ill OlIay IgAside that I Stara · I 1 II...

< offi i famlJ > I 1 C II t J < r JI j Jo d- t 1 1 r e J I c f I 1- I f l J- ot p 4 OCALA EVENING STAR 1UESDAY MAY 19 1908 SEVEN J- I r i S d Connoisseurs of Fine I LIQUORSW- ill 4 < do well to patronize our bar We serve only the purest of Liquors established wellknown brands liquors that have become I mellowed with age and will do you good and not harm Courteous treatment to our pa- trons I and service by skilled mixologists t Agents for AnheuserBusch Beer L I I Ocala House Wine Rooms l I W A KALLENBERGER Manag- erS t7 r 1 p I L BITTING i 1 1 REAL E STAT E I J- J Ocala f t U a r- i I < f i 1 H ltt < I Have You a l CLJ Summer Stove f f The stifling air of a I I 1L 3rL i1 t close kitch n is changed 4 to comfortable coolness 0 n 0 1 by installing a IvTew Per- fection II Wick Blue FJame I Oil CookStove to do the I family cooking I V I No kitchen furnishing- is so convenient as this I I stove Gives a working heat at once and main- tains ¬ I J r it until turned out J I a I that too without over- heating ¬ I fth the room If you examine the I i I V L J j NEW PERFECTION j f t Wick Blue Flame Oil CookStove r 1 you will seewhr this is so The heatfrom the 11 I chimney New Perfection is concentrated under the kettle and not dissipated through the room I by radiation Thus it does the work of the coal I f range without its discomfort Ask your dealer about this stoveif not with him write our nearest agency l I I I J i a very I TheR O amp hands pfece me of housefurnishing and gives- a I clear powerful light more agreeable than gas or electricity Safe everywhere and always Made- of brass finely just the thing for the I livingroom If not with your dealer writs our I nearest agency t Standard Oil Company Iicirprated- I t J FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES v Western Beef Veal Florida I Stall Fed Beef I f I S Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork ff m 1 Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W I P ED W ARDS- I 1 Phone 108 City Market 1 Annual Excursion j TO SOUTH GEORGIA K- I AND VEST FLORIDA < f 1 1 I c May 25- I J r VIA j ATLANTIC CDST tiNE I 1 RATES FROM OCALA TO t I Valdosta S 400 Bainbridge 500 Thoniasville L t j 450 Boston e 450 1 AlbanyVV J V Y 500 Chattahoochee i 500 Tifton S S V S S 500 Monticellb 450 AND RETURN Tickets on sale May 25th with final limit June 2d Good on all Passenger Trains- For tickets reservations or Information call on nearest AC L agect or JI W CARR t PA r tl j J G KIRKLAND D P A 6 t Taimpa Florida T Ci WHITE P Ai > W J CRAIG P T- WalmnteN M C I I 4- j a q 1 d IJ JyLi 1 h I e 1 j l < JW v i Jt f i 1 1 d Mj i i A4fei l t r c CARS RUN IN CLEVELAND Strikers are Revengeful and Throw Many Missiles at Strike i Breakers Cleveland OlIay IgAside from a few minor disturbances the street car strike situation yester- day ¬ I bore no evidence of violence while the service given by the Municipal Traction Company was greatly improved A police officer ode on each car and screens of heavy wire were provided around- the motormans vestibules Only one instance of a serious 1 attempt to attack the crew of a car reported when a crowd of boys and men sent a volley of stones and sticks at a Miles avenue car Some of the missiles found their mark and the conductor drew a pistol the police say firing a shot No one was hurt CASHIERS DISHONESTY t- k BROKE DOWN THE BANK a Pittsburg May IgThe Alle ¬ gheny National Bark whose for- mer ¬ cashier Villiam Montgom- ery ¬ is in jail specifically charged with the misappropriation of 594 000 while officers of the bank and of the Treasury Department are trying to fathom still larger appar- ent ¬ discrepancies in the banks funds did not reopen for business yesterday Instead a notice I on the door announced that the con- troller of the currency hadtaken charge and would close up the af ¬ fairs of the bank r CHRONIC CONSTIPATION CURED- One who suffers from chronic con is in danger of many serious aliments Foleys Orino Laxative ures chronic eo stipation as it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels 0l e e it today and you Trill fK better at onceFo ¬ leys Orino >L five does not nauseate or gripe and is pleasant to takeRe fuse substitutes Sold by all dealers IL TAFT HAS RETURNED I I Charleston S C May IgThe Hdn William H Taft Secretary- of War in Charleston har- bor ¬ at noon yesterday on board the cruiser Prairie and after spending a few hours InJfhe city during which time he yasiet and greeted by a number of Officials and friends left the cty for Washing- ton ¬ at 555 p m via the Atlantic Coast Line i r p f GOOD FOR EVERYBODY > Mr Norman R Cbulter a prominent architect