iii i OFCAMPAIGN Lumber Ir T near1Snyx.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m434t/data/0395.pdf · w 1 i rt Q t 1 0...

w 1 i rt Q t 1 0 II i a I I 78 < TB J4 ADAIR COUNTY NEWS 4 W MCII i Circuit court at Greensburg is iii ckusing much stir among the I people here calling many before r the grand jury A J Mank sold a colt to an 1 unknown party for60 L C Dohoney sold his pur- chase ¬ of tobacco amounting to about 11000 pounds to Hubbard Mitchell of Liletown for 15 cents weighed up at Mel R L Mitchell Liletown pass ¬ I 1ed route for Adair county on a to- bacco ¬ I 1 buying tour F On last Sunday night to the surprise of many of her friends Miss Nonie Keltnerj daughter of Uriah Keltner eloped to Tenn with Mr Steward Pendleton of JtEast Fork t VYDohoney and wife of pe visiting relatives ity last week 4 wife of Exie Fg Relatives near an this week e Buckner recently w iiai a farm from John Buckner consideration 2500 Absher i LJL Feese J H Morris Abner Brockman and Cooley Bros have built barns this year g i Phil Dudgeon was in this vicinity last Thursday buying tobacco He bought four crops paying a fine price Miss Mollie Breeding who has been sick for a week is improv ¬ ing f Little Marion Rice son ofTi W Rice is very sick he has billio remiting fever Miss Bettie Neat of Elida New Mexico is visiting in this neigh¬ borhood She came to Ky the 1st October for the benefit of her health She is improving fast > 4 I The corn crop here is short t V c Several hogs were slaughtered ringthe recent cold spell c y t DIig i oI H iw McClister andy jW n rvV Sharp did business at Columbia Satuadayi T L Smith Cane Valley call ¬ ed on our merchants one day last week Willie Bennett bought a spotted pony from Elroy McKinney Price unknown I Born to the wife of J G Campbell on the 21 a sonc A very good work horse thec property of Evan Strange died last week Mrs R E Strange visited her parents at Rugby last week Landy Stotts sold ayokeqf work oxen to R T Baker He then bought a pony from same party price not given Where is the prosperity the Republicans promised Taft was ¼ elected but is it not just as hard to geta dollar now as it was l before Are they offering j larger price for your staves and lumber now than they did before I f the election Is at any easier to j find a good job of work where 1 of you can make a few easy d llars now thefifitv wasoefbre tl1i election r Can you buy your sugar > baC bnij beef coffee etc > ndw cheaperthapyou could be fore the election Jjdyougetj r < that new pair jpf shoes any cheaper than you could have got < t4 then before Taft was elected rr Or haveS you Already begun to v i ii i jcealize that the Republican howl ¬ ers were capable of lying Isit not already beginniug to dawn uponyour understanding that it was the interests of Harrison Morgan Rockerfellow Charles P Taft and other millionaires T that Taft was pledged to protect and not your own If you have not already begun to relize the fact that you are as deeply en ¬ slaved as was the African before the civil war you will be pretty apt to find it out before four 1more years passes if you are not deaf dumb blind and without feeling Birthday Dinner The surprise birtliday dinner at Mrs Mary A Brockmans Nov 15th was largely attended and enjoyed by all present it being her 71st birthday The table was loaded with many good things to eat Those present were as follows Mr and Mrs B F Thomas Mr and Mrs B F Robertson Mr and Mrs Abb Brockman Mr and Mrs Henry Cooley Mr and Mrs J D Weatherford Mr and Mrs WA Humphress Mr and Mrs HB Robertson Mr and Mrs W P Dillingham Mr and Mrs Q CRusseIJMrand Mrs J BCave Mrs Z F Gabbert Mrs Elizabeth Cooley Misses Nannie Cooley Ann L Cave Bettie Bryant Becky Brockman Gertrude Mary and Grace Gabbert Ella and Sylvia Humphress Emma and Clara Robertsbnj Arva Cleo and Fannie Cave Audra Dillingham Vinna Weatherford and Fannie Brcckman Messrs D P Rice Ben Tupman W H Cave Frank and Mont Gabbert Edd and Willie Brockman Fred Hum ¬ phress Ben Pendleton Joe Andy Bryant George Rice Johny Weatherford and Walter Cave The little tots were Dimple Cave and Ralph Cooley I Noticer < 3t 1J Sale of UnjJ property at John M ad Sons j + Wa Thvena r r Notice is hr lat I John McParland lay the 5th day of Decer the hour of one ocloc1said ware house ofmd and Son Rowena i to the high- est and 1 r the here inafterjI charges thereo orage from Septe4 date One residense3f amou 1430 and otherlastmaking this salee iid this Octo- cFarland 141 G ayers AIltax < idon Deceo ber 1 19 the penalty and cosj Y ogle and due no- tice Ju who fabove date nee fa led on but one upondem y iit who you are SCeatteson Sheriff f1y Redand Gray 125200 each and expi s w en Box 232- mpbe1lsvi11e Ky I 4 Mind your Business I r JDf you doht nobodywill It is Business to keep out of all thettrouble you can and you can and will keej> out liyer and bowel trouble if you take keep6iliousness your system 25catPaul1sdrugstore S J oRussellhstwd sewing machines and an airtight stove for sale < jq f4 ir j js t i I CUBA IN THROES OFCAMPAIGN Election Next Saturday Will Set Up Restored Republic TROOPS WILL BE WIHDRAWN Termination of the Government of In ¬ tervention Will Occur January 28 Next on Which Date the