II :', a 'k f· Id Wish Yo[uths COOtest - Wayne …newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald...

I I ,. II W' 'k Id ' :', a e"'·1 Wish /.j Win G·· ... C1Il ."..., Pictured above Is Cook, daughter' of Mr. and A. Paul Cook, who will be tured sol'oist at the Wayne band's third annual winUr cert Jan. 15 at the city au torium. A senior, she will play .RiCh .. aj;d acoompany. Miss C-()Qk. The pro-gram will also include drum and bass section ,noveltf"' and the usual fare of conc rt numbers, overtures and march s. . . Held for Mrs. . Dwight Lambf'rt, braska Noxious Vv'('cd and !-.ilO\\',sild{'s trol at til(' ailnual Wayn(' coun1y NOXIOUS tric1. Jan. 17. TIl(' mcptillg is . at 1:30 p.m. at thl' REA buildJllg , I' Yo[uths COOtest I p. T A Conference I Siated Saturday . A Third DiRtrict P-TA encc \\ ill' be held' at the student union Salurday, it nounced toJay lJy Dll;trict tor Mrs. C. F. Bacon, Registration \\1il1 open at in thc' l""\VCA room. Ruth Ann Troutman. daughter of Mr, and l\1rs. J ames Troutman, was named winner of 'the Wayne county 4-H cherry pie baking con- test Thursday afternoon at the REA bu4ldtng. will NIO&iv8 only ,one plate !when buy their 1956 IilCenso platea, Countt Treasurer Leona r-eminded this week,. She that many persons, were Extensive building l alld ing highlighted 19551 as good year for Waynr. figures 01 Install Kiwanis Officer'S Monday'; Present Prizes New officers were installed at a mcetmg of KIwanis clllh Tuesday 110011 atlHotel Morrison. .so IJrcscnt to n:cein! their Pl"lzcs. dent, Herman Lundbergi, treasurer. Directors will meel:: Tuesday to name a secretary. Lighting contest pre- sent were :VIr. and Mrs. Norms Weiblc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack KiIlg- ston, Mrs. Ralph Eaton. Mr. aIild Jim Hein, Mrs. J. N. Einung ;lnrl :\11' and Mrs. Roy meier. A Ill'W plan was started Tuesday where a student of one of the 1Ml :;chooL.,; will be <.l guest for a month. Charil's Koeber, Wayne d,lgn. is the Janual'y I:epresentatlve. Wayne Prep and WSTC will be represent· ed III altCl'1l3tlllg months. Home Agent Planning Slipcover Workshop COWlty Home Agent Myrtle Anc:lcrson will hdld a slipcoverihg workshop a.t tho, courthouse Jan. 7-19, ¥he today. Persons intere ted in slipcov¢r- ing chait"s co ld contact the County .E;xtcpslO 1 office to make arrangements . Jstate (;ase from County Court Decree Beaver trapping has been good; this winter for Ivan Anoerson. In this picture taken Friday, Ander-son is sho-wn rlJRp'laying his twelfth beaver since season's opening 15. Size of the animal was estimated at about 45' pounds. Its pelt will be nearly as large as the one displayed: here. Anders.ort S<;!id this I er Imarket had not lished, ,but a large pelt such as the. was worth . 'Meat f,rom tbis giv-en the Wayne I annual game feed Andersbn said. County Home Agent Myrtle Andel"Son said Miss Troutman will represent Wayne county in the state contest at Lincoln Jan. 25. The vlinner receiiVed 943 polnts out a possible 1,000. Second place went 1:0 Loreta DaJll.lhe, Wayne, with 930. Jane Kant, Win- side, was third with 921. Wayne bank assets totalled over eight million dollars at the end of 1955, figurps revealed today in statements' of condition listed by t;:;att:s e one. In the case of semi-tractors, where they are mounted in the front. Comnw::-clal truckers were re· to brJ,ng a new certified acale ticket ,to tlile office at the time the Ucense is purchased. r All vehle'e lowners were asked to bring thieJ.r 1955 license cer- tificate froom the steering post Issued ,Miss said about 250 Ii- cenE;eS had "been issuep since sales opened, Tuesday. Add T. wo Instruct. to College Englisl1 ------------ lion. i No. 35 d --- made '0'· the second semester. LocCliI Firm Ruys ActIng PreSident 1'lllton J, Hassel ,. announced today. . Laurel Busiiness The two are Mrs. Jo Maoklm GiUreatll, Wayne, and Ruth E. Beckenhauer FW1etal service, Bump, Lawrence, Kan. They will Way'".!e. has So-I s 0 replace Dr. and Mrs. William A. Furmturc; and home. Selz, who have been ilranted Laurel, 1t was anno 'Ced today f;:I:' Europe and will return to 'Wayne Jan. 1. next fall. Mrs. Gilreath her bach- ",. rc September. She pre\'1 usly taught from I the I store and three years at Hartlng on, operate the busines$el' sep3]rate- MISS Bump has been English in- Iy. : - strllctoJ' at the Univcrsity ot Becke-nhauer se1V11,e was etsab- sas. She l'l'ceived hcr bachelor's lished in Wayne in Hj09 by wll- degree at Olivet college, Ill. and a liam now retired. master's from the of He in partne with thc Wyomll1g. Before going to Kansas late J. ,P. Gaertner the pres- Oklru:oma and· at i::dt was b l at Fourth The late Andrew founded the La,urei business I iI'l' 1906 and joined by his Fred. in Home Extension Group Slates Monday Meeting Wayne County Home Extension council will meet. at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the courthouse. it was announced today by Mrs. Basil Osburn. newly--elected chaIrman. Standing committees for will be announced and goals the year discussed. Members receive their Dec. 29: Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Jensen, Emerson, a daughter. 7 lbs., 11 Wakefield hospital. Dec, .31: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Moser, Emerson. a son, 8 100., 15 ozs., Wakefield hospital. Dec. 29: Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Paulsen, Laurel, a daughter, JUlie Rochelle, 7 Ibs., 5% ozs., Wake- field hospital. Dec. 30: Mr. and Mrs. Verner Laurel, a son, 11 Ibs.,' 7 ozs., wakefieldrhospital. Dec. 30: Mr. d Mrs. LeRoy Creamer, Dixon. daoghter. Bar- Housing By Wayne tate . ,. II, 2* OZ6.. Ben- Grav/,side Housing for W8 en stud- ents will be ba Iy I eded dur· ing the second ester, which ap.ens 23, Dean iof Students Milton "\ Hassel announced to- day. -' :. Both men's resideilce halls on campus are full, Hassel said, and additional inquiries and applica· tions for admissi-on a;re still co.m- For Wagner 3')< ozs" Bentnack hospital. .. church cemetery, B oomfield, for hospital. Ralph :Raymond W gncd son of Dec. 30: Mr. Mr. ard 2.\11's. H ns 'IWagnct, Harmeier, Bloomfkld. The in ant ,died 90t Cathy Ann, hirth the home 3f Mr$. Leora Ded. 30: Mr. Relocation to StCirt at Once State Engineer 1... N. Ress said Thursday surveyors will begin work at onoo along the route of Highway 35 between Wakefield and Emerson. State Highway AdvisorY com- miSsion members voted last 'Wednesday to approve the new rou;te, which will ..... run east-west a mile north of the preseht highway. Ress said' plans caIl for placing the seven-mile section wlq1er con- tract this year. Contracts have alread',' been for the 'Wayne-WakefIeld! of -the highway. Hobe Cons-ctruc- construction I of ·bridges this w{-'ek. ana grading! will Both sections of the highway will have Winside (:ouple ESCilpes Injury in. Friday CrilSh Mr. and Mrs. Clarenqe Witt, Wil1side, es4apcd injury, Friday when their cluto was involved in a collision with a semi-trailer 6%. the dual wheels I of a hailer d1"i;;'en by Herman Bi'ugge man, Hoskif!.s; caught the ,of tlw !Dam- ,age was at $300. 'bfn Wayne residents who have late Nels Nelsen, Wayne, has been rOGms they would bie willing. t'O appealed to lJistnet court hN"e flce and list rooms! as soon as ing in. by Carroll, I a i: Nickols, Wayne.. 1 th: possible. Phone number is 792. -. _ ................. -. _= .. __ ......... -. Phone Your News to 130 i Reynold Alnderson. t Gl"imm, with whom 11(' made hiS llllnl(' ;,tbout years WlIhout rl'- mUlll'l'Cllion to the dau)2:h'tt'l' , County Judge David J. Hamer One son of Nels Nelsen, Peter Nelsen. agreed tlhat the snouj'd bejong to' the Grimm ryeirs to comp:ensate for the ca e given Nelsen In the qnmm ho e. Four other 11\ Ill):?;, childrcn u granddaugh1('l' contend the should bl' ]Jiac('d 111 ('statl' and dl\'lded cllually al hell'S. The appeal from court was maUl' bv Enc lJell\'Ci!' .:'III'S Anila Lutt, :\1<1110\ Lutt }.lis Stena lidnll11Cr and :VII'S Franl'cs Nichols, t Gl'lmm hell'!:> al'c, thrl'C s Il!:l. Dale, LcRu) and Nob. Seven Studenfs II Receive Musk . were fk senteGi scholarships at a 'Conv ca- tiun last Wednesday morninl-! by head of t?e !' Fritz Ellis Birth First in Leader Training Meets Farm Economy Meet Only Report Scheduled at Ponca PI n d I.t E ' Leach I tJ ill1lng S('SSlons for e [mIrson E t d' Dixon l'Ollnty 11On1(' extensIOn club pi ohll'm of til(' fann- n ere In l(;t H s , 5 6 C it was announced by County Agent at n!.XOll Agent ontest Howunl Gilli\spit, GIJl<.lSpJl' );a](i today. Ann Marie 8 , . Th(' I.m{,l'.ting Il)t' IWld. III tIl{' gu'l, who arrived at County Farm Brings .. :;S $244.50 at Auction lw Evrrdt PC'j{,I'S01 and Eldon first baby cant t. She was A 200-acre Waync county farm, to WakefiC'kl , 4-H and FF'A The infant, of ,Mr. Wayne>. at auction at the cow.t- and 1M rs. Fritz Ellis, wwaynej house Tu('sday for $244.50 an delivered t by Dr, alter ... Use !Wayne Want Ads "', C f C M b h · boys, Douglas ,and David, and o . em er;s IP I rive Seeks $6.300 of the first 1956 , l ,. baby are Mr. Mrs. Fred I Wayne CI1amhel of and Mr. and MrS. Charles SIeck .. t t d t I b _C t man Waync s ar (> 1 S annua mern night that all)' ov{' subscnptlOn of As the first paby born In the dilIV{' Wedm'sday \ .. Ith two teams fundsl woulri b(' u ('d to fllliher new year, Ann {,yiH be the df campaign WOI kers compctmg rffOi of agllculturE' ent o[ numerorglfts offered bv ! get frankful tel's and beans m\ttefs Rules s.peclf parcqts of fm a st,--ak dmnl'l," Losers \VlIl and 1ndustrlUi de\f!opment com- Wa) ne merchan I Heading the ttO teams are Te}m Rosters baby must resldt lfl Wayne or ad r Bob Harrison a d Ted Arm- RodtC'rs at the c mpetlllg teams countles except Madison. __________ +-_1 bruster Compet tlon IS on a al(' follows I and ust be s bSCl'lbers to The pomt baSIS I as I new Halrison Milt IMason K N Wavn G N fIVe, and former ,,"ember raises land IEarl Ohver Itl alY Rmehart, wa ... Photo company, dues, 20. Al VoorhIes, BIIIt DaVIS, Jean cafe, rless Re II store, wayne S t I I ,Jd b Nuss I Henry C A cream ry, Stat National bana, Cl Ul!:res f y Ral rl Don WlghtmfiJ'l, Jack MIller, Tiedt e's, GamJj}es, BUrman s Brandstettrr and Fled solutp. mllllmums are $0 $1_, AI' bruster' .TL Hem, W L. GIllette daIry. layne Book store. rcspettJ\('l) I ElliS, K M Eldon Seyler. Felbers pharm cy. Surber's fuJi- TIl(' till'''' day rl'CIUltmg drlVe Geor e Belles, Gfee nlture, First N tional bank and \\lll he completed "Frlday I Jim an Buskn k Al Kern HerQ' Tne Wayne Her ld. Goal for the campaign Iis the Koll oqten, Paul' cterson, War] Prizes wIll m ttde milk, a 1956 budget of $6.300 Prbsldent ren uskell Dick ern. T P Rob-I graph savmgs ccounts, gasolme, Wiltse told worke!J at an erts ene Ronan. Harold Ingalls, popcorn popper bottles and otI11r organIzatJonal mc(.'tIng .11UCSday I Art olters and eOlgc Crlswelli lllfant needs. j e 1 " I I , ' Construction and totalled $562,750 as with $472,500' in 1 years figure Is nearly amount for 1953. The had In the Tue5Uay •. Day Wednesday Thursday. , Friday ........... .l.24 .•• Monday ••. ___ 46 Tuesday __ .44- Temperatures are m. to. 8 a. In. and pre.c!p:itatiQn from 5 P. III. to 5 p.

Transcript of II :', a 'k f· Id Wish Yo[uths COOtest - Wayne …newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald...


I ,.

II W' 'k f· Id ' :', a e"'·1 ~ Wish


Win G·· ... C1Il ."...,

Pictured above Is Cook, daughter' of Mr. and A. Paul Cook, who will be tured sol'oist at the Wayne band's third annual winUr cert Jan. 15 at the city au torium.

A senior, she will play .RiCh .. aj;d

~g~I~~.I~;~~~~~dc~ ~~~~f)I!rI';; acoompany. Miss C-()Qk.

The pro-gram will also include drum and bass section ,noveltf"' and the usual fare of conc rt numbers, overtures and march s. . . Funera~ Service~ Held for Mrs. .

Dwight Lambf'rt, braska Noxious Vv'('cd ~p('ak and !-.ilO\\',sild{'s trol at til(' ailnual Wayn(' coun1y NOXIOUS tric1. Jan. 17.

TIl(' mcptillg is . at 1:30 p.m. at thl'

REA buildJllg

, I'

-~RAnD Yo[uths

COOtest I p. T A Conference

I Siated Saturday

. G~!,. ~u~ty ~,~u~kt~necs A Third DiRtrict P-TA encc \\ ill' be held' at the student union Salurday, it nounced toJay lJy Dll;trict tor Mrs. C. F. Bacon, Registration \\1il1 open at in thc' l""\VCA room.

Ruth Ann Troutman. daughter of Mr, and l\1rs. J ames Troutman, was named winner of 'the Wayne county 4-H cherry pie baking con­test Thursday afternoon at the REA bu4ldtng.

will NIO&iv8 only ,one plate !when ~hey buy their 1956 IilCenso platea, Countt Treasurer Leona Ba~e r-eminded this week,. She add~ that many persons, were

Extensive building l alld ing highlighted 19551 as good year for Waynr. figures

~t!~.dr~~e;:!~ ~~~~.'{va~ter~.


Install Kiwanis Officer'S Monday'; Present Prizes

New officers were installed at a mcetmg of Wi'lYI~e KIwanis clllh Tuesday 110011 atlHotel Morrison.

~~~!~~~~~~s ::1ht~;~~ cl~;~i~~~ w~~~! .so IJrcscnt to n:cein! their Pl"lzcs.

pa~~u~~ni!, t~h~r~~i:c~~~~ ~a~ ;ro;~~ill!~UP~il;;:,he:;ccOf~~e~~ dent, i~.and Herman Lundbergi, treasurer. Directors will meel:: Tuesday to name a secretary. Lighting contest winJl~rs pre-

sent were :VIr. and Mrs. Norms Weiblc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack KiIlg­ston, Mrs. Ralph Eaton. Mr. aIild .~llC\. Jim Hein, Mrs. J. N. Einung ;lnrl :\11' and Mrs. Roy Lan~e­meier.

A Ill'W plan was started Tuesday where a student of one of the 1Ml :;chooL.,; will be <.l guest for a month. Charil's Koeber, Wayne d,lgn. is the Janual'y I:epresentatlve. Wayne Prep and WSTC will be represent· ed III altCl'1l3tlllg months.

• Home Agent Planning Slipcover Workshop

COWlty Home Agent Myrtle Anc:lcrson will hdld a slipcoverihg workshop a.t tho, courthouse Jan. 7-19, ¥he 3nnou~ced today.

Persons intere ted in slipcov¢r­ing chait"s co ld contact the County .E;xtcpslO 1 office to make arrangements .

APpe¢l~ Jstate (;ase from County Court Decree

Beaver trapping has been good; this winter for Ivan Anoerson. In this picture taken Friday, Ander-son is sho-wn rlJRp'laying his twelfth beaver tr~pped since season's opening De~. 15. Size of the animal was estimated at about 45' pounds. Its pelt will be nearly as large as the one displayed: here.

Anders.ort S<;!id this I er Imarket had not lished, ,but a large pelt such as the. ri~ht was worth . 'Meat f,rom tbis giv-en the Wayne I annual game feed Andersbn said.

County Home Agent Myrtle Andel"Son said Miss Troutman will represent Wayne county in the state contest at Lincoln Jan. 25. The vlinner receiiVed 943 polnts

out o~ a possible 1,000. Second place went 1:0 Loreta DaJll.lhe, Wayne, with 930. Jane Kant, Win­side, was third with 921.

Wayne bank assets totalled over eight million dollars at the end of 1955, figurps revealed today in statements' of condition listed by

~:r:~~o t;:;att:se a~~lc~r~~~~s o~~;


onT;~:~:~e: t~~e t~~c~°fx~~~~ In the case of semi-tractors, where they are mounted in the front.

Comnw::-clal truckers were re· mln~ed to brJ,ng a new certified acale ticket ,to tlile treasu~e"'s office at the time the Ucense is purchased. r

All vehle'e lowners were asked to bring thieJ.r 1955 license cer­tificate froom the steering post

::it:~~h~~OOC~~~ff:a~e~e Issued ,Miss Bahd~ said about 250 Ii­

cenE;eS had "been issuep since sales opened, Tuesday.

Add T. wo Instruct. o~s to College Englisl1 Fa~ulty

~~~~ ~r~tlin~~;~rt7~';ie ------------lion. • ~ i ~n No. 35

EI~~~h ~~;aJ~~~eO~~l~~~~T~nh~~ • d ---bec~ made '0'· the second semester. LocCliI Firm Ruys ActIng PreSident 1'lllton J, Hassel ,. announced today. . Laurel Busiiness

The two are Mrs. Jo Maoklm ~-GiUreatll, Wayne, and Ruth E. Beckenhauer FW1etal service, Bump, Lawrence, Kan. They will Way'".!e. has purch~ed So-I s 0

replace Dr. and Mrs. William A. Furmturc; and Fu.j1~'al home. Selz, who have been ilranted Laurel, 1t was anno 'Ced today

:::~:s;:;~b~;~h f;:I:' to:/~: ~a~i~l~i~~~f~h ~Jo a~~~~~s~~ Europe and will return to 'Wayne Jan. 1.

next fall. RoWwall~.ews,.la,;dmahn'a~aenldthehiSLaS01lu'".el' Mrs. Gilreath reCC.h~d her bach- ",. •

~~o~~~s ~~~~~fn~ro~~ ~ rc :n~~~~ ~"o'!,e~;reneL~i~~f· f~~:~arl~~~! September. She pre\'1 usly taught from I the furnitur~ I store and three years at Hartlng on, operate the busines$el' sep3]rate-

MISS Bump has been English in- Iy. : -strllctoJ' at the Univcrsity ot Kan~ Becke-nhauer se1V11,e was etsab­sas. She l'l'ceived hcr bachelor's lished in Wayne in Hj09 by wll­degree at Olivet college, Ill. and a liam ~ckenhauer. now retired. master's from the ~niversity of He wa~ in partne hi~ with thc Wyomll1g. Before going to Kansas late J. ,P. Gaertner nt~l the pres-

0~~ve\a~n~g~~ Oklru:oma and· at i::dt ~:rr!~a~y was bl

'l~ at Fourth

The late Andrew ~ol~o founded the La,urei business I iI'l' 1906 and 7s~;. joined by his ~ioni Fred. in

Home Extension Group Slates Monday Meeting

Wayne County Home Extension council will meet. at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the courthouse. it was announced today by Mrs. Basil Osburn. newly--elected chaIrman.