in the Delbert Building San Francisco says Mul9 endorse all that has been said Bitters- as a tonic medicine It is for everybody toffifects jilomach liver and kidney dteordpr < in a prompt and efficient manner aml builds up the system Blectric Bitters is the best spring medicine ever sold over a dr counter as a blood puri- fier It unequaJed 50c at all drug- stores ¬ I CONVEN1ENTLYCRAZY I- I Fairmont W V May 18Tempo ¬ rarily nsane according to his own statement the Rev S A Coffin aged 10 a prominent Methodist Episcopal clergyman who lives at Rosstown killed his wife yesterday by cutting her throat A moment after the crime he says he regained his senses and realized what he had done He im- mediately ¬ surrendered and was locked- up SORE NIPPLES- Any mother who has had experience- with this distressing ailment will be pleased to knoWtht a cure may be effected by supplying Chamberlains- Salve as soon s child Is done nursing Wipe ItTTm with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse Many trained nurses use this salve with best results For sale by laU druggists LOUISIANAS NEW GOVERNOR- Baton Rouge La May 19With ceremonies more brilliant and elabor ¬ ate than any ever before attenpted on such an occasion in this state Jared- Y Sanders was yesterday inaugurated governor of Louisiana succeeding Newton C Blanchard- A HAPPY FATHER- Is soon turned to a sad one if he has to walk the floor every night with a crying ba by McGee Baby Elixir will make he chih well soothe its nerves iriducX hea fiiy normal slum ¬ ber Best for Tii ordered bowels and sour stomach teething babies need it Pleasfant to ake sure and sate contaiire no hahiiul drugs Price 25 andF50 cents per bottle Sold by AnUlf no poly Drugstore GET YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS- over the A C L Hj coast lines or any of its connections and inter ¬ changeable mileage books from R T AqamsA GL city ticket agent pf face in Ocala House I I I a Most Valuable Agent- The glycerine employed in Dr Pierces medicines greatly enhances the medicinal properties which It extracts from native medicinal roots and holds in solution much better than alcohol would It also possesses medicinal properties of its own being a valuable demulcent nutritive antiseptic and ant 1 ferment It adds greatly to the efficacy of the Black Chertf bark Bloodroot Golden Seal root Stont root and Queens root contained In Golden Medical DiscoVery subduing chronic or lingering coughs bronchial throat and lung affections for all of which these agents are recommended by stand- ard medical authorities- In all cases where there Is a wasting away of flesh loss of appetite with weak tomatfh AS In the early stages of con- Ium I n there can be no doubt that gly ¬ cerIno acts as a valuable nutritive and aids >ne G Iden Seal root Stone root s root and Black Cherrybark in promoting fligestion and building the flesh an s rength controlling the cough and jbrlngMng about a healthy condition of the whftle system Of course it must not be e to miracles It will not cure nsumptlon except In its earlier stages twin cirA vprv n e han c n qjr TI and eR r u tr n c sore- tlThLYLLIh hoarseness In acute cougnS Is not so el ec We it Is In tho lingering hangon coughs or those of long standing- even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs that it has performed its most marvelous cures Prof Finley Ellingwood MD of Ben- nett ¬ Med College Chicago says of gly- cerine ¬ In dyspepsia it serves an excellent > O Holding a fixed quantity of the peroxide ot- bY1rogenin solution it is one of the best products of tho present time in enfeebled disordered stom ¬ > if there is ulceration or ca- tarrhal gastritis < catarrhal inflammation of stomach it is a most efficient preparation Glycerine will relieve mnny cases of pyrosis heartburn and excessive gastric stomach acidity It Medical Discovery enriches and purifies the blood curing blotches pimples eruptions scrofulous swelllngsRnd sores or ulcers A Send to Dr R V Pierce of Buffalo N Y for free booklet telling all about natl medicinal roots composing this wonderful medicine There lau alcohol n it I I KEEP COOL Have electric fans placed in your office or home and keep qool through the hot months It is inexpensive and- a great comfort See Walter Tucker the electrician about them Have you seen tnev hew visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Cd general agents COLDS THAT HANG ON > Cplds that hang on in the spring de ¬ pete the system xhaust the nexves and open theway for serious illness Take FOleY mojjey and Tar It quickly stops Uhe and expels the cold It is safetiKl certain in results S sold by all dealers t LARGE LETTER PRESS