life with us. This

was amazing. In less than two weeks God had called us

into Jay’s life and given him enough confidence and

trust that he agreed to share his daughter with us. I told

Misty this was truly amazing and that we all were

demonstrating a great deal of faith at this moment. I

expressed that I couldn’t wait until the day when all of

us could genuinely express our gratitude in being

obedient. It did Dana and I a lot of good when Jay later

expressed his thoughts of reassurance in his decision.

Below is a text he sent me the next day about Dana.

Jay: That lil girl changed my life just as much as

yall..An you know i knew you a lilbit..but the first time i

seen danai just felt loved an i knew it was go be okay

when i felt that..tell her I thank her..ani hope them boys

be okay with me i been thinkin bout that all the time.

Jay was not only reassured but concerned that my sons

would accept him. I told him he did not have to worry

about that, that they wouldn’t think twice about it.

Football players are all that they know.

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The Cross Part 2

It was just after midnight, and I wasn’t exactly sure

what all had just happened. I felt like I was at halftime

of a big football game. Ruthie had been born, everyone

had seen her, Jay consented to the adoption, little kids

tore up the waiting room, and through all of the events it

was obvious that God was present. A lot of emotion

and decisions had already taken place, but I knew there

was much more to come. Dana and I had just finished

giving Ruthie her first bath when the nurses took her to

allow her to sleep. I realized we did not have any

toiletries and that Maggie, our dog, was outside and had

not been fed. I texted Bill and asked if he would like to

go with me to take care of these things. He said

Rebecca was resting and agreed to ride with me.

On the wayto my house, I felt I had to show Bill

something. I went a little out of my way to take him by

the church with the cross. I explained that on the way

home from meeting with Jay and his mother, I saw

something. I wanted him to see the same thing I saw. I

drove the car to allow us to come the same way so he

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could see the lit steeple through the trees. I explained

that God had called me to the church and I was unsure

why. I told him as I pulled in the same parking lot that

my headlights came to rest on that: as my headlights

once again came to rest on the cross.

I had not spoken of this moment to anyone other

than Jay, until I told Bill the whole story. I explained

how I gave myself and the situation to Christ at the foot

of the cross. I explained how I became speechless, and

how God interceded as He promises us. We then agreed

that God led us back to the cross this night. We both

kneeled faced down at the foot of the cross and gave

thanks to Jesus for his sacrifice for us. We gave thanks

for a healthy birth, for His plan, for each other. We

prayed for healing: physical, mental, emotional, social

and spiritual. We prayed for all the families involved

and specifically for Rebecca. Then Bill prayed

specifically for Jay. This was a touching prayer to hear.

In all the brokenness that had occurred, and in the price

of sin that was being paid, healing and love was all

around. God’s grace, love and mercy were found once

again at the foot of that cross.

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The Nursing Staff

We arrived back at the hospital at roughly two in the

morning. Bill went to be with Rebecca and Pam. Dana

and I settled into the Spartanburg Regional “Hilton.”

This was composed of a ten foot by ten foot space in the

waiting room complete with two chairs, a mini love seat

and a table. Talk about extravagant accommodations.

At this point there was no need to sleep. The nurses

would be coming to get us to feed Ruthie in the next

thirty minutes. I realized it was a new day so I decided

to check my verse of the day. Deuteronomy 6:6-7. 6

These commandments that I give you today are to be on

your hearts.7

Impress them on your children. Talk about

them when you sit at home and when you walk along the

road, when you lie down and when you get up.

God was reminding us to speak life into Ruthie from day

one. Not only was he speaking of Ruthie, but Caleb,

Joshua, and even Rebecca and Jay. You see, we told

Rebecca and Jay that not only was Ruthie getting

another set of parents, but they were essentially getting

another as well.

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As I was praying for all of these children, the nurse

came to get us to feed Ruthie. These feeding times that

came every three hours were blessings for us. We got to

hold, love, bond with and speak to Ruthie. We got to

have a moment of normalcy in an otherwise completely

illogical situation. It was so illogical to some that I

overheard one nurse comment that,“they ain’t going to

get to stay in here (speaking of the nursery) so they

might as well go on home,” when she heard of our

desire to spend the night in the lobby as to bond with

Ruthie. I think she kind of softened her heart as she

found us patiently waiting her summons every three

hours. Numbers 11:17.17

I will come down and speak

with you there, and I will take some of the power of the

Spirit that is on you and put it on them. They will share

the burden of the people with you so that you will not

have to carry it alone.