Standing committees for will be announced and goals the year discussed. Members receive their yearboo~ •

Dec. 29: Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Jensen, Emerson, a daughter. 7 lbs., 11 o~s., Wakefield hospital.

Dec, .31: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Moser, Emerson. a son, 8 100., 15 ozs., Wakefield hospital.

Dec. 29: Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Paulsen, Laurel, a daughter, JUlie Rochelle, 7 Ibs., 5% ozs., Wake­field hospital.

Dec. 30: Mr. and Mrs. Verner ~adsen, Laurel, a son, 11 Ibs.,' 7 ozs., wakefieldrhospital.

Dec. 30: Mr. d Mrs. LeRoy Creamer, Dixon. daoghter. Bar-

Housing N~eded By Wayne tate . ,. II, tl~~~ ~i:al~bS.. 2* OZ6.. Ben-

Grav/,side Rite~ H~ld w~~~~::aMga~~~rs;J.;:tz8~~~ Housing for W8 en stud-ents will be ba Iy I eded dur· ing the second ester, which ap.ens ~~n. 23, Dean iof Students Milton "\ Hassel announced to-day. -' :.

Both men's resideilce halls on campus are full, Hassel said, and additional inquiries and applica· tions for admissi-on a;re still co.m-

For Wagner In~ant 3')< ozs" Bentnack hospital.

ne~J:~C .. s~fe s~~tcln';i r~,'~f~a:~11~ K~'~a:~~, ~o~n~ ~r::sO!~~~ church cemetery, B oomfield, for hospital. Ralph :Raymond W gncd son of Dec. 30: Mr. Mr. ard 2.\11's. H ns 'IWagnct, Harmeier, Bloomfkld. The in ant ,died 90t Cathy Ann, hirth i~' the home 3f Mr$. Leora Ded. 30: Mr.

Relocation to StCirt at Once

State Engineer 1... N. Ress said Thursday surveyors will begin work at onoo along the p~'opos~d route of Highway 35 between Wakefield and Emerson.

State Highway AdvisorY com­miSsion members voted last 'Wednesday to approve the new rou;te, which will ..... run east-west a mile north of the preseht highway. Ress said' plans caIl for placing

the seven-mile section wlq1er con­tract this year.

Contracts have alread',' been for the 'Wayne-WakefIeld! of -the highway. Hobe Cons-ctruc-

I~~ierroili~~hrt i~~~ndeg~~~)U~~~ construction I of ·bridges this w{-'ek. ~v:tA~~~ ana grading! will

Both sections of the highway will have "b~acktop sutfa~ng.

• Winside (:ouple ESCilpes Injury in. Friday CrilSh

Mr. and Mrs. Clarenqe Witt, Wil1side, es4apcd injury, Friday when their cluto was involved in a collision with a semi-trailer 6%.

m~~ttS~~~~~~'i~~ ::f1~tl('n the dual wheels I of a hailer d1"i;;'en by Herman Bi'ugge man, Hoskif!.s; caught the ~id£' ,of tlw cal~,. !Dam­,age was e~ti,mated at $300.

• $:r~~st~~~d 'bfn tn~c ~~\~;~nOLof(h~ Wayne residents who have late Nels Nelsen, Wayne, has been rOGms they would bie willing. t'O appealed to lJistnet court hN"e ~~~\~Os~~d;tu~ea:te J:~~~!t~~ lO~Oe~:~11~ ~a~O~~~Y bC~~~'\~~~~CC6ut flce and list rooms! as soon as

ing in. ~~C:~~f'an't'~J~~;'Viv~Jdt by ~hu~s~~~ ~~~Yt~t Carroll, I a

~~~~na~~d i: ~'f~~lIf~;~~~aW:~~t~, K~I~~, 3i;je:\rc1~ ~i~, C~a~o~ Nickols, Wayne.. 1 ~~~~f~~~, th: J'~gh~; of~r ~d

possible. Phone number is 792.

~O~~~\;tcr,bl't~\~~:('n latJ;lm;~;.~~. aQ~lt~ ~. -. _ ................. -. _= .. __ --."i",~=-._=_ ......... -. Phone Your News to 130 i t~I~. Reynold Alnderson. Wake~ t

Gl"imm, with whom 11(' made hiS

llllnl(' ;,tbout ~J years WlIhout rl'­mUlll'l'Cllion to the dau)2:h'tt'l'

, County Judge David J. Hamer

~~ le:~t~:e~O~drs~hp'~il!~~ ~~ii:s~ One son of Nels Nelsen, Peter Nelsen. agreed tlhat the b~d snouj'd bejong to' the Grimm ryeirs to comp:ensate for the ca e given Nelsen In the qnmm ho e.

Four other 11\ Ill):?;, childrcn u granddaugh1('l' contend the should bl' ]Jiac('d 111 ('statl' and dl\'lded cllually al

hell'S. The appeal from court was maUl' bv Enc lJell\'Ci!' .:'III'S Anila Lutt, :\1<1110\ Lutt }.lis Stena lidnll11Cr and :VII'S Franl'cs Nichols, t

Gl'lmm hell'!:> al'c, thrl'C s Il!:l.

Dale, LcRu) and Nob.

• Seven Studenfs II Receive Musk .

S~e~~t~~('$!~~~ were fk senteGi scholarships at a 'Conv ca­tiun last Wednesday morninl-! by

head of t?e !'

Fritz Ellis Bo'y'~ Birth First in IWayn~/_WC1kffi~~Hosp;tols Leader Training Meets Farm Economy Meet Only Report Scheduled at Ponca PI n d I.t E '

Leach I tJ ill1lng S('SSlons for ~n e [mIrson E t d' Dixon l'Ollnty 11On1(' extensIOn club Lcorlom~c pi ohll'm of til(' fann- n ere In i~~~~~~:IO\~ 1\I)f:~~ph~~d l(;t H t~l fo~:~~ ;1:ce~~ltYn~~\1l11~1(~11 s !~~LL<;~f~) ~~~ , 5 6 C it was announced by County Agent at Em{'rso.n~ n!.XOll ~~ounty Agent ontest Howunl Gilli\spit, 1I0\\'ar~ GIJl<.lSpJl' );a](i today. Ann Marie Ell~i" 8 ,

• . Th(' I.m{,l'.ting I.\'~ll Il)t' IWld. III tIl{' gu'l, who arrived at

County Farm Brings :~.\~1~ ~~:~~f~g n~~~lcd1~~~~~~id~lts ~ .. :;S ~g;~r~~)tl~'~~n~'r ~f ~~s:~:s' $244.50 at Auction lw Evrrdt PC'j{,I'S01 and Eldon first baby cant t. She was

A 200-acre Waync county farm, ;cl~;~~~~d S~~~~~I~~';( 1.~~;7~·li{~~~~ 7I~1al~9~ g:eb~ I~~~rted to

~f~·.t ~'~stl~~~I~t~o N~~o~cISJCl~ff~~~~ ~(~~:,~~' WakefiC'kl, 4-H and FF'A The infant, ~aughter of ,Mr. Wayne>. at auction at the cow.t- • and 1M rs. Fritz Ellis, wwaynej house Tu('sday for $244.50 an w~s delivered t by Dr, alter ... _~_ Use !Wayne Hera~d Want Ads "', i~ent~:c~~!n~.i i~f/.o~~e ch~:

C f C M b h· D· boys, Douglas ,and David, and

o . em er;s IP I rive ~~~h;~'e~:,~~~r:'tc'::~;~II~~i:; Seeks $6.300 ~.or B~.dget' OOG~:~~~~,·ents of the first 1956 , l ,. baby are Mr. a~d Mrs. Fred ~ll~S I

Wayne CI1amhel of Commercc~--i-------+-----~~- and Mr. and MrS. Charles SIeck ..

t t d t I b _C t man Waync s ar (> 1 S annua mern ('r~llp night that all)' ov{' subscnptlOn of As the first paby born In the dilIV{' Wedm'sday \ .. Ith two teams fundsl woulri b(' u ('d to fllliher new year, Ann {,yiH be the J,ecr~l~ df campaign WOI kers compctmg rffOi t~ of agllculturE' ('du~atJon ent o[ numerorglfts offered bv

! get frankful tel's and beans m\ttefs Rules s.peclf parcqts of th~ fm a st,--ak dmnl'l," Losers \VlIl and 1ndustrlUi de\f!opment com- Wa) ne merchan

I Heading the ttO teams are Te}m Rosters baby must resldt lfl Wayne or adr

Bob Harrison a d Ted Arm- RodtC'rs at the c mpetlllg teams JOlnlll~L countles except Madison. __________ +-_1 bruster Compet tlon IS on a al(' a~ follows I and ust be s bSCl'lbers to The pomt baSIS I as fol~ows. I new Halrison Milt IMason K N Wavn Herald~ ~~~=~r'm2~~b~l: r;.:~~~;'I~~ve~: ~l~rkWC GN S~~~l~' r~f~lSciZ'~~:1 th~~s~~s:t ~~ d~f~~t~~:~;~~p~ fIVe, and former ,,"ember raises land IEarl Ohver ItlalY Rmehart, wa ... n~ Photo company, .l.~Yla'~ dues, 20. Al VoorhIes, BIIIt DaVIS, Jean cafe, rless Re II store, wayne S t I I ,Jd b Nuss I Henry Ba~wnbl"UCh C A cream ry, Stat National bana,

Cl Ul!:res ('~ m~niums m$l~ f y Ral rl Don WlghtmfiJ'l, Jack MIller, Tiedt e's, GamJj}es, BUrman dalr~: 1ll~~~d~~J~ ~~~ $~~ ~~I)'lTIlfl" Af~~ ~:~~~l s Brandstettrr and Fled ~~~!er~(,le~a~;l ~~ie~n~iec~;r, solutp. mllllmums are $0 al~d $1_, AI' bruster' .TL Hem, W L. GIllette daIry. layne Book store. rcspettJ\('l) I ElliS, K M Old~ Eldon Seyler. Felbers pharm cy. Surber's fuJi­

TIl(' till'''' day rl'CIUltmg drlVe Geor e Belles, Gfee Fredllckso~'1 nlture, First N tional bank and \\lll he completed "Frlday I Jim an Buskn k Al Kern HerQ' Tne Wayne Her ld.

Goal for the campaign I is the Koll oqten, Paul' cterson, War] Prizes wIll m ttde milk, a ph~td-1956 budget of $6.300 Prbsldent ren uskell Dick ern. T P Rob-I graph savmgs ccounts, gasolme, Willal~d Wiltse told worke!J at an erts ene Ronan. Harold Ingalls, popcorn popper bottles and otI11r organIzatJonal mc(.'tIng .11UCSday I Art olters and eOlgc Crlswelli lllfant needs. j

e 1 " I I , '

Construction and totalled $562,750 as with $472,500' in 1 years figure Is nearly amount for 1953. The had In


Tue5Uay •. Day Wednesday Thursday. , Friday ........... .l.24

~~~~~ya~ .•• ~::~~:::d::ri Monday ••. ___ 46 Tuesday __ .44-

Temperatures are m. to. 8 a. In. and pre.c!p:itatiQn from 5 P. III. to 5 p.

· · · · , ,J

" · · ., .', :~.: , · l

,. I, , • ·



PLATFORM 5-Rockerl' some swivels,

l-Lorge freen Rocker,

l-Foom Rubber Rocker, 1

I-Huge tacker, 25.00 Off



Quality ME,rctlandis,e

'WOOL RUPS Room Size 'Rugs Lost Longer

Wool Rug, 69.00 Quolity

Reg. 13.95

Now 8:95 Prices Smashed ..

'r ), ~,~~~ ~

Lowest Pric~s



),11". dnl! Ml':', Clirfnrd c(,\pbralcd !hf'il' 1:w(·ntie1h ding, anni·:_'l"sary TuC':-.day !lll1g with a d<l)lCl' III the auditorium. TIl(' coupl!" man'iN\ Tke, :lG, 19:3.:' ill B(%.'I1, Calif. Ab(~ut 1:10 frol11 S\lIT01l11dill(~ 10\\'11$ I I {'(l. Gifts 01 chitl!!. and \\('I'I'"jlll'selljed to' 1111.' DHhls, Dah! prl's"111('d his WIfe' (I

,dflllL;11tpl" \\ !!il ('O)".';agl'.';. Folh 'ing 1111' d~lr:c(' ])v,hls enll'rl J

flt a lunch('~m in lhl'll' Skipper r~C't".L: illl,d 11:S

Open HOIjS~ H~ld at Fred Dangb$rg ;Rarm

Over 100 rrkhds' ~nd attl'ndod oren \10USC' 'at the i farm hom~' or M:r, and Mrs. Dangbcrg sund!Y .. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Dangbel" acted as hosts: Others hE'lpinp.; with rC'ft('sh~

~i~I~1:1;~'('~.f!~~l"S~:;~~~ Tlty;~~~ ~~~'n~~~~OI{n~O ~~~,I~E~rST~~~ 1\1),5 VI'l"nll' HUllbert had charge of thC' ;J;lIl'st took. Dangb€'rgs

~rgs ~~~il~'lj~l~~·ghleTS receive4

St. \aul's EvJning Cir~le St. Pacll's E"q'ning Circle! met

. Thmsdny withl :viI's. Mathild~ Harms gi\'ing dcvotions antl

I ~(~~\' '%·ss~~, Vo~k('r having the

I Barbara ~rahm Eng;ged

-:;;;:;:::;1~::===t=~-;::=-:::::::=::-::±: J.\;ri,~ 'land iVIr's . .' Hf'Ill'Y Fl"ahm

Methodist Circle, IV Meets In Ismael Hughes Home w!;~~so~~;t i;j~~!('h~~Cmoeft 1\~~: Ismael I-luelles with .12 members attending. - Mrs. EVC'rctt Rees was co-hosless, Dorothy Jorgen~ spn had devot ions anti Mrs. H. D. Addison ga\'e 1he IProgram.

Royal Nflighborsl " Install Officers \

Royal. Nt ighhors n C't TUes­clay. New ortic,C'T's inst llf'd were: orach", Mr:.;, R. H. I Banister; vicC' OJ'acJC', Mrs. Ht'nry Johnson; past orack" 1\.'lrs. Hattie' McNutt; inn('r-spntinf'l, Mrs. Florence Siemers; recorder, Mrs. Grace Dawson; rl'cdVl'r, l\lrs, James

W'ednesday Mr. and Mrs. Don Jolulson and sons an1d Mr. and

~l~~t.~F;·~dt1~~()~¥~~"ry \'t'~Uin ~~g~:, Wal{.cficld. '

Geneva Nygren, D nver, spent the hollda\<; with her I other, Mrs. Anna Nygr0n.

Mrs. Anna Nygren and Gen~iJa called in tl'(' Raymo ld Ericksof!. honliC' ia<;t \Vcdncsd y~ (>v~ning: Sunday afh-moon th y called in the Kl'nnl~til li:rickson home.

Mrs. Jane Edwards and E~eanor \vcrl? calk'r:- :n the M s. Anna Ny~ grt'll home Saturday aftrrnoon.

Guests in the Ray and Erick· son home ~('\V Y~'ar'. Eve wcte Mr. and 1I}'5 .• T0hn ygren and Ha~c) and ]\II'S. !dlna Nygren and Gl'nrVrt.

Guests in the Andrew Parker horne for ChristmR~ dinnf'r and Supper W01'e "Mr. and Mrs. John Horstman. Mrs. Mathie's Holt, s~., Mr. und ~Tr.:>. M. A. Jarrell ru1d La\'onnc, ('~t'rolL ann Mr. and





SeE .oi~

r.r.,GE 6" ,


I :\11'S. L00 t-hlt, Omaha. Mr, and ;=::=~==~::==~=::=~::::::=::===~==~:::;::::::~:::;:=:;::;::;:::=::::::::;::t=:1 1\1rs. W, J, Echtf'nkamp joined the group for snpp0l'. Leo Holts were

r Trinity Lutheran:·Church, AI ~~I~~u(7~~~gh~~~ B~~~:~~~~i~ne~~ ~K, F, Wen~el, pastor) 10 r-,~ormarl 'l\1Py('r, SOt:J of Mr.

Sunday: Jan, 8:, lJlVIllC nnd "tI1rs. Martin IVIeyo!', Wak('-10 a. m,; annual'mcl'ting, field. A .February wedding i~ ~l':Monda,}', Jan, 91 Walther plam1f'd. ov~~.ig:~dg~~;~· Mathies Holt, j\-.

and, Mr. find Mr!'. Howard Kurth, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee

mah.t. \verc Y."ridJlY and o\'crnight guests:· at .t!~e

~:30 p. m. ...

Mr. and 1\Trs, Chris ·BaiC'l' an!~ noun(x~ th(' C'flgagrrnent of their daughter, Deanna Fay~', to Pvt Janws, R. Ehlt'l's. Camp Ch~\ffC'd,


Ark. EhlC'rs is 1hp son. of MI;. a.nd, Mrs. Henry Ehlers. :No wed·

, dm~d3.jl~ has b('('n set.

I· '1 RedeEit'l1er 79'ers Club

. Il('deerfh))" 7g'PI'S club met Slmday. (',"('ning wi1h 13 cb1..~pl('s

p I altl'nding. New mc'mbers arC' Mr. , and Mrs. ,i£-Iany Suehi. Mr. and 8' MI·s. ,John Gathk had charge of

pw dr\'ptional )X'rioP,. A film aid, siri\). "Miilrtin Lutlilcl'," \Vas

shown. til'. alid l'vlrs. LC'Roy \ Griesch and ;'11'. Clnd 1\'11'5. John

Ga1h.ir' \\'('I't' ·hosIS. Guest night is ph:l1l1c'd for 1 w ~1('xt meeting,

, P:lri"t,l' homp. Mrs. Christina Gathje enter~

taincd rel:1tivcs and friends Jar hpj' birthday Saturday evening,

Mr. and ·Mrs. HertJ Reuter re· 1ul'l1('tl Sfltllrdav uJ'ter a week's visit wllh Virgil IIansens. COW1-cil muffs. and Ed Tresslers, C61-any, Kan. ~' ..

Mrs, Chri tina Andersen and son.' V/inSif\CtSpt,nt Saturday eve­ning a~hL' ay Pt'rdue..,.home.

Mrs. ess; Davidson and Grace were' N l' Y 'al"S Eve and Sunday gtJ:"ts <It thp Chris' Kvols home, WI~;n('r. I .

