II J l r pya - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov1i l r J r r 1 H41 l t J II tlllrm j j j 4 jrl IJ- J r 1 >...

1i l r J r r 1 H41 l t J II tlllrm j j j 4 jrl IJ- J r 1 > 1 > II V > r f 11 l r I THEf WORLD TUESDAY EVENING MAY 6 ioob k SKIPPER < CO VERY SAD ffftt H J W Dams Wall Street Play Proves Stupid and Even Dog Actor Was Glad to See the EntlofitM- ACLYN ARBUCKLE NOISY tago Peopled with StrangelyActlno 9 Persons with Weird Whiskers and Things and Only tho Bulldog Was Genuine rK 1 falllnff theatrical market ii not P rtrejuthened by BWpper Co Wall U Btresrt offered lait night at the Gar I rSak- i TIll orUrtnal comedy of Mew York I HfBM today as it la called II neither strikingly orlgrlnal nor Mlndlnsly bright It hawks back to Th Henrietta In general form but H J W Dam who- ever ¬ else hs may be Is not Bronaon Howard Were It not for the kindly assist ¬ ance1 of the programme It w uld be a rather difficult task to classify the Skipper show for It skips so blithely from bathos to burlesque that nt times the mystery of Its conception Is wholly Impenetrable llamor IV Very Soil And when < he author makes a sud ¬ den bolt outside IIH story as he fre ¬ quently does In search of humor ho brings homo such sad specimens as to make one wish Mr Dam mIght have bad one leas Initial and another letter u an ma aiurname Dr Dam may know his Wall street t u he pretends to know Newspaper ii Rowbut If he does Wall street is en ¬ Ib titled to something more than a new LI Stock Exchange I The Wall street of SWpper r Co Is peopled with strangelyacting persons I with weird whiskers and things Most L of them are shareholders In Skippers Incombustible Paper Syndicate with r predilection for ralalns a row and t overturning chairs when a rival specu I liter tells them theyre going to lose L their money and the next minute ready to cheer Skipper when a country yap r who chews toothpicks wears store clothes and speaks with an tinderJaw smack comes to the rescue with money to protect disputed patents Lloyd Blasliam Doc In It In addition I i surmounting financial djfflcultleswlth the aid of Lloyd DIng bauns dog which he sellsSkipper saves bids sister from a wolf In male clothing woo is Hunting for a fortune in too matrimonial market and makes a quick match for her with Charles Cherry who r 1 cast ort by his tale father a most slrlAter sire I has to roll up his trousers- at the bottoms sod look aa It he needed the money just as be did with Elsie do Wolfe In Cynthia ilr Cherry In this cue goes by the name of John Belmayn Jr but hes simply Charles Cherry- In accomplfshlng the several Skipper tasks Macklyn Arbucklo worked like a steam engine and was eternally and Infernally noisy None of the women did anything worth mentioning possibly for tho rea- son that none of them had anything worth doing Thomas Jefferson the dog scored a genuine hit He did not manifest tho slightest sympathy for tho sad story 1 which Skipper Insisted on telling him In the > flrst act and appeared perfectly willing to be sold given away or stolen In order to escape But he raced Joy- fully ¬ Rack at the close of the last act UaytwTho was triad the play was over W w- arf f OPENINGS ELSEWHERE Ezra Kendall In The Vinegar Buyer at the Savoy and Cecil Spoon sir In My LadxIeggy Goes to Town- at Daly will be reviewed In The Evening World later In the week David Warfleld was tbrdlally welcomed tack to New York at the Victoria Theatre where hA waJ again seen In III appeullnely lifelike Impersonation of Simon Levy In The Auctioneer Maria Bates In her Inimitable charac- terization ¬ of the bibulous Irish woman repeated her original hiLCing dodo with Raymond U4tc ock still on the throne held c urt at the Grand OperaHouse wbera the merry PIxIe Luders musical piece went with a rush and a roarJoaeP11 Jeftcreon opened- a week of repertoire at tho Harlem OperAHouse In Rip Van Winkle Bhakeapearea tragedy of Othello with Creaton Clarke aa lego Edwin Holt All the Moor and Laura Hope Crews as Peimonda was the ambitious offering ct the Pornelly Stock Com- pany ¬ attb Murray Hill Theatre Tolstoli Resurrection which was liven an Interesting production by the a American Theatre Stock Company drew Y audiences which taxed the capacity of 4 the houeeIsabel Irving who made her flrst New York appearance as a tar at the West End Theatre scored- a pleasing success as Virginia Carvel In The crLsieThe Old Home stead with ArchloNBoyd aa Undo Josh and a support of general excel- lence ¬ drew a large audience to tile UtropollsThe Fatal Wedding- was the attraction at Proctors Fifty eighth Street TheatreMlCkey Finn caused the Third venue Theatre to cho with laugbterHaPpY Hooli- gan ¬ went optimistic way at the Btard3ot Manchesters Crackcrjacka served up burlesque arid jaudovlllo At the Dewey VAUDEVILLE BILLS Coloand Johnson the clever colored comedians who sing their own songs were tho hit of the bill at Keiths J Crawford and Stanley In their skit The Tramp the Piano and the DuJc I 1 were the chief entertainers at Pastors V The Great Goldin who was the headliner at the Circle performed a number ofncwnnd mystifying Illu- eions Proctors theatres Adelaide Kelm returned to the Proctor fold making her flrst appearance at thoFirth- AvenueTheatre na pttAsn perform ij lf <i < 1IJ1 4i ifJ 5 I TWO PLAYERS IN NEW WALL STREET PLAY WHICH DID NOT MAKE A JIlT AT GARRICK THEATRE II Zzta lLntfji lfd I czpla3 PP CErrYLQ 1Vri TT ctnoA7 r OJ ance of De Souchots lively farce The Man from Mexico A strong vaude- ville ¬ bill at the Twentythird street theatre was headed by Barrows and Lancaster In A Jolly Jollier Flor- ence ¬ Reed made her first Harlem ap- pearance ¬ In Mixed Pickles a laugh- able ¬ farce at the One Hundred and Twentyfifth street theatre Jessie Mae Hall and James A Klernan In The Opening Night headed the bill at the Newark house Molntyre and Heath the funny bockface team led the laughter at Hurtls Seamens The Parisian novelty the electrical theatre continued the main attraction at the Eden uaeeThe Chaputs acrobats and balancers made their first Amer ¬ ican appearance at Hubcrs Museum ESTABLISHED ATTRACTIONS Hemalniie at tho principal playhouses AMATEUR BASEBALL NOTES U An allmround pls > er would like to Join a ftrstelass uniformed train of