United States Troops Will Be Recalled and a Chastened People Will Resume the Management of Their Own Affairs Under the Leadership of Officers to Be Elected Saturday Havana Nov 11On Saturday next elections will be held throughout the island for president vice president senators and representatives in the lower house of congress to whom ac ¬ cording to the present program will be committed the fate of the restored Cuban republic on the termination of the government of intervention Jan 28 1909The of the United States will be withdrawn on that date which is three days in advance of the date orig- inally ¬ set ia order that their departure may mark the anniversary of the birth of Joseph E Marti the Cuban patriot and the great body of Cubans have striven during the last few months toward a selection of candidates who will best realize their desire for self governmentPreparations for the elections are now complete All of the election offi ¬ cers have been appointed the electoral boards organized and the last ballots distributed and the whole island is absorbed in the outcome of the strug ¬ gle for supremacy The Conservatives are headed by General Mario Menocal and Dr Rafael Montoro the presiden ¬ tial and vice presidential candidates respectively while Qeneral Jose M Gomez and his former bitter rival in the party leadership Alfredo Zayas are the nominees of the Liberal party the Miguelista and Zaylsta factions of which finally united their forces in sup ¬ port of General Gomes on the under- standing ¬ that he wou1d not be horn mated for a second termx It is assured beyond peradventure that absolute fairness will characterize the elections about which every safe ¬ guard has been cast by the provisional government in accordance with an elaborate election law framed by the advisory commission of which Colonel Crowder is chairman Both of the political leaders have given absolute assurances that they will accept loy- ally the result of the popular verdict There is practically no difference in the platforms of the two parties both having as their chief planks the pres ¬ ervation of the republic equal rights for all citizens the encouragement of agriculture and Commerce and the maintenance of friendly relations with the United States The struggle is frankly for the possession of the > gov efhment and thecontrol of public pat- ronage ¬ t t > GIRLS STRANGE STORY > c Implicates Priest in Plot That Led to 1 Murder < Rutland Vt Nov llrrinteresting evidence was given by Lena Black a seventeenyearold girl at the trial of Rev Father Francis Crociata former pastor of the Italian church herewho is accused of being an accessory to the murder of Accorito Santoro who was stabbed to death near this city July 22 Miss Black testified that Father Crociata told her that she must go out with one Giovanni Gioda on the night of July 22 and entice Santoro who had been a suitor to a bridge where other Italians two of whom are now serving sentence for the murder were to strip Santoro of his clothing and shame him so that he would mo ¬ lest the girl no longer The priest told her she said that it would not only be right but an honor for her toga because SantQro was ruining her char ¬ acter After Santoro had resisted the attempts of his assailants to disrobe him and was killed in the melee the girl said the priest cautioned her to say nothing of what had occurred The trial is unfinished r New Election May Be Called St Johns NF Nov 11 Complete returns from the general elections of Nov 2 show that Sir Robert Bond the premier and Sir Edward Morris the leader of the opposition forces will each have eighteen supporters in I the legislature The situation is the most unique in Newfoundland political records and may be settled only by the ordering of another general election t Morses Petition Denied New York Nov 11The United States circuit court of appeal has refused to order that Charles W Morse be given bail pending Ian appear from the decision xoff the cir cuit court convicting him of making false entries in the books and misap ¬ plying the funds r f the NationarBank rof North America r J 3 itf j M Rev Dr Alfred G Harding who for 4t ehtytwo years pastlhas beurect 5 Mst> Pauls Episcopal church at Washington was elected Bishop of Washington to succeed the late Rev Henry Y Satterlee v 4 Y t > < t < r I p OUGHT TO SETTLE IT I Presidents Spokesman Says ROOS I velt Js Not Senatorial Candidate Washington Nov 11President Roosevelt six months ago came to the decision that no combination of circumstances would induce him to be- come a candidate for election to the United States senate from New York state to succeed Thomas C Platt said National Committeeman William L Ward of New York as he was leav- ing the White House Asked if he thought Secretary Root would be the next senator from New York Mr Ward replied by asking Would Mr Root be a candidate Questioned as to the probability of President Roosevelts being a candi ¬ date in 1911 to succeed Senator Chaun cey M Depew Mr Ward said the fu ¬ ture would take care of itself He re ¬ marked that Governor Hughes in that year will have completed his term as governor of New York and with a rec ¬ ord of a splendid administration in the