Lizzie Loberg sp~nt New Year's F:\'t' and SUl\day 'Nil h Don Feys, Ponca. I

Mr. and Mrs. vyill Ne!son and

~~li)~rt~~o~~: ~m~~t~;1 i~el'eOf SU1ft:;' 1VI,w YOlln~;. I

Mr, and Mrs. Eld Seymour, Mr. illld Mrs. 1\. \". 'I't'l'd, Lizzie Lo-1H'1"l'; and ;\T: s n"lY Prrdllf' we're ).!;l!I :-;1..., 01 :,ll·s. :qdl' YOllllp; 1\1on-

IldH~r, and Mrs. Arthur Evela~d,1 Hutchi11~0\1. Kan.J spcnt Christ-

I mil" \\'ith 11(,'\' p:lrl'nts. (' D. \1c- I rullotlghs . .pT' .f{\"t'I:ll1d l'elul'ncn,

I 110llw la:-.t j'L\('<;dJy. M\·s. E\'f'land i I 'IMethodist Circle II ,spent 'u w('/,k hljl'" <tnt!; relurned

I Meets in Fe! owship 'i4al1, .. J h~~~, ~n°clnf~~~. Flrank Saker spent

N('w Yea_!.""I' at ~lw {'lyric RakeI'


· T\'ktllOd]".;~ C'i 'ck II nwl IflS~ hom!' " ' vVcdnesdHY in tItLe f('llO'\~hiP: Guests rtf the' Herman Stuve

""",'",',o'",n I~all ,,·ith 10 tn('rph~rs at1C'nd'.. . hom(' Nf'IV I YI'<tr',.; W{'l'I' 1\1r. and mg. lVII's. HottC'r KC'lley !.':a\J Mrs. Loll!:,' JohnsGn. Brunswick.

'Church of Christ IA. l'aul' CCHl\{, pa::;tOl')

Thul"::;riay,"J,w. ~). Klll~·., tel's, :2 p. 111,

Friday, ,Jan, 6: lice, 4:10 1), m,

Sunday, Jan. 8; WOl'd," g <l, 111.; 13ilJ\(' worshIp, "Seek F'u'st dom" toi!owing the and spcciul


~:~~~,}i(;~\J(:~:~ti~~I~.i,~' ~;~~."~~ofr ~~l~ '~}~ ~~:.~~i ~~~~ R~;~I~'l" f·~~te~~ i Caau\\'(' \\'(1,,, HI c;hfl:rge of t.hp kamp. Pl·q~l·am. Om.eers \\"el",~ on lh~ Lt. Col. ~cr[\, 'll1g commlttcc. . 1 Tom and

rivNl in

Het rY Kiepers Mark ,d :c1c..:·O_VC,-,-(o=-:~.:...:~.-c==== Sil er Anniversary , He. e ThursdflY Night i

About \)0 rl'l<).tin's and tl'ien~~ 11(' perl l'IilJ'. ~ld Mrs: IHenr~ Ki'pel' ,c.nl.'-'brah' theil'I'silver wedding flnniv rsary Thmsday in the Woman' club room·

1 hE' evening I was spent pIay­tn cards. Pl'd'cs wC'rc ,von by M's. Erwin Vlhlkamp. Henry H ffman. Mjie Hoffman and Hl'nry 'Wacke , .ir. I

1', aod Mt·, I1Ul-schul Ma~. ni g, Pender. \ycrc hos1$, Mr ,

~1 o~ni~l;dh~~ff ~a;~e(> °fs tI~e ;i~~ '~ at" Mrs. Ki!'pel-. Kiepers recei -e gifts and a 'purse of moneyl

Mrs. Kie.pt'I' h·ol'e a red eal'n~. ti n corsagl' arid Mr. KieJDcr h d a l'ed . camati'bn boutonnipr, M·. and ~Il'S. Fpmk McGuire,

~, ~~n~s C~l~~{!~;'s~l~:~e:u~l~nni~~~ Tl c flowC'l'" Were gifts from the H rschul Manning children,

Wedding cake:,? Were bak~d a d decorated by Mrs,1 Frarlk

cGuire, 1\ll's. Hurschul Mar:r­ning and Mrs. Elhal'dt Pospish~l.

'Mrs. F1Wl Re('~ ha(~ charge <jIf

~l~~~givi~f~:~~i~~: h~~ln~~,~~ ~~~: I~ennet.~ SChr0.'. 0t1C'1'. IW~.1Jefield. and Gary andl .i\nn l\1annin


Ponder, "I ,

'l~igP~~s ;~~~~~~ri('~i~fi~C' ; ~ t<.>ndallts W€,le M~', and: NIrs. Br~­<\11 . H. KI~~piJ~g; Omaha. M~s. Klopping is a sister of 'Mr. l{ir­pf'r,

stomach, heartburn. Aids in removing gas and leaves 8 soothing,

Sottle protective. coating.



Griess RexaU' Store I


Ca~1 it year1b~d d",,.',.nc:., '.' , remod~lin9 sal4!! ' ," or gite it your own na~e , , , here are real. ir first quality that we are m,arking dowtt 0 make Joom fo~""'new mercliandise, -Sizes limited in .s~me so we suggest you shop . a rly for b~st selecti~n,

. ill


Reg .. !to 55.00

Men's Sport Coats

Val~es to 29.75

Shirts '$198

at 2.49 and 2,98 t .. , ,

, ! MEN'S

SUITS Reg, Values td $55


-$2960 Reg, $40 - 45.00 Suits


$4400 to 65,00'



$1495: . Reg, 19.75 V,,!ues .

J ,: i o ,hers From .... , ..... : ............. ..


, '"

'" .


" ..... ,., "1+1' ··or~ .. 'S,'"'KI N ~rl~~~~ Churches

, Mrs. Pe er Ulrich, Mrs. I Hattie Trilnty J-utheran Church

SNe~r,) Herpld, Thursday,


I ,I

I 1_

nua~ ~, 195~

a.oo Ni"YJ ,Mn, E~ I tJlrlch, . • • I :rtmbe' d ~Mrs". ltans ~~smus. (G. B. l"rank, pastQl')

Mrs. J. E. Ping I, Phone 73 Prizes ;tre won by Mrs. bd'hrke. ~hUrsdD.Y, 'Jan. 5: Ladies <lId, 2

~t;.etsk • Mrs. Opfer a d Mrs. ~. S~mday, Jan 8: WOl'ship SfT\,_

~aas an~ r. and Mrs. Edwin ve party! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mr. a. d Mrs. Albert Thompson, ICt'S, 10 a.m.; Sunday schaat, 1l. 'let her- I Backed ,lor fi Hoskin~






I PAGC,o " '"',


,I f, '

by Republicans Mr. an 1\I11's. Robert Lienemann ad Anderson, Randolph, . and visitors lD the Erwin Ulric~, home Evan. Unl d Brethren Church BrOiren~n family. utzmann l Norfolk, Mr. d Mrs. Ll\~l. wer~ Tuesday a.fternoon

and Cyn lit Lincoln, r,eturned to rs. William Riggert, Mr. and I Mr. a,nd Mrs~ ~in. I Ulri~h I Paul l"~ Rig"gs. pastOl'l their ho e 'londay afternoon aft~ s. Arthur Behmer, Mr. and Mrs. were Tttest~Y ,ev:cnmg vlsitors llif ThuJ"srl~IY, :./an, ;1: Sundr.l,y sehoul er spen in Christmas! and New ayne Thomas, Mrs. Verne Fuhr- ,th~ ReV~P u1 Riggs home and evamwli.sm nIH " Noi'folk, llJ Year's 1lityS in tne Henry an and Stephanie Fay Mr and Mr. a d r8. Albert TIl mpsori, a.m. (

bers.er and family,' Pierce, and Asmus h m . rs. Lyle Marotz and' Mr: and ..Laurel, , ere callers in th~Ernest Sunday, Jhn, .. 8: SI,J day s('ilool

t' '[

Mr '"~d Mrs Quentiq Glaze and ~len~ were . Mr. a drs. Everett Newman s. J. E. Pingel. In 50Q prizes PuIs hOfIle Tuesday after oon. 10 a.m.;. \,:or~~IP. "C ntent('d BII;

Surprise Party d' t . th D' k Glaz ~ng ,10 honor 1 ' the Del\ 'nJScl')utz horne, Pilger, ann~r. and Mrs. William Rig- Ie and" Jllanne. Omah, were ice, "Thr()\~'ing Frc' ht A surprise no .. host birthday sup- h~~:~ gues sine! Ie e plrthday. Tuesday e~~nlng. . crt and Mr. and Mrs. Earl And- TIlursd~ .; fteImoon guest in the ~~7:30; ~.m.

fa~ll,. Norfolk, 'were MOI).day ,ond. Jochens and fa~"1Y ere supper guests at ere awarded to Mrs. Walt GUtz- . Mr. ~d ~rs. Lloyd Pul • Jack- Not Satlsfll'H. 11:, ,e 'C'!ling

P('l', was held at the H, C. Falk Mrs. Minnie Krause and Mar~ Elna Walker. ~aha Mr. a d rY'Irs. Robert Uenemann rson. Ernest ~ home. home' Thursday in honor oLMrs. jorie entertamed at dinner Friday lWednesday ar;'d' a}ker and Cy tbria and Mr. Jlnd I\I1rs. Mr .. and Mrs. Albert Behmer Mr. a~d Mrs. Alvin Wa~ncr and .Mr. and ~,l[·s. HalJ'y S,dH\ ('II" Falk's birthday. Guests w~re, !irs. evening. Mr and Mrs. Herbert left ~Qr LongVJew,~~sh,. Sat day Glen Fr 1;1* Donna, 'Mardell and orfolk, visited in the E. O. Beh~ family ~ere dinner guests I,:, the auG. J:f'rry u·(· \\'prC' gups!.· ill 1[11" Hattie Prince, Mr. and ~s., E2!~a Schwindt and Dorothy. Stanton. ~venmg. aft,er ~ en mg the hoh- MarIen~w~re New Year's supper er home Thursday afternoon. Carl H germeyer horne,' Tilden, FrC'd Boma:' home. Norfol (. ;-';,.\\ Jqchens and family, Mr. an~ Mrs. Mr. and I rrs~ HallS Asmus,: Ax~ ~~YikeWIth the ,ents, Awalt guests I th~ Henry A!:jmus home. e~r·y~~~,S~~PP~ ~e~~k inw~~: Nlli.Y ~~S':Mrs ..... Elmer I Peter, Year's Eve'. ~~,ro~nJV~~~r'd~!l/n~l1< u~d ~h:"I~diF~~'tm:~~J'::rlo~d ~~ :M'kr,~:;'d Mrs, LYt, Marotz and l.!fJy de~r~~!sO\~Slj,~dtJ~~ rs, Mary Falk home, Debbie land Susan woVe New Ju~,~'a~~dJ:~:: ,,~~n~a:v y:,::~II; ~~~11~n~~d ~~bu;~:ik.Jinurty ev~~gJ'c\~H~ir~ ~yron Riggert, lanl~~. w:;~ecalle ~in t~dE~tifo~: G;::~~s ~rC~v~~~d:~e~f:I~~mt~S~ W~~e,an:er~~es~r: th~~eg: t~~~':td~:~~o~~sts in the A: gu~f:~ ~~~~h~\I~;.O!~~r;~I!~·~h~~~~d~ ___ DaVId ~d Brian, Lincoln, were lath .. home Sun ay nIght. Vernon BEll\lmer home 'fere Mr. h ,h' Tu d ft Mr d Mrs Alvin Wagner and Jerry Let' a(lnd Darrell \'('re fr.;l·\: Canasta Club holiday, uests 10 the Wilham Mrs. Art Behmer and Mrs. Gene and Mrs ~d Behmer ~nd fruruly 7M~eranJm~rsJ eA.aYB~:~~~ f~ilY. erc gU~sts New' Year's 'Yf'ar's dilln{'1' gU{'sls jl tllO' J·:,I·

Mr and MIS Kennard Hall en- Rlggert orne. IBehmer and Suzanne were callers Mr. and rs Henry :Asmus and pent New Year's Eve in the Ger~ mght ~ the Wilmer Deck nome, 'wa['d B('['nh!ll dt hom('. :orfolli tC'rtam{'d Canasta club Wednesday Mr a d MIS J E. Pingel, Jack ~ t~e C~~ence Schroeder home family, Do aId Asmus, I Donna Rae Id Bruggeman home. , Winsid . SI~11daj?nt?ft~~·~·~~o~·('~j~rl ~~:llil>;'il~ c\{'nmg Jan 13 meetmg Will be annood

n Dlole Clhe~trokWe~dneSday after- ~r.aYa:d eMrn09,n'Harry Frmk an~ IMr and I Mrs Bob Mr. and Mrs. William Rottler Mr. a d Mrs. Otto Wontoch and K d H II

at the Harry Drc\isen home. '- 0:)', Ia They re- rsI. Schwede Lieneman and Cynthia. and :Mrs Ella Joehens Norfolk Paul alld. Rev. and Mrs. Gus B. ('nnar a homf'. I

-~l~~nd Mrs Ed Kollath ahd tur~;~ !1?re~:tUf~~n~fteMS1~; ~~h!Fryv~~t~erho~~~st~~:fO~~ Mrf~l~' ~:rse 1:n~;~ ~~~7se~~ ine~~eTrCt~~~dr:t~rt~;e~~ke~~~~ ~:~~ f~~ ~~~~y ~c~~¢ ~~~g ~~~;~!:~:~'~;·~:l't:i~\\~t;. MIrIam and Mr. and Mrs Frank were attl~ng dmner Wguests last un; ay. d no-host thrlstrrfas d~nner in the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rohrke, Nor~ and Anha Wontoch home, Hans Asmu.s, Arlcn'(, a'nd MIller wele Sunday afternoon 3/nd :~~,a~~~}Oil~e Seymour Hansen an:;rrf~3~ !~! s~ppe:;l~~s~~g~~ Mrs. Carl Oestl'lch, sr., home, Nor- folk, spent New Year's I in the: Mr: a~d ~s. George .Wagner Mr. and Mr .... Clan'neC' ~~~~~l' gUests in the J, E. Pint gel Mr at: Mis Blll WItte and the Harry Schwede Home Monday fO~·r. and ~rs. Garfi 'id NeM11an ~~Z::;kg.f his mother, Mrs. Martha! ~::,eh~~t~iJ~y t~~e~~.n Wag. werr Nf'W Yl'<l.['·S :'Uptwr

Mr. and' Mrs. Hans Asmus w re famIly, ambers,;I\1r and Mrs. Mr an~ Mrs. Me~le Riggs and d f '1 St t ~ . I M hd Mel H the Ed l\Ia~"; home, visitors ,'n tho Clarence Schroe er Roy WJ e an" M , ax Mrs, Fred Ruth arrived ,Sunda;y to visit in ~~ amI' l'1ti' ~n. 0p, I'-~" are VIS- Pvt. Verne Langenberg, Ft. T'ld r. a. d r~ ~I' ;;~rm('yc~ MI'. and i',,r~,s. Awalt

'- Yo b th h Qr Itmg re aves ;'la?p' rriends. here. Bliss, Tex., is spending a l~-day I ~n, ian ar " .. Y IS. an ArlC'lle. Elm and Kal'nn home Wednesday evening. ,I Fenske I" ere We nes ay evening M e ~mel °Rf hIS par ,nts, Rev. and were ove~ff~~ht guests In the leave with his parents, Mr. and Ma~lC frank were vlSIto.rs In the and Mrs. B:Zl'!t Jochl'n'.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ~aun ~nd dmner gjUests In the Frank Bright rs au Iggs. l Ne,",man"l hOfIe Wcdnes- Mrs.jloHenry LangeJ1berg, sr. '~erne ~vm Wagner home Fnclay eve- d Alb :\ ~,~enngeuthes"tPis'e" •• r,cte~eWEernueIN~WutztnYe~anr'ns home, N~~fo]k. Mr. and Mrs G.lbert day Iwil11eave for overseas this month. mng. ' ~~('sts i~rt 'l~~L~'n'H~'~~' ~y c. 1\1 G Wilh~ Woockman and Mr and had as New Year's q'liil1ner guests: l.V!r. .Mrs. LfIwrbnce Herbol-. i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jensen and, Mr. and Mrs .. Merlyn Bruggc- homp, NorF0J:( homf'. Mrs. Edwm May, P[el'f:~e, were Fri- Charles Rohrberg, psmond, IY.Ir. shelmer, Plercp, and Mr. and MrS'lfamiIY, Omaha, were overnight I m~ ,a,.l1d .?'aul. Lincoln, 'sllent the Mr. and Nlr,;. Fr<'d

en~!:t(li~l~~ r;;,~s. f!fl~fJg ~~~t~ ,~rl::t~~:~.n gU~sts at the Frank O~~!~~· ti~.lp~n~~~S.an~if~~:t ~~nO;dg~~~SS ~cIl~e ThE~~~:it ~~:;s dnrist~as.Clarence Johnson ~~~~~YS m ~he A. Bru.ggeman as d(li~ner' ~~!I'sR'IS R\V{k'd at Christmas dinner' Mr and Mrs Mr and Mr W It 'B k . Fletcher and B b +VI d M N£>wman home. i Mrs Paul Wetzel and 'Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Lor£>F1 BC'l1nett an [·s. . . 0 t'1, Frc~ Gartn~r an~ ·Mr .. and ,;'I;rs: and Gary, Li~~olh~ ~e:eoeT~~~~; Vernon Behmer

o ~na rfa~~IY a~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ha~lan Herbol- Myrtl~ Weatherholt. Norfolk. wer~i an~ fatn~IY, ;r..incoln, spent, the Nancy. Linc.)in. Em[l Behmer, Norfolk, Mr. nd and Wednesday gupsts in the J. Mrs. Bill Selling Bob Des shi~mer and family nd MI'. and I visitors i~ the Mrs.', Martha Rohrkel hoh~a~ III the home of Mr~. Bcn- ---..... ~--:""'-+_ Mrs, Ed Brwnels, Mrs. Mi nie E. Pingel home. Moines. - ! ' Dallas.SheBenb.rg and fan:-Ihome FrIday afternoon. Mrs. Wea~,' netts I?arent~, Mr. and Mrs. Ras- W· 0d ' B\l~~:k~:J ~~~. ~~~:I:'iJ~We zie, Tu~da~ndm~~~in~rro~ ~~\~~~. ~~f,~ BO~r·Sp~~~ ~~sm Fl'l~%~:~~~J~ests ill ~?~~~Olt remained, for a longer, ~~~d~~el:~~~i~:y returned home Ins I e I Norfolk, and their son, Dean, ~- ~o visit their son and daughter- Sunday in the Vernon . Mrs. Le.Qlnard Nelson Mr. and Mrs. E'd Bergins anq Mr., 1;lnd Mrs. A. .~r~g~('man By Gladis ,Reichert ch?rage, Alaska, were guest m m-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller home. I and sons, Omaha, 'spent Christ- family, Omaha, were overnight were d~l~ner guests FrIday 10 the Phone 2682, Wmside the P('te Moody home 'Thur day and ~nda. They returned 'home Mr. and Mrs. H~rr'y Schwede, mas and Monday in I the Clarence guests in the Henry Langenbcrg~ John ~olk home. Randolph. afternoon. Thurscray Jerry Lee and Ilaf1'e'll and Mr Schroeder home., sr. nome Christmas. Mr. land Mrs. Ha17Y Dl"C'vs(',n