Over the next few hours, the nurses began to take

ownership in our situation. They knew the birth mother

and her family were in a hospital room, that the adoptive

parents were in the waiting room, and the paternal side

of the family would be visiting. They seemed a little

taken aback by the positive and open interactions

between the groups. It was during this time that they

worked it out so Dana and I had a comfortable place to

feed Ruthie. They worked out a comfortable situation

where Jay and Misty could spend time with us and

Ruthie. They worked out,with ease, the request for

Ruthie to be transported back and forth between the

nursery, Rebecca’s room and the areas we would spend

time with her. They even took special care of our

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Spartanburg Regional “Hilton Room!” The upgraded

accommodations they offered us on the second night

were plush by waiting room standards. Matthew 11:28.

―Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and

I will giveyourest.We can’t give enough gratitude for all

the support and help the nursing staff provided. We

pray God blesses each of them. They did not allow us to

carry any of the burdens of the situation alone.

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Combination Through Separation

We awoke early Thursday morning to feed Ruthie

and spend our bonding time with her. We knew today

would be another emotional day. We would again

experience the pain of the legal documentation, as today

was the day Rebecca would sign her consent. We also

knew that this day we would face walking away with

Ruthie for the first time. It was at these waking thoughts

that my emotions began to overflow. I went to my verse

of the day to hopefully find solace. Solace was not what

I found, but verification and justification instead.

Instead of calming my emotions, God invited them.

Isaiah 25:1. LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and

praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have

done wonderful things, things planned long ago.I was

living in God’s will and it was awe inspiring. It was

overwhelming. It was feelings you cannot attempt to

explain. And these feelings were just beginning.

We knew at 8:30 Rebecca would begin the meeting

with Robin to go through and sign the consent forms. I

was sitting in the waiting room when Robin got off the

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elevator. We spoke for a moment and then she headed

back to see Rebecca. At this moment all the same

feelings I felt when Jay was doing his consent began

again. The only difference is I had known Jay for two

weeks. I had known Rebecca for fourteen years. I just

prayed that God would comfort her, guide her,carry her

through this process. For the next hour I prayed,

listened to Christian music aloud on my phone as I

teared up time and time again. The music provided a

calming effect on me. It even prompted two people

passing by to stop and ask about it. This was comforting

as well.

A little after 9:30 Robin showed back up in the

waiting room. She said everything went well. She

indicated that Rebecca gave her consent and expressed

that she cried at all the right times. She said she felt

peace about Rebecca’s decision. At this time she

handed us our signed copy and congratulated us. I could

not look at the paperwork. The tears began to flow once

more.I was not prepared for all of these emotions. The

finality of the transition process and the beginning of a

new and unfamiliar life was in full motion. The feelings

of gaining a new family member, a new child, are

indescribable on the emotional scale. As are the feelings

at the loss of a family member are indescribable on the

other extreme. These feelings do not complement each

other well. They do not even almost go together. At

this moment these feelings were beginning to blend.

As Dana and I hugged and prayed for Rebecca, Jay

and Ruthie, a nurse came to get us to feed Ruthie, who

was in the room with Rebecca. When we went in I

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began to sob. There is no way to prepare for this

moment. We all cried briefly and hugged. Then Ruthie

decided she had enough of that and spoke up to be fed.

Rebecca fed Ruthie and tears rolled down her face as

she looked at her precious child. This was hard to

watch. Again, I knew we were submersed in God’s will,

but the emotions… After Ruthie finished eating, the

lactation nurse was coming in so Dana and I left the

room. We went and waited in the waiting area. Bill

came with us as well.

We found reassurance from Bill that Rebecca still

felt that she was doing what God was calling her to do.

However, it’s still hard to fathom. All my concern was

moving from Jay and Ruthie to Rebecca at this time. I

could not imagine how she felt about allowing another

couple to take her child. I thought of Mary at the

persecution and crucifixion of Jesus. I prayed that God

grant Rebecca the serenity that he had to give Mary as

she stood at the cross.

As we were sitting with Bill, Laurie, Matt

Henderson’s assistant and Bethany, Matt’s daughter and

assistant, arrived to handle presenting Ruthie to us. This

moment was very bitter sweet. I hurt for Bill as he had

to witness Laurie’s excitement for us. Laurie was also

sweet in the fact she tried to respect Bill’s feelings as

well. Laurie and Bethany left us to go and do whatever

it is they do. Dana, Bill and I continued to sit with each

other. A few minutes later Laurie came back out and

told us she was ready for us to sign the paperwork

required to take custody of Ruthie. We followed Laurie,

and Bill went to be with Rebecca. They led Dana and I

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back to the nursery. When we walked in, Bethany,

Katie Hamblett, the case worker,and another nurse were

waiting for us with Ruthie.