state during the coming two years would make an admirable man for the place If you believe in playing fu- tures said Mr Ward that is a good card to play 5 INDUSTRIAL SKIES RAPIDLY CLEARING Hundreds Thousands of Men Soon to Return to Work New York Nov l1The National Association of Manufacturers publishes in the current issue of its official mag i azine a continuation of the statements on the conditions contributed by its 3000 members representing every branch of industry The first series of these statements showing improve ment in commercial conditions ap- peared ¬ in the Oct 15 issue of the mag- azine I The series now published indi cates a continuation of this improve ¬ ment and for the most part an opti mistic view of the business outlook Telegrams were also sent prior to the election to a number of the asso ciatipns members asking them to state specifically how many workingmen would be added to their present force j by Dec 1 if nothing occurred to shake commercial confidence A resume of the information contained in these re plies is also given in the magazine as j followsI The percentage of replies received indicate that an average of 135 men each will be added to the majority of j manufacturing plants in the associa- tion by Dec 1 The percentages show that at least onehalf of the 3000 mem bers of the National Association of Manufacturers expect to add to their presentforce more tLanO90O0w rkj ingmen Taking this as a basis says the I artichie is safe tQ assume that the 13000 1Jl manufactories which according I to the cenjsu of J900 employed an av erage each of 100 men I orover will j add at least 50 per cent to their pr es jent fore1 making a total in round flg ures of 650000 men In r > t1fide interests of the country will be en j bled to increase their present force i tiy more than half a thillionworking ineK to meet the market demands for1 their products f Horrid Crime at Pittsburg East Pittsburg Pa Nov 11IJis wife lying on a bed her throat cut from ear to ear his sixyearold J adopted daughter near by with her head almost severed a razor dripping with blood on the bed beside the dead woman and great crimson splashes over the room was the ghastly sight which confronted William Casey he returned to his home in whenI Keespbrt early today The the tragedy was a room oc George Hartzell Caseys soninlaw whose wife f was mysteriously killed a year ago Hartzell was missing when the murder was discovered but latert he was found unconscious in a trunk near the bodies a chloroform bottle at his nostrils and he died in a short time He was under suspicion when his wife was found dead but for lack of evi dence was discharged t Working With New Panel Springfield Ill Nov 11Trial of the race riot cases was resumed when Abe Raymer acquitted of der was placed on trial for todayI of property These trials were when Judge Cr ighton jurYbOXIwas men will be called upon for jury ice ssI Revival of War Rumors Belgrade Nov 11A revival of war reports has been caused by ru ¬ mors that Russia is supporting Ser Iservlau strategic positions and the removal 1sbeIhgdIS Wheat prices cin ithel Chicago ex ¬ change advanced from Ijta 2 cents per b fh lowing to active demand based C on an engrmous exportfbusiness 1 II 1t- i p tjt e It D j FL Lumber and landIf patc ¬ terns Commons or Better cannot do better than place your order with us We have a large stock of the above material and will be near1S Cane Valley or at James N Naylors fatjm I near Columbia I r We will sell 240 acres of the James Page land near Cane Valley 40 acres in cultivation the remainder in woodland Two small tenant houses and a barn The grade of land is good I This is your chance if you want good land in a good community at a fair price Wood Masaic Flooring and Co inc ICUt11ber Agent Coburg Ky L ii 30a80a08Q808D = 308Da080SDODODaE3f I NOTICE TO FARMERS I D p Since putting in the stave 1 a I find that I am 0 Imiu more fuel than l i use In order to util = ij o 4 w ize more fuel I will giver 38 pounds of strictly first = j P class Flour and 11 pounds J i P Q of bran per bushel for Al 1 t P ar N to do so as long as I amt > getting this extra JiteJ iL P fi fJlI will pay the highest T market price for gOOd l P Wheat l l p I L H W R riVERS Q 0 3Q3Q8Q8QQSC38Q8Q JT SQE gafig ftg SEy yg Qg g r oioioioioro opooBoooaSBBB RCT B r Bargains Bargains I 1I Have a Large Stock of General Merchandise and am offering Bargains to the Trade- S E I handle every thing that is kept in a General Store Ao r such as clot A ing boots shoee etc etc 5l jt I make a specialty of handling ladies furnishing goods andi ave i = now a large stock on exhibition Ki k 1large Mrs Ermine Wilson r f 5 Russell Springs ki rt i C I Seasonable Goods at Bottom Prices I 19ctsI 25ctsI Quinine Sulphate Ounce Bottles SScta I Scotts Emulsion 42 M83ct I Wampoles Wine Cod L iver Oil u p 5e f ji5ooOzomulsiort i Stearns Wine Cod Liver Oil jjjf i3ct Hydroline ts Maltineany combinationsa Tromeps Malt anycombinationuj cS PhillipBCcHa Liver 42 BakeraCodLiverOil42Ie Petroleum Emulsion 42 5 iCfst City Hall Wine Cod Liver Oil PintBottlcs5Ct54 I CIT llALLJIt4RMACi ii 6th JEFFERSON ST lipdsife City Ifilli 9is r > t < ij 1f 1 Ai r r t r 1 fj4 1- L c H i

