I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that...

Entered as Second Claaa Manar Solutes You follow ng Mr. Guidetti áa lieutenant ol IWr |«n County detective« Running wtth Mayor Horace K B gie and torater Mayor John F. Wood« fight years ago ka waa sWcted br a big margu Si»«« «»airaOoa of hia Urw on iba board, h« baa played a big n tewgahip afialr*. but haa »at •ought tfTWo. He, '• acting chairasen ol th« Am- v M -datt< aaXi he haa not mad« up bia ■turi. II« «»Ml ha ta let «reeled tn jeeiOg Aatelgamate.1 j al »at "an •bl« ra* date who would t m g Aid chame af '»inning.** Mr. i and Mr. Bariae spehe Spanish Vil» Mra. Chari«# K>nrhn«r of 774 SUth street entertained at bar bom* last Friday night at a bu vo party f«r th« Uncfli of tha l-adies* Auxiliary al tha Spanish Am«noan War Vet •nni Guests war*: Mra. Louis J. Koehler Mra, Frederick Shade! I. Mr* J J L4ipp«. Mra. A. J. Share, Mr and Mrs. Charlaa Oruhl. Mr«. Gtorg» Katsman. Mr*. John Higgins, Mra. (¡lady* Higgins. Mra. A. J. Thorn- ton. Joaeph Carroll, Mr ant Mi- Frederkk Smith and Mr. and Mr». Harbart Dardingk«!’«r the |oi lowing day. iwa Jadfree are committee In charge ara Miaa«* Lue Pbaah, cartoonist, and Viijruua Trane«*« Sehwars, Catherine Fitggar- Forttoaa, art raaarter of the Nasr- aid. Catherine Wondraask. Jean «ri Evening New.; Edward Burrow«, Crankahaw, Edna Broadwell and Char- art director oi th* Newark Sunday lotta Sari no and Mr*. Em elt Font«», (•all; Gifford Wood, advertising man- Th« next ma«ting of the literature ager ol the Bocton, Dtekkiaon Com* : and drama departm«nt will b« held Pany *hd Meda Raneom, Nawark ar- March 2S at th« club houaO.' A the* tigt tre an<i dinner party will lie hefll h> The additional campaign workers the department May 17 In New York, were announced today by chairman j Mia: Lillian Bedrick ia in charge Walken | - -e Gttsltif BoHman tain, Harold L. Ackerman, Andrew - _ aX r m v J* H„ Named President man Oninhym, captain, Martin W.« fìischon, Hugo' Caaeelln, R. •• r*m!vn n,,nni«_ —L- tSli «MUa C 1 «*ttaTtwd Meea- Wi'Jé? C 0«££' S i Chad- ori* 1 H***? '■"•^nan Chun* at ? r f l & « « Wriaht- * I"' ^nd «7 n<Kht at Uw in K H.Babb h»n- Sh* »»1 succeed M ra 3'ewart Barr,’ Edward Butler, Voli» R".**1 of **!"** Ihipea. A. W. flalecher, W. T. Gray Oth-r offW ri electrd_w*r.. rica- li A Kin*. It ish Loveridee, D. M praaidant, Mr». Georrr Bollock, tac- it cGalliard, Walter Mohr. L. C ' W . Mi» Marfarel Barrowi and Maurry. William CHthuli, Harold treasurer, M in Dorothaa Earl, WHAT DOES A NIGHT WATCHMAN SEE? LIFE WHIRLS BY IN THE DARK OF NIGHT! raffW •« Aad aha did VMk «H ijead laealta I* «aa raaltaad «» It. rattW MEULLO SAYS GET LICENSES Impone* Fine l ’pon Jer- ■«) City Meat Tlie story it ao old one. He wm akwtc up jfegjS. FvtS Brtwn, prupacu», an «mcrgrtw T ììil mitpi, rtigiprti .Ind bnii#af, N lf m t w ily enixith tr c<jpr wtth mm with rfurwiirr and harder vtuon A corporation tnok up quarttn near tht head af the stream They asked Brown to !>eil. He laughed So they diverted the «ream, took the water away from him. From court to court Brown went aedung hia rights. At la« he gut them. The corporation was ordered to rcatyre the «ream to ita natural hed. Amhvhr'edict-w»a ohtyed. Bui bv then Brown'» resources were gtne He »pent H O ,«» tn the fight And he had kat axnrchinf 4*s*Jr» money He came home. Hr wa* old. Lite had! changed. The country had filled ifi Blunt cnur ; afe no longer captured the I mm I*. Goapetun«' had narrowid the field down. “Pop" Brown learned something from hi» travela, though He Ifhew what to accept and what not to accept. “Pap" Brown came hack with a unnpw faith. The I mg months of darineaa taught turn r*“ iriha nf isi ■■ la m aÉn * ar— steag I to be awaited with expectancy. Ironically enough, hit iol) today keeps hut> out of ém «un. But ia A t sun he fbev al M* figk. k hia power, the poaMr dpi ^an thej earth, he says. So u Joralenvii'i Carafe he surveys hie i' it ptiaae ihrmi^i the night The Joralrrrw n family, with thr Browns, settled m Lyndhurst before the Civil W ar The liicilie* are related rgBo" Brown never married what tfevsr , lion might go tn his own family hr gnr, tnl the dnUrm of the («her relative* and fnend» ; he haa known There is excitement now and then at the RJraft, and. at aafht he expectad, k always lindi ''Pop" ready. He has a large fountain al patience with the yramg bnyt who drive un tn thr garage Hi thr avdiflr a/ thr night, sreking their way, or v-efcing help for dry gas tank*. Par thr thdmnev hia patience m ifcoi» N m bISB chuckle o*rT <At m. idrnf Tosa men «orned at the garaft oar raght •« « ja g of gaanlaw The afik ISrd thr tank Hr waited for hia atonry "Shall we pav hiair ' me nf the asm ashed P'T anawer thr nthrr aid, “We'l* »< r»ng tn par, ser' £>~whai?”' ' j - An old .41 caae out of B nam i nvanH The night watchman at a main street gar- age sees some tunny thing« And v -n.- things that mtpht «artle nther than i . mragr He sees youth, fuay-eyed in the night, gamboling ahont with life by the tail. He see* slit-eyed men, ominous as the dark skies under which they move. He sees tne work) in kalndcaconc. a night world distort&l by sh.ipes and shadow*. He becomc* a philoanpher- -or he quits Tell Andrew Brt>wn, 74, he is a philoso- pher and he'll snicker derisively Appnoch him moon-eyed with love in a many cylinder road- ster, or hard-mouthed and grim in a death car »nd he'll survey ynu knowingly, and tiredly Life w an old story to “Pop" Bmwn A* it unfold* before him thear night* at Joralemons Garage, it fall* into the file* of a mind that has teen and heard and done This watchman, who recalls when his fam- ily and the Jnralemun family were boat builders on the Pauaic, alao remembers icy nights in Alaska. He remember« some Alaskan area, that now houte* one of tha most productive gold mine« in that country, and he remembers that Dr. Francis Green A Speaker Here Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for Boys of Pennington V. J „ snoke lagt w««k at a m««ting ol the Lpcdhurst Teacher»' Aseocia- •<on His topic was ‘Character Edu ation H Unk Lotter, pre aidant of the g'* ’’Stion was. .n charge of arrang* rerble— trliiM Caah kail gustad tm » isaadls# wa« :T ?)LT rtzx 7 $ :i\ field. H i V I'O t Ike et »a.erk. W » iaaefk h saia , at Na« Y»»k at* and gaaaiaa a aad «gM. DaaaM Haaaaa J laani M. aad *;r™J MrmhuaH af He» Y ,h N Ua O "Pop" Brown today might be running it—from some faraway pent hooie. But.... "Pop” Brown might have been termed once a rolling stone. He says he never wa* ”We were a queer rate in thoae days," he explain* “Maybe, life i> the same today, maybe it isn't. But we were a vital bunch, the lud* I grejv up with We wanted something Thing« were Afferent You'd have tn see the Paaaaic in those day», wide and «trong, and the *ur- rounding country, green and h«autif«4 to rc> aliie that thing* were different But we all wanted armething "I went over the country kxAitw for it. I thought it was m the middle weat I thmight it «-as m California I thought it wa* in the •outh. Once, I tfvaight it wai in Oregon And 1 went tn thoae place» without a penny li«*ing for it.“ “Pip" Brown if bent now Age haa bent his body. But it ha* not touched hit mind Thr light» come in«ii his eye* when he recalli thoae days He thought hr had fcund hia destiny one day m Alaska, where his travelling tnok hint He-found it in the fcxbaddtng l>*m i that northern country. He shook out a haaket of i--' under the racing w^irr i a gbMatntf he f vnd r^d He knew then he had itT* Placer mining fwratnns started at <ex« That stream wa* the «newer Ten men «»» were aniriung Brown ' placer Mine ■Mtig that asnft-fVamng urea» «a the haae of "peratino* w ,> Placer mining do« rug have die wild, whofjpmg product»» of a dcvp-eanh mine But it gets reauka. Muney rolled n . “Pry” Brown \m d a tr> shixr up has future He laid haa plana He txjik them around that stream He neadrd water. CARD or THANKS S P A E T H — W a Wiah to exteaid oar Heartfelt thanka and aacreelatleil (or tha expreeaioa of syiapaitiy aad beau •Ifal flora] ufferinei received from 'ur many frlenda aad relaUvaa ia ->ar aad hereavrment in the loea nf ar dearly beloved huaband and fa ther Charles Joseph Spaeih; «a **- -»erlally thank Rev. Geortr Mailer far hi* coneolirf word, and William C. Collina for Uw kind and efficient maimer in which the funeral was linanffed and conducted. _________ Sta. C. Spaeth and family. WHtkfAV T The aarual conun aaieai hrealifsel ot the Sacred Haart Holy Name So ,!*r »UI he aareed ia tha l.yndhunt w. ä v ä S: mút Sacrad Haart Charch lala annual braakfaat haa came to ' tka » a t oatataadtng evaat at J * " ' •* «aauaaalty. Mean ben Of tb, police aad fir, i asaitmaat, tha 1« a ü l« W ar Veterana, aad the haa- giftifirFJieras M bsli«»ad will ba. th« Ig rm t «*Klan « ia the history af th« floly •n»« Sorietf. ^*7 Rer Jamas Fa K«U/. raakdegt of Setog» HaU<3)ft«* %mÒi aad tha MowaraMe Rdw«ed , ^>emh«r o | ranfrmm fn»m s^ aíW ^ ^ ■>*eirsr* 'e* Cornelias J Boy la. «a pintea 1 ef the Soaigty will ha the I v t. ; •Tha eaaualttaa ot arraagwments la bfadgd by Joaeph MajuaThait, «ec« 1Mum* Ilf tfcg fh*T I— Bu m y.1 T>oee assisting Mr Maiuschak ar* Jamas Kram*. Walter Hagg«rty. Jaa- «pb ! Jas, John Pater T«rry M r , Jot« cm «fcW fcaef Tanalla Mi cha« I Ftlllppone, Rdward Hovator. Michael Began, Arthur Am«rins. A! Leiar. William Gallagher. Vietar Mol- s&jftsuste. &sbass- Tboahas Faby. lgrtat os Kelljr. Tna<lv Leasba, Joaeph Calte, Jnaaph Maratte Jearph Carroll, Frank Munar«. Cap* John Flynn. Omriae A. Badger*, fin CndefhilJ. John Wahaa. gad SamaH fteneM, Sr 1 All News (rapsrtfadiy Told T he C om m e r c ia l L ea d er di Mare* 1 1ST» ^^*** « i ***^ AITha NIW S ImporHaly Told U IMI, at tha Poat OSca «4 KaSieilord, Newj 5I 2*JiJ2 j 2 «*jJe***i**arrti^l*T» It Pays To Advertise pnce s cu m jtfial^ m--- ouncii threagh its Community Che«. Clarence H. Walker, geneea1 ehair- mañ, derided today that he wa& con- f dent of the »ucceas ol the campaiga. •rha boyhood of today M Hie aaa- hood ef tomorrow,’ declarad Mr. Wal- ker. “end the future of oar community rtrp-ngs a fta tha tepe of manhood » e ar>- producing. I am sure thst a ty rW|*n who 1$ building for future V,i\\ e- ognige the huge task that ia; ;« nK accomplished by (Jcoutfcg in t oul ing mir youth into better am , ,rcn r character, ol crvte pride and d p ndahfiptf.” Hi 4ir.. menta were echoed by vice-cheirmal# B. Victor Cranaton, *no with 1ngmas Krotxcr is arrang mg ior Fridgy’s -meeting in Nutley. Senator . A. Harry Moors and Dr. William B) Gilbert will speak at the Friday meeting and the orchestra ot j Cub Pack No. 1, Bloomfield, will iilay. The orchestra is comprised ol j t«ys beiwaea • aad 11 yean old. GUIDETTI IS POSSIBILITY Lieut of Detectives Msy Be A Candidate Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policies Board Of Education Allowing Write It The Board of Education last rught give way to demands of townahip insurance agents and decided «gentshandling tch insurance cuuld make out the pohctca to the compam.-s they •»present. The plan to permit the Bogk Agency. Inc. to hold the matter policy and per cent of the insurance will be held in Mary Ellen Geary fiw. 1 1 U*. o l.-. Mma M UM tho Baa«« al Kd» IHfT* tie rs niff aitata tmt a sm «« w to pteea Ihoir ■weaaw' ------------ .data M Ila Jnuaka «Ith Usatr Mary Kllea Oeanr. M «earn eempaaiaa That** th« aotatUa yaall Had Jeaapfc A. amnn* the M aaiaaippi Iteod aaf tha baaid. (erar* daaar> ia l yadham g *teg Um laaar« is haM ^ deaatlea f Soa te g t h a | e untesi, opea to all borg aad fttia ^«creury. Raalie up u> the afe ol 18 io the^Tamaraek I |gias Frances Schwarg; Lefebvre; trea- — --- r. vjTr.-r*-: v . ! - » • —> —— Anne Co’Vn, Im! f«4 **ra- grea, will bo saaoaa^ed, Tljfc eq je a tior secretgry. Miag Mary Donald. cW»«s gfl midnight, March 10th (Wad- Plsns were msds ft»r s card party esdsjf and the ju ^ n g w ü l atart in April to raiee funds for the house tain, Harold L Ackerman, Andrew GoobMt. Jsme* Doyle, Frank U MenikettL Arthur R. Thonack; Her- tnsn 0; inhvm, eaptain, Martin W.- B iw hon, Hugo' Casgsllg, R. Van Orden. Andrew Sathmary and Emil Scbaenr, of East Rutherford. Frank JacLeee, captain. C. J. Milner. C. Oagood. Philip S. Chad- wick, C. C. Uäfett- B. B. Wright^ t R Lawshe7C*ptain. R. H.. Babb. Stewart Barr, Edward Butler, Voila I Hi pea. A# W. FWbeher, W. T. Gray H A King, Leigh Loveridg«. D. M MrGalliard, Walter Mohr, L. C Msurey, WiUiam Olthuia, ^Harold Read, Q. J. Sehwan. J. B. Van Hoven, À. H. Yotaoaoe; J. K. Sin- clair«, cantala, Edward Buser, Thomaa Harris. EdmaadHlU, Mas Jonea. Co^ I.add, Allen Mathikg, Ralph Rahmas. M. C. Reed. H. A. 8tetler. N. 4. Straehl, William Swarts, A. S. Swer- M»n, F. W’ Treptow, Arthar Van Win k'e; W. C. Banda, Jr , captain. Otlr Hrown, Floyd Dall, Adrian M. Handa. Jr>m*s A. Handa. Rebsrt A. Raada William A. Handa. William J. Hill hnuas, Jr., u B. Hueemsn, Robert Hughes, Robert B. Lambert, Geoaas s Im J r, C. M. Ma pea, Jr . Harrt son Otis, Georgs M. Rodger, Kenafth Zahr: I R. Mathew, captain. Bd wsrd Dougherty, D. C- Campbell Jr W L. Lynch, Wd»«H Platt. H. J .Smith, William C. Iteck: Vietar Qur tola, captain; W. W . Brasila, cap tain, Harold B. ADon, Edward T Se’knap, William Boning. M. R \' 'im»tetter, A. J. Clare, Kanrey B. I**vies, Frank Faosel, Hugh K. liallsm, Joseph Hinderen*. H«w«ed L. Jenk*. Jr . Harry H. Morwfn, Al- ong« Putram, C. B. Tygort; J. W. Lee. captain, John Banter. Frank Hndgaa, Clarence Delgado, Frederick Hedge,.V. H. Grfmra, C. S. Jone« Harold Landahof. Frank McDes.eagfc, < leairga Pierce and Georg« Potor, ol K-Jtherlbad. fhal weeM ha» wmplihea , ••Id lem and pevmiiud Uw ell.,.l. I meek a u m a e a ij de«a>l • e 'h - J B she VeUna wttk Mr Radfeae eaa JSC, «aiVa—, « p h m *■«» aad Oaaaeaa «haraai*. With Mr Caae waea Mra Amm Meada,. Ankaa Maa% Dsmtala Seaaea aad Stafkw U . Ile » hew .hi ■“ *«> a« U» aafcaap lewpL.». Ka« la, mi m u waa IM mera ikaa Is waa (fee paw Snappy Seven It New Name A n <41 podhiL "YouH pay." h<- aid calmly, “or pxir cheap head« off." tu* then Pam Iman |ohi Pi-ter«' ai Thr men alaa>>e winmw) wich rrhef “W e were onfc kidding, and ha p f k roa“ ran IX .m frv-r j Th« men Mid up and draw« « eddy away “l*ip” Brown pin the «un away T-< *»o what sa. what. ikr hr asaMterad •— PROCLAMATION W HIRtAV Ike Buy Viada al g— rtia lar Ow paa, twaasi, aevea .ears M u psxwan a ■ M l h rta la tfce wrnmmmmt mé aMaaamsl d Sm yaaBr al Aaswka and kaa parfM paM hs aasiy amrM pashftc »ratta» lar Sm aaaMaaa «•» J tt m» IMa pan atMna haa >plaa. .pie. al' Mh, «X- l£rf()OalN<it and haa («evlurwM.! itsaOi -A Ma art , 'AMtut AS, aakd loaac« to aMat to eiaj paaryaaa al eMatotag i Ittftkfrktf ut Mar a sa. »wasaa a l * » iMmi. NMaag. taaatag. WaM ’an NaMfcraN. r a l s a a i s a d i b k ato, iieeeSnew, M Ikigk Me..« O S « M iL M t f M k to aaaMw«, » eased la ma ay taw. M araxtoM MM •w p m ié Mask ». w Uauh StkZatoa

