II Jf - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38417/1/1887021901.pdf8l...

8l V Jf , . 1 . ft II ; El ;m I I - i fe i W l M I M CI it ill ! i ' PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VI. NO. 42. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1887. 3dVfriiscments. mil mils taunts. dmltscments. ATTORNEYS-AT-IjA- W. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser 1H PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. INT2ER-ISIAN- B Steam Navigation Co. OLNKY V ASHKORO. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CLABKNCK w. ASHFORD. JOHN smtTANCK. B. I.. STANLEY. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of line WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 410 Front St., San Franeiweo. 2 tf Aw (LIMITED.) f Asliford AsMord, ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, eOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. Oftie Honolala Hale, adjoining: the Pos dAwtf Oflice. :; fee; co, SUBSCRIPTIONS Clans Spreckels Wrn. G. Irwin. JlO.UOd.OOO CAPITAL ui.y P. C. Advkrtiskr, one year 6 00 . , . v- - i i Aiivkhtiskk. sir ninnrlia .1 nn lutLY 1. C Auvkktiskr, three months 1 50 I'NUMITEP LIABILITY. STEAMER W. G. HALL, (MALULAXI.) Comma nde B xTKS - Will ran regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Koua and Kirn, Hawaii. CLAUS SPP.ECKELS & CO., IMPORTERS A DEALERS HAY ANI ORAIS. Telephone No. 175. Iiwi.Y f . v. ru niiiisfcR, jitr iiumiu ou W'kkki.y P. C. A dvektiskk, one year 5 00 t ... i tLi.iti lit! I . W" I II JOHN T. DARE, Attorney and CTomiNellor at 1m w, Office No. 12, Spreckels Block, Honolulu. 176 oct21tf - i 'JUN.H if ills.., ... & V . .f. niiJ. lUULllg 6 50 TrUre Insurance oi all V'Hrrl?,tJ"n will be at Moderate Kates um.by the undersigned inwIXJfet;o lnsiaii.J " ISAAC K. DAVIS. HKNRV COW K IX DAVIS & CO WELL, MAN I'FAf'TtTKKKS OF Santa Cruz Lime, OF ENGLISH PORTLA IMPORTERS FIRE BRICK , ' CLAY, F:tc. 211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, he'. CUy and Wo i.i.t .. P.O. Box 2,292. SAN FRAN, MO. Payable Invariably m Advance Managers for Haw. Islands 20-dw- tf I3AJSTK!ERS. STEAMER IW ALAN I, t'omiuande FUKKMAX Will run regularly to Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele and Waiuiea, Kauai. BROWN, ATTOl XEY-AT-LA- AND CECIL Public. Cain pi ell's Block, Merchant street C C.iMAIN. E. U. WIM '.r-ii-K- K THE TOURNAMENT. A JTortern L.oclilnvar Who Come IXa From the West With a Purpose. A young:, brawny Scot camo out of th. et, in all the blue desert his steed was tuo J.ot (at least he said so. only the train di had made a mistaka and shipp d it l.. Denver), ani. save his good broadsword lie weapon had none; he came on a flat ca and he rode all alone; so famous was Dun-ra- n, so dauntless, be par, that his fame went HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New Zealand. CAPITAL. : lO.0OO,OG0. i:tabHhMl an Agency at Having for the Hawaiian Islands. Ihe to accept risks dwellings, .tori, warehouses and Marine risks on car-o- a on favorable terms. freights, bottomry, profits and communions. lAmH irmily adjusted A payable. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, MACAU LEV commander Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Kukul-hael- e, Honokaa m'M I'aauhau. Hawaii. M, THOMPSON. ATTORNEY -- AT-LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 41 tf ETJEEKA ! Draw Exchange on the principal parts of the world. We have received a consignment o the uioat J. M. M0NSARRAT. Maiii & Winchester, Manufacturers and Importers HnrnesM, Saddles, Iliidles, A i COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE. ) Nos. 214, 210, 218 and 220 Battery . S. . Francisco. Illustrate d catalogm on application. L ci : Fred'ricksburg Biwi V SAN JOSE, CAL STEAMER JAMES MAKEE, Commander VVEIK Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. Economical and Valuable Fed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: VM. U. IHW1X & CO. Will receive deposits on open account, make 19-d- wtf ATTORNEY AT LAW collections and conduct a geueral hanking and exchange business. COOKED LINSEED MEAL. AND NOTARY PUBLIC. T. "it. FOSTER, President. J. EN a, secretary. lal"i?. before him like light from atar. About the same time from the dreamy orient there appeared a Celt, who, seeing the Scot, addressed him thus: "O, come yee in peace here, or corue yec-- s in war, or shall we hippodrome Zion, and take from saints and sinners shekels enough to set us ap in an honest business in the states, be gor?" Then answered the Gael: "I long swung my broadsword, I long played the brys, 1 made a great noise; bur the grass has grown short and my fame has grown small, foi fame swelLs like the Jordon, but ebb3 like ita fall, and while I am pru lent and don't mean to be ra-- h, the cas has grown des- perate, ?tis a question o.' hash. And I'm open for business, my amiable Celt, I trust a hint of my purpose you by this time have imelt." Then answered the Celt : "By the port rs. Keal Estate In any part ol tne UAnht MniH mifi Leased on Commission Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav lni3 Department subject to published rules and refutations. ITocUf TO PL ASTERS. Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn Kohala Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines anil Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. NO. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-t- f It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer m use. Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of uu ritive matter; this nearly 39 per cnt. 100 Bs. o this ineal is equal to 300 Ss. of oats, or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 7ft7 Bs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Loix to Suit- - Also, oui Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the brst kinds o liny, OatH, Wueat, Corn, Etc., EN'. The Lager Beer of the above : -- y Was Awarded the Firs i dzrs At the Expositions of 1885 and W e have on hand a onsiftiinient of Automatic Trash Fuelling Fancy drinks ol eery deseiiiHoii a ieeily. J. II. Webb, Furnaces. trnt fnrnjirpa.omp!eie with I. 4K l'.ox :507 rion't I kuow? Kit's hasa that ye're a'ter how will we fool ihe b-- .t I'll give yeas a go; sinner and stint and make the town red Uell Teleiliae 1T2. Mutual 372. Freetli & Peac - k, 37G IiONOLL'L 'JI'MS A. 0. Cook & :Son, OAK TANNEO grai. bars, bearers and trash carriers, xehme LAINE & CO. ?T0V Proprietor. 3r. tf 50'lAwly I I I l J I 111: il I M of tuis mftke are now u. suotmuiui"-"- - yp,e kelsville. Makee Sugar Company and other plan-.ations- . Also, a consignment of ,1 il. 1 II I II 1 III 1 r4 1 H i LEATHER BELTING, Filter Presses, Campbell's Block, Merchant St Lnee Eeatlier and Header Drapers, TELEPHONE 55 Cooks, Laborers, House Servants and all kinds of help furnished promptly, without charge to employer, on application to No. 415 Market street, San Francisco. AMERICAN CBACe CO Biscuit Manufactn hs, COIC. SANSOME A BltOAIH k '? V San Francisco, Fa JAMES DUNN, Supt. ,1' 442 jan25'88 Having all the latest hnvrovements. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices aim lurther particulars ap ply to Wm. 0. Irwin & Co., .1. K. BltOWX A CO. 472 fel5tf JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Bnilder, 31 AlaUea Street, and make coi. tracts for Will furnish estimates any description of wood buildings. jobbing of all kinds done, and saCsfartloi: guaranteed. i ll.n lnu out 67 tf E3? rT 1 ATXXT1 tin T Alakeii. near neen St. with cur weather-stai- n ' pamtJ 'We'll meet," sai l the Se.. 'an some cappers we'll hire to picture the blows, the feints and the lire; w.;Tl end in a quarrel we 11 catch em a and a new chailen-- e .ve; second time, sure as yoa live." The Celt smi ei soren-Iy- : rt,T a good scheme, bed ad. L-- softest orinrlumty bro-k-n men ever Ltd; and w'd ph.y a.l the girls an.l the boys rom afar, and we 11 d;vvy tlie profits right after the war." il sealed with a core Then the compact ey leal eer; one left at the fruit door and oua at th- - rear. In public they frownoi, ir. pri- vate they nt!e J; in furrin threats vhey the public beguiled. They met in the lists with broadswords and scowl, and ou-clai- med the victory fair by a foul; the divvied the profits and then slunk away, an we'll bear of them next at the next town they play. For the re's tricks in all traaes In the world, don't you know; it always ha, been and will always be so; an, thw la and this Celt will always do wet long ai the public will catch at a sell. b . '- - Lxk Tribune, Fashions In Collars. Ai;entH. 3S-- tf S. P. TAYLOR & CO., Paper Manufacturers, AND DEALERS IN l'aper BJC. Twines, F.te.. Charges as i m- - " . Foundation Timbers ! ! BONE MEAL !! THOMAS LINDSAY in ir.rinv street. SAN FRANCISCO Manufacturing .Jeweler, STo tlie Public- - tl I A ' i Or i.ArTiiinn I'flTiPr Mills. W have just received from Australia a few Iron- - if v South Coast Paper Mill. Sequel. Santa Cruz : harK Foundation limoera. The uuaeraiKued are now prevaretl to re ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of 13uck & Ohlamit San Francisco: The following is a report of the compo- nent parts, as obtained by Chemical aualy- - o. CO Nnnaim Street, Honolulu, II. I. Dodge, Sweeney San Francisco, Fat Wholesale dealers In Butter, Chee . 1 (, id all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTS FO I. ibby, HIcNeill A I.lbby" ..i.-- d SI eats. II. M. Iluiecs (Enle llram ..ifc,e Hams Henry Verbjjes Fainied V- - mi Hani Sausage, And . XV. Hnnic's " Flatf 1 Fanned Salmon. 1 SIZES 16x24 inches, 12 Feet Eon ST. And lixlBinehes,16 Feet Eon)?. Particular aMenItopaiiff. The Pacific Transfer Co., (LJeo. C. Shveve & Co., MANUFACTURING JEWELERS Office with C. K. Miller. 42 Merchant street. Q1U Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " " " Silicious Matter 4.C5 Lime 3-t- 0 Phosphoric Acid 2.1 1 ,4 Oxide of Iron , BTheue timbers, as thtir name signifies, are Mutual Telephone 391 Bell Telephone 377. Furnished or Unfurnished, And Importers of Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver Plated f.x,inn Art Urasa Goods, nearly as solid ana aurauie an hum, foundation purposes, or others of like nature, cannot he surpassed. . I am fulls-prepare- d to do all kinds of dray.see, Canes', Umbrellas. Berlin and Vienna Leather naming or moving wors, ai. ti wmcu i wm COTTAGE ON LUNALILO AND PIKOII STS., A nruim.e.l complete for 'OiiekepinR. Lse antee to execute laitniuny. Xfi ly S. F. (i R A IT AM, ProprW tor. Goods, Opera Glasses, Hfonltfomery and Sutter Sts.. Alka Salts 52 " KlO.OO Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders deceived will have Prompt and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co. 311nov25tf SAN FRANCISCO. 443ja25 '88 of horse ana carriage. ' "fXs J. FISilKL, 127-oct7- tf Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. Importers and Wholesale Dei Ship Chandlery, H . SOPER, W. (t. Irwin & Co., J. OLADS 9PKECKKI.S Successor to 38 and 40 Market St San Francisco. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., rnrSEXT. THE YTUBB THE PAST THE The Clothier. Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. 2ltf Agents fo Taunton Hhealhing Metal Manufacture FACTO Il and O.miniion Honolulu H. 1. tf A til-NT- J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, A Tioiincing l'.rlde. ALOQN. AV Metropolitan Market cottage r Bf . TOfrether &i MACFAELANE & CO, o'clock a number ot - - "ronade. WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Importers of "Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. uolf SAI.i: DEAI.EKS ANl tlF.X- - Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. 11.1. 41 tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Ijiiis. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Itooli. News. eral Jooners iu . No. 12 Kaahniiinnii Street, IIONOLULI. 28 tf NO. r- - FOItT ST it K KT. Opposite Wilder A Co.'s H. J. Noite, Propr, IiINU STREET, . - - the nely-marrie- ? . Sicy and - b.l rm .usj SSS uT "eTrSni u to th3 doo, and said: . disturbs us." 1ES oEearththimbelothelt 16 to 22 Iteele Street. San Francisco. 9 4 I tl t Flat and I.ai rnp Binders' lio,.s Mil PROPRIETOR JOSHUA IIENDY a,sj. WALLER, W, G. RICHARDSON, Sclnveitzer & Co. IniDorters and Jobbers of M. PHILLIPS & Co., viiolesale Dealer? In "Vlo B?"ts, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furni.sh- - 1 s Honolulu, II. I. - u " 11 H. HACKFELD & CO., RESIDENT AGENT jVIacliirie Worlcs No. 35 to 51 Fremont Street. SAN FRANCISCO. he retired for a few miuuu--- - and bounco out My wifdM come erowd." rhunks of durt teai He retired arain as OPEN KOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M I'lKST-fLAS- S M'XCKXS, COFFEK TEA, S01A WATER. GIMiFii ALE, OK BKHT BRANDS FANCY GOODS, 205 EeJdesdorir Street. C5i"eest Meats from Finest Herd. HOSIERY. GLOVES, CORSLTtf," Telephone No. 47. M'lilte tJoods. Embroideries, If andker . m m i . a . . chlelM. iiHt'CN, j.inooiiN, ituirn v t'liildrciiH Fiidernear. rtveit to Attention N B.-Sie- eial 8 ttfcw Eartre contracts. - Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second- hand Boilers. Engines and Machinery Of Every Description. Plain and Fancy PI PES personally selected Iron. 29 and 31 Battery St., San Prancisco. ;ieiiiuoo the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety FT) HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., of BKiST QUALITY mllle. and shipping supplied ou SHORT to rattle around JJ" ad the brid, the door wa.",r;W"lubta her hand. She jumped out from , was all busing whack be- - than one sereuader got, minutes sh fore he distanced her. in flcres, and had scattered toewm. clapJ3d stood in the the husband his hand, and Routed: wmlJ "Go in, Mary! Jog you k y g- -D hear something E. H. Buclmam & Co. M3W SMOKERS' ARTICLES. E. E. MayHew, nave constantly In stock New ano. Second-han- d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, MACHINISTS' TOOLS, Manufacturers and Dealers iu SHIP STWES, NOTICE and At the Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Klesjant COSTKACTOE ASU BUILDER, Tin, Copier, Crockery and Sheet Iron troit Fr,-- e rre-- - WM. McCANDLESS. mmZ 4 GO, tlLLURD TASLB are, nnip Lanierii n.iu Si&rual Oil, IRRIGATING AND PUMPING MACHINERY PIPING, PIPE-FITTING- S, ETC. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appll Street, Honolulu, II 1., S Hotel (Opposite Fashion Stables). 22 Stewart St., let. Market and Mission, Mluneapon Locates A St. ra"l M.tn ft3 her N. 0.eu Street, Lowest Market Prices. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Shit) and Job Work and Htove Repairing of all "Hobby." "." piazza one tycntnK, on.the ba spouse camo up onJ Fi, Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, Kisll.etc. , wi. rfrs carefully attended kinds a specialty . 4 re"1BBB . on the Premises. Tho Pioprietor would he pleased to receive a cali from his Friends and the Pahlic generally who mar desire a EITNFJI. A SMOKE, OU A (SAME Ol BIEEIAUOS. toF8Uve ock VnishVd to vessels at short , ,, i,!.,,!,, smtulied to -- "a hi'-- J Zn entered tl..hoS BELL TKLEPnONE 53 P. O. BOX 315. notice, and vegeuimrs 29 tf order. WENNEH & 00. ... - mv line faithfully done. Plans and New I'hotosrapli Booms. STORE. FORT STREET, f VER NICIIOL-- S DR. 1WAI, Physician and Surgeon, Residence and Office, IO Emnin Street. OFFICE HOURS From 0 to 12 a. m. BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 405jaln0.8 All meats delivered from this market are thor ongly ehlUed Immediately after killing Wserator by means Patent Dry of a Bell-Colem- an Meat so treated retains "J xngER K and la GUARANTEE TO AFTER DELIVERY THAN '"VfJi KILLED MEAT. male. Jobbing in all detail, done Thrf notice Good work nd low charges is 5fwleco-8- 5 II. J. N0LTE. 31 tf thtotins f EOinsU f.-y-- yo--" "itTtbobtiid.- - there f -- Ever been "Haven t. eh? t time?" MPV left oltto r on the band side of dri out a W flin -- Ob. 7 I creek. Jt after to a . con rf and BdlM yea & fimber. cross f.leyond that you corns to a dearing. some of thechil find a .fJSmort anyone around dren Minneapolis is, and there JtSTS. further, any way. fe;5r ISTOTICE. 92 Fort Street. Have on band New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. 'Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks. And ornaments of Mkin Jr,. Silver and Gc d PiatCi Elegant Solid Sllv r 1Vr Svm. Suitable for Preet ntatioo. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEVi I jRY A Specialty. KU'rtliiuy in nil its brauche. y S,ie s4'i: f r EJr 'i Eye Prtset veri, MONTHLY PAYMENTS. my motto. L. G. SRESOYICH & CO., Merchants and Wholesale ln Sn and Domestic Fruits, green and dried, or ijesc t'ocoanut. Bananas, manufacturers Lemons, TahiU OrTn;saa CoaPnuts.Nuts of all kinds, Dates aiS5kS? FrSff 'or export a specialty. Long in shipping to China, Australia, Mexico, t'Sfral America. Eastern sutes.etc. Tropical VrruVl-TrT- T d'rect y every st-am- er. For Lease or Sale. THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV- IGATION COMPANY, All account, for A 1 .'erttsin and Jnh Prtnthii OF T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS held A Mutual Telephone Company tie reni of reduce the tM- - dv. It s decided to I i.i-iti- ( .u!iiiPi 1 .t , 1 iKr HOUSE AND LOT AT WAIKlkl, AT j THE occupied by G.p. Frteth. Apply ! it's only La.t rrtc- - 7"" T-'- r " ' !' Lcksniiti shop, .a dntj jtor-3- , (Umitedi K on hftu FAMiiA a 1 PLACKSMin 3sort:t-hto- f RAli 1P''N. otneeatof rRECTnfcPf:vcocK. t ao.afc23t: 2 Nuun- - ft. ' r sale. STEAM, i. ,..-i- rl ar: r rr'.l iiUfl ly ! H. I.. P. O. b x l.o. Ic-- . .M 4 1, t. i i IT Waiii.t-nv.rel.opp.J.-.!- -.e -- i' tit iui.d 116 Me rch.tn; s:reet. i - "lp 87 AN FRANCISCO. . b.v,-.:.:a- . a.lV-V.J-.i. Mutual Tclf p!:.ne C . I f tue O M '1 fr-'.f- n.'!.t !n-.- .'v. II, n I.:'--