ttfhteen years playing Saturdays Sandiys and holiday first class batter John Ifertor No S33 Fait Twos tysecond street Now York Qty Tt Tsar Welter cb oulcn tbe undetected turn of the dry goods houses of last sea- son will make thslr first spiiearanc ot the season st the Empire Grounds In East > ew York on Saturday illy 2 at 3 P M The T W will line ge follows w Brill- s W Moulin r r 0 Desert Ib Ud- ScUnsel 3b Kd Anon p W Snyder ci II Coo So P Hanley ct E Purse Ie Audi USIL M 11 limMe tOO frame EMlle An eon wjw formerly pltcftoJ for the crick Penn eyivanIa n n V SI C A will make his ant appearance AdJiwa Wai Moulin ciTe ot- Tefft Waller Co No 326 Broadway cur National A C of rOWlanD N J would like to arrant a Come with any teaJi In New York City avsrailni seventeen years of- coo fn uooiitum Lay Any tsm wltrua to ply the National A C wilt hOve to pLy halt expense ot eluen men Address FreJ car- roll No 1CS Liberty street Pateraja N J a a Too toad flelden would lllke to loin a tnni teEn arerstlnt 15 to 16 yearIcIn play Sun- days and holidays Atldress Jokn Dewy No 208 East Gad tt C Th Trying defected the Orioles of Harlem- by a seers of 3D to B having won erery game this season They would like to arrant Sun- day and holiday galore with teams ateraglnc 13 years of are They line up as follows W Schanier I f D Tranibau r f M Ktess r I C link lb I Kvemon 2b I Illocx 3b Wolf 0 Jones p and G SKInman a s Address CfcarNl I Fink Captain No 1611 Mdiion are a 81 Ann B C would Ilk to book taste with all teams averaging MIn years of ape Will play Saturdays and holidays Address Warren JUittl No 87 Adelphl street Brooklyn N Y Nitszu Juniors would like to book tsrnes with teams tteraglnc from twelve to thirteen years old James Dtmott p Andrew wind lb Willltm Iwrnn yb Irving Bruted cf George Clark If Joseph Do lott c floral White 2b Walter Gray ss Frank White rf Ad- dress Andrew Wind csptsln and monster No X07 Ovoid street The Young Crystal Junon won their opening Ame by defeating the Young Hoooes 07 a score of 13 to 12 Vlnners would Ilk to arrant games with trams averaging cleren to twelve fan to be played on any rounds Sundays nj holidays onlj Would also like to book camel for Sundays anl holidays Address Frisk Drawer No 15H Third avenue The Young Volunteer would lib to arrant tame with teams averaging Inn to thirteen jears They line up at tallow J OirntL- trlrtt fleidi II Ilrown cenu Held c RagoTln Iett Held O Wolfsrhn evened Moo Frl drnan- fthortetop II Hagorln thin bee E Goereei trot baa A Schone catcher B Perroansky pitcher V The Unions of Harlem would lib to book tames with teams averaging twlv to fourteen years Address firirth Coombs No 303 West Qna Hundred eat Eighteenth street The Newklrk F r defeated the Concourse D- D C by 13 run to 10 The Neitklrlu would Ilk to arrant came with teams averagIng fifteen to sixteen yoar to be plsysvl on home grounds n u were Sultan of Sulu WIIIIacks nianeho Bates In The Darling of the Gods Belascos Theatre with a Bpeclal Thursday matinee Prince of Plls n Broadway The Suburban Academy of Music There and Bock and The Man Who Stole the Castle Princess AMATEURS ATTENTION I World will nil of or other news In and towns In the to time as of tho or of will be all communications to the Editor Tho World New York for a aid bt May 10 and Auc II 23 InS 30 snl Sundir In September axed Oet Wr ate s Address George W Hn Nwltlrk CVSDOI Park sill Brooklyn Th Memory P C will book BMmcUr ReT noon games for Jun anl July with unKonnsd teams amatloc puss baring homo rounds AddreC Jotm hum 691 Wndo T avenue Prone C C Ti Darton woold like to arrests plOd withI team fowtol to slstUefl gus dma Jooeph Cotter 300 East On Hun4 d weed Second strut S S it V nwn B B C bays all Saturdays In Mar Jun and July open Would Ilk to lieu tome tem oBsrttif suitable usfMU A- Vlnent < Designee No 634 U Ana avenue Bronx S C Tiger Juniors of Harlem lea Tip revs Funlay April 26 5 to 3 Would like to rinw with teams 13 to 15 years 7me laralSn No 178 East Ono Hundred tad Ellblh street S S C The TVInona F C would Ilk to book gem with teams aiersElni fourteen to CftMO Ad divas n A DolUwmy No 272 Smith street Brooklrn C C Ibe Dsyslds e < lUrlem would like to near from two good outfielders pltolier andi wither tttteea to dittoS years old Address B Zak ainli 154 Eirt One hundredth street Seneca Juniors would like to bear tram S few n 4t pltiers Thai would Ilk to amor glAnd s with the tremor Spartans Warerlr Juniors second tram Vesiy Juniors Vlrtlnla Juniors ot Fortysum street Maoris 01 n a rtton lUlihls Wlnthrops of Qrnenpolnt Hot roes Juniors Metropolitan Junior Aplln union Viola Juniors Anchor Juniors Olym- pic ¬ Juniors and Acme Juniors arra lni twhve t0 years of age Address Joseph Me Glen 420 West Fortyfilth street Tb Burtall Club would Ilk to sr nnce game with out of town uniformed teams sTtrsflm flrteen to sixteen years Address 0 C Bradley 161 3d are- a e Eel Dsiobsll Olub would like to errant limes with teams averaclng ttilrttsn to sli > can yesrs ot age Address S llltlln 3CH East Vortynlnth street C Tb Xlorrli A C hss May IT Jan 6 20 21 open for any ortanltatlon a tool Inducement Hmll lUsts 1231 Webster avenue Tbe nod Stirs would like to book tanxs with earns tUlle to fourteen > eu of 15 e All dates open llr Clay 17 They will pit for aide beta of 12 and up Tbp pine is follows ames rlrbt field Nan left field rash third ru I Cleared My Mouse I of Every IfARVjE Insect With I ItBuQ e tTsrrIo1 KlllPmr ttcrmtoAtM moth f ptJiMies fla i roaches and every drtcrlpUon of Initci I Mno NonPolsanouSf- KbnExploslvo NonSlfJlnlpu As your drnrrft or sroeer Morpt an k I othr If li CIa 100 hare it jocks bin oau order direct rr m us IleWMirpbptywTvkCRy iairplnl lon J Grace George In Peggy Herald Square Charles Hnwtrcy In A Messaco from Mars Criterion tho nflwtitli century morality play liveryman Garden A Fool and Ills Money Maill eon Square Mr Blue Knicker ¬ bocker Marie Cahill in Nancy Brown Dijon Lxwrenco DOrsay In The Earl of Pawtucket The aT Or Majestic the Four Coliana hi Running for OHlce Four- teenth ¬ Street Theatre BROOKLYN THEATRES Mrs angtry In itodomolseUe Mara a much better play than The Cross way scored a success at the Montaulc Clyde IFtchs play Lovers Lane was excellently preserved at the