Transcript of I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that...

Page 1: I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that Dr. Francis Green A Speaker Here Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for

Entered as Second Claaa Manar

Solutes You

follow ng

Mr. Guidetti áa lieutenant o l IWr |«n County detective« Running wtth Mayor Horace K B gie and torater Mayor John F . Wood« fight years ago ka waa sWcted br a big margu

Si»«« «»airaOoa of hia U rw on iba board, h« baa played a big n tewgahip afia lr*. but haa »at

•ought tfTWo.He, '• acting chairasen o l th« Am-

v M - ■datt< aaXi he haa not mad« up bia■turi. I I« «»Ml ha ta let «reeled tn jeeiOg Aatelgamate .1 j al »at "an •bl« r a * date who would t m •g Aid c h a m e a f '» in n in g .* *

Mr. i and Mr. Bariae spehe

Spanish Vil»Mra. Chari«# K>nrhn«r of 774 SU th

street entertained at bar bom* last Friday night at a bu vo party f«r th« Uncfli of tha l-adies* Auxiliary a l tha Spanish Am«noan W a r Vet •nni

Guests war*: Mra. Louis J . Koehler Mra, Frederick Shade! I . Mr* J J L4ipp«. Mra. A. J . Share, Mr and Mrs. Charlaa Oruhl. Mr«. Gtorg» Katsman. Mr*. John Higgins, Mra. (¡lady* Higgins. Mra. A. J . T h o r n ­ton. Joaeph Carroll, M r ant Mi- Frederkk Smith and Mr. and Mr». Harbart Dardingk«!’«r

the |oi lowing day. iwa Jadfree are committee In charge ara Miaa«* Lue Pbaah, cartoonist, and Viijruua Trane«*« Sehwars, Catherine Fitggar- Forttoaa, a rt raaarter of the Nasr- aid. Catherine Wondraask. Jean « r i Evening N ew .; Edward Bu rro w « , Crankahaw, Edna Broadwell and Char- art director oi th* Newark Sunday lotta S a r i no and Mr*. E m e lt Font«», (•all; Gifford Wood, advertising man- Th« next ma«ting of the literature ager o l the Bocton, Dtekkiaon Com* : and drama departm«nt will b« held Pany *hd Meda Raneom, Nawark ar- March 2S at th« club houaO.' A the* tigt tre an<i dinner party will lie hefll h>

The additional campaign workers the department M ay 17 In New York, were announced today by chairman j Mia: L illian Bedrick ia in charge W alken | • — ■ - -e —

Gttsltif BoHmantain, Harold L. Ackerman, Andrew - _

a X r m v J * H „ Named Presidentman Oninhym, captain, Martin W.«fìischon, Hugo' Caaeelln, R. •• r*m!vn n,,nni«_ —L-

t S l i «M U a C 1 « * ttaTtw d Meea-W i'Jé ? C 0 « £ £ ' S i Chad- ori* 1 H * * * ? '■ " • ^ n a n C h u n * at

? r f l & « « Wriaht- * I " ' ^nd« 7 n<Kht at Uwi n K H .B a b b h»n- Sh* »»1 succeed M ra3'ewart Barr,’ Edward ’ Butler, Voli» R".**1 of * * !"* *Ihipea. A . W . flalecher, W . T . G ray Oth-r o f fW r i e lectrd_w *r.. rica­li A K in*. I t i sh Loveridee, D. M praaidant, Mr». G eorrr Bollock, tac­it cGalliard, W alter Mohr. L . C ' W . M i» M arfa re l B a rrow i andMaurry. W illiam CHthuli, Harold treasurer, M in Dorothaa E a r l,


raffW • « Aad aha did V M k « H i j e a d laealta I * «aa

raaltaad «» I t . ra ttW


Impone* Fine l ’pon Jer- ■«) City Meat

Tlie story it ao old one. He wm akwtc up jfegjS. F v tS Brtwn, prupacu», an «mcrgrtw T ììil mitpi, rtigiprti .Ind bnii#af, N lf m t w ilyenixith t r c<jpr wtth mm with rfurwiirr and harder vtuon A corporation tnok up quarttn near th t head af the stream They asked Brown to !>eil. He laughed So they diverted the «ream, took the water away from him.

From court to court Brown went aedung hia rights. A t la« he gut them. The corporation was ordered to rcatyre the «ream to ita natural hed. Am hvhr'edict-w »a ohtyed. Bui bv then Brown'» resources were gtne He »pent H O ,« » tn the fight And he had kat axnrchinf 4*s*Jr» money

He came home. Hr wa* old. Lite had! changed. The country had filled ifi Blunt cnur ; afe no longer captured the Im m I*. Goapetun«' had narrow id the field down.

“Pop" Brown learned something from hi» travela, though He Ifhew what to accept and what not to accept.

“Pap" Brown came hack with a unnpw faith. The I mg months of darineaa taught turnr*“ i r i h a n f i s i ■ ■ l a m a É n * ar— s t e a g Ito be awaited with expectancy.

I r o n i c a l l y e n o u g h , h i t i o l ) t o d a y k e e p s hut> o u t o f ém « u n . But i a A t s u n h e f b e v a l M *

f i g k . k h i a p o w e r , t h e p o a M r d p i ^ a n t h e j e a r t h , h e says.