Transcript of II Jf - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38417/1/1887021901.pdf8l...

8l V Jf ,. 1 .ftII ; El ;m I I- i fe i W

l M I M CI itill





3dVfriiscments.mil mils taunts.dmltscments.



Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays.


Steam Navigation Co. OLNKY VASHKORO.





Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of line


410 Front St., San Franeiweo.2 tf Aw





Oftie Honolala Hale, adjoining: the PosdAwtfOflice.

:; fee; co,SUBSCRIPTIONS Clans Spreckels Wrn. G. Irwin. JlO.UOd.OOOCAPITAL

ui.y P. C. Advkrtiskr, one year 6 00. , . v- - i i Aiivkhtiskk. sir ninnrlia .1 nn

lutLY 1. C Auvkktiskr, three months 1 50 I'NUMITEP LIABILITY.


Comma ndeB xTKS -

Will ran regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Kouaand Kirn, Hawaii.



HAY ANI ORAIS.Telephone No. 175.

Iiwi.Y f . v. ru niiiisfcR, jitr iiumiu ouW'kkki.y P. C. A dvektiskk, one year 5 00

t ... i tLi.iti lit! I . W" I II


Attorney and CTomiNellor at 1m w,

Office No. 12, Spreckels Block, Honolulu.176 oct21tf

- i 'JUN.H if ills.., ... & V . .f. niiJ. lUULllg6 50 TrUre Insurance oi all V'Hrrl?,tJ"n

will be at Moderate Katesum.by the undersigned inwIXJfet;o

lnsiaii.J "





CLAY, F:tc.211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, he'. CUy and Wo i.i.t ..

P.O. Box 2,292. SAN FRAN, MO.

Payable Invariably m AdvanceManagers for Haw. Islands

20-dw- tf


Will run regularly to Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleeleand Waiuiea, Kauai.

BROWN, ATTOl XEY-AT-LA- ANDCECIL Public. Cain pi ell's Block, Merchantstreet C

C.iMAIN. E. U. WIM '.r-ii-K- K


A JTortern L.oclilnvar Who Come IXa

From the West With a Purpose.A young:, brawny Scot camo out of th.et, in all the blue desert his steed was tuo

J.ot (at least he said so. only the train dihad made a mistaka and shipp d it

l.. Denver), ani. save his good broadswordlie weapon had none; he came on a flat caand he rode all alone; so famous was Dun-ra- n,

so dauntless, be par, that his fame went


UNIONFire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zealand.CAPITAL. : lO.0OO,OG0.

i:tabHhMl an Agency atHaving for the Hawaiian Islands. Ihe

to accept risksdwellings, .tori, warehouses and

Marine risks on car-o-aon favorable terms.freights, bottomry, profits and communions.

lAmH irmily adjusted A payable.


Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Kukul-hael- e,

Honokaa m'M I'aauhau. Hawaii.



And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 41 tf

ETJEEKA !Draw Exchange on the principal parts of the


We have received a consignment o the uioat


Maiii & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importers

HnrnesM, Saddles, Iliidles, A i


Nos. 214, 210, 218 and 220 Battery . S. .

Francisco. Illustrate d catalogmon application. L ci :

Fred'ricksburg Biwi V



Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

Economical and Valuable Fed for allkinds of Stock, viz.:VM. U. IHW1X & CO.Will receive deposits on open account, make 19-d- wtf

ATTORNEY AT LAWcollections and conduct a geueral hanking andexchange business. COOKED LINSEED MEAL. AND

NOTARY PUBLIC.T. "it. FOSTER, President.

J. EN a, secretary. lal"i?.

before him like light from atar.About the same time from the dreamy

orient there appeared a Celt, who, seeingthe Scot, addressed him thus: "O, come yeein peace here, or corue yec-- s in war, or shallwe hippodrome Zion, and take from saintsand sinners shekels enough to set us ap inan honest business in the states, be gor?"

Then answered the Gael: "I long swungmy broadsword, I long played the brys, 1

made a great noise; bur the grass has grownshort and my fame has grown small, foifame swelLs like the Jordon, but ebb3 like itafall, and while I am pru lent and don'tmean to be ra-- h, the cas has grown des-

perate, ?tis a question o.' hash. And I'mopen for business, my amiable Celt, I trusta hint of my purpose you by this time haveimelt."

Then answered the Celt : "By the port rs.

Keal Estate In any part ol tneUAnht MniH mifi Leased on Commission

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savlni3 Department subject to published rules and

refutations. ITocUf TO PLASTERS. Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

Kohala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines anil Liquors


NO. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-t- f

It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk andButter producer m use.

Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of uuritive matter; this nearly 39 per cnt.

100 Bs. o this ineal is equal to 300 Ss. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 7ft7 Bs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Loix to Suit- -

Also, oui Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the brst kinds o

liny, OatH, Wueat, Corn, Etc., EN'.

The Lager Beer of the above : -- y

Was Awarded the Firs i dzrsAt the Expositions of 1885 and

W e have on hand a onsiftiinient of

Automatic Trash FuellingFancy drinks ol eery deseiiiHoii

a ieeily.

J. II. Webb,Furnaces.

trnt fnrnjirpa.omp!eie withI. 4K l'.ox :507rion't I kuow? Kit's hasa that ye're a'terhow will we fool iheb-- .tI'll give yeas a go;

sinner and stint and make the town redUell Teleiliae 1T2.Mutual 372. Freetli & Peac - k,

37G IiONOLL'L 'JI'MSA. 0. Cook & :Son,

OAK TANNEOgrai. bars, bearers and trash carriers, xehme LAINE & CO.?T0V Proprietor. 3r. tf50'lAwlyI I I l J I 111: il I M

of tuis mftke are now u. suotmuiui"-"- -

yp,e kelsville. Makee Sugar Company and otherplan-.ations-

. Also, a consignment of,1il. 1 II I II 1 III 1 r4 1 H i

LEATHER BELTING,Filter Presses,Campbell's Block, Merchant St Lnee Eeatlier and

Header Drapers,TELEPHONE 55Cooks, Laborers, House Servants and all kinds

of help furnished promptly, without charge toemployer, on application to No. 415 Market street, San Francisco.


Biscuit Manufactn hs,COIC. SANSOME A BltOAIH k '? V

San Francisco, FaJAMES DUNN, Supt. ,1'

442 jan25'88

Having all the latest hnvrovements.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices aim lurther particulars apply to

Wm. 0. Irwin & Co.,

.1. K. BltOWX A CO.472 fel5tf


House Carpenter & Bnilder,31 AlaUea Street,

and make coi. tracts forWill furnish estimatesany description of wood buildings.

jobbing of all kinds done, and saCsfartloi:guaranteed.

i ll.n lnu out 67 tf

E3? rT 1 ATXXT1 tin T

Alakeii. near neen St.

with cur weather-stai- n ' pamtJ'We'll meet," sai l the Se.. 'an some

cappers we'll hire to picture the blows, thefeints and the lire; w.;Tl end in a quarrel

we 11 catch em aand a new chailen-- e .ve;second time, sure as yoa live."

The Celt smi ei soren-Iy- : rt,T a good

scheme, bed ad. L-- softest orinrlumty bro-k-n

men ever Ltd; and w'd ph.y a.l thegirls an.l the boys rom afar, and we 11 d;vvytlie profits right after the war."

il sealed with a coreThen the compact eyleal eer; one left at the fruit door and oua

at th- - rear. In public they frownoi, ir. pri-

vate they nt!eJ; in furrin threats vhey

the public beguiled. They met in the listswith broadswords and scowl, and ou-clai- med

the victory fair by a foul; thedivvied the profits and then slunk away, anwe'll bear of them next at the next town

they play. For the re's tricks in all traaesIn the world, don't you know; it always ha,been and will always be so; an, thw laand this Celt will always do wet long ai

the public will catch at a sell. b . '-- Lxk

Tribune,Fashions In Collars.

Ai;entH. 3S-- tf


Paper Manufacturers,AND DEALERS IN

l'aper BJC. Twines, F.te..

Charges as i m- - " .

Foundation Timbers ! !


in ir.rinv street. SAN FRANCISCOManufacturing .Jeweler, STo tlie Public- -

tl I A '

i Or i.ArTiiinn I'flTiPr Mills. W have just received from Australia a few Iron- -

if v

South Coast Paper Mill. Sequel. Santa Cruz : harK Foundation limoera.

The uuaeraiKued are now prevaretl to receive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of 13uck & OhlamitSan Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical aualy- -

o. CO Nnnaim Street,

Honolulu, II. I.

Dodge, SweeneySan Francisco, Fat

Wholesale dealers In Butter, Chee . 1 (, idall kinds of provisions.


I. ibby, HIcNeill A I.lbby" ..i.-- d

SI eats.II. M. Iluiecs (Enle llram ..ifc,e

HamsHenry Verbjjes Fainied V- - mi

Hani Sausage,And . XV. Hnnic's " Flatf 1

Fanned Salmon. 1

SIZES 16x24 inches, 12 Feet Eon ST.

And lixlBinehes,16 Feet Eon)?.Particular aMenItopaiiff. The Pacific Transfer Co.,(LJeo. C. Shveve & Co.,


JEWELERS Office with C. K. Miller. 42 Merchant street.


Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 "

" "Silicious Matter 4.C5

Lime 3-t-0

Phosphoric Acid 2.1 1 ,4

Oxide of Iron ,

BTheue timbers, as thtir name signifies, areMutual Telephone 391Bell Telephone 377.Furnished or Unfurnished,And Importers of

Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver Platedf.x,inn Art Urasa Goods,

nearly as solid ana aurauie an hum,foundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot he surpassed. .

I am fulls-prepare- d to do all kinds of dray.see,Canes', Umbrellas. Berlin and Vienna Leather

naming or moving wors, ai. ti wmcu i wmCOTTAGE ON LUNALILO AND PIKOII STS.,

A nruim.e.l complete for 'OiiekepinR. Lse antee to execute laitniuny.Xfi ly S. F. (i R A IT AM, ProprW tor.