At this moment all I could think of was Rebecca

having to give Ruthie to a nurse. I began to sob

uncontrollably, as I am now, thinking of this moment. I

am really not sure what all happened next. I just

remember signing some papers and changing Ruthie in

to her baby clothes. I vividly remember seeing the

compassion on Bethany’s face, then on all the others in

the room. They got to the point where they were going

to allow us to leave the hospital. I tried to speak but

couldn’t really get my thoughts out. I finally managed,

with the help of Dana, to ask if Dana and I could see

Rebecca one more time before we left. I couldnot live

with the thought of Rebecca handing Ruthie to a nurse.

Rebecca, Ruthie, Jay, all of us deserved for Ruthie to be

shared at this moment.

They all agreed and Dana, Ruthie and I headed back

down the hall towards Ruthie’s room. This must be

unusual, because when we passed the nurses’ station all

of them stopped to watch us go by. We knocked on

Rebecca’s room and then entered. I took Ruthie directly

to Rebecca so she could hold her once again. We all

cried together and just allowed God to be God. Psalm

46:10. He says, ―Bestill, and know that I am God; I will

be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the

earth.‖ We kind of clamed our emotions and laughed a

little. I then prayed for Rebecca, Ruthie, Jay, all of us

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and the entire new life we were beginning together.

After this it was time to go. We all hugged.

Dana gently approached Rebecca and Ruthie. She

looked around at Bill and Pam then back to Rebecca and

Ruthie and then at me. I simply nodded my head and

Dana and Rebecca in a beautiful but heartbreaking

moment exchanged Ruthie. Ruthie officially now had

two mommies and daddies. So many families just


We turned to go, all of us with tears in our eyes,

when I looked back to Rebecca. I held her hand as we

left and told them all we loved them. Rebecca’s

fingertips fell from my hand as we departed and we

walked from her hospital room. Once the door behind

us fully closed, Dana and I both wept uncontrollably.

We completely felt the love of Christ and what it was

like to love like Him. John 11: 35, 40. 35

Jesus wept…40

Then Jesus said, ―Did I not tell you that if you believe,

you will see the glory of God?‖ I now understood why

you would not be able to look upon the Glory of God

and survive. Where we were standing we could not

breathe, move or function. These must have been the

feelings felt at the time of the crucifixion. So much hurt,

loss, pain, faith, hope, love and joy wrapped up in one

moment. There are not enough words, or paper to fully

describe how we felt at this moment.

As we stood crying outside Rebecca’s room,

Dana said she didn’t want to leave. I choked out that I

understood, but we have to leave for the first time at

some point. We nodded and started to move to meet

Katie. It was a surreal moment as we came to the

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nurses’ station. All the nurses noticed that we were

flooded with emotion. They all stopped what they were

doing to check ad see if everything was ok. Amidst the

tears and sobs, we could only reply with a nod of our

heads. Instantly you could not only sense, but feel the

compassion and warmth from the nurses. It was nice

knowing that God had touched a whole nursing staff

with their interactions with these relationships. Dana,

Ruthie, Katie and I proceeded to the elevator.

So many thoughts ran through my mind as I

went to pick up our car. I was supposed to pick up Dana

and Ruthie at the oval loading zone. I could hardly see

as tears flooded my eyes. Was what we were doing

right? Were we in God’s will? I knew for sure we

were, but I had no idea it would feel like this. I was so

blinded with tears and emotions that I could not find our

car. I had to call Dana to find out where we left it. The

whole time it was right in front of me. As I started the

engine, I took time to catch my breath. Was the car too

cold for Ruthie was my next thought. I sat there while

the car idled, hoping it would warm quickly while I

cleared my throat and eyes. I then proceeded to pull

from the parking lot to the unloading zone. Emotion

overtook me again as I pulled in. It was at this time

when I noticed through the tears the AMZNGRACE

license plate in front of me. At this, I laughed. God

spoke His promises and comforted my soul momentarily

with a license plate.