So u Joralenvii'i Carafe he surveys hiei' it ptiaae ihrmi^i the night

The Joralrrrw n family, with thr Browns, settled m Lyndhurst before the Civil W ar The liicilie* are related

rgBo" Brown never married what tfevsr , lion might go tn his own family hr g n r , tnl the dnU rm of the («her relative* and fnend» ; he haa known

There is excitement now and then at the RJraft, and. a t aafht he expectad, k always lindi ''Pop" ready.

He has a large fountain al patience with the yramg bnyt who drive un tn thr garage Hi thr avdiflr a/ thr night, sreking their way, or v-efcing help for dry gas tank*.

Par th r thdmnev hia patience m ifcoi» N m b IS B chuckle o*rT <At m. idrnf Tosa men «orned at the garaft oar raght

• « « j a g of gaanlaw The a f ik IS rd thr tank H r waited for hia atonry

"Shall we pav hiair ' m e nf the asm ashed P'T anawer thr nthrr a id , “W e'l* »<

r»ng tn par, se r' £>~whai?” ' ' j- An old .41 caae out of B n a m i nvanH

The night watchman at a main street gar­age sees some tunny thing« And v -n.- things that mtpht «artle nther than i . mragr

He sees youth, fuay-eyed in the night, gamboling ahont with life by the tail.

He see* slit-eyed men, ominous as the dark skies under which they move.

He sees tne work) in kalndcaconc. a night world distort&l by sh.ipes and shadow*.

He becomc* a philoanpher- -or he quits Tell Andrew Brt>wn, 74, he is a philoso-

pher and he'll snicker derisively Appnoch him moon-eyed with love in a many cylinder road­ster, or hard-mouthed and grim in a death car »nd he'll survey ynu knowingly, and tiredly

Life w an old story to “Pop" Bmwn A* it unfold* before him thear night* at

Joralemons Garage, it fall* into the file* of a mind that has teen and heard and done

This watchman, who recalls when his fam­ily and the Jnralemun family were boat builders on the Pauaic, alao remembers icy nights in Alaska. He remember« some Alaskan area, that now houte* one of tha most productive gold mine« in that country, and he remembers that

Dr. Francis GreenA Speaker Here

Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for Boys of Pennington V. J „ snoke lagt w««k at a m««ting ol the Lpcdhurst Teacher»' Aseocia- •<on His topic was ‘Character Edu ation H

U n k Lotter, p re aidant of the g '* ’ ’Stion was. .n charge of arrang*

rerble— trliiM Caah kail gustad tm » isaadls# wa«

:T?)LTrtzx7$:i\field. H i V I 'O t Ike e t » a .e r k . W » iaae fk h s a ia , a t N a« Y»»k at* and gaaaiaa a aad «gM . DaaaM H a a a a a J l a a n i M . aad * ; r ™ J MrmhuaH a f H e» Y ,h N U a O

"Pop" Brown today might be running it—from some faraway pent hooie. But. . . .

"Pop” Brown might have been termed once a rolling stone. He says he never wa*

”We were a queer rate in thoae days," he explain* “Maybe, life i> the same today, maybe it isn't. But we were a vital bunch, the lud* I grejv up with We wanted something Thing« were Afferent You'd have tn see the Paaaaic in those day», wide and «trong, and the *ur- rounding country, green and h«autif«4 to rc> aliie that thing* were different But we all wanted armething

"I went over the country kxAitw for it. I thought it was m the middle weat I thmight it «-as m California I thought it wa* in the •outh. Once, I tfvaight it wai in Oregon And 1 went tn thoae place» without a penny li«*ing for it.“

“Pip" Brown if bent now Age haa bent his body. But it ha* not touched hit mind Thr light» come in«ii his eye* when he recalli thoae days

He thought hr had fcund hia destiny one day m Alaska, where his travelling tnok hint He-found it in the fcxbaddtng l>*m i that northern country. He shook out a haaket of

i--' under the racing w irr i a gbMatntf he f vnd r^d He knew then he had itT*

Placer mining fwratnns started at <ex« That stream wa* the «newer Ten men «»» were aniriung Brown ' placer Mine■Mtig that asnft-fVamng urea» «a the haae of "peratino* w ,>

Placer mining do« rug have die wild, whofjpmg product»» of a dcvp-eanh mine But it gets reauka.

Muney rolled n. “Pry” Brown \m d a tr> shixr up has future He laid haa plana He txjik them around that stream He neadrd water.

C A RD or T H A N K S

S P A E T H — W a Wiah to exteaid oar Heartfelt thanka and aacreelatleil (or tha expreeaioa of syiapaitiy aad beau •Ifal flora] ufferine i received from 'ur many frlenda aad relaUvaa ia ->ar aad hereavrment in the loea nf ar dearly beloved huaband and fa

ther Charles Joseph Spaeih; « a **- -»erlally thank Rev. G eortr M ailer far hi* coneolirf word, and W illiam C. Collina for Uw kind and efficient maimer in which the funeral was

linanffed and conducted._________ S ta . C. Spaeth and family.

W HtkfAV TThe aarual conun aaieai hrealifsel ot the Sacred Haart Holy Name So , !* r »U I he aareed ia tha l.yndhunt

w. ä v ä S :m ú t Sacrad Haart Charch

la la annual braakfaat haa came to ' tka » a t oatataadtng evaat a t

J * " ' •* «aauaaalty. Mean ben Of tb, police aad f ir , i asai tmaat, tha 1 « a ü l« W ar Veterana, aad the haa-g iftifirFJieras

M bsli«»ad w ill ba. th« Ig r m t « *Klan « ia the history af th« floly

•n»« Sorietf.^ * 7 Rer Jamas Fa K«U/.

raakdegt of Setog» HaU<3)ft«* %mÒi aad tha MowaraMe Rdw«ed , ^>emh«r o| ranfrmm fn»m

s ^ a í W ^ ^ ■>*eirsr* 'e * Cornelias J Boy la. «a pintea1

ef the Soaigty w ill ha theI v t. ;

•Tha eaaualttaa ot arraagwments la bfadgd by Joaeph MajuaThait, «ec«1M u m * Il f tfcg fh *T I— B u m y . 1 T>oee assisting M r Maiuschak ar* Jam as Kram *. W alter Hagg«rty. Jaa- «pb ! Jas, John Pater T«rryM r , Jo t « c m « f c W fc a e f Tanalla Mi cha« I Ftlllppone, Rdward Hovator. Michael Began, A rthur Am«rins. A! Leiar. W illiam Gallagher. Vietar Mol-

s&jftsuste. &sb ass-Tboahas Faby. lgrtat os Kelljr. Tna<lv Leasba, Joaeph Calte, Jnaaph Maratte Jearph Carroll, Frank Munar«. Cap* John Flynn. Omriae A. Badger*, f i n CndefhilJ. John W ahaa. gad SamaH fteneM, S r

1 All News (rapsrtfadiy

Told T h e C o m m e r c i a l L e a d e rdi M a re * 1 1ST» ^ ^ * * * « i * * * ^

A I T h a N I W S I m p o r H a l y T o ldU IMI, at tha Poat OSca «4 KaSieilord, New j 5I2*JiJ2 j 2 «*jJe***i**arrti^l*T»

It Pays To


pnce s cum

jt f ia l^ m---ouncii threagh its Community Che«.

Clarence H . W alker, geneea1 ehair-mañ, derided today that he wa& con- f dent of the »ucceas ol the campaiga.

• rha boyhood of today M Hie aaa-hood ef tomorrow,’ declarad Mr. W a l­ker. “ end the future of oar community rtrp-ngs a f t a tha tepe of manhood»e ar>- producing. I am sure thst a ty rW |*n who 1$ building for future V,i\\ e- ognige the huge task th a t ia ; ;« nK accomplished by (Jcoutfcg in t oul ing mir youth into better a m , ,rcn r character, o l crvte pride and d p ndahfiptf.”

Hi 4ir.. menta were echoed by vice-cheirmal# B. Victor Cranaton, *no with 1 ngmas Krotxcr is arrang mg ior Fridgy’s -meeting in Nutley.

Senator . A. H arry Moors and Dr. W illiam B ) G ilbert w ill speak a t the Friday meeting and the orchestra ot j Cub Pack No. 1, Bloomfield, will iilay. The orchestra is comprised o l j t«ys beiwaea • aad 11 ye a n old.


Lieut of Detectives Msy Be A Candidate

Agents To Write * Their Insurance

School PoliciesBoard Of Education

AllowingWrite It

The Board of Education last rught give way to demands of townahip insurance agents and decided «gents handling tcholinsurance cuuld make out the pohctca to the compam.-s they•»present.

The plan to permit the Bogk Agency. Inc. to hold thematter policy and per cent of the insurance will be held inMary Ellen Geary f iw .

1 1 U * . o l . - . M m a M U M tho Baa«« al K d »IHfT* t i e r s n i f f aitata tmt a s m «« w to pteea Ihoir

■w eaaw '------------ . d a t a M I la J n u a k a «Ith UsatrMary Kllea Oeanr. M « earn eempaaiaaThat** th« aotatUa yaall Had Jeaapfc A.

amnn* the M aaiaaippi Iteod aaf tha baaid.(erar* daaar> ia l yad ham g *teg Um laaar«is h aM ^ deaatl ea f S o a te g t h a |

e untesi, opea to all borg aad ftt ia ^«creury. R a a lie up u> the a fe o l 18 io the^Tamaraek I |gias

Frances Schwarg; Lefebvre; trea-

— --- r . v jT r .- r * - : v . ! - » • —> — — Anne Co’Vn, Im! f«4**ra-grea, will bo saaoaa^ed, Tljfc eq j e a tior secretgry. Miag M ary Donald. cW»«s gfl midnight, March 10th (Wad- Plsns were msds ft»r s card party

esdsjf and the j u ^ n g w ü l a tart in April to raiee funds for the house

tain, Harold L Ackerman, Andrew GoobMt. Jsm e* Doyle, F rank U MenikettL Arthur R. Thonack; Her- tnsn 0; inhvm, eaptain, M artin W.- B iw hon, Hugo' Casgsllg, R. Van Orden. Andrew Sathmary and Em il Scbaenr, o f East Rutherford.

Frank JacLeee, captain. C . J . Milner. C. Oagood. Ph ilip S. Chad­wick, C. C. U äfe tt- B . B. Wright^ t R Lawshe7C*ptain. R. H.. Babb. Stewart Barr, Edward Butler, Voila I Hi pea. A# W . FWbeher, W . T . Gray H A King, Leigh Loveridg«. D. M MrGalliard, W alter Mohr, L . C Msurey, W iU iam Olthuia, ^Harold Read, Q. J . Sehw an. J . B . Van Hoven, À. H. Yotaoaoe; J . K . Sin­clair«, cantala, Edward Buser, Thomaa Harris. Edm aadH lU , M as Jonea. Co^ I.add, Allen Mathikg, Ralph Rahm as. M. C. Reed. H. A . 8tetler. N. 4. Straehl, W illiam Swarts, A . S. Swer- M»n, F. W’ Treptow, A rthar Van W in k'e; W . C. Banda, J r , captain. Otlr Hrown, Floyd Dall, Adrian M . Handa. Jr>m*s A. Handa. Rebsrt A. Raada W illiam A. Handa. W illiam J . Hill hnuas, Jr . , u B. Hueemsn, Robert Hughes, Robert B. Lambert, Geoaas s Im J r , C. M. Ma pea, J r . Harrt son Otis, Georgs M . Rodger, Kenafth Zahr: I R. M athew , captain. Bd wsrd Dougherty, D. C- Campbell J r W L. Lynch, W d »«H Platt. H. J .Smith, W illiam C. Ite ck : Vietar Q u r tola, captain; W . W . Brasila , cap tain, Harold B. ADon, Edward T Se’knap, W illiam Boning. M. R \' 'im »tetter, A. J . Clare, Kanrey B . I**vies, Frank Faosel, Hugh K. liallsm, Joseph Hinderen*. H«w «ed L. Jenk*. J r . H a rry H. Morwfn, A l­ong« Putram , C. B . Tygort; J . W . Lee. captain, John Banter. Frank Hndgaa, Clarence Delgado, Frederick Hedge,.V. H. Grfmra, C. S. Jone« Harold Landahof. F rank McDes.eagfc,< leairga Pierce and Georg« Potor, o l K-Jtherlbad.

f h a l weeM h a » wmplihea ,••Id lem and pevmiiud Uw ell.,.l.