Transcript of iii i OFCAMPAIGN Lumber Ir T near1Snyx.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m434t/data/0395.pdf · w 1 i rt Q t 1 0...

Page 1: iii i OFCAMPAIGN Lumber Ir T near1Snyx.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m434t/data/0395.pdf · w 1 i rt Q t 1 0 II i a I I 78 < TB J4 ADAIR COUNTY NEWS 4 W MCII i Circuit court at Greensburg is

w 1 i rtQt

1 0




i Circuit court at Greensburg is

iii ckusing much stir among theI people here calling many beforer the grand jury

A J Mank sold a colt to an1 unknown party for60

L C Dohoney sold his pur-


of tobacco amounting toabout 11000 pounds to Hubbard

Mitchell of Liletown for 15

cents weighed up at MelR L Mitchell Liletown pass¬

I 1edroute for Adair county on a to-



I1 buying tour

F On last Sunday night to thesurprise of many of her friendsMiss Nonie Keltnerj daughter ofUriah Keltner eloped to Tennwith Mr Steward Pendleton of

JtEast ForktVYDohoney and wife of

pe visiting relativesity last week

4 wife of ExieFg Relatives near

an this week

e Buckner recentlyw iiai a farm from John

Buckner consideration 2500


i LJL Feese J H MorrisAbner Brockman and Cooley

Bros have built barns this year

g i Phil Dudgeon was in thisvicinity last Thursday buyingtobacco He bought four cropspaying a fine price

Miss Mollie Breeding who hasbeen sick for a week is improv ¬

ingf Little Marion Rice son ofTiW Rice is very sick he hasbillio remiting fever

Miss Bettie Neat of Elida NewMexico is visiting in this neigh¬

borhood She came to Ky the1st October for the benefit ofher health She is improvingfast >

4I The corn crop here is short

t V c

Several hogs were slaughteredringthe recent cold spell c

yt DIig

i oIH iw McClister andy jWn rvVSharp did business at ColumbiaSatuadayi

T L Smith Cane Valley call ¬

ed on our merchants one daylast week

Willie Bennett bought a spottedpony from Elroy McKinneyPrice unknown

I Born to the wife of J G

Campbell on the 21 a soncA very good work horse thec

property of Evan Strange diedlast week

Mrs R E Strange visited herparents at Rugby last week

Landy Stotts sold ayokeqfwork oxen to R T Baker Hethen bought a pony from sameparty price not given