Mr. and ~s. Manley W' son Mr. a~d 1\1rs. Herman Opfer and Mrs. Edwin Str~te and Dclor~ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Maas Mr. and Mrs. Myron Riggertl an~ ,Jalnet ~ay were Ncw Yeay 5 were visitors in the Emil Be mer and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Asmus es were Christmas I dinner guests were callf'rs in the CI~rence David and Brian. Lincoln, wer~ Eve gu:ests m the Walter ,Newklrk home, Norfolk. Tuesday~ visited Mrs. Keith Baughn and in- in the Edwa,.rd Bernhardt home, Schroeder home Tutlsday mght. dinner guests Monday in the Wil, home, forfolk.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete M?odY and fant daughter, Colleen Ann, in the Norfolk. Elame EVen~erger was Mr. and Mrs. Han~ Asmus were Ham Riggert h9me. : Mr. and Mrs. Pete Moody and Loren ,spent Sunday '';It!'t rs. Wayne hospital Thursday eve- an evehing guest. callers in the Ctarcl1ce Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ulrich and LorC'n and Mr. and Mrs~ .Dona~d Mood.~ s m?ther, Mrs. Wilha Mc~ rung. . New Year's Eve I guest~ in the home Wednesday night. Mrs. ,Minnie Brueckner were sunl Larson: Rml Roger wer~ \f.1Sltors m Kenz[e, WIsner.. Gary Asmus ,vas an overnIght Fred Jochens home were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fr~d Schroeder, day dinner guests in the Ernes the ~ry Drevsen home Tuesday

. Mr. and Mrs. Emil C~ a~n gueS!, of Jerry Lee SChwede, New ¥ary Falk, Jimmy~and JlUle, Mr. Norfolk, and Mr, ~nd MrS. Ed PuIs home. evenmg. 'f. •

\\CI'(> among 'guests at a dum r m Year~ Eve. and Mrs. Lawrenc Jochens and Maas and Pl1yllis were supper/ Mr. and Mrs. George Langen+ j Mr. and lV!l~. Elnest Wons~hlag-th(' Geo:rge Stew::u-t home, ror~ Mr. and lVII'S. Frank Miller, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ra mond Wittler guests in the Claren, ce Schroeder berg Stanley and Georgie visit+ N"K" N0fdfoIHk'lsIPhent Monday m the fol~ .. FrIday ,even mg. ~. and Mrs. William Woockrnan, Mr. and Terry. I , home Thursday. ed i~' the Henry Langenberg hom~ ennar a orne. M~, and Mr, s. Frank, Iller, and Mrs. Edwin May, Leonard and Mr. and Mrs, E. b. Behmer and Mr and Mrs HfLrry Schwedie Md' J '. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DrE'vse>n

Nortol~, wel'~ New Year.s nner Mardelle and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Robbrt Lienemann and jerry Lee ~jsit~d in the Ed~ ~r.a~n~v~~~~·Erwin Ulrich an and Janet Kay and Mr. and Mrs. gu('s~ In the; Mrs. Martha ROhrke vin May, Pierce, Mr. and MrS. and Cynthia, Lineqln, we're Mon- ward BC'r';lhal:dt h9me,. Norfol~, Gene were Sunday ('vening visit,. Delmer Kremke and family were h?mE. Mrs. Weath~rholt Clarence Woockman and family, day dinner gUests I in ~he Henry New Year s nIght. II ors in the ,ReUben f u1s home. I New Year's supper guests in the v.as also a "I and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome "Wooek- Asmus home. Mr. and Mrs. WalkEir Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bawnan and Louis Bendin home.

1Ir. and C;:arl Dr~sen, ~an were Christrr,tas dinner guests Mr. and Mrs, ~awrc,nce 'Joch~ tIle Keith, Tild('n. visited in Reubel). Mr. ,and Mrs. Kennard Hall en-gorf,olk, and Mrs. ~thur m the Arthur MIller home, Nor~ ('I1S and Mr. and 1'S. Ezra Joeh- PuIs home> Tuesday' tertained the following guests Fri-

re\sen we~e dmner folk. . . . ens and family weI' guests Christ- Mrs: H. C. 'falk day eyening in hOllor of Janis' DIck Glaze Mr. ~n.d Mrs, WIlham Riggert m::::.:-: lllght in the Fred Jochcns followmg 'lad1('s fourtC"~nth birthday: Mr, and--l\1rs.

wa.s a ~uest &atur~ ~~~~ W~~~~Sd~y t~~e~~g~ Reick hOr;'~;'lan .. '. :I~"~ ~at~i;o-&o~:, ~~~;~n~~~;o~~' :nndd ~s~n~d~~~ In .the Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Langen-I edl'brated his Krause and and Mrs. Walter Fleerl jr. and

CIty. berg, sr,. entertained at Christ- Year's En' \'.ith Olmsteadt. Mrs. family. mas dinner: Mr. and Mrs. H(~nry 1 gu('sls: 7vlr. anrt' and childrC't1, Mrs. Ger:1ld Bruggeman and ILangenberg, jr. and family, Mr. N('wman. "'\11'. and Mrs. Martha Diane ,were Jinne1' guest:;:. Monday and Mrs. Clarence Johnson ann . Mr. and Fenske, lvII'S. in the, A, Bluggeman home.



Mr. anrl :\11· ...

~nn\('~~8i;~~il, ~j~~~'~Ad Koll. :'11'. aT'lil Mrs. and George and oys!C'r SUppCI' .

;\11'. and .\[I'S. Lco . roll. \\,('l'e Fl'I(l:!y guests Clarencl' Pfeifle!' homp

\,lilli·s F,tlk SI1f?llt the past week with Reuben Ulrich ill the nch home.

Mt'. 1tnd :\1r'>. E\',U1S at;ld family, \Vn.\ Itf', W(,I'C

aav C'\enillg \'~"IIOl's at Inwl honH'. .'


Charter N~. 3392 1 I 1

Statement of Condition De;~mb1;:31, 1955.



.$1/01~,999.06 ~f600.00 3,360.00


capital Stock .................................. $ 50,000.00 Surplus ...... 1. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• .• .' • 150,0001'0 Undiv~~ed Prqfitsand Reserve" .............. , . . 60,559.50 Deposllts ...... 1 ............... ' . , .... ,! ••••••• , ••. 2,550,219.76

I 4,500.00

: '. : .... '. '. '. $5~8~ 156.25 ' ........ 307,908.78

S. Government W'th,~r Bonds ......

and Due from ~', ~.,.(S . . . . . . .. 911 ,255.17 ..., ............... 1

"""":--f---SUBTOTAL ..... TOTAL

I, .'.$2,810,779.26 I .... · ........ ..

MEMBER OF, TH~ • ... ,."" .... IIo,OEPO"T INS1NCE cORIo .. nON

, 1 .

Vice President \

R: DAVIS, Vi~J President I I

TOTAL.j I" ............ . I I

",I o , ,I




i II


i L. B. rcCLURE, Cashier ! '

, I 1

A. M. KE~N, Ass't Cashier I,

A. J. VOORHIES: Ass't ~;~hier I

, . • 1



MT. and Mrs. Oscar

T~~~e~~~S~ f~~\l~~nd C~~ll~~!~ ~~eCl~e~n~nd

Wilson, C1~'de, Kan and Mrs. Don Olson ana

family, Hudolph Lehman and Bill were l,.ew ):~al' s guests in

Lehman home . . L. C. Nucmbcrgcr and

• \.-,"ere guests 'fllm'saa.v. et~­ning 1~1 111e iJavlc\, Borg hanie RHd shmvcd pictures 0.1' theil' European trip. .

.... \11'., and 1'11'8. B~rt()n 1301'-- and I [amll~l, SiOLLX CIty, were New Year's guests in Wc! hume of his parent};, ,<\11'. and Mrs. David Borg.

Christmas 1:..\(' guests in the Don Petel",; home, DIXOll, WCl-'e Mr. and. Mrs. George Eickhoff and El'Ilest Hens{'hke ...

Christmas clinner ana supper guests III the Gi'corge Eickhofl home 'wc1;e Mr. arid Mt".' •. lJon Pet. ~rs 'and famil:.:, Dixon, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Park and Dorothy.

I'vlcnday dinner and supper guests in the Floyd Park home we l' e Mr, and Mrs. George .h;ickhoff. Mr. alld Mrs .. Don Pet~

~~~, a~~/a~!~;" ~r.~~~t, ~:~:~~~:: 1 ~~~:: ~:~~d 1~~~.s'El~~~I~~n~~~ll~~~dl

Jamily, .Mr. and .i}1rs. Irvin Bott-I . gel" and family and Mr. and Mrs.'

Pa!l~~ .. l-~~lt:~~~~;~~: ~1~ll~n l~r:;g~;licl' and Luic lIenschkc arrived r rom Scottsbluff Munday c\'cning,

M1':'. ~1yt't1(' Owens, :\11', and ~l's. George BO<ilnstra and DOr­othy, Om1.tha, and the 'Wilton .'''lc~ CO/:ldndale family, Lame!. were Chl'lstmas dinner guests in the Mrs. Ada McCol'kinctalc hurnA.

111'. al~d :l'vlrs, Norman Haglund,

~~~~'~Ydin~~~~' g~~:~!ein \~~~ew!1~J Haglund home. '

Mr. q.nd Mq. 'Ed Schnasse vis- ' itcd her rathCI', E. A. Schnassej in a Columbus hospital Sunday, I ~-;-T-

Churches ...

:r 'I

151 18 HH "1 21, 26

17 :2:-\ 13 32

w I -1-1 16 37 23 31 ~6

:26 ~7 ,S 29 30 :n 3~ 32 :13 381

I I '


I i .', ! I I' W- I . ,

,Ii e I

, wall~an9 going ou ~f 'markin~ everything d wn

fast ... fast. We must be out

,- items are 90ifg at less t~an ' I ' I ; ':'~li~' '0

exchangas, i no an,nrollal<

mak:e your sflection.

every itejn. a on,ce-'n-a-


Reg. . .......... 9.95 to 23.951 Sale

Sale .. "'1' 7.95 to 17.95 bOll: B ROCKING HAIRS 1 .: Re~,

, , Sale Reg. . ...... 5.95 to 13.951

SL:~~eT 4.45 .re 10.45


~:p~ Re9"r" 3.98 to 12.45 Sale ...... 2,98 to 9.33,


~~it:r,.tol.IL}~~~'l,;" t:::.:::."f Trains '" ,I, _ •



i I I:

S VE to I

Must WEI


.......... Mak. ljs An Offer ...... Make Us An Oller

Sale 8,75 ........... Sale ~.75 ............ Sole 10.00 : ......... .5ale 10,00 ............ 5010 15.45

... Sale 15.up



II 1 i

~$iness.:.,. ~ n~E BON~.

Or . MO'R'E: I ,


R'Y 14: , : 1

Sore on ~ • ~U~~~~aESa1oJs\


1~.50 Reg 895 to jO.~7 .24,95 IpS l80


Sale 5.30 to 6.59

SEAT COVERS . ) Reg. 15.95 Plastics j .... S.oq ,

Fit Ford or Mercury, 1949·50 '

Small • . I

Reduc~d 4220 :1995


......... GI720

TOAST~R 2200 I~ I ->Ii;

elp yourself tq luse~dre Savings priC~is

ISlas ed I - CLUr ALUMINUM -Reg. 19.95 , 6-PIECE BUDGET S~TS .

,TABLE RADIOS Re . 1 .95 to 39.95 So e ....... 13.30 to 31.95

REC RD PLA YEb 79.95 I ... 59.95 29.95 ..1 24.15 19.95 15.98


R g. 149.95

~g. 169.951

ZE ITH 21-in. I

CO SOLE TV i , 299.99

129.95 135.95

.. 225.95

on &.

I-K I't--II "''''-lin. Skillet with each ~e~ I

PAN, ~g. 75t SA EI PAN, Reg. 1.20

BOILER ~egl 8.75

! 85c to 3.98

.. 6.3& tOI 11.1

at, ............... 88c to, 2.

rome - Metal

.! ,

ah Mrs. <!rtha Id- r.~j Ran~O)ph. there, that levenin~' \V re Mr: and Th,e Hoka p fa'mil . were CHrlst~ Mrs. J. 'H. I Owens an dal,lghte nias gUest in the, '1'S. Katie Ho.. Mr~ . nd Mrs. L. ", Je kamp hom. Others here were Mr. Lois, Mrs. I E. J. and Mrs., Delbert 'I Kruger and ",nd 'Mrs, Milton wen Vickie an~' Mr. an Hi'S. ,Alfred Tied en family ret r ed to lJeer!:ihenkj and fam ~y. ' City' hudday.

side. Mr. ~ d Mr*. Bel~ B~1 Sho~f f aS~ ~1\, a~~t~I~~ed ~~oLeg~~~r:d~ anr:~ ~~~I :;~~'t '; f :~daffe: and Ca1'oilY Sut;!, 1'5. J:mm~ ind- Springs Sunday aft r,spcl1ding 10 in t Kenneth t nwall h say and }<11' 'ence nd :;'Vil'. an Mrs. days In the home 0 Mr. !;Ind Mrs. Allen '

'~~, ~~~;r"I;it:~Ol;' a~l~d ri~~' h~~~ Le~~~r~nJI~~:.nse I aur' Hanson Je~s~ 1:~:1~ d~~ r f~~ t~~o~~'~~ t:merson. l und Mr, ~nd Mrs, P. Roberts at th 110me of Mr. a d Mrs, CHris 'Helad\'cs' gath~red Chri'tmas joined gu~sts for s\J per Christmas Peter on Those pr Ii nt were 1MI'

Day tor d~nner ~n the ho e 01 Day in tl~M Levi Ro erts home. and 1 1'5: Leo Jens n and Mr. and Mrs Chris ·'rt'drickson. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Id Dixon and Mrs. Clarence Pte f 'er and Jam~

lVir. alld drS. Hudy Vlasak were family. Nprfolk. ,h d Christmas ily. Sunday ev~~ ling c~lJcrs in th ll've suppel' wjh the Car' Jan<'scn fam M JOAb~~:4~: relauJes spent rist- ily and ere ~vel'rJ ght 'guests i1; fami~ mas Day,; til :\Irs. Frank I l·enz. 'th~:~~i(~~'JOnes ad ompanied Mr. L~~r. ;l~JS~~~ ~lJ l' ~fl:17ze<:t:~~ ThctSl' fl'om~"1 a dlsltanee Wl'1' l\IaJ"~ and ~J\Irs. Do'n Ro an tc. Omaha and rs. W, P. Fr 1 101 and Floyd .• i.~::,I'.' DL~lle~l, tlh,'pllce~,~rlac:"cl ~'l~:- haan.l

d, after they had spen Christmas in Moor 'retumcd to heir home at

,r,!. u U' .J ' MIi thl' Lev.Roberts ho e. ::v.Iiss Jones Auro a, Colo., W nc.sday after and. Alnll ~hlpJCY, st. LoUj~, Fred s.pent a few days, n the Roman spend ng thc holida with Mr. i;!nd Lorenz, W' kericld, alld M' and home. I Mrs, "'ct Moore. ' }iln;. 0v llmi· SlllPlL'y, Scot, lul1. Mr. ~\I1d Mrs, 1"1 yd Spike and Ne Year's gu~ t of Mr. (Ind lJelJ'hll' Silt' 11'Y \\,<1~ ~\\'Olll 'n as )'1!'5' Lester Smith f!ncl family Mrs. enneth Eddi were MI', and state' putI' Imun at SCQt~ blull W 1'e Friday yisitor: in the Mau~ Mrs. Harrld Fal and tU1Wly, Tue~da~, t ri e Lug-e home. Hosk lS, 1\ r. and I's. Leo Stciph~ MI'S, lIar lei Nelson and 'uuily ,-. • • ;'vI and :VIrs :Ray Jenkins rl.nd 'I M d M spent the P' st week with re tivos ffl~jl~y and 'Mr: qnd 1\1rs. Me;ton S~:pa '~~aJmM;;'l~n . aEddiel'S'aJAd at OsmQnd. .r nes <lnd son spent Christmas Eliza eth Killion.

' .:\11'5. HOlle Id l~ullJ.llhenn an .Mrs, ~ \\ ith ~rr, amI :vII's. Walt Ftethwisch lVIr. and",.M E V('lnle Eurlbl'l't ahd f<Jl11il",' I'o\e I ,111d lamily. Dur1l,11,g- the afternoon and argal'€!

lr.1a :il1rs, Rolan'l St· 11.1, 1\11'. dtoaySilDJIUXtllcCi y. ~~'.i(lal·l),·rtlbo ,l,'YtC!l,mteh."", . Mr'. and :Mrs, Re~hwisch called in Tues ay