I meek aum aeaij de«a>l •e 'h - JB she VeUna wttk Mr Radfeae eaa JSC,

«aiVa—, « p h m *■«» aad Oaaaeaa «haraai*.

W ith Mr C a a e waea Mra A m m M eada,. Ankaa M a a % Dsmtala Seaaea aad S ta fk w U . Ile » hew .hi

■“ *«> a« U» aafcaap lewpL.».K a « la , m i m u

waa IM mera ikaa Is waa (fee paw

Snappy Seven It New Name

A n <41 podhiL

" Y o u H pay." h<- a id calmly, “ o r pxir cheap head« off."

tu* then Pam Iman |o h i P i-ter« ' ai Thr men alaa>>e winmw) wich rrhef

“W e were onfc kidding, and ha p f kr o a “ r a n IX . m f r v - r j

Th« men Mid up and draw« « eddy away “l*ip” Brown pin the «un away

T-< *»o what sa. what. ik r hr asaMterad •—

P R O C L A M A T I O NW H IR tA V Ike Buy V iada al g— rtia lar Ow paa, twaasi,

aevea .ears M u psxwan a ■ M l h r t a la tfcewrnmmmmt mé aMaaamsl d Sm yaaBr al Aaswka and kaa parfM paM hs aasiy amrM pashftc » ra tta» lar Sm aaaMaaa «•» J t t m»

IM a p an a t M na haa > plaa. .p ie . a l ' Mh, «X-

l£rf()OalN<it and h a a («evlurwM.! itsaOi -A M a a r t ,

'A M tut AS, aakd lo aac« to aM at to eiaj paaryaaa al eMatotag i It t f tk f rk t f ut Mar a s a .»wasaa al * » iM m i. NMaag. ta a a ta g . W aM ’ an NaMfcraN. r a l s a a i s a d i b k ato, iieeeSnew,

M Ik ig k M e . . « O S « M i L M t f M k t o aaaMw«, » eased la ma ay taw. M araxtoM MM • w pm i é M ask » . w U a u h S t k Z a t o a

Page 2: I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that Dr. Francis Green A Speaker Here Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for

recent candidate

•venue k u j*m t birthday artntve party fiven by urday included:

Meet»School * home

Weet- -tll hold church

A . 'lU W . M r* A. C. Jn k iiK . M r.

k i« fc rs & rj-Murphy.

New Members In I East E rd Club

U r tbM n ta • ¿ W T ì t U Ì

* » * o r t # f tb ¥ 2 * . * • r n

^ * » m * o t r u n ,

Samuel Bonnano Dies k New Yerfe

730 MDOe ROAD fridat Niofrr

Home Made d a m Chowder

S A T U R D A Y N f c H T

CHOP STEAKa lt - D tnrto t • Oaad lUto

Tht Laaence ol Compounding Preacripttona ItR E L I A B I L I T Y

make op prescriptions at the loweat pOMjbli? prii Uvea and health depend upon remedlea admin,

tsterrd aad reliability ahoutd be your very Hrat consideration.

LEVY'S PHARMACYStuyvesant and Valley Brook Aves.

Phone R l thertord 2-1(12«


V iew Je c w ç $

fuU ÚHCt -

hitfM ôthôâdFOR TAXES

N*w Jartay Ball Talaphana Ca

Page 3: I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that Dr. Francis Green A Speaker Here Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for

THUHMT, muta» lfrlW T

Puppet StowAt Columbus

Miss Sd vino’s C l a s s Gives Performance

FridayThe SB C U M of the Columbus

School I« » * a P M f r t * « w “ U l t k Red R id M Hood" at the meeting of the Columbus Parent Teacher Aaso- c:atk>n meeting Friday afternoon at the school. The »how was an original one with papnete, p lay and scenery made by the children. Misa Charlotte Savino waa in charge.

Children who took part were: Peter Cagnacei, Madeline Danaa, Irene Zaleo, David Wood, Marian Buaanich Matthew Ahmuty and Jam ea St. Clair.

Hans were made to hold a ahow mein dinner and card party at theColumbus Club, April 6. Mr*. L. B Austin is chairman. She w ill be as­sisted by Mrs. Bertha Hayes and MrsJohn Ruggiero, president

H Mrs. Aáthor.y Tancred read th<it’s message.

Bertha Hayss was in charge.Commission» George Holden wil

speak at the neat i meeting April Pat the school. H is topic will b< • Safety Education” .

Doings With The Sundown Classes

B y ED W A BD - D U N N

On Tuesday, March 2nd at 12 a. m ¿a room 21 in the Lyndhurst High School the afternoon aessioR G. O held a meeting. They first discuaaed the Hag contest they held. There were three Rag«: the first Blue and Plain (iold letters; second had fancy lines and letters on it and the third was a great large L. H. S. whfcre the

. ndhurst was spelled out something

eee question»: Here goei1. Who kept his identity concealed

•while he helped pres oners to escape from the ttaatile ’

2. W hat famous huntsman sent home of his fam ily letters illustrated with his own sketches*

S. In what book were people kid­napped by airplane and taken to Tibet?

4. W hat boy fell overboard from a liner, turned dizsy by hia first cigar?

5. Who aat in her window and heard the tramping of many feet com­ing into her life ?A newer» te laat week’s *oeotioae:

1. W hat book aad «diet writer tells you how to turn worrying intouccess? “ How to W orry Success­

fu lly " by Seabury2. Wno hid In the apple barvel ?

Jim Hawkins in “ Treasure Island."3. Who was chased through Paris

on a moonlight night by a police­man whose purpose never swerved? Jean Valjean in “ U s Miserable»."

4. W hat book shows you a thous­and way* to make money? **A Thou*, and W ay» to Make a Thousand Dol­lar».’’

5. W hat man had a wife who wanted a fling in European society and was afraid of growing old? Fran in “ Dodsworth.”

Social Held HySifc.nu Chi Thurs.

like this: LyndrfurSt. The first one won the contest both in theVnorning and afternoon sessions. They ak«o dis­cussed ihe Ju n io r Dance which was held Friday. March 5. Instead of having aa orchestra, they had re­corded music and famous orchestras such as: Shep Field, Guy Lombardo.

. Goodman. Fat« W aller and other.«. The dance itself waa well a t­tended. The admission price was 26c And the Ifcne was from 8 to 12 p.m.

■ Friday, March 6th, the afternoon

Sigma Chi *re«byterian mal Pollyan

Chi Club of the Westminster rian Church held their

nual “ __nf Mrs. Frederick Buch holts of 501 Psrk place, last Friday right. Mem­bers exchanged and made known their “ Pelljraanas." Games were enjoyed. . . . . .Refreshments were served. Decora- . * w*“ c ''tions were in green snd yellow and uei'nved ofyellow daffodils. — 1— ‘ *“

became iH, and in two y e a n died o f I visor viaited the nurse» » v e ra l timea neurosyphilia in an ins—« asylum. ! during the month and offered many

helpful itiona."strahee,” a sudden paralysis, due te |n our home visits during the »ypfcili*; I 1 u rapid « ite r „ I t . . . . „ p H u t e d Um Ua-U M m t , bot o ft« . in«d*ju»t.ly of - C o t . .« .» . Q u m u t im ’folloood. or the motherV Molatine W r efcil-

» the i«11 P ro P *O yd* . B f u m in n wh„ .h , diaeov •rphllw out bo m r n M w l w m anj I lu<^ rla „ of m u i « in th .it CO. in a la n e . cured if eorljr u d inUn-1 dltK<1 ^ th „ p t^ .n U n , lh . it ronsi ve treatmentluck.

Monthly Report Of Child Health Dept.

New Norse Has Been Added To Local

» inatitotod. Good J other d iiU n a i. TThio aleo __ _ c lo d « ea llin f • |*jr» ri»n for iM Inito

T H * T K A \ £ L * R dia(Tra. „ in „ „ j , r u K h w to .n t lr follow the proper procedure should contagion eaist.

Thia one factor conscience quar ran tine could control cu*»tegton and p re went epidemics.

During the month of February there were 840 home visit« made to pec tent mothers; 188, hShiee.

.80jveech oo l; 22 School.Tike re are non on the nureee Ust:

- . . ¡46 espectant mother»; 18 1 babiee.S t a f f SS9 prrschool; 4084 school.

Baby Keep W eil Station attendanceThe number of nursea in Lymlhurst Babte*. 66, peeechool, B.

is now three; e new nor«e having There were 81. mapectlors and ex-been added at the beginning of the ami nations made m schools as fbl

Pupil». 40 pv

tiie ivedI pup*! ' ev.'udwd; 18, p u p ib '; Iv8 • «»*N turret tiens.

month. 7 llow a :Under our present plan of work, 2HH,

h ta poeaible for a nur»e to be on natwmi call during school hour» should, sn reatin itt«*! emergency anae in any of the aahools. M 3LD RKD Ç. VO EG K L IN , R N

The Social Security Act haa made M A R G A R E T 1 PR O B ST , R.Nit poaK'ble for l.yndhurst to have a | E . Z. ? t J lX E U . R N.Doctor in each of I t * Baby Keep W ell Stations. A Ust of eight Doc­tor’s , from Lyndhurst haa been ap-


pointed by the N. J . State Medical Society ard eacn Doctor w ill attend Lhe-'tationa foi a period of three months. These D x io r s examine the babies for normal growth and de­velopment and advise the mother’s fo: formulae and dieta. In this man

would otherwise intial supervision

are ben- i ted.Guest! were M i« » v . v n» i M r. i 1>r Burbank and D r Mancene com-

Chsrlef W illiam-. M j s W JT S tag— duties on the last Tuee-

School Koop W eiJohnson, Mrs. ltanjsmin Divine, Mrs. Henry Muller, Mrs Conrad Msurei, Mrs. Andrew Gill, Mrs. Charlea Mss- kiell, Mr». E r ic W illiams, Mr». Fred >mith. Mr*. John Nielsen, Mr». Ro­

bert Runnacles. Mrs. W alter Steur- nagel. Mr». Robert Dohmeyer, M r a.

.Louie Guir.xer. Mr». Robert Veriinac, Mr». H arry Quinxer. Misses Doris MacDowell, Minnie Quinser and Ber nice Seits.

Cnnr*d~ i Su ti0 0 w,th M i“ Probet assistingr Z i U Í S i í I • ** Dr. Burbank ia the phw ician a t ______________________________ — ,

Roosevelt School Keep W « R Station home. H« suffered s r mpound fra.-

Edwards Richards Is Hit By Bicycle

Younsrster Is Knocked Down By Hit and

Run HikerEdw ard Riehai is, 7, »on of M

and Mrs. Ja c k it!,-**rds of Eighth straat, is in Ha. kensack Hoapital. • victim of a hit ami run bicycle rider

The youngster aat Friday waa hit ' by a bicyols while play*ng near hia

ture o f the lsft leg. Dr. Vitowith M its Fu lle r saaisting.The Dentsl Clinic which hss for herti treated the U>^ind then ordered

lte all important purpoee of 'preenot- him aent to the hoapital for furthr ing Dental hvgiene snd preserving treatment.

of School children opened Sept. PtUee are investigating Yo.D r I Ru-hards «aid he was howled to t


teeth _ ,IT, 1888 ard is to hslp weekly __________________ ______________S*S“tnr i , ..,he O*"'“ 1 Clinlc I (round by » rid., «bo did ñol~.üipund MU* Voo(*nn U «MliUnt .fur tho «cjd.i>

The nursss hsv» begun a course in 1 — ...----Parent Child Relationship at New | ) a r 4 v P n r M i a u ark Cnivaxaitv. The courae deala with 1 r u rark Univexsitjr. The couree desls with

— — the mental end emotional aa well a !Some time ago I had been inspired, t*»e physical growth snd development

to write theae personal letter», in-1 o f the child. Among the instructors spired by members of your Board ere Dr. Levy State Consultant for

of Lyndbunt H i 'h held M ' » « « « ' '* ! B “£ ! ? i i S l "«Mcmbly. I t CM of the furniio.1, P•y<*»l'>»,«, * "d

SS.’7S.« fC r ! tioüuÄÄ". or ™ under the S S L ’.

non of Mr. Kane and the master of ceremonies was George Dolsn. *

The singer was A lv ina Bieger.Whet a tw l î One or two of the

meeting wil held to diaeeminate knowledge encourage action to control and Jr- radicate veneral diseases I hope, for your ante, and their sakes, every man and woman in Lyndhurst will

.1 • .tt-.eurs got the gong and boy. were they surprised, believe you nie. One t the co>\teaLants or four of them

didn’t give a-heed to the gong, they .. !-- . ^kept right H r T h e contestants were . ** »» unfortunate that severs mR-f ile d the A fony g t .r t e t Kid boy It l* nt '* "> th«. f . Kony to h.ten to. They won the 5 i"n~*"< Iy- Tlutt

I booby pri.e , , ruttle. 'Qlomas Fagftn ||^ * ^snd Dick Regan won the first prise with s sketch. The prise was s note­book. The second prixe was won by a group of students who acted out ’ Played her Gu itar” .