WANTED- A large size letter or copying press wanted Apply at this office- A LIVING SKELETON Is the final condition of any child that has wormsif it lives Think of having somethingrtn stomach 1 hat eats al talfe as nourishment Nlnet nths of therapies have worms maybe yours has Be certain that- it has not by giving it Whites Cream Vermifuge expels all worms and is a tonic for the baby Price 25 cents Sold by AntiMonopoly Drug Store JERSEY CREAM AT LINCOLN PARK Sunday and every day thereafter until further notice delicious Jersey- ice cream will be served at Lincoln Heights Casino IE Simmons Prop- PERSONAL1 j a r If any person suspects that their kidneys are deralngecl they should take Foleys KijHiex Remedy at o ice and rot risk haiinj Bjrights disease or diabetes pIYjives the disease a stronger foUji4and you should not delay taking Kidney Remedy Sold by alldealers ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING- If you contemplate having your Louse wired for electric Alights be sure that you have Walter Tucker the electrician figure on the job then i youll have it done right and cheap HEALTH AND VITALITY Motts Norverine Pills The great nerve and brain restora ¬ tive for men and women produces strength and ytality builds up the system and renews the normal vigor For sale by druggists or by mail 1 per box 6 boxes forQ Sold by the AntiMonopol Drugstore OPEN EVERY NIGHT The Lincoln Heights Casino the one colored peoples amusement place In Ocala of standing and merit will be open every evening henceforth Al- ways ¬ amusement refreshments and perfect order Patronize the casino- as it takes money to keep it up Ike Simmons proprietor Chamberlains Colic Cholera i and Diarrhoea Remedy There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Dur- ing ¬ the third of a ceritury In which it has been in use peop have learned that it is the onevramedy that nev r fails When reduced with water nd sweetened It is pleasant to take For sale by all druggists 4 3 r I p 1 1 AJTENTION BOYS JIl Elsewhere in this Issue i will be seen tIij the announcement of the Star and th 1 t American Boy hbbest boys maga- zine ¬ fv in the United States Every boy- in Ocala should read this magazine- and ifLpU we are offering them the oppor- tunity With a little work on your part you can secure a sixmonths hub t spriptioA to the Stara new subscrib- er ¬ > collect the amount in advance r 250bring it to the Star office and we will have the paper sent to yojt one year without one cent of cost Gill at the office > and get a copy of ttiet American Boy for May if you are in- terested X as we have a limited number of sample coplesj I f- I j r I i > L- I I IIE- i1k Jf f l- it a i J > l t T8N j > rV 4 < t l H i 4 f Prompt Service r r I Lowest Pfiee i f- a I j 1 Bdyfron the 5 J J BLUE wGoNs i- to l OCALA ICE AND PAC IIlGCIJ J MEFFERT TAYLOR J Phoned Uo 1 t i I YO 0 j 1 I A Big Load for J NV 1 f O A S H y il 1 z q t i S I I J I r BHj SEYM U 2 1 > I Phone t8b r < f- j ± = I W AMBERA N- jp A N- a > 4 H DftffL- a ftefr Vi > i J I tM J 1- r V > rl V 1 i- ip A few doses of this remedy il1 in- variably jjf 1 cure an ordinary attack of I diarrhoaa 1 It can always be depended upon j even in the more severe ac of cramp colic and cholera inorbus e It It is equally successful for summer t diarrhoea and cholera infantum childrenand is the means of wivinj f the lives of many children each year ft Whe reduced with water and I sweetened it is pleasant take < r Every man of a family should keep 1 t this remedy in his Buyit now i PRICE 25cLARGE ffdo i r a 1 r r Sour Stbfflaht- I used Casearets and feel like a newman have f been a sufferer from dyspepsia and soar stomach for the last two been niedl- cinc ¬ t and other drugsbut could find no relief only for a short I recommend Cascaretg to t my friends as only thing for indigestion ad + sour stomach and to keep the bowels m good eom fP dition They are nice to eat v Harry Stuckley Maucb Chunk Pa 1 iJ i Best For I The Bowels l tT y t CANDY CATHARTIC jt- H I J t 1 Pleasant tPa1atab1et Good Do ootef Never SIC n or Gripe lOc 25c58cNer r J sold in bulk The genuine stamped OCO r Guaranteed to cure or your money back Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY S99 ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXES 1 4 FOLEYS- H l < 1 t j 0 N EYAND TAR T The original n LAXATIVE cough remedy- For coughs colas throat and lun y troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic Good fore < rybody Sold e very whcrt il Th genuine if j FOLEYS HONEY and TAR i fa- aY llow package Refuse substitute Pre par edonsytiy F00y Co pany Chloage- FOR iO SALE BY ALL DEALIE- vi a 1 Vi J- Lf j h r 1 t 4 I rt < r A