Where is the prosperity theRepublicans promised Taft was

¼ elected but is it not just as hardto geta dollar now as it was lbefore Are they offering j

larger price for your staves andlumber now than they did beforeI f the election Is at any easier to

jfind a good job of work where1 of

you can make a few easy d llarsnow thefifitv wasoefbre tl1ielection rCan you buy yoursugar > baCbnij beef coffee etc

> ndw cheaperthapyou could before the election Jjdyougetj

r< that new pair jpf shoes any

cheaper than you could have got< t4 then before Taft was electedrr

Or haveS you Already begun tov iii i

jcealize that the Republican howl ¬

ers were capable of lying Isitnot already beginniug to dawnuponyour understanding that itwas the interests of HarrisonMorgan Rockerfellow CharlesP Taft and other millionaires


that Taft was pledged to protectand not your own If you havenot already begun to relize thefact that you are as deeply en¬

slaved as was the African beforethe civil war you will be prettyapt to find it out before four

1more years passes if you are notdeaf dumb blind and withoutfeeling

Birthday Dinner

The surprise birtliday dinnerat Mrs Mary A BrockmansNov 15th was largely attendedand enjoyed by all present itbeing her 71st birthday Thetable was loaded with many goodthings to eat Those presentwere as follows

Mr and Mrs B F ThomasMr and Mrs B F RobertsonMr and Mrs Abb BrockmanMr and Mrs Henry Cooley Mrand Mrs J D Weatherford Mrand Mrs W A Humphress Mrand Mrs HB Robertson Mrand Mrs W P Dillingham Mrand Mrs Q CRusseIJMrandMrs J BCave Mrs Z FGabbert Mrs Elizabeth CooleyMisses Nannie Cooley Ann LCave Bettie Bryant BeckyBrockman Gertrude Mary andGrace Gabbert Ella and SylviaHumphress Emma and ClaraRobertsbnj Arva Cleo andFannie Cave Audra DillinghamVinna Weatherford and FannieBrcckman Messrs D P RiceBen Tupman W H Cave Frankand Mont Gabbert Edd andWillie Brockman Fred Hum ¬

phress Ben Pendleton Joe AndyBryant George Rice JohnyWeatherford and Walter CaveThe little tots were Dimple Caveand Ralph Cooley

I Noticer< 3t 1J

Sale of UnjJ property atJohn M ad Sonsj +

Wa Thvena r


Notice is hr lat I JohnMcParland lay the 5thday of Decer the hour ofone ocloc1said warehouse ofmd and SonRowena i to the high-est and 1 r the hereinafterjI chargesthereo orage fromSepte4 date One

residense3famou 1430 andotherlastmaking thissaleeiid this Octo-



AIltax < idon Deceober 1 19 the penaltyand cosj

Yogle and due no-tice Juwhofabove dateneefa led on but oneupondemy iit who you are

SCeatteson Sheriff

f1yRedand Gray125200 each

and expi s

w en Box 232-

mpbe1lsvi11e KyI 4

Mind your Business I

rJDf you doht nobodywill It is

Business to keep out of all thettroubleyou can and you can and will keej> out

liyer and bowel trouble if you take

keep6iliousnessyour system 25catPaul1sdrugstore


JoRussellhstwd sewing machinesand an airtight stove for sale


jq f4 irj js t i




Election Next Saturday Will

Set Up Restored Republic


Termination of the Government of In ¬

tervention Will Occur January 28

Next on Which Date the United

States Troops Will Be Recalled anda Chastened People Will Resume theManagement of Their Own Affairs

Under the Leadership of Officers to

Be Elected Saturday

Havana Nov 11On Saturday nextelections will be held throughout theisland for president vice presidentsenators and representatives in thelower house of congress to whom ac¬

cording to the present program willbe committed the fate of the restoredCuban republic on the termination ofthe government of intervention Jan28