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The Cross – Part 3

We secured Ruthie in her car seat and headed home

for the first time. At this moment, Dana took one of the

prettiest pictures I’ve ever seen. It was of Ruthie in her

car seat. It was as if she was at total peace with this life

we were beginning. The experience was overwhelming. The emotions

Tears were beginning to overflow again. Containing

them was impossible. I couldn’t speak and when Dana

asked if I was ok, all I could do was nod.

When I turned left at the intersection I would

normally pass through, Dana was taken by surprise.

Where are you going is how she responded. I told her I

had to show her something. We travelled quietly until I

could see the steeple of the church in view. As we

approached, I explained that I saw something on the way

home from meeting with Jay. I told her I wanted her to

see it as well. I turned so Dana could have the same

view that I had on the way home that night. Through

uncontrollable sobs, I explained the story just as I had

with Bill. I shared that I saw the church and was led to

it, and when I turned in, I was led straight to the cross. I

explained the smallness in myself and the humility God

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placed on me as he called me to my knees. I explained

His intercession as I tried to pray and how it felt to live

out the promises of His Word. I explained the peace I

felt about the whole situation and how it felt to be led to

the cross. I told her of how I brought Bill her and shared

the story with Him. I told of how he and I prayed there

as well. I told her I knew the first thing we had to do

was bring Ruthie to the foot of the cross and praise Him,

worship him and pray for her and the entire newly

blended families.

We cried together as we took Ruthie in her car seat

to that cross. We sat her at the foot of it and just gave

her to Jesus. We prayed special blessings and

protections for her, for Rebecca, for Jay. We prayed that

lives would be forever changed due to her and the

beautiful story that God created for her, for us. We

prayed that this just be the beginning of the story and

that God be glorified throughout. Before we left, we

took a picture of Ruthie at the foot of that cross. There

is no better visual of this whole situation. The words of

Jeremy Riddle describe how we felt as we left the foot

of that cross to start our new life feeling “Sweetly


I sent Bill a picture of Ruthie at the cross. Below are

the responses.

Me: He intercedes. Speechless...but glorified.

Bill: Amen, ok for me to tell Bec the story

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Me: Please. It could even be a Stop on your way home.

Bill: Good idea.

(Bill Sent a picture of the cross where they stopped to

pray on the way home as well.)

Bill: What a great time of prayer. Thanks for being


Bill: Don't know if you saw this but this is the name of

the street at the intersection where the church is. ISI

(Bill sent a picture of the street sign at the church. The

road name is Family.)

Me: I didn't. I haven't stopped crying yet!

Bill: when we were leaving the hospital I told Pam to

drive her car up to the church just passed Renfro

brothers and I pick her up there. after we prayed and

saw the family street sign, as she was pulling out of the

church parking lot she saw the sign. Amazing! as I was

praying this morning I was asking God please tell me

show me what's next, give me a sign.....

(Bill sent a picture of a church sign that read: “Let the

power of the cross make a difference in your life.)

Me: I knew God loved us, but not until now, through

Rebecca, did I really have a clue how much. Leaving

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the hospital with Ruthie was the single hardest thing I

have ever done.

I also sent the same picture to Jay. This was our text


Me: I took Coach Owens here after you and your mom

left the night she was born. I told him how God led me

there and told me it all was going to be a miracle. At

1:00 in the morning we prayed at the foot of this cross.

At 1:00 in the morning Bill prayed specifically for you.

He loves you too. It's just his baby girl was hurting.

Bec was strong through this. She fought for you, for

Ruthie, for Jesus. She stood tall and proud. Made did

all off this as people talked trash behind her back. All

of this hurts a father to see His baby girl face. Give

him time. When he seems odd or cold, remember he

loved Rebecca as much as you love Annaleeyah. God

will heal this relationship too.

Jay: When i seen it i just knew where it yes we

all are blessed an we will..I hope yallgettin rest an doing

well..How big girl doing for yall


Me: Joshua is trying to be a big helper. I'm about to

give her a bottle. Ill talk to her about you and Bec and

all of this when I feed her.

I am serious about your mom being a true / no limits

grandma. I expect it and want it.

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Jay: Loli knew they would love her..ani know

everything go be when i held her i just

imagined how he felt bcmhnmhn that baby right

there..Long as i love that girl i will stay on the right path

an i know i will make mistakes but thatshuman..anits

never to late..iwanna become that man he accept his

babygirl to be with..Ani want leeyah to see what a

women deserves an she see how itrear her momma an

know i want be perfect an thats a goal Anicant wait to

get down at the foot of that cross so i can feel it an pray

for all of us

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We have now begun our new life with Ruthie, with

Rebecca, with Jay and all their families combined. To

Ruthie she will know no other normal. We pray that no

matter how illogical this all may seem that ultimately we

are available and obedient throughout. We really are not

sure how it’s all going to turn out. We have no idea who

or what any of us will ultimately become.