Transcript of ill OlIay IgAside that I Stara · I 1 II...

Page 1: ill OlIay IgAside that I Stara ·  I 1 II C t J< Jo r JI j td- 1 1 r e J I I c f I 1- f l J- p ot

< offi i famlJ >

I1 CII t J < r JI jJo d-t1

1 r e JI c f

I 1-

If l


otp 4


I r i

S d

Connoisseurs of FineI LIQUORSW-

ill4 <

do well to patronize our bar We serveonly the purest of Liquors establishedwellknown brands liquors that have become

I mellowed with age and will do you good andnot harm Courteous treatment to our pa-tronsI and service by skilled mixologists


Agents for AnheuserBusch Beer LI I

Ocala House Wine Roomsl I




1 p I







Ocala ft U a


i I


f i 1


ltt <

I Have You al

CLJ Summer Stovef


The stifling air of aI I 1L 3rL i1 t close kitch n is changed

4 to comfortable coolness0 n 0 1 by installing a IvTew Per-

fectionII Wick Blue FJameI Oil CookStove to do the

I family cooking I

V I No kitchen furnishing-is so convenient as this

II stove Gives a working

heat at once and main-tains

¬I J

r it until turned outJ I a

I that too without over-heating


I fth the room If you examine the





jf t

Wick Blue Flame Oil CookStover


you will seewhr this is so The heatfrom the11

I chimney New Perfection is concentratedunder the kettle and not dissipated through the room