1909Theof the United States will

be withdrawn on that date which isthree days in advance of the date orig-inally


set ia order that their departuremay mark the anniversary of the birthof Joseph E Marti the Cuban patriotand the great body of Cubans havestriven during the last few monthstoward a selection of candidates whowill best realize their desire for selfgovernmentPreparations

for the elections arenow complete All of the election offi ¬

cers have been appointed the electoralboards organized and the last ballotsdistributed and the whole island isabsorbed in the outcome of the strug¬

gle for supremacy The Conservativesare headed by General Mario Menocaland Dr Rafael Montoro the presiden ¬

tial and vice presidential candidatesrespectively while Qeneral Jose MGomez and his former bitter rival inthe party leadership Alfredo Zayasare the nominees of the Liberal partythe Miguelista and Zaylsta factions ofwhich finally united their forces in sup ¬

port of General Gomes on the under-standing


that he wou1d not be hornmated for a second termx

It is assured beyond peradventurethat absolute fairness will characterizethe elections about which every safe ¬

guard has been cast by the provisionalgovernment in accordance with anelaborate election law framed by theadvisory commission of which ColonelCrowder is chairman Both of thepolitical leaders have given absoluteassurances that they will accept loy-ally the result of the popular verdict

There is practically no difference inthe platforms of the two parties bothhaving as their chief planks the pres¬

ervation of the republic equal rightsfor all citizens the encouragement ofagriculture and Commerce and themaintenance of friendly relations withthe United States The struggle isfrankly for the possession of the > govefhment and thecontrol of public pat-ronage


t t


Implicates Priest in Plot That Led to1 Murder <

Rutland Vt Nov llrrinterestingevidence was given by Lena Black aseventeenyearold girl at the trial ofRev Father Francis Crociata formerpastor of the Italian church herewhois accused of being an accessory tothe murder of Accorito Santoro whowas stabbed to death near this cityJuly 22 Miss Black testified thatFather Crociata told her that she mustgo out with one Giovanni Gioda on thenight of July 22 and entice Santorowho had been a suitor to a bridgewhere other Italians two of whom arenow serving sentence for the murderwere to strip Santoro of his clothingand shame him so that he would mo ¬

lest the girl no longer The priest toldher she said that it would not onlybe right but an honor for her togabecause SantQro was ruining her char¬

acter After Santoro had resisted theattempts of his assailants to disrobehim and was killed in the melee thegirl said the priest cautioned her tosay nothing of what had occurredThe trial is unfinished


New Election May Be CalledSt Johns NF Nov 11 Complete

returns from the general elections ofNov 2 show that Sir Robert Bondthe premier and Sir Edward Morristhe leader of the opposition forceswill each have eighteen supporters in

I the legislature The situation is themost unique in Newfoundland politicalrecords and may be settled only by theordering of another general election


Morses Petition DeniedNew York Nov 11The United

States circuit court of appeal hasrefused to order that Charles WMorse be given bail pending

Ian appear from the decision xoff the circuit court convicting him of makingfalse entries in the books and misap ¬

plying the funds r f the NationarBankrof North America r J 3 itfjM Rev Dr Alfred G Harding who for4t ehtytwo years pastlhas beurect5 Mst> Pauls Episcopal church atWashington was elected Bishop ofWashington to succeed the late RevHenry Y Satterlee v

4 Yt

>< t < r



Presidents Spokesman Says ROOS I

velt Js Not Senatorial CandidateWashington Nov 11President

Roosevelt six months ago came tothe decision that no combination ofcircumstances would induce him to be-come a candidate for election to theUnited States senate from New Yorkstate to succeed Thomas C Plattsaid National Committeeman WilliamL Ward of New York as he was leav-ing the White House Asked if hethought Secretary Root would be thenext senator from New York MrWard replied by asking Would MrRoot be a candidate

Questioned as to the probability ofPresident Roosevelts being a candi ¬

date in 1911 to succeed Senator Chauncey M Depew Mr Ward said the fu¬

ture would take care of itself He re¬

marked that Governor Hughes in thatyear will have completed his term asgovernor of New York and with a rec¬

ord of a splendid administration inthe state during the coming two yearswould make an admirable man for theplace If you believe in playing fu-tures said Mr Ward that is a goodcard to play 5



Hundreds Thousands of Men

Soon to Return to Work

New York Nov l1The NationalAssociation of Manufacturers publishesin the current issue of its official mag i

azine a continuation of the statementson the conditions contributed by its3000 members representing everybranch of industry The first seriesof these statements showing improvement in commercial conditions ap-


in the Oct 15 issue of the mag-



The series now published indicates a continuation of this improve ¬

ment and for the most part an optimistic view of the business outlook

Telegrams were also sent prior tothe election to a number of the associatipns members asking them to statespecifically how many workingmenwould be added to their present force j

by Dec 1 if nothing occurred to shakecommercial confidence A resume ofthe information contained in these replies is also given in the magazine as j

followsIThe percentage of replies receivedindicate that an average of 135 meneach will be added to the majority of j

manufacturing plants in the associa-tion by Dec 1 The percentages showthat at least onehalf of the 3000 members of the National Association ofManufacturers expect to add to theirpresentforce more tLanO90O0w rkjingmen