Colum ¬ blaDtIIll n Van and Nellie ONeill made It merry hit In Bolivars DUlY Day at the Park The Evening print challenges results games concerning amateur baseball teams Greater Now York suburban Sporting Edition From time space permits pictures captalna star players teams published Address and pictures Sporting Evening evateefl avwaalnc defeated following fourteen llrandon firstclass offering twtolQtelT lIuspsOtic RAUVIC DBCOJUO Pretty Beard Manhattan Wizard bas IJoyil shortstop Currn centre IIold OIfagta first bat Uurphy scon l baa Cia sidy CItCtir lorlose pitcher AdOre El Street mr Woodrtde mane 454 West TWrtylrst Th baseball teem of the Bt Peel Athletic Association hag all Saturday la May u4 Jun open W would Ilk to hear from uniformed team arerailnr seventeen to nineteen years Osmee IretWod on our own grounds AaJrtso llaiemann Hsnaier No 3 Cbra avenue Tompklnirllle Etatta Island nw York I Pianos and Organs- AUCARSTBANSr R I i 3d Ave i9th I PPflaOS I Week Americas Great Piano Sale Four Wonderful Piano Values Wilson Piano 155 Harmony Piano 175 Waiters Piano 195 Richardson Piano 195 Including Stool and Cover Delivered on payment of S5 Pianos Guaranteed for Five and Ten Years- DLOOMINODALe BROS- d 3 Avenue SStb and Goth Streets J LOWEST 1 PRICED HOUSE IN GREATER NEW YORK JQIIJOOMoo 0 D i 155157 and 159 East 23d St o r vL- I Last Weeks Immense Rush of Business Was Indeed Gratifying I It is evident the public are watching closely our special announcements and have faith in them We offer as good or even bcttcx inducements this week which should appeal to your domestic economy Large Arm Rockers Like cut In Golden or Weathered Oak j Eft- I I f i t i fibre rush seat broad list rins suitable I fur the summer home actu Co 99 ally worth 1200 special ° at e- 1400 Steel and Enamelled- Beds Like 7 85 I Cut for- Snowwhit I finish heavy continuous bent pillars beautiful brass scrolls on head and feet extended foot rail made In all sizes I Pianos and Org- ansRADBURY PIANOS pIANOS returned from ren- t ¬ pianos and ware room samples AMONG the makes included sale are the follow- ing ¬ Bradbury Upright ma- hogany ¬ 5300 WU 400 Bradbury Upright Oak 200 was 300 Bradbury Upright ma- hogany ¬ 200wai300 Steinway Upright 300 was 500 Sohmtr Grand 375 was 750 Kranfch Bath Baby Grand 375wai750 SchIrmer new 200 was 5250 Phelps Upright Ebony 185 was 350 Upright ma- hogany ¬ l75wa 300 Hennlne Upright Oak 175 was 350 Wtter roabog any 175 was 275- Slecdman Upright 150 was 300 New Uprights NY make at 165 185 and 200 EASY PAYMENTS- NEW BRADBURY PIANOS 300 350 400 450 EASY PAYMENTS Pianos Exchanged Rented Repaired Stored Tuned F G SMITH Mfr l425th Avenue New York For Salo I I I 8 I Diamonds Watches Jewelry Cash or Credit One Price I WE are In lhe wholeaal business Iclileen yean WB operate In three retell stores WI positively acre you Ito nilddlemaj projlt- WB I ask no reference item your employer WE give you honest goods WB kop all trannctloss strlit r confljentlsl I WE send representative If Inconvenient to rail WB want your aofount I L W SWEET CO 3739 MAIDEN LANE IN STORK urrottN imANCK 2M SIXTH AVE nnOOKLYN jiitAsni < r FITTON BT r CREDIT FOR EVHRVBODY- Antntnfc you west ClotMn Cloaks Jewelry Kurn urt Dry Duet I Shoes business seltily 000tdeoe- liA I A G J L- Wa G DOWKUY coPOA NAL O1 cJ I ab7c Good N5 ONriDgNTgA C a TTphus Amerlciay alptr anti I cad Co Ii JUAIDCX LMS TAKt > EidvAToP DRESS WELL Pay Us but I Weekly AD IIAVK YOllt CLOTHNO MAUK TO ritDB- BExchnnge W Clothing Co ItOOlI 7 217 nilOAtMVAY N Y K3TUIM31lil ISS iaithm C Cier- n1aiuoeia Inleb ffiillill II cLn Ilr- oheip a sororIty rlUtrt- or wiii tn cili- ahiId ItuT 5 Nausau II- UtlIOWS I wstehei Jewelry eesl > at m i iiiy- payneotsl prices reeeoaEI geeti gusra- nle4 Inmttllsl dtllitrrl buslnms conljentlal Call write or tsleplnne JAMUiJ BSPaHANl- a l14n lae larI Handsome Tufted Leather- ette ¬ Couches like cut massive oak fumes made very soft anti luxuriousvorth J 4 Md- oulMi tin money very 11 special it m Z 1600 for- of Dressers i 025 Golden Oak highly polished with 2 smill and 2 large drawers Ham- ljome Trenchr- orrctual ple swfnl1lr value JI600 special J025 r2cIL High Back Oak- Dining Chairsli- ke cut open cane seats made extra strong value 250 special 168 l j5 Morris 749 Chairs for With missive frames pol- ished cushions of ex- cellent quality Below Cost SpecIalFibre Hair In excellent ticking r 435S- pecialAll Hair Mattresses 45 Ibs Atlcking 6 Cash Not Arrangements made suit the convenience the Pur- chaser Banking and Financial Banking and Financial 3000000 NEW YORK CITY 354 Tax Exempt Gold Bonds Payable In FrftyYears TO BE SOLD TUESDAY MAY 12 1903 OFFERED DIRECT TO INVESTORS- A local Investment for trust funds exempt from taxation except for State purposes No uall or none bids rooelved thus giving Investors the same advantages aa deal ere Bonds are awarded to bidders offering the highest premium- A bid of 10875 yield 315 por cent Income bid ol 107H yields 320 per cent Income A bid of 10614 yields 325 per cent Income Send bids In a sealed envelope enclosed In the addressed envelope TWO PER CENT OF PAR VALUE MUST ACCOMPANY DID It must be In cash or certified check on State or National bank of New York City This deposit will if requested I be returned day of sale to unsuccessful bidders For fuller infornutlon see City Record published at 2 City Hill New York Consult any Dank or Trtut Company or address EDWARD w GROUT Comptroller City of New York 280 Broadway York Dentistry Dentistry GU JI tL I I I I I I I I I I I I I fi I TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ALSO ONE PILLING FREE l TO OUR PAINLESS METHODS and Introduce our Tliurlo Plate and most durable plate made Our work done painlessly a simple application to the gums We are tIle originators ol painless dentistry Our processes are patented Our prices are within the reach of all Upld fillings Irom 100 Amal- gam fillings 50c Cleaning 50c Crowns 300 All operators are skilled graduates their diplomas being displayed at each chair We give a written contract to do your work satisfactorily keep It In repair free of charge for years Being Incorporated under tho laws of the State of New York this Is oh value iiz IIIIOAUWAY Cor Pultun Ml Cell tt lll ST Coruor Olli 41U