I by radiation Thus it does the work of the coalI

f range without its discomfort Ask your dealer aboutthis stoveif not with him write our nearest agency l




i a veryI TheR O amp hands


housefurnishing and gives-a


clear powerful light more agreeable than gas orelectricity Safe everywhere and always Made-of brass finely just the thing for the

I livingroom If not with your dealer writs ourI nearest agencyt Standard Oil Company





Western Beef Veal Florida I Stall Fed BeefI f


S Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Porkff m

1 Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions



Phone 108 City Market1

Annual Excursionj TO SOUTH GEORGIA K-



1I c May 25-






I Valdosta S 400 Bainbridge 500Thoniasville L t j 450 Boston e 450

1 AlbanyVV J V Y 500 Chattahoochee i 500Tifton S S V S S 500 Monticellb 450

AND RETURNTickets on sale May 25th with final limit June 2d

Good on all Passenger Trains-

For tickets reservations or Information call on nearest AC L agect orJI W CARR t PA r tl


t Taimpa FloridaT Ci WHITE P Ai > W J CRAIG P T-






q 1d IJ JyLi 1h Ie


j l < JW v i Jt f i

1 1d Mj i i A4fei l t r c


Strikers are Revengeful and ThrowMany Missiles at Strike

i Breakers

Cleveland OlIay IgAsidefrom a few minor disturbances thestreet car strike situation yester-day


bore no evidence of violencewhile the service given by theMunicipal Traction Company wasgreatly improved A police officerode on each car and screens ofheavy wire were provided around-the motormans vestibules

Only one instance of a serious 1

attempt to attack the crew of a carreported when a crowd of boysand men sent a volley of stonesand sticks at a Miles avenue carSome of the missiles found theirmark and the conductor drew apistol the police say firing a shotNo one was hurt




Pittsburg May IgThe Alle¬

gheny National Bark whose for-mer


cashier Villiam Montgom-ery


is in jail specifically chargedwith the misappropriation of 594000 while officers of the bank andof the Treasury Department aretrying to fathom still larger appar-ent


discrepancies in the banksfunds did not reopen for businessyesterday Instead a notice I onthe door announced that the con-

troller of the currency hadtakencharge and would close up the af¬

fairs of the bankr


One who suffers from chronic conis in danger of many serious

aliments Foleys Orino Laxativeures chronic eo stipation as it aids

digestion and stimulates the liver andbowels 0l e e it todayand you Trill fK better at onceFo ¬

leys Orino>L five does not nauseateor gripe and is pleasant to takeRefuse substitutes Sold by all dealers



Charleston S C May IgTheHdn William H Taft Secretary-of War in Charleston har-bor


at noon yesterday on board thecruiser Prairie and after spendinga few hours InJfhe city duringwhich time he yasiet and greetedby a number of Officials andfriends left the cty for Washing-ton


at 555 p m via the AtlanticCoast Line

i rp



Mr Norman R Cbulter a prominentarchitect in the Delbert Building SanFrancisco says Mul9 endorse allthat has been said Bitters-as a tonic medicine It is foreverybody toffifects jilomach liverand kidney dteordpr <in a prompt andefficient manner aml builds up thesystem Blectric Bitters is the bestspring medicine ever sold over adr counter as a blood puri-fier It unequaJed 50c at all drug-stores





Fairmont W V May 18Tempo ¬

rarily nsane according to his ownstatement the Rev S A Coffin aged10 a prominent Methodist Episcopalclergyman who lives at Rosstownkilled his wife yesterday by cuttingher throat A moment after the crimehe says he regained his senses andrealized what he had done He im-


surrendered and was locked-up

SORE NIPPLES-Any mother who has had experience-

with this distressing ailment will bepleased to knoWtht a cure may beeffected by supplying Chamberlains-Salve as soon s child Is donenursing Wipe ItTTm with a soft clothbefore allowing the babe to nurseMany trained nurses use this salvewith best results For sale by laUdruggists