Taking this as a basis says the I

artichie is safe tQ assume that the13000 1Jlmanufactories which according I

to the cenjsu of J900 employed an average each of 100 menI orover will j

add at least 50 per cent to their presjent fore1 making a total in round flgures of 650000 men In r >t1fideinterests of the country will be en j

bled to increase their present force i

tiy more than half a thillionworkingineK to meet the market demands for1their products


Horrid Crime at PittsburgEast Pittsburg Pa Nov 11IJis

wife lying on a bed her throat cutfrom ear to ear his sixyearold Jadopted daughter near by with herhead almost severed a razor drippingwith blood on the bed beside the deadwoman and great crimson splashesover the room was the ghastly sightwhich confronted William Caseyhe returned to his home in whenIKeespbrt early today Thethe tragedy was a room ocGeorge Hartzell Caseys soninlawwhose wife f was mysteriously killed ayear ago Hartzell was missing whenthe murder was discovered but laterthe was found unconscious in a trunknear the bodies a chloroform bottle athis nostrils and he died in a short timeHe was under suspicion when his wifewas found dead but for lack of evidence was discharged

tWorking With New Panel

Springfield Ill Nov 11Trial ofthe race riot cases was resumedwhen Abe Raymer acquitted ofder was placed on trial for todayIof property These trials werewhen Judge Cr ighton

jurYbOXIwasmen will be called upon for juryice ssI

Revival of War RumorsBelgrade Nov 11A revival of

war reports has been caused by ru¬

mors that Russia is supporting Ser

Iservlaustrategic positions and the removal1sbeIhgdISWheat prices cin ithel Chicago ex¬

change advanced from Ijta 2 cents perb fh lowing to active demand based C

on an engrmous exportfbusiness1



p tjte It



FL Lumber and landIfpatc ¬

terns Commons or Better cannot do betterthan place your order with us We have alarge stock of the above material and will benear1SCane Valley or at James N Naylors fatjm Inear Columbia

Ir We will sell 240 acres of the James Page

land near Cane Valley 40 acres in cultivationthe remainder in woodland Two small tenanthouses and a barn The grade of land is good

I This is your chance if you want goodland in a good community at a fair price

Wood Masaic Flooring andCo incICUt11ber Agent Coburg Ky

L ii30a80a08Q808D = 308Da080SDODODaE3f


D p

Since putting in the stave 1 aI find that I am

0Imiu more fuel than l iuse In order to util = ijo 4

w ize more fuel I will giver38 pounds of strictly first = j P

class Flour and 11 pounds J i PQ of bran per bushel for Al 1 t ParN

to do so as long as I amt >

getting this extra JiteJ iLP

fifJlI will pay the highest Tmarket price for gOOd l P

Wheat l l p



3Q3Q8Q8QQSC38Q8Q JT SQE gafig ftg SEy yg Qg g

r oioioioioro opooBoooaSBBB RCT B

r Bargains BargainsI

1I Have a Large Stock of General Merchandiseand am offering Bargains to the Trade-



I handle every thing that is kept in a General StoreAo r

such as clot Aing boots shoee etc etc 5ljt

I make a specialty of handling ladies furnishing goods andi ave i

= now a large stock on exhibition Ki k1largeMrs Ermine Wilson r


Russell Springs ki rti

CI Seasonable Goods at Bottom Prices I


Quinine Sulphate Ounce Bottles SScta


Scotts Emulsion 42 M83ct I

Wampoles Wine Cod L iver Oil u p

5e f

ji5ooOzomulsiort iStearns Wine Cod Liver Oil jjjfi3ctHydroline

tsMaltineany combinationsaTromeps Malt anycombinationuj cSPhillipBCcHa Liver 42

BakeraCodLiverOil42IePetroleum Emulsion 42 5 iCfstCity Hall Wine Cod Liver Oil

PintBottlcs5Ct54 I

CIT llALLJIt4RMACi ii6th JEFFERSON ST lipdsife City Ifilli9isr > t < ij 1f

1 Air

r tr 1 fj4 1-