Goods, Opera Glasses,Hfonltfomery and Sutter Sts..

Alka Salts 52 "KlO.OO

Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.

Orders deceived will have Promptand Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.311nov25tfSAN FRANCISCO. 443ja25 '88 of horse ana carriage. ' "fXs J. FISilKL,

127-oct7- tf Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.Importers and Wholesale Dei

Ship Chandlery,H . SOPER,W. (t. Irwin & Co., J.OLADS 9PKECKKI.S

Successor to 38 and 40 Market St San Francisco.WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,rnrSEXT. THE YTUBBTHE PAST THEThe Clothier. Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.

2ltf Agents fo Taunton Hhealhing Metal ManufactureFACTO Il and O.miniionHonolulu H. 1. tf

A til-NT-

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,

STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS,A Tioiincing l'.rlde. ALOQN.AV Metropolitan Marketcottage rBf . TOfrether &i MACFAELANE & CO,o'clock a number ot - -




uolf SAI.i: DEAI.EKS ANl tlF.X- -Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. 11.1.41 tf


St. Ijiiis.Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Itooli. News.

eral Jooners iu .

No. 12 Kaahniiinnii Street,IIONOLULI. 28 tf

NO. r-- FOItT ST it K KT.

Opposite Wilder A Co.'s

H. J. Noite, Propr,IiINU STREET,

. - -the nely-marrie- ? .Sicy and -b.l rm .usj

SSS uT "eTrSni u to th3 doo,

and said: . disturbs us."

1ES oEearththimbelothelt16 to 22 Iteele Street. San Francisco.

9 4 I tl tFlat and I.ai rnpBinders' lio,.s



W, G. RICHARDSON, Sclnveitzer & Co.IniDorters and Jobbers of

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,viiolesale Dealer? In

"Vlo B?"ts, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furni.sh- -

1 s Honolulu, II. I. - u " 11


RESIDENT AGENTjVIacliirie Worlcs

No. 35 to 51 Fremont Street.SAN FRANCISCO.

he retired for a few miuuu--- -

and bouncooutMy wifdM comeerowd." rhunks of durt teai

He retired arain as





FANCY GOODS,205 EeJdesdorir Street.C5i"eest Meats from Finest Herd. HOSIERY. GLOVES, CORSLTtf,"

Telephone No. 47.M'lilte tJoods. Embroideries, If andker. m m i . a . .

chlelM. iiHt'CN, j.inooiiN, ituirn vt'liildrciiH Fiidernear.rtveit toAttentionN B.-Sie- eial

8 ttfcwEartre contracts. -

Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second-hand

Boilers. Engines and Machinery

Of Every Description.

Plain and Fancy PI PES personally selected Iron.29 and 31 Battery St., San Prancisco.

;ieiiiuoothe Manufacturers, and a Large VarietyFT) HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,

of BKiST QUALITY mllle. and shipping supplied ou SHORT

to rattle aroundJJ" ad the brid,the door wa.",r;W"lubta her hand. Shejumped out

from ,was all busing whack be- -

than one sereuader got, minutes shfore he distanced her. in flcres, andhad scattered toewm. clapJ3d

stood in thethe husbandhis hand, and Routed: wmlJ

"Go in, Mary! Jog you k y g- -D

hear something

E. H. Buclmam & Co.M3W SMOKERS' ARTICLES. E. E. MayHew, nave constantly In stock New ano. Second-han- d


Manufacturers and Dealers iu


Tin, Copier, Crockery and Sheet Irontroit Fr,--e rre-- - WM. McCANDLESS. mmZ 4 GO, tlLLURD TASLB are, nnip Lanierii n.iu


PIPING, PIPE-FITTING- S, ETC.Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appll

Street, Honolulu, II 1.,S Hotel

(Opposite Fashion Stables). 22 Stewart St., let. Market and Mission,MluneaponLocatesA St. ra"l M.tn ft3 her N. 0.eu Street, Lowest Market Prices.

BAN FRANCISCO, CAL.Shit) and Job Work and Htove Repairing of all"Hobby." "." piazza one tycntnK,

on.the baspouse camo up onJ Fi, Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, Kisll.etc.

, wi. rfrs carefully attended kinds a specialty . 4 re"1BBB.

on the Premises.

Tho Pioprietor would he pleased to receive a cali

from his Friends and the Pahlic generally

who mar desire a


toF8Uve ock VnishVd to vessels at short, ,, i,!.,,!,, smtulied to--"a hi'--J Zn entered tl..hoS BELL TKLEPnONE 53

P. O. BOX 315.notice, and vegeuimrs 29 tforder. WENNEH & 00.

... - mv line faithfully done. Plans andNew I'hotosrapli Booms.



DR. 1WAI,Physician and Surgeon,

Residence and Office, IO Emnin Street.OFFICE HOURS From 0 to 12 a. m.

BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 405jaln0.8

All meats delivered from this market are thorongly ehlUed Immediately after killingWserator

by meansPatent Dryof a Bell-Colem- an

Meat so treated retains "J xngERKand la GUARANTEE TOAFTER DELIVERY THAN '"VfJiKILLED MEAT.

male. Jobbing in all detail, doneThrf notice Good work nd low charges is

5fwleco-8- 5II. J. N0LTE.31 tf

thtotins f EOinsUf.-y-- yo--"

"itTtbobtiid.- -there f-- Ever been

"Haven t. eh? t time?"MPV leftoltto r on the

band side of dri out aW flin--Ob. 7 I creek. Jt afterto a .con rfandBdlM yea &

fimber.cross f.leyond that you corns

to a dearing. some of thechilfind a .fJSmort anyone arounddren Minneapolis is, andthereJtSTS. further, any way.


92 Fort Street.Have on band New Foreign and Homemade


'Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks.

And ornaments of Mkin Jr,.

Silver and Gc d PiatCiElegant Solid Sllv r 1Vr Svm.

Suitable for Preet ntatioo.


KU'rtliiuy in nil its brauche.y S,ie s4'i: f r EJr 'i Eye Prtset veri,


my motto.

L. G. SRESOYICH & CO.,Merchants and Wholesale ln

Sn and Domestic Fruits, green and dried,or ijesc t'ocoanut. Bananas,

manufacturers Lemons, TahiUOrTn;saa CoaPnuts.Nuts of all kinds, Dates

aiS5kS? FrSff 'or export a specialty. Longin shipping to China, Australia, Mexico,

t'Sfral America. Eastern sutes.etc. TropicalVrruVl-TrT- T d'rect y every st-am- er.


IGATION COMPANY,All account, for A 1 .'erttsin and Jnh PrtnthiiOFT A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS

heldA Mutual Telephone Companytie reni ofreduce thetM- - dv. It s decided to I i.i-iti- ( .u!iiiPi 1 .t , 1 iKr HOUSE AND LOT AT WAIKlkl, AT j

THE occupied by G.p. Frteth. Apply !

it's only La.t rrtc-- 7""T-'- r

"' !' Lcksniiti shop, .a dntj jtor-3- ,

(UmitediK on hftuFAMiiA a 1 PLACKSMin3sort:t-hto- f RAli 1P''N.

otneeatof rRECTnfcPf:vcocK. t

ao.afc23t: 2 Nuun- - ft. '

r sale. STEAM,i. ,..-i-

rl ar: r rr'.liiUfl ly

! H. I.. P. O. b x l.o.Ic-- .

.M 4 1, t. i i IT Waiii.t-nv.rel.opp.J.-.!- -.e

-- i' tit iui.d 116 Me rch.tn; s:reet.i


. b.v,-.:.:a-. a.lV-V.J-.i.

Mutual Tclf p!:.ne C .I f tue O M '1 fr-'.f-

n.'!.t !n-.- .'v.

II, n I.:'--


THE STABBING AFFRAY.THE D&iLY to a disinterested spectator, w ho under- -

stands all the points in the game, to be I

useless demonstrations of energy very j Arrival of the Jlanuokawal-Tli- O Cap-tain Arrested. THEPacific Cowcial AflvertiEer good in their way, but about as worthy i

IS PUBLISHEDof respect by the votary of Jossas the banners of a flying hos;t are to apursuing enemy.

There is no use in shutting one's eyesto the fact that nearly one-thir- d of thepopulation of these Islands to-da- y prac

Popular Millinery HouselG-- 4 lort St., Honolulu.

jST. S. SACHS, 3?i'opi-ietoi-- .


The schooner Manuokawai arrived yes-

terday morning, and a warrant was atonce served on Captain McGregor, andhe was locked up at the Station House.Later on, at the session of the PoliceCourt, he was charged with assault andbattery with a weapon imminently dan-gerous to life, and then remanded toMonday. In regard to the matter of bail,that has to be determined by the PoliceJustice, on the statement of thedoctor. If the latter considers thesailor's life is in danger then CaptainMcGregor will not be admitted to bail.If, however, the wound is only slight hecould be released on a reasonable bailbond. As regards punishment, the lawstates that whoever shall commit an as


It Was a Curicuj Coincidence.The other day while a Michigan Clutral

train was waiting at St. Thomas a 'Joki-- H

man of 25 wa3 observed to be closely re-garding a solid-lookin- g old gent oi 50

who had oonie through from Chicago.Finally the young man stepped up and in-

quired:"Isn't this Mr. B , of Chicago?""Yzs, sir.""I am Mr. J , formerly of the sami

place, but now of Toronto. T)o you re-member mef

"Really, but I do not."UI was a clerk in your pork house. I a

pired to the hand of your daughterYou drove me hence because I had no dus-ats- .

"Oh, yes, it seems as if I do recall som&thine of the sort.""U, sir, I want you to understand

that ton made a mistake. I am now wortb$18,0(0 and could give your daughteievery luxury."

Eighteen thousand dollars, eh? That'squite a sum."

"Yes, sir, arid I'm tha man you drovahence."

"Eighteen thousand dollars," mused theold geut. "What a curious coincidence.That's exactly the sum my daughter'snusband gave her the other day to buysummer pug dogs with! I must jot thicoincidence down."

Somebody held the young mat up untiltbe weakness left his knees a litt'e, andthen he went hence some more. DXroitFree Press.

tice quite as debased a form of idolatryas the Hawaiian people did when themissionaries came among them ; and itis a further fact, that this heathen ele-

ment of the population was first intro-duced in numbers from motives of cu-

pidity, by the people whose glory it wasthat they had participated in degree inthe evangelization of the Hawaiian race.Cheap labor may be a necessity, anddoubtless it is, but it should be intro-duced with some regard to the perma-nence of Christian institutions. Disre-gard of this prime condition has broughtabout the state of things we havepointed out in brief, but which might beelaborated with much greater force andeffect.

TEii.ns itr Hinsvniwiox.Per annum ?fi OP

six months 3 "

Per month r,0c

ee-iiil- H ritloiii rjable AlHaytthiAl VHIIC4'.

Communications from all parts of tin- - Kingdomwill always he very acceptable.

Persons residing in aoy part of the? United statescan remit the amount of subscription tine by PostOffice money order.

Matter intended for publication in the editorialcolumns should be addressed to" Kditor Pacific Commkkiial Abvkbtiskr.'

business communications and advertisementsunotild be addressed simply


And not to individuals.

sault or assault and batterv on anotherwith a knife, sword, cane or any otherweapon imminently dangerous to lifeshall receive fifty lashes on his back andbe fined .$100, or be fined not exceeding$500 and hard labor not to exceed fiveyears at the discretion of the Court

THE PACIFIC CABLE. The weapon is a large jack knife with

Fine White Shetland-Woo- l Shawls,Fine White Cashmere Scarfs,

New Witts, New Collars, New Belts.A flue assortment of

OPEN - W0KK - LISLE - THREAD - HOSE,In ar,Iiitnl. Gurael, link, Lilit fUiif and l'iiII'!ioa.


Infants' Worsted Bonnets and Jackets.

RIBBONS! R133Bo:s.s!Tliin and Fancy, Narrow and Wide.


Ladies' & Children's Hals, Trimmed & Untrimmed.CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS.

Prices to Suit tlie Times.MELLIS' Dressmaking establishment on the premises.

two blades, the larger one showing bloodstains on it. It appears the crew had

Absolutely Pure.Tins powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

fctron'rlh omt More economicalthan th.;cr''ir.;i.rv kin.L:, and cannot lie sold in com.petitio i villi 1i;o i.r.ilritmle of jo.vtest, shortweight, alum or i ihosphate ivwders. Sold only 19cans. Koyal Baui.u PoWiitK. Co.. Ilk Wali-fi- V

S Y.3d wtt

been drinking, and the affair rose out ofa quarrel. The crew ran away, and theTHEschooner was brought to Honolulu bythe Captain and Mate.

The following dispatch appeared in alate issue of the Svdnev "Morning Her-ald:"

Loxlmin, January 19th.The Canadian yeel Alert has been dis-

patched to survey the cable route fromVancouver to the Sandwich Islands.

This is the first 'intimation we havehad of any forward step to carry into ef-

fect the Pacific cable project, and it is re

Pacific Commercial Advertiser Last evening the Marshal receivedword from Punaluu that the wound received by the sailor i3 not a dangerousone. The doctor has ordered the manto be kept quiet for three or four days.

HAVANA CIGAH8!We have just received a fine lot of

Havana Cigars which we oiler in quan-tities to suit.

IIYMAN BROS.402 mar 2

Australian Mail Service.

markable that the Associated Press of

fs now for sale iaii.y at the I'Mlowlne I'iacfs;J. II. SOI'KR Merchant streetOKYSTAL SG1A WOI'.KS Hotel streetT. G. Til HUM Fort streetSIMMS' EOOTBLACK STAND Hotel street

Five CeulN ier 'oiy.