all :\[1' t\dn')1 IWalicr nn Ev~ WI '- the Mrs, :vlal'thaf,0OSS home, Hos- Allen Sto

~~~.~ta~·\t {'rf~~n:;~a:o ~~~:~\ ~~\V~'~;, \\~~ll~~~n~,l~ £<:l~rsKr~\h l~f:~ 'i l?el\~eDCk,.1 s, JOJ Tuckc k1C\~ristmas gUO:i S in the home of fa:Hl' a~~r~rC:hri~


Heno AI E'1'a,'5 .'who dj['( ('hl'ist· KrcI home. ,I Frlc! y, Jan. 6,1 'N :\rs,.:\1. S. Whit ey \"ere MI', and the h me 01 Mr, (1 !\-1rs. Jacob m':i nlO nilH~. Mrs .. \lb a is a Mr. and rs. Don leitin~ an,d l{ ~t~in,g Cluq, Mrs, E, C. i,I""' • IS. Paul PCdCJlsen, A .... Dca, la" Waid ,Winside. Ot ers thcre voI'ere sis er~ol Robe't Wdlle!', whe' 1S family, C loradd SprinQS,ta"·~, H hlIh~s I ,'" ,r. and Mrs, Lc nard )..lo01'e and Mr. nd Mrs. ·,Lo i Walde, 0'1r,

lIO \' on ti-iPI to Calif-WI a. ,Ja~.Ya"dHaMI, eS"."Lot',."n,eStgoUlt""', "rOg!" , Pl;b~roGI ,.;y, 1\11'. ulld Sarrdl a, Nampa, Idaho, Mr, and and Irs. Fred \ Id~, ::VIr. an fli~~~~iiiiiiiilli r, a d :VIl". Irv!~ Jc. 0" nnd M, IT club, 11i., an Mrs.' ])on Whitn 'j!, Lincoln, 1\111'_ MrS.!Deimar D by, Laranllc,

Hu 11y , ('I'e C ll'istm:ls "Wsts ill for dinner uesd~y evening. Co l~~~'YE~~I~' Jones I and;\I! s. ::Vleri Whitn('y and ~Vyo., and; :VIr. at Mrs. JOhI til Guy 'rnn~e' honw, ~\: jkC'field. SUU}1 Fis~er has been ill with satUld ay , Jail. Terri, Omaha, Mi', ulld Mrs. Hese an, N-orfolk. ,

11; e C ('r 1'f mily "!pelt. ~e\v measles thit\\'eekl~lt the ho 1e of 1 So lal NeIgh 015. pClrtt;. M Charl(<; WhilllLY and Stanley, Mr. Me bers of the Ibert JcnJd Y rS~l e 01('S home. h~r granclm ther, Mrs. Emil!'r Jen~ < pd Mrs :VJ tt Lad .. a::; c.nd .:"vII·s, Elmer r et~r::;on Dnd Carl famil. spent Christ as i,n the Jen

di l' ','I u~'sday ,,-'v r,ling in kins. ' , . 1 Mor'l ay, Jan 9 dnd :;\lr and Mt Glhan \Vhitney. kins lome. Karen J nkllls \\<1S ' h l;~' I~'Cd H1~t'.;:\~ t~, '~1~~~ :'IlL and l\Irs, J. P. Bal~cll BIll I M SIC Boostt s I .:lO guest of Bm bara enkll1s 11'0

00 e' and Sallc1i.~, Nam~ and Sue returned to theil' ornc Tues ay, Jan. 10 Ch ~ I Mond y until Thur ay.

~ at Broken Dow jr'hursda,Y alter T ~nct T, )llj Charles BrQ k- U rc es Mo lday evening iSltors in th I Id.,a1r .' OAt n rlsd t~~;dCer\ PJ'," 'a~nlrd' spendlllg tHe holldaJ 5 WIth Mrs. an home of Mr. and M' . Tom Bower

:~ il;~ ld 1\ I and1'IJ's rGeorge Batten's ~dt~el" Mrs. EmilI Jen- Wed esday. Ja'. 11 Carr'oll Met odif,t Church Wan"dre ~~'a~~d:r~:' ~~~R~~\~~~~ I B denst t. Ii 11'1'\~lSa~'dnd .. t!~~. IJYe·"Tkhll·,eSPa~·t,dtem. ~'~I;n' ~w CS (c. L. van:\IJ:etre, pa~tC)r) d 1 I

f: ' 1\ ,,s., . '-" Thu ,day, Ian. 2 l' TI,w·.'·da'·, J"n .• '. 'iethodr'st Tru~n, Mllln., an 1 Mr. CJl1 1\ rs. hirl(' WItt I r spent n C'w LIays ' ,1-' . .,. .~.J <fo I-' ,11 I b } I

th s we {wi ht't" gran muther, were entert~ined m \ arlOUs 1 ames Wf'man s Clu , Mrs Ed Mt'll, 8 p_ m. , I HaMrOr

daJSldtoMternS. eLe' I Stephens a'n 1 M,s. FI"' lk 10 ·enz. dunng the ,~'.eek. ' , rautw('lll' Sunday, Jan. 8: 'Wbrship, "When

l .... It'. and Mrs. E, L. Pears n ar~ 11 Christmn Prays" and Lord's sup. fami! and Mr. a

11 Mrs, Jamc

m ;:·.~t ;eAht~, :t~~ ~~ll. n~lh~i~~~ ~'ived hom~i ~rllesda.y after .s end· ~wn n's Club per, 9 .. 15 a. m,; S!unday school. Step ens wcre '] ri3.tm~s Ev F rn H valdhlRandol fJ:l. mg slIlce r I'Jday With relati es at C3a:~Ol1 Woma l'S club \\ III eet 10:45. ' gUt'st in the Kenn t Eddie homc

tr~al MIls, 'Erwin Wi tie:' and Oxfm'd, " . exf ~hursda~ a the home of rs Wednesday Jan. U: :Nlld~v.rjnt6r Mr! and Mrs. E er Monk an~ H d J. Guests Cll,rlstmas evenmg n the Ed T autwem rs MarVIn RAte luncheD'l, 1" 'noon', 'CS, 3 p.m.1 duugters and Mr, nd Mrs, Ro, . J'ol vere. 10nuay vi'itul's m M' H '"" L, ..., t 1'1 da

W;V home 01 11r. and, rs. rienry al'·IWlll e leadel 1 I' a book rev t.;w ___ ' Jenki IS and Lana' en lUIS. gl ge, il(am j\llttler hon e, ('ok· meiet ware ivlr. dnd Mrs. E ge~e Mrs J C. Wo ds WIll plan the lVII', and Mrs. Robr:l't Erwin had eveni g with Mr, nd Mrs, Le

r, a d Mr~, Keith 0\ '(ns JlId ,Leonard, ~'. an ~rs, elvm specill number. 'erving cOilUn'tfee dinner TuesdaYI evering with Mr, Sense. <; nda ad su!pe1' Mon ay \dth Harmeler ~ d Danny~ and !vi '. and IS :;V11", Lloyd Te . ey, Mrs, Ch les 8lid :\Il's. Kenneith Qlson, Concord, __ .!..-.-. I : M', a.nd' rs; Jess Truby, LaurcL 1'11'5. Mel'lm Harmeler and sons, IWilltl ey and .YI s, L. E. Jenk ns. Mr. and Mrs, lit. B', :VUchael and Auxiliary Disc ~ses I,

11'. a d M s, Bob B ~enstetlt ~r .. and M~'s. Ha~NelSo and - J' Oaic, LaUl'('l, were la1so there, I ..

~.e su er.-g1sts at :Mr. and Mrs, famliy, "MusiJ Boosters ~r, and 'Mr~. Paul Back and Par Improve ents I nold Vitte hur:sday. :VIr., and Mrs. Arn d :Wlt e and I Corrmittee 11 r MUsic iloo. t('rs family, Hed Oa~, lai sp~nt Chr1st~ A roject for im loving the Car~ ever I Canoll famili0 attend, Do,ugu> and Mr. an ¥l'!:l, Eru,-l Imeet~g Monda~e\.entng 1s lrs. mas hohdd.';S \~lth 1;\1. and Mrs roll ark was co id"L'f.':1 at I

e . th,e slyer mOdding all iversal'Y Anderson ar.1d

Jim had dlr.n l' f't'l~ Ray anson, s G £: J l~es, W F Back and 1\1.r land l\1rs. Jfoh- Le-gi 111 Auxiliary meet! of 111'. and I'S, Ht:'nr Kieper day e\elll~g With ::\11 and ::\11::> :vIrs. Emil S~ anson, ~\11S Leo E'rt Gcmmell I J Tues ay evening a he I TI w'sda even ng at th Wayne Vernon Ho amp Bjnd family Istep ens, Mrs 1 arry ~elson llnd MI and ~11'> qeOlge Oweps Morrs home 'Mrs Gust a ditori m. Mr. an4 IMrs~ Charles off· Mrs. Clarence orris. Welf.' III SlOU* City Thuriday was ppointed chai

Mr. nd:- ~s.!fr. Edwal Roberts' meister, ItPef'lctl , spent a few 1-- II \\hel c :'i-1r Ow1ns ~ad a checkUp gate possibilili('~. ad son'.,Ml:;, Frank L 'enz and ~a;:Sal:~\J~~kF~~~ ~r:r:.a ents, I W~~~iS fIrst Of!selles of \\ nter on hIS Dnkle \t hlCr W:lS broken Ja~ ~}~~~r~O~~s i ~ ~~ng I~·~ 1 s~~:;,~ of 2!~.es~~~ MJ and Mrs !!bland Stap were I noon luncheon, <II be ,!Old a th~ JP,;;;~'t1~hrt MLS Fl dd EeI«rt were t'linn ent wa, m 1 rs. in ittlel', The occasion hosts for tYle fol1o\,.nng Chr stmas I Meth dlst ChUl Wedn~sday Ith 1n Flc"lont Thutsd3~ 10 attel:1dt the Way e Kerstme 1\ w s fa 'trh bilthday of BIllie gtfests :Mr. and MIS. Evere~t Wall- Mrs, Fred B 1 d as chair lan. \\cddlilq 0f thq former's cOllsm, 3.ss1stjed by MIS

rem; id jJf~rd R~b l'ts. ell and Ste\en, MI. and MIj N'or- MIl' Maurlce anson was ho tess Llla Glubbs, and Thomas A~,ms, Jarl. 24 hostesse > Mr. ads, J~erm'll1 'hwl,and \l1.1 \\1'a11O'1', Rev. and Mr, Jim for the meetlll last Wedne 4a). Jaek.son~ W.';o Eckerts were ~er- Paul~n and Ml's

D nald ' .... er iSioUXi Cit visitors GtJffcs and Martha and M' and Mrs C. L. Van etre led devo ~ons mght guests In tlte horr:.:- of Mr. ~-L esda ' I )"1b Albert BlemC'l', Holst~ n, Ia and Mrs D Jo~es wa m Eckel t S Slstel, ::'I-1rs ~,Iel\m San- Mr and ::vtlS R Jenkms an-9,1

Mr. a d 1:Iiti, Lynn F~IJ er~s land ChrlstmalS guests ill the li me of char e ot nusstOl1 stuc.~ Tre UIe decl1. I faffidt and Mr aJ Mrs !\1elvl~ I sons ha dimle . ,Monday '-<!ning'in 1k and Mrs Ceorge Bodl nstedt cht¥t funds we~ colledt..d Chllstmas evemng guests In the Jenkl sand 1amlly s cnt Thur sda.y I the CIa nee I ral1Quist h me. w~rc ::\ll and ::vII'S Bob oden~ -t Ihome of MI and Ml~ Gerhard event g In the D nl F'rmk hom!,

1\.1l;:ji. LOl'e1 Stoitcno'rg' a!nd st~dt. Don Boden:;tedt, Wayl e: and Pi~o hie Club Iwacker \\crc M1' and Mrs George Sand a Frmk spe t Fllday lllgh V\clUe ent' 'hul'sday .,. 'Ith Mrs. Bette Boct;enstedt and Cql Jack '1\11 and Mr . Gcorge Jurgc sen Wacker MI' and Mrs :\Iarvm VIC~ wlti'l Chern Jenkl s I Dth) II 'meie' Ckdenc};, SIOUX Olt~, > .were guests of Pmochlc <,lub \ cJ· tOl el11<1 famrl~ and 11: and ~r:; Ml'I§nd Mrs Fr'i~ Vlasak \\l'r I

1MI', . cl :VI~S' Clif[ol 'Pinkcl~ :\1r",ee L~dSa\, Wa~ne, spent IneSdlY evenm iSt the HallY 'eJ- IjOIlI~VlllJams and Marhs ,'1'ge Thur Clay evening aliO!rs 111 th

f man an fam i

>' \\ ere nn Ul1'-:' 'SUfJ~ [rom Wedn sday unlll SatUl ay III son ome FllZ :\) wele l€j{ "1\ (' by Isame crroup spent New Year S 111 home of Mr an Mrs Flan I pel' gu ,ts C:h 'istmas lJ~ y in the the l1.ome f :VII' and )'11'5 'eraid Mrs. HO"lard e-b. ;\Il~ Ch,ll(S th(' (,.(' g-c \Vclckcl homc Monday NCHll~nn VI.1sak \\ele N e \ :\1rs. L na 1I I'boishf'lm r hOme, Poo:¢~hll i "Whit ley, John ~ethwbt.: I al d lj;,- e\Cnln.-;.:\I1 <lnd :[I;hs Lester IIo- Year" guests 01 dl and ::VIr PiC'rce. :'I-It dud MI S DenniS Po plshl], I,SCll I all The nldetlng l!1 ~ \ (> W e,:) lpldt and Patty an~i IIi'n~ Marra Char es TICh\>, NOI ~olk

Mr. [ld ':\Il~S. G'201c; O\~·¢m Bmlon, W~' \\ere ,e;U('sts: f Mr,,~ ",1 h 1111' <Inri i'llrs 11,,111\\ I!rCb'I"C'le elilcl's Il'l the Gc,;Jard Wack~! 11r and MIS 14e Collms hadl 'C'·hc;.f<"t

h :ts'Dtoa,l.h<;'I~.Olal~'~"li I!,.:. uJel'atbs aJhtl Mrs raJd Posplshll from I - let hom€' ". I' c MO'l" suppu ThUi Sdi').'; 1111 1hl JOht ""~, r..." .. , :·10r'ldaJ. un II V\ednesda\ :MI and' Delt Dek ?vIr ,lnd .1,"" "Sanddhll Owel shame U\\e~~, -'luonil(:ld' ~Ir 11cl' Mrs 1'lrs J'llllmje Wackel ,md Jud:; 1 Ch I"tmas d1110C'1 pel \y 10) )c1'1 dl1(j Llll1llJ l\1r and 111 s Stanley I I.e Jensen and 1\\11110rc1 Lig JQss Tl bv Ldt,lel 1\11 Ind ..Mrs \\('r(' thele Tuesday c\enl!'! Ita D k \\as 'll1~ fhulsda:; \1011'1::; dnd l<1nlll~ ;\11' dnel Mrs I \\cnt to R,UHd ell S D SetlUl~ Dean ens and U 1\'111 elnd::\1t T J fhomds IS III at the home I: at th home of 11 and ::\11:' L 11 )Ick hlnl<;i1dm spC"nt Chlls1tmas del\ ~o spcm\ ell \stl11a~ In the ,llld:;V1i h.CltJ~ {hwns :.II d lllldd at hIS d,lUghtCI ;\ir-s E A Mm· .:'vIOl r s :'Ill ~ Ot to \\ ,.-;1H ~ hlllh :\11 ,ille!:'ill ~ 1...10\ d MlIrr~s eh \ tll(' Ldge lOlll( ,I dl1d to bllll' f.lle BI omflchl lolks \l lC O\Cl~ lIt-. lIe ~utilcled <I lrrht stto e re_lllCd Fdut\\elll .:vIIS ,Jo:; lu 1 :\11 nlld :'Il1~ Albplt Jenkms :\IJs Jenscn hOl11( phe h,ld spetit n~ht ~ ~. cenl],} . apd t~ 1 Ij I{ohclt'i c1"SI ,11(\ iaml1\ .... pent l'llday <i!!prr)oon the p ~t three \\c{' IthCle I

The llO\\1I1":- \\CI( ',l\\ YB"' 'I 1\11 unci :viIS HallY Gll(S and Icald wele PldjCU I \\lth :'\lr and Mrs Franl< (,I'lfflth Ml vVait('1 SI < nand JO)dC g iCsts tilc hOlllC 01 'II' ,mel :s Ijlllllliv had cilllner With 't and -~ I ISullda\ lh('\ dro\(' 10 Hooper to \\cI'pf'Flldd\ 1 on (!"lIl(I;, 1)1 V 011('\ Dent-.huot ,:\11 llCl It,~ :'III s 'vV ~ Giles Norfnlj. ' hUi S Wilt e Reunion II "]H nu [\;c\\ YCdil s \\ 11 h ::\11 <ll1d t 11(> I) .... mc uJ < Jld ':\!J ~ BOlb • alk'"' )tll'ihollf rind \\, bUI 1\11 d(J\ fOI DICJ~S mn:th tillthrld AlilUdl Wlltsc 1,llnli) I(,U110J11 :vtlS I 10\d \,I('\('IS Hnd fnnllh DUH.I NOltolk I'>cnl,to 1.11} d d 'I s 11,)1 (JIll (~UJnll :\11 and I ;\It am.\'!\1:1 S John OUc Stan· II \, DS wid Sund'IY ut flw 1 Olll of \II;' iiJ.lld :Vlrf.; Wt'l;iey'Rubcck and I I rrom ~llCl c (' C she' \\ III I q :N rs I d.n l~~ll1!l dw1 j I lIlh and: If\ dncl Wenrlt>li \"'1 e Chi sImas l~1r ,pHI ::'.It"' L 1\1 dl H,( l.k IS, \ It II :.\11 dJnck HlIblCj( dJld 13ldtnC \'el e i ~~~('t h( I nUl sc s t t lllll ~

,.:vI cll1l .\1r!; G Ol/.:(' ~~, W!ll~ l4,u('s1soJ ~II dnd:.'v1ls L10v l1ohl~ CUOP4 IdU\e cllllll(,l CJt l1qlll 11OS"'II-'uc~ts 101 dn 0 ~t(jol sUPP"!' S:J.t~ ;\Ii! q.nd ;'vIIS D,lq Uru..!:,: 1 dllil - ---.. - - - -- pre"1nt \o,ll (.:\11 ,nd \[ , \1 I ,lld III d I\> Il1 the Ol \IIDe HlcI{C'j'SCll I \Vl d l'SddV l \ llllnl"

I I 1 Wllt~c rlnd Rcnqe \Vcl\ill \11 IIll! home 1l1mjY .... H'r~h.., Elcel L"ubbll~ll(t REP RT QF COf\JD1TION OF ~\lts ('Icile Wtltse ,11'1 10. 111), Mr and MIS I Jdl1n D,nls ),11 ICdl\C , III _ I Farmers Stat Bank of Carroll Nebraska LYo~s l\1i andl-!"'11s Ui( I3eJla'dldlld::'-.11~ r: H,~I()lll~-1I1L1lI:1rold hO~l ,ll1d~11S AI1~dSI(,\C'IS ,nll

' i , Ml land 111's Stanley Anae SOli 1 dnd 1.'.11' ami Ml'~ 1\ r~ Jones and I ~ ld "\11 ,\ c;i ::'Ill ~ Ve'lll~C r i af the el., ~h:::~~e~o~::~:be, 31, 1955 ~~~~f~-~t':b~ "~\~ M" (,I,fton h<i-' ~\"Ch~:~~h'~~,~h,<')'~"' ;;;~::~~ \~~~ 1}~:' ;, a~I~n~O~~ ~I'~~~" t~ ,~'~Yfc II 101· ~ I j J ,on, ~ C It, to p r

Fetej Stoltenbe ~~ ~II and :\11 s Leo flu),\ nand }!al ~ Stolle hom Po tJac M Ich, j

ASSETS M and Mrs Clalence vol lli:'r iamll\ \\llC (,h Istm3s guests lp ioule Opklns" w:ek-end gues~ 1'1 l erytej;tdlncd gu~'sts 111 theIr oml.! the VCll1 Da\IS I OllIe Inp1a.tl LOIS wa a New Year d Mrs Cash,lalancf'!;\\lthoth( lmnis lIlcludlllgl!SC'I\( balances II Monlday e\elHl,g III honor 0. thc Bro\'.ll,wholse POyedlllONelll In he !;lome of Mr. <y1 •

, I. I ati ('a!>h It('ms lJ1 1 G(,cs~ of eolh'ctlOl1 :to 9 072 481 [list weddlllg I Ulll1n ersary 0 I ~11. Spt nt the past w '~k \\ltb her Pal I Jo~n Owens. j: '0 t )It 1

United Sta\{'s GO\( I I1me 1t obi g,ltions, ,..1 and I M..rs Dalq 1 Stoltenbel g 'hose Cl1ts Ml mel :'III s Leo BrO\V11. I R~th O\\eI1S Ie t Jtll t~~ (ns dUNt <lnd gllalant( ,Ii 8 ,0637~ pre~ent WCle 1)-11' elllU Mls lll'n MI uncd MIS II,eonard ~IoOle Mle~, Sunda), UI n()I~I~~ dlJl(lllg

Loa)ls ~nd dIscounts (\1 c11\dl g Slp~ R3 0\' 1 ell ,\1 ts I 11 ,6443;) Stolltenbeq !; d\ld 1c1l11d'l title Mr dnd Sandra Ictt Monday for their 11 etu npd to Gl dl d, Ist"l I holld 1\'" I ;Bank lPmISl'$ o\\ned $ ,(SOlO fUrnltlllt' and Mrs 13011 Pet{l~on and jam~ homp It Nampa Idaho, altcr ha\~ thl" \\eck Both slent H

an fl:-.tUIC.s ';3830 33302 IlY,IMr~ and ~'s LOlen St !tcn~llI1g sp'cnt the past 10 days \\Ith Il1t eJohn(h,,;J1 ~~~~l(l"t Rubedl, I - ~.:t. berg and Vlc~~nd Mr an Mrs I relatl\ es here They ..... el'(i aecom· IVlh and MI ~ hid Hlrllr1P

I 1" TAL If-SSr;:;TS j I $30) 113 6v Dorl Harmel I Cal ds fUl'll,Shed palllcd b) .:\11 S 2\1 S Whltne~ andll\[I~ Jac~ €'c ( '~~\th ~Irs I ~ LiABiliTies ent~rtalnment Dale Stolte l'bClg j who WIll spend the WlI1tel \\Ith the hadl s\.f1':lpC'1 fhu ~~a\lddred ,Ind I .... Dema d Pt~:P sits of ttl hldu 1s, partneI1>hl[Hj, { I w~r~~"da for Ft, L ford 1 ~l~tr~ t~r;~~~s a~1~e~lt2~~ \~~~t~~~e ~p~'r~t A~\~~, s;\ C Illg In the Ea:;

a d cor orations , I $1 ,96922 -__ at Ml and :'I-1rs Hobelt En\ln JI1~ Ag~l 11 homc d S11ll1ght Time ('posit of mdlvlf\lals, altnershlps • J,Sltors dunng the wcck 11 the eluded Ml and Mrs Elil Er,;vJl1 r and .:vIIS LloJ7 \\Ith :vir

a d c{)r~ratlonS""I~ j 4,72187 ho e of Mr ~lifld Mrs Kellh \\ens and famll) 111 and MIS Gary spe t Fl'lday e e\1111g DeIJm!. ts of mted St ~s G~'crnmpnt wele Stanley and Lo\ .... cll ('HilS. Erwlll ~Uld 'Mr and MIS Jim and MIS Dl'an (~\f::~~ ~Irs Cla1'.

(1 cludl g postal vmgs) 379329 .Mr and M1Sl Ronald H.ee and El'wm SIOLLX Clt{, Ml and Mrs 1S G E JOIl tt \\e1'(> Wt'dl~ J Depos ts of tatcs and whtlc I subdl\ IS Ions 3 215 5~ so1and Mr 811d Mrs Gordon I{a\ IS HenrJ.' Ex\\ In and [anuly and Mr enc~ MorriS and I ~ l~ltOl'S 11 thl

I an Cyndee /.., and 1\1ls Ed"'atd Linn and daugh~ nestlay aftellloO T TAL DEPOSIT I $2')0,69990 * l' and Mh. ::vIal Joncs ~~ot~ tet RaJ Hanson hon ~ts 111 th(' hom(' 0'

Othcl' ItabtljtlC"S 27215 fOlIc and Mr, land Mrs; Ed laut~ MI' and Mrs Leo Jensen spent cw Yea~ s gu olm Paulscn 1I~.

i --- wenwcreTu€)sdaycveqmg\IItms Tuesday evelllng III the H L. MIl' and

1 rS

d l'S Mmtm Pau~~

T TAL LIABIU IES $2 0,97265 III the home ~~ Mr and 11rs E. Neely home for Mrs Nedy's cued 1 r ~n IS Gust Johnsdn j JOljles Mr and MI s Foy e rgoe, birthday se , Mr an

CAP1Al ACCOUNTS Plamvlcw: sp1nt Mond9.Y I] 1 the Ml a~d :Mrs C II Marl!'> had an Elmed ~I~~(,ln~~~ld Junek <lod Capit I ~ $ )3,00000 Jo![!es home I dmner Tuesday \\ Ith ),I{r and Mrs. r an • di n'r Ft Idel\' e\ enll'jg Surplt s 150000 .pmner guests Tuesd:1Y venlllg Hall \ 110\\ arth Norfolk fa Ily had n

f Mr and :'vI! s Ed

Undlv ded ~l'oflts 4;64095 111 he home tfl'f Mr and HlS liarr~ MI and Mrs A PoUnd and AI-III} Ithe home 0 •

I --~-- N Ison were Mr and Mr Ott len lIUStlllgS, had dmner Mondayr: II< 0 k nd ~rs Carl Ja~'\.ss~a1d T TA~ CAPITA ACe UNTS $ 1,140$5 Peters, Sholps, Me and ~rs. III 'the MIS Enuly Jenkllls home. ~ a e~t M nday e\cm g n

I I ----------j--; yC arIes Pete i?, Denver, an rs. Charlotte Batten, ...... ho had spent a I y sp hl~ s home and e~ I T TA,L LIABILI IE,S D C!\PITAL ACCOUNTS $ 2,11360 C arlotte Pe ers and Tell IHas~ the holidays III the Jenkins home, th dMerl~'e~~ng n the Glen N ls<jm

I "'Thi~ ank:s capItal SlstS of ' I h gs k ' Ieturned tQ HaStIngS \Vitil them. ne ay e C mmon st'Oc1, WI h tota pal value of $23,000 00 .0 lr:;a:na~d r vo~~~~~~1d ~~~~r Mr and Mrs 4lfred Sle\ers and ho ~ and Mrs ElW~ Nlt~a~~~

11 EMORANDA '1 ursdav e emng WItI, l' andlfamtly\'.ereamOlf1ggueStsW~d~~~- fa 11y and Ml' and t·';~d esd y . , R hd ~ f 1 ' day e\ enlng il1 ~he homc of !J.y.L.I. S lote and LoIS spen on e n 1~, Assets pledgep or aSSl ned to secure liabilIties and for other I ,M s. CJlfford 0 e an..,. 1:1 :;. I d Mrs Alber~ BIehel [or the .' the I alter Sloan ho~e

p rpostts (mcludi g not's and t>llls l'edlscDuntl'd and hn Thosewh spent Wedne d<tr In ~l?Chcis' tenth \j'eddinrr anni\'crs~ r 11tr~ JlS1oan

" b rthday. I sc unties sold w! 11 agrc ment to repurchase) $ 47,000r--"" t e home 0 ~r ...... and M . ,~al~ arv, ,~ 0 Gu ~i~ for a 1 ste sUlP J

~ - - - ert 150m ere Mr. an Ir~ ::'-.11'. and ~'Irs. 'I:.\Iatt Lackas and S nd~v in the h me' a ~1r. a d ! larence J <jIVIS and Jan Cb I f~mily and' ,:\11'. and ::\l1'S. Harold M s Ed Fork \ '('n' ~ 11' and ~I s

