ihurt ACMHN conference

TM Helen Mack – Community Mental Health Nurse – Masters Project

Transcript of ihurt ACMHN conference


Helen Mack – Community Mental Health Nurse – Masters Project

Traditionally Bullying has been addressed in terms

• What to do • Who to tell • Be positive • Talk to someone about what is happening • Strategies about how to deal with bullies Australian websites : www.takeastandtogether.gov.au www.bullyingnoway.gov.au


Why is it important to admit to hurting

How the idea evolved

• At the hair dressing salon.• University Supervisor.• DS• Colleague.• 18 year old girl• Mental Health experience

The hair dressing chat

18 year old Jacqui


Early experience

• What we experience early tends to repeat itself later in life.

• “Other people's expectations can become of over riding importance, overlaying or contradicting the original sense of self”.

• Our relationships have much to do with creating a sense or “internal working model” of how we see ourselves, others, and options (secure or insecure) for relating.

D. W. Winnicott 1965, Cooper et al. 2004

Proposed ‘ihurt’ app components

Why me – why am I or was bullied

Why do bullies bully? Why do some victims become bullies?

Your Journey Others journey Help available.


To create a therapeutic approach to help understand and explore the emotional hurts associated with bullying and to help users to identify and bring understanding and healing to their journey.

Your Journey

Emotions to appear and disappear as examples. I.e. embarrassment, shame, angry, sad, overwhelmed, stressed,

nightmares, physical symptoms, diarrhea, constipation, eye twitching, headaches.

When emotion picked it automatically takes you to next screen

The way we view ourselves and others and the world, can influence the way we respond to others and what we expect from others and ourselves.

Positive working model Negative working model

Positive internal working model Negative internal working model.

View of self I am loveable I am unlovable

I am worthy I am unworthy

Others are responsive Others are unavailable

View of the world

Others are loving Others are neglectful

Others are interested in me Others are rejecting

Others are available to me Others are unresponsive

The world is relatively safe. The world is unsafe

Commissioner 2009

Your Journey Choose from following three

Country born? (drop down menu of Countries)

Age you are now? (drop down menu of age)

How long have you or did you get bullied? (Years / months)

How old were you when bullying started? Age:

What did the bully do?

Your story Home pageReferral pathways

SadnessAngerBitternessFeeling isolatedHateDespairWorthlessConfusedWant to lash out

UnacceptedUnlovableThe world is unsafeAshamedNumbStressedGuiltyFear

AnxietyHopelessHelplessnessNo one caresRejectedAloneSuicidal

What have you felt in the past?

Repeat above emotions.

What hurts are you still carrying ( drop down box)

What have you done to make you feel better?

Withdrawing from peopleLack confidenceWithdrawnObsessive traitsFight

Positive self talkTalked to peopleReflected to try to make sense of the the problemKeep away from peopleStrive in life to show to people you are ok

What behaviours are you aware of as a result of bullying?

Taken drugs including alcoholPromiscuityGamblingIN control at all costsBecome a bullyOther habits

FlightFreezeSelf harm attemptsSuicidal attemptsOther:

Has there been anything positive come out of the bullying experience

More compassionate towards othersMore drive to achieveOvercoming negatives in life

Making new more supportive friendsOther support networksOther:

Have you had any physical symptoms, habits or addictions that you believe is a result of bullying?

SleeplessnessEye twitchingNightmaresFeeling stressedConstipationDiaorrhea

Over cleaningAnorexiaOver eatingDrug addictionSexual addictionsGambling

Can you think of one thing particularly you would like to change?

Excessive anxietyBe able to stand up to otherAble to talk to someoneNot to feel weak Not to feel worthlessTo have friends

Not to feel lonelyNot to feel suicidalTo stop habits or addictionsTo feel less stressedOther:

Have you had any support which has been helpful. Is so what has been helpful?

Talking with a friend Talking with a counselorInternet sites Listening to others stories.Other:

Support services available

Are you happy to share your story with others? YES/NO

No funding but not giving up!!

• Establishment of a facebook site – iHurt.

IHurt facebook

Health promotion: T-shirt motive


• To Deb Carson – graphic artist for her ability to create the slogan “it is Ok to say Ihurt” into meaningful graphics.

• To Flinders University Supervisor, Dr Yvonne Parry, for supporting this project and sharing her story.

• To my son-in-law, Ali Zanjani, for partnering with this project, for his creativity and sharing his personal story.

• To Dr Thane Camwell (Psychology)- Contributor to iHurt idea and personal story.

References COOPER, G. H., MARVIN,R, POWELL. B. 2004. Travelling around the circle of Security [Online]. www.circleofsecurity.net:

Circle of Security.

COMMISSIONER, C. S. 2009. From isolation to connection- A guide to understanding and working with traumatized children and young people. Melbourne, Victoria: State of Victoria.

Lieberman, M. D., Eisenberger, N. I., Crockett, M. J., Tom, S., Pfeifer, J. H., Way, B. M. (2007). Putting feelings into words: Affect labeling disrupts amygdala activity to affective stimuli. Psychological Science, 18, 421-428.

Lieberman, M. D., Inagaki, T. K., Tabibnia, G., & Crockett, M. J. (2011). Subjective responses to emotional stimuli during labeling, reappraisal, and distraction. Emotion, 3, 468-480.

D. W. Winnicott, "Ego distortion in terms of true and false self", in The Maturational Process and the Facilitating Environment: Studies in the Theory of Emotional Development. New York: International UP Inc., 1965, pp. 140-152.