At the expiration of that time he will bebrought fo Honolulu. Captain McGreg

G. W. us a Kurul Fireman.Charles Levi Woodbury says tha!

George Washington's last words were.Never trust a nigger with a gun." That

has the air of :m adaptation from "Nevertake the horhoe om the door," buiperhaps it L a correct quotation. WhetI was down in Alexander the other day,however, I found no one who recognized it,but I heard some other things aboutGeorge Waihiiigtou which were quite asinteresting. I learned for the first timethat he was a great lireman. He was one oithe founders of the Friendship Fire com-pany, which still exists, and when he firstwent to the Continental congress in Phil-adelphia he bought a machine for the company for $40U He used to run to fireswith it whenever he happened tube iatown, like the public-spirite- d citizen thathe was. It is remembered that a fewmonths before his death he as ridingthrough Alexandria, when the lire-bel- ls

rang. He rode to the fire and was sur-prised that the machine was poorly man-ned and very feeble worked. Hiding upto a number of well-dresse- d men stand-in- s

on the curb-ston- e, he said: "Gentle-men, I am surprised to see you standingidle here; it is your duty to lead in thesmatters." "With that Ik3 gut oil his hore

nd himself mounted the machiiia. Youmay be sure it was well worked from thaitime on. Washington Letter.

or's bail bond has been fixed at $1,000,but as yet he has been unable to furnishit, and consequently will remain in custody.SATURDAY February 19th.

Iomcstic Produce Receipts."... 4'.j!:'-2-

America has not made mention of so im-

portant a matter. The Dominion Gov-

ernment had no vessel in British Colum-

bian waters recently, and we take ittherefore that the Alert will come roundthe Horn, making the voyage probablyunder canvas. If this surmise be cor-

rect, the survey would start fromthis point and finish at Victoria, B. C.At the same time we cannot perceive thespecial advantage of surveying this shortsection of the route, and stopping shortat Honolulu, or some other point onthese Islands. As we understood theproject one of the ships of the Royal

i:.staiji,ismi:i isco.

ALBERT1 MAL7 & CO.THE TRIUMPH OF JOSS. The following are the receipts of do-

mestic produce for the week endingFriday, February ISth: 43,003 bags FOR SAN; FRANCISCO, Imporiers, ST.n nnfactnrer.s and Jol liers insugar, 500 bags rice, G24 bags paddy, 100

bags pia, 14 bags coffee, 4,000 bunches The new nml fine Al steel steamship ,ple and Iiiae Groceries,bananas, 170 bags awa and 27 hides.Following were the exports to San LAMEDA."

Navy was to be put in commission forthis service, and was to make the sur

Teas and Table Delicacies, fine Cigars and Tobaccos. Nos. 9, 1 1 13 and 1." Iale street, near Kru l:el,San Francisco, Cal. Sole agents for Gordon & DiUvortb's f.ne iiresered fruits in al:v-s- , Julius J.Wood Starch Company, II. O. "Wilbur & Son's "Vanilla Cocoati ua tl e finest prepared chocolateknown; Robert Norton & Co. 's full cream pineapple cheese, Chicago Condensing Company's "Im-perishable Egg," each pound equal to three dozen Eggs: Walter (i. Wilson A: Co.'s fancy ciacl.eisand biscuits, E. J. Larrabee & Co. 's fancy crackers and biscuits, Globe Tickle Company's fine t;iblpickles in glass, B. F. Merritt Company's celebrated russeit cider, and many other agencies.


Francisco: 49,144 bags sugar, 4,035bunches bananas, 2,101 bags rice, 1,049hides, 1,125 goat and sheep skins, 99

bundles sugar cane and 20 boxes betelleaves. The domestic cargo was valuedat $2G9,G99 01.

.St. Audreiv'M Cathedral.

Of t'l-- i Oefanio Stoanlship Company, will be dueat from Sydney and Auckland

on or ahout

March lltli, 1887,And will leave for the abivp port with mail aridpascusft-r- s on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPKKIOKA ( COM.M 0 1 iA T ION s. apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,ADKNTS.

The services at this church to-morr-

vey complete from Vancouver Island tothe North ape of New Zealand. Weare in some doubt therefore regardingthe accuracy of this dispatch. It mayhave been altered during its transmis-sion through so many repeating stations.An original intimation that the Alertwould be dispatched on this service mayhave been changed to read that it hadbeen dispatched. Still it is just possiblethai the intimation is correct. If so, weare nearer the realization of the hope ofcable connection with the outside worldthan we had imagined.

will be: Holy Communion, 0:30 a.m.Morning Praver, with sermon bvthe Bishop of Honolulu, at 9 :30

Natural G.t llurned la Grates.A Pittsburger was telling me of some 'A

the oddities ol natural gas the other day.It seems that many houses are heated bjthe gas, it being burned in gr.ktes Li whichare logs of asbestos.

"These look like real logs, v.id burn verynaturally,7' lie said, "only they aiv foreverunco'isamed. Well, folks grew tired ctsimple log-s- and now tln-- y have taken tomaking things of tjrracotta as well as as-

bestos, aad putting them in tho gratis toburn. You see they perforate them so thatlittle jets of llame came from all parts.One day lat week I saw two life-lik- e Eng-lish bul. logs sitting in afire-plac- e coveredfrom head to foot with, blue names. Theyseemed very contented, but I uess if astranger had seen them unexpectedly, hawould have thought it as great a miracleas that of Dauiel in the fiery furnace. Thenagain, one grate I know of is fixed up witha chicken on her nest, while still anotheris filled with little bisque French dolls."

"And do;23 the gas really heat housesnicely?"

"Oh, admirably. Then it is so clean. Nosoot, yi know, and no coal to carry oiashes to empty. That is its gn at ad-vantage." Cincinnati Times-Sta- r.

a. m. Evensong, with address by Rev.Herbert II. Gowen, at 0 p. m. All seatsare unappropriated.

Second Congregation, Rev. Geo. WalFor Sydney and Auckland.

If you want a fine CIGAR, try some of Struiton & Storm's, which have matarrived at


109 Fort Street,

lace, pastor : Morning Prayer, with sermon, at 11:15 a. m.; evening prayer,with sermon, at 7:30 p. m. Sunday-scho- ol

meets at 10 a. m. Seats free at allservices.

The new and fine A 1 steel steamship



Friday, February ISth.

The Rri Selina Wrecked.Captain IIopu, of the schooner Ilale-akal- a,

who arrived Friday morning,brought the following news :

The brigantine Selina, from San Fran-cisco bound to Ililo, went ashore on ashoal between Paukaa and Wainaku onFriday afternoon, February 11th, at 5

o'clock. There was a strong breeze atthe time, and the vessel was trying towork her way into Ililo Bay. As they

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will he.h;e at I i onwii-.l- f rm San Francisco

or nr ahontIn the matter of the guardianship of

February 19, 1887.j were working ship the wind hauled, the

An;! will have prompt dipai-- n wjih mails andpaKFeiifjers for the above ports.

For f.eiirhe or passage, having JSUPKItlOItapply to

Wm. (t. Irwin & Co.,

In discussing the diplomatic difficul-ties whiclv beset the Chinese Govern-ment, Prince Kung said to Sir Ruther-ford Aleoek, British Minister at Peking:"If you could only relieve us of mission-aries ami opium all would be well." Ofcourse this Imerial Prince meant for-

eign opium and Christian missionaries,because home-mad- e opium had for manyyears been a Court monopoly, the pro-ceeds being applied to the support of theMantehurian army, while the Budhistpropaganda is active throughout theChinese Empire. His objection was tothe difficulties created by the presence ofChristian missionaries, who are notalways either as judicious or as tolerantof the opinions, prejudices and rights ofothers as they might be, and who veryoften bring upon themselves the "mar-tyrdom" for which their respectiveGovernments are 'expected to exact rep-aration.

The opium question was really one ofrevenue, and has passed through sev-

eral stages of adjustment, first and last,by the sword and pen. Ultimately atreaty was negotiated between Engtandand China, which conceded to the latterin substance all the Peking Governmentever had demanded, namely, the rightto collect the internal transportation taxupon imported opium through the Cus-tom House at the port of entry. Thispractically imposes an import duty of 75

per cent upon Indian opium. Before thisConvention the import duty fixed bytreaty was alone paid at the CustomHouse, all domestic charges being col-

lected by officers of the various provincesthrough which the imjorted opium wastransported. The treat' in question,which was signed by Lord .Salisbury,was strenuously opposed by Anglo-Chines- e

merchants.If the opium traffic has been settled

to the satisfaction of China, however,'e religious question is not, and it will

; ve no end of trouble in 3'ears to come.I lis is inevitable. The hopeless task of

i 'oselytizing the teeming millions ofiiina has a fascination for many minds,Uo overlook the mass of heathenism ateir own doors, and who utterly ignore

t ;,e Chinese assault upon the most suc-- ,ssful lield of missionary labor in theorld perhaps the Hawaiian Islands.

is less than seventy years since the' --st Christian missionaries landed in

lis country. Their record is a splendid:ie. The civilization of Hawaii isost certainly due to their influence.

Vet within the alloted life of man thisgrand fabric of Christian ethics is threat-ened with extinction. The Chinese haveinvaded these islands, bringing withthem their gods and their superstition,their vices and their frugality, and theyare pushingjiativo and foreign Christiansto the wall.

Being devout as well as earnest menthe Chinese in the Hawaiian Islandshave erected temples to Joss within theshadow of Christian churches, and thesmoke from the incense of their altarsniiTht fill the nostrils of Christians en-gag- ed

at their devotions. Their inter-

course with native women has tappedthe Christian fountain at its source, and


Isaiah Fahee, minor, it was ordered thatthe first account of the guardian, J.Meemano, be approved. The guardianshows receipts for the two years endingJanuary 24, 1SS7, of $300 and expendi-tures $220, leaving a balance of $S0,

which he has deposited in the savingsbank. The minor is the owner of anundivided half-intere- st in a valuablepiece of cane land situate in Ilamakua,Hawaii, Miss Lucy Peabody of Hono-

lulu being owner .of the other half. Theminor's interests realizes a rental of $150

per annum, one-thir- d of which goes tothe widow of the minor's father. Theguardian proposes to visit the localitywhere the land is situate with the viewof increasing the rental after the expira-tion of the present lease, which has onlya balance of three years more to run.

lortaaffcc s Notice of Sale

EugliaU Kespect for Americaa."I was talking to Governor Stanford u

it nights since, and he said about theBritish: "Their upper classes have veryittle appreciation of a joke all Englandtaleed from its division into kinds ami4iaiities of lei they will all tali

ith an American from the very highestto the very lowest. In my mind," said he"they unconsciously pay respect to ourtorm of society. We generally discrimi-nate among men with regard to theiijianners. We think wo can tell who iafit to be our passive acquaintance. ButIn England they will say nothing to a fel-

low who is not pursuing a calling that entitles him to their attention. They go ina society wnere they unmercifully cuteach other, while :he very best of then)will talk with an American and draw ncfine distinction adnst him. "Gata'snLetter.

Instantaneous Photography Nothing Now.Instantaneous photography, general!

supposed to be of very recent date, is saiJby Mr. W. Mattieu Williams to have beensuccessfully achieved thirty years ago bjthe late Charles Breese, the secret ofwhose process died with it3 discoverer.His picture of the moon, an eighth ot auinch in diameter, was pronounced a paint-in-g

by many, who demonstrated mathematically that the actinic rays of themoon could not possibly produce an effecton the sensitive plate instantaneously, aiwould be necessary to preserve the cir-

cular form of the image from elongatiot.by the earth's motion. The genuineness'of the photograph was established by thtmagic lantern, the magnified picture rrealing details which could not hare beerp.int-.d- . Arkansaw Traveler.

vessel missed stays, and went ashore onthe above named shoal. The passengersand crew were rescued by people fromshore lowering a rope over the precipiceand hauling them up. The cargo, con-

sisting of a deck load of live stock, andlower hold of general merchandise, aswell as the vessel, will be a total loss.There was "no pilot on board at the timeof the accident.

The brig Selina was built at SanFrancisco in the latter part of 1SS2. Shearrived here on her first trip in March,1SS3, under command of Captain FrankG. Miller, formerly of the Hazard. Shewas 332 tons measurement, and wasowned by T. T. McKinnon and others ofSan Francisco. The Selina was char-tered for two trips to Ililo, to take theplace of the Emma Claudina, which ves-

sel was sold and is now in the Soundtrade. The Selina was fully insured.Messrs. Wm. G. Irwin & Co. were heragents "Bulletin."

The Selina left San Francisco January30th for Ililo with a cargo valued at$9,009, and included 154 head of livestock.

BOS WELL, JK.This fine young Stallion will stand the season at

"Greenfield," Kapiolani Park,To a limited number of mares.

TERMS, $50 THE SEASON. TO INSURE, $100.Coswell, Jr., sired by Boswell, a son of the great Almont, sire of Piedmont,

etc. His dam is Maud (record 2 :20), she by P.erfrand Blac k Hawk.Almont by Alexander's AbdallaU ; first dam by Mambrino Chk-- f ; second dam

by Pilot, Jr.Bertrand, No. 3202, got by Chain .lain Black Hawk, son of Vermont Bla- - k

Hawk, 5; dam Belle Burns by Champion Black Hawk, Son of Vermont BlackHawk, 5; grand dam Nelly Drennon by Herod Tuckalioe. Bred by W. II. Ladd 'Richmond, Jefferson Co., Ohio.

Whedeas, default has T'ten made in thecondition of that certain mortgage made byConchoe A Ahung to Ilynian Brothers, datedDecember 15, 1883, and recorded in liber VG,pages 441 to 446, ami notice of intention toforeclose the same has been duly given;

Now, Tiikeefork, in accordance with thepower of sale in said mortgage contained,and by order of said mortgagees, I will sellat public auction at my salesrooms inHonolulu, on

Saturday, March 5, 1887,At 12 o'clock noon, the property covered bysaid mortgage, viz.:

1. The lease of that certain piece of andsituate at Kahuluu, Eoolati, Oahu, whereonis situated the rice mill belonging to mort-gagors, and described in a lease from AhYan it Co. to Conchee A Ahung, dated Sep-tember 9, 1S80, for fifteen years, and re-corded in Keg. of Deeds in book C3, onpages SGG 377, and also all buildings, ma-chinery and appurtenances hereon situate;at.d also 2i head of working oxen, 2 ox carts,One PADDY WAREHOUSE, storing capac-

ity 40(1 tons.One DWELLING HOUSE.One SMALL WAREHOUSE at Kahuluu

beach, and THREE HORSES.The mill is one of the very best on t s,

and cleans 50 bags A No.l rice intwelve hours, and is run by water power, isin first-clar-- s order. It was erected aboutsix years ago at a cost of 12,000. Theground rent for the mill site and waterpower is $200 per annum.