IIUOADUAY Cor enl St HhS m AVK entrance alIcIa St 714 111101 DVAY Cor Alor Ilnor- Jt IIAKIim ii Wot Ills St W 1lib St Cor nth Ate Fnerstor IIUUOKIVV i9i Pulton St cor Brldi UTII AVi bet SKI A 1Uil tIe IIDSTON 721 IVnilllllKtuu St IMIIIAIIKIIMIIA 113 North Sth St All olllces open 9107 Not Sundays Lady attendants Telephone Coontctlons BEWARE ol Tbcue Who IsnlUte Our Name Sign and Advertisement rot Sal- oTYPBWRrrERSRENTeo AM MUCB3 F f WKHfTKR ThO 317 llwsy Tel 3210 Frank iiAi l i4 tl i ek jr ur monlftry luy flIfl hoiseL prlM es termotATiu- DUPtlNflttTCIICeAl7uroodcay At writtv rAYUBMTSrine JliinunJi witches gusrsnteed lowest price business tOIl nientlal WATCH SUPPLY CO TIIHKr MAIUKV LANK Lawyers GEO ROBINSON LAWYER I 99 auauitUayj370 Dway 37 IIUrenln I Sunday World Want Work Monday Morning Wonder oak elegantly ¬ ¬ ve Mattresses Mattresses full size at full size A C 49 Necessary to of ¬ N A New DEMONSTRATE lightest Is by i ¬ and ten Aye HIS open H9t < I all do not know of anythn j ere or in your country i uch it for information 5tn fjentlemsn in London spcsr r the World Almanac ic Book of Reference That I Famous Thr ghoUl the World I w i < fr d i j pya d vania ii 1 RAILROAD STATfOS3 deL of West TnntuilrdStrHI tat Deehrowe iM strwis iWTlt harlot time from Dnbrorses and Cart Isn4t Slrtete Is five minutes later JITCII heloir fur Twentytliinj PtrHI station eieipt where nlierwi netjj 753 A fFAST iUIL Llmluj to two Pence Cars end Dlatnt Cur Nsx Yrk 10 flttcburi Ueeplrw Cr PIltsBurg to Chloato No Coaches to litaburg irs FAST LINEPiiuburi andCITO heat osc A PBWSVLVANIA LIMITED man Compartment alecrlcc UlcSo and OOMrratlon For Clrand- Lmifrill stUlliulClnclMtl redlnptl- l oi P CHICAGO ANT ST rcasror Toledo xastnii via cinclnnsk and LeiJlsTllIe Inillanspotli CMcazo we Louf Dining Car 333 r IST LOWS FXrrtESSFnr Pitts hurt Indianapolis SI Louis hue Inr Cur For Welch w Va cia shennloaa Valley flouts 5 US P WESTERN EXrnC53rr Chicago Kor Tolrtu e eopt EiturcUr Car 7 55 P MPACIFIC EXPnE3SFor Plttsburj and Chicago For Knoxvllln doU via Shen mlojh Valley flout Connects for Clerelsnd racist Saturday SSS I CLEVCMND AND CINCINNATI nXPttBSg For Plttrfjuri Cletelsnl and Cin ¬ cinnatiVAS1UXOTON AM TilE SOUTH 7S5 825 Sts Dining Car 1010 Desbrosie ant CorllsrKlt Streets 10J nintig Cit JOS5 Dialog Car A M 12 Co Dlntnr Car S10 Deibrosses and Cortlandt Streets 2 JO 323 Conirewlonal Llmltnj all Pi rlor sod Din I Ins 3 S3 fDlnln Cot 4 z Dlnlnr Cur 4BJ Drfilnc Car SR P M 1210 nlicht Sun j day 825 8 66 DlntDf Car 10 53 Dmlni Car A M 1266 DIalog Con 1325 eon rs1nl Umltd alt Parlor cal Dining Cars 325 finIng Carp 421i Wnlnir Car 455 Dinln Car 823 p M 1210 night e SOUnlEnW HAIIWAV JJS 415 P JI 1J10 nIght dally ATLANTIC COAST UXEElpress 86S A II and 923 P 31 smnruno Arm LIVE nAtLWAT1xprui 1255 P M and 1210 nl daily NORFOLK ANtI WESTERN RAILWAT Vor PTaihhi and New Orleans J23 P M 0111 CllESAPDAKE AND OHIO nAlLVAT7tS JL M weekdays and 4 S3 P dolly FOR OLD PoINT COMFORT AND NORFOLK 7C6 A Jl wedsrs and S55 p M dally ATLANTIC CITY 063 A M cad 2 55 131 eekdsya Sundays 753 A V Throat yen tu4 Trims DurJM Parlor Cars and StanH art Coaches on we k days Parlor Rtnoklnc Car Parlor Cars Dining Car end Stander Cmchfi on Sundars OAIB MAY 1256 P M weekday Ticket omreOvs 461 1331 113 sad 26i Drone way i 183 Filth atenue y0low 23d 8L 251 Fifth ATnue corner 29th SLI 1 Actor House Welt Twentythird Street ctstlon and station foot of DeUirmnei sod Corllsndt Strees 4 Court Street SliO Fulton Street 330 Broadway cad rnnlvaaa Annex station Drooklyat station Jerwy Gill The New York Transfer Compsny will call for IDol check bauM Iroa- hntels and residences throuah to deiUnatlon- Telrohone 914 Etfhteentti Strut fur Iennsy1 vials Railroad rah Serrlc- W W ATTEJIDURY Jn WOOD General Manarer nenl Pass Aunt New York Genital Train arrlre and depart front Grand Central Station 42d Street NOT York as follow 1AIIGIldnlllbt EuyreiaaIOAM 754AwSyrscu e Local tBn PM j tS80 AMEmpire Slate tpt1000 PM 843 AM Fsat 10XAMt- lOSOAM Day Bursts t7fK PM J tl130 Aynullnd Clpress 1700 PM iero PIIllurrl United 100 PMSouthotsteni Limited GOO PM lOO patcZeIcgo Llraltedt 245 PlITwentleth Caatury Limited 330 AM- t3 30 PMAlrny and Troy Flyertil10 AM spa aiAlbany Ciprsas t200 PM lad Plletrolt S Chicago Speclal100 AOI 530 POThe Lake fiber Llalted 810 PM U 530 PMClncInnaU A St Loots Ltd 2 K PM 800 PMWeitera Elpress 1I 43 PM 825 PMHoptril Express 72fl AM 7SOPMAdlroniaclt C Mon Ex 8 5S AM BOO PMflurak Special 723 AM 0915 PCSI8poltI Plod Limited 721A- MD20PXIS W Special 710 AiM 9300MPa Erpress SM AJI- llSO PMNorthern K T Eipreas 723 AOJ- Dallr tCirept Sua4sy tExcept Monday 11AHLRM DIVISION 908 A U and 3 55 P 11 except Sunday te- Fltuaeld and North Mama Sundays at 920 11 Pullman Oars on all through trains Trains IIiumlnatedwlth lan Llcht Ticket office at 17 261 and 1216 Broad- way 25 Union q W75 Columbus aol Ill West 125th at 125th st Station and 133th Bt Station New York 331 and 725 Fulton st ass joe Broadway D Brooklyn Telephone roo 38ta Street for V w Tork C n tral Some Deems checked from hotel or residence by Wtstoott Eiweis Company A H SSIITII OBORCB H DANIELS Pen Saptorlnteadeat On Paas Aunt Dentistry 1IOPIJTCS jj j If you have good teeth take care of them If you have bad teeth have them attended to We dont care what ths condition of I your teeth we en fix them up and guarantee satisfaction If too far gone well make a net set extract your teeth in the morning with ut one bit of pain and have the new set ready for you to wear home at night No charge for Examination or Consultation All Work Guaranteed 10 Tear I Full Sets at Teefi JSoo I Gold JrowflS IS karat 41500 Gold FllHait Sr up Silver FitlingsSoc up V Waterbury Dental Parlors I BROOKLYN NEW YORK I 414416 Fulton SL 54 W 23d it- O4 door wat Abraain Opp eden bfuasi A fltraus- aUanrk 8 to O Sunday 0 to 4 German French and Swedish spo- kenHAjcsrETHODS t I nuke all operations com- fortable ¬ Most sensitive teeth carefoflyfilled Most nervous persons gently treated Skilful work skilfully done without shock to the system I t- I Qotd Crown 4BrHtt f0 I Gold Hllllnjlr I lard Fillings I 52- folt I- I 1 UutF1mg with Cocaine J- HANKS DENTAL As SN e 205 TH AYE- S v UI lUll T- Ofee Si- t 1 iP Sixth Avcnc e- tr ic i nit i