However, we all know without a shadow of a doubt

that none of this was an accident. We once dreamed of a

baby girl. We now dream of the future with Ruthie.

What will Christmases now be like? Sporting events?

Graduation?Her wedding?Her children?Etc?The great

thing is in our wildest dreams, I know we can never

fathom the true path or graces that will be bestowed

upon us.

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Isaiah 55: 8-9. 8 “For my thoughts are

not your thoughts, neither are your ways

my ways,”declares the LORD. 9 “As the

heavens are higher than the earth, so are

my ways higher than your ways and my

thoughts than your thoughts.

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At the hospital with Ruthie.

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The image Dana took of Ruthie in the car seat.

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Ruthie at the foot of the cross.

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The Picture Bill sent of the cross, when they stopped to

pray as a family on the way home.

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The picture Bill sent of the street sign at the church

where the cross is.

The church sign Bill Spoke of.

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Dana, Rebecca and Ruthie.

Jay, Misty and Ruthie.

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Caleb and Ruthie.Joshua and Ruthie.

Dana, Jay and Ruthie at the hospital.

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Oceans by HillSong United

You call me out upon the waters

The great unknown where feet may fail

And there I find You in the mystery

In oceans deep

My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name

And keep my eyes above the waves

When oceans rise

My soul will rest in Your embrace

For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters

Your sovereign hand

Will be my guide

Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me

You've never failed and You won't start now

So I will call upon Your name

And keep my eyes above the waves

When oceans rise

My soul will rest in Your embrace

For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders

Let me walk upon the waters

Wherever You would call me

Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander

And my faith will be made stronger

In the presence of my Savior

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I will call upon Your Name

Keep my eyes above the waves

My soul will rest in Your embrace

I am Yours and You are mine

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Lead Me to The Cross – Hillsong United

Savior I come

Quiet my soul remember

Redemption's hill

Where Your blood was spilled

For my ransom

Everything I once held dear

I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross

Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross

You were as I

Tempted and trialed


Word became flesh

Bore my sin and death

Now You're risen

To Your heart

To Your heart

Lead me to Your heart

Lead me to Your heart

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Sweetly Broken – Jeremy Riddle

To the cross I look, to the cross I cling

Of it's suffering I do drink

Of it's work I do sing

For on it my Savior both bruised and crushed

Showed that God is love

And God is just


At the cross You beckon me

You draw me gently to my knees, and I am

Lost for words, so lost in love,

I‘m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered

What a priceless gift, undeserved life

Have I been given

Through Christ crucified

You‘ve called me out of death

You‘ve called me into life

And I was under Your wrath

Now through the cross I‘m reconciled


In awe of the cross I must confess

How wondrous Your redeeming love and

How great is Your faithfulness

Chorus: (2x‘s)

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Thanks and Blessings

All honor, blessings and glory are from and for our

Lord Jesus Christ. May we always use our blessings in

all circumstances to praise Him.

We pray for special thanks and blessings for:

-Everyone mentioned in the Story of Ruthie coming to


-Everyone who may not have been mentioned, but know

you are dear in the development and design of our


-Everyone who prayed for Ruthie, Rebecca, Jay, Bill,

Pam, all grandparents and us throughout this living


-Everyone who visited, called, mentored, and presented

gifts to Ruthie and our extended family in this time.

-Our Church: Milestones Church and our small group

for the spiritual gifts and love you provide for us.

-Casey Nunnemaker. Friend and colleague at Chapman

who took her time and efforts to help proof this


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6 Months Later

It has now been 6 months that Ruthie has been with

us. She is a beautiful child. She is smart and has an

unbelievable personality. She is babbling off sounds

and beginning to crawl. She is a perfect baby and has

two great big brothers. Caleb and Joshua simply adore


Rebecca is off to a great year at school. She has

shared her testimony multiple times and has touched the

lives of many. Her volleyball season is going great and

her grades are tremendous.

Jay has enrolled into Spartanburg Community

college and still hold dreams of transferring to a four

year school and giving football one more chance.

All the grandparents are awesome. Ruthie spends

time with all five sets.

I am not sure what plans God has for us in the future.

However, I am sure they are greater than our own.

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