2. One undivided one-four- th interest inthe Waiahole Rice Plantation, known asWing Chung Fat Company, consisting otten leaseholds more or less," and having 35acres of rice land more or less, and being

Maude has made three seasons on the tnrf in California, dining which time Phe h- - fiH,,i18 races, winning 15 of them, and getting a recoid of 2:20 at the Sacramento Male liilr f 1 vwhere she distanced a field of seven horses before the race was finished. At Stockton si I 7Killarney, j.nd four others, in three stiaight heats. Time, 2:21 K., 2:21 K2, 2;'J(). At the I'.av jiJri7fTrack, San Francisco, Nov. 5th, 1880, in match race at'ainst Mink, she again won in 2 x't rroimr Lthe half mile in 1:07, and, if Goldsmith had not pulled her back, sh no doubt oubl"l,'.v i,..i..the mile in 2:15. Maude has reneatedlv shiiwn nnubra i

oiiy-Heve- nin presence of a number of horsemru at the liay District Track", her owner, weighing f,pounds overweight, drove her a mile in 2;20, and repeated a mile in 2:19.

:o:- -


Friday, February ISth.Samuela, for drunkenness, was found

guilty, and fined $5, with $1 costs.Akiana and Fang Hoy, charged with

assault and battery on Mo Sing, were re-

manded to the 21st.Daniel McGregor was charged with as-

sault and battery with a weapon im-

minently dangerous to life. He was re-

manded until Monday, unless called upsooner.

A nolle pros, was entered against Aana,charged with having opium unlawfullyin possession.

Tai Wah, on a charge of gaming, wasremanded to the 21st.

Dias, charged with escaping from theprison gang, he being in custody for va-

grancy, pleaded guilty and was remandedto the 21st.


John Alapai vs. Ioela Paakaula, as-

sumpsit for $10. Defendant put in aplea of general issue. After hearing evi-

dence the case was remanded to the 23dfor judgment.

Lovejoy & Co. vs. M. Joy. Action ona note for $00. Judgment for plaintiff.

John F. Colburn vs. W. C. Parke, as-

signee bankrupt estate of Wallace Jack-son. Action for replevin of a horse andbuggy pole. Defendant admitted thatW. C. Parke is assignee, and that the ar-ticles are in the possession of the Mar-shal of the Kingdom. After hearing partof the evidence the case was continuedto the 19th instant.

George W. Lincoln vs. Horatio Bar-ber, summary proceedings for rent. Set-

tled out of Court. Costs, $2." George II. Luce vs. Ho Man, assump-sit for $13 75. Settled out of Court.

Interisland Steam Navigation Com-

pany vs. Nahau. Deserting contractservice. Settled out of Court. Costs, $2.

Our Little Ones.A little girl calling with her mother at a

liew house, where the walls were not yet pa-

pered, exclaimed: "What a bald-heade- d

house, mamma!" Babyhood.THE PITH OF IT.

Harry (who has the idea, but forgets theprecise words) Oh, sister, Mrs. B. told me totell you how awfully kind it was of you tosing, as it's so hard to get any one to do itnowadays unless they sing wen. Life.

INGENUITY."Ma, can I go over to Sallie's house and

play a little while?" asked Mamie."Yes, dear; I do not care if you do." "Thankyou, ma," was the doniure reply. "I'vbeen." Detroit Free Press.

DISCOVERY IN NATURAL, niSTORY.A little girl from the city was on her nr;t

visit to the country. While riding nearCliffton Springs she saw a lot of cat tailsnear the road. "Oh, antie," she exclaimed, "Inever knew before that sausages grew onsticks." Harper's Bazar.


A MlMtnke lteetilied.The order of the procession for the

funeral of II. R. II. Princess Likelike,which was published in the "Govern-ment Gazette," had a space allotted for"Ths Clergy of the Hawaiian ReformedCatholic. Church." It has been changedto read, "The Clergy of the AnglicanChurch in Hawaii." The mistake arosefrom copying a charter granted toBishop Staley for the Hawaiian lie-form- ed

Catholic Church. A short timeafter it was granted it was changed tothe Anglican Church, and this was over-looked by the ierson whose duty it wasto arrange that part of the order of theprocession.

At the Lyceum.There will be services w, with

preaching by the Rev. E. C. Oggel, pas-

tor of the Bethel Union Church, at 11

and half-pa-st 7 o'clock. Sunday-scho- ol

and Bible class at 1) :45 o'clock. Lesson,"Abraham Pleading for Sodom," Gen.18 :23-3- 3. To these services all are cor-dial- lv



DON CAST EE,Who is open to trot against any Stallion on the Islands. ,

$50 THE SEASON.Doncaster is a bright sorrel, with hiic (ii in face, and left hind foot white

is 1G hands in height, weighs about 1 ,13 ) pounds. 1 Te took first and o,nly premiumfor stallion roadsters at the California State Fair.

PEDIGREE Doneaster was sired by celebrated trotting stallion Elmo; damLady Emily; she by Hiram Woodruff ; he by. Young Morrill; first dam by TarRiver (thoroughbred) ; second dam by Black Jack, son of imp. Doneaster; thirddam by American Eclipse.

Doneaster has a record of 2 :H4 over a mile track.Elmo was sired by Mowhawk ; he by Long Island Black Hawk ; lie by An-

drew Jackson; he by Young Bashaw. His dam was by Sir 'Richard; he byJones' Sir Richard, a thoroughbred horse.

Elmo was sold to II. W. Sealle, Esq., of Mayfield, Santa Clara Co., Cal., for$15,000, where he stood the season at $150. Elmo is the sire of Overman, 2:19Como, 2 :26," and other noted horses.

The following is Elmo's record In California: April 12. 1873, heat Ajax a match race mil&heats, three in five, for J2.500 a side; won in three straight heats; time, '2: ')K,, 2:2,, 2:31V,.' May30, 1873, two miles and repeat in harness for Jl.coo, beat Jerome in two straight heal; time Vs'jjik4:59. June 3, 1873. mile heats, three in five, in harness, for ?1,0C0, teat Mav Howard in threestraight heats; time, 2:27, 2:27, 2;29.

Jret care will he taken, but no rcimsilillly for ncritteiiCn.


interest, ar.ti leases aul leasehold interestdescribed in schedule C, in Paid mortgage;also, two houses, one l ire Hour, seren horses,'eight working oxen, three plows and uten-sils requisite for plantation. R ntal, Sl.026per annum, average crop, 45 tons of paddv:owes about S3, 500.

3. The lease of all of that certain piece ofland, with buildings and improvementsthereon, situated on Nnnann street, in saidHonolulu, opposite the late Queen Emma'sresidence, and lately occupied bv the mort-gagors as store and oflice, and described ina lease from Charles R. Bishop and B. P.lslo--

P !oo01;ch(e AhS. dated Novem-ber IS8, for nvo years, and from Jan-uary I, 18S3, and extended for five vearsfrom January 1, 1883, at a rental of "$300per annum, and recorded in paid Registry inbook 58. page 32. This property is rentednow at $45 per month. .

For further particulars enquire of

Lewis J". Levey,Auctioneer.

Ur to L. A. 'JHCRSTON, Attorney forMortgagees, 490mar3

the feeble efforts to Christianize themresult in nothing practical beyond thebetter equipping Chinese pupils to carryon their economic war, before which theChurch is as certain to go down as freewhite labor, or any industrial system or-

ganized upon Western civilization.We say nothing about opium. Its

consumption is an incident of Chinese

residence. Wherever Chinamen go theyintroduce opium. They have done so

here, and opium is to-da- y above thelaw. That, however, may be remedied.What cannot be remedied, however, is

the social and religious supremacy which

the Chinese have attained in this country.In view of this terrible menace to Chris-

tian civilization on these Islands, thevaried forms of. moral and religious

activity among our people must appear

"They's going to be something the matterwith my big brother Jim next week," said a

child to her teacher."Indeed," said the teacher; "what is gcing

to be the matter with Jim?""He's going to get married; that's what's

going to ail him," was the surprising reply.Detroit Free Press.

A POOR BARGAIN.Thei-- e is a new baby on Deer Hill avenue.

It is a small one. Its little 5-ye-ar old sisterwatched it carefully for a few minutes yes-

terday, and then turned to the maternal headof the family' and "VTrr-i- r. i! 7.:'i

Fort-Stre- et Church."Some Things which are Fixed" will

be Mr. Cruzan's Sunday morning theme.In the evening, "New Habits for theNew Life," a sermon especially for thosewho have taken the blue ribbon, and forall young men. All are invited.

papa nave paid Rrw::w uo .r gc'larger onp?" DaiiovryJ zz- - i

510 marl8


iY AUTHORITY.The Ascension In memorv of the


Couldn't Mouae'er II 1m.A story is going the rounds of the Euro-

pean diplomatic circles relating to one of ourpresent representatives of high rank in thefar east. At a dinner given by a prominentnative official, at which the whole diplomaticcorps was present, the American ministerwas seated hy the sido of the French ambas-sador, who often addressed his American col-league after the usual French maimer asmbasleur. This did not please the tempernor Euit the dignity of the gentleman of theeagle country, and he stood the supposed un-due familiai ity on the part of the Frenchmanuntil his patience became quite exhausted,and then his pent-u- p indignation burst forthin words more characteristic for strengththan elegance, and as reported in about thisstrain:

"jjy f nir, I'd have you im understand,sir, that I've been governor of the state of

, a state, sir, larger than the whole ofyour country, sir, and 111 be d d if I'll bemounseei-e- d by you or any one else." Mil-

waukee Sentinel.

HE U'vCAKTKhS.At'jriAM Oenkkal'm Depaktmfnt 'February 4, lab;." ' )

If sSil

Hon. Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop.The Burning Buli Mr. Alexander

J. Cartwright, in memory of his daughter,Miss Mary G. Cartwright.

The Calling of St. Andrew The Sis-ters of St. Andrew's Priory.

The Annunciation Mrs. Purvis, inmemory of her daughter, Miss JosephinePurvis.

The Nativity Children of St. Andrew'sCathedral Sunday-schoo- l.

Two windows with the subjects, Geth-seman- e

and the Scapegoat, have not yetbeen spoken for.

Tke clerestory windows, which aremuch smaller, will contain the fo!l- - ingsubj-ct- s: St. Andrew, St. Peter, St.John, St. Matthew, St. Thomas, St.Philip, St. Bartholomew, St. Paul, St.James, St. Matthias, St. James the Less,St. Barnabas, St. Silas, St. Mark and St.Luke. Some of these have been sjokenfor. When these windows are all placedin position the chancel will present amagnificent appearance.

Several windows have already beenspoken for in the two bays of the nave,on which Mr. Lishnian is now at work.If all goes well this part of the buildingshould be completed by next Christmas,if not before.


northeast trades to port. The J. C. Ford bringsthe following cargo: 175 barrels flour. 3o bale.

i:zrndhoM meai: 438 gaiis -i- ne-

J it 1.2,0 bags sugar from Mr. C. Afong'a Plan-tation at Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii. Captain H0pUreports rough and rainy weather at Hilo. TheHaleaKala will leave again next Monday.The barkentine W. H. Dirnond will leave forSan Irancisco about the latter part of next

The Oceanic Company's steamship MariposaI clue to-d- ay from San Francisco, en routto the Colonies.

The schooner Moi Wahine. Captain M. Staple,arrived from Hamakua, Hawaii. February lethafter an absence of only six days, with 1,70tags sugar, which were transferred to the bark-entiu- e

Katie Flickinger. The Moi AVahine willleave next Monday for Hamakua.The Swedish bark Drottnim; Sophia has been

moved into the stream.The British bark Glengaber, which arrivedfrom Liverpool the other day, has made threetrips from Liverpool to this rort.The steamers James Makre, Lehua, KilaueaHon, Surprise, J. A. Cummins, Wuimanalo, Mo-kol- u,

Kinau and Likelike will arrive in port to-day.

The following vessels arrived at this portfrom foreign ports during the week: Februarylath, steamship Zealandia from the Colonies;February 14th. whaling barks Ohio and Joseph-ine from a eruise; February lf.th, barkentine W.H. Dimoud from San Francisco; February 17th,bark Glengaber from Liverpool; February 18thtern J. C. Ford from San Francisco. Followingwere the departures; February 12th, steamshipZealandia for San Francisco, and bark Hope forPuget Sound; February 15th, barkeutines JohnSmith and Discovery for Sau Francisco; February10th, whaling barks Ohio and Josephine for acruise, and the steamship Australia for San

?vSv:rnniunt.s. SAN JOSE, CAL, U. S. A.


Oidt-- r No. 3.)n:; tin- - present melancholy occasion of the

a. ill- - Her late Royal Highness the Princessi.in.liW, the Uliicers of the Forces will wear,

:.in in unifoyii, black craj.e over the orna-- ii, i 'it of ti.e hat or rap. over the sword

!, ;;v.t .m l in the U-f- t arm, with black gloves, and,t In k c:-ai- scan over the sash.

ii,.- irutn.s are to he covered with Mack, and, cmpe is to he hung from the staff of the1 :.i.i!:ti v iud from the standatd of the Cavalry.

WUn otUcers appear at Court in their uui-- ;t:a- -, they will wear Mark crape over the orna-;- tl

part of the hat or cap, over the sword;....'t, and on the left arm, with white gloves-- a

ii 1 a hlack crape scarf over the sash.I b.- - period of mourning specified by the Court

vull r ohsei ed hy the Forces.i:y or.K r of the Coniinaader-in-Chie- f ,

ClliTIS P. IAL'KEA,Adjutant General.

II .f Court will go into full mouruin? for Iler1-

-te Kal Highlit the Princess Like like fromt!.i- - .lite until the day after the funeral, andwill wear half mourning from that time untilti.e expiration of to weeks from the day of thetutu t.il.

CURTIS P. IAL'KEA,11. M.'s Chamheilain.

1 ,l ti:i Palace, February 3, 17. 470 tf d w

-- :o.-

is o rr i o e: . CIG--A H.Leads Tlieni All.

The Eine Exhibit Made at the Fair by

the Fredericksburg Brewing Co.LOCAL AND GENERAL. Your Hives and eliildroii will re

jice.Elavinx I'oiiikI the San;Ji'r Ciaryour choice.

t J.L TUE MEMBERS WHO SIGNED THEiV Constitution on Saturday, February 12th.will please take notice, that there will "e anotherreeling to-nig- ht, SATURDAY, February 10th, at7::t) o'cloi k. at trie

Y. jVT. O. Hall.We extend a kindly invitation to all signers

of the Vlede and wearers of the Bine. By order51Jfell J. C. MARCHAX V, Secretary.