Baton Rouge La May 19Withceremonies more brilliant and elabor¬

ate than any ever before attenpted onsuch an occasion in this state Jared-Y Sanders was yesterday inauguratedgovernor of Louisiana succeedingNewton C Blanchard-

A HAPPY FATHER-Is soon turned to a sad one if he hasto walk the floor every night with acrying ba by McGee Baby Elixirwill make he chih well soothe itsnerves iriducX hea fiiy normal slum ¬

ber Best for Tii ordered bowels andsour stomach teething babiesneed it Pleasfant to ake sure andsate contaiire no hahiiul drugsPrice 25 andF50 cents per bottle Soldby AnUlf nopoly Drugstore

GET YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS-over the A C L Hj coast lines orany of its connections and inter ¬

changeable mileage books from R TAqamsA GL city ticket agent pfface in Ocala House



Ia Most Valuable Agent-The glycerine employed in Dr Pierces

medicines greatly enhances the medicinalproperties which It extracts from nativemedicinal roots and holds in solutionmuch better than alcohol would It alsopossesses medicinal properties of its ownbeing a valuable demulcent nutritiveantiseptic and ant 1 ferment It addsgreatly to the efficacy of the Black Chertfbark Bloodroot Golden Seal root Stontroot and Queens root contained InGolden Medical DiscoVery subduing

chronic or lingering coughs bronchialthroat and lung affections for all of whichthese agents are recommended by stand-ard medical authorities-

In all cases where there Is a wastingaway of flesh loss of appetite with weaktomatfh AS In the early stages of con-

Ium I n there can be no doubt that gly¬

cerIno acts as a valuable nutritive andaids >ne G Iden Seal root Stone root

s root and Black Cherrybark inpromoting fligestion and building theflesh an s rength controlling the coughand jbrlngMng about a healthy conditionof the whftle system Of course it mustnot be e to miracles It willnot cure nsumptlon except In its earlierstages twin cirA vprvn e han c n qjr TI

and eR r u tr n c sore-tlThLYLLIh hoarseness In acute cougnS

Is not so el ec We it Is In tho lingeringhangon coughs or those of long standing-even when accompanied by bleeding fromlungs that it has performed its mostmarvelous cures

Prof Finley Ellingwood M D of Ben-nett


Med College Chicago says of gly-cerine


In dyspepsia it serves an excellent >OHolding a fixed quantity of the peroxide ot-

bY1rogeninsolution it is one of the bestproducts of tho present time in

enfeebled disordered stom¬

> if there is ulceration or ca-tarrhal gastritis <catarrhal inflammation ofstomach it is a most efficient preparationGlycerine will relieve mnny cases of pyrosisheartburn and excessive gastric stomachacidity

It Medical Discovery enriches andpurifies the blood curing blotches pimpleseruptions scrofulous swelllngsRnd soresor ulcers A

Send to Dr R V Pierce of Buffalo N Yfor free booklet telling all about natlmedicinal roots composing this wonderfulmedicine There lau alcohol n it


Have electric fans placed in youroffice or home and keep qool throughthe hot months It is inexpensive and-a great comfort See Walter Tuckerthe electrician about them

Have you seen tnev hew visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cdgeneral agents


>Cplds that hang on in the spring de ¬

pete the system xhaust the nexvesand open theway for serious illnessTake FOleY mojjey and Tar Itquickly stops Uhe and expels thecold It is safetiKl certain in resultsS sold by all dealers



A large size letter or copying presswanted Apply at this office-

A LIVING SKELETONIs the final condition of any childthat has wormsif it lives Thinkof having somethingrtn stomach1 hat eats al talfe as nourishmentNlnet nths of therapies have wormsmaybe yours has Be certain that-it has not by giving it Whites CreamVermifuge expels all worms and isa tonic for the baby Price 25 centsSold by AntiMonopoly Drug Store