Transcript of II J l r pya - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov1i l r J r r 1 H41 l t J II tlllrm j j j 4 jrl IJ- J r 1 >...

Page 1: II J l r pya - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov1i l r J r r 1 H41 l t J II tlllrm j j j 4 jrl IJ- J r 1 > 1 > II V > r f 11 l r I THEf WORLD TUESDAY EVENING MAY 6 ioob kSKIPPER

1i l r J r r 1 H41 l t J II tlllrm j j j 4 jrl IJ-

J r 1 > 1 > II

V >



VERY SAD fffttH J W Dams Wall Street Play

Proves Stupid and Even DogActor Was Glad to See theEntlofitM-


tago Peopled with StrangelyActlno9 Persons with Weird Whiskers andThings and Only tho Bulldog WasGenuine

rK 1 falllnff theatrical market ii notP rtrejuthened by BWpper Co Wall

U Btresrt offered lait night at the GarI rSak-

i TIll orUrtnal comedy of Mew YorkI HfBM today as it la called II neither

strikingly orlgrlnal nor Mlndlnsly brightIt hawks back to Th Henrietta Ingeneral form but H J W Dam who-ever


else hs may be Is not BronaonHoward

Were It not for the kindly assist ¬

ance1 of the programme It w uld be arather difficult task to classify theSkipper show for It skips so blithely

from bathos to burlesque that nt timesthe mystery of Its conception Is whollyImpenetrable

llamor IV Very SoilAnd when < he author makes a sud ¬

den bolt outside IIH story as he fre ¬

quently does In search of humor hobrings homo such sad specimens as tomake one wish Mr Dam mIght havebad one leas Initial and another letteruan ma aiurname

Dr Dam may know his Wall streett u he pretends to know Newspaperii Rowbut If he does Wall street is en ¬

Ib titled to something more than a newLI Stock Exchange

I The Wall street of SWpper r Co Ispeopled with strangelyacting persons

I with weird whiskers and things MostL of them are shareholders In Skippers

Incombustible Paper Syndicate withr predilection for ralalns a row andt overturning chairs when a rival specuI liter tells them theyre going to lose

L their money and the next minute readyto cheer Skipper when a country yap

r who chews toothpicks wears storeclothes and speaks with an tinderJawsmack comes to the rescue with moneyto protect disputed patents

Lloyd Blasliam Doc In ItIn addition I i surmounting financial

djfflcultleswlth the aid of Lloyd DIngbauns dog which he sellsSkipper savesbids sister from a wolf In male clothingwoo is Hunting for a fortune in toomatrimonial market and makes a quickmatch for her with Charles Cherry whor 1 cast ort by his tale father a mostslrlAter sire I has to roll up his trousers-at the bottoms sod look aa It he neededthe money just as be did with Elsie doWolfe In Cynthia

ilr Cherry In this cue goes by thename of John Belmayn Jr but hessimply Charles Cherry-

In accomplfshlng the several Skippertasks Macklyn Arbucklo worked likea steam engine and was eternally andInfernally noisy

None of the women did anythingworth mentioning possibly for tho rea-son that none of them had anythingworth doing

Thomas Jefferson the dog scoreda genuine hit He did not manifest thoslightest sympathy for tho sad story

1 which Skipper Insisted on telling him Inthe > flrst act and appeared perfectlywilling to be sold given away or stolenIn order to escape But he raced Joy-


Rack at the close of the last actUaytwTho was triad the play was over

W w-


f OPENINGS ELSEWHEREEzra Kendall In The Vinegar

Buyer at the Savoy and Cecil Spoonsir In My LadxIeggy Goes to Town-at Daly will be reviewed In TheEvening World later In the weekDavid Warfleld was tbrdlally welcomedtack to New York at the VictoriaTheatre where hA waJ again seen InIII appeullnely lifelike Impersonation

of Simon Levy In The AuctioneerMaria Bates In her Inimitable charac-terization


of the bibulous Irish womanrepeated her original hiLCingdodo with Raymond U4tc ock stillon the throne held c urt at the GrandOperaHouse wbera the merry PIxIeLuders musical piece went with a rushand a roarJoaeP11 Jeftcreon opened-a week of repertoire at tho HarlemOperAHouse In Rip Van WinkleBhakeapearea tragedy of Othellowith Creaton Clarke aa lego EdwinHolt All the Moor and Laura HopeCrews as Peimonda was the ambitiousoffering ct the Pornelly Stock Com-pany


attb Murray Hill TheatreTolstoli Resurrection which wasliven an Interesting production by the

a American Theatre Stock Company drewY audiences which taxed the capacity of4 the houeeIsabel Irving who made

her flrst New York appearance as atar at the West End Theatre scored-

a pleasing success as Virginia CarvelIn The crLsieThe Old Homestead with ArchloNBoyd aa UndoJosh and a support of general excel-lence


drew a large audience to tileUtropollsThe Fatal Wedding-was the attraction at Proctors Fiftyeighth Street TheatreMlCkey Finncaused the Third venue Theatre to

cho with laugbterHaPpY Hooli-gan


went optimistic way at theBtard3ot Manchesters Crackcrjackaserved up burlesque arid jaudovlllo Atthe Dewey

VAUDEVILLE BILLSColoand Johnson the clever colored

comedians who sing their own songswere tho hit of the bill at Keiths

J Crawford and Stanley In their skitThe Tramp the Piano and the DuJcI

1 were the chief entertainers at PastorsV The Great Goldin who was the

headliner at the Circle performed anumber ofncwnnd mystifying Illu-

eions Proctors theatres AdelaideKelm returned to the Proctor foldmaking her flrst appearance at thoFirth-AvenueTheatre na pttAsn perform

ij lf < i <1IJ1 4i ifJ 5 I


II Zzta lLntfji lfdI czpla3

PP CErrYLQ1Vri TT ctnoA7r OJ

ance of De Souchots lively farce TheMan from Mexico A strong vaude-ville


bill at the Twentythird streettheatre was headed by Barrows andLancaster In A Jolly Jollier Flor-ence


Reed made her first Harlem ap-pearance


In Mixed Pickles a laugh-able


farce at the One Hundred andTwentyfifth street theatre Jessie MaeHall and James A Klernan In TheOpening Night headed the bill at theNewark house Molntyre and Heaththe funny bockface team led thelaughter at Hurtls Seamens TheParisian novelty the electrical theatrecontinued the main attraction at theEden uaeeThe Chaputs acrobatsand balancers made their first Amer ¬

ican appearance at Hubcrs Museum

ESTABLISHED ATTRACTIONSHemalniie at tho principal playhouses


An allmround pls > er would like to Join aftrstelass uniformed train of ttfhteen yearsplaying Saturdays Sandiys and holiday firstclass batter John Ifertor No S33 Fait Twostysecond street Now York Qty