On Wednosdsy the Intra-Mural Basketball League ssw action. Mr. M. Lane is the head of the league and what a sport. The first game waa between the Hawkeyes snd the Car- dinsls. The Hawkeyes beat tha Mo­hicans but lost te Hie tune o f f l to 7 In my fsce red? The second game was !>etween the Mohicans snd the Americas. The Americans loet that game by 19 to 4.

In the gym, the coach is having the boys pass a test and if they don’t they fail for the term. One of the. tricks is to stand on your head end boy, I can’t seem to keen my feet in space. There ere other tilings such a- tumblessults backwards and for­ward aad dive end do a tumblesault

your hands without your head touching and boy do you feel dissy when you com down the passage atthe end of class.

W A T C 1 T H * 8 P O * !The Lyndhurst High School Lib­

rary noticed an im rtnss of the de­mand for the books answsring the Word Buxxers. Students peering at the Bulletin board were successful ir answering, on an aversige, four corrnHy.- The following questions a'«* beaed on books you are reeding, you have read and will read. T ry your knowledge on the follovrtng questiens — match your reading to

E lic it response from the general pub­lic. One out o f every twenty— thet tnearw hundreds, ves even thousands in many communitiee, and entering every town and village, like, ghosts

I destiunseen diaftble end itroy in theprime of life; and amongst them in­nocent ones who scquired it by mer- risge or innocent contact, or by b irth; often latent, known to none end Jteflriag ■ rfiaa ly ; nflen dus t e insfc of knowledge and neglect.

I can cite instances where proper care of the pregnant mother would have resulted in s healthy child; now they face a future <*f uncertainty; the latency o f the disease ofttimesgivo* tome years of false security,

unless it be trested esrlyi t iIste forma of syphilis will

take its disastrous toll. I mi tion the case man in the loet time from work; suddenly


lastrous toll. I mav men e of an apparently healthy

prime o f life; ne never

S lsto ff, member of the State M ater nal and Child Health Department. This course w ill better enable the nurses to instruct the Mothers in preventing snd meeting minor be­havior problems in their children.

On February 27, tha district con-! ference for Msternal and Child Health Nurses was held s t Haehen sack. Dr. Morrow Rupt. o f Beir — --------

Committee At Home

lT .

this tune of the year end during the immediately following month». Mr Newt.li, dietriet public health officer klso uiged us to cooperate unlimited br with our local public health of* final* in this matter of contagion.

Mia* M iller and Mm. Bein the dia- trict supervisor and asaistant super

Gertrude AmreinMisa Gertruds Amrein of 817 F ifth

svenue, eave a party at her home laat week for Miss Hilda Chivera, daughter' of M r and Mm. B . J ,Chivere of 84f Tontine avenue, whose M r * . B m t Z f l n H a w engagement to David Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8amuel Donald of 360 Travers place, was recently an­nounced. Miaa Chivera waa praaonted with a gift. Games were enjoyed. Re freshmenta were served.

DecorMlsais were in silver and or­chid and cut floe *rs.

Guests were: Mtesee CatherineBower», M s no Halm, Elsie Rass- back, Ann Bw ea ttum Mildred Schulte.Theresa Watson i n i Mr» Edns Msy Loti to of Lyndhurst.

Lyndhurst CJrvle. Companions of 1 the Forest of Americs, w ill hold s I chow mein dinner snd dsnce March , 20 at the Columbus Club. Mrs. Jee- j ephme Bsrhieri and Mrs. Frederick Bentsien era in charge.

• 1 1 T h ree Reasons to S ave

You arc wrapped up in your children. Their future is wrapped up in you. You are rich in your children. M a k e

them fortunate in their p a re n ts .

Save to give them every o p ­portunity in life. No stronger incentive i* possible.R U T H I R F Q R D NATIONAL BANK


Member Fedefai Depeeil jaeur^nce >Wp

hurst O rale, Compaatona of the eet of Amertee, met laat week at Ihe home of Mra. Frederick Baniaien of 178 Poet aveaua. Plans were amde foe f ature aetivitiee.

Mem hens presset were: M rs Joe ephine Barbieri, Mrs Martha Rons. Mrs. Angelina Ifomon.c*. Mra. Kl- vera Congo. Mrs Elisabeth Ihre rah and Mrs. Anna Greaei

You cannot sfford to miss these two events atEverym an's Bible C lass

Rutherford High SchoolLENTEN CONCERT FRIDAY. MAR. 12th


at 9:37' 2 A. M.

Woman’s Miaamnary Rocíete of the Rood Memorial United Preei.y terian Church will moot this after noon at 2:88 at the ehureh hall teErf* • barrel of clothing for Esel.

»«tu to r. ** aent, will

Mr» Hoary Martin, preei take charge

S E R V I C E I S A M A T T F K O FD O IX C N I> T M E R C I 1 S A I l \ U

W e ta k r o u r iih l i* * t i .« i« «<> i r r v t y .m « t i j i , Iv W e a re th o u g h tfu l a l y o u r n cr.W w r h e lp y . . i t.. he o x x le it m y tx ir e x p e n a o W 'r w h .u » x >j, an d w e « r v e yn u a l l the w a v C tH M u lt u»


P l i N B R A l D I R T I ÍO H

phnne W r h . l r » S «V »

4 M P A U S A I * A V t



Bumstead'sWormSyrup WS#r# Ititi

• •••• *Sl>•»•«. IT MCVSS »«ill. 0*ie«< m> «I samvOnm. a M y S iMn m*

k â U t t t S M L

OHI BoHer-Bumer

Units . .Air ('onditioning. ,

Specialists In AH Type*at! ------ -—r

Product o» General Motors

K E L L E R Engineering Co.



EGERT’S MARKET2 8 8 S h iy v e s a n t A v a . L y n d h u rst Phone Ruth, m m *

_ MARCH ON! MARCH ONI fftR IITV WOMEN!J*rch' **f rch! T1* 5 °"! i0*" I1** S i p <n women »ho do I heir daiH murk. Iin

wltli us. Women who have learned they I ft Quality Products at Thrttty Prices!"SNOW WHITE







Loin Veal Chops Lean Parli Steaks Cornedh 2* lb 25c

d Spare lb 19«



r i u u i u I I A t o

Pure Grape Jam . . . . 23«n U C R E R la rg e 48 ee sns& O i s a k a ^ « a l 4 ftaaae* a

a a • • a l p


Spaghetti............ 1 25«F V U G R ÌB LMàMT M RA T f e« roa

Tana Fish . . . . . . . . . 1%Flavio Sweet Peos . 2 . 21«C A M P B E L L * 4 ,

Ternate Soap . . . . 2 15«■ ■ » » O P * —

Crispy Spinoch . . 3 *s If« Green Cohbogs . . . . k 5«Corrals - Boat» . . 2 13«Sweat Potatoes . . 3 fcs 13«C R ISPY

Ceiory' «KKlH.rJUGrapefruiti ooaiVi. sanov

13« . . eo 5« 4hs23<

Hsve -Automatic Hot Water Service by GASM ake f a u i h a t m m laucai tall you lha tru ih M <1. il 140w * » r—n o i coM , lu la w a im .»i u a td in y , b u l ItO devio<e v e r y a m a you h im i h e ip tyo i

H e*a 100% Au lonia tt r l l>4 W ax« S a r v t t . by G«» w ord " H O T ' a n Iho U u . i w .U m ean H O T waMi w tth

w llho tit I)'« i/o» w uh a la a u b — awih e«< to f d — i » th-OUI ashes, »ocI, tffrl o> odort wiiKoul U lling a hu i- 1 r i t,

T he cosi of 100*. A utom atic Mot W ai.r SarvH . by O , lig h t i s U sa w uh the coal ol hoi w atar o b la in ad any o ih .i way A m o 4 * tn A stom at.e Gaa W .t . i H a a m op o rah » . i ■ coal a v .i.< ) .n y I m n 19

W n r s m i s rlaiy 'Ispuw dm s MRail inai i O s a r ifi H f rn îh a > -<la r your hom o on email m o n th ly a m i A>>. you» p lum bor or P ublto . Sor Vico wotor hoai.ng ropraaonw li v . to call, « n m i a y o u r h o t w olcr uaafo an d lo eo m m asd lh a A utasnaiu Gas W .io i Hooiof bool tuUfei to you i i.< |uirom onis.

P V B L IC q ^ S K R V lC E

Page 4: I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that Dr. Francis Green A Speaker Here Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for

Phillips-McASitter Win « IW Match

Kelly, f ---------- 4 b 9Sharp, c ...................... ! t 8McNInch, f i « 0 8Geronimo,«g ........... . . . i 1 8

Total* . .............. 18 S 29Marion» G F. T.Porewski, i ................ 2 0 4Paio, ( ................ 2 1 5Pagoda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0Munch, e ............ . . . . . . . 8 0 0S. Bulkowvki, g ......... 2 L 5Scepanaki, g t 1 6

**H **■* ~Total* ........•*».... 8 8 l t

Befere«. Walt Sa we Umpire, Cae­sar Guidetit, Played at RooeevaJt gym on March 3rd.

COMETS—JtOCKN ES Comet« G. F. T.Carbonare. f . , . . . . . . . . '1 0 2Fitapatnck, t* * .Z ___ 1 0 2A* tiller ................... a S *Meyer, c . .................... 2 0 4Paach, g . ......... 4 0 8Mkeski, g ................... 3 2 8

Total* ..................... 14 * 88Rorknee G. F. T.Pringle. I f . . .........0 0 0A- Demarest ............... 4 X 8Herbert, f .................... 8 2 8LMdle, c .......... 0 0 0Carrig, g ............ <..%♦. 8 A 1Garaventi, g ................ 8 2 8

Totals 10 6 2«Referee—Walt ftowe. Umpire Cae­

sar Guidetti. Played at Roosevelt gym on March 4th.