Sunday and every day thereafteruntil further notice delicious Jersey-ice cream will be served at LincolnHeights Casino IE Simmons Prop-


ja r

If any person suspects that theirkidneys are deralngecl they should takeFoleys KijHiex Remedy at o ice androt risk haiinj Bjrights disease ordiabetes pIYjives the disease astronger foUji4and you should notdelay taking Kidney RemedySold by alldealers


If you contemplate having yourLouse wired for electric Alights be surethat you have Walter Tucker theelectrician figure on the job then

i youll have it done right and cheap


Motts Norverine PillsThe great nerve and brain restora¬

tive for men and women producesstrength and ytality builds up thesystem and renews the normal vigorFor sale by druggists or by mail 1

per box 6 boxes forQ Sold by theAntiMonopol Drugstore

OPEN EVERY NIGHTThe Lincoln Heights Casino the one

colored peoples amusement place InOcala of standing and merit will beopen every evening henceforth Al-


amusement refreshments andperfect order Patronize the casino-as it takes money to keep it up IkeSimmons proprietor

Chamberlains Colic Cholera i andDiarrhoea Remedy

There is probably no medicine madethat is relied upon with more implicitconfidence than Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Dur-ing


the third of a ceritury In which ithas been in use peop have learnedthat it is the onevramedy that nev rfails When reduced with water ndsweetened It is pleasant to take Forsale by all druggists



r Ip

1 1

AJTENTION BOYS JIlElsewhere in this Issue


will be seen tIijthe announcement of the Star and th 1 tAmerican Boy hbbest boys maga-zine

¬ fvin the United States Every boy-in Ocala should read this magazine-and


we are offering them the oppor-tunity With a little work on yourpart you can secure a sixmonths hub t

spriptioA to the Stara new subscrib-er

¬ >

collect the amount in advance r250bring it to the Star office and

we will have the paper sent to yojtone year without one cent of cost Gillat the office >and get a copy of ttietAmerican Boy for May if you are in-


as we have a limited numberof sample coplesj I f-














i J>

lt T8N j > rV 4

< t lH i

4 f

Prompt Servicer r

I Lowest Pfiee if-

a I j


Bdyfron the 5J


BLUE wGoNs i-




Uo 1t



YO0 j1 I

A Big Load for J NV1 f

O A S Hy




J I r



I Phone t8b r <f-

j±=I W




N-a> 4




Vi >

iJ I tM

J 1-


V > rlV

1 i-ip

A few doses of this remedy il1 in-variably

jjf 1

cure an ordinary attack ofIdiarrhoaa 1

It can always be depended upon j

even in the more severe ac ofcramp colic and cholera inorbus e


It is equally successful for summer tdiarrhoea and cholera infantumchildrenand is the means of wivinj fthe lives of many children each year ft

Whe reduced with water and Isweetened it is pleasant take <


Every man of a family should keep 1 tthis remedy in his Buyit now i

PRICE 25cLARGE ffdo ir

a 1

r r

Sour Stbfflaht-I used Casearets and feel like a newman have f

been a sufferer from dyspepsia and soar stomachfor the last two been niedl-cinc

¬ tand other drugsbut could find no relief onlyfor a short I recommend Cascaretg to t

my friends as only thing for indigestion ad +

sour stomach and to keep the bowels m good eom fPdition They are nice to eatv Harry Stuckley Maucb Chunk Pa 1

iJ i

Best For IThe Bowels l tT





Jt 1

PleasanttPa1atab1et Good Do ootefNever SIC n or Gripe lOc 25c58cNer r Jsold in bulk The genuine stamped OCO rGuaranteed to cure or your money back

Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY S99


1 4









The original n

LAXATIVE cough remedy-

For coughs colas throat and lun y

troubles No opiates NonalcoholicGood fore <rybody Sold e verywhcrt il

Th genuine if jFOLEYS HONEY and TAR i fa-aY llow package Refuse substitute

PreparedonsytiyF00y Co pany Chloage-





Vi J-


h r 1t 4 I rt