Tt Tsar Welter cb oulcn tbe undetectedturn of the dry goods houses of last sea-

son will make thslr first spiiearanc ot theseason st the Empire Grounds In East >ewYork on Saturday illy 2 at 3 P M TheT W will line ge follows w Brill-s W Moulin r r 0 Desert Ib Ud-

ScUnsel 3b Kd Anon p W Snyder ciII Coo So P Hanley ct E Purse IeAudi USIL M 11 limMe tOO frame EMlle Aneon wjw formerly pltcftoJ for the crick PenneyivanIa n n V SI C A will make hisant appearance AdJiwa Wai Moulin ciTe ot-

Tefft Waller Co No 326 Broadway cur

National A C of rOWlanD N J would

like to arrant a Come with any teaJi In

New York City avsrailni seventeen years of-

coo fn uooiitum Lay Any tsm wltrua toply the National A C wilt hOve to pLy haltexpense ot eluen men Address FreJ car-roll No 1CS Liberty street Pateraja N J

a a

Too toad flelden would lllke to loin a tnniteEn arerstlnt 15 to 16 yearIcIn play Sun-

days and holidays Atldress Jokn Dewy No208 East Gad tt


Th Trying defected the Orioles of Harlem-by a seers of 3D to B having won erery game

this season They would like to arrant Sun-

day and holiday galore with teams ateraglnc13 years of are They line up as follows W

Schanier I f D Tranibau r f M Ktessr I C link lb I Kvemon 2b I Illocx3b Wolf 0 Jones p and G SKInman a sAddress CfcarNl I Fink Captain No 1611

Mdiion area

81 Ann B C would Ilk to book taste withall teams averaging MIn years of ape Willplay Saturdays and holidays Address WarrenJUittl No 87 Adelphl street Brooklyn N Y

Nitszu Juniors would like to book tsrnes withteams tteraglnc from twelve to thirteen yearsold James Dtmott p Andrew wind lbWillltm Iwrnn yb Irving Bruted cf GeorgeClark If Joseph Do lott c floral White2b Walter Gray ss Frank White rf Ad-dress Andrew Wind csptsln and monster NoX07 Ovoid street

The Young Crystal Junon won their openingAme by defeating the Young Hoooes 07 a score

of 13 to 12 Vlnners would Ilk to arrantgames with trams averaging cleren to twelvefan to be played on any rounds Sundaysnj holidays onlj Would also like to book

camel for Sundays anl holidays Address FriskDrawer No 15H Third avenue

The Young Volunteer would lib to arranttame with teams averaging Inn to thirteenjears They line up at tallow J OirntL-trlrtt fleidi II Ilrown cenu Held c RagoTlnIett Held O Wolfsrhn evened Moo Frl drnan-fthortetop II Hagorln thin bee E Goereeitrot baa A Schone catcher B Perroanskypitcher

VThe Unions of Harlem would lib to book

tames with teams averaging twlv to fourteenyears Address firirth Coombs No 303 WestQna Hundred eat Eighteenth street

The Newklrk F r defeated the Concourse D-

D C by 13 run to 10 The Neitklrlu would Ilkto arrant came with teams averagIng fifteento sixteen yoar to be plsysvl on home grounds

n u

were Sultan of Sulu WIIIIacksnianeho Bates In The Darling of theGods Belascos Theatre with a BpeclalThursday matinee Prince of Plls nBroadway The Suburban Academyof Music There and Bock and The

Man Who Stole the Castle Princess

AMATEURS ATTENTION IWorld will nil of or

other news Inand towns In the to time as

of tho or of will be

all communications to the EditorTho World New York

for a aid bt May 10 and Auc II 23 InS 30snl Sundir In September axed Oet Wr ate sAddress George W Hn Nwltlrk CVSDOI Parksill Brooklyn

Th Memory P C will book BMmcUr ReT

noon games for Jun anl July with unKonnsd

teams amatloc puss baring homorounds AddreC Jotm hum 691 Wndo T

avenue ProneC C

Ti Darton woold like to arrests plOd withIteam fowtol to slstUefl gusdma Jooeph Cotter 300 East On Hun4 d weed

Second strutS S

it V nwn B B C bays all Saturdays In

Mar Jun and July open Would Ilk to lieutome tem oBsrttif suitable usfMU A-


Designee No 634 U Ana avenueBronx


Tiger Juniors of Harlem lea Tip

revs Funlay April 26 5 to 3 Would like to

rinw with teams 13 to 15 years 7melaralSn No 178 East Ono Hundred tad Ellblh

streetS S C

The TVInona F C would Ilk to book gem

with teams aiersElni fourteen to CftMO Ad

divas n A DolUwmy No 272 Smith streetBrooklrn


Ibe Dsyslds e< lUrlem would like to near

from two good outfielders pltolier andi withertttteea to dittoS years old Address B Zak

ainli 154 Eirt One hundredth street

Seneca Juniors would like to bear tram S few

n 4t pltiers Thai would Ilk to amor glAnd s

with the tremor Spartans WarerlrJuniors second tram Vesiy Juniors VlrtlnlaJuniors ot Fortysum street Maoris 01 n artton lUlihls Wlnthrops of Qrnenpolnt Hotroes Juniors Metropolitan Junior Apllnunion Viola Juniors Anchor Juniors Olym-


Juniors and Acme Juniors arra lni twhvet0 years of age Address Joseph Me

Glen 420 West Fortyfilth street

Tb Burtall Club would Ilk to srnnce game with out of town uniformed teams

sTtrsflm flrteen to sixteen years Address 0 CBradley 161 3d are-

a e

Eel Dsiobsll Olub would like to errantlimes with teams averaclng ttilrttsn to sli>

can yesrs ot age Address S llltlln 3CHEast Vortynlnth street


Tb Xlorrli A C hss May IT Jan 6 2021 open for any ortanltatlona tool Inducement Hmll lUsts 1231 Websteravenue

Tbe nod Stirs would like to book tanxs withearns tUlle to fourteen > eu of 15e Alldates open llr Clay 17 They will pit foraide beta of 12 and up Tbp pine is follows

ames rlrbt field Nan left field rash third

ru I Cleared My MouseI of Every IfARVjE

Insect With I ItBuQ e

tTsrrIo1 KlllPmr ttcrmtoAtM moth fptJiMies fla i roaches and every drtcrlpUon of Initci



NonSlfJlnlpuAs your drnrrft or sroeer Morpt an


Iothr If li CIa 100 hare it jocks binoau order direct rr m usIleWMirpbptywTvkCRy

iairplnl lon


Grace George In Peggy HeraldSquare Charles Hnwtrcy In A Messacofrom Mars Criterion tho nflwtitlicentury morality play liverymanGarden A Fool and Ills Money Mailleon Square Mr Blue Knicker ¬

bocker Marie Cahill in Nancy BrownDijon Lxwrenco DOrsay In The Earlof Pawtucket The

aT Or Majestic the FourColiana hi Running for OHlce Four-teenth


Street Theatre

BROOKLYN THEATRESMrs angtry In itodomolseUe Mara

a much better play than The Crossway scored a success at the Montaulc

Clyde IFtchs play Lovers Lanewas excellently preserved at the Colum ¬

blaDtIIll n Van and Nellie ONeillmade It merry hit In Bolivars DUlYDay at the Park

The Evening print challenges results gamesconcerning amateur baseball teams Greater Now York

suburban Sporting Edition From timespace permits pictures captalna star players teamspublished