Engelbreclit, Son & Co.,KOICX. -

One of tho uiivst novel ami unique exhibits of the Mechanics Fair was that of theFredericksbiirs Lier Brewing Co. It was in the form of a bower, the roof beins fortne.lof liop vino.--, while around the sidea were arranged the various packages of the famouFredericksburg beer. This company wan the pioneer, in tin; manufacture of la-- er on theCoast. After overcoming many obstacles they have succeeded in producing an export

.Lager Not SurpassedBy anv other made in the United States. A proot of this is Heen in the fact that theirgoods" are nold as far East as Chicago, despite Eastern competition. How can they dothis after paying freight over 3,000 miles of railroad, it may be asked. In the fust place,

hops are better and cheaper here than in the East; again, California barley is the bentTT.;ti..i itot,.o- - imf the nlnVf rf-i- mii the snnerior onalitv of the brew. As

1 OUT OF HONOLULU, ii. i. 21 FIJ5ST STKEET, S. F.105 1UCL29LEVEY In this city, February 18th, to the wifeoj juwis j. levey, a son.


holders of the Interisland Steam Naviga-L'atio- n

Company will he held March 1st at 10o'clock a. in., at their oflice on Esi-lanade- .

J. EN A,503 fe 28 Secretary I. I. S. N. Co.

NOTICE.Yuen Kee & Co. have removed to Hotel bestthey use only the finest artesian water and the very best material, and have all the

and" lattst machinery, they are able to produce an article thatstreet.

AlCKiVAIjX.Friday, February 18.

Stmr Iwalauf, Freeman, from Hamakua, Ha-wa- ii

steamer J A Cummins, Neilsen, from Koolau,Onhu

Am tet n J C Ford, Griffiths, 171. days from an1 l.uicisco

schr Moi Wabiue, from llamakuaSt hr Haleakala, Irom Pepeekto, Hilo, IlawaiiSclir Rainbow, from llaualeiStrar Ewa, from Ewa

Fine white cashmere scarfs with fringeat N. S. fcach.s', 101 Fort street.

Fine millinery goods, new ribbons andA MEETING OF THE EOARD OF DiKEC-tor- sVT of the Kapiolani Park Association, l.eld

at the office of A. J. Cartwright this 17th day ofFebruary, 1887, the following otlicers wereelected for the coming year, viz.:

new trimmings at Sachs'.rpUK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK-- l

holders of the I'eoj les' Ice and Refrigerat-ing Company will he held March 1st at 11 o'clocksharp. W. K. FOSTER,

SoTmarl Sec. l I. & Ref. Co.

DEFIES COMPETITION.Their Export Lager is so perfect that it will keep any number of years in any climate,and is sold largely in Mexico, Australia, the Islands, South America, and in fhortthroughout the Western Hemisphere. In three years their output has quadrupled; lastyear it amounted to 33,000 barrels, and this year will exceed that amount.

Since writing the above we learn that the Fredericksburg Brewing Co. Mas awardedthe first prize, a silver medal, " for the best Export Lager," also the first prize, anothersilver medal, for tlio "bost Keg Lager Beer." Journal of Commerce, San Fraucisco.

Children's lace stocks, all colors, infants'

The Kinau is due this morning.Chicken thieves have been visiting Lili-h- a

street.C. W. Hart, ex-Ko- ad Supervisor, has

gone into the grocery business.The Hon. Win. G. and Mrs. Irwin left

for Kau yesterday by the steamer W. H.

Hall.High Mass at 10 a. m. and Vespers at

4 :3U p. m. at the Human Catholic Cathedral

Another Chinese gambler was caughtlast evening and locked up at the StationHouse.

The Royal Mail steamer Mariposa is dueto-da- from iSan Francisco, en route to theColonies.

A dramatic company will probably ar-

rive in Honolulu by the next mail steamerfrom Auckland.

A jumping match between Jacob Simsand Win. Moore will take place at the Ma-ki- ki

grounds on Monday.

California produce will be received by thMariposa by H. E. Mclntyre & Bros., cor-

ner of Fort and King streets.At the Y. M. C. A. praise ineeting on

Sunday evening the subject will be,"Strength in the very hour of need."

This afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock theRoyal Hawaiian Band will play a pro-gram- e

of sacred selections at the Palace.

The plans of the new Bethel UnionChurch are about completed, and willsoon be placed in the contractor's hands.

The schooner Mile Morris leaves for

worsted hoods and jackets at Sachs' store.Messrs. Wing On Wo x Co., of Alanna- -

Ii:iAKTC ilKS.FiiiDAY, February 18.

Stusr W G Hall, Bates, for Maui and Hawaii,at liJ a m

schr Cateriua, for IlanaleiSchr V.'uioii, for Kuan

PresidentVice rrf-siden- t



Sec. K. P. Asso.

A. S. ClfghornII. A. Witleinann .II. It. Mac-fa-r lane.W?. ti. IrwinJohn H. Paly

508 fel. 24

CITY CA1UHAUE CO.kea street, beg leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-tity of XXX and other choice brands ofManila cigars, of the bet quality, for sateat moderate prices. STAND :

Schr Rainbow, for Koolau. OahuSchr Mali.lo, lor liana Corner of Ntinaiiii and Hotel Street.

K7"IIaving been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands forcelebrated Brewing Company, we are now prepared to fill all orders for Jthefamily consumption at bedrock figures.


23 Nuuanu Street, Honoluli

Seventh Iny Ad vent it Mission.Last night quite a number of attentive KING UP TELEPHONE 457.

listeners were present at the Seventh

ENTERPRISECarriage Company

Are prepared to give

Grood SatisfactionTo the pu'-lic- , and ask their patronage

Day Adventist ineeting. Elder Curtistook as his text Amos, o :7; and after abrief comment, he defined prophecy, as 3C9 dec23 tf j BOTH TELEPHONESP. O. BOX 504.

This Carriage Company has heen recently or-ganized, and guarantees to furnish good convey-ances, trustworthy drivers, and w ill make no ex-

tortionate charpes.All calls will be promptly attended to.

500 feh24"History in advance, and history as a

V ! in t'oi't tioio I'niyii Irl!.Am bk C O Yhitmore, T Thompson, from Port

Townsenil.Am bktiie Katie Fliokin,r;er, Young, from San

i'rauciseoAm bk Sonoma, Howes, from Newcastle,

N S WLrit bark Lady Lampson, JJarston, from New-

castle, N S WJi: it bark Zoila, McKay, IVoju Newcastle, N


II II M's training ship Kaimiloa, from Apia,Samoa

Swed bark Frotnting Sophia, Cai taln O Svens--..n, from Newcastle, N S V

Nor i.k P C 1 atei vj:i, from Newcastle, N S WAmbktue V 11 KkiiouI. t i .Swift, fiom San

Franciscolint bark GleugabiT, RolR-ston- , from Limi-poo- l

Am bktne George Perkins, Ackerman, from -a utrn.-isc-

Am tern J C Ford, T II Griffiths, from San

LADIES' NURSE)record ol past events," and clearly provedfrom 2 Pet., 1 :20, that no prophecy wasof any private interpretation ; and fromthe lDth verse of the same chapter, that MOURNING !CHARGES MODERATE.

WISHING A COMPETENT NURSEIADIES the services of Mrs. CHAMPLAINhy inquiring at Mrs. Hoyt's, 115 King strjet,corner of Alakea street. 4t;C-may-


Managers- -

TKLKPJIOXK l'!IIJIil5S :TO LET.Buckingham, from

nui'i-c- o

i;r:t bark Martha Fisher,Ltveipool Black Olotli Suits


50-- iuarl7T

it is our duty to heed them. He then re-

ferred to the words of Christ in Matt.,24 :15 where, speaking of Daniel'sprophesy, he said : " Whoso readeth lethim understand." Mr. Curtis thenglided off upon the subject as announcedand succeeded in making the dream of

Nebuchadnezzar and its interpretationby Daniel very clear as well as very in-

teresting. His sermon occupied aboutforty-fiv- e minutes, and we consideredour time well spent in listening. lieannounced as his subject for this even-

ing, Daniel's vision of the four beastsfound in the seventh chapter. All wereinvited to attend.

occupied hy Captain Eohin. Inquire of MrR. COLBURN. 4G5-fel;3-

The Leading lliliincrv House IFOR SALE and White Gloves, Ties, EtBlack-- OF-

-- o-

Samoa next month. Mr. Litt, late chiefollicer of the Explorer, will command her.

The "Honolulu Almanac and Directory"for is now on sale at J.H.Sopers'snews depot and this ollice. Price, TiO cents.

While the British bark Glengaber was offCape Horn, a stowaway named John Mc-Can- n

was washed overboard in a gale andnever seen again.

By the Mariposa. Lewis k Co. will receivetheir usual consignment of fresh Californiafruits, tish and vegetables on ice. Leaveyour orders early.

A meeting of the Blue Ribbon Leaguewill be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock atthe large Hall of the Y. M. C. A. A fullattendance is requested.

Do not forget that Davis & Wilder'sstore is the place to visit after the arrivalof the Mariposa if you wish fresh Califor-

nia fruits, tish and vegetables on ice.

At noon to-da- y Mr. Lewis J. Levey willsell at public auction, at his salesroom,corner of Queen and Fort streets, two lotsof land with cottage, situated on RobelloLane, Palama.

Messrs. E. P. Adams & Go. will sell atnoon to-da- y, by order of Hon. W. C.Parke, a number of articles used in thetraining of horses, and belonging to thebankrupt estate of Wallace Jackson.


js .xifMl rroin Foreign I'ori.Haw schr General Siegel, Sanders, from

l'reiiclj Suoal. due Nov 20-3- 0

(,,r bark if vulva, from Honkou', cine January13

German 1 ark Hercules, Sohac-ier- , sailed fromLiverpool October :ih, due i ebrnaiy 'J0-2- S

Am wh bark Uuuttr, Geo WJeuks, trom theLine Islands, due March 10-- ai

Uaw bar Who. U Foster, i V Ru-'- g, from ic-tor- ia.

B C, due Iec 2.-:- il

Am bark li.nour, Brewer, sailed from BostonDec 17, due May 1 -

Am bktne S N Castle, II L Hubbard, trom PortTownsid, due January

Aot hark Klikiiat, li i) Cutlt r, trom Port Towns-end- ,

W T, due February '.U-'- J$

Brit bark Cerates, from Liverpool, due May1

l!rit bark Velocity, Bolster, fiom Hongkong,due Feb ln-1- 8

Am bark Julia Foard, from Departure Bay, due

JaAmawVbk"ohio, from New Bedford, due Feb


ON ph.iton, Sttidabaecker's manufac-ture; and also, one fine square Weber Piano, allin good order. Inquire of HYMAN BROS.


A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above named CJoo.ls, of the KKJ i


;M. GOLDBERG'S,By the Australia we have received a fine lineof NEW GOODS, which will he, placed for sale onSaturday.

STI-AMSIIi- !' CO,WILDEil'S noNoiri t1'ORT AXD MEIU'HAXT STltl'KT.1,t o itxi: it o;Ladies Black Silk Clocked Hose,

Limited .(Good Black.)

5fs by tlie Iwalaui.Purser Everett of the steamer Iwa-

laui, which arrived yesterday, reportedvery .stormy and windy weather at Ha-

makua, Hawaii. The Honokaa SugarMill, which suspended work the last few

weeks, operation lastThursday. While the Iwalani wasleaving Lahaitia, Maui, early yesterdaymorning, for here, the steamer KilaueaHou was sighted heading for that port.

( renin Attraclinn Dress h'ootls, DofihleVI id Mi.from New Bedford, due FebAm wh bk Lancer,

107?. ,i Kb liMi.nlfipr. from San Fr ucisco. due STEAMER KINAU, 1'rettiu (rviialine nml SacKiiiir I;chaniu - r

.ir n.,iPn Mars, from San Francisco, B. P. EHLEES & C(mil v(lorenzen, c'oromaiKier),

eavos Honolulu as por following schedule, Lis:ht Colored Cashmeres.t ... ...K i.tTv.-.vM.Tere- r. from San Francisco, due,im ' - - i

1' . 1 lit DU

v 'Something new iu Fancy Crape.tutiching at Maalaea, Makena, Mahu-koit- a,

Kawaih:ieLanpt'noehoe. Hilo and Keuuhou:Am wh bk Francis Palmer, from San Francisco,

ComineiKiiisr on MONDAY. July ii), tsso, anuon every alternate Monday at 4 p. in., the Kinau11

..L-- i.i.eiwiu- -. from San Francisco, due GAUZE RIBBONS,will make the VOLCANO TKIP, reaching Keau- - .A. L LJeblO-U-H ... . - ..c.,i hoti on Wednesday morning, where horses and The Latest.Am wh bk VUlUain liaymes, nou . -

carriages ore in waiting to convey passengers toI n fants Hose in .'uriiet, liiik,Binethe VOLCANO HOUK (tive miles m the sadUJeFrancis- -

Am wk bk Mary and Susan, from Sauand nine miles hy carriage).

Passengers y this route will Have two uays ana nilc.Fine I.i lie of Skirt IlnitiH anil

ltuelii iin.

GOODSReduced Pii

Stock Taking.

and two nitrhts at thu VOLCANO IfOUSK. At GreatlyCO, (Hie ifid tvi.Am wh bk Mars, from San Irancisco, duo

10:ri?.xt-- i, l.k Andrew Hicks, from San Francisco,

Honolulu Almanac and Directory.The Honolulu Almanac and Directory

for 1SS7 is now for sale at J. II. Soper'snews depot and at this office. Price 50

cents. It contains complete statisticaland general information relating to theseIslands.


Justice in the South Carolina Swamp.The storv was brought to the city the

Finest Line of Silk Gloves.lf.;1,tr....t- - Kt...im bktne Morliif" Star, II


The Kitiait will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On ILlo trips, willeave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

F Turner, from "the South Sea Islands; due Fel Ever imported to this City. .fterh"ms S Maittosa (Ami, Haywar.l, from San Hpanisli I.ftccl'ielius in M liiie A. Itlck

Iiatvalalia; Neniinary.The following are the Trustees of Ka-waiah- ao

Female Seminary, selected bythe Hawaiian Board : Mrs. C. M.