~~~i~ l~~fa:t. the ubov Istaten cnt 1S tru(~ to the lJ

('st of my I nowle ge ~~s'c~~~i ,. cg:~I:,n CI~ vg;n ~~~~ra L~~,::s :~~eTu!!,~~~.o!:>:d THEi WAY E ~ J .,' Davltl V Gamood, C shier Mr and j's VerBon ol{amp. Wednesday w'ittr Rita Rethwisch, ON S LE AT

7. 0 X 15


Re!1' 522.86 , I '

$11695 I


7.60 X 15

Super Cu ; j:9" "$32.93,


or Grli :$2~~"


1. Dav1d V I Garw od, Ca hlCr o( the abo\,,-' l1dl11pcl banI.;;, 0 herrY Chwal"tln~. I HarriS, d la. BOd Kalin were Chri~tmas gu~sts In the p t~ Vollerson and 'tmily. J. r.

CO'} _crrAm'ESl' I " II al d dough l~; spent I C l"I*tm~s RandoJpb. 'I ' MORRIS N HOTEL • • I P'erry J? nson.tl ""' I ~e and, ha ~nner ~on~ yl ~~h~ Mr, and Mrs. Jack Tiedgelil "and FELEER HARMACY

, ~L M. P l'sen,1 I I r. and M aI'l "",~ICl. ~JiMrs daughter w(,1'e Wednesday over~ GRIE S 'DRUG 1_~:~+::"'--I--+--...l-~-~"':~t-t-----';""-:--:---'-__ 1ti:--:G G E.;Td s, 1 I ,eJ prosen wel"e ',~ la t 1 night guests in the Owen' Owens ~ , t El"lOFre ;1::'o~, 1I ; ~r:,n~a~~d ~s,m:l':ead~ a steln~ home, Relatives who \'isited them COUN IL OAK

) 1 ' I I fl I' Ii I :

FOR SAI.~·> Top qU<lil1y Hampshtre bonn:. Varcinated

both way~: Jim Alhrrs, PpC'mcl', one block .c:;Qutll of <.;rho'Jlhouse

I--····c-=:.::..::I and east· into fa~·m. Phone 27.3:5. o20tf

I FO~ s~"~~:~"T;P-q-U~ity~~~\:;: Hnmpshire purC'brl'd .spr:ng and

fflll boar". Vaccinated for cholera and ('1 y"ipeICls. Hl!'rbl'l"t A!bprs, 6:\~, mik;, nOl·tll .\\·i,sller or, High-

iii.iilii.~11 Wily !)1 n1019

. bw as

, ! 1953 CHEVRQLHS, , I Frl'C' models to ch I Prrc1-d as low as ,

1952 CHEVR~LEfS TI: rce model "to Priced as 10 as.

1951 CHl;va L~TS r.o.u~. r:10dclS~O choose

, rrr,:~d as 10 : as

19~~CH~V" cbRD, Fivq '1l'Jdels til 'choose

, ~~ced as 'I'I,. as ..

19491c1-tEVRipLET, Ftve models 'fo chodse Priced as low as



Tire with Us



$195 PL1f~OU1'HS .,.

.. I. ~100 0' Less' less thanl aln overhoul-of your

oulf I



ra~il~ and~l~r~\':~~ J~I?s~On p~4 Fisch~l' a~d family were rnt('rtain~ cd at inner in the Vl'rr Carlson homo., ,

an~ll~h '1~~{,1~1~~(~r~~nn~~'~{~~~~~~~~~~ :~~. Ji Fit:k:;trom hom~ nl'ar AI·

cn~~~ il~d ~i~; C;U~~I~S E:t~l~~~f~~ ~I 1 ~~~~l ~~~.~l. New ~earls . . . ~~~I~S

Ml Ilaljd :VIIs Phillip Rmg and L..ast sons In,~dl Phoclx> Rmg \'>'('1'(' d1O- U1 the ner ~lh~s of Evclme R~lg, SIQUX and

Ci~r ~~Id Mrs Charlo Piclson wen' In ('1' guests 10 the Ro) Pl('rso orne

Ur I a d Hrs Lc>on rd Olson, Lettl(' rman and da Dilts

~i:'~Ign61~~~lh~~:_t dml<l('r In the after spending som~ time Mr. and Mrs. ~uben Goldo.erg, parents, Mr. an? !:irs"

JaNo~n and Maureen were with Echtenkamp. 1 huxsda) Mr. a d Mrs: unus Ring and Mr. ~chtenk.amps Were . and rs.· Martin Holmberg as In the Don Kock hom~, dinne gUests in th(' Henry Holm- Mr. and rs. r berg· omC'. were in

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Strong, Miller Mr. Sioux City, hnd Mr. and Mrs. 1'Iartin Pvt.

~~:9l~~~11~ed~t s~~p~7na\~~ ~~~~. in ' , Clare-he!.:' Sehlines: home. Evenlng Monday evening 9 visitors Were: Mrf;. Enuna Lunz, Clifford Hale hom~ Cliffojrd and LC'Roy, Newcastle, Mrs. Mike Hanst'll land Mr, and Mt·s, Chester Lunz and rolL New Year's.' Wayne, Stanton, and Mr. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. James Hall~trom and Ram;ly. ' and son. New Ye4r's I

Mr~ and Mrs. Walter Johnson Were Mr. and Mrs~ Marvin I

~~h h~1~eO~dwS~~;~:e~o~~~sts ~Unday dinner j guests in, the I

IWe Need I lJ sed ·14''''';A~fl"''O;'

(ars house.ups!s,

Mrf and Mrs. Walter Otte and WiLlis Johnson home were ~l) and I Sand and Mr. and Mrs. John :MrS. Andrew John~on and Utfrold. Hans n were.entertaine~ at dinner Mr. and. Mrs. G.erald Hale! and and upp~r In the Wlll Evans Bradley returned Tuesday Ifrom hom1 Nehgh. . Lebanon, Mo., where they dsited

Ml. ~nd Mrs. ~ob Fl'edeT1Ckson Mrs. Hale's parents, 111'. and i'.1rs. an4' h1ldrcl1 wer€" entertaUled at W. D. Kuhn, o\"(~r the Christmas dirrn r in tl--tc Earl Kimball homl" weekend. ::\1onday supper guests in

Si~;~ ~~~. Mr~. Al Frost. Lyons, ~~\~'sHf~~~t hg~t~d~,/~\~~,~.~': ~~~l~l~andd werel dinner gUests in the Ted! Mt·s. Clifford Haie and :VII'. and Hanlispn home. Mrs. S. S. Hale. 1

We'll give you top

'trade-in value for your

present car on a

Fabulous New

1 ~56 Pontiac

Strato Streak V-S

,., * hree Little


Good tires, including mud and snows on this 2·door with ra.dio, hpatf'r, visor and two­tOIW pamt. An exC'C'ptional

1947 CHEVROLET A :?-door with radio and heatC'r.

* Pontiac - Cadillac

GMC- Willys

Sales and Service

* Wo'iske Auto


M*. and Mrs. 'Elllis Johnsq,;l and Mr. and Mrs. ~Ienn Granquist, Mr. Ftnd ~rs. Kenneth Slutz, Kay \ .... ere Sundny aft('~'no()n ~,ucsts in a~'d IJac~lC wel'p C'ntc>rtamt'Q .at the Anton Granquist.holllc to dsH I dmner III the Oscar BloomqUlst \\'ith Art Stnl1ght, IS~ln JOf:£', Calif., hom~. .' who is here to ,"P~JlJ ~e\V Year's. 1

A.n~ll"~I~~~~,!:,~~lr~'f'~(~u~i~~·(~·~·]~~~~~ ,Mond~Y afte.rnopn guests in ~he: in the Fred Harrison home. ~Ienn ?ral1~.ul!>t J!10ml: \~.~~? ,~r. I

lVII'S. Catherine Culton wa/s al and .:'IIIs. l<lcd l;%lldcl::.!CC\t,: ilnd dmnPl guest ill the Vcrdell tUl1c! daugbt('rs I homp Caller3 last week In the HarriS

Mr anrl 1\1rs H('lman F1Ck and SOl"('Il"C'll home \\]('re .:'III ,llld .:'Ill£.. IShll~ey Omaha WPfe dinner Iienlldll .:\ n; \\,Ilkl Fet-

e tcrtil.ln"d 31 N, \\ I g~~ ts 111 ,he Bernard K11ne¥ ~~~:~' J.,~: ' .:\~;;s lI~IUo~~pkc?r~)!~ 1& thf' lldrl y petk hpme ' I\I and :"II] sEldon Mc$UlI c sen l\Ir .:'.Irs Russell Lutt 1frs L1hs J~hnSOll \}.elC I cllld 1 daughtlJs a,ceompal1!l~ 1\11 I and :'1r ':'11"5 Will hlo\hn,

: dll~lf;·'.r a~l~e~t:~, Dalla!'; I, i \~~~\jt~:1~tOI~~Ufl\;~~1. Macklin to 1 Wausa

I l:tf-n ~o('rg('!,. ,Ba~~('1t, . I T!ll' ['pc II Rhodc·s familv I i d51Y dlsner guc;;ts 1Il ).~~ Pend: !'nkrtained ilt riitllH'r ill till' Il··\~1~~lg~~;1~fl~~;rROI? il~rl ! OJ) IJC'illl' 11Onw, Sioux ('tt~. 'and Kathy Fi:-:cht,l' \·\"itr'r! 11\\,1"' awl 1I.Il's. Dal",,'JIl ~!Trod, I : BC'l'l1<l. nl Kll~l1l.'Y and LOIS' l\ 10. l1dilY. Str'H' aJ.ld ~an(:\', l\ll'. anrl. !\'II S'I afternoon.: I Ilil;.l JIHllgn'l1 H/id chlldrl'll I Hlld r IVYr anfl lVIj',s A. F.J'L~ng'(' Hnd Val/.' and Tf']"l'Y Carlson. ~I('ad,

~ B(>\'('rly utt.'llded til(' \\wldinr.; 01 \\'{,l~(, ('ntf'l",t;ul1rd at Q.1!1l1l'r I 1111' I ! Joan Johnson: and Carl n1C'l1st'1l in 1 R. Nrmrn(j homp. Kl'nny '[<111- I

i O%ar~~ ~~{t~~·~~~a:~f(~.('?~~:~1ti, vis- I~. I ited Mrs. Lhjyd lIugelm~n T)H'S- "Calendar <bf Co ' , S I /I

1~'~~d~.f~4'\~1?;~)1~('~~f~~~ gI\lJ;ft1~'~~1~l: 1 l min a es

I, Columbus. ALE The Eldon McGuirC' family \:io;- i

: it,;d in Ih, Wes Canlc,· h9m

': Mon-. \J' ,.J),I],' ~ l 1 day pvenmg 'and III the, I'"ug('nc I' , • i Paul home TI,lf'sday ('\·('Ir ing.. . l. , I en~~~t~~l~d~~;' r;ll:,i\'~~(fS~ltl \~~1:~~ I ~ AT E S i ~~~s ~~~~I;I~I~,er ilnd qara New

Mrs. Dalw.-iu Nimrod jnd Nancy 'M ED ~1~fgdl~~ p~~;: w~'~~~sJ;yunadf~~I~~ noon. . J

Loi,6 Kinney rntertainid a group

iit:~'iet~~S it~~~_~~~h d~n~~crF']~~n~~ e\'H~~~id 1 and I

~U~~~~O~l~~~ hom~s

i ' Besides ttl", one+stfllp Farm Sale

~ef.C:y ~:gw:rte ~e::I~ ot= tr services are so inclad~d In .t s season's olle • )l'hey Include:

1. FREE Listtd In the new&-: paper's Csle d~r of Coming I Sales _ to pr~tect the date , you have se1ered.

2. Your FREE Bale bill ~t­, ed on brigh~ assorted

;;:::;: of re I . or sale bUi

: S, E:I(perienced ~elp In draw~ lng up your ,farm sale ad;