WEST ENDS -*- FORRESTERS I Went End* G. F. T.Kelley, f t * 4

LO O K IN G THEM O VERWith The Observer • Bulkowaki, f ................. 2 4 8

2‘ I W itkawiU, c ................. 2 0 4 The Lyndhurat H igh School wrsst-2 ! Sableski. g .................... 0 • 0 ling team w ill be among those con-« Polo 8 0 « tending for the r igh t to represent4 Pagoda, g 2 0 4 this a tc tisa o f the state in the State! | —- -*• — Championahip meet. The district eli-J Totals ................. 10 4 24 m it tth a * w ill he held th ia flatur-* Referee. Caesar Guidetti Played at day. March 11, a t Tsanech High? Roosevelt gym. March 8. School. O ther M gh Schools to ha rep-

—o resented are L odi, St- Cecilia (En\ g% ay • . giewood ), Union HiU, Bast B ids *Pat-CoDepates Down! Oraage Quintet j g t g j g f eJ ----- U r « , A n th o n y Ir a p .l lm c r i, V ictor, Th . Lyndhumt Co lleg ia» B a .k .t S l«k«n ia , and T k o m u O u k . Aher-_ b d lm noMd out th . Ormnf. P r “* n a m » * l..ttd by th . n m A a n Ja m a g ' but Sunday aft.m oon at th . Lynd- o ’Rotirte, C harka Mugar.ro, Soy ,t I h « « t tym . T h . M X ) w o r . was a L a n .n . Ralph H o d « . Chari«« M i

.urpria., th . P ro . m h a r j fayor- ctw rry and Jo w p h Su*»M n.W in w r . o f U n t n d -cond timer

Houm of D a«d club a n j th . D m ™ >t ^ diM rlct d im in .tio o i a n rtl- downs. Bo*h team* rate high m *emi to contend for the state cham-

a L 4 pionahip to be held a t Uaion High? U1* * J ' t n r ’?*’* School (Union County). Saturday.7 th . .arty )>.nod only to h a» , th . jo0 *’** I t i . ho pad that a l a q . numtwr of• half to iMd until th . do .ing mmmUm ^ » m b. p iw o t to• of th . ram . when th . Coll.g iau« urg« th « fc o ld » B u r n p im n ta t iv . .- again ralh«d to win by th . Kan t ^ c h a » i i i« i* ip .r m" * ’n f foor P” '"**- , .. E m U a n K h ^ u led to W i a a t■■ H»n lagrenburg hom. for ® . j p

* 1 I E ™ 1£ i . "T n t .rV on '" Z * frSH Z T n ° t S . r d i.tn r t toum .rn.nU - il l UJ | S r . b han team? nin r io t^ i ^ c S S " * ■ “ •'r^hoM. N .« o n , and U n i« .J to f U r for the Collegiatee. Hia height , . . . r . . . ._ ,f of well oxer six foot came in handy Court Adoniram Order of the Am- " a* he negotiated the under the basket aranth, w ill meet tomorrow night at

— play*. He end Rumpleton were high the dub hooss. scorers for the Collegiate* with eight ------

* point*. Ed L illey alao of the G>1- Mjae M ay Leary of 525 Park place (egiates played good ball and scored i* JB* at the Soho Hospital.six point*. ■

latest a and O 'Brien of the loser« r. were high scorers with 7 points “ *•! S P E E D K I N A

The third six hour bowling tourna­ment was held at Kraft ml leys on Sanday, March 7, with tw eRe teams competing. The t s t a s 'rolled eleven game*. Tne r**uHa w m as follows:Phillips and M cA lliste r .......... 2019Hubert-and Kaamptf ----- 1983Corona to and MaUot . . . . . . . . . 1967Giosdamo and Btm n . r 1943

Po I hem u*W. Null, fGuido, ........Swaianaon, c Coughlin, g


Bastia*, fNi blette, f

Chapman, g .........Funabashi, g ........

Totals ..........Referee, W alt

Roosevelt gym on

Results And Team Standings In Local Basketball League

McNincti, f ....................... S 1 »Geronimo, g ........0 0 0

T o t a l . ...................... 1« 2 MKorrc.tr r . G . P. T.A. W hins, f ..............4 1 >g e m , i .........................3 0 «Madtaon, c . 0 0 «W . Whknn, g ................. 1, 3 IOhtoon ......................... 2- t «Hubmi g ...................... 0 0 0W . Link ................................ 0 0 0

T o t a l . ........................10 « 2eReferee— W a lt Rowe. Umpire. Cae­

sar Guidetti, f la y e d at Roo*ereltgym, March 4.

S U G A R B O W L —SIG M A B E T A Sugar Bowl G. F . T.H. DeRenei*, f ............. 0 0 0

1 Mancini, f ........ ........... 0 0 0Sabella, c .......... 4 ^ 10E. DeRensis, g - . ............ 5 1 11Bernard, g ...»• .«•• . 0 0 0R . DeRensis ........ 1 1 3*

To tal. 00 4 24Bignia H . t . G. P. T.N a n » , f -r. . .— r . ......... 1 '- « *B sawstt, t ............ l i sGolembewski, c .......... 0. 1 1

| W . Geary, .......... . o o 0Bercman, e .......... 1 0 2

Totals . . . y v ........ 3 4 10Referee, W a lt Rowe Umpire, Cae­

sar Guidetti. Played at Rooseveltgym on March $■

C O M * r3 E p H A L A N X Comet A. C f G. F . T

Forrea tora . Comet*M anona . Phalanx . . . Sigma Beta

CoBegiatee GRumpleton, f ................ ijBb Uney, f .................. 31 agr*nh*rf c .................. iSchneider, g ..................% Lilley, g ......... (Rowe, g .................... 1Muhleiaer, g ............... 1

TotaU ...................... HOraage « GForce, f ............................ ]latest*, f .................... 1McDonald, f ................ <Frassano. c ............... <O’Briea. c ..................... JBattu» Í ............. ILowe, g ............Callan, g ..................I

T o ta l* ........... iScore by period*:

Lyndhurat .......... > . i 11 jO M i P N a . . . . . . . 9

Raferee— M arty Dolan.

S K A T E STonight. March 11—«Rooaevelt Gym, 7:80, Cub* vs. Sugar Bowl*; Sugar Bowls v*. Forrester*.

.Saturday. March 13 — Rooe*velt gym, 2 p.m. Cuba m ,Pha lanx; Pha l­anx v* Sugar Bowl*.

Sunday. March 14— Roosevelt gym, 11 a.m. Rorknee vs. West Ends; Sigma Beta vs. Whael-Houae.

Monday, March 18— Rnoeevelt gym, 7:80, Weat fcnd* v*. Wheal-Houae; W est End* v*. Cub*.

Monday, March 15— High School, 7:80 ftocknee vs. Sugar Bowls

VS *MÌneiMÌay. March 17 -R. • v.-it gym. 9 p.m. Wheel-Houae vs. Marions

Totals . . For rent en»A. Whion. f O 'Brien . . . . Co*tello, f . H. L ick . . . Madison, c . Gallagher .. *■ G U A R A .m l L t . . j

$|.15 $1.75 2*25

O ’Connor’^Sport Shop

358 Valley Brook Avsm Lyndhurst

( O P P . T O W N H A U )

Ohlson ^..T................ 4W I.Ink. g ................... 1

Totals ................. 1K eie ree, W alt Rowe. F

High School, March 8.

C U B S — M A R IO N S ( uh* G.Doer. I er, f . . » . . t . , K . * 1 L . Rsflly, f 4

S U G A R B O W LB — C O M ETS Bagar Bowls 9 . F .Klecak, f .......................... 2 4White, f ................... 5 8

Best of all, the Ford “60” is just as big and roomjr — ju.t a . h.iuiaumr, iturily and wie — a, the Umoua 85- homfwww ford V-8. And il icil» at the loweat Ford dtkc in year».


Running true to Lyndhurst's notable traditions (quiet!) the athletes from our town predominated at the State InterscholaaticIndoor Track Meet sponsored by St. Benedict'» Prep at the Newark Armory last Saturday night.

Walt Cary, Cono Monaco and Jim G^rr were stellar fig­ures at the Armory. Cary and Monaco were first and second in the mile run for Frep SchocJs and Jim C arr snared a second place in the 880 yard run. Cary is a po£ graduate student at St. Benedict's Prep, while C arr and Monaco are student* at St.M ary's Prep of Rutherford. All live in Lyndhurst.

Lyndhurst townspeople were evidendy much interested in the goings on at the Armory Saturday night. This Observer nuticed many local residents and with a rough guess will venture to say that at least 150 of them added to the crowd that packed the Armory. ' .

The mile run was drummed up by this column for the past few weeks. M uch criticism was cast on '“that ole Observ­er"— some favorable, some otherwise— according to which camp it originated from. The favorable stuff came from the Monaco following who like the Observer very, very much. While the unfavorable criticism welled forth from Cary's »ector, who like the Observer only very much. However, as you can see, it was all for the best.

The mile run was going to be a duel, so your Observer said— a duel between the mighty Cary and the very worthy Monaco. A nd so the race panned out just as we predicted, a duel between the two (none of the other out of town contestants e 'e n rated) and they came in first and second to prove that our prediction wasn't a'hollow one.

The run started w d l the milers in one mass, but they «raSfgst-imp.out quickly with Cory and Monaco taking first and sec- ------ond positions. Cary ran with ¿he pack until the last two cir- " ”cuits Then he spurted out and ran by himself away out front.Hi- crossed , the finish line a ' good thirty feet ahead of Monaco who was at least thirty yards ahead of his nearest contestant

Cary's time was 4:32.8, just tw o tenths of a second faster than he ran the mile tor a record a t the State Meet of 1935,A t the same meet 2 years ago, Vinme Braun, also of St. Ben­edicts,, set the mile recurd for Prepster* in 4:29. H e also ran a 4 25 mile for prep schools in Madison Square Garden in 1936.

The performance of Jim Carr cannot be overlooked. The slim,’quiet, ultra modest vouth, who never says two words about his track ability, breezed across the fini»h line for a second place in the 880 yard run W hat makes it even more impressive is the fact that this is Jim’s first season of indoor track competition.

w L. Pet.(V 2 .8009 8 .7507 3 .7009 4 .892ft s .5006 • .5007 ( .4662 .222I • .1111 • .100


II - \


. 4 0 8. . 1 1 8

s 29G r . T.

.. 2 o 4. 2 1 5. 0 0 0

» 0 0.. 2 1 5.. 2 1 5~ —< — —.. » 8 I t

. . . I ' *

. . . . 8 JL .



. . . i i « 80C r. F. T.

. . . . 1 0 t. 2 4 8

2 0 40 0 0

. . . 8 0 «. 2 0 4— -*• —

. . . 10 4 24

S a n s . ! 'J Y a f l i

e Toorney

W e print a letter from one who is evidently in the knowj Jabout some very shady dealings, so he says, in the athletic policy E. D*Ren«i. ’............... oas observed at the Lyndhurst High School. ! * J

Dear Observer: , ...................... _This is ju<t a line to let you know why Lyndhurst did | Total. ...................... 10

not get in the State Basketball Tournament this year. Being j yTtTpatrlck, f . . . . .*3a basketball fan, I fotlowed Lyndhurst to most of' its games; c .rbonar.,'t oand though they had a very neat outfit, they lost some tough j

^con tests.Toward the end of the season they beat Lodi which is

one of the highest ranking teams in the State, and 1 thought sure Lyndhurst would get in the State Tournament, as did everyone else But when Mr. LaTronica (the coach) went to someone higher up to have the bid signeii, that person re­fused to sign, saying that there was nothing in it foi

Miuakl!. I P a v h , g

G. F . T.. . 0 0 0. . 0 0 0. . 4 10. 5 1 11.. 0 0 0•• * 1 8<

. (10 4 24G. F. T.

-77*1 - 2 41 1 H

. 0. 1 1. o 0 0

. . 1 0 2

.. 8 4 10


F . T.y

. . t t 00 2

. . % > 4 2. . . 8 a 6. t o 4

. 11 1 23a F. T.

. . f 2 8. 0 0 0

i 0, 2f . i 0 2•• f 0 4. . 1 0 t

. . . i 3 2. 4 0 f

. . . I 0 2

m.J 7 1 » 18

G. F . T....... 4 0 -........ 8 0 •......... 4 • a 2........ 2 % 8

0 ».......... 1 0 2.......... 1 2 4

. . . . 15 4 34

G. F. T...........0 1 1. . . . . 2 8 7..........0 1 1....... « 8 i........ 2 2 7. . . . . « t 4. . . . . 2 2 8..........0 1 1

........ 8 14 iO

Mias M ay Leary of 525 Park place is ill at the Soho Hospital.

T o t a U .......... <18 I 27Referee W a lt Rowe. Umpire, Caa-

*ar GuklettiPlayed at Roooevelt gym—March


to sign, saying that there was nothing in it Tor Lynd hurst Lvndhurst would have entered if the hid had beensent in. That is the reason why Lyndhurst did not get in this year's tournament.