Cooke, Mrs. P. C. Jones, Mr. J. P. Ath-erto- n

and Kev. E. S. Timoteo.. o 0 m

l;ivis V Wiltli.This well-know- n lirm has a change of

advertisement in this issue which shouldbe cut out and lasted in a prominentplace by every housekeeier for reference.All these goods are offered at low prices.

C. J. l"iIier Xew iotl.The full line of new goods received by

the Australia by Mr. Chad. J. Fishel of

Francisco, eu route to the Cclonies.duetei.ruWe have on hand a very large stock ofPASSEXOEK Til A I I'S wtii connect with the

Kinau at MahukonaPUSS City of Rio de Janeiao. YV B Cobb, fromvtiuVrauciso. en route to Yokohama and Hong other day by a traveler from the lower

part of the state of a remarkable "decis A.11 Wool Shawls.The Kinau WILL TOCCll at Honokaia andPaauhuti on down trips from HMo for Passengersion" of a tide-wat- er coroner's jury in a A fine lin of Ladies' Trimmed and Uut rimmedFrankoU-- , due March 12

Am bark Ceylon, R Calhoun, from Fan tf a signal is made from the shore. HATS.M Winding, from A full line of Black Cashmere, Gimps, Fri!:-;es- ,

FelS in Francisco, i Mahnlcoiia, Hawaii, dueruary ."

etc., etc.

Com? and Sec our Xew ioo:.

recent case. The local justice was sum-moned in hot haste to organize a jury ofinquest in the case of Jupiter Horlbeck, acolored man, who had attempted to rideacross a marsh and who fell from his mulend was drowned. In the pockets of the

decedent was found an extremely antique



Grocers and Provision Dealers,52 Fort Street. Honolulu.

OFFER FOR HALE:SALMON (Columbia River) in Lbls., H LLIh. aiul cases; 15. 23 aT'l lb. VegH.

.Ml RIVALS. house will beA full list will be Leaves Honol.ilu everv Monday at 5 P. M torthe leading millinery

olaced on sale to-da- y. KMinttkakai. Kaliulni, ntielo. liana andKinanulu. everv week: Keanae, J.lokulau and Nuu

type of revolver, rusty, hammerless, andaltogether harmless. The jury of inquestwas composed of old rice-fiel- d hands, who

Leading Millinery House.every other week. Hemming, will stop at the 511 fel.lOtffound in another column, and is well

worth a perusal by the ladies. sat upon the body, figuratively speaking,

irom Sau Francisco, tern J C Ford, Februarylsth Captain H H Rerry.

T..lni-..- a Hawaii, ner steamer Iwalani,

Mr KaWede and Ml deck i avengers.DEPAllTVKKS.

above ports, arriving hack Saturday mornings.For mails and passengers only.for six hours. As is usual, the jury couldn't

agree, and finally compromised on the following verdict:

"We fin' de prizzen gtlty ob carryin' con BEEF (ex-Famil- in 100 lb. bbla. and 25 ami 50 lb. Legs.MACKEREL in" 15 lb. kits.AUCTION SALE


Particular uf the Stained UlawWlifdon to be liueel in the Chancel.

Bv th3 last mail the Bishop of Hono

STEAMER KILAUEA HOD,(Cameron, commander;.

ceal weepia' and recommen' to sell decreeter (the mule) for pay cost ob co't. Elde drounded man ain't got no 'lation,'ceptin' to heself, de pistle is b'long to de Will leave reertilarlv for I.shalna, Paauhati, Ko- -Friuce ana a " v

OF VALUABLEholalele, Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohlna, Laupal.oe- -state. f he is a onmarry man ana he gotfarra and marra de gun is for sell and gie REAL ESTATEone-fir- d to all two. Bf he marry and hab

hoe, Hakalau and onomea

STEAME if" LEHUA,(Clark, Commander)

arrived from Koo- -J. A. Cummins no chillen de whole ting go to he oman.

The -- teanif r In Honolulu.Ef dis jury mak mistake all kin peal fohire co't, ceptin, Jupe Haulback (wot finedischarging coallau last evening.

Tiiel-ar- Souo!.iawiHfiS'ili Will leave regularly for same porlffas KilaueaIn de mash), an' he carricter is epettubla Hou.

HEKRING in 15 lb. kits, HERRINGS (Holland)-- in kc-ff- .


SUGAR Dry Granulated bbla., t bbls., au-- 30 lb. boxes." Cube H bbls. and 25 lb. boxes." Powdered in 30 lb. boxes.

COFFEE Costa Rica green, in sacks." Folger'a Java in 1 and 2 lb. tins." Old Kona green and roasted.

FAIRBANK'S LARD in cases, 3, 5 and 10 lb. tina.CASES L., McN. & L., 1 and 2 lb. Corned Beef.

1 and 2 lb. Lunch Tongue." Underwood's Boned and Potted Meats and Lobsters.

Honey in glass jars.Medium and Saloon Bread and Soda Crackers.Table Fruits, Pickles, Sugar Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Jams and Jellu-- s im j-


Ilackin's Soups, Catsup, Eagle and Vanilla Chocolate, etc., tc.

II A.MS Buffalo, Wbittaker, Dupte, and California Covered.BACON "Thistle," and II. M. Dupee.CHEESE California, New York, Young America, Ldom Limborger, etc.

tell de contrady sesso by sponsible juri-- INJSlKLUilUNS 1UJ3I TUt UUN.UNDER of Education, I shall sell at Publicmums. De creeter ought to wut 70 nv It STEAMER MOKOLII,(McGregor, Commander),

Auction, on Momlay.the 7th day of March next, atde same wot de foeman oa de jury gie ts12 noou, at my Salesrooms, corner of lort andfractor for him can. All sine dis warru&t Queen streets. Honolulu, that very desirable

l .. ill he mOVtHt mi" l "

! O Whiivnoro.

por.s. -- a.ito-d- ay from windward

aoain next Monday.Mauuokawai arrived from Koo-- ,

soonerJ. OaMi. Feoruary ISth WitU 400 hags r.ce.

accordin' to wot de foeman sot down." Leaves for tlie following ports every alternateCharleston News and Courier.

tract of land situate at kuiiu, Liietia street,known as the Lee Youman's property, compris-ing Kalo and Kula land of superior quality, wellwatered.

Monday at 5 p. ni.. .rr.,pnrintr August To I.ftnal, Kamalo. Pu- -

t hftinft. Olowalu. Returning to Lahaina,Our Contemporary's Ill-Tlm- ed Humor.

lulu rereivtl !?.signs of the stained glaiwindows to he placed in the chancel of

the new St. Andrew's Cathedral.Around the ambulatory there nre four-

teen windows, and already eleven of

them have heen spoken for. One w in-

dow is directly behind the or'an andhidden from view, so that it is probable

that it will remain as it is, plain glass.

The following is the list of those to be

put in, with the subject and donor :

Melchisedec and Abraham His .Ma-

jesty the King.fli-- h Priest within the Veil, with Cen-

ser before the Mercy Seat Her Majesty

the Queen.The Ilttsunvction In Memory of II.

It. II. Princess lakelike.Joseph taken from the Pit H. R. H.

Princess Kaiulani.TJ' OruHiixion In memory 'of the

Quern iowayer Kmm;i.lTi F.rMZPri Scnont In memory of

Pukoo, Kamalo, Lanai, arriving at Ilonolulu Sat--

n.:to ' mnrnlne.Containing an area of 11 andLOT No. 1, acres, at an upset price

Abe Eli, a member of the Tail Holt Hookand Ladder company, is lying very low athis home across the creek with sunstroke. It of s'7,500. A laree and ccnplete invoice just opened up of Crosse A. Blackwell's Mats

T.mo.,i .Mi "Prpncli Peas and Mushrooms, Salad Oil, Spicts and Cut..;Coni.nenelnsf AnpnstO To Kaunakakni. Kama-

lo Pnkoo, Halawa, Wallan, J'elekunu, Kalaupapa.Rturnin to Pnkoo, Laliaina, l)lovalu, I.ahaina, r 1: ; i f ,from llama". . ' , The u.r v. illpuknn Kamalo, aunakaKBi, arriving at Honofrom Ku-.m- h --

, ......I ii hark Whii.mo:e to- - is supposed that he overheated himself whiletrying to rescue a stone doorstep at the time lulu Saturday morning.he plaett on ui

day of the burnmg or air. E. B. Skinner's icecream and undertaking emporium near thente.1i ..

. miu M.-s- r 18 1)5 ueu "1-- erg-T- he Company will not be responsible lorany freight or packages unless receipted for, nor

ormftibafrffage unless plainly marked. Not

Cbutnej Sauces, Candies, etc., etc.

BEANS, ONIONS AND 'POTATOES,(New Zealand Potatoes by ertry steamer from the Colonies.)

IX7"0ur celebrated Family Flour "Fresno" brand, also Golden Gate.

Barley, Oats,, Bran, Wheat and Corn,

rwstoffiee last spring. The statement in Th

1 IW 9 Adjoining the above on theLiJ L 1U. m9 mauka side, and containing

an area of one acre; upsetprice, 750.

TITLE PERFECT.TERMS CASH. Deeds at the expense of pur-

chasers. Further particulars may be learned byapplication at the office of the lioard of Educa-tion, where piana and surveys of the' land maybe seen.

LEWIS T. t ttvEY.

Clams Falls Ledger, that "it looks as if At responsible for money or jewelry nnless placed In

barire of the Purser.was going to get there, Eli," is very ill-tim- ed

Fun is fun, and no one is fonder of his jeu il All possible care will he taken of Live Stock, butJUC . -- -t ... rrt tun.on her regular o the Company win not assume any nea. oi wxiueui.spirit than we are, but we know when tcarieruu'" . tiCaptain i.tc J C. Ford,que American saM'I. n. WII DFR, President.L'.. i'.O-F- , .ecretf.ry. All rT v'l,:?h r? aWr tt very low prices.

iier.ia-iei- .t.--

i iw.i l Vi.i z i.v i ;a.'t-r-

The Tt.il ilv'a I'a'.:-;.iiu:- r r b rushoi.-kei- l by iJl-tiii- ti i.;. irKiur.t iu thC0lUJT.!i. Dill 2sve. 55-- ly Ha? 0 lictoluif., February 2, l;o7.

' Pjwuarf February 18th, 17 ;

tLwo. Experienced lut .outh.rly a j

.;e.urJ7 v.,,d the flt eight day,; tLece ht the Prince of Hawaii.


UNDYING LOVE. Just as Well Be CT.attlng. 3&&trtisnntnts.7hat is the use of 100,000 people sitting

etiC and solitary twice a day, saying noth-ing to nobody, and looking tired andglum, when they might just as well bechatting with each other and thU3 csusethe moments to fly more swiftly? Wlay


Groceries, Provisions and Peed,Will, d Irwin & Co


OF FEE FOB SALE New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, resh Californiav every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to. and Goods delivered to any part of the

Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postolhce Box No. 145Produce bcity free "of charge

60 aplTTelephone No. 92


NOW READY.1887. Fourth Year of Publication. 1887.


For the Year of Our Lord 1887, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r


Half Barrels,AnJ Boxes. -- :o:-


In Half linrreis --NOVELTIES IN- -

And 25 pound a


When in the golden western summerskies

A flaming glory starts, and slowly fadeaThrough crimson tone on tone to deeper

shades,There falls a silence, while the day-

light diesLingering but not with human agonies

That tear the soul, or terror tht de-

grades;A holy peace the falling world pervadesNor any fear of that which onward lies;

For welL ah well, the darkened val'j re-

callsA thousand times ten thousand van-

ished suns;Ten thousand sunsets from whose black-

ened wallsRenamed the white and living day, that

runs,In light which brings all beauty to the

birth,Deathles-- i forever round the ancient

earth.O thou the Lord and Maker of life and

light!Full heavy are the burdens that do

weighOur spirits earthward, as through twi-

light grayWe journey to the end and rest of

night;Though well we know to the deep inward

sightDarkness i3 but thy shadow, and the

dayWhere thou art never dies but sends

it3 rayThrough the wide universe with rest-

less might.O Lord of Light, steep thou our souls in

thee!That when the daylight trembles into

shade,And falls the silence of mortality,

And all is done we shall not be afraid,But pass from light to light; from what

doth seemInto the very heart and heaven of our

dream.R. W. Gilder in The Century.

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,Water Tillers and Coolers. American Cordage, Earned and Plain Annealed Fence Wire

Fence Staples.

GOLUKN C. C'OFFEKIn Hulf Barrel.-- FOIl 1 HE YEAR-A- X-

:o:Official and Business Directory of HonoluluTeas.TOO ETHER VITn


For tlie Holidays:

Meriden Silver Plated Ware,A new invoice in latfst patterns. Carriage Taint for nse in the country, without varuiflli. A new

invoice of the celebrated

Dillingham Patent Plows.Horse Hoes and Cultivators, Harrows, Hoes, Lubricating Oils, etc., etc., etc.


Succeior to Dilllnuhmii V ". mill bnmiiel tt.


Cases Corned lUef.

Full Statistical and General InformationKXi ATING TO TEE EAW'N ISLANDS,

Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latestmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest iutheir condition and prospect abroad.

Send iu your orders for copies early.

Flour. Jrl OlioluluPort StreetC,G

Cs 31 ed iu li Urenri.


Ft' EL.


need people be strangers, anyway, unti!somebody comes along who happens Uknow that one is Jones and the otherSmith, and politely tell them so? Wha.has Jones got a tongue for, and can'tSmith talk? Why don't they tell eachother their names without waiting cnbomebody else?

"For my part I can't see any sense iuthis strange business. There's one manwho lives across the street from anotherman. Down town they have an office iuthe same block. They have lived amiofficed that way for more than a year.Neatly every morning they take the same6treet car and ride into town sitting be-

side each other or face to face. Eachknows each other's name and all abouthim, yet they are not even speaking ac-

quaintances. How many cases are therajf that kind in this city? And how manmen and women are there in Chicago whofeel every day that they need more ac-

quaintances; that they 'don't know any-body,' and that it is 'so different here fromwhat it used to be where we lived therewe knew everybody and here we are stiPstrangers?' "

"And the worst of It is the man whothrows off his reserve on all occasionsand tries to be chatty and pleasant willbe set down as a crank by most people. Ifthe chatty man and any one of his criticswere riding alone in a caariage the criticwould take kindly to the chatty man andlike him. But in public he frowns andscowls and acts as if he was afraid some-body will think him undignified and weakin case he talks familiarly with strangers.So you see what foolish extremes thisfashion of wearing a coat of reserve hasled us into." Chicago Herald.