I ~K~e AitC:tW'g~d that

I, 4. Use of good! Ih"estock and 1 purebred pictrres in ad and

6, Comb atlo.n new spla pe r plan f SJ;lle ad an~ sale

~~~Sr t!~-,~e~tls:~:IC~o~~t: in on JObj

7. Less expe$se, less driving

~:; I=:r! :l~d~U1sI~e~::: 8, Your newwaper ad In pa,.­

per ves farmers opportun­Ity t stt~dy your sale list over are~tulJY, In their own home., a d decide 'on . the artlel s t ey may wish tu buy, I

9. If yo c~not get In to .• the Heral f ice seon, Just call ~'"U E 130 and we wIll come tol our FARM! I' sale blll& I


Custom ForClD,r ExcC'ptionally sjul.rp, Ip\y mile­agl', 011('-0\\11('1' car.

-+< *,-+< 1954 FO~I)

Mainline Tudor 6~Cyl. Radio anrl lwut(,l" in this £7,000 mile car. ..

-+< * * 1952 CHEVROLET.

Deluxe TudQr H('atpl' arid tu-tane on th.is on('-

i< * * 1952 FORD

Custom Tudor ,V-8 Onr'-m'.11f')·, clean car that. is worth tht, money.

-+< * '1' 1951 CHEVROLET

i< * i< 1951 CHEVROLET

Deluxe Tudor Radio anti heakI'. Onc-owl1('1'. Pric£'d right.

-+< * * 1951 CHEVROLET

C1ub Coupe Pf'rfect mechanically. Drive it and you'll buy it. .

it * 1" 1951 FORD

Radio and h~~~~~~'rd-o-matlc. See this 011e-- it's sharp.

* * * 1951 FORO Custom Fordor

Radio. ft~at('r and o\,('rdrive. One-owner. Nice.

.j( * ,01 * 1951 MERdURY

Custom Tudor Radio. heater and rulIy equip.. ped. Loral town ca1",' .

-+< * * 1951 FORD! Deluxe Fordor ' r

Rndio. r'I'alr'l' and ovcl'ddve. ()lH'-O\\'n,'l",

-+< * 1'. 1951 FORD Station Wagon

()\eJ~drlw. It's sharp and wQrth t.he money. .

i< * * 1950 FORD

Deluxe Tud~l' V-8 JIr'al ('l'-+cll'l i.\' J O;('-owne~

1950 FORD Deluxe. Tudor

Radio. h,'a!!'!'. ",,'pnlim,""v' low mi 1""1 !.":e.

-+< -If- -+< 1949 PLYMOUTH.

Fordor Radio. ~f':1t~~e-ownC'~

1949 MERCURY Custom Tudor'

Radio, ht'at.·]' amI Runfj ('x('f'pt ipllally

* * -+< 1949 FORD

Custom Tudor V-8 Radio, heaiPI' find

i< * * Pickups'

1953 FORD F·100 ~l.:ton 'V:~8

'Radio and hc'atcr.

, i< * * 1.951 .cHEVROLET

r z Ton Low mil('cgp.

. -+< * 1<'

Seyle'r M






was \)('st man. Richard l.'py('kr. Norfolk

COl1(,(,1l Ra John~on. was flower girl. Gk'nn shipnwr, Pierc(', was C'andll'Ji!-,;hten; W('re­Hoskin!'. and RruC'c folk. BiHy K()('pl~(' and Bl'umond.\\"l'rC' ~hl'I""

• III I"

Weddings sonl Were candlelighters, weie Larry Bowers and Donald Bod.e-nstedt.

Following the ceremony a re­ception was held in the church parlors. Those \';ho assisted in serVing were Mrs, Don llarmer. Mrs. Merle Whitney, Mrs. Bernie Bow('rs and Mrs. Clarence Bowers. Waitresses were Donna Janke, Carolyn Nelson, Maureen Nelson Sharon Fleer, Karen Bowers and Rose Ann Farran. '

The bride graduated from Win­sid/.' high school, attended WSTC and is teacnlng a rural/school near Carroll. The bridegroom serv­ed two in the Army.' The

at home on a farm

• Lila Graham and

Ralph Brown Wed

Lila Jean Graham, daugh'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Graham, Ran­dolph, and Ralph W. Brown, son of Mrs. Selma Brown, Rand,olph, were marrif'd last Monday after­noon in Rand 0 I P 11 Methodist church.

I I I,

I center~d and bordered with

satin ribbon. . Kardell. brother of the best man. Groomsmen Stone. brother of the

and Paul Kardell' bride. ThE" bride~ attendants wore

suits and wore white I carnation 'boutOnnieres.

.' I Candle lighters were Keith and An".ij BI'Urnell'l Stone Kendall' Kardcll. twin brothers '-I the bride, Donnis Stone was ring.

We~ ~t co~' cord ~i:-~~er, Janie Carlson was flower I I Ushers we)'c Donald Kardcll

Eli~or t.>...nn Kar ell, daughter b~other of the bride, and Rolland

d~lflau:~gl, ~l~~. BC r~~~s D~\~~~~ ~ctor, cousin of the bridC'gl'oom.

s'on cf Mr.1 ,and 1's. Fred E. ~er of the bride chose> StonpJ jl' .• Laurel, were married blUe dress with black accessories. Dc'c. 23 in n candlelight eer('mony Th8 bridegroom's mothcr chose an at COllcol"'dia Lutheran church, ~qua drpss with brown accf'SSOl'-

COR~~~'~rnC'st Nels~n offici~te~ at ~~S~n~f~~s. wore corsages of pink the clpul>lf' cing c~remony. Mrs. A reception was hC'ld in the Kennqth Kardell sang "God Gave church parlors. Mrs. Raymond Mf' Ypu" and "Thf Lord's Pray- Eri~son, Mrs, Cecil'Clark and Mrs . ~r'" Naom;i ~elson twas aceompan~ Arvld Peterson served. Waitresses

IstThl' " :ae:s~:~~~is de~~~~~.nAn~~~~~n?un-Nancy Stone, sister of the

bridegroom. had charge o( the guest book. Margaret \Vinquist and ?oris Johnson had Charge of the gIfts. Mrs, Albert Knitter pour­ed. Mrs. Donald Kard('ll and Mrs. Art Winquist cut, and served the wedding cake. The serving tabl9 was centered with a fool' tiered :ne£~~1t;ake decorated in shrimp

'. '·1. 1 ;, I ' ~ ; .. ;

Rev. Cecil Gn'f'n officiated at the double ring cl're-many. Mrs. Melvin Witte sang "Bless This House," "Alway:;" a"n d "The Lora's Prav"!." ~rrs. Louis Wink­dbauer w~s accompanist.

The bri::lf' chose a navy blue dress 'with black and white acces­sories for her gOing away ensem-w. . ~ -" , do?;l'~i~:;~~h~~~~"del~tI[~~;nsc~~i Janelle Calling Wed

The brid(l \1/0\,(' a gO\vn of.. white brocadG'd satin and carried a bou­quet of canlations.

Matron Qf honor ,was Mrs. Earl Duffy, Rand01ph. Sh(',W01'C a gown ~i~n~·.hite lace and farried carna-

Denton Hyatt was best man. lJsh('rs w('rp Keith Johnson, Ran­dolph, and Arthur Brown, Oma­ha.

a year The lmdpg-t oom gl aduated ~ ~oo: l~~~c~t\r%~h a~Ch~~1 re~I~~ To lenn J Gubbels Wash. The bnde plaps to Jam h('r I ~~::r':rn~r~~ 'Z~~~';~~0'k:;~~r hIS We nesday Morning

• . Jan lie Calill1g dRlIghter of Mr.1 and IS NKk Call1ng Randolph, and G crlll J Guhbels, son of Mr

Jacq uellne F reI berg 1 ;~;Tl'i~d ~l~~:tls~~~~,~!ra~

Candleligh j e r s \'/C'rc' Donna Graham and Nita Graham.

at Randolph St. Frances

And Robert Koll Wed R'Jo'::;;;~d ~,~;"c~:~: A reception \vas held in tlle

ehu,reh parlors. MC'thodist guild ladl('s St'rv('d. yVaitrcsses were .JacquelinI' FreibC'l"g, daughter Sandra Bartlett, Jean Rudebusch, 'Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fn·ibl'rg. Jackie Cimmmgs and ~hal"on Lien- and Robert W. Koll, son

er;~I~Cn'bridc graduatod from Ran- Urin~~e,a~~r:l~~rr~~l~!~~ ~o~t dolph high school and teaches in St .. Paul's Evangelical Luthera.Q.

~~~~~at~~hO~i~~ ~~nd~~~~egr~~ Ch~~. Fr';~~i~lPCrt officiated at school and is pmployed at a Ran- the double ring ~eremony. dolph oil" company. The bride. given in marriage' by

,Mtel" a short wedding tnp to her father, \yo.l'c !a wintpf white Lincoln the' couple will live in suit with powder iJfuc accessories.

Ra~~_I~f~to\\l1 gllPsts Wpre ~.~~t~~r~~~, white gardenias on a Richard MiiandC'r and son, Apple- Matron of honor was Mrs.

I~:~.' ~t~~·.', ~fl~n~n~tr~~~~sAv~"~ ~~mt~sc ~fd~~~nl"O~~:a~'os;~te~ Baker, -vVorti1ington, Mimi., and na...,'Y blue suit with white accessor·

~~a;;d 1\11'5. Atthur Brown, ~e:n~~dH~f{~~~;s~ nosegay of Jo-

••••• 1 ••• -wi.~iil"'I""r..~~ii .. ii;;~0IU .. ,~~f~~i~;mi~~~iii;ii •••• ~.ii ••• ~~~;~,i.;"""""" .. i; .. """"~~~~~~iiif.iiiiii~~~~~~~~~ ........ """"""~~~Siii~~~~,i.ii~~.~~i ~I ••••••••••.•••



5T liE I

ftlii<Ollr...,vR(:ES ............

K"' .... 'i .. _ House ..... Reserve

States ;:"I~.c .. r·'·TII':":

pal and Oth~r IISOl1ds andrDue from . Cash and Eq

TOTAL .........

...... $


, I

ment of Condition Dec~mber.


I~ I THe



. . I


$2,548,908.28 I 20.~0.00


I LIABILITIE ,caPita~ Stoc~ ./............ I ....... i ......... ,$

: ~:~~~~~d· ~~~~i't~ ·~~d· ~~~~·r~~


140,OOO.tp 167,825.91

'Total ~eposits I· ....... ,I •••




Roll;c wi Ley, Chainnan of



AL .. ......... , ..... .


j' .. ,$5,344,186.44




' r 'I I- "1

~········'··'1·~"~·'I··r····t···'··'I·r'"···~r··t ... ,.t'l.~~~~~fr-=-+~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------J--~~~~~~ 'I t i ~ •• "~U~ •••• " •• "., •••• , •••••••••••• ,U ••••• +~

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.N • i m , .. • · · • m .. D .• · • • "

I Froml Anie ieQ's t 'i .

,Larson's bing you ric.s 9t J~; uary cI \ pric

f· Yes, your. un"e';t,oe"ed

c, hoi e _O".f.i thi$ big Sl.0 a y~ld. I


ptete sire rpnge in


Here is the dress sole I east Nebraska waits son's big smash. All taken from our regula to $16,95, Complete eluding regular, half, Come early for best I of m.o~e thon 50 0

0 .

IIy Known EElS

:,Spri g Knight


For qKfra I'uxury, cole ~heets,'known maidJ Compare "notibnally"

i I' '

I I I , Cas~s 49c .. , . '.

inder! ,

r Salles Slips

bit ng for It!

i '





I '

ale! Values to $16,95

ry I Remnants

Spr~ads I Pillot t

I Cove s

Wavey Fhenille Zipper, $250 6~c

Protect your pillBws,1 with these

sturdy white cover*, All with

zipper closings.

I •

Blankbts N~lon Ble ,


Plaidi Sh Bla~kets I , I '

, Size 60 x 76 ' I

C'olorfUI.pIOid ~hcet blankct~~in colors of $1 00 rose and blue. More proof tho the biggest savings ore fo~nd at Larson' All strictly I fitst qualify. I

V~lues ,

to $~.9B yd.



Pads Double Bad Size

.First Quality



First quality white mot- First

tress pads. Zig stitched at cloths. What I Q bQrgQin. Buy.

ever~ inch. them by tho dozen.


\ '\ Spr~ads

60 G~uge - 15 Denier

Nylon Hosiery Fashiqnable Dark Seam

arc those Uuxurious beautiful GO, gaug~, 15 . nylons at January sale prices of 2 pair for.

E~~~p~~~;o~~~i~~~~~~;. ~f:e~e~ :on~ 1~I~t~~~:~ qua-lity.

Bring a Friend

Girls' Dresses ,

A berutiful selection of girls' cotton . ~ dress~" sizes 3 to 6X Qn~ 7 to,l2. FQm· 3 jf ous Cosh it1 on this big bargain, ,

COlwe'nience' Plus!

Fullv Fitted Spring Knight


Double Bed Size!

LlJrson's White Sale

" , a j' ~ H q

" " ~ 1

" l'I 11

" II

" a ~ ~ ~ , " , l1 !:.~ ~ Tii

" ~ ~

" ~ ffi

'" :! ,1 'J >I ,.1 1

t! <0 ~ o

" I,' '11

~~ ., '.'j

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" ~ ;J ~ M .. :J a H .. " " " .. m ~

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" ,'1 "1 ~-l . l'l

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;~ I , ' J

, : .~ .\ c, " " .• " " " " ~ !1 1.1,

~~ I " , . R

" " " " ' ~ ~ n ~

" ~ .1

" ~ '" '·1

" I;~


" " " : \ -;.......;...----------.....;~- 5 l

1 . I. '" . pringmaid Sheets i "

$t() ,fre Gu:~a~~;d for r -~······· .. ·~···"I···'··!··"'····,··'·.;~· .. ·····l· .. · .... h· .... o· .. t·~I' '~.'lbll ........... I',;" •• II ....... t •• ,I •• i •• ~i.~ .... ;= -- , 'I II'

:., 1'1 'i',


I ..• ~ .•....... It·············, .. · . I



I' I

I ,1 ,1


'111(' ,\~\ l~()n' ,COmml" ... ;jnn iw'ldc;J ItS

nw('ting Joll. ~:~ l~l

il ~)fU~t,:ll;~fi;i\l::~\;~I'~I" a~ indicalti'lll1 thl~ Jan \\ III be' no rilflC'IT'1l1 ill'ld I)('f( ]'(' GO\" \'!CUll

i 1"i'~I~~I~~~l~isl~~;ls\i~~~, hy IllI.S;"iOIl III C('] t;Jin rj(·ld"

'I\\o ))uhll( 111':11'111)..:<" 11<1\"(' \w('11 i scjll'dnkll 1m JHI1 23. ()np \nl.S srt