Now, if this is the way things are heing ran in sports over at the high school, someone should know about it.

Th inking you, I surely hope you will put this in your column.

(Signed) A F A N .

Editor’s note— Being fair, as we always are to our readers' views and opinion.!, we are printing this letter. But if perjom w irin g letters of tht.< type, expect rfiem to be printed m the future,thev must sijjn thetr names to them.

WK8T KNOB—MARIONS W . . I Knda G. PMuhl.ium, f ................. t 0

To tal.

O lta n a , mK ih l.tte , f ........ 1Bu»<ng, f 1Purrtr. g .......... . V . . . . *Chajiman. g . . . . J . . . . . 0

P h o n o R u t h . 2-2082 . . . ..We Call and Deliv«r

Same Day Dry Cleaning Service


2K Sruyvcsant Ave.

G A L L O S M A R K ET S725 Ridge Hoad


t 85 IUd«s Road No. ArSngtonPHONE KEARNY 2-S585

148 Btttmore St. No. ArflngtonPHONE KEARNY 2-«1*7


LOUIS MARKETt • ,v * * * .y t f •? 38

( Formerly Schiano's)

We solicit your palrunigt. Her* you will lind thechoice.! mtata anti poultry — «1 reasonable prices.


FREE DEUVERYPhene Ituth. 2-3810

BRANCH STORE — Under management ol J. Apfld

504 Stuyvesant Ave, LyndhurstPhone Ruth. 2-0470


Smoked Hams . .

Fresh C a li Hams . .

Veal C u tle t. . . .. . . . . i — .J



Maine Potatoes


W inesap Apples . 4 lbs 19cL A R G E F L O R 0 A JU IC Y

G rap efru it. . . 4 fo r 15c W ashing H u id ; . . 9 0 ! IQ c

The W w r n pow r Ford V-8 engine was im developed for Europe, «here IimI oasts a n high. Two yean' usage there proved it, unusual sesMtny.

When the “60" cane to this country thi, year, the Ford Motor Company made no mileage claim,—waited for fast», written on American road, by American driven. . , ..

(M A K E S W, E A SIE R * . Ï


N<wr Fori “60T ownen are reporting svwss** of 2 2 to 2 7 miles on a gallon «1 ga»nline. That makes il ÜM most economical Ford car n v Uult!

Sunkist Oranges . . dos 21c

Page 5: I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that Dr. Francis Green A Speaker Here Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for


Ï H I R S I M Y ,

Manÿ Notables To AttendGala

Victory Frofic

For Sm o o th , balancedflavor.. • aged slowly in glass*lined tanks to the very peak of mellowness

. . . insist upon

a rch 1S-20 O r«nd C entral Poloc«. N.T.


Lyndhurst Notes

G o o f t W n xM r and Mrs. Bernard Hernnio of

feM W illow • venue entertained- at t/wir home Fridav ni*ht at dinner fur U r. and Mr*. James McEachornof Ljndhurvt.

I-odio*’ Auxiliary of tho I.jmdharat Republican C u b will hold a cardR rtjr at tha flub hmiM M arrh 2*

« «"ofnmiuo* in rhar*e »nr lude, ! " pr^KW nt; H r .Kate Dickey and Mra. W illiam

sold o m it it r a r r u c d z u z k s

1 iU tH IM M kI- _ QHomifc

J * '•* I • l o u i U u l P m m i V

DE MASSI MOTOR CAR Co. Park >»d valley brook a»«., lyndhurst

'*•' mam mrrmmvm i « n

’ V and Thurn. IHnnenvear 1« l adies


Page 6: I*JiJ Agents To Write * Their Insurance School Policiesmine« in that country, and he remembers that Dr. Francis Green A Speaker Here Dr. Francis Green of the Panning Um School for


LO D I— Bergen County’s first »it- D -1 a D i ­do»» »trike which lasted for fourteen I X O D v a l L E S 6 V O l f f hoars, ended at 3 o’clock Sunday af- + ^term »on when the six union musician* r m A L —at the Hu-Ho Club, 7-i Union a tract, TT 1 1 1 0 6 1 A l P l i l g Q were fired by the proprietor. Jam es


Mrs. A . J . Laxarula; right lady gua Mrs. M ari« Vixaro; left lady jfua' M is. Jennie DeMatthewa; rigut a istant guard, Mrs. A. J . R u m o . •

aaaistaat guard, Mrs. E . J . U rnu truatoe for three years. M m . a . J* Marrone; trustee for two years, Mrs Lucy Sprague; trustee for one > Mrs. A . J . Risiolo.

We caanot guarantee the insertion of any ad* verti-cment in these columns unices same j i paid for In advance, lam*» tvr classified advertising m. a* lollowd: uiu- inneit)«n two conMx-u-live insertiona |.76, UVSe consecutive insertions I i»0 . four cunaOcutiv# insertions $1.00. Lim it live lines, average sa words to a Una.

Legion AuxiliaryTo Give Card Party

WRON0- AGAINI Y N D H u r s t L' »uPPLY MKT.





Specials Thursday, March 1 1 th fro Wednesday, March 17th Inclusive

All (Hi- High* o f » La ther* round, its

1-Alm Sunds«, * a.m. and tO:MI a.m.Thursday. Mat.'28th 4 p.m. fkna-

. UitQc C r iliM iV a * ,*• Vt' •» x iu tig .« iood .Frida»*. 0 '-aim.' au<t 9 p,nv

: faasionsl.»Kaateai Aatnalay. 7A.ua. and 10:30 a.

m. Holy Communion. ______S' THOMAS' EPISCOPAL

CHURCH ,rorvat «tal Styvenaut Ava».

Rev. PmnklMt <T. Pabar. rector Ke'-ti.ry * - Telephon«

<61 l i . l u t * » ' " Ava. Ro lli 2-H O fJj Servict* fa» thn F ifth (Pa»*»™*

Sufidiu^Jn Lent, March 14. IwlY.7 W a.m. Ho ly Comal union.» f s.m .. Chun-h School.1 i " 0 a.m. Morning P raye r and

L Ssrmon. ,th I*» p.m. Evening P rayer «nd Sar

ma», t .► M.l MM Week Lenten ToiiWht. Thur*da> March I I at I*

! li in. k L W H. gNIkln*, re. lor of T n n l\y X h u re h A rlington . N. J

I \ uting nraKhtr.N**tt 1 1 in r iW M a r< k t* , s t * p

j m Rev. J . A* rrctor of"V i Hue la the unly^TIWtiililg ,t,Th# Krifiidb church with a corata*

I wrkum* IQ j i t ä t ,I O raiv X V. V/ f*IWK-h. Jé r ^ v CHy

Vtaiung p rem-bac. * f J : u . ,i*v M-a1* c lub s a t mis.

Wed . St Mary ■ Gsitd B pn*.

CMKIK1 l.\N HCIFN< k t i l l Kt II "* U R S T A N C E * will bo the -ubtort

' of the Laeaon Se réion fn all Church»«I of Christ» S t a t i s t , Sunday Mar



Valley Brook W e a«.d traverà P I.March I I

■MO am M slint and Sermon. . i 10 «0 am Peat.vai Service and

S rw w n -Nia Kingdom Not of Thikl W orld?. ■ • Come and hoar of tkisj K in g * « that ksnwt no )>oundariea.1 k .»»-a no color., Come and bear of the Kiia*don. into wkwh all moo sra InjÉtod by the Grace of the King pi

IS —7 p at. Janior .SC


F A lM lh U . ULCO RA i IN I* and tO H & L N T — 1 furr.ubed P A P E R H A N G IN C Pnore Ruth. 21686.

Floors twrap«-d and refiouthed. E ra -1 2 18 4ti peat Henden-m. 112 Foreat A v e n a e ,----------------- -

I ’I'WW •lu,h- . . I KO B K E N T — 2nd ftoor, 2 f .m ll jbouse; 6 rooms, bath, separate heater. *35.00 Ruth. 2- 164kW.

R O U S E S6 rooms, bath, 2 car garage . . $46

‘ “ “ .. $40.

P A IN T E R AND D ECO RATO R— also R E F IN IS H IN 0 OF F U R N I­T U R E . Old Furniture brought jack to it* original color. J . P.Groenendyke. Phone Ruth. 2-lW#6R

6 rooms, bath, 2 car garage6 room.', *

4 rooms, bath, coal supplied6 ruum», baih, garage


C A L L OLSEN for any slterationa, building or i**pair». lient reputation.Old e.*tai»i:?h«wi LuiUlfr in Lyrd-hurst A Olsen, 134 Llvlnaston 4 rooms, ti!e bath, garage, re Ave, Lyndhur*t. Phone Ruth. 2-1 frigerator. Private houseOtii&J. ■* rooms, bath . ...............

— ------- ------------ -—r*— ------ Also bungalow* and houses in otherCARPENTER and nVII.DER—Porch tovrti ,! ;.>r sale or rent,

em lo-jure . »to. in windows, altera t.ons. AM kirUls of repairing andfarugen i’tepl.en J. Sugalski, 722

en Eyck Ave., Lyndhurst.2-4-4ti-i>1



P ONE RUTH. J-3021.-Ilena!

wirk ,i specialt

Pa*'< o Ruth. 2-615r.W

T \T ’VG.Nn io’> t^i ’.arirc LEUMANN. 522

Lvndhurst, Phone-

1 2* Rti-p;IT*\T|NC -Johhing v T^rrv. 14* Fern

Phone Ruth. 2

IFATING Eitti-V P »^r Oil: urn, 226 Post

Phone Ruth. 2- 3 11 4tip

LO D I— Bergei. County’s first ait* down strike which lasted for fourteen ; hours, ended at 3 o'clock Sunday a f­ternoon when the six union musicians at the H<-Ho Club, 7-0 Union street, were fired by the proprietor, Jam es

**Th» ” w>Mtr«. b « d « l by Louis : . T h . l . r « . cruwd le it th . E lk . Bin«o P » to r., of I-n d h u r« , pm down it . * * 1 we* k ">»•> « M lth w r Hun wh*ninstrument, . t 1 u l Sund»y .nd “ *» '*">• do. to tb . b « cM h MidrcfOMd to play u n i« , th« , w .r . " ’»'<'>»'“ l-w p r i» . |riv.n.* Ivm i more money. Tb»y h .,t l* *n M W r t J . < arey, I.yndhun« won *30 hired to p i.y f r o * > p.m. until l a . ' 1“ <'»*" m w h an d ia . by w in iunf kis m. for W a man »pecjal game on the bottom line. In

Becauae of tke good siaad crowd H>ecial game saw Charlesin attendance, Fsulhror, who lives at I of A m tow» won $10. in77 Prospect etreet, Lodi, aaked them ca*h merchandtae by taking a special to continue the entertainment for 0,1 ,*n*-»nother hour. They wanted $2 each 4. The wer* “ »d »»•»»/ offor the extra hour o f work, but the *2*n\ w€P* P"»**nted for the play, demand was not met. I ™ bin« ° committee dona tad three

“ No pay, no play,” was Paatore’a e* l r a , P r *®* >n appreciation of the ultimatum to Faulkner and the large of the participants,crcwd followed suit by remaining in T^ie follow*-g are the winners: their eats to watch the fun. T h e 1 Katherien Crosaett, Marion i'eld- •rowd remained in the place three m* n> Florence Johnson Nick Dyak

hours longer than the usual hour bot Vincent Fagan, Andrew Schreiner,1* 4 ) it became a monotonous watch and£45 i tcrrduaMy they left.

»onroa^ed. th* musicians W s m e hu rry . They asked »he pro-

A. S . S O R E N S E N prie*c*r for breakfast, but Fauncner232 SiOfveaant Avenue ' .»*•<> ■«ttlng down and he refuse <

Ruth. 2-2017 Ly. d.iu.st ° 1 udge. The strike m irh t haven d e I k oner, but for »ho w ife of one

FO R R E N T I ■>' the mus'c^rns who w a i preaent.| l us©—fi rcoir.fi a d Lath $25. Sh** .*unp’ied ♦he**» »»'•’th ^ond. InsteadA p k—3 and 4 roonw, bath . $20 o ' H r » to *ho Hl-Ho kitchen to bay

• ; ‘h* food, she wen*, cut to n 'e a rk y |$^5 ; *Q" r v r^r tn h” '* the breakfsat. I

■ T>* IT-.Ho H u h only s w»ek am , |*v*v*'t at-th1* ne*** I t w as!