The Gathering at Greeley's Grate.Only a few type-setter- s, some wearing

the uniform of the Grand Army, gatheredround Horace Greeley's grave in Green-

wood. The monument over his remainshad been erected by their contributions.It is a simple bronze bust, mounted ona pedestal ornamented with bass-relief- s,

depicting the country boy at the case andat the editorial sanctum. The great news-paper, once the coinage of his brain, wastotally unrepresented. Not a Tribune em-ploye stood at the grave. The man seemedto be totally forgotten by all but journey-men printers.

Headed by a brass band, Greeley's post,G. A. It., and a few members of the Typo-graphical Union, Xo. G, with silken ban-ners, marched through the city of thedead, and gathered round the grave of thegreat journalist. Fifty or more ladies, in-

cluding Gabrielle, the only survivingchild of Mr. Greeley, sat near, and a smallcrowd of curiosity seekers pressed uponthe outskirts of the assemblage. Thefloral display was scant and simple. Itwas one, however, that would havetouched the heart of the dead man if hecould have seen it. Daisies, buttercups,heads of red clover, and violets werethere. A fresh bouquet of honeysucklesmade a flowery contrast to a basket ofblue wistarias near by. There were fewhot-hou-se plants. Flowers trained by na-

ture were the most used- - A wreath oflaurels lay at the base of the pedestal,and horse-chestn- ut blows were scatteredover the sward. The oration was deliv-ered by the president of the New YorkPress club, lie was a compositor on TheTribune in the palmy days of Mr. Greeley's life. He left his case to enter thearmy, returned near the close of the war,and entered the editorial room, where heremained until 1803. New York Letter.

The "ick in the Collar.A queer thing about coats is the littleed nick in the lapel by the shoul-

der. That nick doesn't make the coat'set" any better. It doesn't help the ap-pearance of the coat in any way, yet therethat nick is in every frock coat worn theworld over. This has puzzled me for along time, and I have just found out thereason. When the First Napoleon firstgave way to his ambition he tried to im-plicate Gen. Moreau in Pichegru's con-spiracy. Moreau had been Napoleon'sjuperior and was very popular, but underme as Napoleon was onxp, it was not safe to express publiclymy sympathy with Moreau; so his adxiirers agreed to nick their coat-lapel- s toahow who they were. If you look at theoutlines of your coat now you will see thatthey form an M like this . Moreau, bythe way, was exiled by Napoleon andlived in Morrisville in this state. Isn't itqueer that we should all be commemorat-ing Moreau as we do without knowing it?

Philadelphia New


THE HONOLULU IllOA1 WORKS CO.Have comnlcteil him! offer for Mile the following Hollers, viz:

1 PAIK COMPOUND STEEL B0ILEP81 Combination toiler, 12 fl.x 5 ft. C in.

1 Combination Steel JJoiler, 12 ft. x I ft., also1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 1 ft.

ei je-T--sc Av-Diyt- Honolulu Iron Works Co.

Lime and Cement.

kmiiG alvanized Iron Hooting,

6.fi, 7, 8, y, 10-fo- lengths. BUGGIESAND-


A Shark's Mistake."Don't you do no foolin' with a shark," said

a Barnegat fisherman as he crowded tobaccointo his pipe for another smoke. 'Sharks isan animal as knows more'n you think for. Acouple of years ago I took a party out afterweak lish in the yacht Mary. She belongs toCapt. Small, or did afore ho died. We wereanchored up in Bay Jib. 3, and the fish werebiting like smoke, when all at once the schoolleft us. I knowed that meant a shark, and Ilooked around for him. Purty soou he camealongside, and I up with a pole and gave himan awful jab in the back. You can't hurt ashark's body very well, but his feelings are astender as a'child's. This fellow ran ofF a bitand then cocked his eye at me and took a goodlong .squint. Then he ran around under thestern to read the yacht's name, and when liewent off he gave his tail a flirt which meantthat he would call around and make it pleas-ant fur me some other time.

"Well, in the course of three or four daysCapt. Small got home and went out in th.Mary for sheep.shead. He went up to No.and cast anchor, and then sot down in hi.usual position his right leg hanging oveithe port quarter and his foot jist touching tin-water-

He hadn't leen there ten minutes be-

fore along came a shark and cut that leg of.

l.'low the knee as slick as a chopper couldhave done it. The captain had skeercely re-

alized his loss afore the rih came back withthe le, give himself a hist and a twist, andthe bloody meat was flung back into the boat.For why? Because the shark had discoveredthat he had bit the wrong man. He watal'ter me, and he had got Small. He hadliothm ain Small, and he cheerfully broughtback the leg when he discovered his mistake.The captain ho died cf the bite, but not be-

fore I had explained things, and the last thingii- - said was that he forgive the shark." De-

troit Free Press.

M:. W. MeCHESKEY &Sugar Bags.Sizes 22x30,' 20x34, 20x32.

jayk p.kl ;:i v i:l

i'l" Kvery Desci iptioii.

AX S'J,'MVS.V I N K Y A a ; V IAt M s,

rit';i.iti I'LOWS.

Culli valors arid HarrowsOf nil Kiuds.

Cordage.Manila :,nd Sisal, Banana Twine, Wlinle Line

Xo. 502 Tiano Box Buggy, end Si rings, 125.

Reed's Felt Steam Pipeand Boiler Covering:.' mTO?t HARM Band ami Self-Dii!-i! Rakes.

AJk ThU ?e the. Hreatest Novelty ever I

Slay 8tli Per Mariposu. I,7b4 Faekiifc :

May 2 2d-P- er Alainnda. 1,922 Pr.chagtis. :

To Arrive Per Consuclo, S32 Packages.

ASSORTED GEOCEEIEB,offered, and a boon to r armers.Traces and Doubletrees done away witlu01 "

S-w-r. Collar $3.50MM lines 2.2525 "A TENTS, (suitable for camp

Ing and surveying parties.)22 t

Barb Wire and HardwareOf all Kiuils.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSOf eve ry Description a Specialty.

.H'I('i;!!! We are the mauuiacturers otthe Cart Uviilt for His Majesty. Look atit, us it will slow you wLat kind of workwe turn out. St' ml for catalogue.


Truman, Islmm & Hooker,13I-J37 MAIIUKT rBKi;T,

.au Francisco. Cal. 4S8aprl0


Will be Sold nv the Lowest Mnvkot Kates.PACIFIC

Commercial Advcrtisei SentC.O.D. tvExp's.1

TRUMAN, ISHAM & HOOKER, San Francisco,


42 ai.,1 41 lncei, Nireet, Honolulu.


" EUREKA," " PARAGON " AND "RED (.rROSS"Tot ton Rubber I.iiie


Is prepared to do all kinds o FREETH &PEACOCK,Wholesale M ine anl Spirit Merchant.

Honolulu H. I. W. T. Y. SCIIENCK,$23 Tsiniaiiii street 3C Oalitornia street.

Commercial & Lega! WorHaving just Received a Complete and N;vssortinent of

Job Types and Ornament114 fel2:5 87; sn FrunriKro. Cal.-- :o:-

Rnrdettos.A Newark girl has elcped with a will In-

dian. This remorseless, pitiless hatred withwhich the eastern people pursue the poor In-

dian is something incomprehensible to thepeople of the west. Out there they ma-- , andoccasionally do, shoot an Indian, but theydon't believe in torturing him.


A big copperhead snake went wrigglinginto a house in Waynesburg, Pa., chased thewoman and her five daughters shrieking outinto the street, and held the fort till the mancame home. There is nothing remarkableabout that. We have known a little mousenot three inches long to chase a whole sewingsociety out into a snowdrift.

A LAWLESS LIFE.Sometimes when I think what a lawless iifa

mine has been I wonder that the respectableoutlaws with whom I am most intimately as-

sociated in social, religious and political cir-

cles have not elected nw chief of the band. Ithink nothing of defying those in authority;I "sass" the president, scoff at congress, bullythe legislature and transgress the laws of the

i daily. I drive across the bridge "fastern a walk," and openly sneer at the f5 fine

- which the signboard threatens me. I; : e walked "on the grass" in Fairmount

: k; m Central park I have "plucked a leaf,,.--

er or shrub." I have "stood on the fronti .form" for many miles, I have "talked to

. man at the wheel," I have "got on and off' cars while in motion," I have "smoked

!t this shaft," I have refused to "keep. ing' on Brooklyn bridge; I have ne-te- d

to clear the snow away from my side-c-,

I have dumped ashes into the alley at(. . f dawn, I do not muzzle my dog, and lastv . he was not registered ; I do not alwaj--s

n to the right" when I am driving, I doalways procure tickets before entering

the cars, I have not worked out my road taxthus year why? I can't begin to tell one-ha- lf

my lawless acts. But one virtue, even thoughit may bo considered a negative one, I inserthere as a saving clause. I have never over-

stated the value of my property to the asses-

sor. IL J. Burdette in Brooklyn Eaglo.

A Prosaic Idyl

Sole nls for .7. J. Mololier's " ELEPHANT " GIN, Pellisson's uncolored,unsweetened, pure old J.UANDY only two qualities shippcl, 7 and 10 years old.Ily. V. Smith & Co.'s


BUILDER.We offer for sale at reduced (inures, a larpre and well assorted stock oj

jES, PEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPllilTS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bondATor duty paid 75 and 77 Kinp- - Street, - - - - j j onoliilnTelephones o. 246.573I O. Bos 501. Rell Telephone Xo. 275. fi5 3lntnal T leM.one X. r.

JHA.G-A.- N & GO.Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, WILDER & CO.


Lumber and. Coal.Doors, Sash and Blinds. AH kinds of lU'ILDKKJs' IIAltmVARKCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement; S'TKKL NAII.H, .,,,!, M,p, JL on. ,m J",fl'r-- '

Of the Latest Stvles. from the most Cel-ebrated Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experiencedand Tasty Workmen, we areJ

prepared to turn out

Totter Hernia.Bill Heads.

Vi reulars.Note IfeaIs.

, Statement.Hill of l.adiB- -

Ton tracts.Mortgage Blank,

Louse,Shipping: Contract." I" Htxiraiiun & KugiUli)

faleiHlam.ItlaiiK 'liekN,

Stock Cortitioatc!,HhMiionh fnrlM.

Meal Cheek.Milk Ticket.

Rank 'C heckOrder.

Receipt.Marriage Certificate,


liloftin a?nd in fact everything w hich a first-cla- ss

office can do.

Men-sLn",SKoy- FineOistoiu-ma:e- : lt hiiisr, Furnishing Ciooris,


oideis solicited and promptly attended to. Satisfaction gnaran-eed- .TRUNKS jVALISFS lETC.glsland


rnor. -- 'j hut Hlllo

IIow They Are Caught and How They Arm

Taken Care of "While In Confinement.Aldermen may come and aldermen may

go to Canada or over the range, but ''thesong of the turtle," the glorious green tnr-tl- e,

will still continue to "be heard in theland." Its very name suggests a longtable crowned with flowers, covered withthe choicest of viands and surroundedwith festive men, each of whom weighs2o0 pounds. It suggests also witty toastsand speeches, let off to the accompani-ment of popping champagne corks, fra-grant cigars and the rousing chorus "Wewon't go home 'till morning."

The main supply of that estimable ani-mal, the green turtle, comes from Florida,the West Indies and the shores of CentralAmerica and the Spanish main, althoughthe latter regions furnish but few. Oncein a while they are caught in warmweather as far north as the coast of Longisland. They range in weight a'l the "wayfrom 500 to COO pounds, but the average isfrom eighty to ninety pounds. They areamphibious creatures and like their archenemy, man, must now and then have abreach of fresh air, or they will die. From5,000 to 8,000 are annually brought to thiscity, and they average to sell throughoutthe year at about 15 cents per pound grossweight.

Mr. Middleton a dealer in green turtlesays they are taken in nets in the southernwaters by men who make a business ofcatching them, and they are also capturedon the beaches as they come up out of thewater to deposit their eggs. This firmkeeps them through the winter in storagerooms well warmed and fitted withtroughs filled with sea water. They arefed with watermelon rinds, cabbage leavesand other green stuff, and they grow fatin the confinement. They may be thuskept as long as required.

They are very sensitive to cold weatherand will freeze as quickly, if exposed, aswould a man. The flesh in appearanceresembles beef. Steaks are cut from theshoulders, but all the rest, even to theshell and flippers, goes into the soup ket-tle. They do not bite nor snap like theircongener the snapping turtle. The shellsare of no value for making combs or orna-mental shell work. Lying on their backwith their flippers tied, they will take nofood, and will live about six week9, inordinarily warm weather with an occa-sional bath. NewYork Market Journal.

A Time "When nigh Prices Killed.An 'Albany, Ga., lady says that during

me war she paid ?20 for one spool olihread, $SO0 for a pound of tea and gave4X) for a simple gingham dress.--Philadelphi- a



Manufacturers of all kinds of LAUNDRY and TOILET

ROAP8.298 febl9erGrt or.rqnotaiir. Mcr plir.s your orders.

X H J '; ' ; r"-- k tLEW IS & CO.,

jjj irt F.tieet. Iim:orlers anl Dealer in

Staple and Fancy Groceries.

Laura Oh, Tom, how you made me jump!Don't blow on my neck it tickles me so.

Have you finished your sketch already. TheJ udge.

A Plea for the Enemy.To succeed in the Salvation Army, a man

should have a voice with bristles down itsback; a voice that would scare old Satan intoSt. Vitus' dance. While I do not indorseSatan or any of his acts, I believe that weshould give him a chance. Satan has done agood many things that . were essentiallywrong, and there is a general feeling againsthim, and yet, badly as I hate him, and bitr. rly as I would fight him on a fair field, I

oJJ not ask him to wake up suddenly, out. f a 'und sleep, oj d find himself surrounded- r. . .vation Ar ny. To call an enemy out

rs . d kill him according to Cushing'a' - ie thin1?', and tocnr him mto

. iuitc mother. Bui 2y?.

vFRANK GERTZ,Importer ani Manufacturer J? :o:--

Of all Descriptions ofStoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.FRESH GOODS

r.y even,- - steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

Provisions, Etc. TCtcClSatisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box No. 2&Vf

BOOTS & SHOESOr Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No, 114 Fort St., Honolulu.59-tf-


Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work'7