h(ll' F'1'brl1ary. I,n ~IH' latl('r ('as{' <I

group \\q.nts J-ilf';lba;.' :17 h('t\\('C'll

~~~I i1~7(~1 I j~~; C~l~~~ \~~~'~;;1l'~;) 11;(1~;~~~1;:~~ I SJ ~(';::'ll;ling \\'1111 be iwld Jan :2:1

Chances Dre the committee­main's post will go to an Omahan. Traditionally. Omaha has had a U. S. senator and the commit­teeman with the Governor and party chairman coming from

I ej~Sj~(~h:;eril~~~h~l~~~~~~n(', is the I

monl'\, rBi . ..;ing matter. Much or the I parly\ correr is filled lrom Oma-11.1 !('ontniJulions. An Omahnn is I

\~l\'r:-n a h0tt!'l' n!lanc(' to raisE' the: I ~,~~:~~~~~(.\c1';:; than is ;Ill out-state i

:\11 mll"l1:;ivr' cnmpnign is being ('arb('!! on lor '1', H. Maennf.'r, I (Jmallil l'I'allor and home builder.

i Also nwntlOllt'd LS, Chal'les Reed, I

: ~\~:,~I~~~r(,fI~ll?ni~~r~~~lCm~~(~~('r of

l\1aenner 1,S being backl'd by W. I

F'rasC'r, Omaha attomcy. HC' al­lw!> thr suppot1 of a host of oth­

parh officials. nelS i)C('11 sam I' talk that

:llj11' ~~l~l~t~j;, lmpll~~';~I~;~:~~i 1----=1-===-:-:-;;:----and Hal'risOI"::. will 1-----1--------h(' at 211.1D. - --r--

When ?f



Stress is what is lef~ when

1 ,

chooIB:o~k~e. your child iSI ~ot l.mder

Office Hours:


I :'>1;1\ or +-

,-" "'-~f'" ",-' " .

('k;IC:F:!rt;~~~:~~:~hCldt 231 J.c.!oll~ \V. ElliS ............. 23-J

City (,1~l"k-\Valtdr S. Bressler

C l1nellmen .

1~\··tli~~~~l~!·~~rc .: ::::::.:: .. :.~~ IT J. Hughes .. , ........ 57-J ,Bernard ~ey('r 6:!9-J '\rm. A. Koeber ..... 301 Ed Bahe .......................... 786

l'(ILICE . Call Operator-Thompson. Dick Hansen, >

PhIPPS, \Vm. Eynon ...... Cali 300

Phone 305-J

Prices ~ Start.ot




j 1n


~sl dr¥e

L' slie ,y Mrs. Geora' !lu.klrk, Phone Atlas 7-~523 ,

at l\Mi,\~~ M~~.~~;~~~ B~~~u;J~~ evening. Deloris Bush spent a few days -dt Cecil Stallbaum's, Water-bury.

Mr, and Mrs. Dan Dolph, and Mrs, John Grcve, Mr. Mrs, Richard Mycl's, Mr. and Hermf;lll Baker, .:'IIerlin 3.nd Habrock, 111'. and ~(Irs, Longe, Mr. and Mrs. Merle" Har~ ris and :Mr, and l\II1S4.' Vernon S-chultz helped' :vIrs. Delbert Lued~ ers celebrate her birthdclY Wed­nesday evening.

Ne\v Year's guests at nilly Han-

sen's were ~1r, and :\1rs, Robert r;:;;:;+=::';:;;:;~:::;:;;:;;:;=:t::::::;:;:::~::::::::::~::::::+=+====::=::::=:;:::::::::=::::=+:::. Hansen and son", Mr, and Mrs. Jack Schroeder and daughter, Iv,Ir. and Mr~. Joe Wilson and Melvin, Mr and 1'I'lI'S, Arnold Drudigam anci 11rs. Mable Clinkenbeard,

:;Mt', and ,Mrs, Glen\'il Frevert. Winside, :vIr, and Mrs, Err.est IFre~ \'CI't and .:\il'rlin and Albert Nel­son \\"el'll' dinner gU('sH; at Wendell Korth's Nt'\v Yeor's.

Mrs. Hl'nry Knl'til spent the weekend with Albion relatives.

l\lrs. L. J, Dressler, Tarnrnv and Irving ppder~on were Tuesday dinner guests at the Did\: Iverson home, Sioux City.

Mr. ami Mrs'. BC'nton Nicholson, I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lor;~c, MI'. and Mrs: FIenry ~arno\\·, L;n "Y Echten~ kamp and Dick \Vert Wel'l' supper gUests :'-ie'\\' YCi\l"'S at \\'tll Kor~h'.s.'

l\'lr and Tarnow, Mr, {inc! :\Irs. Mr. and :'III'S. Will Mrs, LOlli" Hans('ll TucsdrlY

Vl'rtkl EI'win Hnd hoys, MI'. and Mrs. Gl('11 l\lagnusoll und famity, Mr. and 1\11"0.;. Thomas F:rwill, !'vir. and Mrs. Quilltt'n Erwin and fam~ ily. MI·. :J'1d 1':1rs. Lyle ('leveland and famIly dnd Norma Dall.

Chl"lstm~ls dinner guests; in t11(' Floyd S.ulli'i-Jn hom,' \\'('rl' Mr, and Mrs. Chall('s M!'yeJ" tlml boys and i 1\11-. and .i\Il"s. W. M. MillnI', Colc-:

s~T:;~ ~\~l(f f~~l\;I::.and :-'Irs. Neall

th~l:ln,~:~~~"fl:.~I~~~l'l;l;:::'~,£j~·(~~e tl~r:nrk i I Carlson. i\Iinnie, ()Jlill and Hazel

and DO:l ILlg-bj'l"g.


2-lh, can

Hi-C Brand ORANGE ~RINKI 46-oz. IGA . FRUIT COCKTAIL, 303 can Royal Red : PITTED CH~RRIES, No: 2 ca, Del Monte Cre6m Style

GOLDEN CPRN, 303 cans ,1.


VEG-ALL, 3p3 cans ,"' 'J'




,,2 for 45c

for 3Sc

,,2 for 3Sc

",2 for 27c

can ".27c

,,2 for 33c

lb. 29c 3~c 87c



. "" that we have purch ased FURNITURE at}d FUNERAL HOME

an. 1. I 11 , this exp~nsion wiLl,enable s t4 provide even more complete' service

Wayne land Laurel areas, e s~all endeavor to conti hue the same ,~e­consideration of the little thi ;gs ps well as the big which have bee'n a'

Service Laurel Phone BLackburn 63251

ALOE -----6 is IG~S Tricennial Anni~ersary

By o.y of celebrating tllismile­in our his ory, we wont you, the con­

or ~e:n) to be the first to gain. s~gs, from our long ·ex­

PEllIle·Doe.· So here is the ,fust of many value .

l are going to bring 10 you As' the past; we ask lOU to

e are sure that you will find C<?~~,,':lIe~WlI",p~ces Everyday 'and Dot just

ndsl. Male'e IGA your hea~ for household and food needJ., ..

and save I the IGA way I

. DEPARTf'AENT. Kroft, Pimie h~1 Americdn, B¥ck, Swiss:

SLICED C EESE, 8-~z. pkg ..

. 2 Ibs. 43c

IGA Homog nized-tall cans i

EVAPOR TED MILK '""" A cans 49c

New Kroft F 'I . ALL PURP SE OIL, pint """",;37c Log Cabin . I: SYRUP, I~-oz. bottle ,i" "'""i31c

Duncan Hines ' r i CAKE MIrES ",., .. , .. ",,,,,2 pk s .. 69c

Cho alate' - White - Yello :

Sunshine Ch colate Chip I' COOKIES1 lb. pkg. . 49c

Laund1Y Flakes BLUE,wHITE, reg,pk\J.

Ige.'lpkg. Argo I


IGA T~~Pting .. "

STRA ",BERRIES, 1 O'OZ." ,P, ,k21'·ca

'.n'"l IGA Delicious--6-0%, cans

ORANGE JUICE '"" ," Hi-West Brand-10·az: pkg,

GREEN PEAS """,.,,,,

U,S, No, l-"A" Size Florida NEW rOTATOES ,""",,,,,L,a Firm F~esh, Texas . I NEW iCABBAGE, lb. ,,,,,,,,,,,.i,

Tender~ Crisp, Pascal . CElEQY HEARTS, cello pkg .. ,,,

~;~L'~ ~~, ,1, ,J~~at~a~,.,

18...,.. Pkg. Ie

FAB ~~";.. 31e


I TIDE' 1I;-oz.131 C 47 -oz. Pkg. ! Pkg.

Coffee :;~. :~d'; Pancake ix S"""m ........... .

S SIp y Hollu\\"; I yrup ('''W (noJ IWl.l,le •••••••• " •..

Pees ~;~-t~l ~~HrT:l'::~~'I~ty " ....... .

Green Be ns Bel-air[: cut .... .

Broccoli S ears Bel-~ir. frozen

9'eg~tabl~s B"·",, r',"d ..... Pickle Relish Zip,,),; "weet .. , ..

Roast Meaty 35 C ~ingle p~ckage • • • lb.

I .

I Sunny Hills; 2-1b. 2 S Great Nortll. Bag

ustard Krafl6jo:~1 D~t~f~~l'

Tasto Tells 8-oz. ce brand ....... Can

s Ftu ts and Vegeiables

10c .. \.5Ib5. 9

Blue.6minYr 8 . fJrsqotch Ice" Cream is unforgettable Naturnlly, I hqvc a ~n~mory like an el9phant, Blue punriy, but ~vc~e~IPlc w1l1 r~!.llembc!r the wonderful taste of this Blue ~111Y Buttelscotch (ee cream ... after they'ye tasted t~rt 5111Ootl1, crean, y vanilla with

,strc~ , i of r19h, golden butt/CfSCQtch r~nning thtough it.,

I'.S. Try.some tomoq·o,,·. II



to Omaha from where he . left i AtlantiC' ,---~ity, N.J. after spend~

ing the Christmas holidaY' hC'rc,

I ~~;frU~i~·;~~b"rg is a S,ister of Eng,.

and l1iL and Mes. Howarrl Trammer, Leo Deot:nlur. we,'(' Sunday gUf'sts a,t

Ow Paul \iv'jlJs home. ' G. DilVid Koch, Terre Hi'\ute,

.rnd., and his, father-tn-law, Ralph Cecile, Lincoln, spent W'ednesday' at the Dave Koch hOiTIl!. They were dinner guests

, I at the Allan Koch ho,ne. Dave home I Koch accompanied his son and Win- fami'ly to Terre Haute fo"r ari in-

at definite visit. , l\ll'. and Mrs. J<lrnr's Thompson


and farn il,}, Omaha, were );\.1('St5 durinu; tIl(' \\'C'l,k at the J-Icrman 1<.011 and R. If. Thompson hOl11es.

l\1rs. GC'OI'!?,(' Gabler returned W,·rln,.","" They; TuC'sday ufter spcndin.l': the

Cranberry Sauce


CAKE MIXES White - Yellow

Chocblate and Spice


holidays \vjth hct' sis-

I • Regal chocolate

PRAHA~ IICOOKIESI I LB. .... ... ... . .' ... 1.

BUSHEL 4 $4.69 LBS.




CRISP, TENDER 2 Carrots ~:


'10-OL j


Dani$h Dance' Held , Tuesday at Auditorium .'

,. Winside'· Danish Brot,he~ro~~

!~~n~~~~t;::~s H~~~t~~1 i~~~ ~~i~~ side auditOl'ium last Tuesday eve· ning. About :!50 people attended.

Santa Claus made his app~.~r· anel' and distJ'ibutcd trellts' to aU the yuungsters.

c~~~~~c wOc~'e *~or:~l~ml~::bse~' Kf:~nJ~'~~~~~~ a~~m;;ed~J'e~:~~~n, ,L~--- .

a: ~lili~~~·. ~lt~s:ia:!~~r~~jn~nf:f~ ~ronda.Y (or their home after spend­ing the Christmas weekt>-nd with

~rs. vnZen's parents, Mr. and

1 rs. John' Dammc. Lenzen-s. were rhristmas Eve gUests of ~r. Len­

z!en's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' He~ Ij.cnzl'n, South Sioux City.' . , Gladys and Willis Reichert wel'e

e,lvC'lling guests Wl'tincsday at the A.rthur Rabe home. ' More WINSIDE-page 6,

* We. dg not dig.nity of our amount w~lch contractetJ to chandise bnd one receiJ.es the eplous cofe. the srderation Wt the as well os :the do not wish

more for

r ( .

AU~U"l AlIcmunl1, \Vn.i nc, I~1,;;l1l'Y Sylow, Stanton, 'and Mrs. Marv W~lble. The AUemann 1amily, the Miller family and Mr. and Mrs. C.1PPS we'tc Christmas Eve gUests at the Asmus home.

Mr. I aod Ml'S. Ray Gamble. \\ uyne, were guests 01 theIr son­in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C3rl Bronzynski.

Mr. and Mrs. Marlt Benshdof elltertained the followmg gUests at theil' home: Mr. and Mrs. Worley Benshoof and Kermit, Carroll, Mr. l;ind Mrs. Ben Bens­nODI and Carolyn SUL', Wd.ync. Mr. aJICI Mrs H. G. '1raulweln and Craig, Akron, Colo., Mr. alld Mrs. Harold 4umn, Mr. and Mrs. Don­ald 'wullln and family, Mr. and 2-.11YUeO!·gc Vos~ and Susan Vahl­Kamp. Mr. and Mrs. Jam,,):, Matt!­SL'!1 and daughter, Emerson. JOined the gruup lor supper. A gilt ex­Change was enJoyed.

A lamlly gathering at the home 01 Mr. and Mrs.1 Albert Hintz m­eluded: .:vIr. and Mrs. Don Back­stl Om and famIly and Mr. and

I Mrs. Vemon Mliter and I Hoskll1s, Mr. and Mrs. Vel non

I son ~nd daughters and 111'. Mrs. Heubcn Hilltz and lanllly, Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fenske and lumlly, Mr. and 1I-lni. Adolf Millel' and Mr. and Mrs. Wunen Marotz and Val'Dcan. I

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Durnmc ell­tel tamcd Carl I3ucklcman and Jud~, PIerce, MI'. and Mrs. Wil­fred Lenzen und farml,} , St. Jumes, MUln.. and ::\11'. and )'lrs. John Vamme at dmner.

E\ el1ll1g dlOl1er gUcsts in till(' F

I C. Voss home were Lorettu Voss Omaha, l\ll. and MI s. \V dy nc I Dj'nkJau and Wayne, Jr., -BcU-C\ UL', :VII' and 1\I1's. Donald KdY, Nuke­flCld, Mr and Mrs. Lco \'oss. Mr and ::VII'S Dean Allv III and ':-'11. and .:\hs George Voss.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Marotz

Gotthllf Jaegcl guests at Herman

Jaeg ... . En"lc

l\1rs . Mr.

Hoffman and son. Christ Weible, Eu­

Russell PrlJlce, 1..01'­and Jaruce Swanson.

I :\Irs. Myron Bergman

Cht.,stm.as _ I MInneapolis. arrived spend the weekend

Mr and Ml'S Clarence Spinden,l ~~:::::==+=::=:j:2=:]:===::==:::=====~::t¢=::==::======::;:====+=:::;=:. Dos lomes, and Mr. 8f J)irs,l J

Fred Humes and family. o$lk. were dll1ner and luncheo guests I at the Wa.lter Spmden ho~e "

EVfmng dmner- guest,s of ::Mr aud ~!IS Au>!;u:;t Voecks w re ;MI' and ~Frs HeuDen Voccij.s a d fwn~

~~hni:~ r~~d ~rnut,~d J:~te. tt~ Y~lljf.'e~~d :\1r s Richard l\111~er rand






Terf"s I


ATI , !

CT10N Jan. 18, 195

premises on jhe 24 I acres 10catItJ

of Sholes and west

southeas~1 of Randolph. SEtA of Sec. 4, T\lvp. 27, R. 1 East, Wayne 'Co.~ 160 (Improved) I

Nl/:!NEtA of sec.l Twp. 27, R. 1 East, Wayne Co., 80

acres will be offered separatelYi,will also be offe.ed as one 240 acre

""Ol!;SelSS~on Marc~ 1, 1956 50% day of sale, balanl~e when deed and abstract are, de Abstract showing merd\antible title will be furnished.

I' I


!, bels, Deceased G. Rogers, Randolph,


l;y iTt I . I

: I I I

::"':,1:.1 HnJ~~I13' DOIH;lI'~! p(lte.l!> and 1

family w rc Thur day dinner guests of • It,. nntl Mr", John' ::'vIc-





D~~~l~nr;tl~~~i~l~~d \Volt(lr,m~ter-tained Mr'j and Mr~f. Jim Geiger t-----~-.... _:_t--'i":..J..--+----+_-­and famil3, Mr. an Mrs. Paul BO!~e and family. rv r. and :.1rs.

===========::.1 RUSS~I N. issen anrl~JamilY' :!.\I!', and 1'5. William W Iter and Cal-" , vin. 1, 1'5. Annie Car son and ::\11'.

D' '., I and Mrs.' brvilJe oodwin and ." Ixon childvcn, Lincoln, a d~nner last

,. Mrs. E~rl Ankeny S'TI~~;':ia~ guestsl i~the home> of Phon~ 121 R19 _ MI'. and Mrs. Ma'rio Quist were

------.J..;;:.;,;.:,;;:....;, ..... _.J.II Mr. a~d. Mrs. !Vii ram Enstrom Mr. and Mrf. Jack \VestJrtman O~;·~I~~I.lJ8m Erick n ,and Leila,

~~~~'~a~rt~~~:{n./~~:~'. guests i~l Mr. and 1frs. Ma~r. n Quist and 1\11'. and .1\1rs. Claude Stanley family 'entertained Ir, and ::Vlrs,

~~~r~;~~~-:,~~h~t :~tg;:n~~~12SJtOI'S in ~~~1C l\i~,C~~~~l. ~~~. fa ajl~" 6~~~fdaS~~~ !, Mr. <lllji .:vII'S, Louis, Reynolds, and Arm, ~:vrl'. and Mrs. Gerald

Laul'l'l, ud]t'd Thursday evening J('\vcll aD( family llid ::\1l'. and in tht' home uf ;"ll', and ':\lrs. Newell Mrs. Enrl etpl'o.;on and f,lmd\ St;1l11v.'r. SUpper TU)day ,

7\li'. and ::\'1rs, J\:'eith re.glcy and ;!vIr. and :\1.I's . .\lar.lbn OUIS! I:n.'.' cI~lldrl'n .spf'nt Christm:IS .holidays childrc-n ,J.l.pnt I'ndllY V1SltJll)..; \\"ith .\11'. and Mrs . .:\c\\'eJl S!an- friends ~lnd leiatl\'cs alt Oakland. ]('..,. I' Mr, Clnd I :\11'.0.;, Ita.\" Mlrer an?

:\11'. and :\1r5, Earl Pctprson, chUdt/en alpel 1\.1r. anq Mrs. Chi· DOl"Ullty, :1'111ry .Ann :1nd 'Ronnie [ol'rl D.llnel~ <11](1 cJlj:(l~ll>n. Wa) ne,

nnd :\lr anrl ~1!'::;. lJale Da,vidsol ~~~(~C~'~.~~II~t~\l~I~I~~~~.+~ljeSb 01' :'ill'. \\"(']"C Thursday suppe") 'I

:\l I IlL' Carl,\ Ie Gun in homC', 1\1t',I,; • .:vlartin Kol'~ alld COlllllC

f~;llk~~~~i~~c~;~~'~ ;1'*~h\\l~.l'i< ~i{~~Jt~ Clty., ,I'll<'


Mrs. OI'JJlle GOCd\}.IJl ;lllO ren, Lincoll. c.p('nt '('n.lra1

,laSi.W('(.'k 'islting 11(" lJarf'lIls, I and :;vIr's, 'I'ed Wolt!/,'ns. 1 ! BJll Cha llbel"s and his ~hl(>r.1

J..1rs, l';clna .:\likkclsup, LYolls. are I \'lsJti)l~, .!\II', eh(lmt),r's d<lughkJ" and faltniH', :"vIr. i:\ ld :\Irs. Hob I

"Vol!. Huu'trler, Colo, and Delb,'rl ' :'i1ikkr\son, LongmOl~ , Colo. 'I


.:\oIl'S, l),lle \VC~I;l,~1 ' and Bo)'Jlm.' I

and C(lllllll" l'<lpilllO 1, :"PCllt 110m I Sunday thr[}UL;~ Sal ll'Ci:IV \'].0.;111)11-': ':\11', GlI1Li ~F:-" ( U. /\I!iu'Il\,

,:\11', ilnd .'111':-'. ('1.11' 'II'-'l 111'nll'II!-:- I son, C<lJ'olland ,\1.\ J \\'Ll <..' .:\1011- i ~J~.' d~~~~n home of ,


- '-I Ne'lv Skf.les Cause

B~\~p~~J~~~a~~,~~~~a,r,'U"h_ ~~~~ll~h':\I1~t;J;;~~~e:r~'1 t:(~;~1~1 ~I~~~~ '1'Jll.".'"CLil. y :t. llt'J"II'.'Otl. ISh!.' \'.:1S

(lut ~I p:'lr \,1 101\('1' slultl'S r(,('l'] l'el II)]' l'}) ']stmac; kll. !Jl'C'<iH:lllg Il'l' dIm .I.)',t

th c/b,)\\. ,

- \.\fd;s ;:IY ':\Ir rllL Ci,u-t'l1cl'j HCll linb~('n anqj tallll'cl .\1' ;lllt! ::.11.1.

, I. \!;akelllld.

l':\:ll;~~l ~lt~llt~:l' J '~:Ul'St.S ~lr.' :\i;'

, \\',IYll'

morning in the Navy!

" l.\ass, Umahjl,! spent

I~ jJ~~\~l~t"~ l~ill'~~II~~ j;j:s. h~~: j 13'-1::':; •

. dnd )"ll's. V~rnon ~a.ss were , " Eve gUl'!:its in t e Orville

::\'ialcom .\!I'. lind .:\11'5. Ralph Pet rson and

famlly spent Christmas with Mr,

B'nd :'1-11'''' GpO! ge sUlJ'VIn. ::\11'. cultl ~ll"s. Glenll j oe spent Chl'ts~rn"s L\'c \\"Jth 1'. Noe's mother, They spent the tollowi..ng Jay \\,Ith hlT parellts, Mr [!nd Mrs. lIl'dlPI't Ja~obs('n.

::\'11'. and Mrs. Grorg Malcom, SOdth Siuux City, 11r. and Mrs. RaVlllOlld :\1;l,lcom anli f rnily and lJwh:ht Uass spent last Sunday

Hl'\". '-llld Mrs, Cli!1o d Schultz i:1 till' Vernon Bass hO~. rind .Johnl1l[~, }'II'. and 1'5. Ray­

mund ~]Jilhr .. and . :\~r, and M~s'l , ifllr~'n~\'~l~~ls~~c~~~ ~~:~, ~ EYe mil

! ~Ir. and :VII'S. Ray S ahr sp('nt i!

I ;;;:l:el~~,I,ll~:f~ L~II~dt;rr}10 i~ s1a~ Ii \\':1ync. I

Ka"""""';'1 ltov and :'I-h's. Russell Knudsen (lnd Jud\', Smithland, Ill., spent

'Wednesday WIth his brothers. DaI\-I Ji 1 Ill'll and Domeir. ' and lu, f I R[\ and Mrs Russell Knudsen

,) <111(1 Jud.) ,-md Vern-on Bass the

I I GeCI(T(' I


.with I


r 'I



• Wiring • Applianc~s


& APPLIANCE;S 108 Moin


on MenJs~ DtastiC ~ed S~ITS - 'iTO~(OATS befortf did so little I buy so niuch in the [way of fine quality nd topcoats; Drasjc reducti~n~ up to Sp percent during

Sto~e/S great Ja uary Sale! I 00% w~ol suits, single late~t shades tha follow t~E top fashi~n trends. Sizes

longs ~nd shorts. Fpamous na .. e topcoats.:in latest styles'and 35-42, Ilregulars, Ion sand sh rls. '

I .

11~- ~O~o' OFF I 1 ' :


from from

's Shoes

• • • • • :: • • •

•. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • ..

! 1\1

i I

The HERALD Phone 130

yo" rathL go traveling

and poise of a stllU­

all YOU? at jllst about

I 5)'" 42x81

FI;st quality

sftte toilD! 5 itched side t m hem.


37<''1'': ... 1 .......... 1.64


j4~. 36 inch 1tto~, famous make prints.

Some wt creose relisto nt f,"ish,

little or l ironing. Hulrry in I

72x 10&

.1.... I

PiIIJw c~ses 42x3BV2 I

Our ~mooth-as-silk combed quoli


sheets ore thrifty on thesel,low prices.

I Doncale fitted I


do"!bld fitted ..... 2.14

Donca-est sheet values

Easy to wash, soft to sleep on.

Beauty and service, priced 'd'w!_l 184: BlxlOB

42x36 coses

Doncr~sl\ sheets are 'f~[f 140 count long-wea~ing bleached muslin, with wide hems. You'll be proud to these 9risp sheets on all your ~eds.

Big soft thick Cannon , bath towels

Both towels ..•..