Address and pictures SportingEvening







firstclass offering






bas IJoyil shortstop Currn centre IIoldOIfagta first bat Uurphy scon l baa Ciasidy CItCtir lorlose pitcher AdOre ElStreetmr Woodrtde mane 454 West TWrtylrst

Th baseball teem of the Bt Peel AthleticAssociation hag all Saturday la May u4 Junopen W would Ilk to hear from uniformedteam arerailnr seventeen to nineteen yearsOsmee IretWod on our own grounds AaJrtso

llaiemann Hsnaier No 3Cbra avenue Tompklnirllle Etatta Islandnw YorkI

Pianos and Organs-



i3d Ave i9th I

PPflaOSI Week

Americas GreatPiano Sale

Four Wonderful

Piano ValuesWilson Piano 155Harmony Piano 175Waiters Piano 195Richardson Piano 195Including Stool and Cover

Delivered on payment of S5Pianos Guaranteed for Five

and Ten Years-

DLOOMINODALe BROS-d3 Avenue SStb and Goth Streets




JQIIJOOMoo 0 D i155157 and 159 East 23d St o



I Last Weeks Immense Rush of Business Was Indeed GratifyingI It is evident the public are watching closely our special announcements and have

faith in them We offer as good or even bcttcx inducements this week which shouldappeal to your domestic economy

Large Arm RockersLike cut In Golden or Weathered Oak

j Eft-





i fibre rush seat broad list rins suitableI fur the summer home actu Co 99ally worth 1200 special °

at e-

1400 Steel and Enamelled-BedsLike 7 85

I Cut for-

SnowwhitI finish heavy continuous bentpillars beautiful brass scrolls on headand feet extended foot rail made In allsizes


Pianos and Org-


PIANOSpIANOS returned from ren-

pianos and wareroom samplesAMONG the makes included

sale are the follow-ing


Bradbury Upright ma-hogany


5300 WU 400Bradbury Upright Oak 200 was 300Bradbury Upright ma-


200wai300Steinway Upright 300 was 500Sohmtr Grand 375 was 750Kranfch Bath Baby

Grand 375wai750SchIrmer new 200 was 5250Phelps Upright Ebony 185 was 350

Upright ma-hogany


l75wa 300Hennlne Upright Oak 175 was 350Wtter roabog

any 175 was 275-

Slecdman Upright 150 was 300

New Uprights N Y make at 165185 and 200


NEW BRADBURY PIANOS300 350 400 450

EASY PAYMENTSPianos Exchanged Rented

Repaired Stored Tuned

F G SMITH Mfrl425th Avenue New York

For Salo

I I I 8

I Diamonds Watches JewelryCash or Credit One Price


WE are In lhe wholeaal business Iclileen yeanWB operate In three retell storesWI positively acre you Ito nilddlemaj projlt-WBI ask no reference item your employerWE give you honest goodsWB kop all trannctloss strlit r confljentlsl

I WE send representative If Inconvenient to railWB want your aofount



urrottN imANCK 2M SIXTH AVEnnOOKLYN jiitAsni < r FITTON BTr


Antntnfc you westClotMn Cloaks Jewelry Kurn urt Dry DuetI Shoes business seltily 000tdeoe-

liAI A G J





I ab7c GoodN5 ONriDgNTgA

C a TTphusAmerlciay alptr anti I cad Co


DRESS WELLPay Us but I Weekly

AD IIAVK YOllt CLOTHNO MAUK TO ritDB-BExchnnge W Clothing Co

ItOOlI 7 217 nilOAtMVAY N Y


iaithm C Cier-n1aiuoeia


ffiillill II cLn Ilr-

oheip a sororIty rlUtrt-orwiii tn cili-

ahiId ItuT 5 Nausau II-

UtlIOWSI wstehei Jewelry eesl > at m i iiiy-payneotsl prices reeeoaEI geeti gusra-

nle4 Inmttllsl dtllitrrl buslnms conljentlalCall write or tsleplnne JAMUiJ BSPaHANl-a l14n lae larI

Handsome Tufted Leather-ette


Coucheslike cut massive oak fumes made verysoft anti luxuriousvorth J 4 Md-oulMi tin money very 11special it

m Z1600


Dressers i 025Golden Oak

highly polishedwith 2 smilland 2 largedrawers Ham-ljome Trenchr-

orrctualple swfnl1lr

valueJI600 special

J025 r2cIL

High Back Oak-DiningChairsli-

ke cut open caneseats made extrastrong value 250special


j5 Morris 749Chairs forWith missive frames pol-

ished cushions of ex-

cellent quality

Below Cost

SpecIalFibre HairIn excellent ticking r 435S-

pecialAll Hair Mattresses45 Ibs

Atlcking 6

Cash NotArrangements made suitthe convenience the Pur-chaser

Banking and Financial Banking and Financial

3000000NEW YORK CITY 354Tax Exempt Gold Bonds

Payable In FrftyYearsTO BE SOLD TUESDAY MAY 12 1903

OFFERED DIRECT TO INVESTORS-A local Investment for trust funds exempt from taxationexcept for State purposes No uall or none bids rooelvedthus giving Investors the same advantages aa deal ere Bondsare awarded to bidders offering the highest premium-

A bid of 10875 yield 315 por cent Incomebid ol 107H yields 320 per cent Income

A bid of 10614 yields 325 per cent IncomeSend bids In a sealed envelope enclosed In the addressed envelope TWO PER

CENT OF PAR VALUE MUST ACCOMPANY DID It must be In cash or certifiedcheck on State or National bank of New York City This deposit will if requestedI

be returned day of sale to unsuccessful bidders For fuller infornutlon see CityRecord published at 2 City Hill New York

Consult any Dank or Trtut Company or addressEDWARD w GROUT Comptroller City of New York

280 Broadway York

Dentistry Dentistry












TO OUR PAINLESS METHODSand Introduce our Tliurlo Plate and most durable plate madeOur work done painlessly a simple application to the gums Weare tIle originators ol painless dentistry Our processes are patentedOur prices are within the reach of all Upld fillings Irom 100 Amal-gam fillings 50c Cleaning 50c Crowns 300 All operatorsare skilled graduates their diplomas being displayed at each chairWe give a written contract to do your work satisfactorily keepIt In repair free of charge for years Being Incorporated under tholaws of the State of New York this Is oh valueiiz IIIIOAUWAY Cor Pultun Ml Cell tt lll ST Coruor Olli41U IIUOADUAY Cor enl St HhS m AVK entrance alIcIa St714 111101DVAY Cor Alor Ilnor-

Jt IIAKIim ii Wot Ills StW 1lib St Cor nth Ate Fnerstor IIUUOKIVV i9i Pulton St cor BrldiUTII AVi bet SKI A 1Uil tIe IIDSTON 721 IVnilllllKtuu StIMIIIAIIKIIMIIA 113 North Sth StAll olllces open 9107 Not Sundays Lady attendants Telephone Coontctlons

BEWARE ol Tbcue Who IsnlUte Our Name Sign and Advertisement

rot Sal-


F f WKHfTKR ThO 317 llwsy Tel 3210 Frank

iiAil i4 tl i ek jr ur monlftry luyflIfl hoiseL prlM es termotATiu-DUPtlNflttTCIICeAl7uroodcay


writtv rAYUBMTSrine JliinunJi witchesgusrsnteed lowest price business tOIl nientlal