• . ~ . r I—*•*-« n■ Union street.,[Two family houWi. li, break tHa-

y. -svp m ” Fr-u!krpr a»'d “ I'•It. T • • (' *V n r: T u t'

I v-< ; • • <r to make a ' he” "a . — 1 • re ni»“.*'

P t l < • •• •• v Vl th«- - ,ir ’arw *ii . *• » • ‘ .ik — th-'ir d‘?put**.

I r. > !r a ; l cie*orm*rod to Iw ’d- -.it f<.r tlrf-ir Kirs! deiaaitd. Tau'k- : e- .•fu’M'd t«i accept.

Fu ia i’y. Faulkner gave up the **t- , k i’ig down business a d at X o’clock |-■-.it-:ay afternoon, met their tie | mand Ju t wh**n he g ive them th- >'2 extra he alao handed them tho<r, valking papers.

L Y N D H U R S T H I-Yp l a :NS A C T IV E PRO<;R \>

The Lyndhnrst H i-Y C u b hedd a meeting a t the home of Haro i Chute. 106 Post avenue, and a*a<i plana for an active program. IncluiL were:

A father ard son Itanque: ts be held April 2, at the High School Ajoint meeting to be he!d with thr Co-Y of Ljmdhurst High School, a: m e of the local church« k Two da\ camping trip to Oakland was scheii uled for April 10-11.

Daniel Morin v as appointed to for mulale plans for a public induct!«, of the new members. Refreshmen \ vrd round table discussio the businoa* meeting

Apt» i l oms and l>ath Ai»fit I ri'hms, bath, boat 2»» RIDGK ROAD, LYNDHURST

Piohe Huth. 2 1031

OR REN7-a -d <1 '-arg«» rr.crfli Stca*n h*at . ii 'icd. R" t 5 rtcma, ^40. ; 6 roomp i VR i ’a ’l Iiu.h. 2-1031 or 255 R dg>


FO R REN’—-3 room apur-nieii'Rent $12 end $16. Gas and vie trie, no bath. Apply Samuel Glich 307 R^dgc T.oud, Lyndhurvt, N. .1

FOR PENT - la rg e fur iabed sunny .roo-n for husinaas couple; ligh* cooking. Heat and light uppVed Mee* railroad rta t:on. 261 Or:eat al Place, ’Lyndhurst.

. *- 2-11-4 ti


m.1 Cro*a Rree«l Puppies $2. op TV'pical ard liold Fish P'ull lin» of *ageR, bird, fi*h and dog sup plies. Special 5 gal. f.sh aqusr. $1 .' I^t -j« take care of your pets whlla

M IS C E L L A N E O U SP IA N O T U N IN G — On my Hat »ars

many fine Stelnwav instrumenta. R**building and repairing. J . E. Lay. *'Thc Plano Doctor’’. Belleville 2'Rebui

enjoy .

3063. La y ’s Dance OrchestraIl*f6-4tl*e

U M B R E L L A S R E P A IR E Dvacation. Pree de- j Work by f i^ r y exporta Um-

bvery GEARY’S PET SHOP, 433 Broa*l St., Newark. Near D. L. A W . Station.

FOR SALE î~»üU Dm n* Room Suite fîa« Raupe I a rire Chair. Steel Cot K‘*ehei* Sei AH cheap Ruth. 8- 4670-J

brolias callad for and delivered (Charges reaaonab'e, prompt ser­vice. Phone or write.E M P IR E U M B R E L L A S E R V IC E

?H ( l i n t o n S i . N e w a r kPhone Msrket 2-6313


D R E S S A L T E R A T IO N S — Ore sees lervfrihered or shortened 6<V. Fitted la voair **ome. Delivered. Phone

R E N T —67» Chane , R uth 2 4686J.2-26-4ti-p

Summit Social Hub • Tc Honor St. PatrickA t a meeting F rid ay night of the

Summit Social Club 61 the Columbus f ,sb, nlans were made to hold a St. j Patrick’s party after the next meet­ing March 12 a t the club houae

The third annual chow mein din­ner and dance will be held M ay 8. at the Columbus Club. Victor Scelaa j is chairman of the committee in

FORAve , Lvndhurst. « rooms and bath, sterm hea*.-sun p<»rch; excellent cond1 • ion ; large plot; garage. Ren­tal $50 per month. Sale price S42WVOO. R J Van Wagenan, 10 N Brosd St., Ridgewood, N. J . Ridgewood 6 .WOO

2 - lM fFOR R EN T

Y O U N G G ER M A N CURL W IS H E S housework 1 d#y a week. Phone Rgth. 2-2391-J. ,» \

W A N T B D ’ r- fcsngslow or bested sn tó m e M in .tè a fsm i'v houas hy 4 ou pie T6I. Rath 2-1356.

Wm. A. HeywoodReal Estate • Insurance

Phone RUtherford 2-7516 411 Lake Avenue. Lvndhurst. N.1

FO R RENT 5 rooms, bath. 71« floor in 2 family house), all Im­provement heat* supplied; hotj water supplied on through SUtS-j mer Newly decora ted througkout ' 323 I vingston Ave.,, Lyndhtarot.! Inquire nn premises.

2 l*-4tl-p :

3-11 It i

w X n t Ì d ”4sy' to ' drivelight ttufkr niait Feldman, 214 Stuy venant A » . , Lyndhurat.-- i a . y » . .

W O M A N W IS H E S W O R K fo do at hr me./ >u»h as emhroidsry stc. W H IM Wok 10 Commercial leader,

• 366 Va lley Rrook A V f.

: ----------------------


I r a i dayLiquid. T-hleta

U lv e , Nose Drops Headache. S6 a imT f f ’K u k M jr T u m W o r u T a B M u a i h m

Ckolr lieVIT I M1JU fTJtggV

| METHODIST EPISCOeÀL | . . . . .c H U R C H I W i, l. i.. , l.y . Harch IR 4 p.m. U n

r------------- --- ---------- - ----------- te«i s<-rvtc«* and ;se |m on. jT lje aarm « iL s t a a .and Toattae Avea. «ili center around thè Croas of JeSus

Kev Oonild E. WiUiama, f'astor | tH irnt. Cume and -ung with uaCroia* *

,ng ov#Tarsonagv, 107 r?«iias Avenus. in*one Rutherfor.l 2-7616-J.

CHRISTIAN S tIK N if KKAD1NG RI HI si — FKKc. i» fhe Fehl*

I l Sylvan St. Rutnerfard, K. J. 4 u th u ru rd am' Approved U t* r« i4 r t


May Se Read, Itorrowed e> »’«rchaaed F IR S T C H I Rl Q O F |C H R IS T St IK N T IS T V J In Itatherford. N. J.

Plumbing • Heating Tinning

A Mitchell & Son242 LAKE AVE.

L V N D H l R S T , N. J. R U Ih . 2-4399

F o r P ro m p t A K l ia ie n t S c t v k «

l in t r o lu xA ( n K y Fo r olux Relriiigrralora


In IbfOterfoEd. N JK f t fW ir .IM N T a IJN«*t*IJ< AVKB

H« '»«•< A •/ Ihm Hol k»- ChunkT V K lrst «îtiurrh «•» « hrta« Sclett

Oat la Beaton.S«m<lay lth«K>i ■« * iS A. W

N r- 'ij I . i i , ... ,.ni I f tlh a JM»Mlti 1>n it usmm Jjw Iv---- -la S ociuvK u c r p t i*jn4»jr ai>4 H fl h a iM a p s»-l .« Tim»». I ay rm s t n u » h

>tuyveannt Avenue «ear V.lley Brunfe Rev Jsnsw ft. U ttaL . D. D..

Psator#45 A.M. Sund a ) Schoo».

tl:0O A M Momtng W orsaip 7:0» P.M. Young lV>pl~ CkrtaUnn

In t.rm M fat. > «un«

jfb u m ë u i w r j m tT ,Thursday - Friday - Saturday


CHICKENS , . . .ar F R Y IN G

2 Ik. to Ika.

3' » lb avg.

. lb 25c

. lb 25*W E S E L L T H E B E S T C O R N ED B E E F IN TO W N

u T R Y SO M E

Spring Legs of Lamb . . . . . lb 25*Loins of Pork............... . tt» 25*

Whole or Rib EndF U L L C l T

Prime Chuck Pot Roast . . . lb 21*Fresh Bockwurst............... lb 29*Fresh Knockwurst............. . tt* 29*Our Own Sausage Meat . . lb 29«Port; Chops (rib end) . . . . lb 25*Corned Pigs F e e t ............. . lb 10*


lb 27* lb 27* lb 31* lb 29*

Filets ofRod Perch lb 25*Cod ............Mackerel . .Sole . _____Haddock. . .Scallops ..................box 35*Raspbierries................ . box 21*Strawberries...................... box 27*Young Berrios..................... box 21*Peaches . . . .Brussel Sprouts...............Cut Beans . . .



Country Roll Butter . . . . lb 37* Selected E g g s..................doz 25*

. box 27*

. box 23c .box 19*

Ham* Avenae RetfcerferdR EV . H U B E R T A. W R ÎG H T

112 Orient W ay. Rstheefeed Momtng Worahlp f l A .I I .Sasdsy School io A M

W E L C O M E TO 4 IXThe Goldea Test ia ” l f we hop*

2-140?J I for that we aev noi. then do we with Writ I pa l ienee wait far »%.•* (Romana * 26)

< Among the cSstiana which conapnae the l.«aaon Sermon ia the «following | from the Rlble: The Lord ia exalted; ! lo r ho dwolleth un hi«h filled-Saan with


Wax Beans ........................box 19*Full Line of Wines, Liquors, BeersI JONS BEER 24 bot*. in case 51.69 OIJ) SHERRY WINE . . . gal Jug $1.45 DRY W IN E S................... gal jug $1.00


All Flavors Royal Gelatin 3 pkgs 13* Octagon Soap Powder . 3 ¿kgs 10* Pure Prepared Mustard . lb jar 10c Italian Style Spaghetti . . . . lb 9« Italian Stylo Tomato Paste . . . 8* Imported Grated Choose . . . 10*Mushroom Sauce......................... 9*Weston’s Crackerettes ... pkg 11« Early Jun? Peas . . . no 2 can 10* Stringless Beans . . . no 2 can 10*


Crosse & Blackwell Soaps 2 for 25*T \ L L C A N S K I I E m E L I ) m N E S T L E S

Evaported Mflk . . . . . . 3 for 19*Martini Crackers................pkg 13«Rich Flavor Tea BaHs . . . . dox 10*Chili Con C arno................. can 10*Heavy Whipping Croon . Vs pt 19*

Plan Container

Fancy Prunes................. |g cans 15*Unwrapped Soap . . . 3 cakes 10* Gold Medal Flour. H>/a b bag $1.09

Sweet Juicy Tangerines . dox 10« Lg. Seedless Grapofndt. . oa 5*k x t r a l a r g e t r e e u p e h e d

Juicy Florida Orango»! . dox 45*

The Coffees are ground to your order. You are not paying foe fancy tin cans.

ROYAL GUEST................ lb 27cWASTER BLEND ' lb 23cRICH FLAVOR..................... . . . . . . lb 19cCeylon or Orange Pekoe TEA Vi lb ring 25c Salada TEA BALIS . . . . i , , . ,t... . . , ea lc

FRIDAY ONLYFresh Caught Codfish Steaks , 14*

SATURDAY ONLY Sirloin Steak . lb 29*

C U T r t Q M C H O IC E 8TF .ERS

Porterhouse . lb 35*

MONDAY ONLV Pork Kidneys . fc 12*Chopped Beef . fc 15*


î 4440 A4SI