GEO ROBINSON LAWYERI 99 auauitUayj370 Dway 37 IIUrenlnI

Sunday World WantWork Monday Morning Wonder

oak elegantly ¬





size at

full size A C 49


of ¬





Is by

i ¬







all do not know of anythn j

ere or in your country i

uch it for information 5tnfjentlemsn in London spcsr

r the

World Almanacic Book of Reference That I

Famous Thr ghoUlthe World

Iw i < fr

di j

pya d

vaniaii 1

RAILROADSTATfOS3 deL of West TnntuilrdStrHI tatDeehrowe iM strwis

iWTlt harlot time from Dnbrorses and CartIsn4t Slrtete Is five minutes laterJITCII heloir fur Twentytliinj PtrHI stationeieipt where nlierwi netjj753 A fFAST iUIL Llmluj to two PenceCars end Dlatnt Cur Nsx Yrk 10 flttcburiUeeplrw Cr PIltsBurg to Chloato No Coachesto litaburgirs FAST LINEPiiuburi andCITOheatosc A PBWSVLVANIA LIMITEDman Compartment alecrlcc UlcSo

and OOMrratlon For Clrand-Lmifrill stUlliulClnclMtl redlnptl-

l oi P CHICAGO ANT STrcasror Toledo xastnii via cinclnnskand LeiJlsTllIe Inillanspotli CMcazo weLouf Dining Car

333 r IST LOWS FXrrtESSFnr Pittshurt Indianapolis SI Louis hueInr Cur For Welch w Va cia shennloaaValley flouts

5 US P WESTERN EXrnC53rr ChicagoKor Tolrtu e eopt EiturcUr Car

7 55 P MPACIFIC EXPnE3SFor Plttsburjand Chicago For Knoxvllln doU via Shenmlojh Valley flout Connects for Clerelsndracist Saturday

SSS I CLEVCMND AND CINCINNATInXPttBSg For Plttrfjuri Cletelsnl and Cin ¬

cinnatiVAS1UXOTON AM TilE SOUTH7S5 825 Sts Dining Car 1010 Desbrosieant CorllsrKlt Streets 10J nintig Cit JOS5Dialog Car A M 12 Co Dlntnr Car S10Deibrosses and Cortlandt Streets 2 JO 323Conirewlonal Llmltnj all Pi r lor sod Din I

Ins 3 S3 fDlnln Cot 4 z Dlnlnr Cur4BJ Drfilnc Car SR P M 1210 nlicht Sun jday 825 8 66 DlntDf Car 10 53 Dmlni CarA M 1266 DIalog Con 1325 eon rs1nlUmltd alt Parlor cal Dining Cars 325finIng Carp 421i Wnlnir Car 455 DinlnCar 823 p M 1210 night e

SOUnlEnW HAIIWAV JJS 415 PJI 1J10 nIght dallyATLANTIC COAST UXEElpress 86S A IIand 923 P 31smnruno Arm LIVE nAtLWAT1xprui

1255 P M and 1210 nl dailyNORFOLK ANtI WESTERN RAILWAT Vor

PTaihhi and New Orleans J23 P M 0111CllESAPDAKE AND OHIO nAlLVAT7tS JL

M weekdays and 4 S3 P dollyFOR OLD PoINT COMFORT AND NORFOLK

7C6 A Jl wedsrs and S55 p M dallyATLANTIC CITY 063 A M cad 2 55 131eekdsya Sundays 753 A V Throat yentu4 Trims DurJM Parlor Cars and StanHart Coaches on we k days Parlor RtnoklncCar Parlor Cars Dining Car end StanderCmchfi on Sundars

OAIB MAY 1256 P M weekdayTicket omreOvs 461 1331 113 sad 26i Drone

way i 183 Filth atenue y0low 23d 8L 251Fifth ATnue corner 29th SLI 1 Actor HouseWelt Twentythird Street ctstlon and stationfoot of DeUirmnei sod Corllsndt Strees 4Court Street SliO Fulton Street 330 Broadwaycad rnnlvaaa Annex station Drooklyatstation Jerwy Gill The New York TransferCompsny will call for IDol check bauM Iroa-hntels and residences throuah to deiUnatlon-

Telrohone 914 Etfhteentti Strut fur Iennsy1vials Railroad rah Serrlc-

W W ATTEJIDURY J n WOODGeneral Manarer nenl Pass Aunt

New York GenitalTrain arrlre and depart front Grand Central

Station 42d Street NOT York as follow1AIIGIldnlllbt EuyreiaaIOAM754AwSyrscu e Local tBn PM jtS80 AMEmpire Slate tpt1000 PM843 AM Fsat 10XAMt-

lOSOAM Day Bursts t7fK PM Jtl130 Aynullnd Clpress 1700 PMiero PIIllurrl United100 PMSouthotsteni Limited GOO PMlOO patcZeIcgo Llraltedt245 PlITwentleth Caatury Limited 330 AM-

t3 30 PMAlrny and Troy Flyertil10 AMspa aiAlbany Ciprsas t200 PMlad Plletrolt S Chicago Speclal100 AOI

530 POThe Lake fiber Llalted 810 PM U530 PMClncInnaU A St Loots Ltd 2 K PM800 PMWeitera Elpress 1I 43 PM825 PMHoptril Express 72fl AM7SOPMAdlroniaclt C Mon Ex 8 5S AM

BOO PMflurak Special 723 AM0915 PCSI8poltI Plod Limited 721A-MD20PXIS W Special 710 AiM9300MPa Erpress SM AJI-

llSO PMNorthern K T Eipreas 723 AOJ-Dallr tCirept Sua4sy tExcept Monday

11AHLRM DIVISION908 A U and 3 55 P 11 except Sunday te-

Fltuaeld and North Mama Sundays at 920 11Pullman Oars on all through trainsTrains IIiumlnatedwlth lan Llcht

Ticket office at 17 261 and 1216 Broad-way 25 Union q W75 Columbus aol IllWest 125th at 125th st Station and 133th BtStation New York 331 and 725 Fulton st assjoe Broadway D Brooklyn

Telephone roo 38ta Street for V w Tork C ntral Some Deems checked from hotelor residence by Wtstoott Eiweis CompanyA H SSIITII OBORCB H DANIELS

Pen Saptorlnteadeat On Paas Aunt




If you have good teeth takecare of them If you have badteeth have them attended to Wedont care what ths condition of I

your teeth we en fix them upand guarantee satisfaction If toofar gone well make a net setextract your teeth in the morningwith ut one bit of pain and havethe new set ready for you to wearhome at night No charge forExamination or Consultation

All Work Guaranteed 10 TearI Full Sets at Teefi JSooI Gold JrowflS IS karat 41500

Gold FllHait Sr upSilver FitlingsSoc up

VWaterbury Dental Parlors



414416 Fulton SL 54 W 23d it-O4 door wat Abraain Opp eden bfuasi

A fltraus-aUanrk 8 to O Sunday 0 to 4

German French and Swedish spo-



nuke all operations com-



Most sensitive

teeth carefoflyfilled Most

nervous persons gently

treated Skilful workskilfully done without

shock to the system

I t-

I Qotd Crown 4BrHtt f0I Gold HllllnjlrI lard Fillings I 52-


I 1

UutF1mg with Cocaine J-



205 TH AYE-S vUI lUll T-




iP Sixth Avcnce-


ic i

nit i